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02x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 02/04/23 19:26
by bunniefuu
[Nick] As you know, I am an addict,

and part of the process of my recovery
is that I must make amends

to those I have wronged.

I have wronged you,
and so I owe you an amends.

Oh, Nick, seriously
you don't owe me anything...

I'm really going to need you
to accept my amends now.

All right, amends accepted.

- [chuckles]
- [clapping]

- [laughs]
- Yay!

Now while I'm doing the steps,

alcohol is only permitted
in the northeast corner of this room

and also, I'm running
a buddy system in the toilets.

You and I are not allowed to go
to the toilet unless Jack is with us.

All right.

I kind of just want to get back to work.
I want things to be normal,

like where's Pete?

"Where's Pete?"

"Where is Pete?" she asks.

I've got Pete working behind the bar

until he can write a joke
that's not about jizz.

Sounds like you've implemented
some really positive changes around here.

Very funny. Not.

Joke's on you anyway,
because I get a % discount on burgers

- on weekdays before :  p.m.
- Ah.

Oh, Pete, can you get me a ginger ale?

[clicks tongue]

Right, so what's your game plan, Mae?

Oh, okay, so I think
I'm just gonna go and talk to George

and I'm gonna be like,
"Look, I pushed you away.

"I thought I had to fix my brain
by myself,

but really we could work through some..."

- I'm talking about your career, Mae.
- Oh. Uh...

Donna Ridley has been emailing me
about you.

She wants to represent you,
which is f*cked,

because I've been trying
to get her to sign me for five years.

Who is Donna Ridley?

Donna's a massive agent.

- [Nick] Yeah.
- Is she? All right.

Well, that's wicked.

Well, maybe I'll get her to sign me.

'Cause if I sign with her,
I can go to George's and I can be like,

"Look, I'm really
getting my shit together."

Or I was thinking maybe you and I
could go out to a nice French restaurant

or something.

[phone ringing]

So I've never really had an agent before,
but I do seriously want to get on TV.

- When's your birthday?
- Uh, it's May nd.

Uh, when is... when is yours?

October st.

Oh, that's spooky.

Why is it spooky?

It's Halloween.

See? Look at us. We're talking,
we're building a relationship.

I really want to work with you, Mae.
What do you think?

I think that's sickhead to the max.

Yeah, 'cause I've been kind of plateaued
at one tier for a while,

but I have all this new material.

- Great. What's it about?
- Okay. So sloths.

Um, Chevy Chase.

- Also, noodles is one.
- [Donna] No.

Wrong. See,
what I love about you is you're very now.

You're an addict.
You're anxious. You're trans.

Am I trans? 'Cause I'm kind of
on the fence...

You look like something
out of Deep Space Nine.

You're a lonely millennial.

Oh, I'm thinking about getting back
together with my ex-girlfriend.

Really? The one from your set?
Who made you feel like a dog?

Well, I mean, you haven't seen her
and she glows like the Olympic flame.

I don't like it.

What I love
is you've come from outer space.

You've left your terrible relationship
and you're ready to f*ck.

Yeah. Um...

I'm gonna think about it.
And also, I'm so sorry,

but I have an appointment
with my butcher.

Okay, babe, but when you're ready
to get as excited about yourself

as I am about you, give me a bell.

I'll bring the big boss to see you.
Get me Cindy on the line?

- I want to talk about Vice.

- [whispering] I'm on the phone.
- Okay.

[upbeat song playing]


- Hey!
- Mae!

- [chuckling] Hi. How are you?
- Hi.

I didn't... Wha...

[laughing] What?

I... I didn't know you were back.

Yeah, um, I've been back
a couple of weeks and I just...

I didn't... I didn't call,

'cause I just thought I'd come by
and see how... how you are.

And I mean, I forgot what you look like.
It's crazy.

I mean,
you look like the archangel Gabriel,

through the clouds shining down
into a splendor upon us from heaven.

Hi. Listen, I've got to run,
but I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?

- Is that a work colleague?
- I'm so sorry. I didn't...

Because I didn't... I didn't know
that you were... that you were coming.


So you two are snacking fresh?

You're dating that handsome hunk?

It's just that when you...
when you, like, ended things for good,

I... I just sort of...

It's tubular, dude.

- I brought these for Phil anyway.
- Oh God. Mae.

No, look, it's fine. I'm happy for you
and also, I'm happy for me,

because I'm also...
I'm dating someone as well.


