01x11 - What Happened One Day in the Castle Town

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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01x11 - What Happened One Day in the Castle Town

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as though humanity
would be destroyed by the demons.

But a single mage saved them all.

He was called the Wizard King,
and he became a legend.

How'd you like that?
Some lowly commoners just won.

How'd you like that, damn it?!


Honestly, he's so ridiculous.

You finally awake, you jerk?

So my magic is sealed.

You're going to spill everything
to the Magic Knights,

including who you guys are
and what your motives are!

I refuse.

It appears the end has come.

Ice Magic: Ice Burial.

Talk about resolve.

You idiot!

What do...

What do you think life is?!

What Happened on a Certain
Day in the Castle Town

Grey words can't make anything happen

I know, yeah I know

Wishing to fly freely across the sky

I dreamed it all my life

Step by step I go, though
it's a doubtful world

Don't care how much I fall

Instinct is my guide, I never give up

To faraway future, I burst out running

Go beyond even the unseen fears

The vision I had, so I can be myself

Someday I will write the next page

You are my hope

Like that page from someday

I was able to meet you

I call this a miracle

Sounds like you guys went through hell!

Why does he sound so happy about that?

Someone even d*ed.

Hey, Captain, I don't think
this is a laughing matter.

Being depressed isn't going to
bring Old Man Seihi back. Right?

Yes, sir! It's just as you say, sir.

Old Man Seihi liked to see
everyone happy and energetic.

Come on. You guys should be laughing, too.

Come on!


You, too, Lady Noe!

That's how it should be.

What happened to
Old Man Seihi really is a shame,

but you three were able
to protect the villagers.

Be proud of that.

Well done. Great job, you idiots.

Yes, sir!


What's that?

You moron! You don't even know
the Magic Knights' salute?!

Take a good look!

These fingers symbolize the clover.

Go on, give it a try.

Yes, sir!

Well done!

We're back.

Great job, you three.

Miss Vanessa! Finral!

Captain, we went to the
Magic Investigation Department.

Good. Did you find anything out?

Who the heck's behind all this?!

I'll find their hideout and raid it!

I'll b*at the crap out of
the guy who got away, too!

Well, you see,

they investigated the item he left behind,

but still don't have a clue.

How useless can they be?

You fools!

Stop breaking stuff!


But that pocket watch is pretty nice.

Yes, and from what you said
about how they were acting,

they were all of very high status.

So they're royalty or nobles.

Oh, who's this little guy? He's adorable.

How's it adorable?!

I-It is adorable!

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

Why, you little!

Hey, come here.

You ugly little bird!
I'll turn you into fried chicken!

I won't let you turn him into fried chicken!

Say your prayers!

Don't you dare!

Are you two trying to break the building?!

We're sorry!

You're the one breaking everything, though.

All right, listen up.

It doesn't matter if the ones behind
this are royalty or nobility.

We're going to let the
Investigation Department

take care of this,
and we'll wait for their report.

More importantly, I've got some good news.

Good news?

Wanna hear it?

Of course!

Your actions have been acknowledged
by the Wizard King himself!

The Wizard King?!

You've been given a star!

Whoa, seriously?!

All right!



Heck yeah!


So, what are stars?

Don't get so excited if you
don't know what they are!

Stars are awarded by the Wizard
King based on our performance.

What are they good for?

Well... They're like an honor.


That's right, Asta! Honor!

It's a badge of honor for a man!

There's a lady here, too.

It's a badge of honor for a man and a woman!

That makes no sense.

The various Magic Knights squads
compete to get the most stars.

The number of stars indicates
how much work a squad has done.

I see!

Speaking of, the Golden Dawn is currently
at the top with seventy stars.


What about us? How many
do the Black Bulls have?

We can't lose to the Golden Dawn!


finally have a nice, even negative thirty.



We're finally only a hundred
away from the Golden Dawn.

A hundred?!

It's going to take forever to catch
up and b*at them! Damn it, Yuno!

Not happening.

Should I really be in this squad?

One other thing.

Here's your pay for this month.


It's money! There's at
least 200,000 yuls here!


