02x37 - Storming the Eye of the Midnight Sun's Hideout!!!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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02x37 - Storming the Eye of the Midnight Sun's Hideout!!!

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as if humanity will soon
be destroyed by the demons.

But there was a mage who fought alone
and saved everyone.

He was called the Magic Emperor
and became a legend.

The list of passing candidates

for the Royal Knights squad
has been released.

One of the qualified members,
Zora, was late.

The other members, Siren Tium,

Cob Portaport,

and the Captain of Silver Eagle,
Nozel Silva were also added,

making it members
in the Royal Knights squad.

We only need a victory and nothing else!

The Eye of the Midnight Sun

is a t*rror1st group
that despises the Clover Kingdom.

If we don't remove them
with our own hands,

this country will forever be in turmoil.

The base of Eye of the Midnight Sun
that we are going to,

it's in…

Floating Dungeon in the Gravito Rock Zone

within the Grand Magic Zone.


My strongest rival, you're here.

I heard from Mereoleona.

Both of you have passed the trial
for the Royal Knights.

Yes, we are finally fighting
the Eye of the Midnight Sun.

We'll be off in three days.

We'll stay put in Royal Capital
to avoid leaking information.

Is that so?

Excuse me…

Captain Fuegoleon…

He hasn't woken up yet.

I can't imagine what happened to him

on the day they att*cked Royal Capital
and captured him.

They must have done something terrible…

No, even so, Fuegoleon would say,

"Being defeated by their evil plan
means I'm too weak."

I must continue to train myself

and catch up with you,

then defeat you.


I will avenge Captain Fuegoleon.

Captain Fuegoleon

has never made fun
of my dream to be the Magic Emperor.

He even said I'm a powerful rival.

I owe Captain Fuegoleon a lot
to have come this far.

So do I.

Being weak is nothing to be ashamed of.

Staying weak is!

Those words grant me power.

Asta and Noelle, I'm counting on you.


For the peace of the country,

-we must defeat Eye of the Midnight Sun!
-We must defeat Eye of the Midnight Sun!

-Leo, come fight with us next time.
-Of course.

-Be careful.

We got this!

I hope Captain Fuegoleon
and Finral can wake up soon.

And that magical power feels like

he is somehow related
to the Eye of the Midnight Sun.

We have to defeat them.


But something has been troubling me.

Didn't that hairy chimpanzee say

that they will never forgive us?

We started fighting
because we couldn't forgive each other.

That means we don't have to fight
if we can forgive.

That means…

I don't know what I'm trying to say.

You are just an idiot,
so don't think too much.

I'm not an idiot!

But Captain Yami told me
something similar before.

Right, I should train my muscles first.

My abdomen muscles first!

Then, my back muscles!

Muscular idiot.

Both sides are cramping!



Mimosa and Mr. Four Eyes are here too.

Are you here to visit Captain Fuegoleon?

No, we are doing something else.

-We, the Golden Dawn squad,
-Asta, are you okay?

-has the highest passing number.
-Don't worry.

-I'm training all my muscles.
-To not disappoint everyone,

-You should train your brain.
-we and Captain Mereoleona

-True, it's super weak.
-have been discussing rigorously.

Wait, don't treat me like a dummy!

If there is a magic
that can make people smart,

can you please use it on Asta?

Yuno is sweet.

Don't make weird requests for me!

Sorry, there is no such magic.

What a pity.

Come on.

The battle is approaching,
yet you are still not focused.

What if the enemy's spies notice us?


It is very possible.

Like the people who bribed
the captain of the Purple Orca

to assist the att*ck on Royal Capital.

It's always good to stay cautious.


We must be careful.

If you are going to Royal Capital,

do you want to come with me?

To my boat.

Can we? Thank you.



The food in Royal Capital tastes good!

Hey, Asta.
You got some sauce on your face.

Why would I do such an impolite act?

Thank you, Mimosa.

You're eating too much.

Didn't I tell you to stay cautious?

That's right, you even need someone
to rub your mouth.

Not that I care about who is doing it.

What, I'm being cautious.

I usually double the portion.


That's unsettling.

Not just Asta,

but there are
many powerful lone wolves in the squad.

I wish I could fight sooner.

To b*at them all up.

Zora is isolated.

He must be too shy to talk.

I must help him.

Please look.

Imitation of Zora's face.

So stinky!

Captain Rill!

No one knows manners here.

Dining is supposed to be elegant.

An enjoyment, so beautiful and gorgeous.

How dare you keep running
and avoiding my fork,

you ugly mushroom.

Hey, wait.

Ugly mushroom.

Don't eat my friend!

Everyone, Puli wants to sing us a song!


She has glowing skin

-And a beautiful voice

-A wonderful lady
-What song is this?


-She's a ridiculously bad singer.

-She has a pretty face
-Sounds rude, but I want to k*ll someone.

-A lady
-So noisy!

Sticking with this guy
won't give me anything useful.

What is it,

Captain of Silver Eagle?

It takes three days
just to draft a plan for the battle.

You're being extra careful.

What do you mean?

Are you saying that I'm scared?

No, it seems that
I shouldn't have worried.

You are truly keen-eyed.

To know how much our enemy knows
about our operation,

I set up the trap.

Okay, you should tell me.

How long do you think
your boring magic can fool me?

Damn it!


I'm not letting you go.

Eye of the Midnight Sun's spy?

There is one.

It gave me a scare.

Second newcomer,

it seems he sneaked in
by sticking to your shadow.

I didn't notice at all.

