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02x03 - Strangers on a (Dublin) Train

Posted: 02/04/23 19:15
by bunniefuu
♪ We face the music together ♪

♪ And throw our hats
in the ring ♪

♪ Facing all kinds of weather ♪

♪ And not afraid of anything ♪

♪ Hey ♪

♪ When the sun comes up,
we'll be on our way ♪

♪ And we don't care
where we land ♪

♪ And the waves are high,
but we won't turn round ♪

♪ 'Cause your hand
is in my hand ♪

♪ And, oh-oh ♪

♪ You make me feel invincible ♪

♪ 'Cause it's you and me ♪

♪ Through the wind and hail ♪

♪ Setting sail into the world ♪♪

[woman over P.A.] This is
the final boarding announcement

for the : a.m. train
from Céannt Station Galway

to Dublin Hueston.

[indistinct chatter]

[woman speaking over P.A.
in distance] the train will
be leaving in five minutes.

[Paula] Jesus.
Look at all these numties.

Every single one of them
on a device.

Glued to a screen, giving
all their data away for free.

- [ringtone playing]
- Not a single book
between them.

Sad what we've become.

Hey, Mum.

Yeah, we're just leaving Galway.

So will you pick me up in,
like, two hours?

Mum, I've got, like,
half my flat with me,

and you want me
to hail down a cab?

Come pick me up.

Aren't you excited
to have your girl

coming home for a few days?



[man speaking indistinctly
over P.A.]

[Paula] Ooh, we've got a talker,
we've got a talker.

Please don't sit here, buddy,
please don't sit here.

Thank you.

[objects clanging]

Oh, God, John Candy in
Planes, Trains and Automobiles.

Keep walking, buddy.

Just keep walking.

- [clanging]
- Thank you.

Oh, no.
Oh, Irish Greta Thunberg.

No, thank you, please.

Oh, God.

Keep walking, pal.
Keep walking, pal.

Definitely got his mum's head
in that bag.

[cats meowing]


You allergic to
Tiddles and Cocoa?


Oh, it's okay.


- [cat meows]
- [sighs]


♪ ♪

Yeah, it's free.

Got it.
Go for the Angelina Jolie type

over the bookish,
interesting individual

with something to actually say.

Because maybe you'd be afraid
to hear it.


♪ ♪

[man over P.A.] Can we have
your attention, please?

We are now arriving
into Athenry Station, Athenry.

Would all passengers for
Athenry please disembark now.

Thank you very much.

[Paula] Aha.

Back in the game.

So long, Jolie.

♪ ♪

Hello. This is Paula.

Hi. Thanks so much
for getting back to me.

Yeah, I'm expecting
two packages, um,

but can you send it
to the Dublin address,

not the Galway one?

They're both on the account;
I just checked the wrong one.

Yeah, the Oxmantown Road one.

Thanks. Thanks a million.

Anyone for any tea or coffee?

- Tea or coffee? Anyone?
- Yeah...

- Uh, coffee? Tea?
- No? Nobody for tea or coffee?

That's grand, no coffee, no tea.


This is crazy, right?


They're talking about closing
down public transport now, too.

Yeah, I just heard that.

I'm sure things will return
to normal in a few days.


You coming from NUI?

- Yeah. How'd you guess?
- The, uh,

the huge pile of
academic-looking books

gave it away.

Right. Correct, yeah.

College shut down
yesterday morning, so...

How about you?

I work in tech
just outside of Galway.

They've, uh, furloughed everyone
for two weeks.

Jesus. So, where are you going?

My brother's flat in Dublin.

All of my flatmates
have moved home,

so I didn't really want
to be stuck in Galway

- if things really shut down.
- Me, neither.

What's a party town
without people?


Mind you, my brother's
a complete pain in the ass,

so I don't which is better.

But he's company.

[Paula] Invite him to your
mother's house, it's perfect.

Shut up. You just met him,
like, two minutes ago.

Yeah, and it's going so well.

God, you're lonely.

- So...
- Where are you staying?

- Sorry.
- Sorry. Uh, you go ahead.

What does "in tech"
actually mean?

I mean,
it's something I hear a lot,

but I just kind of
nod along, but...

So, I work for a company
that targets advertising

- for produce companies.
- Oh, cool.

- So you work in advertising.
- No. I-I work in tech.

