12x20 - Totem

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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12x20 - Totem

Post by bunniefuu »

In criminal justice system sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the special victims unit. These are their stories.

Run! Run!

I'm coming!

Hurry up!

He's gonna catch us!

I'm running as fast as I can!

Watch out!

What's happening?

Is he close?

Yeah, and he's about to plant his pirate flag.

I'm leaving a treasure chest two blocks away to distract the bastard.

Look out!


Are you okay?

What idiot left their luggage here?

Maybe there's something cool inside.

Oh, my God.

The girls that found it were playing an online game?

Yeah, like plant the flag, but with virtual pirates.

The rolling bag was on the sidewalk in front of the church.

We sure it's our victim?

I only saw her hand, but it's gotta be marnie.

No other kids were reported missing.

How long she been dead?

Hard to say.

Just going into rigor.

But the cold weather would've slowed down decomp.

Better make sure.

It's marnie.

Okay, let's get her out of here.

Please, no, no.

Please! Please!

Is that her?

Is that my baby?

Whoa, whoa.

Ma'am, ma'am.

You shouldn't be here.

Detective tutuola.

No, no, no!


Oh, don't say it, please.


I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, Susan.

Oh, please! yesterday afternoon, 10 years old, marnie foster disappeared on her way home from school.

We're very sorry to report, but the girl's remains were located a short time ago, and a homicide investigation is underway.

Anyone with information, please call the special victims unit at the number on your screen.


Thank you.

Thanks, detective.

So there you have it...

How'd you make out in there?


The priest gave us full access to the entire church.

There's no crime scene.

Somebody had to see who dropped that duffle on the street.

Patrol's canvassing three blocks in every direction.

May have a break.

What, surveillance?

Parks department.

[Phone rings]

They got a camera, bird's-eye view of the church.

They sent me their video.


There's the duffle.

2:04 pm.

Well, roll it back, we'll see who dropped it.

Damn it, move the truck.

There you go.

No duffle.

12:48 pm.


Well, it looks like our perp dumped marnie between 1:45 and 2:00.

But the truck blocks, so you can't see who.

I'll track down the drivers.

If we're lucky, one of them saw our guy.

Warner called.

She wants us to meet her and huang at the morgue.

No doubt about it, your k*ller is a sexual predator.

Marnie was r*ped?

Freshly torn hymen, blood present in the vaginal canal.

Tell me the son of a bitch left his DNA.

I wish.

No fluids, hairs, or skin cells.

And no signs of lubricant.

He must've used some kind of foreign object, and it had to be something smooth.

So the pervert couldn't rise to the occasion, he has to s*domize her.

Cause of death?

Traumatic asphyxia.

Found petechiae in the conjuctiva, and cotton and polyester fibers in her lungs and airways.

She was suffocated.

With what?

The pillow her head was resting on.

Dr. Jackson.

Elliot, Olivia.

Cap, what are you doing here?

Covering for huang.

George was kind enough to give me some consulting work with the FBI when my clinic folded.

He's presenting at a conference down in Washington and asked me to fill in.

So what are we looking at?

Someone who made sure marnie was resting comfortably before he abandoned her.

He wrapped her in silk sheets.

Padded the bottom with one, tucked her in with the other.

Along with this.

That doll looks like marnie.

He may be preying on girls who fit his ideal fantasy.

It's already been swabbed for DNA and sent over to the lab.

Silk sheets, pillow, doll...

Some pedophiles will go to any lengths to lure little girls.

This one didn't want marnie to feel pain.

Her stomach was full of milk and zolpidem.

Sleeping pills, so she wouldn't feel him smothering her.

And then he drops her off at the church so he can atone for his crime.

Pillow, silk sheets, and a doll.

His way of showering her with love.

He may have resorted to m*rder in an attempt not to get caught.

Or getting caught again and going back to prison.

So...What now?

You round up the usual suspects?


Every registered sex offender who ever so much as looked the wrong way at a little girl.

Cap, we might need a hand in this.

Anything I can do to help.

At least huang's an FBI agent, cap's never done this.

I know, but I got a feeling he'll bring something to the table.

All I did was brush against her, she starts screaming I groped.

That's old news, Craig.

Where were you yesterday?

Having a camera shoved up my ass.


Wanna see the pictures?

A letter from your doctor will do.

Constitution says I'm entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

That doesn't include pursuing pre-teen girls.

