02x20 - Terminal Velocity

Episode transcripts for the 2013 TV show "Avengers Assemble". Aired May 2013 - February 2019.*
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"Avengers Assemble" is about the further adventures of the Marvel Universe's mightiest general membership superhero team. Season 3: "Ultron Revolution" revolves around Ultron returning after his apparent demise, planning to replace humanity with robots, and seeking revenge on the Avengers.
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02x20 - Terminal Velocity

Post by bunniefuu »

Hulk: Whoa, yeah!





Here we go.

And... Ooh... Oops!


Thor: Have you had enough, Hulk?

I tire of playing Stark's golfer.

It's go-for, Thor.

As in, "Please go for my damaged communication satellite

"and bring it back in one piece."

Yeah, yeah. Quit your moanin'.


Tin-Man asks, we found it this way.

Iron Man: I can still hear you.

Hulk: Oh, yeah.

Widen the field range, Ant-Man.

It's already pretty wide.

Asgardian and gamma-irradiated muscle are about to break the sound barrier.

Somehow I doubt it will be with pin-point accuracy.

Point taken.

Still not following why you sent Hulk to retrieve delicate tech.

Bull, meet billion-dollar china shop.

You said it yourself, Falcon, when you guys were working with S.H.I.E.L.D., everyone saw Hulk as only two fists and a lot of destruction.

You disagree with that?

I've seen the bills for all the walls he's smashed in the Tower.

I'm giving him a chance to prove he's more than a half-ton of angry, green muscle and hunger pains.

I'd be starving too, with all that gamma-energy he generates.


Falcon: Think I just heard his stomach.

Easy does it, guys.

Gentle, gentle.


Told you. Found it that way.

At least it's in one piece. Thanks, Hulk.

All the Avengers' comms running through one satellite, Stark?

Little risky, don't you think?

All I do is think.

That's why I'm now redesigning our communications system to become a massive grid.

Ant-Man: Is that why you're using a photon power source in this thing?

There's no photon power.

Not good!

It's welded shut.

Step back.

Falcon: b*mb! (BEEPING)

Iron Man: Nighthawk.


I got this.

I'm faster than you.

And I'm more armored than you.



Welcome, Iron Man, to the Avengers' doom.



I've got this one.


Heads up!


I hate hugging!


But I hate Hyperion more.


Ant-Man: It's ruined.

Oh, no.

Our comms!

Hulk! Do you know what you just did?

Saved the day.

Go me.

What's all the hoopla? We having another barbeque?

Considering the last one, I really hope not.


I'll make sure the meat's extra crispy.

And this is why I don't do parties.

Attacking us alone, and on our home turf, Hyperion?

You're either incredibly arrogant, or incredibly dim.

Let's see how far that home field advantage gets you, Captain.


A little tired of hearing that voice of yours.




So this is Hyperion?

I've heard a lot about you.

But guess what? I'm not impressed.




Can't hold this size.



No honor? No decency?

No mercy!



Come, mindless brute.

Let's see what more damage we can do.


Hyperion: Missed.


When did the Tower turn into a joy buzzer?

Tower, power down.

New defense system. So much for field-testing it.


Same moves. Same predictable Avengers.

Oh, I don't know about that.

Not everything's the same as the last time we met.

Case in point.

This Ant's gonna make you say, "Uncle!"


Let me out of here!

I'm not through with you! Let me...


"This Ant's gonna make you say 'Uncle'"?

You really gotta work on your one-liners.


I just wanted to ant-agonize him.

Yeah, if anyone needs me, just look for the farthest place from this guy's mouth.

Come on, Hawkeye, don't make a mountain out of an ant-hill.

Oh, my... Please stop!

Don't try and tell me you found it this way.


Iron Man: So, we get a satellite Trojan horse, courtesy of Nighthawk, and then a lovely visit from our favorite hate-filled alien.

Sound like the Squadron Supreme to you?

What's Nighthawk's endgame?

You think so little of me that you believe I would sell out my own team?

Uh, yeah. Pretty much.

Last time the Squadron was together, we nearly managed to erase the Avengers from the fabric of reality.

That was only a warm-up.

Hawkeye: (SIGHS)

Behold... Falcon's mom's last cookie.

You comprehend little of the wrath Hulk will rain upon you.

Well, you electrocute your teammates in battle, you deal with the consequences.


Hulk: Sick of those cookies.

Everyone's always on pins and needles around me.

I don't smash everything.





I would suggest you run.


Oh, come on!

When have you ever cared about milk?

It builds strong bo...


Uh, what now?

Defeating yourselves?


You make my job easy.

Catch me if you can!

I... I didn't do it. It wasn't me!

Jarvis, get some bots on Level 41.

Got another gamma-sized mess.

Hyperion's right, Hulk.

With the potential of a thr*at rising, you need to stop playing around.

But it wasn't my fault.

We've got an alien to catch.

Avengers, to the Avenjet.


No one ever believes me.





Well, this is a surprise.

Don't worry, the world hasn't slowed down.

You've been sped up, by me. Didn't mean to do that, but I guess that's another new power I've got.

Speed Demon?

Since Nighthawk gave my powers a boost, this is how I see the world. Best part?

We're moving so fast, no one can see us.

I call it "Speed Time."

