05x09 - Slice of Life

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic". Aired: October 2010 to October 2019.*
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05x09 - Slice of Life

Post by bunniefuu »

I'll never understand
the ponies in this town!

Everywhere I went, they
were all gussied up

and lookin' at me funny!

Kept asking if I was 'nervous'!

Did they forget the
wedding is tomorrow?

Oh, maybe they're just as excited
for us to be married as I am.

Well, they're going
to feel awfully silly

when they realize they've
got the wrong date.

The invitations are wrong!

Tis says the wedding is today!

But I got such a
good deal on them...

Everypony in town got these!

The princesses have even RSVP'd!

I told you we should have eloped!

Oh dear. The caterer,
the flowers, the musicians!

We've got to move
it all to today!


Where's my wedding planner?!

You told me you could do it for
half of what the others charged,

and then you sent the invitations

to everypony in town
with the wrong date!


I really messed up
on those invitations!

I feel just awful, Doc!

Hmph, perhaps that explains
why I never got mine!

I told Cranky I could get 'em
printed for cheap,

but that meant hiring somepony

with no experience
using a printing press...

Oh, I wish there was a way I could
go back in time and fix all this!

Going back in time
is old thinking, my friend.

I was working off a
cutting-edge theory

of making time come
forward to you...

My life's work, decades,
speaking, centuries, really,

of research and experimentation,

and I nearly had it cracked!

Turns out there's a
magic spell for it...

who knew?

But there are so many things
that magic can't explain,

where science and mathematics
are the real magic!

Like these? They're pretty...

Ah, yes, my flameless fireworks.

I never could quite figure out
how to get them to ignite.

How did you learn to make
all this stuff anyway?

I've been studying
science my whole life.

Ever since a particularly
traumatic experience as a foal,

I've been looking for ways to
make sense of the world around me.

Science provides explanations of
things we never thought possible!


why did we come here again?

Oh! Because I accidentally
sent out invitations

for Cranky and Matilda's wedding

with today's date
instead of tomorrow's!

Great whickering stallions!

I completely forgot!

And I still need to
get my suit tailored!

Rarity? Rarity!

Please! You've got to help me!

I lost track of time,

and forgot that the
wedding is this afternoon!

Have you seen Rarity?

She's got to open the sleeves of
my suit and she's got to do it now!

Oh, haha, thank goodness.

Lead on, my friend.

Er, why have you brought me here?

Rarity would never set hoof in-

Great whickering stallions,
they've got style!


I'm facing certain calamity,

and I couldn't help noticing
your remarkable fashion sense!

Could I have the name
of your incredible tailor?

Oh yeah, man, his name is me.

Me'. What an unfortunate name.

No, man, like, I manufacture
all of my own garments.

We all do, man.

Then you've got to help me!

I need this suit tailored!

It's an emergency!

Sorry, man, we're just
about to start the finals.

What's this word you keep using?


I dunno, man, but guess what?

Our fourth didn't show,
so if you roll with us,

we'll alter your suit for you.

I'm sorry, gentlecolts,
but I will not bowl.

The splits, the spares!

There are simply
too many variables!

What are you talking about, man?

Just throw the ball straight!

Hold on. Straight?

Very well. I'll try your
straight technique.

It just might be crazy
enough to work.

Do we know what
they're on about?

The way they're
huddled up like that,

I'd say it's either a friendship
problem or a monster attack.

A monster attack?! Blast!

I'm performing at the
ceremony this afternoon,

and I still haven't sorted
out what to play.

How am I meant to practice
with a monster invading Ponyville?

Maybe it's just a
friendship problem,

and it'll all be cleared up
in half an hour or so.

I hope so.

Where's Pinkie Pie?!

I need my wedding planner!

Oh, no! On my wedding day?!

Somepony's gotta help me!



I'm to move an entire wedding
from tomorrow to today!

But nopony's asked
me to organize

anything since Twilight
came to town.

So you'll do it?

I used to be the best
organizer in all of Ponyville.

You bet I'll—

Come on! We better
get to the salon

before that monster flattens it!

What am I gonna do?


I feel so bad about the invitations!

Is there anything I can do—


You want Matilda's arrangements...


This is awful!

The horror, the horror!

So, there's no way you can do it?

We don't even have
Matilda's flowers in yet,

much less arranged!

This is a disaster!

Okay. Thanks anyway.

Look, girls!
A broken stem on one of the zinneas!


Oh, the horror, the horror!

I have to admit,

when Matilda said we needed
this place ready by today,

I was a little nervous.

With you by my side,
I knew we'd get it done in time.

There is nothing like
a best friend, is there?

Anything's possible when
you know somepony

as well as we know each other!

What was that?

There's some monster
attacking Ponyville or something.

What is it this time?

Creature from the Everfree Forest?

Uh, I think it's some
sort of bugbear.

Did you say bugbear?

It found me!

What are you talking
about, Bon Bon?

My name isn't Bon Bon.

It's Special Agent Sweetie Drops.

I work for a super-secret
anti-monster agency in Canterlot,

or at least I did until the bugbear went missing

from Tartarus a few years back.

What are you talking about?

When it escaped, we had to
shut down the whole agency.

Every last shred of evidence

of the organization's
existence was destroyed.

Celestia commanded
complete deniability.


It was me who
captured the bugbear.

I had to go deep cover here in Ponyville
and assume the name Bon Bon.

I never thought it'd be able to
track me, but now it has.

Are you saying our whole
friendship was based on a lie?!