Can anybody account for your whereabouts yesterday?

My dear old mother.

I was visiting her out in Jersey.

You have to come better than that, Shane.

I got the train ticket to prove it.

I was at work.

Ask any of my students.


You were caught feeling up a ten-year-old.

But I wasn't convicted.

Still, I'm pretty shocked that Hudson university didn't fire you.

They can't.

I have tenure.


Just letting them all go?

They all have alibis.

Welcome to the perv parade that leads to nowhere.


Any progress on the doll?

Yeah, the name is perfect penny.

Manufacturer stopped making it in 1989.

It hasn't been on store shelves in over 20 years.

And it wasn't marnie's, according to her mother.

Where's marnie's father?

On his way back from h Honolulu, but he left before marnie disappeared.

He wasn't here to dump that duffle.

Doesn't mean he didn't abuse her.

Some pedophiles work in pairs.

Let's go welcome dad home.

Just tell me why not?


[Fighting continues]

Doesn't look like a very happy homecoming.

[Yelling distantly]

Did he just shove her?

Foster, police!

Hey, Susan, you all right?


You didn't hear me?

Name's not foster!

What is your name, douche bag?

Chet hadler.

What'd I do?


I didn't touch you, man.

You just shoved a dead girl's mother.

Susan is my girlfriend.

For real or in your dreams, Chester?

She was gonna leave her husband and bring marnie to live with me.

What, so you could push them both around?

Or did you jump the g*n and push marnie into doing something that you had to k*ll her for?

I never touched the kid.

He's telling the truth.

Chet was there for me when Michael and I were having problems.

Does your husband know about him?

I confessed.

Two months ago.

I told Chet we had to stop seeing each other.



He won't take no for an answer.

He says we're meant for each other.

He tell you about his police record?

Chet was arrested?

For what?

You forcibly touched a 13-year-old girl... your last girlfriend's kid.

It was that little bitch's idea.

That little bitch told me you wanted a threesome.

You try that with Susan and marnie too?

A threesome?

My daughter is dead, how can you accuse me of doing that?

Because you lied about where you were when marnie disappeared.

I was at work.

Well your boss says different.

He says that you left after lunch.

Chet and I checked into the Amsterdam hotel at 1:30.

We were...

We were in bed when my baby disappeared.


She's getting laid while her daughter's r*ped and m*rder*d.

Glad I don't have to explain that to marnie's father.

Fin interviewed him when he got home, he's in utter shock.

There's no way he had anything to do with this.

So we got a dead girl, no suspects.

Maybe because we haven't considered all the possibilities.

Okay, like?

That our perpetrator's a woman.

A woman?

Who kills and r*pes?

It's very rare, but it's not unheard of.

Our perp made sure that marnie was asleep before she was k*lled, then wrapped her in a pink silk sheet and laid her on another that was carefully folded, put her head on a lavender pillow with a doll.

Everything that a male perv would've done to convince a small girl like marnie that he was to be loved and trusted.

Except there was no DNA and no sign of penile penetration.

And you heard Warner, that he could've used a foreign object.

Or she could have.

Olivia, did you sleep with a doll when you were a child?


Can you remember why?

Because it made me feel safe.


However, in all of our years at SVU, how many female-on-female molesters have we collared?

I can count them on both hands.

And we have never arrested a woman for sodomizing and murdering a girl solo.

Yeah, but just consider this.

A man would've left marnie in front of a church in order to atone for his sin, but our perp might've left her there... to make sure that she was safe in the hands of God.


Hard as it is to believe, I think our k*ller's a woman.

Thank you.

Something I should've said when you sent those beautiful flowers to my daughter's funeral.

We were so sorry to hear that Ann had passed.



Any plans to reopen your clinic?

Haven't you heard?

I'm a charlatan.

All my peers can see is that I've violated the confidentiality of my patients.

You saved your patients from a k*ller.

I couldn't save my daughter, though.

Cap, you sure you're up for this?

You don't believe me, do you?

You don't believe that a lone woman could've m*rder*d this girl.

The few female molesters that we've seen who have k*lled have worked with a male accomplice.

And what about the women who've molested alone?

Mrs. Robinson types who seduce teenage boys.

Most of them are teachers who say they're in love and they don't believe that they're doing anything wrong.

But women who sexually abuse girls...

They're different, Olivia.