- Yeah.
- Who?

I'm dating Jack.

- Okay.
- Anyway, I'm gonna go.

I don't want to bother you anymore.

- Oh God.
- Oh no, George.

Listen. Oh, I f*cked this up
'cause I ended things,

I drew a line under it,
and it was such a mess with us

and this is good, you know?

It's probably like healthy, I think,
that... that you're seeing someone.

- Like, it's fast, but it's probably...
- Mae, I really want you in my life.

So can we be friends?



I'd absolutely love to be your friend.

- Would you give these to Phil?
- Yep.

- And tell him I love him?
- [inhales sharply]

- I'm not gonna be her friend.
- [Scott on phone] Why not?

Because I can see
my unborn children in her eyes.

Right now you can, but that'll pass.

Oh, man, you should have seen this guy.
He's so f*cking cool.

He probably like takes her dancing
and like spins around on the dance floor.

Oh, man, I knew
she'd get a boyfriend right away.

I should never have dated
a bisexual person.

- Aren't you bisexual?
- Yes.

Yes, I am.

Probably bounced on more balls
than she has,

but I'm also a massive, massive hypocrite.

[Scott] Look, you ended things
with her for a reason,

because you wanted her to be happy.

Now it's your job to be a big boy
and be her friend.

What am I supposed to do, like
hang out with her and her new boyfriend?

Prove to her that you've grown.

How come you don't live here?

Oh, we've been over this.
I'm very busy masturbating into a sock.


All right. I'll ask her to hang out.

Thanks, Scott. Love you. Bye.

Mae, do you want...

- Ow!
- Oh shit!

Sorry. Sorry.

Listen, I'm thinking about asking George
and her new boyfriend on a double date.

- Would you mind going with me?
- What, you and me?

I've never wanted anything more!

Great. Also, I accidentally lied
and I told them we're dating,

so you just have
to like pretend that you love me.

- [door opens, closes]
- But, I do love you.

Hi, uh, so as... as you know,

Elliott and I wanted to set up a group
to discuss social activism

and try and find ways
for the students to get involved as well.

- Um, I want to do like a big event like...
- Sorry.

Before we start, maybe we should check in?

- Check in?
- Hi. I'm Elliott.

I'm a bi-poly-cis man,

and really happy to be sharing the space
with like-minded individuals.

Becky, cishet.

Uh, today, I am really struggling
with the amount of space I'm taking up

as a polluter against the amount of space

that I rightfully should be taking up
as a woman.

- Troubling.
- Yeah.

I'm Clocky.

Clocky Powers,
gay as a hog, and I'm raging.

Pauline, the dinner lady,
knows I can't stand coriander,

and today my saucy sarnie
was absolutely chocker with it.

Now, she says it was an accident,
but I know.

It's 'cause I said her daughter
looked like Harvey Keitel.

Okay. Um...

Well, I've... I've never really,
like, "checked in" before

but, uh, hi.

I'm George
and I'm trying to grow as a person.

George, great check in.

Um, I noticed that you didn't identify?

Yeah. I don't... I don't really do that.

Like, I'm... I'm just George.

Okay. Well,

I'm... I'm seeing Elliott and...

But I did have a girlfriend called Mae.

- Oh.
- Well, it was quite roller-coastery.

Like, she's an addict.

Um, coke, and...

Well, I do think... I think she might
have dealt heroin as a teenager.

Um, anyway, but that's all.
That's great now, that's fine.

Yeah. So.

Um, actually Elliott and I
are going on a double date

with her and her new boyfriend
on Saturday, so you know,

who knows,
maybe we'll all just have a big g*ng bang.

Um, Mae sounds like
she's incredibly vulnerable.

Are you sort of sure it's safe
to be still spending time together,

you know, especially
if the relationship was toxic?


No, it wasn't... it wasn't...

Becky, I think if George is open
to processing with Mae,

then friendship with an ex
can really help put a full stop

on a painful chapter, don't you think?

Oh my God, you are
so emotionally literate.

[Egyptian music playing]

- Christmas Jones! Sorry.
- Oh! f*ck you! [laughs]

- I wish I didn't do that.
- No, it was... it was funny.

[sighs] Okay, sorry. Jack's parking,
so I thought I'd spook you.

- Okay.
- Good day, time travelers.

My name is Professor Spink
and welcome to...

