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01x03 - Let's Play Rich Man-Poor Man!

Posted: 02/03/23 18:39
by bunniefuu
I was so very happy when you smiled at me, A smile that melted everything away.

Spring is still far away, and within the cold ground, I awaited the time when sprouts would put forth their buds.

Even supposing today there may have been some pain, And though the scars of yesterday remain, You can go on living as much as your heart wants to believe.

You cannot be born again, although You can go on changing yourself, and so Let's stay together, always.

Are you really Sohma-kun's cousin?

Do you get along well with Sohma-kun?

Leave me alone! Kyo-san Hey Would you use your head a bit more before you take action?

When you make a fool of yourself, it puts me out.

Are you in your right mind?

How come you're going to a school like this with girls bounding around every which-way?

Living in fear every day of transforming is far preferable to living like I'm in hiding, and going to the boys' school that Akito decided on.

I wanted to get out of the Sohma cage, if even a little bit.

How could a Rat how could you understand?

I will win! I will surely win against you! I will win against you, and become a formal member of the Sohmas! I won't stand for being shunned any longer! I'm going to win! You mustn't! I'm so sorry! It's understandable why you're angry, but you must not must not fight! After all, if you fight at school, there is much that works against you --mmit Just cram it, would you! Whether it works against me or not, as long as I b*at him, nothing else matters! Stay out of the way! Who the hell are you!?

You're nasty to look at! "Max Anger.

" He hates me.

Now he completely hates me.

You really are an idiot.

Aren't you going to hit me?

There are times when it hurts more like that, you know.

Whenever I think about how, in a faraway mountain, Welcome to the Banquet Whenever I think about how, in a faraway mountain, Welcome to the Banquet while God and the twelve animals were enjoying their banquet, Welcome to the Banquet the Cat-san had gone to bed, dreaming about a banquet that would not be held tomorrow I've made up my mind! I'm giving up Dog-san, and I will become Cat-san! I truly meant what I said.

Tears really did come forth.

I was so avid, that if there were such a thing as a Cat fan club, I would absolutely join it.

And yet, to be hated by him I am a fool.

A real fool.

Mother Picking up Tohru-kun's vibes Ah, there she is.

What are you kneeling for in a place like this?

Class is about to beg-- Ee-yow! It hurts so bad, t- the tears! No, really, I just bumped the corner here, the corner Somehow, it looked as though you hit it on purpose.

And so?

You skipped out just like that and came back home, then?

I want to leave this house.

It's only been three days, right?

Think of this as training too, and put up with it.

I say nothing but terrible things to her.

To her?

You mean to Tohru-kun?


You yelled at her again with the same tone as you always use, right?

If it gets you down afterward, you could just not yell, you know.

Such a wretched temperament.

It's no use.

I'm just not cut out for associating and living with people.

There are people who are like that, but in your case, it just comes from not having enough experience with them.

For example, with one fist, you can break a table in half.

However, you can also make that fist stop just short of it.

That's because you can control by yourself how much power to portion out your fist, right?

That's also why you were successful when fighting with bears and stuff --while training in the mountains.

--I didn't fight them! Look, you.

It's the same with getting along well with other people.

It's just that this training can't be done in the mountains.

It has to be done in the cities, where people live.

Unless you interact with people, hurting them and being hurt by them as you learn about them, as well as learn about yourself, you'll never become the kind of person who can be concerned about others.

Even though you may have a black belt in the martial arts, you still have a white belt at getting along with others.

In order for you to become able to cherish a girl, who at some point is kind enough to tell you that she likes you, right now, you have to continue to train, without running away.

There'll never be anyone like that.

But if there were, what would you do?

I can't even imagine.

First, I'd ask if she was crazy.

I see.

I'm home! Ah, welcome back.

Where's Tohru-kun?


She said she'll be coming back around 11:00, so I was thinking of going to pick her up.

Yeah, do that for her.

There have really been a lot of molesters around lately.

I worked a full day today too.

I wonder if everyone is asleep already.

I'll bet Kyo-san hasn't eaten supper again tonight.

He's still angry or what if he left the house entirely!?

You're nasty to look at! What will I do?

Tohru, you just be yourself.

Yes, Mother! I will not be discouraged.

W- what was that sound?

Maybe it's a molester like I've heard about! No!! I couldn't say that I mistook him for a molester! That would be rude! But I just yelled "No!" as loud as I could U- um, just a moment! That was a practice swing.

I just happened to get lucky today.

Kyo-san, are you out for a walk?

Let's see do you like the school?

Stop saying "san" after my name! It irritates me.

You can do without it.

--Kyo-kun --What do you want?

I was just trying it out.

