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01x09 - The Time Portal

Posted: 02/03/23 20:04
by bunniefuu
Cristobal, what's all this?

A ship is waiting for us
at the Santa Marta harbor.

Let's go far away, my love.

You're not coming, are you?

Forgive me.

I love you, but I must recover my powers
and serve justice.

I love you and don't doubt that,
but I can't get it out of my head

that having freed Aldemar
and locking up Esteban was a mistake.

This is quite difficult.

- I'm not able to...
- Go ahead, Carmen...

and do what you need to do.

But come back.

I swear, I will.

I'll look for you in Santa Marta
after I've corrected my mistakes.

- [Cristobal] Take this.
- No, Cristobal.

Carmen, take it.
You'll need it more than me.

I don't want you to suffer, ever again.


[theme music plays]

[Hilda] We won't be working any longer.

Carmen told us that in the future

slaves that work eight hours a day,
must have a salary and rest, on Sundays.

That future stuff
sounds interesting.

- Did Carmen tell you all that?
- Yes.

I couldn't care less about
what Carmen told you.

She's no longer here,

and in this house you do what I say.

Yes... I am here.

Weren't you supposed to leave
with my son forever?

He left alone. I asked him to do so,

because I have many things to do,

including making sure my partners,
my girls, will be all right.

If you want to rest on Sundays,
it won't be in my house...

Ah! Watch your words.

You have no idea of all the things
Carmen can do to you...


You must lower your tone.

Why? If you yourself said
that we had those rights?

And that's true.
But you can't fight for them today.

- Why not, if you are here to defend us?
- Hilda, I don't have powers.

Aldemar took them away from me.

I don't even have one left.

If they find out,
we'll be worse than before.

- Oh, what did I do?
- On top of that, the crack is closed.

I think I haven't opened it
in the future yet.

I need to go to the st century
and I don't know how.

Oh, don't go then, Carmen.

No, Hilda, I have to,
I must bring order here

and in the future.
And to do so I have a plan

for you and our sl*ve friends.

I don't agree with Jhony Ki,
trying to contact Carmen

in the past to tell her Professor Esteban
may be innocent, why worry her?

Because we must tell her, Alice.
Why shouldn't we do it?

Yes, but what can she do in ?

Look, I think Professor Esteban's issue
is our responsibility now,

and finding out the type of relationship

he had with Professor Ninibe
will be more than enough.

But we should talk
to Professor Ninibe first

to see what she knows.

We may need to hypnotize her
or something like that.

- [Dani] Excuse me.
- Dani, can we talk?

No, I'm not interested.

[Mayte] Alice, relax, he can't be furious
with you all his life.

Yes, he can.

Leon is quite right.

He'll never forgive me for such cheating.

If it had been the other way around,
I wouldn't either, Mayte.

- Well, no one's home.
- [cell phone ringing]

Wait, it's Jhony Ki.

Could you contact Carmen?

No, the crack is closed
and I can't find another one.

[Mayte] But are you sure? Search well.

[Jhony] I have searched
all over and nothing.

Here she comes.

[Mayte] That's Ninibe coming.
Let's see if she remembers anything.

[Jhony] Okay.

- We'll talk now, Jhony Ki.
- Mayte.

- Listen to me, Mayte!
- What?

Turn off the speaker
and listen to me, will you?

Look, the man who arrived
with Ninibe is Aldemar,

the sorcerer that made
Carmen travel through time,

Esteban's enemy.

I don't know why he's there,
but leave that place right away.

Okay, bye.

[Leon] The point is we have something
very important to tell him, and...

- Yes, Mayte remembered that...
- I remembered that...

- What?
- [Mayte] That...

That the exams will be next week,
and since I've been so reckless

with all that happened,

I'd like to know if you could postpone
the delivery date for me, Professor.

Oh, Mayte, was that it?

Of course!

I'm the same as you.

I haven't been able to recover
from all he did to me.

Yes, terrible!

[Ninibe] Yes, it was terrible!

Well, we won't take any more of your time.
We'll leave now. Bye.