I'm so sorry.
We're waiting for a couple of people.

- It's really nice to see you.
- Yeah, you too.

Absolutely lovely.

How are you, and how's Elliott?

Is the... And is the sex good?

Mae, come on. You can't... Don't do that.

That's not fair.
You broke up with me, remember?

Yeah. No, I did.

- Do you really want to know?
- Yes. Yes.

It is... It's quite...


What do you mean, tender?

Like he kind of likes to make eye contact
and, like, emotionally connect.

[laughs] Oh my God. During?

- Yeah.
- That's crazy.

I would never emotionally connect
with you during sex.

Doesn't he know all you want
is to get thrown around

- like a slutty bag of beans?
- [laughs]

- Oh, I forgot you're funny.
- [both laugh]

- Hey, baby.
- Hi.



- Thank you.
- [clears throat]

- George.
- Jack.

I'm on shrooms.

- You're on mushrooms?
- Yeah.

Guys, I'm so sorry I'm late.

So sorry.

- Hey. Hey.
- Hey, gorgeous.

He's fit.

- [Elliott] Mae.
- Hi.

- I've heard so much about you.
- Oh, good.

I think it's really beautiful
that you suggested this.

Oh, yes, yes. Beautiful.

Welcome, time travelers, to ancient Egypt.

It appears
that my evil twin brother, Dr. Spink,

has trapped us in Tutankhamun's tomb.

Oh, no.

You have one hour to escape the tomb

and stop Ragnarök with the Orb of Ra!

And please don't pull
the stuff off the walls, okay?

Otherwise I get
a right f*cking bollocking, yeah?

- [laughing] Do that again.
- [laughing] Like the legs?

Mae, so you and Jack
seem like a wonderful couple.

Oh, yeah.

- We really are. He's a very special guy.
- Great.

Oh. [gasps]

Listen, I think it's great that you and
George have got to this place of closure

so quickly.

Yeah, we've always moved
very quickly through the stages of...

Like, we... we moved in together
insanely quickly, actually.

Perhaps that acceleration
contributed to it ending.

I don't think maybe we need
to talk about this right now.

Well, maybe Mae wants to talk about it.

- Yeah. Okay.
- [Mae] Um...

To be honest,
we've never really talked about it.

- And it was my fault that it ended.
- It was... It was my fault that it ended.

George, what are you talking about?
I came into your life like a tornado

full of sticks and poo.


[eerie moan]


I made Mae, like, erratic and anxious,
by keeping you a secret.

- I mean, I... I was so repressed.
- That's not true.

She self-destructed.

I mean, what did that look like?

She relapsed.

Okay, I mean, look, it was one night
of coke with a sad businessman.


- You did coke?
- I thought that's what...

Mae, I was talking about the pills
in the hospital. You did coke?

Look, I f*cked up,
but then I went to rehab in Canada

and now I'm absolutely fine now.

You went to rehab and I was like...

I was just here hooking up
with someone else. Mae, I'm so sorry.

I mean, I hooked up
with someone first anyway.

What, who? Jack?

I had sex with Lava.

Oh f*ck off. What?


- Do you still have feelings for her?
- No, I do not.

- I do not. Of course not.
- 'Cause I just always felt important...


[Professor Spink] Okay, say cheese!

Can you stop crying?

- Cheese.
- Cheese!

Oh God.

Oh God, I'm so sorry, Elliott.
That was hell.


Yeah, well, but look, George, I would
never ever, ever tell you what to do.

- All right?
- Yeah.

It just feels like
if you guys can't even spend ten minutes

in an Egyptian tomb
without completely imploding,

some real healing needs to happen
before you spend time together.

[sighs] What do I do?

I mean, look, it's not for me to say.
It really isn't.

- And as a rule, I never give any advice.
- Okay.

But I would completely cut contact.

- Hey. You okay?
- Hi.



I guess we're not really friends yet,
are we?

- Maybe we should like just...
- Yeah.


Can you promise me
that you are not going to self-destruct?


'Course I'm not... [snorts]

'Course I'm not gonna self-destruct.

- So what are you gonna do now?
- I think I'm gonna self-destruct.

- [phone camera clicks]
- Hello?

Sorry, I'm a massive fan of your comedy.
Sorry for being weird.

- Ah.
- I just think you're really brave,

like getting clean.

