01x35 - The Light of Judgment

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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01x35 - The Light of Judgment

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as though humanity
would be destroyed by the demons.

But a single mage saved them all.

He was called the Wizard King,
and he became a legend.

The leader of the Eye of
the Midnight Sun, Licht.

Asta was no match for his
overwhelming magical powers.

The one who came to Asta's rescue

was none other than the captain
of the Black Bulls, Yami Sukehiro.

In a breathless battle between
light magic and dark magic,

Asta went beyond his limits and
closed in for his counterattack.


How dare you... harm Valtos?!

I cannot allow people like
you to harm my comrades

ever again!

Light Creation Magic: Light Whip of Judgment!

It's useless to struggle!

The cave!

That nutcase has gone ballistic!

Oh, dear... I held back most of my magic,

but it's all really too fragile...

Both this world and you fools.

You're amazing, Master Licht!
Your strength is practically divine!

If you felt like it, Master Licht, the Magic
Knights would be no more than infants!


The Light of Judgment

If you concentrate like that, you can
sense the ki of natural objects, too.

That way, you'll never get k*lled
by stuff like falling rocks.

Ki is awesome! Hooray for ki!

Ki is the best!

Who do you think you are?

All right!

Now take it up a notch and go after the
white-haired dude with the round eyebrows!


Actually, I think I could do that right now.

All right! Because of my ki,
I'm enthusiastic, energetic, and confident!

Hope you're ready, Round Brows!

Actually, scratch that.


I told him that I'd show him the
power of a captain, so I'll do it.

Plus, if you did it, you'd die.

But then what am I supposed to
do with all this extra energy?!

Not my problem.

You can tackle that scrawny line-faced dude.

Now, then...

It's been a while since I've let loose.

Dark Magic:

Dark Cloaked

Lightless Slash!

As I thought...

My magic is being drawn in.

So this is the power of dark magic.


Now that I know that, it'll be
impossible for you to get me.

Hey, you were in the middle
of some weird story,

but that wasn't the end of it, was it?

That grimoire means you're a citizen
of the Clover Kingdom, right?

Why attack your own country?

You're wide open.

He left himself wide open
so I'd let my guard down...

Yami Sukehiro.

You are a worthy foe.

Answer me. What's your real goal here?

Since you're a foreigner, I'm sure
you've noticed them, too.

The distortions in this country.

Some are on the brink of
death from starvation,

but others have so much excess
food that they throw it away.

People are ranked by how much
or how little magic they have,

but some have great magic, yet are
discriminated against for reasons of birth.

Some are hurt in the name of justice
because they were born in another country.

We were born from these distortions...

In order to correct them.

I'm not seeing the point here.

Aren't you trying to do the same
thing these distorted people do?

Are you sane?

Perfectly sane.

Let me answer your sins with sin.

So you're gonna have it
your way, no matter what.

I like guys like that.


I hate your guts!

Wh-What's with this battle?

So this is the captain's

full power...

I don't have any magic. Can I
surpass them, even if I train?

This guy, Yuno, and the Wizard King...

To think that he has enough power to
go head to head with Master Licht...

Master Licht! Please allow me to assist you!

Hey, brat.

That was close!

Why are you wimping out, you dumbass?

I left that scrawny guy to you.

I don't give guys jobs they can't do.

Do something about him in your own way.

Yes, sir!

That's right... I'm going to become
the Wizard King, no matter what.

I don't have time to get depressed.

All right, let's do this!

First, I'll become the guy who beats you!

You won't get me twice.

Spatial Magic: Myriad Black.

You may be able to see what's coming,
but can you block all of these?

One of them got through...

This will go on forever...

Until you can't move anymore!

You dared defy Master Licht
despite having no magic.

You will pay with your life!

Damn it... I don't think I'm going
to last until he runs out of magic.

Even if I manage to repel his att*cks,
at this rate, he's going to beat me.

Calm down and think... Do this my own way...

You threw away your only weapons?

Have you lost your mind?!

In that case, I'll take you
out with an extra-big one!

He jumped into my space?!

You just punched him in the face!
You're hilarious, kid!

You let your guard down again.

That'd be you.

My attack was absorbed?

And I can't move...

Dark Magic: Black Hole, and then...

Dark Magic: Dark Cloaked

Black Blade!

Captain Yami!

Well done, brat!

You got me.

It's probably within five meters.
The range is definitely limited,

but to think there was a magic

that could absorb my own magic
and stop me from moving...

Dark magic is amazing.

The one attribute that's the
natural enemy of my light magic.

However, dark magic is extremely slow.

Light has absolute speed, making them
polar opposites there, as well.

That's why you cloaked
your w*apon in darkness

and created a combat style that uses
reinforcement magic to compensate.


Why does it sound like he's bragging?!