The few I've met, they're appalled by what they'd done.

But have you ever met one who's actually k*lled their victim?

I've met two.

They both seemed entirely normal, but they were totally lacking in empathy.

And they were later diagnosed as sociopaths.

But our k*ller's different.

The way she treated marnie shows genuine feelings of tenderness.

Our perp was abused herself.


I think the clue to her psyche is perfect penny.

A totem for the innocence that she feels her abuser stole from her.

She was targeted for the qualities the k*ller believes she herself had lost.

Goodness, sweetness, innocence.

We have to talk to every woman in marnie's life.

I took care of marnie since she was a baby.

I should've been here.

Where were you on Monday afternoon?

Visiting my mother.

Señora foster gave me the week off.

Can you tell me where marnie may have gone the afternoon that she disappeared?

Monday after school is piano lessons.

I gave marnie lessons every Monday afternoon for almost two years.

But not this past Monday?

No, her mother called and cancelled.

I was disappointed because...

She showed such progress lately.

It's okay to grieve, Ms. frye.

She used to love poking around asking where all my old stuff came from.

My parents d*ed in a car accident when I was 17, and I haven't changed anything since.

Look at her.

It was perfect posture.

Perfect weight transfer, perfect hand position.

She had such natural talent.

Marnie wasn't just talented, she was a team player and a leader.

Sounds like you took a special interest in her.

The whole school did.

Did she ever mention anyone taking too much interest in her?

Bullying, perhaps?

As far as I know, marnie didn't have one enemy anywhere.

Same answer I got.

And all marnie's female teachers have an alibi for when she disappeared.

Whoever we're looking for is way under the radar.

Well, she could well surface at marnie's funeral tomorrow.

And face her parents?

Oh, she'll do everything she can to avoid them.

She probably believes in her heart that she loved marnie.

She could well be mourning her as much as anyone.

More, even.

[Solemn music]

Not to burst your bubble, but I didn't see anyone that didn't skip the receiving line.

She has to be here somewhere, I'm sure of it.

Fin, anything?

Just a bunch of heartbreak.

Liv, more of the same?

Pretty much.

Nothing unusual here.

Hold on, a woman bolting at your 2:00.

June, right?

Let me go.

I didn't see you in the church.

Yeah, well, I need to go home.

Why don't we go talk someplace where it's warm?

Let's go back in.

I don't wanna talk.

Hold on.


Hold on!

That's marnie's piano teacher.

Maybe a lot more.

June frye, 37.

No police record, never been in trouble, never been married.

She teaches piano out of a brownstone that she inherited from her parents.

Right around the corner from the church marnie was found in front of.

June told Olivia that marnie's mother called to cancel her piano lesson.

And marnie's mom just told me that that's a crock.

She said June called her just after 2:00 to say that it was cancelled.

And that's not all.

June's phone records show that she blew off a whole bunch of other students between 3:30 and 4:00.

But if June cancelled marnie's lesson, why did marnie turn up at June's house?

Marnie's mom called the school and asked the secretary to pass on the message.

The secretary forgot.

So marnie thought she had a lesson.

She shows up at June's, and June kills her?

Why wait two years to act?

Oh, she would've been fighting her feelings.

And they could've been beginning to overwhelm her, which is why she cancelled the lesson.

Then marnie turns up unexpectedly and pushes her over the edge.

Well, if that's the case, then June's brownstone is our crime scene.

We need a search warrant.

Well, guys, why don't we just ask June if we can look around her house?

First, she won't let us, and secondly, she'll destroy evidence if she thinks we're onto her.

But she knew that when Olivia looked her in the eyes this afternoon outside the church.

[Piano plays] [Knock]

♪ ♪

[Piano playing stops]

What do you want now?

We really need your help, June.

I can't.

Please don't come here again.

Was that the etude no.3?

You make it sound so easy.

Whenever I play chopin, I always manage to butcher it.


I'm Dr. Jackson.

I'm helping the detectives on marnie's case.

It's too painful to talk about her.

Even if it could help lead us to the person who took marnie from us?


It'll only take a few minutes.

It's a beautiful house, June.

I wonder, would it be possible for us to have a cup of tea?

I'll put the water on.

Can I use the bathroom, please?


It's downstairs.

Thank you.

Smooth talker.

Does that mean we can search?

Anything we see without opening a drawer or door is fair game.

I'll keep my eye on June.