- Bye.
- Bye.

So long!

Hmm... they are lying.

They came for something else
but changed their minds.

What for?

I don't know...

but I can't stop thinking about Esteban.

If my son doesn't follow my philosophy

and travel through time
and become a great sorcerer.

first thing tomorrow,
I'll turn him into ashes.

No, Aldemar, let me talk to him.

I can convince him.

Are you really interested
in his survival, or a little?


If Esteban says Aldemar is the enemy

and Ninibe is with him all the time,
then she's an evil witch too.

Or she's bewitched, we don't know.

Yes, what matters is knowing
what Aldemar is doing here, right?

That's why we should try
to get in touch with Carmen

and tell her what's going on.

Yes, but how will we do it
if the crack is closed?

How will we talk to her?

Well, I have an idea,
I don't know if it'll work,

but when I was in school,
my friends and I used to play

a game called Concentration,
something similar to telepathy

and it works like this. Each one of us

had to think about
exactly the same person,

and that's how
we made that person contact us.

It worked with guys.

[Jhony] Is that true?

I mean, are you serious?

No, why don't we play
Truth or Dare instead? It is much better.

Or look, taking advantage
of this bottle here,

you empty it and
we'll play Spin the Bottle.

- [laughs sarcastically]
- [Mayte] Seriously.

Do you have a better idea?

- I prefer traditional magic.
- [Alicia] Oh, and how is that?

Well, I can't think of anything now.

No, no, no, if you can't
think of anything, it doesn't hurt

- to give it a try, so on with it!
- [Jhony] On with it!

Well, we have to wait until
three o'clock in the morning,

and for it to work, each one of us must
have an object that belongs to Carmen.

- Three o'clock in the morning.
- [Leon] Okay, on with it.

[Carmen whispering]
Ready, let's go.



[Isabel] Carmen.

You were right. We are all slaves here.

I'll help you.

Get out, get out!

There is just one minute left,
let's hold our hands in a star shape.

- Stars have five points.
- Oh, no, the know-it-all!

In the cardinal points shape then.

Okay, what now?

[Alicia] Now we'll close our eyes.

And our mouths, Jhony Ki.

And we'll all think about Carmen.
It must be exactly the same image.

You can remember her
when we used to be in La Candelaria.

Let's think about her,
and let's call her.

One, two, three!

- Carmen!
- Carmen!

- Carmen!
- Carmen!

- Carmen!
- Carmen!

- Carmen!
- Carmen!

- Carmen!
- Carmen!

- Carmen!
- Hi, guys!

- [Jhony Ki] Did you hear that?
- [Alicia] Shhh.

[Mayte] Stay focused, Jhony Ki.

Jhony Ki, it's me. Mayte?

Do you hear me? Do you see me?

[Leon] Nothing's happening,
this isn't working.

[Jhony Ki] Carmen, if you can hear us,
you must know Aldemar is here

in the present,
and he has befriended Ninibe.

Aldemar is there in that year?

[Alicia] Mayte remembered
everything that happened that night

with Esteban, and that he's innocent.

Yes, Esteban is innocent.
I was wrong, but you must listen to me.

Don't trust Aldemar, he bewitched me.
You hear?

Did you feel that?

- [Mayte] Hey, this isn't working.
[Leon] It was obvious.

Your admirers came to you
because they liked you,

not because you did telepathy.

- We must think about something else.
- No, no, no, don't go.

You must be cautious of Aldemar.

It didn't work because of you, midget!

Let me tell you that I've done rituals
more complex than this one.

I simply stopped messing
with professional magic.

I promised Carmen.

- What shall we do now, then?
- Go home.

If Carmen needs us,
she'll find a way to contact us.

Let's go.

I know it's not the time...

but if I get three schoolmates,

and ask them to get up with me
at three o'clock in the morning,

can I make the girl that I like call me?

I left this house last night...

but where to?


[indistinct mumbling]

Mesquite leaves.

[Aldemar] And now you'll open
the time portal to Aldemar, your master.

