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01x17 - Magic Flute

Posted: 02/03/23 14:21
by bunniefuu
Hearing from Myojuan that
Shoka had d*ed a year before...

...Hotohori and
the others raced back.

Shoka had d*ed of
a terrible disease while...

...waiting for her
lover to return to her.

That lover was Myojuan.

Destroying the demon of sickness
which had possessed Shoka...

...Myojuan revealed that he was
Mitsukake, one of the Suzaku Seven.

I am...the member of the Suzaku
Seven known as Mitsukake.

The power I used was
the Great Healing Power.

The Arrival of the Black Ships. 1853.

Japan-U.S. Friendship and Commerce Treaty.

The end of Japan's
isolationist period. 1858.

Imperial Reverence/Barbarian
Expulsion Movement. Li Naosuke--

Could you please not talk so
loud this early in the morning?!

The only time you're
quiet is when you're eating!

I can't help it.
Saying things out loud...

...while I study
helps me remember them!

Despite everything,
I'm still an exam candidate!

Look, I don't understand...

...what you're talking about,
but we're all tired here.

Since we found Mitsukake in Choko...

...we've been wandering
around here for the last...

...four or five days looking
for the final member.

That mirror hasn't given
us so much as a glimmer.

You sure it's not broken?

Don't start bellyaching now!
Just one more to go!

Never give up!

Forget giving up,
I just wanna lie DOWN.

Now be quiet!

A flute?

Hey! Hey! Isn't that a flute?
What's it doing here?


Come on,
I really did hear a flute!

Hey, Mitsukake,
did you notice it?


You probably just
heard some bugs chirping.

If Miaka says she heard it,
then there really was a flute.

Hey, look!
I can see a village!

It's Tamahome's village!

Say, you're right.
It's been a while.

This is where we found Chichiri.

We met Tamahome's family, too.

His little brothers and
sisters and his sick father...

Of course!
Mitsukake, come with me!

Excuse me, where's the doctor?!

I don't know.


Priestess, it really is you!


What's wrong?

Papa's gotten a lot worse!

I went to the doctor, but he isn't in!
Priestess, please help us!

Boy, where's your home?

He's very weak.

Please, save him!

He'll be okay, Chuei.



It's all right now. You've been
completely cured of your illness.

Thank you so much. Is there
any way we can thank you?


I'll recover with a little rest.

I only have enough strength
to use this power once a day.

Here, take this money...

That isn't necessary.

Use it to buy a nice fresh
fish for your father to eat.

And for him to eat, too.

I'll get one right now!

Tamahome would be so
happy if we were here now.

Priestess, why isn't
Big Brother with you?

Quit playing like you're asleep!

This is Tamahome's home...?

I didn't think families
living such simple...

...dirty, unbelievably poor
lives really existed.

An emperor should rule so that...

...his subjects can be saved
from this terrible life!

What is it, child?

Are you my
Big Brother's wife, Miss?

I am a man.

But, you're so pretty!

Even though you're poor,
you're a good, truthful child!

Doctor, I brought the fish.

I'll cook it up right away.


No, I'm not! I'm Chuei!

Heh-heh, sorry.

These brothers take after each other.

With his hair like that,
he looks like Tamahome.

You caught this
fish in the river.

What about the money
Tamahome gave you?

Oh, no, I couldn't waste it!

We have to be re-e-e-ally
careful in how we use it.

You've got your brother's
money sense, too.

He really is like him...

Tamahome... Where is Chiriko,
the last member?

I have to find him fast,
so that I can see Tamahome again.

Miaka, it's ready.


I've found you,
Priestess of Suzaku.



Don't move!
You were hurt very badly.

You've been asleep
for the last five days.

You mean, you've been taking
care of me all that time?

Thank you.

So, five days, huh?
I wonder how Miaka is.

She was really sick before.
I wonder if she recovered...

Damn it! Damn that Nakago bastard

If he hadn't hurt me
so bad, I could--


Why do you still worry about Miaka
after all that happened to you?!

You should just forget
about a girl like her!



I love you...

Yui's in love with you, too.

Please, as long as you're here,
don't talk about Miaka!

I'll do anything for you, so...!

Yui! You...


Miaka, hurry up and go to sleep.

We'll start looking for the
seventh member tomorrow.

We gotta do our best,
you know?

Say, do bats ever att*ck people?

Bats? Don't worry.
Bats won't normally att*ck you.

They fly in the dark by sending
out ultrahigh frequency sounds...

...and avoid things by
hearing when they hit something.

As long as they act normal, we're safe.

Hmm... Sounds people can't hear.
Like that flute this morning...

The flute...
It's that flute again!

Nuriko! Nuriko, wake up!
Come on! That music!

What is it?

I don't hear anything...

Only I can hear it?
Am I human or not?

Oh! It stopped!

This is weird!
Bats don't normally att*ck!

Is somebody after me again?!

That means Chuei and the others may
get caught in the middle of this!