--Don't call on me without a reason! --Right! No, I mean that's okay calling on me without a reason It's okay for you to hang around in front of me, and if I do anything that upsets you, you can hit me like you just did.

Could this possibly mean he's trying to apologize about what happened today?

Is that the reason why he is here?

Come to think of it, there was that other time That other time, when he might have been trying to apologize for hurting me A- ahem I'm sorry, that wasn't it! The reason I hit you with my bag is because I mistook you for a molester! Molester?

So you see, it's not that I was upset at you! Quite the contrary, I like you! I like the Cat from the zodiac! That is to say, um, I want to be friends! If there were one, what would you do?

A girl who says she likes you?

There isn't anything good about the Cat! Let's hurry up and go home.

I've started to somewhat understand Kyo-kun.

He's a little more awkward than others, but he's certainly a good person deep down.

He's a gentle person, who knows when he feels sorry.

Yesterday, you know, Kyo-kun said he was going to go pick up Tohru-kun on his own! Kyo-kun, you pervert! How do you figure that!?

Yesterday was special.

I won't do it again! It'll never happen again! Right.

I'm just happy that you're having your meal.

How is it?

Is it to your liking?



You were looking at me, weren't you!?

Only looking, right?

Why would you look at me for no reason?

Do you not like it?

I hate it! Let's play Rich Man, Poor Man! Why don't you tell Yuki to?

Damn Yuki! If you're running away from a fight, then you're no man! How pathetic! I accept your challenge to this fight! You're going to be sorry you did that, Yankee! Why should I?

Whoever loses has to take on the cleaning chores for everyone here! What a pleasant maelstrom of vibes! Let's invite Sohma-kun this time around, too! Where do you suppose he's gone?


Right now, I don't feel like seeing anybody, so I have to say-- No! I don't want to hear it! Yuki-kun! I, uh Yuki-kun, you are nice but there's something about you that rejects others.

Everyone says so! "Yuki-kun is 'special'," they say.

"An 'ordinary' girl isn't good enough to match up with Yuki-kun.

" "Revolution!" Why, you! What kind of dirty tricks are you pulling, you rotten boy!?

That's how the rules go! Let's see, a Revolution makes the strong cards weak, so Special move--Reverse Revolution! --You've had it now, Sohma! --Nice going, Hanajima-san! Whoa, how embarrassing! Shut up, you guys! This game's just getting started! Yuki-kun, there's something about you that rejects others.

Rich Man, Poor Man, huh?

I know the rules, but I've never played.

I just learned how to play from Uo-chan myself.

Next time, let's play it together! So, he was the Poor Man today, then?

Um, we'll help you, too! No! My loss is my loss.

But Next time, though, I'm going to win for sure! And of course, I will b*at you too! Don't you get tired of always saying that?

It is my conviction to win against you! My objective! And having you always badgering me with it is my annoyance! My misfortune! Your attitude of looking down upon others makes me sick! Your overly simplistic way of thinking makes me sick.

They're fighting again.

They get along worse than just being Rat-san and Cat-san accounts for.

Come to think of it, there was that time earlier I will win against you, and become a member of the Sohmas! Could those words indeed mean that if Kyo-kun beats Sohma-kun, he will be allowed to join the zodiac?

In other words In other words, Cat-san will be included, and the Twelve will become Thirteen! That would be wonderful! Damn you! I'll pulverize you! However, fighting will not do.

Not at all.

Um, Kyo-kun-- Prepare yourself, you cold-blooded rat! Just looking at you gets on my nerves! Sohma-kun Damn it all Why can't I b*at him?

Today's move was a particularly rough one.

He must be in a bad mood.

As much as Sohma-kun is considerate towards others, he may be the kind of person who keeps his own feelings shut up inside him.

Say, guess what?

There's this incredibly good-looking kid outside.

I wonder, is it a boy or a girl?

Oh my, how very lowbrow! Could that be?

Sohma-kun! Hey there! What a hard worker you are! D- did you come all the way just to pick me up?


This is a dangerous time for girls, and all.

Thank you very much! Sohma-kun, you and Kyo-kun are both kind! Well, shall we go?

S- Sohma-kun! Um, if there's anything gloomy weighing on your mind, please tell me about it, okay.

When you have a bad dream, they say it brings good luck to talk to someone, and all.

So if I'm okay with you, and you want to stamp that gloom out, I don't m--! Hey, there! Don't go hangin' 'round here, get on home, youngsters! ?

I can' go back to my house at all?


I don't mind, but maybe I'm just adding to your gloom instead No.

It's my fault for having this nature about me.

When I was at my parents' house, it was like I was in a cage, being kept watched on by the main house and Akito.

