01x28 - The One I've Set My Heart On

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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01x28 - The One I've Set My Heart On

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as though humanity
would be destroyed by the demons.

But a single mage saved them all.

He was called the Wizard King,
and he became a legend.

The One I've Set My Heart On

Finral Roulacase, a member of the Black
Bulls Magic Knights Squad, was troubled.

It was a very important matter.

What do I do? What should I do?

Finral's troubles had nothing
to do with a mission...

...about tonight's mixer?

A mixer, meaning a gathering
between men and women.

It is a dinner intended to help
men and women get acquainted.

When I set this up, three girls
agreed to come, and that's great!

The more girls, the merrier!

But the problem is who
else I'm going to bring.

Asta's a delight, so I'm bringing him
for sure. I just need one more...


Flame Magic:



Home run!

Didja see that?

This is what truly makes a man!

Yeah, no. I know there are girls
who like delinquents, but...

Pleased to meet ya!
My Crazy Cyclone's on fire!

This is what truly makes a man!
Brr-r-r-rm, brr-r-r-rm!

Magna's too much of a delinquent.
He'd just scare them off.

Almost... I'm almost done

with my life-size statue of Marie.

Ah, Marie. It feels like
you're right next to me!

My beloved little sister, Marie!

Ah, you truly are an angel!

Yeah, no. Even if I took him to a mixer...

Marie's more of an angel than any of you.

I want to have a mixer
with a hundred Maries.

Yes. Marie was already an angel
before she was even born.

Ugh... A sister complex?


He'd definitely scare them away!

I heard that you were having a mixer.

You want me to come with you?

Yeah, I have no idea what Gordon's
thinking, so that's not happening.

No, really. You don't need to hold back.
It's not as if I don't like girls.

It might be fun to bring Charmy along,
since she's sort of like a mascot character.


Munchy, munchy, munchy, munchy...

This is so yummy, too!

Excuse me, could I get seconds?

I do apologize. It's only been
five minutes since we opened,

but we're out of ingredients,
so we must close for the day.


The mixer'd be over in five minutes!

At least, that's what I assume would happen.

Maybe I could take Vanessa...

But she's a woman!

Let's not.

Now this is paradise.

Maybe I could go all-out and invite Yami...

I'm sure there are girls
who like older guys.

Yami does hate gaudy types, though.

Why the hell are you three
dressed like that, huh?

Aren't you showing too much skin?

What if you catch a cold?
Put something warm over your stomachs!


Not happening.

So overbearing.

Maybe not.

Basically, that leaves...

A mixer? Yeah, sure.

Great! Thanks for agreeing to come.

Well, Luck looks decent,
so I'm sure things will work out.

So, what's a mixer, anyway?

Will this actually work out?

All right, it looks like we're all set.

Should we go dressed like this?

We have to make sure they know
that we're Magic Knights.

Magic Knights are the most admired figures
in the Clover Kingdom, after all.

Got it!

Are mixers strong? I'm so excited!

Yeah! I'm excited, too!

Well, let's go.

Come on. Hurry on through.

Got it!

Can I go, too? I promise
I won't get in the way...

City in the Common Realm: Nean


I-I'm in the clear.

Sneak... Sneak, sneak... Sneak, sneak, sneak.

When I heard they were going to a mixer,

I was so worried, I ended up following them.

I can't believe this. Why are
they going to a mixer?

This is the problem with lowly fools.

I-I mean, it's not as if I like that
muscle-brained shrimp or anything!

I don't care who he hangs out
with or what happens after that!

Wait, who am I even making excuses to?!

I'm pretty sure it was
somewhere around here.

Oh, there it is!

The Dreavy Hinker

Okay! Looks like we all have our drinks,
so let's get right to the introductions!

I'll go ahead and start.

Finral Roulacase
21-Year-Old Member of the Black Bulls From Touta

I'm 21 years old and from Touta!

I'm Finral Roulacase, the spatial
magic user from the Black Bulls!

Nice to meet you!

These are freshly picked moon blossoms.

Please take them as a
token of our friendship.

Wow! They're beautiful!

These only bloom at night
on Mount Anahu, right?

They smell so nice!


Hook, line, and sinker! I'm finally
going to get a girlfriend!

But for that to happen, I need both
Asta and Luck to do their best.

Go on, introduce yourselves.

Introduce myself...

Am I just supposed to say what I like?


Luck Voltia
18-Year-Old Member of the Black Bulls From Ibon

I'm Luck Voltia, and I'm 18 years old.
I'm from Ibon and belong to the Black Bulls.

My hobbies include fighting tough
enemies in bloody, mortal combat!

Isn't "fighting for your life"
a wonderful phrase?

Introduce myself... A manly man should
probably talk about his dreams.


