02x29 - Special Little Brother vs. Failed Big Brother

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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02x29 - Special Little Brother vs. Failed Big Brother

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as if humanity will soon
be destroyed by the demons.

But there was a mage who fought alone
and saved everyone.

He was called the Magic Emperor
and became a legend.

The first match of the second round
of the Royal Knights Selection Exam.

Sol's attack left Mimosa unable to move.

Asta had a tough fight with Magna who
came to attack their crystal on his own.


What do you think you're doing without me?

Oh no, I can't fight two people at once!

Thanks to the mysterious mage
who called himself Xerx,

the crisis was resolved.

Shorty, attack that cherry blossom guy!

I can break this in a second!

And that's more than enough time for me!

Mimosa's Plant Magic that controls
the foe proved helpful.

So Asta and Team B

returned with triumph.

And now,

the destined battle between
the brothers, Finral and Langris,

is about to begin.

That should do it.

Thank you, Vanessa.

He looks so good!

The hair is perfect!

Do mine too!

Didn't you lose?

It looks fine.
You look like the failure that you are.

What's that?
Who are you calling a failure?

Hey, Magna.

Try to stay calm. Like a loser should.

I'll k*ll you, you jerk!

I'll k*ll you for sure!

That's the spirit.

Let's fight.

Wait! You two, please stop!

That guy is good with Fire Magic.

Lightning Magic is dangerous too.

I get it.

Luck is encouraging people in his own way.

Hey, give me something to eat again.

-You are a girl with a big appetite.
-I'm a big eater.

-Marie. Always Marie!
-That's not enough.

-What's going on there?
-Take that!

-Black Bull?
-That's too weak!

They are bulls indeed.


It's embarrassing, so please stop!

Why do you look so tense?

I'm sure this next match

will be complicated for you,
given who you're up against.

That's right.

Not to mention, I've never
beaten my little brother in anything.

It's okay.

We have fought alongside each other,
so I know.

You have changed since you met Asta.

I have too.

I begin to face what I have hidden

and ignored deep inside my heart.

The you right now won't lose that easily.

Give them a good show.

Just like your hair.


Finral, I support you!

Don't lose like Magna!

Fight me.

Yes, don't lose like me…

Wait. What did you say?

-You've got this.
-I'll cheer for you too.

You've got this.

You are a Magic Knight just as I am
so you are not allowed to lose.

Charmy. Even Gauche too.

Thank you all.

I'm happy to have joined Black Bull--

We can have more food if we win.

I want to see Marie as soon as possible,

so win this in one second.

I'm your senior.

Captain Yami must be cheering for you
at our base.

Yes, he looks anxious this morning

and pretends that
he is having a stomachache.

But he actually wants to see you
trying your best without him beside you.

Those guys must be going beyond
their limits and are fighting on.

So am I.

This will be a tough one.

Damn it, Little Brat.

I told you to restock
the damn toilet paper!

Come on.

Finral, you can never defeat me.


I have changed since I met my friends.

So we will be the winners here.

You are just you, Finral.

I'm not responsible for the consequences.

Can you leave that guy to me?


A battle between brothers?

I wish one day I can have
a serious battle with Fuegoleon.

I'll support your passionate wish.

Haha, I'm going to burn the image
of me gallantly riding

my sh**ting Star into everyone's eyes!

I won't let you touch the crystal.

It's finally starting!

Even I'm a bit nervous now.

Finral, you can do it.

Leopold, Hamon, and Finral from Team E

versus Langris, Fragil, and Sekke
from Team G.

The second match of the second round
starts now!

You two, go and destroy their crystal!

Leave it to us!

I'll scout the area.

Glass Magic,

Verre Détection.

I can see the entire podium of the battle

with the multiple reflections
on the glasses.

It takes time,

but it lets us precisely know the location
of their team crystal.

Haha, I'll count on you again
to get into the enemies' base.

I'm on it! And I'm Sekke.

Please call me Sekke.

Sek is fine too. Haha.

All right, Haha.


I said it was Sekke!

Please call me Sekke!

The disgrace of House Vaude.

Finral can never defeat me.

You are not my child.

I only love Langris.

Mother, you said it so bluntly.

I feel bad for him.

What kind of weak magic is that?

Learn Langris's offense magic!

Oh my!

Be it studying or sports,

Langris is the better one.

Langris is amazing.

No wonder you are my child.

Finral, what are you doing?

You are embarrassing our name.

Poor you,

you are the older one,
but you are way weaker than I am.

What? A fiancée?

Yes. This is Lady Finesse,

the fiancée of the next head
of the House Vaude.


She seldom goes out due to her illness,

but her family is prominent.

Her uncle is the king.

She has incredible magical power as well.

So in the future, this woman and I will…

How annoying.

This woman looks boring.

Langris, please get along with her.

She will be your future wife after all.


My goodness.
When I become the lord of this house,

our reputation will be unprecedented.

How boring.

I'm sorry that

you have to marry a sick woman
who is older than you are.

Not at all.

Lady Finesse, you are very beautiful.

But I won't be the head of House Vaude.


My brother is better than me
in everything.

He will give you a happy life.

He is powerful and assertive.

I'm hopeless compared to him.

That's right.

Finral is weaker than me in every way--

That's not true.


We met only a few times,
but I can feel it.

You are a very caring person.

To me, you're a much more
wonderful mage, Finral.


Please don't make fun of me.

Oh my. I'm not making fun of you.

You are just a boring woman.

How dare you imply that I'm the worst one?