I handle
six or seven companies' accounts

and work with them finding

target consumers
for their brands,

so they don't waste their time

advertising to people who are
never gonna buy their products.

Uh, we run algorithms based on
tracking consumer preferences,

try to forecast
and model their actions.

What about you?

I'm a medievalist.


They didn't do so much of that
back then.

Well, their, uh, their
processors were just too slow.

[laughs softly]

Sorry, uh, do you mind,

I'm just getting a crick
in my neck at this angle.

- Is it okay if I, uh...
- Yeah. Sorry.

Go ahead.

[exhales] Ah. That's better.

What were you saying?

Can't remember. Sorry.

- Can I ask you
a funny question?
- Sure.

When you first got on, how come
you sat over there with her,

when you had the option
of the two tables?

I just prefer to sit facing
the direction we're going in.

That's all.

Now you're sitting
the opposite way.

Yeah, but I'm facing you.

So my neurosis can
take a back seat for a bit.

It's not a big thing.
Just a little quirk.

It's not like it dominates
my life or anything.

Do you want to swap seats?


♪ ♪


Uh, so, where are you staying
till college reopens?

- Uh, my mum's house.
- Uh-huh.

You say that
with a hint of anxiety.

Yeah, I've just loved being away
for the last few years,

so the idea of going back
for a couple of weeks...

I love her,
but she's one of those people

you have to physically ask
to stop talking.

Plus, she doesn't have a TV.

- What? Really?
- Yeah. No Wi-Fi, either.

- You're gonna k*ll yourself.
- Yup.

Yup. She just...

paints, writes poetry
and listens to the radio

and tends to her indoor plants.

She sounds brilliant.

She kind of is.

- Plus, she smokes grass.
- No way.

- Yeah.
- She sounds a little
like my brother.

Without all the painting,
poetry or...

any of the creativity at all.

- Really? Bit of a stoner?
- He's like Snoop Dogg

and all
of Seth Rogen's performances

in all of his movies
rolled into one...

- big joint.
- I'd definitely like
to meet him.

I don't know if you'd get along.

Your mum might, though.

♪ ♪

So, how long do you think
this thing is liable to last?

I think seminars
are going back on the th,

so couple of weeks.

So, you're a big reader?


Tell me about medievalism.

- Like, in one sentence?
- Sure.

God, you'd know you work
in advertising.

I don't. I work in tech.

I don't think I can even begin
to explain what medievalism is

in one train ride,
let alone one sentence.

- That's okay.
- It doesn't want
to be described.

- I get it.
- You like things that
fit in neatly, right?

I guess I do. Big Tetris fan.

Mm. Well, I like things
that can't be explained,

that just go on and on,
like an onion.

- Yeah, but onions end.
- Like a really big onion, then.

One that would take
my whole life

just to write the prologue to.

I like that.

I don't like getting
to the ends of things.

I'm the exact opposite.

Show me how it works,
what it's called,

how it fits in, and I don't...
I don't need to know

anything else.
I don't have a scholarly mind.

I fall asleep at anything deeper
than Malcolm Gladwell.

Well, still,
I'm glad you sat here.


Yeah. You're way better
than the serial k*ller.


[strings play
horror movie sting]

No, Paula.

I'm the serial k*ller.


It's me.

This is a horror,

not a romance.

You should have sat
next to someone else.

Okay, you're way too good
at that.


How do you know my name?

You mentioned it on the phone.

Didn't realize
you were paying attention.

And who said anything
about a romance?

[gentle guitar music playing]

Sorry, is this bothering you?

- No.
- Go ahead.

♪ You look so happy ♪

♪ Upon that train ♪

♪ Strangers two minutes ago ♪

♪ Loudly laughing
and sharing a joke ♪

♪ There's nothing
about each other ♪

♪ That they don't know ♪

- [fingers snap rhythmically]
- ♪ They're so good-looking ♪

♪ And they're both young, too ♪

♪ Looks like
we've got ourselves ♪

♪ A meet cute ♪

♪ It's impossibly cute ♪

♪ Aren't you up for them? ♪

♪ Don't you wish
you were them? ♪

♪ A meet cute ♪

- [meows]
- ♪ It's disgustingly cute ♪

♪ Let's hope that nothing gets
in their way ♪

♪ They're just strangers
on a train ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ They're just strangers
on a train ♪

♪ Life leads them along ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ They're just strangers ♪

♪ On a train ♪♪

[quietly] That was weird.

