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02x14 - Bewitched Illusions

Posted: 02/04/23 17:05
by bunniefuu
The Lady Miaka was urged by
Amiboshi of the Seiryu Seven... known as Kai-Ka,
to drink the juice...

...of the Forgetfulness leaves and
escape all the hardships in her life.

I can't forget! Not the people
who care about me.

Not people I love
who believe in me!

I can't just forget them!

The Lady Miaka decided to find
Nakago and save the Lady Yui.

Tamahome's close by!

No... I can't see him.

I'll bring him here.

Do you understand?
Please, just wait here.

Forgive me, Amiboshi.

The Lady Miaka headed
for the land of Sairou.

I want to see Tamahome again,
but I don't deserve him anymore!

I have to find Yui and
go back to our world.

Going back is for the best.

While all this has
been happening...

... Yui's been on her
way to Sairou with Nakago.

But now my leaving for Sairou...

...has turned into me
running away from Tamahome!


Where do you think you're
going, Priestess of Suzaku?

You won't find your
beloved Tamahome up ahead.

T- Tamahome and I aren't...

You're saying you've split up?

Tamahome didn't
seem to feel that way.

You've seen Tamahome?!

While he is my enemy,
I find him a very gallant man.

"As long as even the smallest
possibility remains..."

"...we have to believe!" he said.

Why are you talking
to me like this?

Why don't you just k*ll me?

Good point. Why, indeed...

Especially since, had you
and Nakago REALLY had sex...

...I'd k*ll you
without hesitation.

That means...!
Then, I'm still...!

However, Tamahome is
currently facing...

...certain death on
the cliff behind you.

Yes. It would be wise
not to go to him.

Tamahome is...?!

Because, if you go, the consequences
for you this time will be severe.

Tamahome... Tamahome...!

The two of you have
to be together!

Tamahome, please be allright!

So foolish.

Running into danger
for Tamahome's sake.

Still, I think I may
envy them a bit.

So, you'll k*ll me, will you?

Is that what you said to
Nakago when you wounded him?

In that case, I'll make sure
you never say such things again!

Get away from
Tamahome, Tomo!

Suboshi...? No, Amiboshi!
You're still alive?

Never mind, just get away
from him! Otherwise...!

Amiboshi, you...

What are you saying?

That you'd fight me, a fellow
member of the Seiryu Seven?



Here I am!


No, you DON'T!

I don't just TAKE punishment
all the time!





Forgive me, Tamahome!

Miaka! Is it really you?!

Yeah, that's Miaka, all right.

Tamahome, Nakago didn't
really r*pe me!

I can still summon Suzaku!


I'm glad...

Oh, I'm so glad...!

Amiboshi saved me when
I fell down the cliff.

And he said he was coming
here to bring you back.

He was worried about us.

I'm sorry.

I really don't think I even
deserve to look you in the eye...

What are you talking about?

You're one of us,
aren't you?



Tamahome! Look out!


You shouldn't be so
proud of yourself...

...for just k*lling
one of my projections.




Tama...home... No...


Miaka! Try to concentrate!

If you don't, you'll be
trapped in an illusion!



You're trapped in my spell,
Priestess of Suzaku.

Where... Where are you?!

Give me back Tamahome!

Quite impossible.
You saw, didn't you?

He's dead now.

That's not true!
Tamahome isn't dead!

Accept that he is dead.

In exchange, I shall give you
such glorious joy to feel.

You should be grateful
for my kindness.


Why did you have
to separate us?!

All I wanted
was to be with him!

Give him back...

Give him back!

Give Tamahome back!


Give him back!
Give him back! Give him back!

Uh, Miaka?

That's the teacher, you know.

A dream?!

Y- YUKI!!!

Even though you have your
entrance exams this year... have the gall to
sleep during class?!

After homeroom, report to
the guidance office!

You hear me?! Because you
really need some guidance!

Y- Yes, sir!
Sorry about this, sir.


Miaka, you moron!

What good will making the
teacher mad at you do?!

"Give him back," huh? What were
you dreaming about, anyway?

I don't remember any of it...

Oh, well. With this on your record,
you can kiss high school goodbye.

Kiss it goodbye.

Yui, come on!
Don't scare me like that!

How long has that boy
been in our class...?

How do you like it,
Priestess of Suzaku?

My shell absorbs
your life force...

...and then creates this
illusion from your own memories.

Still, I must say I'm amazed.

So, this is the world where
the priestesses come from.

Once my shell has
absorbed your memories...

...l shall show them to Nakago.

The priestess's sweet dream world...

Are you awake, Ms. Yuki?!

Yes, sir. I'm thinking
about what I did...

By the way, Ms. Yuki, I see that
your first choice is Jonan Academy.

- Here it comes!
- Well...

If you maintain these marks, you'll
have more than enough to get in.

But, even saying that, this is no
time for you to be slacking off!.

S- Sir, could you say that again?

This is no time to slack off.