Can't wait to see
what you do next. [chuckles]

She's gonna self-destruct.

- [woman] Oh.
- Well, I...


I hope you don't. [laughs]


- Bye.
- [Mae] Bye.

I... I hope you don't either, by the way.

[rock music playing]

I'm so glad you called.
I told everyone in the office about you.

Like I'm totally f*cking hog wild.

I even brought the big boss to see you.
Why don't you do some trans stuff tonight?

- Okay. So do you think I'm trans?
- And take a groupie home after the show.

We love that. Do you know
we used to represent David Wells?

The rebel rock star comedian of the s.

Didn't he die in a hotel room?

Where can I get
like a pint of wine around here?

Hey, can you tell Donna
I'm looking to sign with someone too.

Yeah, yeah, I guess, yeah.

All right, what's up?


I miss George.

I miss blow.
But we're both better off now.

Are we?

Because I just keep replaying the past.

Check this out.

- Thirty days sober.
- That's good.

Well done, man. Well done.

You see this key chain,
and Donna out there.

That's progress.
We're getting shit done.

So stop acting like
some aging retired rocker.

You're and you look .

- [laughs]
- Look ahead.

Leave all that toxic shit in the past.

[atmospheric music playing]

[phone vibrating]

- Hi.
- Hey. Hi, it's Mae.

Uh, Mae Martin.

Yeah. [chuckles]

I... I'm really sorry for calling.
I just... I wanted to ask you something.

Um, do you think
that we were, like, toxic?

I keep hearing that word.

Um, I don't know anymore.


Yeah, maybe sometimes,

but then didn't it sometimes
also feel good?


Like pushing on a bruise, you know?

Yeah, f*ck, it did.

Do you remember, like,
that first night that we met?

- [doorbell rings]
- Is someone at the door?

- Perhaps a package you need to sign for?
- I've got an Elliott.

Elliott's coming over.

Oh. Um...

Yeah, cool.

Okay. Well, I have to go anyway.
I have to go on stage,

and after the show, I'll probably
have sexual intercourse with Jack.

- Okay.
- [Mae] Maybe a fan.

Just do some really
sort of f*cked-up stuff.

- Okay.
- So you enjoy being tender with Elliott.


And I will talk to you
in a couple of months.

Okay. Bye.

Are we really having
sexual intercourse later?

Part of the process of my recovery
is that I must make amends

to those I have wronged.

I have wronged you all
and I owe you an amends.

[audience laughing]

Stop laughing, this... this isn't a joke.

[audience laughing]

Whatever. Just, um, welcome to the stage,

Mae Martin.

[audience cheering, applauding]

Uh, I'm Mae,
it's nice to be back at the Gag Bin.

[audience cheering]

Um, so what do you guys think
about Chevy Chase?

You think that guy's
pretty wackadoodle or what?

[scattered laugh]


Do you want to talk
about my personal despair?

- [audience] Yeah.
- Is that more...

Yeah. All right. Well,
I broke up with my girlfriend recently.

- [woman] Aw.
- Thank you for your sympathy,

um, and she's on a date right now

and I'm just a dehydrated Sea-Monkey,
I guess, waiting to be reanimated

- by a droplet of her love.
- [audience laughing]

My point is if anybody wants me
to ferociously finger them after the show,

I'm more than happy to do that.

- Whoo! Yes! Pick me!
- [audience laughing, applauding]

Wow. Okay. Thank you.

[narrator on TV]
For the q*eer Amish farmers,

Rumspringa is a welcome respite...

Can you pass the wasabi peas?

- Yeah.
- Please.



So, hey.

So, I'm... I'm really loving this doc,

but, um, there's this...
there's this really fit

Ukrainian group sex video on YouPorn
that I've been w*nk*ng to recently.

- Right.
- Wait. I'm actually gonna...

[switches off TV]

So it's set in this, um,
in this Soviet nunnery

and the nuns are routinely punished
by their lecherous archbishop,

and I mean like punished in the ass.

Like, it's wild.

- Yeah, I was really enjoying connecting...
- [woman moaning on phone]

...and learning with you tonight.

- Do you know what I mean?
- Yeah.

- [woman moaning]
- Whoa, that is f*cked up.


And it's like... it's like you said,
coming out is like going through puberty

and there's just like so much stuff
I want to try.

I've never been with a bisexual guy,

like, maybe you and another guy
could pulverize me.

- George!
- What?

