01x39 - Three-Leaf Salute

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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01x39 - Three-Leaf Salute

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as though humanity
would be destroyed by the demons.

But a single mage saved them all.

He was called the Wizard King,
and he became a legend.

The Eye of the Midnight Sun
is led by a man named Licht,

who owns a four-leaf grimoire.

They are a t*rror1st group he formed
six years ago, and they hold

a grudge against the Clover Kingdom.

They have about fifty mages who are members.

Among them are their leader, Licht,

as well as the three they call the
Third Eye: Raia, Vetto, and Fana.

They are much stronger
than the other members.

They all hold a strong grudge
against the Clover Kingdom,

and they use that to justify
their t*rror1st att*cks.

Their endgame is to have an
independent country of their own.

That about covers everything, doesn't it?


And this is the most important
bit of information...

I've learned that there
is a traitor among you

who is working with the
Eye of the Midnight Sun.

What?! Among the c-c-captains?!

I knew it.

Who could it be?

Because of you, Captain Fuegoleon was...

Why?! Why would you betray us?!

Three-Leaf Salute

Now, would you kindly tell me

which one of these captains is the traitor
who aided the Eye of the Midnight Sun?

Tell me their name.


The captain of the Purple Orcas,

Gueldre Poizot.

Impossible! What are you talking about?

Th-They're t*rrorists that
att*cked our beloved nation!

You'd actually believe what they're saying?

As if I would ever betray the Clover Kingdom!

I'd rather not say this,

but I've heard a few dark rumors about you.

It's not just a few. We've heard many.

Wh-What? Really?

Come to think of it, I've heard
plenty of rumors like that.

Apparently, they weren't all false.

I knew you were probably up to
something sketchy, but this is just...

Don't be ridiculous! Th-This
must be some kind of mistake!

I know! They're trying
to frame me as a traitor!

They're only telling me what
they know, plain and simple.

Information obtained with
my memory exchange magic

is absolute.

You heard him, Hard Ham.

I'm not hard!

Just calm down.

Why not just let the guy with the
bowl cut look at your memories?

If you're really a clean ham, that is.

I agree with everything other
than what you called me.

If you're truly innocent, you should.

W-Well, I...

What? Are you embarrassed?

You a teenage boy or something?

You're behaving shamefully, Gueldre.

You will pay for betraying
the kingdom with your death.

So it really is you.

Because of you, Captain Fuegoleon was...

No! This is some sort of trap!

I'll clear my name!
This is a strategic retreat!

Transparency Creation Magic:
Invisible Great Mage!

He disappeared?

He's actually trying to get away?

Well, this just got real.

This isn't good. His transparency magic

makes him vanish for a set amount of time,
and all spells will go right through him.

Meaning while he's invisible,
our att*cks won't do a thing.

What?! But that makes him invincible!

Transparency Creation Magic:
Invisible Troops.

Hold them back for me!

We can't just let him get away!

Dorothy, this is no time to be sleeping!

What are we going to do? We can't
catch him if we can't see him.


There's nothing to worry about.

I'm not going to get caught
by the likes of you!

My magic is invincible!

I used this power to claw my way up to
the position of Magic Knights Captain!

Then I accumulated a fortune through
business and became a wealthy merchant.

I am a great mage who has
both wealth and power!

I won't let it end here!

I will rise again and again with this
magic and my business talent!

You're right there!


Y-You shouldn't have been able to see me!

How?! How were you able to attack me?!

Hard Ham is able to hide his
magical powers, but not his ki.

And since the anti-magic sword
isn't magical, it'll work against him.

Looks like an anti-magic kid who can read
ki ended up being his natural enemy.

Don't mock me! I'm a captain!

You magicless peasant!

You look better when you're
groveling on the ground!

Not yet!

I'm not letting you get away!

The Magic Knights Captains
that I admire so much

wouldn't run away over something like this!

Very well. If you want to die that badly...

I shall grant your wish for you!

Mr. Poizot.

Hold still a sec.

Picture Magic: Spring of Restriction.

Ah, yes, Mr. Poizot, you're
a picture-perfect fellow.

I think I'll call this...

The Drowning Captain.

What do you think?

What is this magic?

Rill, how dare you go easy on him?

Well, I mean, if I hadn't done that,

this building would've been destroyed.

His magic allows all magic
to pass through him.

In that case, we can simply
attack using physical objects.

We'll just have some commoners
rebuild the building.

I lost the chance to let loose on a captain.