I was surrounded by ordinary people, and yearned for an ordinary life.

That's why I left the house and began going to a coed high school.

However, as it turns out, I haven't left the cage at all.

I'm still living in a Sohma's house, same as before, and I can't associate with others very well.

It's not that I mean to reject others, but there's something about me that's awkward.

And since I'm like this, I can't escape my feelings of inferiority, or my being frightened.

But Kyo is different.

He may not take well to those who he's unfamiliar with, but I think once you get to know him, he's the type of person that draws others in.

Even if he can't become one of the zodiac, I think it's better for one to be able to naturally get along with ordinary people.

I wanted to be like that too.

That's why it gets on my nerves.

When I see for myself how Kyo wants to join the Sohmas I wonder what it is about me that wants to leave there.

Sohma-kun, you too have the power to draw people in.

So many girls say they like you, and that you're nice.

I'm only nice because I want to be liked by them.

It's like I'm giving them candy because I want to be in their circle of friends.

I'm only being nice for my own sake.

Maybe that's hypocritical So-- This was sure sudden.

There was nothing in the weather forecast about it.

This is terrible! Sohma-kun! What's so terrible?

A farm?

It's more like a family vegetable garden.

Sohma-kun, you did this?


This is my secret base.

This is wonderful! I get it now! You have to protect the base from this harsh wind and rain, right?

I'll do whatever little I can to help you out! Honda-san, you sure are kind! Ah, you can't mean it! This is the first time I've ever had anyone say that to me! I'm so happy! Ah, but what if I too am being hypocritical, and only doing this so I will look like a good person to others?

No, Honda-san, I think it's in your nature.

Still, my mother always said it's better to believe than to doubt.

People aren't born with kindness, you know, she would say.

Things like our appetites, or material desires--that's what we're all born with.

It just means that they are instinctive for living.

Kindness is something that develops, just like our bodies do, and the heart that grows inside us is our conscience, she'd say.

That's why it takes on different forms, depending on the person.

Desire is something that everyone is born with, so it's easy to comprehend.

But kindness is like something which people have to hand-make for themselves, so it is easily misunderstood, or taken to be hypocrisy, you see.

When I heard that, I was excited to think that people had kindnesses that were of different shapes--like they could be round, or pointy.

Sohma-kun, your kindness is like a candle.

Your light shines brightly.

When it does, I become happy, and want to smile.

Ah, a candle must seem pretty weird, doesn't it?

Mm-mm! It's just--I'm really pathetic.

Here I am a guy, yet the way I was going on about everything I'm happy you did.

Sohma-kun, for you to tell me so many things about yourself, I feel that we are getting along that much better.

Excuse me! I will continue with my duty to protect the base! Doubting is easy, it's something all of us can do.

Tohru, you believe.

Become the kind of girl who can believe in others.

That will surely surely lend strength to someone.

We defended it to the last! But we came out of it pretty ragged.

Is there anything that looks ready to pick right now?

Perhaps the leeks are ready to be eaten.


Leeks leeks Honda-san Next time, I'll give Rich Man, Poor Man a try.

By all means! But I thought you weren't interested in it.


It's just that it is so noisy, I felt hesitant.

But I will try.

Little by little is okay, but I will get better at socializing with people.

It'll be all right! Hana-chan and Uo-chan are very good people.

They are the friends that I can take pride in! Besides, Sohma-kun, you seem like you'd be good at it, everyone will be delighted over a new challenge! Yeah.

I'm not going to give in! I got the feeling that this was the first time I saw Sohma-kun really smile.

Thank you for waiting! I hate leeks! And not just leeks either, right?

You hate onions and miso too, right?

If the miso is in miso soup, that's no problem! I did not know that.

I'm sorry.

I will hurry and fix some other dish, okay?

Eat! Maybe there isn't anything that can be done about how badly they get along.

However, could it be possible that there's something about Sohma-kun that appeals to Kyo?

Yuki-kun, Kyo-kun is unconscious already.

If they could understand that about each other, they would get along better, maybe I guess I just misunderstood you.

I'm sorry.

Me too.

Let's go on, forever deepening our friendship! Somehow, that's scary too! Now let us circle together, around a pleasant dinner.

Come, take today's tears, and make them tomorrow's strength.

La, la, la Wonderful love and life La, la, la Adorable love and life La, la, la Wonderful love and life On the next Fruits Basket Episode 4 My name is Sohma Kagura.

Sohma Kagura-san?

What a cute girl! In fact, Kagura has kept saying she would marry Kyo since she was little.


Kagura-san is incredible.

When she's here, things go badly for me.

She never, ever understands what's going on.

I think it's amazing that someone could come to like someone else so much.