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01x05 - The Festival of Candela

Posted: 02/03/23 20:01
by bunniefuu
Excuse me, sir, have you
seen this girl around?

- [man] No.
- Thank you.

Bro, just a second,
have you seen this girl around?

- No.
- Okay.

Hello, have you seen her around?


I can't believe she
disappeared in five minutes.

It is normal.

People disappear quicker
than you can believe.

Ask JuanJo, your brother.

Are you really going to
talk about that now, Dani?

Well, an association of ideas.

Carmen disappeared,
your brother disappeared.

My brother didn't disappear, he left.

Alicia, tell me what you know,
because I don't understand anything.

Everything was all right with JuanJo.

We used to enjoy being together
and he suddenly left without telling me.

Did something bad happen to him?

Maybe not everything was
as good as you thought.

Listen, next weekend will
be my father's birthday,

and I forgot to tell you
that he asked

if you would like to bring someone.

Of course, I invite you!


I know you won't like it,
but you've never introduced anyone to me.

I'd love to meet a friend, a cousin,

no matter if
it is a distant one, whatever.

I've told you many times,
I don't have cousins, family, friends.

You are all I have.

Let's keep asking people.

Hey, what's up, friend.
How are you doing?

Have you by chance seen this girl?

- No, I haven't.
- Thank you.

I can't believe that all my friends
suddenly have secrets

and don't want to share them with me.

What secrets?

Leon with his mysterious life.
You don't want to tell me

what you know about JuanJo,
and Carmen appears

and disappears as if by magic.

Isn't Carmen rather weird?

Alicia, don't change the subject.

I'm not changing the subject.
It is an association of ideas.

We are looking for Carmen,

and I'm realizing
that everything about her is weird.

- [cell phone rings]
- It is Mayte.

Hello, did you find her?

You didn't?
What shall we do now?

Today is the Fire Night celebration,
and many will come to ask

the Virgin of Candelaria
to help them fulfill

their impossible wishes.

The Virgin guides those
who have lost track...

Hi, Grandma.

Where were you?

They called from school to say
you didn't go to class.


And you were not at home.
What are you up to?

I had to do the cleaning by myself.

Besides, I had to tell you,
that while I was arranging the bookcase,

I found something very strange.

Hey, don't leave me talking to myself.
Come here, Jhony Ki!

[indistinct chatter]

Excuse me, let me get through.

Fresh flowers, lovely flowers!

Excuse me, do you know
Carmen, Carmen Eguiluz?

No, I don't know her, I'm sorry.

[man] Excuse me, excuse me.

[Carmen] A dark-skinned Virgin, Cristobal?

I bought it at the harbor
from seamen that arrived from Mallorca.

- She reminded me of you.
- She's beautiful.

It's called the Virgin of Candelaria.

She protects us
from storms and shipwrecks.

I'll keep it so that she can accompany me

and protect our love.
She'll never fail us.

[breathes heavily]

Cristobal, please!
I need to communicate with you.

Cristobal Aranoa,
Carmen Eguiluz' boyfriend,

I am her friend and need your help.

Please give me a sign.

Are you here?

Of course, I am here!

You don't go to school
because you're playing

with that silly thing!

I'm already worried about you.

Grandma, I swear.
It wasn't my fault

that I didn't go to school, okay?

Oh, yeah? And I swear I believe you.

You said you would do
your best at school,

promised to help me with the housework,
and you did nothing.

Besides, there is much work to do here.

Well, there are secrets
and mysteries, too,

because I found something today.

Look what I found
while I was dusting, this letter.

It's from a guy named Cristobal
to a woman named Carmen, like our guest!

Where did you find this?


[theme music plays]

Oh, thank you very much, Grandma.

This will help a lot with school work,

but I want to study first.
Let me concentrate.

No, no, no, wait a moment.

You can't just ignore this.

We still have to resolve this problem.

Yes, we have a problem.
I promised we would talk, and we will.

- Don't worry, but later, okay?
- You promised me.

- I promised. Bye, Grandma!
- I'll see, Jhony Ki, I'll see.

I can't believe it! Cristobal is alive!

[Cristobal] My beloved one, in the midst
of my despair to understand

where you were, I went to visit
Aldemar the Immortal.

The visit didn't give
the expected results,

because when I told him
that Ninibe was dead,

he got angry and threatened
to separate us permanently

if you didn't help him.

Wait until Carmen finds out...

But first things first.

Yes, I must go.


Cristobal, can you hear me?

Is anyone there?

Can anyone hear me?

Can anyone hear me?

I am Jhony Ki.

I need help.

Of course! I'm so stupid.


It's clear now!

To all saints that listen to me,

or to anyone who is listening,
please help me!

Grant me this little miracle, I beg you.