15-Year-Old Member of the Black Bulls From Hage Village

I-I'm Asta. I'm fifteen. I'm from Hage
Village. I'm a member of the Black Bulls!

Um... my dream is to become
the Wizard King someday!

The Wizard King?

That'll never happen.
He's just a kid, anyway.

These two seem kinda...

How d'ya like these biceps?


I mean, I heard they'd be Magic Knights,

but they just had to be Black Bulls,
the lowest of the low?

And if he's from Hage, isn't he a peasant?

Like, a total peasant?

I'd never go out with any of these guys
if they didn't earn more than me.

And if they're younger, shorter,
and socially beneath me...

Not happening.

Crap... This seems to be going south.

Okay! We've introduced ourselves,
so now it's your turn, girls!

Let's keep things rolling! Yeah!

We're passing the baton to you!

Um... We're friends.

Rebecca Scarlet

Helene Barbary

Erika Sitate

I'm Erika. I work at a dressmaker shop.

I'm Helene, and I work as a hairdresser.

Rebecca. I work at a restaurant.

They're clearly losing interest!

Wow, so you all have
solid jobs. That's great!

Say, I'd love to hear about your work.

I'd love it if you made some clothes for me.
What do you think would look good on me?

Maybe you could cut my hair sometime.

I've been thinking of
changing up my hairstyle.

Could I eat at your place sometime?

No reaction whatsoever! I need to think
of something they'd be interested in!

W-Want to hear about the Magic Knights?

Yeah, tell us!

I'd love to!


That's great to hear. Well, I use spatial
magic to go to all sorts of places.

Something I've done recently at my job...



Hey. Send me to the john.

Yes, sir.

Hey. Send me to the bath.

Yes, sir.

Hey. Send me to my bed.

Yes, sir.

I don't think I've done anything lately
other than move Yami around.

Luck! You've been working hard!
What have you done recently?


Tell them something interesting
you've done at work lately.

Helene and the other girls
really want to know.

Work, huh? Let's see... Oh!

The other day, we ran into
a group of ten bandits...

Yes, and?

...and I beat them all to a pulp!

It was so brutal! And so much fun!

I could've easily k*lled them all,
but I just broke three of their bones.

It completely backfired!

Oh, and when I fought this mage, I—

Right. Thanks, Luck!

Now, go on and eat up, my boy!

Oh, I'm done?

I'd love to hear what Asta's been up to!

You protected the people of the
royal capital, didn't you? Great job!

Y-Yes! I did!

Oh, you mean the incident the other day?

When the capital was att*cked?

Yup! Asta worked really
hard and got promoted!


Hey, this is going well. We just need to keep
taking the conversation in this direction!

You must be amazing!

Well, I didn't manage to protect myself.
They put three holes in me.

They hurt like hell!

Hey, it's all squishy!

Ow! Hey, don't poke at them.

These two are useless!

I should've known a mixer
wouldn't work with these two!

All of our members suck!

Ow, ow, ow! Come on, stop!

Hey, are you mad?

No, but...

I heard them mention a mixer,
so I ended up tagging along.

But thankfully, it doesn't
seem to be going well.

Like I said! I don't care
what happens to Shrimpsta!


Hey, waitress!


Get me another beer!

Get it yourself, insect.


So you know about that huge incident
at the capital the other day?

I just happened to be on bodyguard duty
for a VIP in the capital that day,

< Lies >

and just happened to defeat
a number of the intruders.


They gave me an exceptional promotion

and bumped me up to
Intermediate Magic Knight all at once!

It's a such a hassle, really.

It's not like I'm even that talented.

< This is true >


Whoops. Maybe I'm a little intoxicated...

with myself.

Oh, and you were looking at a
dirty mag during all that, right?

Hey, what are you talking
about? Of course not!

Shh, shh!

What's wrong? You guys
nervous to be around us?

Bah-ha! You don't have to be so nervous.

He just squeezed lemon all over
the fried chicken without asking first.

At least ask first...

What the heck is this mixer from hell?

I'm pretty sure I've seen this
guy before. He's, um...


Right! Bah-ha!

To think that my bronze magic
would be so formidable.

I even terrify myself.

You there, waitress! Get me another drink!



Herf herf!


Oh, so that's the kind of magic
you use when you cut hair.

Yup. I just go like this.

It doesn't take much magic, but you
need really good control! Show me more!

Huh? Oh, sure...

His eyes are so pure.

He has such a cute smile,
but there's danger behind it.

I think I might like that gap
more than I want to admit.

Crap... I think I'm starting
to like bad boys.

Hey, could you show me your magic, too, Luck?

Sure! It's a bit cramped
in here, so let's go outside.


Well done, Luck!

And the sunrise looks really
beautiful from there.


I'll take you there with my
spatial magic sometime.

