02x38 - The Black Bull Hideout

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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02x38 - The Black Bull Hideout

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as if humanity will soon
be destroyed by the demons.

But there was a mage who fought alone
and saved everyone.

He was called the Magic Emperor
and became a legend.

It's so cool.
The fortress is floating in the air!

This is the hideout
of the Eye of the Midnight Sun.

Elites specially picked
to battle the Eye of the Midnight Sun,

the Royal Knights,
finally begin their operation!

Is that where Licht is?

We will split into five groups
to launch the attack.

Team , attack from the upper left side.


Team from the bottom left side.


Team from the upper right side.


Team from the bottom right side.


And we will attack
right at their front entrance.


It all depends on strength.

You come this far
because you are strong, right?

The fools chosen by Yami.

Please don't let me down.



I'll make sure not to, Madam Captain.

You don't need any fancy plans.

Just beat up whoever you meet
on your way to the center zone.

Do it

however you like.

The Royal Knights storm into
the Eye of the Midnight Sun's base

which is in a Grand Magic Zone
called Gravito Rock Zone.

They advance towards the core

with the ultimate goal
of defeating the enemy's leader, Licht!

So powerful!

She doesn't even need us!

Meanwhile, at Black Bull's base…

I'm heading out for a bit.

Captain Yami, where are you going?

Charismatic Weirdo Mask Man said

he wanted to apologize
for the Langris incident.

He wants me to go to Golden Dawn's base.

Speaking of which,
why am I the one going there?

If he wants to apologize,
he should be the one to come here.

Does that mean I can go see Marie?

Of course not!

What if we suddenly get a mission?

I'm going to visit Finral.

I wonder how long he will stay asleep.

He will probably wake up soon.

I'm going to training!

I have to get stronger!

Work hard!

Don't brood over not getting picked
for the Royal Knights,

Virgin Delinquent.

Who is Virgin Delinquent?

I'm not brooding!

I'm going to find delicious food!

You can all look forward to it!

Be careful!

Come back soon.

I get lonely when nobody is around.


Watch the place.

Don't let anything get stolen.

What a pain.

Make sure to ask that quack doctor
how Finral is doing.

Okay, got it!

Stronger. I must get stronger.

Just wait.

Delicious foods that are grown
just to be eaten!

My Sheep Cooks and I
are coming to fetch you!


This is fun.

What's up with this?

Grey and Gordon

are not doing anything,
but they chose to sit with me.

Is it because
all the noisy people are gone?

They are making it hard
for me to concentrate.

Fidget! Blush!

The three of us
spending time together is nice.

We can chat. I'm beside myself with joy.


Would you like to share secrets?

Although, I already know all your secrets.

If a mission comes in,
I'll take care of it.

You can go back to your rooms and rest.

I couldn't possibly ask you to do that!

Don't be a stranger.

If there is a mission,
of course I'll do it with you.

I have no idea what these two are saying.

It's okay. Just go get some rest.

I meant that I needed to make money

to buy presents for Marie.

No problem.

It's so embarrassing

to stay in my original form
and not transform!

I also wanted to deepen my relationship
with everyone at the Seabed Temple.

Nevertheless, everyone thinks
of me as a friend,

so I should at least maintain
my original form in front of everyone.

Same with the Star Awards Festival.

Moreover, Gauche has complimented
my original form's appearance!

So I'm going to deepen my relationship
with the two of you today.

As deep as it can be.

I'm heading to my room so I can focus
on making a doll of my goddess.

Tell me if a mission comes in.

It really is embarrassing
to be looked at by two people,

but being alone with another person

who is looking at me
is even more embarrassing!

-I'll go to your room too.
-What do I do?

-I don't mind if it's messy.
-So embarrassing.

We went to the library together after all.

What's wrong with these two?

I have to be confident
and find a topic to talk about.

Gauche, so…

What are you making?


When I was a nerd,

I discovered how fascinating dolls can be.

I'm currently making
a one-eighth scale doll of Marie.


I'll let you admire it
after I complete it!

I see.

I knew Gauche was interested in dolls.

The time to show you my collection
has come at last.


This is my full collection
of handmade Black Bull dolls.

Don't they look true to life?

Are these voodoo dolls?



That's freaky!


This might sound strange coming from me,

but if you want to get along with others,

you need to try to be more approachable.

Start with your face.

My face?

Show me a smile.


Come on.

I'm nervous.

That's terrifying!



-I'm going to the restroom.

Don't touch it.


Where is the restroom today?

It's on the second floor
in the back right today.

That sounds pretty far.

Why does the structure of the base
keep shifting so often?

Who knows?
It has been like that since I joined.

It's so annoying.

It must be some kind of magic.

But why?

If you can, please come back quickly!

I have also heard Charmy and Vanessa
mentioned something.

It's true!

Something was floating!

It wasn't a Sheep Cook!

It was a mysterious object!

I wasn't seeing things.

It's true.

There really is a ghost.

There is.

They said it's not magic
and insisted that there is a ghost.

Please don't make a weird joke like that.

Where did those things come from?

Please don't look at me!

Is this the time to be embarrassed?

Hurry up and transform!

So many of you came to be friends with me.

The hell they did!

I don't get the situation either,

but this is clearly an enemy attack!