The guy resembles a ham exactly,
so he would've been perfect to slice up.

We're Magic Knight Captains.
We can't just sit around and space out.

We have to at least strike a pose.

Are you still asleep?!

Actually, you still managed to keep up...

You sure are reliable for
someone who's always asleep!

Running away, even though
you're a man. How pathetic.

Even if you weren't a traitor,
you'd still be a failure as a captain.

Wh-Why is Yami only paying
attention to Dorothy?

Does he like women like her?

Friends, I believe that's enough.

Someone may be controlling him with magic.

Wow, I'm glad I said that
when everyone was here.

I can't tone down my magic, after all.

These people are insane!

These are the best Magic Knights...
the best in the country?!

Hey! You were amazing earlier!

How did you know where Mr. Poizot was?

How'd you undo his transparency magic?!


Well, whatever. I'm Rill,
and I'm nineteen! Who are you?

I-I'm Asta, and I'm fifteen.
Wait, you're nineteen and a captain?!

Ah, so you're younger than me!
Hey, Asta, be my friend!

Wait, with a captain? Uh...

Well, sure! Okay!

Yay! Just between you and me,

everyone here's way older than me, so it's
been rough having to tiptoe around them!

I see! And they're all weirdos, too!

Hey, you jerks. I can hear you.

Also, you're the weirdos here.

Now, then...

I have some questions for you,


Gueldre, everything you've
said so far is true?


Man, that's quite the list.

Abusing his own squad members,

embezzling funds, selling national
treasure-class magic items

on the black market...

And smuggling dangerous magic
potions from other countries.

He's already pitch-black
before even being a traitor.

He might be a good fit for the Black Bulls.

Actually, becoming a burnt-black
ham sounds better for him.

What are you even going on about?

So this is why he didn't want
his memory read with magic.

Most important of all...
Kidnapping barrier mages.

That's direct cooperation with
the Eye of the Midnight Sun.

That's solid proof of how they managed
to infiltrate the royal capital.

He was dazzled by rare magic items and
made a deal with those t*rrorists.

What a fool.

Well, unfortunately,
he's always been like that.

The Eye of the Midnight Sun has probably
k*lled the kidnapped barrier mages already.

This is an unparalleled blunder.

He was a Magic Knight,
charged with protecting our citizens,

yet he sold them out instead.

In order to keep the citizens
from growing uneasy,

we won't make this a public matter.

But to ensure that this never happens again,

check all of your squad members to make
sure no one has ties to the enemy.

Yes, sir!

Well, well...

I'm a pretty decent actor.

No one can see through my
copy transformation magic.

So which one of them was actually me?

Now nobody's going to be
suspicious for a while.

I'm sorry for making you two stay behind.

It's sad... being betrayed by
comrades who fought alongside me.

I sprinted at full speed to get where I am,

but as a result, I may have
made a lot of mistakes.

If that's the reason you had us stay behind,

you picked the wrong guys, Julius.

To tell you the truth,
when we were interrogating

the two Eye of the Midnight Sun members,

they told us one more thing.

Asta, do you remember the stone
tablet back at their hideout

when you were taken by them?

That thing...

They call the stones that were
set into it "magic stones."

They believe that if they
collect all of them,

they will be reborn into their true forms,

which are linked closely to mana,
and gain enormous power.

Apparently they also went after Fuegoleon

because they wanted the
magic stone that he had.

Reborn, eh?

You sure they didn't just read
one too many fantasy novels?

We don't know whether that's true or not,
but their obsession with it is real.

We must not let them get the stones.

Oh, and?

There are three magic stones left.

They know the location of one of them.

Yeah? And where's that?

In a strong magic region...

The Underwater Temple.

A... strong magic region?

What's that?

I'm pretty sure you don't
need this head anymore.

Stop! I won't say any more! Please spare me!

Perfect. Let me crush it for you.

Strong magic regions are, as the name
suggests, regions with strong magic,

where all sorts of magical phenomena
occur to prevent people from entering.

Of all the regions with strong magic,
the Underwater Temple

is said to be especially dangerous.

The dungeon you recently
conquered could be considered

a beginner's course in comparison.

There's a place that's even
more amazing than that?

So you want us to get there before
the Eye of the Midnight Sun does

and snatch the magic stone or whatever?

That's right.

This is an important mission.
The best squad for the job

is the one with lots of members who aren't
restricted by familial or social status...

Which means your Black Bulls, Yami.