You'll remember the knowledge
you have in your blood

for me to travel where I need to go,
and now you'll go back

to your sl*ve world
and we'll never see each other again.

Carmen, you must leave
as soon as possible.

My husband is planning something.

- I have seen him, I think he is in danger.
- I can't leave yet.

I can open the crack between
the past and the present,

then I can open the portals, understand?

Not really.

Aldemar traveled to the future
thanks to me.

I must tell my friends
so they can find him.

- Aldemar the Immortal?
- Yes.

I'm very sorry,
but I have to use your house for that.

Carmen, what are you doing?

Did you really think your girl friends
would escape just like that?

- Get her!
- No, Fernando.

Ms. Isabel! Stay away from me!
I don't want to hurt you, stop it.

- [Fernando] Rogelio, please.
- Saturisiduos, stay away from me!

I already know you no longer
have any power.

It was difficult to get your friends
to talk,

but we found a way to make them confess.

[Carmen] What did you do to her?

We treated them as they deserve
and they confirmed what you've

always been. A non-important sl*ve.
Take her!

- No!
- Quiet!

- No!
- Quiet!

No! No!

Fernando, don't, Fernando!




[Mayte] Aldemar traveled through time,
thanks to me,

and thanks to the magic stone
he gave me in the beginning.

I need you to help me find that portal
with your knowledge of biology.

- A time portal?
- It's like a magic machine.

No, it must be like the crack
Carmen made in the library,

but huge.

Look, here are some drawings
of the plants she found.

If we can identify their species,
we can find out where they are.

According to the drawing Carmen sent,

this is an Ipomea cairica
or webbed bell.

Look up Ipomea cairica.

It is found at the mesquite tree
or Persepus pebesunus,

but she says
it is very difficult to find.

Yes, that's true. It says here
it's an endangered species, but no,

there is a park nearby
where we can find it.

[Mayte] Yes, the Purple Forest.

[Alicia] Do you really think
there is a threshold?

A portal where you travel through time
as if it was a bus station?

- Well, yes, so it seems.
- Hey, look at this!

[Leon] Could that be it?

- [Mayte] I don't understand how it works.
- [Leon] But where to?

She just said it was open
and that she couldn't travel.

- Do you think we can do it?
- We must try.

- We have to tell Carmen.
- No, there's no time.

This man is about to be condemned,
and I'm sure Aldemar has a plan.

But what shall we do?

Easy, decide which one of us

will go to the year
to look for Carmen.

[chains jangling]

[chains continue jangling]

We won't be able to get out of here.

[Carmen] I'm so sorry, Hilda.

[Hilda] It wasn't your fault.

They knew everything already...

but forced us to confess
that you no longer have powers.

That doesn't matter.

I'll take you out of here.

[Hilda] Carmen,
we're going to the black market.

There are people so terrible

that we're going to miss being slaves
at Aranoa's house.

Change in plans, gentlemen.

I can't travel without her.


[Cristobal shouting]

Let's go!

[Alicia] I don't want to go and listen!

It's not that I don't want to help Carmen,
but travel through time?

I'd go too, but what if
I get trapped over there

and don't come back?

- I'll go.
- [all] No!

- Why not?
- Because you are sixteen.

But I am the right person.
I know where to look for Carmen.

She has told me everything
about her life, her friends,

people she worked with,
the Inquisition square

where she was almost burned,
the selling of slaves,

I know the map by heart.

But you are all your grandmother has,
Jhony Ki.

It is too risky, I think I should go.

No, you are all your father has.

I'm the one who should go,

because my parents have
JuanJo, me and my sisters.

Do you want to go then?

I am afraid, is that wrong?

No, no, no, it's all right.

- I insist, I will go!
- [Leon] Look, let me explain to you.

Minors under eighteen
don't have a visa to travel through time,

and of us all you are the
least appropriate to go.


Who did this to you?

It doesn't matter.

There is no time to waste.

You must leave before your father
finds out you are here.

Look, I swear that
as soon as all this is over,

I'll bring you with me
and you'll be all right.

I thought I could leave without Carmen,
but I can't leave her.