Thanks, Captain! I'm going to eat
lots of yummy things with this!

Yeah, eat up.

Hey, Captain! How much would
it take for you to fight me?

Well? Well?

I won't.

Aw, come on!

I was thinking about buying new clothes
for my goddess, my little sister, Marie.

What do you think will look best on her?

Don't ask me.

No idea.

Tomorrow's gonna be a day off,
so don't let it go to waste.

I'm gonna go on tons of dates!

Do whatever you want.


Thank you for everything, Captain.

We should all go out somewhere and
have fun. What do you guys think?

This isn't much.

You moron!

You could buy at least ten years'
worth of tatoes with this money!

Tatoes? What are those?

Potatoes from Hage Village that taste
bland and have a questionable texture.

That sounds awful.

They aren't! Sister Lily can
make anything taste good!

And who's that?

The woman I'm going to marry someday!


But aren't sisters women of the cloth?
I don't think they can get married.

I-It'll work out somehow!
I'll go beyond all limitations!

Are you stupid?

Congrats on your first payday!

What do you plan to do with it?

I haven't decided.

What about you, little boy?

I-I'm going to send some money
back to the church in Hage.

That's a great idea, Asta!
That's the manly thing to do!

Right?! Do you send money back, too?

Of course I do! But...


Only after I've increased it a hundredfold!

You never learn, do you?

A man's gotta take risks!

By "man," you must mean "moron."

Sending some money back is
fine, but don't send it all.

Use a little bit for yourself.

Sh-Should I?

But what should I use it for?

Let's go shopping in the
castle town tomorrow.

You, too.


I'll take you both.

Sister Lily, how are you doing?

I'm doing well.

All of the kind senior squad members
are taking good care of me.

Asta, stand right here.

What are we doing?

Don't move.

Flame Magic:



Hot! Hot, hot, hot, hot!

I told you not to move!

I didn't!

Also, I did really well on my first mission,

and received a star from the Wizard King
for my excellent performance.

At this rate, I might be able to
become the Wizard King by next month.

I want to become the Wizard King and make
this a world where everyone can be happy.

Then I'll come for you, so please marry me.

"Oh, I just had my first payday,
so I'm sending you the money."

I'm done!

This is an awesome letter,
if I do say so myself.

I wonder if Sister Lily
will be moved to tears.

The Wizard King...

The Wizard King, huh?

I wonder what he's like...

Have you ever been to the castle town?

I haven't.

I guess royals and nobles wouldn't
really have reason to go very often.

How about you, little boy?

I just passed through when I went to
take the Magic Knights Entrance Exam.

Then let's have a lot of fun today.

Hey, stop touching me.

I can't help it! Do you want me to fall?

I can't stop thinking about
him for some reason. Ugh...


The Clover Kingdom is split between the
Noble Realm, where royalty and nobility live,


Spade Kingdom

Forsaken Realm



Common Realm

Noble Realm


the Common Realm, where the commoners live,

and the Forsaken Realm,
where the peasants live.

The Castle Town of Kikka,
where Asta and Yuno took

the Magic Knights Entrance Exam,
is in the Common Realm.

It's still amazing!

It's very lively.

I hope I can bring Sister Lily and the
kids from the church here someday.

What about me?!


Marie, my goddess, I'll be there soon.

I want to see your smiling face as soon
as possible. I can't contain myself.


That voice...

So you've come again.

I have.

I'm not going to lose this month!

I won't, either!

The ultra ultimate super
large serving of everything!

I dare you to eat all of it!

Thanks for the nummies!

Munchy, munchy, munchy, munchy, munchy...

I'm getting heartburn just watching her.

Do you have some time, miss?

Want to have some tea with me?

Do I look like I have time?

You can bring your kids along.
I know a great place—

You actually think they're my kids?!

They're my brother and sister!

I have to hurry home so we can open the shop.

I don't have any time to mess around.

Man, I love tough young ladies.

Miss, want to have some fun with me?

Don't get too far ahead, little boy.

I'm so excited!

Don't you two want to buy anything?

There are just so many things,
I don't know what to get.

I don't really...

Hey, those robes... They're Magic Knights.