What's wrong?! Miaka!

I have to get as far
away from them as I can!


Tasuki, do it!


And another one!

No matter what I do,
I can't make a dent in them!

Why, you...!

Somebody's definitely
After me! A Kutou agent?!

Go, my bats! Devour the
Priestess of Suzaku!

They're crashing into everything!

What's going on here?!

Stop it! My head...!

You were the
one playing the flute.

I confused them by using the sound of
this flute to project my life force.

You're safe now...


Are you okay?!

Hang on!

What's this?!

You're one of the Suzaku Seven!

My name is Chiriko.
I lived in a village near here...

...but those guys
from Kutou att*cked, and...

You alone escaped
the burning of the village?

Well, you're safe now.

Anyway, let's get back
to Tamahome's house.

We found the last one!
We have all of them now!

Now we can get Tamahome back!

And we can summon Suzaku!

Yui can go back to the way she was.
Back to the way she was...

I see... The Suzaku Seven
have been gathered.

I imagine they must be
very happy at the moment.

The game is just beginning,
Priestess of Suzaku.

"The next morning,
Tamahome's family saw..."

"..the Priestess of Suzaku and her party off..."

" they set out for Konan..."

Bye, everyone. Stay well.

Priestess, everyone.
Thank you for everything.

We actually found
all of the Suzaku Seven.

I still don't believe it!

Yes. I'm glad.

Please don't go, Miss!


Yuiren, cut it out!
Show the Priestess some respect!

But she's Big Brother's wife!
So she should stay here forever!

Yuiren, let go of her!

No! No! No!



Are you nuts?! Are you tryin' to
scramble that little kid's brains?!

She's asleep.

The song I just played
has a hypnotic effect.

She should have
very pleasant dreams.

Don't worry, Yuiren.
Your big brother will be home soon.

With all seven gathered...

...we can summon Suzaku
and have my wishes granted.

I can save this empire,
Yui can turn back to normal...

...and then we can pass that
high school entrance exam together.

I hope everyone comes
back soon, you know?



The Priestess of Suzaku
has now returned...

...with all of the
Suzaku Seven gathered--

Your Highness?

- Welcome back!
- We're home!

What's that?

It's Chichiri.
One of the Suzaku Seven, like us.

Incredible! We just
stepped through the gate!

Come to think of it,
where'd Hotohori go?

You're right.
Where'd that guy run off to?

You guys still haven't figured
out who he is. He's--

Enough, Nuriko.

I'm glad you made it back
safely, Your Highness.

He's the EMPEROR?!

Now, then, how do we
bring Tamahome back?

What do I do?! After the
stuff I did to him...!

You can relax, my friend.

I'm still your fellow traveler, one
of the Suzaku Seven, like yourself.

The problem is that
we must retrieve Suzaku's...

... "Universe of the Four Gods" from our
enemies' hands along with Tamahome.

In that book is detailed the
complex ritual for summoning Suzaku...

...and I can only
remember a bit of it.

We must find some way of retrieving
it short of triggering a w*r.

I'll go get it!

I'll go to Kutou and get Tamahome,
then I'll find..

...some way to bring Suzaku's
"Universe of the Four Gods" back!

Miaka, what are you saying?

It's my fault the "Universe
of the Four Gods" was taken!


I'll go with her. However,
I think you should take some time... set things up with
Tamahome right now, you know?

I can talk with
Tamahome right now...?!

I love you...

Oh, man...
This is a first for me.

Having TWO girls from another
world fighting over me...

You should just forget
about a girl like her!

I could see she was worried
about her best friend being sick...

...but to then say something like that...

I just don't understand girls...

Tamahome! Tamahome!
Can you hear me? Tamahome!

This is the life force of
one of the Suzaku Seven.

Have they begun
to make their move...?

- I'll be able to be with Tamahome?
- It'll SORTA be like being with him.

My spell will let you both
see and talk to each other.

{\pos(436,476)}You'd better decide on
how you're going to meet.

Huh? Miaka!

Don't call out to her. She'll
finally be with Tamahome again.

Let's leave them both alone.

But why? I figured you and
Miaka were going together!

Oh! I get it!
You mean it's love triangle?!

Let's leave this insensitive
clod alone, Your Highness.

I'm glad for you, Miaka...

"The Priestess of Suzaku,
to retrieve both Tamahome..."

"...and the 'Universe of the Four Gods'..."

"...was going to use Chichiri's magic
to meet with her beloved Tamahome."

Girls are always late, you know?!

Tamahome's been
waiting there for a while.

Sorry, sorry.

There we go...
Now, look into this screen.

You won't have much time,
so don't waste any words!


The Lady Yui confesses
her true feelings to Tamahome...

...who steadfastly
refuses her advances.

Even when she says that she's loved
him from the first moment she saw him.

The Lady Yui's love
is love unrequited.

But, even knowing all that she does,
the Lady Yui still pursues his affection.

Next time, "Love Trap".

Devotion leads to false love.