There may still be traitors
among the Magic Knights.

Will you do it?

You're the Wizard King. If that's
what you think, just give the order.

As a captain, you're definitely right that
I don't have anything holding me back.

I hear he's not from this kingdom.

Apparently he's a castaway from some foreign
country who lives on the coast by himself.

He looks kinda dangerous.

I wish he'd just leave the country.

You can't be serious! Why does a
foreigner like him get a grimoire?

I bet his magic's worthless.

Let's get rid of him with our magic later.

What's that magic?


How creepy.

Yeah... Just because I got a grimoire, that
doesn't change the fact that I'm a foreigner.

I don't have anything tying me down,
but that also means I'll always be alone.

Or so I thought...

Wow! That's dark magic, isn't it?!

That's amazing! I've never seen that before!

Hey, hey, hey! Let me
get a better look at it!

No. Who the heck are you, old man?

Old...? Oh, but I'm not suspicious at all!

I'm just a Magic Knights Captain who
was wandering around in disguise.

What's a Magic Knight?

Huh? You don't know?!


Well, why not come see for yourself?

I'm sure you've got potential.


Oh, come on! Don't be like that!


I'll treat you to dinner.

Okay, I'll go.

I see. I guess that's not enough...

Wait. You'll come?

I'll go if you buy me dinner.
I'll definitely go.

You sure are interesting!

I guess I've been stuck with you ever since.

I'm just going to use my power
to prove it, that's all.

To prove that you've made no mistakes.

Yami's actually saluting.

I'm counting on you, Yami.

And you, Asta...

Y-Yes, sir!

It's a strange coincidence
that you joined Yami's squad.

Strong magic regions have
strong mana force fields

around them that prevent
outsiders from getting in.

I doubt anyone would be able to
get in without your anti-magic.

And your experience fighting
with the Eye of the Midnight Sun

is bound to be very useful.

I'm counting on you.

Yes, sir!

I got too excited and
knocked the air out of myself!

I've never seen someone
self-destruct from saluting.

I can definitely tell that you chose him,
considering how interesting he is.

You were stiff as a board back there.

I guess clowns can get nervous, too.

Who are you calling a clown, sir?

It's just... I've never had someone who I
thought was amazing, like the Wizard King,

expect anything from me before.

Joining the Magic Knights when
you can't even use magic?

There's no way!

Actually, no one's ever really expected
anything from me to begin with.


I let you join the Black Bulls
because I thought you could do it.

Work your butt off.

Yes, sir!

All right!

The beach!

Men bring to mind the beach!
The beach brings to mind men!

I'm getting all excited for no good reason!

Yeah! Come to think of it, I've
never even seen the ocean before!

I haven't either, Shrimpsta!

Beach! Beach! Beach! Beach! Beach! Beach!

There's nothing better than enjoying
a cold one under the blazing sun!

Shake, shake, let's shake!

I'll make some original drinks and flirt
with some hotties in swimsuits on the beach!


Does that mean...

If I go to the beach, I-I-I-I'll
have to wear a swimsuit, too?!

Mr. Shrimp, Mr. Crab, and all the
many other varieties of seafood,

I can't wait to grill you
all up on the beach...

I hope we all get to put sunscreen
on each other at the beach.


Captain, what should I get for Marie?

Hey, sharks are strong, right?

I hope the sharks eat you both.

S-Swimsuit... Swimsuit...

If you don't have one,
you can borrow one of mine.

Beach! Beach! Bea—

Shut up!

We're not going for leisure!
We're going for work!

Yes, sir...

The Underwater Temple, huh?

I wonder what it's like...

Petit Clover

Petit Clover!

Game Tournament

Game Tournament.

This is so cool!

To think your magic can let us play games
like this... You're amazing, Mr. Bowlcut!

This is called memory amusement magic,

and it allows you to battle with characters

you've created from your memory.

And my name is Marx—

Whoa! The captain was super
strong when he was young!

How nostalgic. It's Yami
when I first met him.

You're no match for me, kid.

Not yet! I'm not done yet!

Go right! Right! Counterattack!

Now left!

You bastard...

Why don't we have a real battle
instead of one in a game?

I'll die!

It'll seriously be game over!

Wh-What should I do? If we're going
to the beach, I'll need a swimsuit.

I need to buy a new one!

I wonder what kind Asta likes...

Black Clover, Page 40:
"A Black Beach Story."

Page 40
A Black Beach Story

Like I care about what Stupidsta likes!
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