Get ready for battle!

You must have a death wish!

Is this Asta's base?

But Asta is not here today.

What a shame.

I wanted to do a live dissection on him.

Sally, Asta is not your toy.

He is my toy.

I wanted to play with him.

Sally and Rades,

don't forget what we came here for.

But if this is the Black Bull's base,

we can probably find other live toys.

I want to do experiments!

I want to do dissections!

I want to make modifications!

I want to perform surgeries!

I don't know who could be so dumb
as to attack us,

but I'm going to make you pay!

They came out.

Damn Magic Knights.

You guys.

Gauche, do you know them?

Know them?

They are the damned group,
the Eye of the Midnight Sun.

It's them!

What do you want?

Are you looking for another beating?

Since you are the one controlling zombies,

you must be Rades.


I'm looking for something.

Looking for something?

At a run-down base like this?

Maybe you don't know,

but there is indeed
something valuable here.

If you are looking for a friend,
here is one.

That's not it!


we are going to destroy your base
while we are at it.

You can go to hell.

Mirror Magic, Reflect Ray!

Gel Magic, Sticky Salamander!

That's right.

My magic doesn't work on that girl.

Don't worry.

You're Gauche, right?

I'm not interested in you.

We were told that we can't k*ll you.

What do you mean?

Who knows? I don't understand it either.

But it was Master Licht who said it.

The leader of the Eye of the Midnight Sun?


I couldn't risk

hurting you.

What? What did you just say?

What's the matter? You know him?
Sorry for getting him so beat up.

How would I possibly
know someone like him?

Someday, you'll understand.

He did say that.

Let's play.

Black Bull freaks, are you ready?

This isn't the time to think about that.

I have to get rid of these guys first.

Captain Yami and the others
might not be back for a while,

so it'll be just the three of us!

Dark Magic Tool,

Special Properties plus Alpha.


Let's go!

The Eye of the Midnight Sun
is a group of bad guys

who hurt everyone.

Don't even think
about getting near our base.

Poison Curse Magic,

Aufwachen Dachs.

The opponent is not a living creature,

so I can use my magic
to the fullest extent.


That's a strong poison!

But if it's poison,

my salamander can neutralize it!


I learned a new spell!

Transformation Magic,

Magic Convert!

My gel magic turned into a crystal!

She transformed the magic!

Gauche, now!


If it's crystal, I can shatter it!

Mirror Magic,

Reflect Refrain!

You actually turned my magic
into a different element!

That's quite amusing!

I'm starting to gain an interest in you!

Please don't look at me!

Now, this is worth my time!



It's your turn.

No. , Michael Caesal.


What is this disgusting thing?


It's using two different
magical attributes at once!

Moreover, how can it be so powerful?

It took a lot of work to make this guy.

He is only complete
because of my Dark Magic Tools.

You should thank me.

This guy was made from two corpses.

And those two corpses

were former Magic Knight captains.

Your little magic tricks
are only good for a warm-up.

You could never defeat my perfect zombies!

What a pathetic excuse
for a Magic Knights' base!

Hurry up and destroy it!



Born into a family
famed for its Curse Magic,

I wasn't allowed to make friends.

My poor communication skills

and the despised Poison Magic,

made others dislike me.


Since I had no self-confidence,

I was afraid to show my true self.

Others couldn't trust me
and were afraid of me.

I was all alone.

Even when I was like that…

Even when I was like that…

You are quite interesting!

Join my squad!

It's a bull! Super cool!


I'm happy that I made you all laugh.

You need to eat more to have more energy!

Maybe that will make your voice louder.

Food served with sincerity is delicious.

It fills not only the belly
but the heart as well.

Happy birthday!

Here, drink!

Thank you, everyone!

He's sleeping so soundly.

This side is Asta,
so that side must be Grey.

No. Is it the opposite?

Either way, all those muscles are gross.

This is…

This is…

-A place that accepts me!
-A place that accepts me!

How are we going to deal

with these monsters?

Gauche, don't give up.

-We must protect our base!
-We must protect our base!


So you can
speak loudly and clearly after all.

Damn it.

Aside from Marie,

there are actually other people
I want to protect!

Besides, if I don't protect the base

until Captain Yami returns,

who knows how he will punish me?

He can still stand up.

But it's about time for dissection!

Looking threatening won't help you.

That won't change the fact
that you have no chance of winning.

Here comes the finishing blow!

Don't forget to leave them alive.

I want to do live dissections.

Don't get your hopes up on that.

Michael Caesal, attack!



Is it an earthquake?

What's going on?


What is…


-Petite Clover!
-Petite Clover!

-Gordon and Grey's Comedy Routine!
-Gordon and Grey's Comedy Routine!

Hello, we are Gordon and Grey.

Please don't look at me!

Don't listen to my voice!

Plug your ears!

How can they watch our show that way?

Gordon, you too!

Nobody can hear you,

so how can we do a show?

That's a good roast.

Please continue
to support us in the future!


You had better apologize profusely
for that show!

What? What's going on?

I don't know who you are,

but can you talk faster?

Black Clover, Page ,

"Crazy Magic Battle."

My sister, the goddess Marie,

I will end this battle quickly
so I can go and see you!
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