That was really weird.

♪ ♪

I guess we're here, then.

The end of the line.

[low, indistinct chatter nearby]

Which way you going?

North side. You?


Well, it was really nice
to meet you.

Yeah, you, too.

You made the journey
a lot shorter than usual.

- I guess we should get off now.
- Yeah. Right.

Suppose we should.

Yes, you should.

It's like an evacuation
before a coup.

I feel like I'm
in a black-and-white w*r movie.

What the f*ck?

[man over P.A.] I repeat,
all Irish trains

are now cancelled
until further notice.

I'm that way.


So long.


- - ...
- No, no. No.

Meet me here on the th.

The first train back to college,

when this sh*t is lifted.

Right here.

The th.

Two weeks from now.

I'll be here.

You're amazing.

I'm so glad you got this train.

You sure you don't want
my number?

I'm sure.

You'll show up.

Pretty confident, aren't you?

Not normally, no.

Anyway, I don't want to spend
the next two weeks

texting and DMing you
like a teenager.

It's just...
it's just frustrating.

This is old-school.

Like something
out of the Middle Ages.

If it's meant to be,

I'll see you right here,

the first Galway train, th.

Two weeks isn't too long.

It'll fly by.

[whispers] I really want
to kiss you now.

We probably shouldn't.

I know.

♪ ♪

Thanks a million!


Hi, my mum.

- Hi, baby.
- Hi.

- You're sweating.
- Yeah.

The Uber driver wouldn't help me

- with my bags, so...
- Wasn't very Uber then, was he?

Get it? Uber.

Yeah, I know, I got it.
It's lame.

- How are you?
- Fantastic!

- I'm cocooning.
- What?

Means I don't have to see
any of the neighbors I hate.

It's wonderful.


Did you bring wine?

Yeah, of course.

[door opens]


I see you were expecting me.

Thought it was tomorrow.

That's a sentence
every visitor loves to hear.

I like the look.

- What's wrong with it?
- You look like
you should either be diving

on a Victorian beach
or being sh*t out of a cannon.

How long you staying for again?

I'm furloughed for two weeks.

What, are you in the army now?

Let's go to a music hall
and find some whores!

Well, at least
you're dressed for it.

All right.

Come on in.

I was gonna give that spare room
a deep cleaning anyway.

- How are ya, bro?
- [Paula] So, what exactly

is cocooning?

It's total lockdown.

You're not even allowed to go
to the shops.

It's like the blitz.

But surely that's only if things
get really serious.

I mean, they haven't
implemented it yet, have they?

No, but they're going to.

Rumor has it.



you tell me all about
this boy on the train,

while I roll a spliff.

Wow. It's either shrunk or I've
grown since I was last here.

[Declan] It just looks smaller
'cause of me stuff.

[Michael] What is all this crap?

Just bric-a-brac I find
in skips and that.

Stuff this capitalist society
deems useless.

So you're like a Womble.

It's all good stuff, man.


There's a bed here somewhere,

I'll have all this cleaned out
in a jiffy.

But I do need to get you
new sheets.

Come on.

I need breakfast.

And I, lunch.

[Declan] She sounds great.

Do you have a photograph of her?

No. Now, why would I do that?

We were connecting. It was real.

Why would I just take
her photograph?

So I could see her.
What about her socials?

- Has she got
a Facebook account?
- I don't know.

- Insta?
- I don't know.

- Can you find out?
- I don't know her second name.

Why don't you text her?

I don't have her number
or her email or her address.

So how are you gonna contact
this woman?

I'm not.

We arranged to meet
on the Galway train on the th

two weeks from now.

That is so f*ckin' romantic.


Strangers on a Train!

Except maybe
without the double murders.

So more like Before Sunset,
I was thinking.

[exhales] Oh...
I f*cking love this.

- She's never gonna show.
- How do you know?

Because you only met her on
the train for, like, two hours.

Of course she is.
It was a deep connection.

She's not gonna show.
Trust me. She's a lady.

She's gonna wake up and forget
a little bit more about you

each day, and meanwhile,
you'll do the opposite.

This is why God invented
phone numbers.