Want to go camping with me?

I think I might like that.

Hey, want another drink? Excuse me,
could we get another drink?

He's a bit gaudy and not really my type,
but he's the best out of the three.

He seems like a noble, and spatial magic
would be really handy.

Plus, he's considerate and kind.

Say, want to step out to the patio?

I guess I wouldn't mind.

I wasn't sure how things
would go for a second,

but I think things might just work out!

This is so awkward.

Why does this lady keep
looking away and down?

Is she mad? Did I do
something to make her mad?

Not good. I need to liven things up.

I'm not really sure how,
but I have to liven things up!

Right! It's my turn!


What's your favorite food?

I love tatoes.

You don't have to force yourself
to make small talk. This is dumb.

Erika told me that I should
find a good guy for the sake

of my siblings, so I came along.

But this isn't the real me, and I'm
too worried about my siblings at home.

So you live with your siblings?

I have three younger brothers
and two younger sisters.

Really? That's nice.

Oh, I have five siblings, too,
though we're not related by blood.

I'm not with them right now,
but they're all a bunch of little brats.

They annoyed me sometimes,
but we had so much fun.

We used to all sleep in the same bed.

Now that I'm in the Magic Knights, I get
my own room, so it's a little easier,

but not having those fidgety little brats
sleeping next to me gets a bit lonely, too.

Yeah! They can be a pain, but it
gets lonely when they're not around!

Exactly! And you can act like a
dork in front of your friends,

but you always want to impress your siblings!

I totally get that!

Hey! They're actually having fun?!

Wh-What the heck's going on?

H-Hey! What do you think you're doing?

You just asked for a job out
of the blue, so I hired you,

but then you blew away some customers!
Who do you think you are?

Silence, insect.


Come to think of it, you seem
like a big sister, Rebecca.

You definitely don't seem
like the oldest, though.

I have one brother who's the
same age as me named Yuno...

Well, well...

You look like you're having fun,
o great Magic Knight.

Aren't you a little small to be one?

Are you really a Magic Knight?

If a little twerp like you got in,
I could probably get in, too.

Yeah, I'm surprised I made it in, too.

And being out with a flashy little
thing like this? I sure envy you.

Bet you're desperate to catch yourself
a Magic Knight, aren't ya, missy?

Pretty sure I've seen you somewhere before.

Oh, you're the girl who works
at the local restaurant,

always carrying a kid on your back and
working until you're drenched in sweat.

Are all those brats yours? That must
mean your man walked out on you.

No! That was my brother!

Well, then, of course you'd like
to get yourself a Magic Knight

and enjoy the easy life.

If you want a man that much,

come hang out with me.

Hey! Let go of me!

I don't know what your deal is, mister,
but don't judge people by their appearances!

You don't know anything about her, do you?

Ooh, scary!

What kind of amazing magic are you
gonna show me, widdle Magic Knight?

I can't use magic.

What? A Magic Knight that can't use magic?

What kind of lousy joke is that?



Okay, time to go home.

That was a waste of time.

Let's get more drinks somewhere else.

H-Hey, sir!

Let's get out of here!



Hey, boss! I quit!

What?! Hey!

Thanks, Asta. I feel so much better!

Nah. Sorry for ruining the mixer.

It's fine.

He's a bit short, but he's actually...

Hey, Asta... D-Do you have
anyone that you like?

Yup! There's somebody
I've got my heart set on!


I see.

I'm sure she's a wonderful person.

She is! We're from the same—

I wish you both the best.


Hey, come by my restaurant sometime.

You can play with my siblings.

I will!


The same squad?! Then... could...
could that mean... mean m-m-m-me...

No! No, no, no! And what if it is?!

It's not like I th-think... anything... anything of...

Sister, we spent so many
years together in Hage.

One day, I'll become the
Wizard King and come for you!

Please marry me then!

Just because I'm supporting him
doesn't mean I'm going to give up.

By the way, what's the
point of a mixer, anyway?



Apparently he threw some drunkard to
the ground. Black Bulls are so violent!

Right? Let's go home!

She shot me down...

Petit Clover

Petit Clover!

If Gordon, Grey, and Sekke
Went to a Mixer Together

If Gordon, Grey, and Sekke
Went to a Mixer Together.

Bah-ha! Bah-ha! Bah-ha-ha-haha!

I'm Helene.

I'm Erika.

I'm Gordon.

I'm so happy to be at a mixer
with people as cute as you two.

Will you be my friend? You will? Thanks!


Could we exchange contact info?
I'll write you a letter.



I want to go home.

I'm going to become the Wizard King!

I'm not going to lose to anyone!

I'll prove that even peasants
can move up the ranks!

Black Clover, Page 29: "Path."

Page 29

Not yet! Not yet! Not giving up is my magic!
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