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01x17 - This is for Uo-chan!

Posted: 02/03/23 18:51
by bunniefuu
I was so very happy when you smiled at me, A smile that melted everything away.

Spring is still far away, and within the cold ground, I awaited the time when sprouts would put forth their buds.

Even supposing today there may have been some pain, And though the scars of yesterday remain, You can go on living as much as your heart wants to believe.

You cannot be born again, although You can go on changing yourself, and so Let's stay together, always.

Looks like the rain is about to stop.

Thank goodness.

For a moment, I was wondering what we would do.

Until it stops, shall we wait here a bit longer?


Golden Week is just about over already, huh?

Yes, it is.

And as soon as the vacation is over, it's right on into midterm tests.

But before that, they're having elections for student body officers.

Yeah I hear that President Takei-san says he would definitely like for you, Yuki-kun, to be his successor.

But Yuki-kun, you'd just as soon not be isn't that right?


What he and others, as well are expecting from me, I'm not sure, but they've got me all wrong, and I don't know what to do.

I mean, the real me is a lot more A lot more?

Oh, it's nothing! Nothing at all.


It's Yuki Hatsuharu-san! Haru! What are you doing here, in all this rain?

That's what I should ask of you! You're soaking wet, you know! By any chance, have you gotten yourself lost again?

No, I was looking for something.

Looking for something?

I was looking for her.

What an adorable kitty-san! I knew she would say that.

Honda-san, she's a tiger.


A tiger?

Sohma Kisa, the Tiger.

Well, since she's a tiger, she's the zodiac the zodiac's Tiger, then?

P- pleased to meet you! Um, my name is Honda Tohru Honda-san! Goodness, you've been bitten.

Y- yes Kisa, you apologize to her.

Kisa! Um, I'm fine, so Yuki-kun, 'Sa-chan doesn't speak.

She doesn't speak.

Not since shortly after she entered middle school.

Not a word.

From what Brother 'Tori says, the problem is in her mind.

He said she was keeping her words locked away.

And, once she stopped talking, she stopped going to school and finally, today she didn't come home.

That's why I went looking for her.

When I found her, she had turned into a tiger.

Did she bump into someone of the opposite sex?

No, it looks like she had just become weak.

So what is it that happened that made things turn out the way they did?

She was picked on.

That hurts! What?

Are you angry?

Are you telling me to mind my own business?

Don't be ridiculous! Just how concerned do you think I was?

Your mother is looking for you around there right now! What are we going to?

Hatsuharu-san! You're bleeding! Kisa-san has gone missing! Where's the styptic stick?

Now, now, now, calm down, Tohru-kun.

B- but, I have to stop Kisa-san's bleeding! Just calm down! Sensei, you're being too calm.

Ha-kun, by any chance, have you discreetly turned Black?


It just hurts, and I'm annoyed.

There's no helping that Kisa.

Kisa-san! Kisa-san! Kisa-san! So this is where you are! Thank goodness, Kisa-san! It doesn't hurt it doesn't hurt really, not even a little well, okay, but just a little Um, does it hurt, or doesn't it hurt, then?

For now, why don't you come in the house, Kisa-san?

Kisa Kisa, it's your mother.

Shigure-san took the trouble of calling me.

Tell me what are you doing?

What are you doing, causing nothing but trouble to those around you?

What are you thinking?

Do you enjoy putting your mother out?

Mothers who have children who are possessed by evil spirits either overprotect them needlessly, or reject them.

Tell me, why didn't you say you were being picked on?

Why would you leave home?

Why won't you say anything?

I'm tired of this I've had it Um Might it be that she couldn't tell you?

That maybe she thought, "what would Mother think if she knew?

" and she became nervous and scared so scared and she didn't want anyone to know that about her, so desperately, she put up a brave front, and tried to hide it but then then she became more ashamed of herself and embarrassed and thought to herself for a long time that maybe she would be hated by her mother if you knew that she was being picked on and thinking that could it be that she wasn't able to tell you?

Because what she was most afraid of what was most painful was that she would be hated by someone she loved She's staying with us?


Some things came up.

We decided I would take charge of her for a while.

What things?

Doesn't matter, does it?

Her mother looked like she had reached her limit too, so in the spirit of rehabilitation, they're putting some distance between them.

I don't get any of this.

So where has Kisa gone now?

She's clinging to Tohru-kun! Three days have passed since Kisa-san began staying with us.

Sorry to keep you waiting.

For some reason, it's embarrassing to make you wait while I use the bathroom.

Y- you're so adorable! Strangely, during those three days, Kisa-san has not left my side which just means that she really likes me.

She's just like a little duckling.

Isn't it heartwarming?

Doesn't it bother her, having her do that?

I'd be bothered.

That does it! I love you! Looks like she's happy.

Somehow, I just don't get it.

Hey, I'm hungry.

Okay, right away! Kisa-san, what shall we have to eat tonight?

Kisa, can't you even say what you want to eat?

Right, right! As far as what this dumb, silly, easily-pushed-around Kyo has to say, Que sera, sera, 'Sa-chan! Hey, get off of me! - Don't touch me! - Where's the harm?

- It's repulsive! - That's okay, isn't it?

It's true.

Kisa-san was still keeping her words shut up.

Ah, I know! Ta-da! Fortune ladders! Oh, I see.

You'll use the ladders to decide, huh?

