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01x03 - Our Toil Shall Strive to Mend

Posted: 03/05/14 11:24
by bunniefuu
My name is Roman. Ten years ago, our ship crash-landed on earth. We came here seeking refuge, but the humans thought that it was an invasion. (ALL YELLING) That night I met a human girl who tried to protect me. A girl I never thought I'd see again. The surviving members of my race, the Atrians, were rounded up and isolated inside a militarized sector.

Now, it's 2024.

Seven of us have been chosen to attend high school as a part of a government integration program. But the humans and Atrians continue to distrust each other while I fight to protect my people and the human girl who saved my life at any cost.

Previously on Star-Crossed

Roman, it was an accident! I am so sorry!

Why? Because my father's dead or because your father shot him?

I found this in Julia's hospital room.

You saved her life.

ROMAN: It didn't happen.

Hey, what happened to your Arm? They want revenge for my father's death.

They've targeted your family.

BEAUMONT: We keep with our own kind.

One of us is always watching.

This is bigger than the two of us now.

It's safer if we're apart.

I've been looking for you.

Teri, I'm not in the mood.

Give me a minute.

You will be.

(MUSIC) (GASPS) (CLEARS THROAT) Rough night? Stay out of my head.

You used to beg me to use kyter leaves and give you those dreams.

That was a long time ago.

I'd slip a leaf under your pillow and whisper in your ear all the dirty things we used to do.

Teri, we used to be a lot of things.

But if you want us to stay friends, this has to stop.

(MUSIC) JULIA: I can't believe it.

I'm here.

I'm finally in high school.

I wanted your first day to be special.

Bedazzled locker, dancing bears on parade.

But with arrival day coming, I thought it might be in bad taste.

After the carnival, he won't even look at me.

What did you do? Nothing I can't think of.

You've been in school a week, and you already have boy problems? High school is phenomenal.

GLORIA: The tenth anniversary of arrival day is in two days.

Families of the fallen, as well as human and Atrian students who are part of this integration program, are all invited to attend the commemoration, which will be held at the base of the Atrian ship.


Like, no one's been allowed near the ship since it crashed.

I've been on that ship.

You're not missing anything.

The eyes of the world will be on us.

People want to see how this exchange of cultures is progressing.

So far, the Atrian seven have attended human school and human events.

The next step is to introduce humans into Atrian society.

To that end, the human students in this room have been selected to spend a day in the sector tomorrow.

We've never had human guests in the sector before.

We thought the rat infestation was bad.

GLORIA: It's the first time human students will have access to the sector.

You'll be making history.


Garcia? I had an idea about the sector visit tomorrow.

Yes? We've all heard arrival day stories from our side The humans But we haven't heard what it was like - from the Atrians.

Go on.

I thought we could use our sector visit tomorrow to ask the Atrians for their arrival stories.

ROMAN: Emery shouldn't come to the sector.

There are a lot of Atrians that are still angry about my father getting shot by It's just (SIGHS) Sh she could be at risk.

Well, we've dealt with the t*rrorists.

And there's ample security.

So unless you know of a specific threat? Well, then I see no reason for concern.

Emery's project would show that both sides are eager to move on.

Congratulations, Ms.


The assignment is yours.

Looking real pretty, sweetheart.

That's really insensitive! Even for a 'roided-up alien.

These ribbons are a remembrance of those who lost their lives on arrival day.

The day your kind literally crashed our town.

Yeah, I know.

I was there.

Did you know Grayson's brother was k*lled by an Atrian? You lost a brother? Yeah, he was in the national guard.

I lost half of my tribe.

Those who survived the crash were gunned down by your bitch guards.

But you don't see me wrapping myself in ribbon like a birthday present, now do you? I'm sorry for your loss.

But my brother wasn't a bitch.

Let's keep it moving.




What is that? A camera.

From Gloria.

I volunteered to interview the Atrians - while we're in the sector.

That's amazing.

Cameras are never allowed in the sector.

And she's letting you sh**t there? You can barely work a can opener.

Why are you really doing this? Is it even safe for you to be there? Gloria said we're gonna have guards watching us the whole time, and This program was Roman's father's dream.

And by helping, I think that Okay, I've been in a hospital half my life and even I know the way to a boy's heart is not through his dead father's passion project.