I'm sorry, Lyra! I couldn't tell
you for your own protection!

B-b-but the lunches! The,
the long talks!

The benches we sat on!

None of that was real?!

It was all real.
You're my very best friend.

I've got to go find a crowd

to blend into before
I put you in danger!

I'll see you at the wedding.

Fine! But we're going to
talk about this later!

I need my ring today,
no matter the cost!

...as long as it doesn't
cost any extra.

Seven/ten split, man.

Harshest of the harsh.

But if you pick this up,
we win the whole shebang!

Doc! I've finally figured
out how I can help!

Your flameless fireworks
look just like flowers!

I'll use them for the wedding!

Great whickering stallions, wait!

Wait! The flameless fireworks
are extremely volatile!

Without knowing what
the trigger is,

they could go off
at any moment!

My word, is that a bugbear?

Oh, there are so many
things I'm forgetting!

I hope Cranky remembers
to tell the musicians!

Oh, oh, I'll never get my
mane done in time!

You must relax, my dear!

We can handle anything!

We once did a pony's hair
during the ceremony!

Oh, it's true, it's true!

They really are the best!

Matilda, I've just got to say,

I already feel like we're family!

You do?

Of course! I'm Steven Magnet,
Cranky's best beast!

You're Steven Magnet?

What did you expect, a bugbear?

I've known Cranky forev-er!

Surely he must have told you

about the time he saved me
from Flash Freeze Lake?

You're Steven Magnet.

Oh, I know, I know! Typical Cranky,

to leave out minor details,
like the fact that I'm,

y'know, a sea monster, right?

I just love that old burro!

I'm sorry, Steven, I guess
I assumed you were a pony.

Um, I had no idea you had
such adventures together.

Oh, honey, you don't
know the half of it!

But let me tell you something,

in all that we've been
through together,

the only thing he ever cared
about was finding you.


Well, that and a baldness cure.

He is the sweetest
thing, isn't he?

All the stress I've
put myself through.

All the stress I've
put him through!

The only thing that matters
is that we're together!

The wedding isn't the
important thing, the marriage is.

Oh, goodness gracious.

If you believe that,
I have got a bridge to sell you!

All these ponies
travelling to Ponyville,

putting on uncomfortable clothes,

sitting through a long ceremony,

you think any of them care
about the marriage?

Honey, the wedding is everything.

Ugh, all these wedding
songs are so...


I want Matilda and Cranky's
wedding to be special.


but I'm not sure that's
appropriate for a wedding, is it?

That's more like it!

Stop! I'm going to be
late for the wedding!

What is life?
Is it nothing more than

the endless search
for a cutie mark?

And what is a cutie mark,

but a constant reminder
that we're all

only one bugbear attack
away from oblivion?

And what of the poor gator?

Flank forver blank,

destined to an existential swim
down the river of life, to...

an unknowable destiny?

Something like that might work.

What do you mean,
you left it on the counter?!

I thought you were bringing it!

This is just wonderful!

I handled the gifts for Cadance
and Shining Armor!

You were supposed to do
this one, remember?

Well, we can't just come to
this wedding empty-hoofed!

It's alright.
He always cries at weddings.

...Though usually it's not
until the wedding starts...

These flameless fireworks look
even better than flowers!

Attention, everypony!

Our friends have done it!

They defeated the bugbear!



So, uh, you didn't happen to
mention our earlier conversation

about my secret identity
to anypony, did you?

I did not.

And you're not the only one
with a secret, y'know.

You know those expensive,

imported oats you were saving
for a 'special occasion'?

I cooked them all and ate them!

All of them!


It's sort of thrilling to reveal your deepest,
darkest secrets!

That's what best friends are for.

Next time, you can just bring
your own gift, and I'll bring mine.


There you are!

My suit has vanished

and this was the only
thing left in my closet!

How do I look?

Like a million bits!

Great whickering stallions,
look at the time!

We'd better get inside.


I can't believe I lost my hair!

I look ridiculous.

The love of my life deserves
better than this!

Have no fear, Cranky my dear,

it's Steven Magnet's
moustache to the rescue!

Aw, thanks, buddy.

Oh, no problem.

Now you get in there and marry that donkey!

Well, is everypony here?

All set, Mayor!

Dearly beloved, we are
gathered here today

to join these two in matrimony.

As I look around this room,

I can only imagine how
uncomfortable Cranky must be.

But I also see so many
ponies from all trots of life,

brought together by love.

Cranky searched all across this
great land of ours to find Matilda,

and no matter what
obstacles kept them apart,

love would finally
bring them together,

just as it has brought all
of us together now.

It's remarkle to me,

how a story like Cranky's
search for Matilda

could fill this room with such a
unique collection of ponies!

It makes you realize that everypony
is the star of their own story,

and it's not just
the main characters

in our stories that
make life so rich!

It's everypony, those
who play big parts,

and those who play small.

If it weren't for everypony
in this room,

and many more who
couldn't be here today,

Cranky and Matilda's
lives wouldn't be

as full and vibrant as they are.

And so, in front of all
these loved ones...

Cranky, do you take this donkey

to be your lawfully wedded wife?

You bet I do!

And do you, Matilda,

take this donkey to be your
lawfully wedded husband?

I do!

Then I'm proud to say,

I now pronounce you
jack and jenny!

Of course!
They need love to ignite!

How could I have missed it?!

You know something, girls?

We are so lucky to
live in this town.

I love you all!

Ow! That's where the
bugbear bit me!

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