That mark... Ugh, it's the Black Bulls!

That's the lush witch Vanessa.

Are the cute girl next to her and
the little kid also Black Bulls?

It's probably best to stay away.

They're starting to get a bit restless.

It's fine. Magic Knights being
in town helps deter crime.

Not to mention, some fine
gentlemen might approach us.

I've bought some healing herbs,

as well as some shique ointment,
which acts as a poison antidote.

That should do it.

I bought what I needed, so why don't
we go somewhere a bit more quiet?

Somewhere quiet?

I know just the place.

This way.

That way?

Isn't this just some alley?

It's a dead end.


Come now.


Black Market

This is the Black Market.

The Black Market?

It's a bit dangerous, but they have
some very effective magical items.

Hey, Vanessa. I got some good stuff in.

Hey! I'll take a look later.


Oh, you don't seem too excited.

Well, no.

I guess I can't blame you.

Royals and nobles won't set foot
in here because of their prejudices.

But you can't control your
magical powers yet, right?

Th-That's right. Why?

They have items that can help you
control your magical powers here.

If you can find an item that's a good
fit for you, and adjust your powers,

you might be able to control them.

Control my powers...

Why don't we take a look around?


It's really lively over there.

You two are a bit too
young to go in there yet.

Amateurs shouldn't spend too much time
in there, or it could ruin their lives.

All right!

Let's do this! Let's do this!

I'm going to make my paycheck
grow a hundredfold!

Hey, I know that guy!

Damn it, I lost again! Bah-ha...

I can see the future.

Bah-ha! That old lady's strong.

I really shouldn't be wasting time
here, anyway. I have work to do.

Well, the job's to catch a purse-snatcher.

Is that even a job for a Magic Knight?


But the captain would get
real scary if I refused.

You got a problem with that?
I'll slice you in two!

Bah-ha! I finally managed
to join the Magic Knights,

but it's the Green Praying Mantises.

I'm a praying mantis. A frickin' bug.

All I do every day is run errands.

When I finally got an actual mission,
I got used as bait and almost d*ed.

I'm constipated and my hair's thinning.

Bah-ha, damn it.

Hey, she's cute!

What about this? You could probably
use this to stabilize your powers.

It looks so cheesy.

Well, just give it a try.


You shouldn't have been walking there!

Bah-ha! Well, well,
what brings you two down here?

The Black Market is no place
for you lovely ladies. Bah-ha!

Did you get lost?

As an elite member of the Magic Knights,
I shall guide you out of here.

Get lost, you insect.


Hey! I found something really cool!

You didn't actually buy that, did you?

It talks!

So you did.


We are hoomans.


What, exactly?



Huh? Hey, you're Bah-ha!

It's Sekke! Bah-ha!

How've you been, Bah-ha?

The name's Bah-ha! No, wait, Sekke!

Who's that?

I took the Entrance Exam with him.

Ah, you're a member of the
Green Praying Mantises.

He's with two beautiful girls?! Wait, no...

They're both members of
the Black Bulls, too.

Asta, you bastard!
You're making me jealous.

Besides, it's all your fault that
I ended up in the Green Praying Mantises.

Bah-ha! You infuriating bah-hastard!


My winnings! Stop!

No one can escape from here

Once again in the small closed off classroom

The star of the class was shining yet again

They shine so bright that I close my eyes

I've thought many times

That the revolution was within my hands

Isn't it strange? If you want
to laugh, go ahead and laugh

The rest of us who were left
behind wanted to become something

We repeat the same morning over and over

You're the only one who
can choose your tomorrow

Let's go beyond our current selves

Petit Clover

Petit Clover!

Sekke's Bah-Ha Seminar

Sekke's Bah-Ha Seminar!



Wrong! It's...



Asta, you have yet to learn
the ways of the bah-ha.


The ways of the bah-ha?!

Bah-ha! This is my chance
to make a name for myself!

I'm going to catch the thief and
get praise from the Wizard King, ha!

Black Clover, Page 12:
"The Wizard King Saw."

Page 10
The Wizard King Saw

Not giving up is my bah-ha!
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