Are you gonna help me or not? You have a free period, and you could help with the camera.

Actually, I have to go see the school counselor.

But maybe later? You know, if you're looking for a cameraman, I actually know this great indie film director who just thinks that sh**ting the sector would be amazing.

You do? And he'll work for peanuts.

So do I got the job? (DOOR OPENS) We need to talk.

This isn't a good time.

What's with the 'Tude? You were plenty friendly when Emery and I snuck into the sector for cyper.

I really don't remember.

Then I'll remind you.

I was looking for a miracle cure for my cancer, as you do.

But you said cyper was just a cooking Herb.

Funny thing The next day I was completely cured.

One minute I was all comatose and leukemia-y.

The next, I was sitting up and eating nachos.

I'm glad you're better.

But what does this have to do with me? I think it has everything to do with you.

You and cyper.

You sure those nachos weren't laced with a little something extra? Fine.

I'll just go and share my insane suspicions with my doctors.

I'm sure they'll be very intrigued.

I knew it! You saved me using cyper, didn't you? Whatever you think happened, you need to keep it to yourself.

If cyper can cure cancer, don't you want the world to know? Okay.

You're right, I did save you.

I infused cyper into my bloodstream and then injected my blood into you.

But if the world found out about this, every human with a sick child, friend or pet will be tearing apart the sector, looking for cyper and Atrian blood.

And if my people found out that I put them at risk to save a nice, but very chatty human being, there will be consequences.

Bad ones for both of us.

So I'm asking you please can you keep this a secret? That might be a problem.

Why? What are you doing? It started when I touched you at the carnival.

And it's been spreading ever since.

If you want to keep cyper a secret, you're gonna have to fix this.

(INDISTINCT CHATTER) Are you ready for our human guests? Do we have a choice? Your father would have given anything to see this day.

I thought you'd be more enthusiastic.


Emery Whitehill is coming.

Remember, you gave me your word that you would keep her safe from the Trags.

Her father did sh**t and k*ll our beloved leader.

The Trags see her, they will want her head.

But they will not act in the open.

So don't worry.

Your father would be very touched to see you so concerned for a human.

There's just so much he was beginning to teach me About being a leader, about our tribe, about cyper.

He must have thought you were ready.

I just can't imagine being responsible for someone's life.

I mean, what if something went wrong? Oh, there are side effects: There's fatigue, euphoria.

Well, that's preferable to death.

(CHUCKLES) Is there anything else I should know? Well, there are some rare cases where the patient doesn't recover, or their-their veins turn blue.

I don't know if I believe that.

I've never seen a blue Atrian.

Well, that's because there's a cure.

It's called vyre.

The Iwabas tribe grow it.

The trick is, you gotta get it to the patient before it becomes permanent.

The humans imprison us, run our lives, and now they want to walk around the sector like it's a zoo? Careful.

You're beginning to sound like a Trag.

At least the Trags are willing to fight for our people.

Get us out of this prison.

ALL: No race mixing! Earth for earthlings! No race mixing! Earth for earthlings! Saw you and Uncle Castor talking.

Did you come around on him? He can be helpful.

Earth for earthlings! No race mixing! But dad never trusted him.

Neither should we.

The Red Hawks protest just outside the sector gate even on a Saturday? Hate doesn't take a weekend.

(BOTH SPEAK SONDIV) No race mixing! Earth for earthlings! Shall we? No race mixing! Earth for earthlings! No race mixing! Earth for earthlings! GLORIA: You've been put in groups of two.

Each pair must be accompanied by a guard during your visit here.

Welcome to the sector.

("IF I LOST YOU" BY SHINY TOY g*ns PLAYING) (MUSIC) You really think this is the best time to be buying souvenirs? I can feel the blue veins growing up my neck, so, yeah, I do.

Okay, good news is there is a cure.

Bad news, if we don't get you that cure before the veins reach your face, it'll be permanent.

Please tell me you have the cure.

I need some time.

Can you meet me back here at noon? EMERY: Roman.

I was wondering if we could interview you and Sophia for Gloria's video.

I was thinking we could sh**t it in your pod? No, you need to stay in the main areas where it's safer.

Then would you mind introducing us to some Atrians who wouldn't mind sharing their arrival day stories? I need you to focus on your survival story For once.