It is urgent.


What does the letter say?
Anything wrong?

Carmen is lost.

The letter is from a friend
who is asking my help to find her.

He says she's not thinking straight
and has wandered off.

And if he doesn't find her
before midnight,

she'll forget who she is forever.

Hilda, where did she go?

I don't know, sir.

She rarely left the house,
and we don't know that city either.

That city is this one but many
years later, in the future.

There are many places
where she could go,

and there is one we always talked about.

There is a place
that Carmen always wanted to return to,

a very special one, where she was born.

Hey, let's go.
Let's go to the presentation!

[music playing]

Let's go!

Professor, is the stake thing ready?

Yes, it is ready.

Are we supposed to find Carmen
in the middle of this crowd?

That will be impossible.
Are you sure she'll be here?

[Jhony Ki] No, but it's our only clue.
Her family lives here.

[Leon] But she said
she didn't have family here.

[Jhony Ki]
Exactly! She doesn't, but she did.

Her roots are in this neighborhood.

It is : and we have
until to find her.

Otherwise it will be too late.

[Alicia] Late for what?

To not lose her for good.

Instead of arguing,
we should split up and look for her.


The first one to find her
calls the others, okay?

I'll start at the end of the street.

Jhony Ki.

Tell me the truth, what's going on here?

That story is pretty strange.

Well, Carmen is lost because of me.

It was an accident.

I didn't want anything bad to happen.
She took some pills I put in a glass.

Stop messing around with dr*gs.

Yes, yes, I know, but what worries me

is that I don't know
the dose she took.

She was unconscious,
and I'm afraid someone may

use her for something bad,
or kidnap her.

I don't want her to stop
being the way she was.

She was good. She is good.
I just want to protect her.

Well, let's go and look for her.

[Aldemar] We still have time.

When a witch's shadow is removed,
she loses her powers,

and little by little begins to go crazy.

You are the only one responsible
for whatever might happen to Carmen.

[music playing]

[indistinct chanting]

[indistinct chanting]

[indistinct chanting]

No, no, we haven't seen her.

- All right, have a good day.
- Thank you.

Oh! That looks delicious!

We are looking for Carmen.

Yes, but we can do that
and eat something. I'm hungry.

I have no money.

I'll pay, come.

- Hello.
- Hello.

Give me two, please.
No, four, please.

I'll buy you food when I am a professor.

I know.

For the time being, my father and
the aquarium will support us. [chuckles]


What a surprise!

It's been a long time.

Madam, I think you are confusing me.

Don't you remember me?

- Some days ago I went to prison to visit...
- My love, let's go.

Do you think I buy the story
that you don't know that woman?

It is true.

I don't believe it.

You are so mysterious.
What are you hiding from me?



That's not true.

I mean, I know nothing about you.

I know nothing about your family,
where you grew up.

I know that you left home
and work hard to support yourself,

and that's all.

Well, that's more than enough.

Not to me, Leon.

Sometimes I feel I don't even know you.

We've been together almost one year.

I love you, am faithful,
study biology, work,

I am honest.

What does the rest matter? The past?

Well, yes.

People are what their stories are, too.

I don't have a good one to tell.

[music playing]

[man] Blow your horn!

Blow your horn!

Blow your horn!

Open the door, please!

Don't be afraid. I am Braulio.

Your uncle.

- Do I have an uncle?
- You did.

Are you a hallucination?

Call me whatever you want...

spirit, hallucination,


Why are these things happening to me?

That's the price you must pay
for being a witch.

No, I think you got the wrong person.

I'm not a witch.

I am... an ordinary person.

I better go.


Don't you recognize this place?

You were born and grew up here.

Your mother gave birth to you
inside these walls.

Paula Eguiluz.

Your being here is not a coincidence.

You came looking for me because
you want to be a witch again.

No, I don't.

I am not a witch,
and don't want to be, either.


Are you afraid to fight with Lucien?

Who's Lucien?

I don't know. You tell me.

Do you already know who Lucien is?

Do you know where is he hiding?

I don't know who he is,

and I don't know if I want to find out.

I just want to be an ordinary
young woman that only worries

about her tests, spends time
with her friends, her boyfriend...

My boyfriend... He is a person

I don't want to forget,
but I can't remember his name.

[music playing]

- Have you seen this person?
- [woman] No, we haven't.

No, I don't know her.

Excuse me, have you seen this person?

Thank you.

Carmen! Carmen!


- Carmen!
- What's wrong?

[Braulio] What's wrong?


Carmen, if they sent you to harm Lucien,

you'll forget about that mission
right away, and for good. Understood?

Yes, understood.

But who are you?

I'm your savior...

but you decide how to save yourself.