"October, 1979."


It's like time stopped in this house 30 years ago.

Something happened here which brought June's life to a screeching halt.

Elliot, what's this?

Don't touch that.

It's fake.

Looks like the hair on the doll that marnie was holding.

She's coming.


Same kind of pillows that were tucked under marnie's head.

[Sniffs] You smell that?

That's bleach.

June's been trying to clean up down here.

Well, this trash can's empty.

Because she already took out the garbage.
[Playing moonlight sonata]

You play beautifully.

What are we looking for?

[Mumbles] I don't know.


Are you sure that's June's?

It's the same luggage set as the duffle bag marnie was found in.

This must be what June used on marnie.

[Music stops abruptly]

Benson on walkie: Manhattan SVU to central, rush a bus to 451 Hamilton terrace for cardiac arrest.

10-4, Manhattan SVU.

Bus is on its way.

What happened?

She was playing, and she just collapsed.

She's not breathing.


Come on, girl.

It's empty.


It's what she fed marnie.

She say anything?

"Tell marnie's parents I'm sorry."

Where am I?

Mercy hospital.

Dr. Jackson saved your life.

It's not worth saving.

You know, you'd feel better if you told us why you tried to k*ll yourself.

June, we found the suitcase that you threw out.

It matches the duffle that marnie was found in.

There was a wooden spoon inside.

No, please.

Please, please, please, stop.

The sleeping pills that you tried to k*ll yourself with are the same ones in marnie's stomach.

And we found hair in your living room that matches the doll that was left with her.

[Whispers] Leave me alone.


I know you love marnie.

But give her parents some peace and tell us why you said you're sorry.

I will die...

Before I talk about marnie.

The lab swabbed the suitcase and the spoon and came back with zip.

The bleach June used destroyed any DNA.

Do we have any evidence?

Csu dusted her house for marnie's prints, and found them upstairs.

Along with dozens of other kids who took piano lessons.

It has to be June.

That suitcase is from the same set as the duffle we found marnie in.

The fake hair doesn't prove that the doll belonged to June.

And without the DNA, the wooden spoon is useless.

Face it, if June doesn't suddenly decide to give it up, we're screwed.

She's got a secret, we just gotta figure out how to unlock the door.


You're the sweet-talker here.

It worked once, why not give it another sh*t?

I told you I wasn't gonna say anything.

I'm certainly not going to force you to.

You should've let me die.

So you'd see no more sunsets, or play no more of that music you love so much?

There's nothing for us to talk about.

Except why you tried to end your life.

You're a what?



Same difference.

Just a few more days of school.


So you know why people try to k*ll themselves.

Yeah, 'cause they have more pain inside them than they can bear.

And they think that throwing in the towel is easier than facing the cause of that pain.

I don't deserve to live.

Why do you think that?

When did you start playing the piano?

I was five.

My mother taught me.

She said music was the one place in her life where she could find...


You were an only child?


She must've treasured you.

She used to read me stories.

What sort of stories?

Fairy tales.

She called me her little princess.

Princesses lead such perfect lives, don't they?

Did your mother give you this?


My father gave it to me.

Tell me about your father.

I don't...

I don't wanna talk about him.

Do you remember when he gave it to you?

Do you remember how it felt when you held her in your arms?

You stop.

You stop torturing me.

You don't know anything about how I feel.

Maybe I should ask for a lawyer.

But we're talking.

Why do you need a lawyer?


What was that?

Is there someone watching us?

Just give me a moment.

Why the hell did you do that?

I was just getting somewhere.

You cannot tell her that she doesn't need a lawyer.

Well, what difference does that make?

It's the difference between giving us a confession that we can use in court and one we can't.

But I'm a psychiatrist, not a cop.

No, you are an agent of the police.

And anything that she says after you tell her "you don't need a lawyer," is illegally obtained.

Can she change her mind?




I've enjoyed talking with you, June, but I'm afraid we've got to stop.

Then I have to talk to them.



Why do you have to go?

Because you asked me about a lawyer.

But I wish you all the best.

If... if I say that I don't need a lawyer, can you stay?



I don't need a lawyer.

I don't want them watching me.

Then come and sit over here.

If you sit here, they won't be able to see you.

You know, you said that I don't know anything about how you feel.

Well, you're wrong.

I do know.

I know about pain within families.

When she was 16, my daughter stopped speaking to me.