Yes! Kisa-san, please point to whichever one you like.

Right, from there, then.

Okay, here goes What kind of song is that?

Okay, it's settled! Tonight, we're having stewed leeks! "Stewed Leeks" Tonight, we're having stewed leeks! So you've started in with it too, have you?

No! Um, that's not what I meant to happen! Oh, what can I say?

It's just Go make it the best that you can! O- okay, sorry! Oh, no! To have a couple's quarrel over such a thing! Ah! No it's not! Oops, Kyo-kun knows what a "couple's quarrel" means I'm sure that soon enough, she will speak to us, with her lovely voice.

Still, she can't just stay at Shi-chan's house forever, can she?

I wonder what Kisa's going to do from here on.

Right now, she's probably thinking the same thing.

As serious as she is, it seems like she thinks about those things she shouldn't need to think about which is exactly how she came to chase herself into the corner she's in now, I'll bet.

There's also her mother.

Kisa-san's mother is doing all right.

Yesterday, I got a phone call from her.

Is Kisa doing all right?

Is she making sure to eat enough?

Kisa doesn't like dry foods very much.

She does like stewed leeks.

So then, so then, that means Kisa's mother is thinking about her, right?

Otherwise, she wouldn't have called, right?

Right! That's right, huh?

Be that as it may, what do you suppose was the reason she was being picked on?

What, indeed?

I know why.

I heard it when all the old ladies were gossiping among themselves.

Kisa wouldn't tell the real reason, no matter what.

Know what?

At the beginning, you know, they said it was because of how she looked.

Her hair and her eyes, and so on oddly, that rubbed others the wrong way.

It's the destiny of those who are possessed by evil spirits that have different hair color to be told so.

I've been told the same thing.

But you immediately turned Black on people who said so, and knocked them to the ground, didn't you?

That's better than what Kyo would do he'd b*at them half to death.

But you know, they said Kisa did her best, saying she couldn't help what color it was.

After that, they said that she started to get ignored by everyone.

Then, you know, when Kisa would say anything, they would laugh, even though they were ignoring her.

They'd snicker at her, they said.

I, you know, I never had that happen in my class, so all I can do is imagine what it's like.

I imagine how it would feel if any time I said anything, I would get snickered at, and it's it's a very sad feeling.

All people would do is laugh at her and so, she became more timid unable to say anything, even though she knew that it would irritate the people around her Everything before her became dark, and as her heart was suffocating her words d*ed out There now, class is starting.

Yuki I'm going to come over to Shigure-sensei's house today.

There's something I have to deliver.

Something to deliver?

A letter.

One from Kisa's homeroom teacher.

It just came.

The contents will probably make us throw up.

You wouldn't think that being weak is a good thing But I don't think being strong is good either.

They say that society is the survival of the fittest, but we're not animals we're people.

Even those of us from the zodiac are still people.

Yes What does it say?

"Sohma-san, how are you?

Isn't it time you came to school?

"Everyone in your class is waiting for you, Sohma-san, to come back.

"Your teachers will be available to talk to, so let's all be more positive about joining in the circle.

"More than anything else, what's important is for you, Sohma-san, to come to like yourself.

"Finding the good points about yourself, and growing to like yourself.

"After all, there's no way for a person who dislikes themselves to be liked by others, is there?

" It really is sickening.

What is this supposed to mean, "come to like yourself?

" How do you look for these "good points," I wonder when you only know what points you don't like and you dislike yourself because you don't know any others?

That's not it That's not it That's not how it is I think the way is to have someone tell you that they like you so that you can first begin to like yourself, you know?

When someone first accepts you that's when you first begin to forgive yourself a little, and begin to think you like yourself, I believe.

I love you! Kisa We love you, Kisa.

But, that's all we can do All we can do is like you, Kisa.

Mm-hmm It's been so long and now finally, we heard your voice Sissy Kisa-san?

Kisa-san! And so, still awkward in her speech, Kisa-san said she would go back to school.

To be honest, having Kisa-san leave my side made me a little lonesome At this rate I'm just going to ruin myself so even if I can't be friends with them even if they continue ignoring me She'll put up with it.

Kisa-san is showing courage, and has decided to fight.

It would have been nice if Yuki had come.


He said he had something he needed to take care of too.

What did you just say!?

I'm sorry for all the running away I've done.

To make up for the trouble I've caused I'd like to fully carry out the duties of student body president.

Yuki-kun I hope I can count on you for guidance.

You'd do this for me?

"Flatly" No, that's not why.

It's not particularly that I became stronger all of a sudden and nothing else has changed.

However, I'm going to face it.

What's important is the ambition that results from our weaknesses Now let us circle together, around a pleasant dinner.

Come, take today's tears, and make them tomorrow's strength.

La, la, la Wonderful love and life La, la, la Adorable love and life La, la, la Wonderful love and life Pardon the intrusion.

A piano! Incredible! No.

2! Sorry.

It's unexpectedly ordinary on the inside, too.

Do not let your guard down.

Ah! I have that calendar too! It's so cu~te! It sure is! Where do they sell them?

That one place in front of the train station the one that's always closed - The long one?

- Yes, yes, there! - It is nice, huh?

- Isn't it?

- Let's go buy one tomorrow!

- Okay! Let's go! You know, the tension is being lifted! Shh! Ow, ow! Shh!