I'm too careless.

After giving the spy
a third-degree interrogation,

we found out that the enemies
are not aware of our actions.

Hence, we are launching the att*ck
sooner than planned.

Tomorrow morning,

we are attacking
the Eye of the Midnight Sun's hideout.


I thought it was in three days?

I don't want Yuno to see my face
without makeup.

Get some good rest tonight.

That's it.

Captain Mereoleona,

do you always plan to att*ck

right after catching the spy?

Is it "lying to your friends

before lying to enemies"?

But tomorrow morning is too…

Madam Captain is tactful indeed.

Shorty junior, what's that?

Are you afraid?

On the contrary,

I want to be the Magic Emperor

because I want everyone who lives here

to smile at each other

and for this country to be free.

So I must stop those people's
unhinged behavior.

Don't go unhinged and drag us down.

I'll never lose to you.

I'll be the winner.

It's finally starting.


We will end this
once and for all tomorrow.

We must

-defeat the Eye of the Midnight Sun!
-Defeat the Eye of the Midnight Sun!


It's so cool.
The fortress is floating in the air!

This is the hideout
of the Eye of the Midnight Sun.

Usually, no one would step inside
Grand Magic Zone with the dense mana.

Plus, they used magic to make a smog
which blurred our vision.

It's hard for anyone to find.

You figured that out
and that's why you searched this area.

Captain of Silver Eagle,

it seems like you've gotten better.

I accidentally discovered
that it might be their hideout

when I'm looking for the dungeon.

If so, why did
the captain himself come here?

Enough of the nonsense.

That magic should work with this distance.


Stone Creation Magic,

Stone Model of the World.


I see.

It's like an ant nest,
so we can enter from anywhere.

Isn't it too easy to trespass?

Some people, as powerful as senior mages,

are scattered around the place.

In the spacious area here,
there is one person with immense power.

That person seems to be the leader.

Is that where Licht is?

Mr. Nozel, what is our battle plan?

I'm not the captain
of the Royal Knights squad.

It's up to Mereoleona to decide.

I almost forgot.

Listen up, everyone!

We will ambush them to make them panic.

We usually split up, so the enemies

won't get a hold of our power.

But there are too many entrances here.

It means that the enemies are confident
that they can defend them.

If our power is scattered,

they may defeat us one by one.

-So, my answer is--
-I know.

It's to counter-att*ck the enemies'
counter att*cks with endurance.

I'll fight back

without this endurance nonsense.

I love to b*at enemies up.

I'll defeat them all gorgeously by myself.

Just be gone.

What a bunch of fools.

The most important thing is balance.

If we must split up
and break through the enemies' defense,

we should team up
by four into five groups.


We will split into five groups
to launch the att*ck.

Except for this chaotic stupid shorty,

I can team up with anyone.

What did you say?

You stole my words,

Cool Mask Guy!


I don't think anyone wants to team up
with someone like you.

I'm fine with being your teammate.

Why do you sound so unwilling, Shorty?

You two problematic kids,
come to my group.

Greetings, Ms. Royal.

Please take this rainbow stink bug
as a token of our friendship.

You idiot!

This stench is ineffective to me.

Is it okay to bring two peasants with you,

Ms. Royal?

Are you a peasant too?

I never cared

about the difference
between royalty and peasants.

It all depends on strength.

You come this far
because you are strong, right?

The fools chosen by Yami.

Please don't let me down.



I'll make sure not to, Madam Captain.

The others should bear the pride
of being selected to be Royal Knights.

Show them your power.

I will now announce the details.

Team , att*ck from the upper left side.



Team from the bottom left side.


Team from the upper right side.


Team from the bottom right side.


And we will att*ck
right at their front entrance.



The Spatial Magic mage will standby here.


Everyone, get yourselves together!

Let's go!

Do you know why you are here?

It's because you are
from the Clover Kingdom.

I was like you not long ago,


I'm different now.

Master Licht has granted me my real name.

We become special.


what kind of t*rture

should you filth get?

He is too weak.

There must be some stronger opponents.

Remember to give me a chance to shine.

-Are you all right?
-Thank you.

You don't need any fancy plans.

Just b*at up whoever you meet
on your way to the center zone.

Do it

however you like.

It's okay to use any means
as long as you don't lose.

The ants are coming out.

You unbridledly sabotaged
the Royal Capital

when I wasn't there, right?

I won't let you go again
like I did back in the cave.

Eye of the Midnight Sun.

Let's clear up our debts…

Today, how dare you

hurt my strongest rival…

Hurt my brother…

-That badly!
-That badly!

-I'll take your leader's head!
-I'll take your leader's head!

So powerful!

She doesn't even need us!

It seems like some powerful people
have shown up

and Master Licht isn't here either.

I suppose I'll have
to take on this trouble.

-Petite Clover!
-Petite Clover!

Rhya, the Trouble Hater.

Master Rhya.

What are you panicking about?

Enemy att*ck!

It seems so.

But it's troublesome to deal with them.

Please don't say that.

Getting up is troublesome.

I'll help you up.

Wearing shoes is troublesome.

I'll do it too.

Standing up is troublesome.


Walking is very troublesome.

I give up.

Master, please be patient.

My throat is a bit painful
because I slept with my mouth open.

Here is candy for you.

What flavor is it?


I'm the patient one in handling them then.

What would it be
if it was orange-flavored?

By the way,
I wonder if Valtos is doing well?

Black Clover, Page ,

"The Black Bulls' Hideout."

Valtos, you must search carefully.
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