You can interview me if you like.

I'd love to have you visit our pod.

Later, when my mother's not around? Thank you.

That would be great.


No, awesome.

Now, the best bang for your Buck in the marketplace? Dovor.

(HELICOPTER FLYING OVERHEAD) Gives you a nice smooth buzz, but not too much.

It'll make you feel like you got hit in the head with a gold brick.

You can't sell dr*gs to humans.

Let's go.

One day, we're not gonna take it anymore.

One day, we're gonna break down these walls, and you'll be sorry.

Now listen, um, I need a favor.

I'm looking for vyre.

Can you get some from your tribe's grow house? Why do you need it? Just I'm not helping unless you tell me.

All right, I I may have used cyper on a human.

I need the vyre to fix the side effects before anyone finds out.

Who'd you use it on? - That's not important.

You showed a human how cyper is used? Most Atrians don't even have that information.

If the Trags find out Yeah, I know.

That's why I'm asking you.

You're the only person I can trust that can help me.

Maybe I used to have a reason to be on your side, but like you said this morning, it's over.

(SIGHS) Vega.

The Trags have honored me by making me their leader.

Do you know why you're here? I do.

What is your answer? I've waited a long time for this.

Beaumont's marks can't be seen, but they run as deep as yours.

Before you become a full brother of the Trags, you must prove yourself.

We've been watching you for some time.

And now destiny has chosen you.

For ten years, no Atrian has been allowed access to our own vessel, but we hear you and the Atrian seven have been invited to the commemoration at the crash site.

Tomorrow you will break into our ship, and together, we will lay waste to the humans.

When we were put in the sector, I'd go up on the rooftop and look at the town.

I couldn't wait to explore those lights for myself and meet the people living there.

It's a little hard to do from the sector, but in the meantime, I have two of those people in my pod.

Thank you again for inviting us.

Do you mind if I? Go ahead.

What is it? I don't know.

Roman's had it forever.

Did he say where he got it? It's been so long, I don't know if he even remembers.

(DOOR OPENS) - Roman! - You invited them here after I told you not to? What if mom finds out? - She won't! - This is my fault.

I asked to interview her.

Where is your guard?

He's downstairs waiting.

Then that's where you should be. With your guard and his g*n.

Dude, you need to relax.

Was I talking to you?

It's fine.

We're leaving.
The plants of the Swamad tribe are used for farming.

Necessary, but boring.

Now, the Zwahan have just one Herb cyper.

It can bring someone back from the brink of death.

Sounds impressive, unless you're in a fight, in which case it's useless.

(DRAKE GASPING, GRUNTING) (GROANS LOUDLY) The fact is, the survival of all Atrians depends on the plants and skills of our tribe; The Vwasak, the warriors.

Take sovok, it can turn any pressure point into a death sentence.

The top of the head, the neck, the groin.

If you want to join the Trags, you need to show me something! We can't have an untrained schoolboy running around carrying out our orders! How'd you get rid of your birthmarks? I mean, you had to, right, to live on the outside? What have you seen out there? Have you been to Eljida? That's a lot of questions.

But if you truly want to be a warrior, there's only one question you should be asking yourself: Are you willing to k*ll for your 'cause? (YELLS) (GRUNTS LOUDLY) Now we're getting somewhere.

How'd you get rid of the guards? I talked on and on about my specialty Atrian doll collection.

They couldn't get away fast enough.

So, do you have the cure? No, but I do know how to get it.

(INDISTINCT RADIO TRANSMISSION) Listen, I was thinking, maybe we should tell Emery what we're doing.


I thought you might say that.

It's just you've been kind of a jerk, and she's really hurting right now and Seems like she's doing just fine.

You obviously care about her.

You betrayed your people to save a human.

And you did it for her.

After what Emery's father did, there's a lot of Atrians who would rather see her dead than see her with me.

Why can't you tell her that? I tried to tell her that she was in danger at the carnival.

Didn't stop her from coming to the sector today.

She is stubborn like that.

The closer she is to me, the more danger (INDISTINCT RADIO TRANSMISSION) The more danger she is in.

I'm doing everything I can to change that.

But until then, if being a jerk's the only way to keep her safe, then that's what I'm gonna have to be.

