01x09 - Beasts

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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01x09 - Beasts

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as though humanity
would be destroyed by the demons.

But a single mage saved them all.

He was called the Wizard King,
and he became a legend.

And so, we're giving you your first mission.

Our first mission...

...as Magic Knights.

Wh-What is it?

It had better be something
worthy of me as a royal.

Yeah, you should be honored.

You'll be hunting wild boars
in Saussy Village!




What kind of lame mission is that?

What are you calling lame?!

I can b*at a wild boar with my bare hands!

Don't you dare underestimate wild boars!

Are you going to go, or are you going to die?

Which will it be?

We'll go!

Even if it's just hunting wild boars,
this is our first mission as Magic Knights.

I'm so excited!

I'm supposed to get rid of wild boars?

What? You're still complaining?

I'm not complaining... It's just...

I was just wondering if I should go,
since I can't control my magical powers.

Her name is...

Crazy Cyclone!

Crazy Cyclone

So cool!

I know, right?! Isn't she a beaut?

Yeah, she is!


A man never goes back on his word!

Here we go!



This is amazing, Magna!
We're one with the wind!

And if you don't want to die,
better squeeze up closer, Stupidsta!

Yes, sir!

So this is where the magic stone is located.

We're going to find it.

Yes, sir!

Be lost in the mist.


Grey words can't make anything happen

I know, yeah I know

Wishing to fly freely across the sky

I dreamed it all my life

Step by step I go, though
it's a doubtful world

Don't care how much I fall

Instinct is my guide, I never give up

To faraway future, I burst out running

Go beyond even the unseen fears

The vision I had, so I can be myself

Someday I will write the next page

You are my hope

Like that page from someday

I was able to meet you

I call this a miracle

A wild boar's after me! It's huge!

Actually, is that even a wild boar?!

Isn't it using some magic of its own?!

It's super fast!

Shouldn't we rescue him?

I'm taking a break.

My magical powers are pretty much
drained after flying you two this far.

I'm sure he'll be fine. He's pretty tough.


If you're so worried, you go save him.

I can do this.

Why me?!

I've got you now!

I finally got 'im.

Great job, Asta.

But it ain't over yet.

What a haul!

You're pretty amazing.

Three or four wild boars ain't nothing.

You've got some impressive brute strength.

This should make Old Man Seihi happy.
Let's have ourselves a wild boar party.

This mayor of Saussy Village...
Seihi? You know him?

Yeah. I've known him for a long time.

I'm from Rayaka Village,
which is just past here,

but I used to be a bit of a
handful when I was a kid.

Used to be?

Like you aren't now?

I got a big head after I got my grimoire

and went into Saussy Village with
the intent of taking over, too.

And then...

Take that!

Hey, you little brat!
What do you think you're doing?!

You wanna get hurt, old man?

You're the one that's gonna get hurt!

Take that!

Time for your punishment!

That's dangerous!

And now...

Wh-What the hell are you doing?

Time for an ass whoopin'!

Hey! Damn it!

Since then, I've challenged
that old man many times.

Real men don't make trouble for others!

Take that!

Help the weak and humble the strong.
That's what a true man does.


Real men don't make others worry about them.

He whooped my ass every time.

He must be strong.

I found this out later, but Old Man Seihi

had enough magical power that he aspired
to be a Magic Knight when he was younger.

He's the one who suggested that I
take the Magic Knights Entrance Exam.

Oh? Looks like you've improved a bit.

W-Well, I'm getting the hang
of using my grimoire.

In that case, why don't you try
taking the Magic Knights Entrance Exam?


M-Me? Take the entrance exam?

You've got skill.

There's... no way that'll happen.
I'm a commoner from the boonies.

Nothing's written in stone!

What does being from the boonies or being
a commoner have to do with anything?

It's up to you to take hold of your own future.

I'm sure you'll be able to fulfill
the dream I couldn't.

Old Man...

Be a man, Magna.

So what do Magic Knights do, anyway?

You don't even know that?!

It's all because of him that
I'm here right now.

When I passed the Magic Knights Entrance Exam,
he was happier for me than anyone.

He must be a nice person.


And he went to the royal capital...

well, to get rich quick so he could
make some money for his village,

but I think he also came to see me.

He did take me for every bit
of change I had, though!

But he's the one who showed me
what a real man should be.

I wanted to be like him, the person
I respect most after Mister Yami...


The hell is that?!

The village...

It's covered in mist.

Wow, the weather sucks in that town.

You idiot! That's magic.


Saussy Village

A magical mist?

Once we enter it, we probably
won't be able to get anywhere.

We'll lose our sense of direction and
end up wandering around in the mist.

Magic that can cover a whole village...

None of the villagers have magic this strong.

Of course, this isn't Old
Man Seihi's magic, either.

What's going on?


Yes, sir?

Cut through the mist with your sword.

Sure thing!


That's a dumb thing to say.
You can't cut through mist with a sword.

You're the dumb one!

Since it's magic, you can cut
through it with your sword!

Oh, yeah!

Good. Now, let's go.


Take a right there.

Got it!

Take a left there.


You seem to know where you're going.

Well, yeah. Left.

Did you feel that?

Yes. Powerful magic.

Straight ahead. Be careful.

We should end up in the square.

This is your execution.

expl*sive Scattershot!