You decide if you want to forget
about being a great and unique witch

and become a normal young woman
like your schoolmates.

In that case, you wouldn't
be able to use your gifts anymore.

Or you can choose to be
a witch of great lineage.

You carry in your blood
the mission to help

and heal people and yourself.

You also have the self-healing gift.

Carmen, if you want,
you can get rid of the spell

that made you lose your shadow.

But if you do it, you must keep in mind...

that you will never again
be a normal person,

that you will be pursued,

and that sooner or later
you will have to face your enemy.

- And what should I do?
- Choose.

What's the most important thing for you?

I think love is the most important thing.

Love is not for witches like you.

Love makes you vulnerable.

It is your weak point, and it will become
the w*apon of your enemy.

The love you choose
should always risk dying for you.

So, choose...

who do you want to be?

Carmen, a biology student.

I feel perfect being that.

So, you will forget you are a witch,

you will forget your love,

you will forget Lucien.

From this moment on, you have no past.
Go and start a new life.

Carmen! Carmen!

Where have you been?

Are you all right?

Hey, what's wrong?

It's me, Jhony Ki.

I'm sorry, but I don't know you.


[music playing in distance]

Stop following me
or I'll call the police!

Carmen, make a little effort
and you'll see that you remember me.

I am Jhony Ki, your friend.

We must go back to the hostel
and try to fix the spell.

You are in danger out here.

- Does anyone want to hurt me?
- Lucien.

I won't go with you.

Carmen, I wouldn't hurt you,
my house is your house. Come on!

I don't believe you because your outfit
does not inspire confidence in me.

[woman] I am Paula Eguiluz.


That's your last name.

I came from Cuba running away
from a dreadful curse

that falls on my family.

I was a sl*ve, healer, mother, wife,

and, they say, a witch.

I was chased and paid the price
of being different in the worst way.

My husband was buried alive

because of a powerful wizard.

I hid my daughter to protect her,

and I was finally burnt at the stake.

Paula Eguiluz.

[Paula sings in foreign language]

Oh, my pretty girl.

You'll be more powerful than your mother,

but you must be brave.
And you, Braulio,

will have to protect her with your life,
and with your death, too.

You'll be her angel.

[Paula sings in foreign language]

[singing in foreign language]


Is she really my mother?

[speaking in foreign language]

Carmen, were you cured?

Carmen, forgive me for everything
I did to you.

I promise I'll somehow solve
the mess I made, okay?

Where are we?

I'll explain everything later,
but are you all right?

Do you know who you are?

What's your name?
Why are you here?

Yes, of course I know
who I am, Carmen Eguiluz,

and I came to this era to save Cristobal.

There they are! Excuse me, excuse me!

Carmen, Carmen, are you all right?
Are you all right?


Carmen, we were looking for you!

- Me? All of you?
- [all] Yes!

Carmen, you were behaving
really weird at the university,

and Jhony Ki told us a thief
gave you scopolamine.

Did you say that?

Yes, because you were robbed.

You were acting quite strange,
and, well, a bit irresponsible.

Thank you for worrying about me.

All that matters is
that you are all right.

Why don't we take this chance
to thank the Virgin

for having performed this miracle for us?

Yes, and on the way let's
tell Professor Esteban,

who might still be looking
for Carmen who knows where.

Well, go if you want,
because I must talk to Carmen alone, okay?

I'll see you soon.

I must tell you something urgent.

I already know you stole
my shadow and made a mess.

But I also know you did it to
protect me, and I forgive you.

I already remember everything.

You told me that at the hostel yesterday.

I'm sorry, Carmen, but Cristobal is alive.

- What?
- [chuckles]

How can that be possible?
I don't understand it.

Look, he left you a letter
explaining everything

through the crack you use to write him.

Jhony Ki, did he survive the shot?


- He's alive.
- Yes.

Yes, my grandmother found it.

That crack seems to work,
I don't know, like a portal.

This is a miracle!

I can communicate and tell him everything.


Love has no guarantee of lasting.

I can't.

If Cristobal is alive,
I am the last thing he needs.

What are you talking about?

Carmen, I thought you already
remembered that you are

in this world because of him.

Yes, but I didn't know
this trip would change my fate.

[Dani] I beg you that JuanJo shows up,
and that he sends me

a signal that he is all right.

[Alicia] I beg you, for my brother,
that he gets ahead,

overcomes his addiction,
and can lead a normal life again.

[Leon] I stopped believing in God
a long time ago,

but I think it would be
fair that my family's past

stopped haunting me.

[Mayte] Virgin of Candelaria,
please open Leon's heart,

make him trust me.

[Jhony Ki] Thank you for saving Carmen.

I promise not to play
with magic anymore.

Could I see my parents,
even if it’s just in dreams?