For 20 years...

She hated me.

My little Ann.

She was about your age.

What happened to her?

She was att*cked by somebody who worked with me.

And she d*ed.

Oh, my God.

Why did she hate you so much?

Well, when she was younger, I was addicted to sex and alcohol.

Did you do something bad to her?

As it turned out, no.


For 20 years, I thought I had.


No one should have to live with shame like that.

So I do understand how you feel.

One night when I was seven, my...

My dad came into my room at bedtime.

He told me how special I was.


I was the most important thing in his life.

And he wanted to give me a present.

He gave me the... this doll, and...

He said that she reminded him of me because I was his perfect little doll.

And then...


He got into bed with you.



It's my fault.

'Cause I knew.

I knew it was wrong.

But he said that we couldn't... we couldn't tell anyone, because...

Because no one would understand.

You just wanted to show your father you loved him.

You thought that if you could be the perfect little girl that he'd stop hurting you.

Like marnie.

The little girl you wished you were.

That's why you had to give her the doll to keep her safe.

[Sniffs] This wasn't supposed to happen.

It wasn't.


Why did...

Why did you come to my house?

I told your mother not to send you, that you shouldn't come.

You... you would be fine if you hadn't come to my house.

[Breathing, crying]

I asked her if she wanted a glass of milk before we started.

I put the pills in the milk.


I- I-I gave it to her when we sat down at the piano and...She started to drift off.

And then...

And then you took the wooden spoon.

She cried.

And said that she was gonna tell her mother.

And that's when I knew.

I knew that I couldn't let her wake up.

So you made her comfortable.

I got the pillow, and I got the sheets, and I... I wrapped her up, and she was cozy, and...

I put the doll in there so that she wouldn't be alone, and...

And then you left her where God would find her.

[Whimpering] I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Marnie, I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry.


[Sobbing] So sorry.

I called ada and told her you got the confession.

She said to get June into the system as quick as we can.

So what now?

She'll be booked, arraigned, and sent to jail.


She's still likely to try and k*ll herself.

We'll put her on su1c1de watch.

You did a good job in there, by the way.

Wanna stay here permanent, doc?

We could use a guy like you.

[Crying] Dear lord...

Please hear me when I ask you to forgive me for what I have done.

My mistakes, my selfishness.

Please hear me when I ask you to comfort marnie's precious soul, and the souls of those that needed my comfort and protection that I couldn't give them.


"All of those that needed comfort and protection?"

Talking about marnie's m*rder may have triggered her memory.

She's confessing to more victims?

How many lives has she ruined?

Let's interview her other students.

Mm, neighbors, too.

I only take piano because my parents make me.

I'd rather learn guitar, but Ms. Frye's always nice to me.

I love Ms. frye.

She says I'm the best student she has.

Hurt me?

No way.

Ms. frye is great.

June tried to teach me to play, but I was never any good.

So after a while I just quit to hang out with my friends.

She ever make you feel uncomfortable?

Only the other night, like, when she totally blew me off.

Which night?

It was Monday.

My mom called, and she said I had to get home 'cause that girl got kidnapped a couple blocks over.


So, like, I'm coming down the sidewalk, and there's June.

And she's arguing with some old lady.

And I said "hi," and she totally ignored me.

Old lady?


She was, like, my grandma's age.

She had a cane, too.

So, like, she goes limping up the stoop with June, and I'm, like, "whatever, later."

It was June's mother.

June said her parents d*ed when she was 17.

The father did, the mother remarried.

Elaine frye Cavanaugh is alive and in Brooklyn.

Well, well, well...

How'd you get that?

I ran her name through the system, thinking that I would find an aunt or an older cousin with a limp.

Up popped mom herself.

Legal clerk for over 30 years.

And there you go, went on disability in '04, when she slipped and broke her leg in borough hall.

But why would June say her mother's dead?

Well, you're the shrink, I figured you'd knock that one out of the park.

'Cause she wanted her mother dead...

For not protecting her from her father's abuse.

For abusing her herself?

You think that Elaine molested June?

Some girls abused by their mothers do say their fathers did it, because they can't face the reality.

And because no one can believe that a mother could abuse her own daughter.

You know, I'm beginning to think we got this backwards.

June did not call mom over to help dispose of the body.

How about mom was already there when marnie came over?

June's mother k*lled marnie.

I don't understand.