If she wants to go to the future,
I'm willing to go with her.

Carmen is not here.

She was taken away
with the rest of the women.

Why and where to?

As revenge for their rebellion,
they will be sold on the black market.

Hey, wake up, wake up!

What, what's wrong?

We fell asleep.

Did Jhony Ki go to the portal alone?

[Jhony Ki] Mituto... onatuto... laroyeile.

[door creaks open]

[policeman in English] Visitor.

[Esteban] So you are the one
that will turn me into ashes.


Aldemar doesn't know that I'm here.

You kidnapped me,
got me out of the way by force.

I was in love with you, Ninibe.

I thought you were...
an interesting... and educated woman.

And you ended up being a sorcerer's sl*ve.

What did he promise you?

Something you could have never given me.

I'll read the Book of Shadows.

He'll initiate me as a grand witch.

Aldemar can't do that.

Do you know what he did
with witches, in the past?

Help them to reach their maximum powers.

No, he stole their powers
and condemned them to the stake.

- That's not true.
- Yes, it is.

All he wants is to be
the most powerful sorcerer.

Anyone with powers is his enemy.

And he has used you to get to me,
but when he no longer needs you...

he'll k*ll you.

[Ninibe] We must get rid of him.

Tell him you are on his side
and defeat him again.

We can show the world
there is different knowledge,

something that science can't explain.

It is time for people to know
that magic exists and that it is powerful.

Can you imagine you and me...


We can change history.

I'm no longer interested
in using my powers with him...

or with you.

How about with Carmen?

With her, yes?

Aldemar said you fell in love with her...

and that's why he'll go after her.

Leave Carmen alone, Ninibe!

If you really care about her...

all you must do is stay alive...

and be at your father's side.

What then, do you want to lose her?

Don't look at me like that
because we all are guilty.

[birds chirping]

[Jhony gasps, breathes heavily]

[birds chirping]

[paper crinkling]


just like in old times.

Let's go, let's go!


Come on.

Stand up!

I told you to stand up!

Everyone stay still!
Don't move, don't move!

[Carmen] Cristobal.

No one move. The g*n.

The g*n. Come on!

No one move!


No one move.

When I saw the ship,
I knew I'd miss you too much.

The keys, quickly!

The keys!

Don't move!

- [man] Oh, no!
- [Cristobal] Don't move, don't move!

- Don't move!
- [Carmen] Cristobal, watch it!

- [Cristobal grunts]
- [Carmen screams]

[Carmen] Cristobal!


- [Hilda shrieking]
- [Carmen] Cristobal!

Shut up!

- [man ] Shut up!
- [man ] Shut up!

- [Cristobal] Carmen!
- [man] Up!

Come on, come on!

Ah! [mumbles]

Good afternoon, your grace.
My name is Jhony Ki.

A pleasure to meet you, m'lady.

Sorry for the inconvenience,
dear madam,

but I have come for a friend.
Her name is Carmen.

You don't need to kneel, young man.

Have you come from the future,
to help her?

Yes, but I'm not a wizard,
and I'm not a sorcerer,

and don't bring ill intentions.
I don't want to die burning.

There is no time to lose.

Carmen must be saved,
and stop talking like that.

No... there is nothing.

But look, write "Carmen Eguiluz",
or "witches at the stake".

Or write "strange man in Cartagena",

to see if someone wrote
anything about Jhony Ki.

Ladies, please stop insisting.
I can't find anything.

[cell phone ringing]

Hi, Dad!


I don't believe it.

All right, bye!

It seems nobody wants
to represent Esteban.

All the lawyers quit.

Aldemar and Ninibe will get away with it.

[auctioneer] Gentlemen,
we will go on with the auction!

First piece of the day.
Ideal for heavy work, strong.

A bit of a rebel... but a virgin.

Any offers? Offers are heard!

- I offer gold coins!
- Fifty gold coins here!

Any advance on ?

- [man] Sixty!
- Sixty here! Any advance?

- Eighty!
- [auctioneer] Eighty gold coins,

- says the monk! Any advance?
- [man] Ninety!