To keep reminding her of you
again and again.

It's m*llitary.

You needed to close the deal.

You've never been
a deal closer, Michael.

And sadly, that has
always been the difference

between me and you.

- [Jane] Hmm.
- I think he's actually

in advertising,
but he calls it "tech."

You sure about this guy?

I know. On paper,
I kind of hate him.

But it doesn't matter.

Oh, bless.

I feel like there's
so much pressure

around compatibility these days,

and all we have
to have in common,

but what about the benefits
of incompatibility?

[Declan] If you don't have
her phone number,

how are you gonna do
some sexting?

I don't want to do some sexting.

- She's a modern woman.
- Isn't that the whole point

- of having a mobile phone,
- Yes.

That's the entire reason
they were invented: sexting.

This was a complex connection,
not some teen hookup

on the train.

She's... she is amazing.

Eh, I'll be the judge of that.

What's she studying?

- She's a medievalist.
- Okay.

So, like...

Game of Thrones and stuff?

Cool. I'm starting to like
this girl.

[Jane] It's nearly two years

that you've been at college,
and you haven't met anyone.

I'd slept with the entire
faculty within two months.


I'm joking.

It was more like a semester.

Oh, God.

[Paula] Great.

I'm gonna make up my room.

No, already done.

- Oh... thank you.
- Fresh sheets.

I opened a window.

Thank you.

I wonder if it'll feel
small and reduced

now that I haven't been there
in so long.

[both chuckle]

You comfy?

Perfect. Thanks, dude.

Well, glad to have you, amigo.

- [toothbrush clinks]
- [water turns off]

[takes deep breath]
Night night.

Night, dude.

What the f*ck?

I'm going out.

- It's : .
- Yeah.

We can't all be
prematurely middle-aged

and sorted like you, man.

- I need to find a woman
before we lock down.
- Where?

- In the city, full of women.
- Oh.

And I'm not that sorted,

which is why I'm lying here
on my own

with no one
to say good night to,

next to a tuba and
my bowler hat in the corner.

Yeah, we do worry
about that, man.

How come you haven't found
someone in that massive company?

Don't women actually have
half the jobs now?

That's a lot of women
to choose from.

Just haven't... clicked.

Plus, it's Galway, where
everybody's drunk all the time.

You would've thought someone
had at least... kissed you

- after two years.
- I kissed loads of girls.

Well, then what's the problem?

Just, no one's stopped me
in my tracks.

Well, that's what
I'm about to do.

Grab a girl in the street
and give her a long kiss.

You'd swear this is going
to last months.

It'll all be back to normal
in a couple of weeks.

Some forecaster you are, man.

Good night.


[door opens in distance]

[door closes]

[sighs] f*cking idiot.

♪ ♪

[electronic dinging]

[takes deep breath]

Hi, my stranger on a train.

I didn't get your number,
so I can't leave you a message,

but if I could, I would say...

..."Thinking of you.

Good night."

God, you're such a loser.

- [head thumps]
- [groans]

- [clattering]
- [muttering]

Tiny f*cking childhood bedroom.

- All right.
- ♪ Lockdown ♪

- ♪ Dublin ♪
- Let's do this.

- ♪ Stayin' out of trouble ♪
- Let's get to work.

♪ Trying ♪

♪ To keep fit ♪

♪ Making lots of sh*t ♪

♪ Lockdown ♪

- ♪ Dublin ♪
- ♪ Locked in a bubble ♪

♪ Whiskey drinking ♪

♪ I'm thinking that my life
depended on it ♪

♪ The less I know of you ♪

♪ The more I love ya ♪

- ♪ The less I seek from you ♪
- I love this.

♪ The more I gain ♪

Get up now, get up.
Raise your chin up...

♪ The precious little time
we had ♪

♪ Keeps weighing in my head ♪

♪ The less I know of you ♪

♪ The more I want you
in my bed ♪

♪ The more I got you
in my head ♪

♪ The more I want you
in my bed ♪

- [imitates expl*si*n]
- ♪ The more I got you
in my head ♪

That was great.

What next?

- There's another two.
- Really?


♪ ♪

- ♪ ♪
- [both speaking indistinctly]

If we say, what, two to three...

[both stammering]

If we, if we sow now,
we can win... we can winter...

- ♪ I want you in my bed ♪
- ♪ Want you in my bed...