Since when is it a sin for a mother to visit her daughter's house?

Well, it's a sin for June to lie and tell everybody that you're dead.


June says I'm dead?

Why is that funny?

It's typical.

Silly June, head in the clouds.

Roger let her get away with it for years.

Your first husband?


I tried to instill discipline in June.

Do well in school, practice your piano.

And Roger would come right along behind me and spoil her with candy and sleepovers.

That's why I divorced him.

Yeah, well, it's a tough world out there, you can't screw around.

Clearly you have children.

I've got five.

Then you know perfection isn't easily attained.

And your current husband?

Did he demand perfection from June, too?


He's not current.

He d*ed last year.

And was just as weak and useless as Roger.

So you had to be the disciplinarian.

I was always fair.

But firm.

But when your kids act up, nothing fixes them faster than the handle of a spoon, huh?

You'll have to tell me what that means.

Put it this way.

You weren't teaching June how to bake cookies.

Or marnie foster, for that matter.

The girl?

The one who d*ed?

Don't pretend you don't know who she is.

What are you accusing me of?

Why'd you go to June's house on Monday?

Because it doesn't really sound like she loved mommy all that much.

Don't presume to know how my daughter feels about me.

Now what's presumptuous is after the horror that you put her through that you made her clean up your mess.

I do not make messes.

What happened with marnie?

Did you give her the spoon treatment the way you did June?

Get out, both of you.

You drug her, s*domize, and smother her?

Get out!

I'm calling my lawyer.

And then you abused June one more time by making her dump the girl's body in front of the church.

What's going on?



Tell them where I was Monday.

Tell them how I got there.

M-m-mom had a bridge tournament u- u-up in Stanford.

I drove her up and dropped her off.

You have two daughters?

One by Roger, one by grant.

Is that a crime?

What do you people want?

[Crying] I didn't do anything.

Nobody said you did.

Katie, shut your mouth.

No, Katie, keep talking.

You don't need to be here.

Don't you understand, I didn't do anything!


No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!


[Muffled sobs]


Come on out, honey.

Come on.


Why are you running away from us?

I didn't do anything.


Is this your bedroom?


Leave my little girl alone.

Get out of my bedroom.

Your bedroom?

She just said it was hers.

Oh, my God.

Why did you come?

I told you everything.

Except the truth.

You don't belong in here, June.

You never did.


Take me back!

The only place you're going is home.

No, I did a terrible thing there.

We know.

You put marnie in the duffle.

But you didn't k*ll her.

What you did, you did out of love.

To repay some debt you never owed in the first place.


Why did you tell them?

I didn't.

I didn't.

I didn't, Katie.

I promise.

It's okay, June.

No, it's not okay.

I'm so sorry!

Mommy wasn't hurting me anymore, and I...

I left you.

I left you alone with her, and I should've stayed to protect you.

June, you cannot blame yourself.

You were a victim.

Your mother did terrible things to you.

Come on.

None of this is your fault.

June, listen to me.

None of this is your fault.

Is it, Katie?

I told June that I was gonna go to her house and she said that she would be out for a while, and that I should let myself in with my key.


And she said that she had cancelled her first piano lesson.

But when I got there, the little student was...On the porch.


Marnie foster?


I'd seen her before having her lessons, and...

We went inside.

And she was so cute.

So innocent and sweet.

And I don't know why, but suddenly...

I asked her if I could take her clothes off.

And, um...

She said "no," and she tried to leave.

And, um...

That's when got real mad.

But I didn't want her to feel bad, so I went into the kitchen, and I got some of...

The pills, the ones that June uses to go to sleep with.

And what else did you get from the kitchen?

The spoon.

The wooden spoon?

Like the one that my mom uses.

And then June came home, and she saw what I had done.


I don't wanna listen anymore.

June, you're gonna have to testify against your half-sister about the abuse she endured.

And also about your own abuse.

Will it keep her from going to prison?

Katie will be sent to a psychiatric facility.

We'll do everything we can to help her.

But she'll never be free again.

What about my mother?

There was only one bed in the apartment that Katie shared with her, so your mother will be going to jail for the ongoing abuse.



I still love you.

You'll always be my sister.

[Whispers] Katie.

Can you sit down and talk with me some more?

Can you do that?


Okay, come on.

I let my whole family be destroyed.

How can I forgive myself?

You can start...

By letting me help you try.

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