Come on.

So, the Trags have enlisted Drake.

What do they want with such a blunt instrument? He and the Atrian seven have been invited to the ship for the commemoration.

The Trags want him to break into the vessel.

Best way to ensure our survival is not to stop the w*r between the Trags and the humans, but to always make sure we're on the winning side.

Have you kept your eye on Roman and Emery Whitehill? He's been keeping his distance.

Don't let him fool you.

He likes her.

Which complicates things.

You want me to take care of her? No.

Leave her to me.



Think we got some good stuff.

Where's Julia? I think she ditched me again.

(GAME BEEPS) Did I just win? The pictures you take.

Can people outside the sector see them? Uh, yeah.

(SIGHS) That's my mom.

We lost her on arrival day when I was a baby.

My dad said she lives in Eljida now.

But one day we'll all be back together.

Can you take me now? Sure.

(ATRIANS MURMURING) (CASTOR SHOUTS IN SONDIV) I apologize for my fellow Atrians, but this place is sacred to them.

They don't look kindly on interlopers.

What is this place? This is the wall of the missing.

This was created when we were first placed in the sector.

It's a memorial for all the family members that were lost on arrival day.

That girl said her mom's still alive.

Some Atrians believe that the missing escaped and made a home for themselves: Eljida.

Does Eljida really exist? Who knows? But it gives them hope.

I'm I'm Castor.

I'm Roman's Uncle.

I I find it interesting that you two are friends.

What's interesting about it? Well, your father, his father, the unfortunate accident.

I don't think Roman would consider us friends.

What would he consider you? I should go.

My friends are probably waiting for me.

Of course.

JULIA: Where are we? The grow house of the Iwabas, the mystic tribe.

We're looking for a plant with red twigs.

It's called vyre.

The faster we find it, the faster we can get out of here.

(SQUEAKS) (GASPS, EXCLAIMS) Shh, shh, shh, shh.


What are you doing here? Well The door was open, and I I just had to look.

I've always been fascinated by the plants of the Iwabas.

Our plants are the most varied and interesting of all the tribes.

This one, for example.


When plunged into your spinal cord, it paralyzes your sensory and motor nerves, causing your pain receptors to fire.

It will feel like you're being skinned alive.

(GRUNTS) Now Why don't you tell me what you're really doing here? - Last chance, Roman.

I told you the truth.

Wrong answer.


I was just about to tell your mother that we had a date.


Is this true? Yes.

Why didn't you say so before? Well, with all due respect You were going to t*rture me for just being in the grow house.

I didn't know what you'd do to me if I said I was gonna meet your daughter.

Don't let me find you here again.

It's fine.

You should be careful with Roman.

He shares his father's same perverse love for the humans.

His influence is making you weak.

Are you done? Roman is keeping you from embracing your destiny.

As a member of this tribe.

As a Trag.

As my daughter.

One day soon, you will have to choose where your loyalties lie: With Roman Or with your family.

(DANCE MUSIC PLAYING) (PEOPLE TALKING, LAUGHING) We actually have a few interviews for Gloria's video.

Not just footage of you getting yelled at by Atrians.

The commemoration tomorrow It must be hard on your family.

I'm sure you're thinking about your brother a lot.

I think it'll be hard for everyone there.

How are they gonna feel when the Atrians show up? Honestly? I think a lot of people will hate it.

And our video.

Well, if you thought that, then why'd you offer to help me? You seemed like you needed it.

And I wanted some fried pickles.


Your mom's so - Stuffy? - Snobby? Emotionally remote? - (LAUGHS) I was going to say elegant.

I showed Gloria the video, and she loved it.

But we have to upload it right now.

I'm on it.

Save me a seat? Yeah.


(MUSIC) Roman It's vyre.

I'm only doing this to keep my mother from torturing you.

Thank you.

Be careful.

No one knows how vyre works on humans.

It will cure the side-effect of cyper, but There's no telling what else it will do.

Keep it moving.

I have it.

The vyre.

Thank God.

What do I do with it? You eat it.

But Maybe this is too big a risk.

After all of your warnings about exposing the secret of cyper? (SIGHS) Look, if anyone finds out how I was cured, they'll lock me up in a lab, too.