Where'd you learn to normalize
that type of aggressive language?


It just seems like what you're into
is rooted in problematic power dynamics.

Yeah, but that's... that can be fit.

Like... like, sex can be f*cked up.

- Like Jafar and Jasmin.
- George, you deserve more than Jafar.

No, I'm the Jafar.

Okay, you have got
a lot of unlearning to do.

All right? Um...

[laughs] Okay, here's a collection
of essays on feminist sexuality.

- Yeah? Just to get you started.
- Okay.

Here's a chapter on the link
between the male orgasm and w*r crimes.

I just wanted to watch a bishop smack
a nun on the p*ssy with a Bible, okay?

[Donna] And I'm sitting there
watching you, thinking, there's that pain,

you know? And that's your generation.

You're sad. You're really, really sad.

So you're... you're not gonna sign me?

Oh my God, if you don't sign with me,
I will commit arson.

- The big boss loved it.
- Really?

[Donna] Mm-hmm.

Okay, so great.
Thank you. So I have an agent.

- Absolutely, you do.
- Oh, sick!

We'll speak tomorrow.
We've got a lot of work to do,

and there's already a groupie
waiting for you outside the door.

To f*ck you, babe.

- Oh, yeah. Hmm, thanks.
- Have fun.

Hi, Mae!

Excuse me, um, I've been thinking,
are you properly single now?

Because we slept together
a couple of times already in .

I hope you remember.

And my willie loved it,
and we live together now, so I thought...

If I'm gonna bang someone,
I'll just stay somewhere else.

Oh, no, that's not what I meant.
That's the opposite of what I meant.


- Hi.
- [George] Hi.

Uh, oh sorry. Are you busy?

No, no, I'm not. I'm definitely not.

- Hi. I'm George.
- Yes.

You are George. Are you okay?

I'm a big fan.

I was just with my friends,

but I lied
so I could stay and talk to you.

Oh, wow.

Okay. Wow.
Well, it's really nice to meet you.

Sorry, but what the hell is happening?

- I'm sorry. What was your name again?
- George.

- George.
- Yeah.

What's your situation?
Do you have a boyfriend?

I don't have a boyfriend.

- [Mae] No?
- No.

- Definitely not?
- Definitely not.

That's good. [laughs]

- Why? Why do you ask?
- I just asked because...

I really want to go back to your house
and take off your clothes.

And make you cum.


I've never done this before.

Are you nervous?

- Are you?
- No.

["Jealous Guy" playing]

♪ I was dreaming of the past ♪

♪ And my heart was beating fast ♪


- George.
- Yeah?

Will you do something for me?

Will you tell me that you're never going
to tell your friends about me?


Oh, f*ck.


I'm never gonna tell anyone
about this ever.

- Wait, but you do know this is fake...
- I know, I just wanted to hear you say it.

- Okay.
- Just say it.

- Listen to me.
- Uh-huh.

I'm never gonna tell anyone about this.

Oh, f*ck.

Tell me you're gonna punish me
for being a basic straight girl.

Oh my God.

But wait, you know that I respect
your multifaceted sexuality...

Say it.

- George.
- Yeah?

I'm gonna absolutely f*cking destroy you.


If you ever speak to Lava again,

I'm gonna slit her bird throat.

[chuckles softly]

- Okay.
- Okay?


♪ I was shivering inside ♪

♪ I didn't mean to hurt you ♪

♪ And I'm sorry I made you cry ♪

Whoa. Mae, my small dude!

Hi, I'm Mae.

[George] This is my flatmate.
I found him online.

Um, Phil, this is Mae.

- Hi.
- What?

But Mae, it's... it's me Phil.

Oh my God, don't you remember?
What fresh hell is this?

- Mae!
- Phil.

It's all fine.
I'll see you tomorrow, okay?


[breathing heavily]


- [exhales]
- [laughs]

That was f*cked up.


Oh my...

I loved it.

I've never had sex that dark before,
have you?


[breathes deeply]

[tense music playing]



I think I need to lie under the bed.


Do you... Do you want some space?

- Do you wanna come with me under the bed?
- Okay.

["How Come My Body"
by Half Moon Run playing]

Mae, why are we under here?

[inhales deeply]

I'm not sure.


♪ Fits just like a bruise? ♪

♪ Oh, you're gone to me ♪

[music continues]

♪ Oh, you're gone... ♪