What a joke.

The guy who can't take the pressure
and run away from home

is no way better than I am.

Haha, I've found it!

You're here.

As we've planned,
we'll leave him to you, Finral.

I already told you.

Don't blame me if you lose any limbs.

I'll end this in one blow!


I tested this out earlier
with another Spatial Magic-user, Cob,

and found out that

when two Spatial Magic-users fight,

the flow of their magical power
will cancel out each other.

Langris, we will be the winners.


Spatial Magic can
cancel out Spatial Magic!

Finral, you are good!

He is like a different person now.

Keep it up!

Hurry up and win. Marie is waiting for me.

We can eat good food again!


Finral, you have done a great job.

You really surprised us!

Hamon, where is their crystal?

I've found it.

It's deep inside that tower.

Good, you two should go and destroy it.

Haha, this is bad!

You are just you, Finral.

Don't flatter yourself!

Here we go!

Give up!

You're here.

This is…

Snow Magic,

Miniature Garden of Illusory Snow.

This magic will make you feel drowsy.

It's impossible to attack me now.

This little drowsiness is nothing

compared with
Mereoleona's hell of a training.

Gosh. This is nothing at all.

You are reliable, Hamon--

I can still eat more.

You were talking in your sleep?

You should stop struggling and sleep.

This is…

I swore upon the symbol on my forehead

that I would surpass my brother someday!

How can I lose here?


Mana Skin.

Fire Magic,

Spiral Flame!

His senses are sharp!

He enveloped himself in magical powers

and canceled my spell.

Not enough. I'm not focused enough.

I can't hold up for too long, Langris.


A Spatial Magic battle!

This is a rare situation.

So that is Finesse's fiancé, Langris?

He's strong.

But he's still weaker than me.

Finral, you're doing a good job!

The enemy's crystal will break.
It's a matter of time.

I didn't expect you'd be
my magic's natural enemy.

Are you going to keep defending

until our crystal breaks?

I'm not sure that'll be so easy!

Perhaps not. That's why…

I'll use my new magic spell!

Haha, that spell is so slow and dull!

I'm riding this just fine.

Can you hit me?


This kind of thing is useless

to my magic, Sekke's Magnum Cannon Ball--

What? He's gone?

How embarrassing.

After the rigorous training,

I still can't learn offense magic.

It's not offense magic?

Spatial Magic,

Fallen Angel Flapping.

It tracks enemies

and the moment it touches them,
it teleports them somewhere else.

This is the applicable version
of my usual Spatial Magic.

This magic can defeat the opponents
without actually hurting them!

He must be a caring
and kind-hearted person.

Finral, well done!

But where did that person go?

It just went back in.

Can I k*ll you?

I'm so dead.



It's just a matter of time

before your crystal breaks.

I don't want to hurt you.

If you don't quit,

I'll have to use this on you.

Who are you worried about?

You constantly get on my nerves.

Who would've thought that our special
reserve spells would be similar?

You made me open my grimoire.

You're weaker than me in every way.

I have felt this sinister ki somewhere.

This magical power is…

This is…

I have a bad feeling.

I knew it.

Finral, it's over.


Such an immense magical power.

I have always known
I can never compare myself with him.

But this…

This horrible magical power
is almost like…

What are you?


If he takes that blow…


No, that guy is Langris.

He is my little brother.

You must have hated it,

but we are alike.

We have different mothers, but…

Even though I never acted
like an older brother to you

and I even ran away,
trying to forget everything…

I still couldn't do it.


No matter what you think,

you are still my brother.

Stop, Langris!

If this goes on,
you will lose your true self.

What do you know about me, Finral?

You abandoned everything and left.

You're a coward
who can't even hurt people!

Don't you dare try to act
like my big brother now!

I'll stop you!


Team G wins.

How's that?

You are weaker than me in every way.

Young Master Finral
is friendly and caring.

He has many friends.

Young Master Langris is…

Well, it's obvious

that he looks down on people, you know?

To me, you're a much more
wonderful mage, Finral.

Even I want someone that kind too.


it must be exhausting
to be working so hard all the time.

How about you come
and play with me sometime?

There are celebrations in a town nearby.

Why are you being kind to me too?


Learn from Langris.

Langris, well done.

Father and Mother are nice to me

because I'm the better one.

I must be stronger than that guy
in every way.

Or else,


Hey, the battle has already ended.

What is he doing?



The wound is serious!

At this rate…


If you keep on attacking…

Forget the match. We'll k*ll you.

You rat!

How dare you hurt Finral?

You have crossed the line!

You make me really mad.


Something is wrong with you!

You have already won, haven't you?

-Petite Clover!
-Petite Clover!


Your new magic is awesome!

Fallen Angel's Weightlifting!

It's Fallen Angel Flapping.

Well, I can do something
when I put my heart into it.

This is the result of many experiments.

So is your new hairstyle also from

trying different things?

-Is that so?
-Is that so?


Have you tried out a regent pompadour?

Or Captain Yami's hairstyle?

Or an ice cream shape?

-That's poop--
-You look strong like this.

If you copy Marie's hairstyle,
I'll k*ll you.

I like this one.

If so,

then this one looks better, right?

It's just a better option, that's all.

How about something more mature?

This is the hairstyle
for when you go beyond your limits!

Wait, like I said…

I want to see Finral with this hairstyle!

My hair should be the least
of your worries!

Praise your king.

The brave king presents to you,

Black Clover, Page ,

"The Life Of A Certain Man."

Praise your king!
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