I've spent plenty of time in the hospital.

I won't go back to that.

And besides You saved my life.

This is the least I can do.

Sir, I need you to come with me.


Today we honor those we've lost, but we also look to the future.

It's time.

I've disabled the security gate that leads into the ship.

You should be able to get in and out undetected.

But if not Knock 'em dead.

GLORIA: I could tell you about the success of our integration program, but I'll let you see the results for yourselves.

I was five when our ship crashed on Earth.

When we left our home planet, my father told me (STATIC CRACKLING) ELECTRONICALLY DISTORTED: I am the grand patriarch of the Red Hawks.

For too long, the government has hidden the truth about Atrians but today, we'll show you what they don't want you to see.

One day, we're gonna break down these walls, and you'll be sorry.

(GROWLS) Get that video down! GRAND PATRIARCH: Alien demons, they don't want to assimilate with us.

They want to annihilate us.

And hand to God, we will send every last one of them back to hell! What are we gonna do? (AUDIENCE MURMURING) (MICROPHONE FEEDBACK) My name is Roman.

I'm the son of Nox, the late leader of the Atrians.

I'm here to say that what you just saw There is some truth to that.

(GRUNTS) (MUSIC) (MUSIC) Instead of helping or learning from each other, we go to great lengths to hide the truth.

(GASPING) The video was supposed to be of Atrians telling their arrival day stories.

I'd like to share mine.

That Red Hawk said that humans don't want us here.

Well, I know that's not true.

Because on arrival day, I met a human girl who saved my life.

I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for her.

But if I met her today, we couldn't walk down the street together without causing harm to one or both of us.

That's the reality of our world.

The integration program isn't perfect.

But it has shown me that there are more humans out there like that girl than there are Red Hawks.

And that gives me hope, hope that someday, we will be able to come together.

(APPLAUSE) (GUARD GRUNTS, GROANS) Please don't do it.

Please? Please don't k*ll me.

Please? I have a family.

No! (GASPING) He won't remember a thing when he wakes up.

How'd you know? My mother is a leader of the Trags.

There's not much I don't know.

But why are you helping out now? It's time I embraced my destiny.

Nicely done.

If it wasn't for your speech, the integration program and your father's work would've gone down the drain.

You wouldn't have given up on integration, though.


But I'm only interested in programs that work.

Thanks to you, this one still does.

As you saw, Roman represents the candor and optimism of his generation, which will pave the way for integration across this nation and the world.

Find Grayson, tell him we're ready to leave.


MONTROSE: I can't believe we had to sit and listen through Gloria prattle on about integration.


MONTROSE: It was worth it to see the look on her face when our video came on.


MONTROSE: And you're sure they can't trace it back to us or Grayson? I handled it.

Stop worrying.


Don't touch me! Emery, let me explain.

Emery, let me explain! Explain what? Your father isn't the grand patriarch for the Red Hawks, that he didn't use the footage we shot for that horrible video?! I can't tell you that.

Oh, my God You used me so you could sh**t in the sector.

No! My parents are who they are, okay, but I am not a Red Hawk.

I don't believe you.

It's true.

They must have stolen the video from me last night.

The things your father said, how could you live under the same roof? Emery, I understand how you feel.

I live with it every day.

I just pretend to get along with the Red Hawks.

But they're my parents.

I can't be around you right now.

Hey, that guard I saw you with earlier Beaumont.

What'd he want? - It was nothing.

It wasn't nothing.

He's a Trag and he's dangerous.

We don't have to explain ourselves to you.

And you don't have to pretend to care about us anymore.

Roman! It worked! Uh-huh.

It worked.

(CHUCKLES) Thank you.

VEGA: You brought me what I asked for.

More importantly, you brought my daughter to the fold.

I'm not conflicted anymore.

I know where my loyalties lie.

You are now a full brother of the Trags.

We will spill the blood of your enemies as you have spilled the blood of ours.

As a reward for completing your mission You'll have a glimpse of what is to come.

DRAKE: That's cyper.

Not as you've seen it before.

(GASPING) He was a traitor.

One of our spies caught him giving information to Castor behind our back.

With loyal soldiers like yourself, we will unleash black cyper on the humans.

(MUSIC) Female computerized voice: Mommy! Oh, here's my boy.