[newswoman] With the hope
of covering all aspects

of the Irish economy...

♪ I want you in my bed ♪

♪ The more I got you
in my head...

[newswoman] ...recommendations
to extend them

for a further three weeks.

The current
two-kilometer lockdown

to remain in force.

♪ In my bed...

Good morning.

What's got you all spruced up?

[Michael] I have an appointment.

It's the big day.

Oh, yeah, the train girl.

But hang on.

Isn't the limit two K
from home now?

- I know, but...
- And how far is Hueston?

Like... six.

Well, then.

I just know
she's gonna be there.

This was so right.

I know she feels the same way.

It's like telepathy.

Let me borrow your car.


You can't break the two K, dude.

I'm sure you'll
bump into her again.

- It's Ireland. It's tiny.
- Yeah, I can't rely on that.

I've never been so sure
of anyone in my life.

Well, you can't break
the lockdown.

- That's totally indefensible.
- I get it,

but this is a special situation.

What if I never see her again?

Special? Special how?

It seems like
it's just your situation.

she's not gonna be there.

How do you know?

[Jane] Of course he'll show up.

I'm not breaking restrictions,
Mum, it's wrong.

Anyway, it's my own fault
for not getting his number.

You didn't think you'd need to.

It's totally romantic.
It's wonderful.

You relied on your connection.

It's sheer poetry.

Sheer poetry?

[Declan] It's amazing
how you tech liberals

are always the ones
to break the rules.

They start out
all disruptive and cool,

and then it's like, "Oh,
but we don't want to pay taxes,

and we don't want to give
our workers

their rights, 'cause we're
just a scrappy little startup

that started over a pizza shop,

and the rules don't apply to us
now that we have the wealth

of a medium-sized country."

for the character assassination.

I'm not a startup guy.
I'm a computer genius.

Also, I can't believe
you're the one who's all

- rule-bound suddenly.
- Where's the f*ckin'

Top right of the cupboard.

You've never followed
a rule in your life.

It's not just a rule,
it's common sense.

It's about caring
for your neighbor

and not just yourself
as the lead

of some bogus narrative
you want to be in.

This is real life, Michael.

Exactly. It's my life.

You are literally one step away

from: "It's a free country,
and I can do what I want."

But it is.

- It's my life. I only get one.
- No, it isn't.

It's our life,
and we're all in this together.

And for the first time,
the world might actually unite.

But you're more interested
in what happened

to some girl who you met
on a train for half an hour.

There's millions of them, man.
They're just girls.

Yeah, not this girl.

If you met her,
you'd know what I mean.

You of all people would
totally give me your blessing.

Anyway, maybe he
wasn't even that special.

You know?

His facial hair was
kind of annoying.

And he works
in a business I loathe.

He sounded wonderful.

Lots of people are wonderful.

What if he shows up
and you don't?

You'll never know.

He's not gonna show up, Mum.

He's a really responsible
type of guy,

and he's not just gonna
flout the rules

for someone like me.

But I need to know
how this turns out.

I've got bets
with all the neighbors

on whether he'll show up.


The whole street is
on tenterhooks.

[Declan] This isn't about you!

It's about the world
coming together!

You saw the Gal Gadot video.

Hell, we all saw it
and we all cried.

Listen to Gal Gadot
and her celebrity mates.

This'll pass
and get back to normal,

and I'll be on my own again.

I'll be damned if I'm gonna miss

this one chance
at something real

because of some temporary rules.

This woman was incredible.

I haven't spent a minute

not thinking
about everything she said.

If she shows up and I don't,

I'll never forgive myself.

It'll-it'll haunt me.

I'll be like some broken ghost
in a Dickens novel

haunting the railway station.

I'm not gonna
physically stop you, dude,

but don't ask my blessing.

You do what you want.

Anyway, she's not gonna show.

Wanna bet?


Okay, this is my actual life
we're talking about,

not some soap opera
or horse race.

I know,

and... I truly hope
you find happiness.

Do you?

Of course.

You're my little girl.

But I have a lot of money
riding on this.

If she's not there,

I'll pay your rent
for the next year.

Oh, my God.

You would stoop so low?


What's in it for you?

Just a loan of your bicycle.

But, like, quickly, 'cause
I have to be there in, like...

ten minutes.