[Carmen] Little Virgin, thank you
for having helped me

to remember who I am,
to accept my nature.

But I will need a bigger miracle now.

Please, help me protect
Cristobal from myself.

My beloved Cristobal,
I suppose that when you see

and hear me,
you'll think that's part of my magic.

But no, things in this world
have advanced a lot.

I already know that you're alive,
and that's the best news

I've ever heard.

But how ironic!

For having considered your death
such an injustice,

I ended up in this century,
dreaming of being together with you again.

This is my university.

I said "my"... probably
because I'm starting to feel like

I am a part of something.

It is pretty, isn't it?

[Alicia] Dani, forgive me
for having left just like that,

but I swear I haven't forgotten you.

I just ask you to give me time.


Sorry for leaving suddenly,
I didn't forget, I need time.

You appeared.

Apparently, life at this point in time
is far easier for women,

or at least it's not acceptable
for us to be treated as slaves.

We have the right to decide.

But guess what!

Despite it all, I decide on everything,

but no matter what happens,
I will continue loving you with my heart.

I love you very much.

- Carmen, hi.
- Hello, Professor.

Last night,
when we were looking for you,

I started to feel very bad
and had to leave.

But Mayte told me you had been found.

Are you all right?

Do you want me to take you
to the university doctor?

No, no, no, Professor, don't worry.
I know how to cure myself.

You left this in my office, why?

Oh, Professor,
because I thought my things

would be safer with you.

Thanks for trusting me,
but they are yours.

Thank you, Professor.

Professor, I came to say goodbye.

I don't understand.

I know I can't attend your class,
because I'm not registered.

And I want you to know that
I got here chasing a dream,

not so different from all this.

And studying biology, meeting you all
became quite important to me.

So, I promise to come back
as soon as I can.

Didn't your friends tell you?

Didn't tell me what?

That you no longer have
a problem, Carmen!

Mayte and everyone talked to Bruno,

and he's going to make
an exception for you.

You don't have to leave anymore.

It would be a pity
if you stopped studying, right?

I don't understand why
you did all that for me, guys.

Well, I don't know about them,
but I owe you one, Carmen.

Because you are our friend.

But the scholarship has conditions.

Yes, I know I must improve my grades,
but you have to help me,

because you know
I don't even know how to use a computer.

- [chuckling]
- Well, but not just that.

You'll also have to work
with Professor Esteban.

With Professor Esteban?

Yes, didn't he tell you?

You are the class monitor now,
and so you'll pay your way by working.

Thank you, guys, thank you!

Don't thank us, Carmen,
but the Virgin of Candelaria.

What, are you religious now?

The miracle happened, JuanJo texted me!

[all] Ooh!

So, everything worked out well,
Big Master.

"Master" is enough.

Okay, Master, but what matters

is that Carmen got her shadow back,
because that's true.

Everything is all right.

You still think
this is a big joke, but no,

it is quite serious.

I know, and see very clearly
that it is serious,

but come,
since Carmen is all right now,

can't you make her travel through time?

No, no, not until she
fulfills her promise.

From this moment on,
you will be at my command

and my service until I release you.

You will be my eyes and my ears,
and you will take care of Carmen.

Tell me everything she does,
if she is in danger, if Lucien is near...

The two of us will make sure
she fulfills her mission.

You'll feel an urge to
tell Carmen everything,

but you'll remember nothing,
and your duty as guardian angel

will be all you'll have in your mind.

[recites spell]

Soon, all your dreams will belong to me.

"Aldemar didn't want to help us, my love.

He said you had to fulfill
your promise to free Ninibe,

and if you've failed,
he won't do anything,

but I'm willing to help you.
Just tell me what we can do."

There you are.

What happened?

Do you know what I should do
to make my cell phone battery last longer?

Turn it off.

[Carmen sniffles]

Everything okay?

Everything is bad, very bad.

It says I must push here...

[gasps] Oh, Holy Virgin, Jesus!

She's locked in that apparatus.

I hope this message can show you
the pain I feel in my heart.

Saying goodbye to you
is even more difficult than facing Lucien.

But I have no way out.

Being with you means to put you at risk.

That's the tragedy of being who I am,

and to protect you I must give up on you.

No, Carmen, you can't leave me like that.

I don't care about what you were told,

but nobody can scare us anymore.

Live your life, Cristobal.

Be happy...

forget about me,

and find someone you can love.

No, Carmen, listen to me.
Have you gone mad?

I will never give up, you hear?

You don't want to leave me
and I don't want to forget you.

Goodbye, Cristobal!

- Carmen!
- Goodbye!

Carmen, can you hear me?

Oh, sir, you k*lled her!
You k*lled her, sir!

Oh, Carmen!

He k*lled her!