By the way, what's up? You can
use recovery magic, can't you?

So hurry up and heal.

But while you're healing yourself,
I'm going to get real close

and chop you up even more.

I'll admit it. You're the second person
I've met with the power to defeat me.

But I sadly cannot waste my time with you.

Huh? What was that, punk?

And whaddaya mean, the second?

I still have an ultimate enemy left who
inflicted this unhealable wound on me,

the Wizard King, Julius Novachrono.

This is currently my greatest magic.

Speed you cannot avoid...

A spell with such a wide range and
high output that pulling it in

with that spell you used won't do any good.

You will meet your end the moment I
release this, Captain of the Black Bulls.

Like hell he will!

Quit underestimating Captain Yami!

Your face is stupid!

Yeah, that's not good.
That's some insane magic.


Boy. You will also be punished for
hurting Valtos, and return that grimoire.

That's definitely a four-leaf for you...
His magical abilities are off the charts.

Unless I catch him by surprise,
he'll just dodge any slash at light speed.

What should I do?

I'll leave that up to the me
of five seconds from now!



I was so scared!

There, there...

Are you hurt?

That should be everybody.

Don't you dare die, you old hag!

Hey, wake up, old hag!

You're supposed to be some
immortal monster hag!


N-No... Why?

Gauche, you're hurt really badly, too,
so you should worry about your own—

Shut up!

Uh... I'm the one with
seniority here, you know!

Gauche's treatments will be done soon.


Well, all of his wounds just
barely missed his vital points.

So he was lucky?

I'm not sure. That just seems...

Then hurry up and treat the old hag, not me!

O-Of course.

Old hag! Wake up already! Old hag—

Tone it down...

I can hear you, idiot.

Old hag!


Take my magic...

You're going to save them, aren't you?

Asta and the others...

I never said I'd...

You changed... after meeting him.

I'm counting on you, Gauche.

Old hag!

You're joking, right?

You said you could die?

Bring her back to life!


Do something!


Marie's going to be sad, damn it!

She's alive.


She's not dead.

You old hag! Stop being so misleading!

I'm a monster hag, remember?

I won't kick the bucket so easily.

Relax and get over there,
you sister complex freak.

Take my magic, too!

Mine, too!

Mine, too!

Please save Asta!

Please use my magic, too.


I'm very sorry for being
violent toward your sister.

I wouldn't be of any help if I went.

Please take care of Asta.


See? Everyone lives by supporting each other.


You just protect what you want to protect.

Someday, that'll help somebody out.

I know what I have to do now.



Take me back to that cave!


And I'm your senior, damn it!

Actually, even if we go back,

are you going to be able to do anything
about that blinding magic guy?

You didn't stand a chance earlier,

so it's probably better to
wait for reinforcements.

I thought of something.


Unless I'm wrong...

We've got a chance!

We won't be able to surprise
attack him with my spatial magic.

People with powerful magic have force
fields of magic that appear around them.

I won't be able to get that close.

Not to mention, I moved way too
many people really far today.

I may only be able to use
my magic one more time.

That's fine.




Sorry to keep you waiting.

This is the end.

Dark Magic:

Black Cocoon.

This magic...

I've gone into defensive mode, but...

It's hopeless. He's gonna k*ll us.

What?! How are you so calm?!

Okay, then! I'll just deflect it!

Nah. The swords will probably
be all that's left of you.


Then what should we do?!

Uh... Not give up until the end?

Now you're just trying to act cool!

To be completely honest,
there's nothing we can do right now.

Grit your teeth and stand firm.
That's all we can do right now.

Farewell, Yami Sukehiro.

Whoa, what the hell?!
Did we come to the wrong place?


That's Yami's magic!

Gah! This has gotten way out of hand!

Light Magic: Ray of Divine Punishment.

He came.


Mirror Magic: Full Reflection!

No matter how big or strong it is...

Mirrors reflect light!

To think someone could wound Sally this badly.

I hate them. This is unforgivable.

This is annoying, but it
looks like it's our turn.

Petit Clover

Petit Clover!

Voice Change

Voice Change.

M-Marie's coughing?!

Did you catch a cold?

It was pretty cold in the cave!
Are you all right, Marie?

Yeah, my throat's just a little sore.


My voice sounds strange.

M-My angel Marie's voice
sounds like Captain Yami's!

More importantly, Brother,
go save Asta and the others!

Take my magic.

The old hag's voice is weird, too?

I may only be able to use
my magic one more time.

You, too, Finral?!

Wait, now my throat is...

Your voice is cute!

I did it, Marie! Your big
brother defeated the enemy!

I need to hurry back to Marie...
Who the hell are you guys?

No one said anything about reinforcements!

Black Clover, Page 36: "Three Eyes."

Page 36
Three Eyes

I might not be able to
go back just yet, Marie.
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