Ninety gold coins here!
Look, gentlemen, fresh meat!

One hundred!

[auctioneer] One hundred gold coins,
going once.

One hundred gold coins, going twice!

[monk] One hundred and fifty coins!

One hundred and fifty coins,
says the monk! Who offers more?

One hundred and fifty, going once.
One hundred and fifty, going twice.

- One hundred and fifty, going thrice...
- [Jhony Ki] One moment, I'll give more!

- [man ] Who's he?
- [man ] Who's he?

[man ] Where did he come from?

His clothes are weird.

- [man ] Who's he?
- [man ] Who's he?

[man ] Where did he come from?

I have something that doesn't exist
in this world.

A magic wand!

It helps to capture souls.

- [men] Souls?
- [Jhony Ki] Stay away,

- it's dangerous!
- [man ] A demon!

[man ] Witchcraft!


- Let's go, let's go!
- Thank you!

- Do you have something to get Hilda?
- Who?

Hilda, my best friend.

I'll take her, too.


[woman] The sun fell.

Last generation compass,
to use when you get lost.

[auctioneer] Compass?

- Knife.
- Jhony Ki.

Watch it, it's dangerous to touch it.

Technological watch...

screen included.

- [man ] Watch what?
- [man ] Techno what?


- Sun screen.
- [man] Watch it!

For skin cancer.

In a few years, cancer will be a problem,
gentlemen, let me tell you.

Sold, sold too!

[man] I want to see.

[Jhony Ki] Wait! Carmen! Hey, wait!

[all breathing heavily]

[Carmen] Thanks, friend, thank you!

Can't you see you need me, even in ?

And that clue on the vegetation
to find the portal helped a lot.

I'm very happy...

but we must go back to the present.

Aldemar and Ninibe
are destroying everything,

and will finish with Esteban.

I won't leave Cristobal like that,
wounded and lost.

Carmen, if we don't do anything for
Esteban, something bad will happen to him.

But I won't leave Cristobal like this.

- Carmen.
- Let's go.

[Carmen] Hilda!

Carmen, no...

- Cristobal... my love.
- [Cristobal] Carmen!

- How do you feel?
- The b*llet just grazed me.

I'm all right. I'm all right.

My love, I want to heal you,
but I still have no powers.

But the good news is, there's a portal,

and there are physicians
in the future who can help you.

Look, this is Jhony Ki.

He knows where the portal is
and can guide me.

A pleasure. Thank you for helping us.

He's like my brother.
He came because I have to go back.

Let's go now, we'll fix it there.

Let's not waste time, okay?

My love, go and fulfill your destiny,
as I must fulfill mine.

I must save the other slaves
and my mother from my father.

And you go save your friends from Aldemar.

Go and do what you need to do.
Our love will allow us to meet again.

Carmen, I think the gentleman is right.

You go and I'll take care of things, okay?
I promise that when everything is fine,

we'll look for the time portal, okay?


Promise we'll be together again.

I don't promise it, I swear it!

Let's go now
before Aldemar hurts Esteban, Carmen.

- I love you.
- I love you.

Let's go.

I'll be all right.


Sir, that's serious, isn't it?

I'm going to die.

[Carmen] Are you ready?


Your hand is sweating.

If I'm afraid to even get on a plane,
just imagine this!

Thanks for being my friend.


Jhony Ki, are you all right?

Jhony Ki?

- Did we make it?
- Yes!


now like in old times!

Like in new ones!

Let's go. Wait!


I have to make sure
that Aldemar can't escape anywhere.

Good! Come.

Let's go.

[Jhony Ki] I think going alone
to look for Esteban is dangerous.

We need help, Carmen.

Jhony Ki, if you are thinking of getting
my friends involved, you shouldn't.

This is dangerous.

[news playing in the background]


So far neither the police
nor any authority

has been able to explain
how Esteban Alba...

known as the "Fire k*ller",
broke out of prison.

Did Esteban escape?

No, I made him lose his powers.

I'm sure Aldemar took him.

[end credits music playing]

[end credits music ends]