The whole year?

I promise.

But only if she's not there,
so if you don't let me go

and give me your bicycle,
you'll never find out.

f*ck you, man.
You're such a manipulator.

I know. I'm in advertising.

♪ ♪




- Hi!
- [officer] Hi.

Are you well?

Great, yeah.

Uh, I'm just taking
some exercise.





Where are you from, please?

Uh, well, I-I live in Galway,

but I'm staying
at my brother's in Dublin.

Yeah, I don't know him

Where are you living?


Okay, you got me.

I'm outside the two-K limit.

I'm just gonna be honest
with you, I'm staying

- in Inchicore.
- All right, back you go.

- Really?
- Very really.

Uh... look,
can I tell you a story?

You might get this, being a...

Being a what?

I really need to get
to that train station.

- There's no trains running.
- I know.

I'm not trying to catch a train.

I'm trying to catch a girl.

two weeks ago, I met
the love of my life on a train.

She's a medieval student
from NUI.

Really brainy,
but-but funny and quirky.

And we promised
to meet back here,

thinking the lockdown
would only last the two weeks.

Why don't you just ring her?

I didn't get her number

or any of her contact details.

[chuckles] Why the hell not?

Because it seemed like
we connected so well

that we'd both show up.

Look, we had no idea how serious
this was going to get.

But we connected so deeply.

She is amazing.

And if I don't get
to see her now,

I can't think of how I'll
ever get to meet her again.


I've heard a lot
of excuses today,

but that really is
quite touching.


No! It's the most stupid thing
I've ever heard.

Anyway, she won't be there.

- How do you know?
- 'Cause there's checkpoints
all around this area.

And there's not a guard
in Ireland

that'll believe that sh*t.

Now, go home.

We're all in this together?

What do you think this is?

Some movie on Netflix? Home.

♪ Imagine all the people ♪

- ♪ Living in...
- Get the f*ck home!

Right, yeah, all right.

- Okay, okay, gotcha.
- f*ckin' hell.

♪ ♪

So is that it?

Is that the end?



I guess so.

♪ ♪

[whispers] What was it?



[muffled] Yeah,
the Oxmantown Road one.


Cowslip Lane?

[muffled] Oxmantown...

Ox... Oxman.

[muffled] Oxmantown...


Yeah, the Oxmantown Road one.

Oxmantown Road.

Oxmantown Road.

I have a street.

Look after that car.
It's vintage.

I will.

Text me later and let me know
how you're getting on.

And if you need provisions,
I'll cycle over.

Thanks, bro. Think I'm all set.

- You're a mad bollocks.
- [♪ Aztec Camera:
"Walk Out to Winter"]

♪ We met in the summer
and walked till the fall ♪

- [starts engine]
- ♪ And breathless we talked,
it was tongues ♪

♪ Despite what they'll say ♪

♪ It wasn't youth,
we'd hit the truth ♪

♪ Faces of Strummer
that fell from your wall ♪

♪ And nothing was left
where they hung ♪

♪ So sweet and bitter ♪

♪ They're what we found ♪

♪ So drink them down and ♪

♪ Walk out to winter ♪

♪ Swear I'll be there ♪

♪ Chill will wake you ♪

♪ High and dry ♪

♪ You'll wonder why ♪

♪ Walk out to winter ♪

♪ Swear I'll be there ♪

♪ Chance is buried ♪

♪ Just below the blinding snow ♪

♪ You burn in the breadline ♪

♪ And ribbons and all ♪

♪ So walk to winter ♪

♪ You won't be late ♪

♪ You'll always wait ♪

♪ This generation ♪

♪ The walk to the wall ♪

♪ But I'm not angry ♪

♪ Get your gear ♪

♪ Get out of here and ♪

♪ Walk out to winter ♪

♪ Swear I'll be there ♪

♪ Chill will wake you ♪

♪ High and dry ♪

♪ You'll wonder why ♪

♪ Walk out to winter ♪

♪ Swear I'll be there ♪

♪ Chance is buried ♪

♪ Just below ♪

♪ The blinding snow ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Walk out to winter ♪

♪ Swear I'll be there ♪

♪ Chill will wake you ♪

♪ High and dry ♪

♪ You'll wonder why ♪

♪ Walk out to winter ♪

♪ Swear I'll be...