The Magic Knights...

They've come to save us!

Magna, it's you!

Nick! What the heck's going on?

Old Man!

Hey! Wake up!

Old Man...

The mayor...

He tried to protect us.

Grandpa, they came. The Magic Knights...

Your prayers were answered.

A person can just die... so easily?

Are you the bastard who did this?!

How dare you put me behind schedule?

You'll all be ex*cuted in ten seconds.

Crap! I'm short on magic!


I won't forgive this!

How could you do something so cruel?

Who the heck are you guys?!

They don't seem like spies
from the Diamond Kingdom

or barbarians here to trash the village.

Who are these guys?

I don't recall hearing anything
about Magic Knights showing up.

Could they be out on some unofficial mission?

And how did they get into the
village through our mist barrier?

The Black Bulls...

Crude heretics that don't fit in with
the rest of the Magic Knights.

Dealing with them would be a waste of time.

Five minutes...

We'll get rid of the useless villagers
that didn't know anything

and seek what we came here for.

Don't ignore me!

Mist Magic: Whirlpool of Illusory Mist.

You're a fool to think you could
get near Lord Heath so easily.

Damn you!

Be lost in the mist.

No, I won't!

He cut through my ice magic earlier.
I don't know what kind of magic he uses...

But his sword negates magic.

We shouldn't let him get too close.

I'm asking you why you tried
to k*ll all these villagers!

This world is split into several regions.

Forsaken Realm

Common Realm

Noble Realm





The Noble Realm where royalty lives,
the Common Realm where the commoners live,

Spade Kingdom

and the Forsaken Realm.


This village, Saussy, is located
in the Forsaken Realm.

Most of those who inhabit
the Forsaken Realm are

an inferior race that can only use
enough magic to complete daily tasks.

They're basically mindless beasts.

I was only trying to get
rid of the mindless beasts

that might steal more of my precious time.


The three of you

also had enough magical power to
join the Magic Knights, did you not?

You're only trying to save them
because it's your mission.

But in truth, they look like lowly
beasts to you, do they not?

Living in the upper realms must be nice.

I'm sure they're living a life of luxury.

If you're so jealous,
you should just go there.

It's not that easy.

Why not?

Only those who possess strong magical
powers can live in the realms above us.

There's prejudice against
those who lack magical powers.

Even though we're all human.

Huh... Then after I join the Magic
Knights and become the Wizard King,

I'll get rid of those prejudices and
make our village flourish even more!

Thank you, Asta.

If the likes of you could manage that,
we wouldn't be struggling.

What did you say, you brat?!
I'm older than you!

You couldn't even join the Magic Knights,
let alone become the Wizard King.

You don't even have any magical powers.


Those people you called beasts

are lives I have to protect!

I see. So the filthy beasts
are that valuable to you.

I'll send those icicles right back at y—

Th-This is...

Ice and Mist Compound Magic:
Endless Ice Cage.

Do you think you can
protect those beasts now?

I'm not very partial to the term "gradually,"

but this seems like it'll
be the most effective.



Not only can you negate magic,
you can repel it, as well.

But that is not enough to defeat me.

The blades of ice will
come one after another.

Now, just try and protect them.

Damn you!

It's going to take everything Asta
and I have to protect the villagers.

Not to mention, my powers
are reaching their limit.

And they have four guys who are
at least Magic Knight level.

And that guy's still hiding his true powers!

This turned out to be one hell
of a first mission for those two!

This isn't good!

But if I cut and run now, I'm not a real man!

It just so happens I'm a lowly
commoner myself! I'll protect you!


I wonder how long you'll last.

To think one of you can't
even control her powers...

I guess the Black Bulls were
truly desperate for members.

These frail little beasts who can't
even protect themselves...

If you abandon them,
I'll let you live, Magic Knights.

Like hell I'll abandon them!

A real man doesn't abandon anybody!

I'm... royalty.

I have more magical power
than anyone else here.

Step back, Lady Noe!

And yet I'm just holding them back!

There's no reason for me to be here.

If you abandon them, I'll let you live...

That's right. I'm royalty.

I'm not supposed to die
in a village like this.

I should just run—

Miss Magic Knight...

Save us!

This little girl is asking for help.

I'm going to protect them!

A new spell?

There's no way...

I can run now!

I'll protect them! I'm royalty,

and a member of the Black Bulls!

No one can escape from here

Once again in the small closed off classroom

The star of the class was shining yet again

They shine so bright that I close my eyes

I've thought many times

That the revolution was within my hands

Isn't it strange? If you want
to laugh, go ahead and laugh

The rest of us who were left
behind wanted to become something

We repeat the same morning over and over

You're the only one who
can choose your tomorrow

Let's go beyond our current selves

Petit Clover

Petit Clover!

Separation and Reunion

Boar, boar, boar... boar, boar, boar.

Boar, boar, boar, boar...

I'm sorry
I destroyed the fields!

Oh, all right. Just don't do it again!

I won't!

Boar! Boar!


Take care!

Check out
Black Clover
next week, too!


That's awesome, Noelle!

A path will always open,
as long as you don't give up!

We're going to protect everyone,
no matter what!

Black Clover, Page 10:
"Those Who Protect."

Page 10
Those Who Protect

Not giving up is my magic!
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