Yeah? Let me show you smash time!

Okay. Up high.


Down low.


Too slow!



Whoa, I don't think so.

But if Nighthawk gave me enough power to bring you into Speed Time, I'm betting he gave me enough power to fast-forward you to the end of your life.



Iron Man!

You don't get it. We're moving so fast, he can't see you or hear you.





Falcon: When you're in combat, there's nothing better than having Hulk on your side.

But his constant smashing, it's a real problem.

Yes, it's true, working with Hulk does present its challenges, but there might be something else going on here.

His arrival in Hyperion's cell makes little sense.



I'm losing control.


Black Widow: (STRAINING) He's using his vortex breath.


Like I said, predictable.


Smash you!

Can't smash what you can't touch.




What did you do to me?

Well, not the effect I expected.

Hmm, you're supposed to be all "poof!"

No more, a pile o' green dust.

Hulk makes energy.

Can't destroy energy.

No worries.

Let's wind you up and count you down, gamma freak.


More damage.

But how?
Jarvis, run a trace on Hulk.

Jarvis: Already have, sir.

However, the results do not make sense.

Try me.

Jarvis: His energy readings are all around you.

You are standing in a veritable cloud of "Hulk."

First off, ew. Second, what?

Jarvis: Also, gamma-radiation in the Tower is spiking to dangerous levels.


Hulk, what have you done now?







And I just had this suit dry-cleaned.

First the satellite, now this.

Hulk smashes into Hyperion's containment cell.

Radiation levels off the charts.

Unseen explosions.


This is a lot more fun than I thought it would be.


All right, Jarvis, scan again.

Add a new filter.

I wanna see in the gamma-spectrum.




Too bad the flow of information isn't as fast as I am.



(DINGS) Transfer complete!



Oh? Oh...

Speed Demon is...


No fun! Let's just keep it to us speedsters.

Jarvis: I believe Hulk was attempting to send a message, sir.

Scrub back, and slow down 99%.

Let's hear this.


Be ready for the fall.

I will fix this.


Ah, of course my vortex breath does not affect you.

Not true.

Its stench offends me greatly.





Restraint instead of battle?

Your cowardice proves legendary, Hyperion.

Why fight when you can freeze?



Speed Demon...


Speed Demon.

Jarvis, frame by frame.

Jarvis: Yes, sir.

Zoom in on Hulk.

Hulk's radiation's been accelerated.

Looks like Speed Demon's turned him into a gamma b*mb.

Worse yet, if Hulk doesn't find a way to release that power, goodbye, New York.



You're like molasses swatting at flies.

Hurry up, you goof.





Phew, who knew setting a gamma b*mb would take so much effort?

Fun, but I'm actually sweating.

I hate sweating.


I'm gonna explode!


Jarvis can you find the current location of Hulk and Speed Demon?

Jarvis: No, sir. Their velocity is too fast for my sensors to trace.

However, Hulk's gamma build-up is increasing at an exponential rate.

I was afraid of that.

If we can't find him, we can't save him.


Not yet.

So, there's still some fight...


Left. Hey, where you goin'?




Jarvis, I got it.

This isn't random destruction.

He's leaving a trail.

Where are you going?

The helipad?

The Stasis Field Generator?

Hulk, you're a genius.


Nowhere left to run, buddy!


Think I'd make this easy?

You want Hulk?

Come get Hulk!


Ready when you are, Hulk.

Thought even you were smarter than this. Just giving up?

What happened to all the fun?

All the smashing?



I'm more than smashing.


Say cheese.

Ooh, nice light show. Supposed to impress me?

Supposed to stop you.

How'd you get into Speed Time?

You're not in Speed Time.

Thanks to the Stasis Generator, you're in "Avengers Time."

My Speed Enhancement Belt, you ruined it!



Quick thinking on the Stasis Field, Hulk.

Thanks, but I... I can't stop it.

Look, in Speed Time, you had seconds before you exploded.

Best I've bought you now is minutes, pal.

Adios, gamma b*mb.


Even without his belt, he's still faster than any tech I've got up my sleeve.

What are you doing?

Speed energy's gotta go somewhere, don't it?

Sure, that's the basic law of...


Man! Will you just go boom, already?

How are you even doing this?

I control energy every day, zippy!

Speed Demon: Get away... from... me!

Yo, Hyperion, need your muscle.

Coming in hot.


Speed Demon, come in, I didn't...

Save me, save me, save me, save me save me, save me, save me, save me!

Stop your blab...


It would seem that green blur was Hulk, but that would be preposterous.




Got some energy to burn off, and I know just how to do it.


Finally, someone worth my time.



Yeah, bring it, space man.




Why are you not fighting back?

Gotta get somethin' off my chest.


Not good!



Nap time.

He is one heavy dude.

Hulk took him out.

I know.

I think everyone on Earth could hear it.

But did you accomplish your mission?

And how! Voila.

A copy of the Avengers' data core.

Hmm, all according to plan.


Just letting off steam.


As hard as it is to admit, I was wrong, Hulk.

I should have listened and trusted you.

Used to it.

That's the problem, you shouldn't be.

Sometimes I just can't see what's right in front of me.

A situation arises, and you've got something to say, I'm all ears.

There is one thing.


We need more milk.

Right on it.
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