No, the part before that!

If I maintain those marks...

If you maintain these marks...'ll have more
than enough to get in.

If you'll excuse me.

I never realized!

I have more than enough
to get into Jonan Academy!

What do you know!

Miaka? You look pretty happy for
someone who just got chewed out.

Oh? You guys waited for me?

Here. Your bag.

Hey, hey! Let's get something
to eat on the way home.

I'm just super hungry today!

So, what else is new?

Miaka? Are you still alive?

Oh... What if this
makes me stupid?

Don't worry about that.
You already were stupid.



I'm really sorry.
Let's go to the infirmary.

This boy...

Bye, Miaka.
We'll see you later.

Huh? Why?

You idiot. We know
what you're thinking.

You're always saying
how much you like Aono.

This is your chance!
Good luck!


I like him...? Oh, yeah!

I've been in love
with him ever since...

...the two of us got into the
same class for our senior year.

Come on, let's go.

You've got a little bump here.

Do you feel all right?
I really kicked that ball hard.

Yui, you said
this was my chance...

...but what am I supposed to DO?!

Uh, I'm fine, really.

I mean, my head sorta looks
like a soccer ball anyway... it should have a
couple of lumps, right?

If playing means you keep getting
lumps, maybe I'd better stop.

I don't want you to
keep ending up like this.

Yuki, you're trying to get
into Jonan Academy, right?

Y- Yeah.

So am l.


Because you're going there.

I want to go to the
same high school as you.

Is he saying...?!

I was going to wait until we were
in high school to say this, but...

I like you. So, if it's
all right with you...

Will you go out with me?

How adorable.

Tomo! What are you going
to do with Miaka?!

This spell I've cast on
her is stronger than the ones...

...l cast on the other
Celestial Warriors.

I've trapped her physical body
to accomplish my own objective.

Have you forgotten?
I have the ability... project extensions of myself
into the illusions I create.

The very essence of me.

Then, that "Aono" boy
in the illusion...

He's a projection of you?!

I'm going to take the Priestess
of Suzaku's virginity.


Although taking a woman as a
partner usually doesn't interest me.

Miaka won't...! She isn't somebody
who'd be beaten by an illusion!

Amiboshi, you're so naive.

A girl who has just seen the boy
she loves die before her eyes...

...will flee from that harsh reality.

The Priestess is retreating
further and further...

...into her own happy fantasy.

Wow! It's fabulous!

All my favorite foods!

It's because you did so
well on your practice exam.

Just keep up the good work.

I'm usually so
bad in cram school...

...but I understood quadratic
equations so easily...

...that the teacher
complimented me!

You all should take a
lesson from Ms. Yuki here.

I was just hoping to
get into Yotsubadai...

...but it looks like I'll make
it into Jonan really easily.

Now I can go there with Yui.
And Aono, too...

I like you.

Miaka, you're drooling
into the stew.

"Today's really been
a great day for me!"

"Aono, who I've been
dreaming about for so long..."

"...told me that he liked me!"

It's really like a dream...

I'll wait for your answer.

I'll be so embarrassed
when I see him next.

Huh? Aono... What's his
first name again?

That's funny. I can't remember it.

It's this late already?!
Gotta study!

Oh, great...

"The name of a constellation."

"One of the 28 Chinese
constellations. Tamahome..."

Why is my heart suddenly...?

It feels like it's
Beingsqueezed. But why?


Maybe, if I get some air,
I'll calm down...


What's up, Aono?

Oh, well. I just...

Uh, it's slippery there!
Be careful-- time.


It's my big brother's
lucky pencil...

...from when he passed his
high school entrance exams.

I wanted you
to have it, Yuki.

You came over here...
just for this?

Thank you!

I could have given it to
you in school tomorrow...

...but I just had to see
your face again. That's all.

Sorry for interrupting
your studying.

Aono... You really care
about me that much?

Um, excuse me.

If you want to go
out with me... You can.

Really? Really?!

Because... I really
like you, too, Aono.

All right!

Yuki, I love you!

I'll never let go of you!


So easy...

Miaka! Snap out of it!
Miaka! Remember Tamahome!


Could I call you Miaka?

And can you call me Tomo?


Yes. Call me...Tomo.

I'm sorry I took so
long to call you.

I know, I know...

That's why she wanted to try
studying with Tetsuya and me.

"Go for Jonan!" you know?

Right. Heh...
I'll take care of it.

Things are fine. See you.

I have to let him handle it.

I have to let
Tamahome handle it.

It'll be okay...

You belong to me now,
body and soul.

And you shall be trapped
within this shell forever...

Illusory love. Twisted feelings.
Superficial kindness.

And the Lady Miaka,
afflicted by all of these.

Trapped within
this perverse spell...

...the thing which will awaken
the Lady Miaka from it...

...shall be a scream from the heart
which wishes to shatter the illusion.

Next time, " Deceptive Love."

True love flows from a
spring deep within the heart.