01x05 - Calderon's Demise

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Miami Vice". Aired: September 16, 1984 – January 25, 1990.*
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Sonny & Rico, two Metro-Dade Police Department detectives working undercover in Miami.
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01x05 - Calderon's Demise

Post by bunniefuu »

Where in the Bahamas? That's all Calderone said the Bahamas.


There's over 700 islands in that chain, Mendez.

You better get specific real fast, or that glass ain't gonna be the only thing that's broken in here.

Hey, I'm not his travel agent, man.

Calderone is opening up new supply routes.

He's using shrimpers to haul coke to the islands, then cigarette boats to the mainland.


Using the Bahamas as a base for a Miami operation? Is that why he hired Ludivicio Armstrong? To eliminate competition? Somethin' like that.

They were taking over his supply routes.


Using his network of wholesalers that he uses in Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, New York You ever seen her before? Calderone's got women all over the globe.

Angelina Medera, age 25.

Born Medellín, Colombia.

Educated in Sacred Heart Convent in Bogota, University of São Paolo, then Georgetown.

Most recent St.

Andrews Island in the Bahamas.

What is she to Calderone? Wife? Mistress? Hooker? What are you asking me for? I mean, you guys got all the answers! You can forget any deals, Mendez! You gonna be strollin' in the prelims as an accessory to at least seven homicides.

You may not fry, but we are personally gonna see to it that you get a year and a day.

Set you loose in a federal pen with a snitch jacket.

I'll take odds you don't make it past your first group therapy session.


Last chance, Mendez! Give us a hook.

The Argentinean, Ludivicio Armstrong.


The hit man.

He still had half of his pay coming to him.

When and where? Once he completed his hit list, he was supposed to go to the Conch Bay Lodge on St.

Andrews Island and check in under the name of Miller and just wait until he was contacted.

Does Calderone or any of his people know what the Argentinean looks like? No.

L-l-I'm the only one that ever saw him.


I want a full report on the Mendez investigation on my desk before you leave.

You got it.

Let's get something straight.

Lou Rodriguez was a good man.

He d*ed a good cop.

- We all have a lot of feeling about that.

- [Crockett]


We have absolutely no jurisdiction out there.

Check in with local authorities the second you land.

Excuse me.

You're there for surveillance only.

You spot Calderone, the Bahamians extradite him.

That's it.

No vigilante stuff.

The only place Calderone is going to be nailed to a wall is in a Miami courthouse.

Heard something from Milch over at Division last week.

Said this Calderone was responsible for your brother's death up in New York.

You heard right.

?? [Synthesizer: Reverberating Tones]

?? [Rock]


? Voices ? ? I hear voices ? ? Voices ? ? I hear voices ? ? Don't look back Look straight ahead ? ? Don't turn away Then the voice it said ? ? Don't look back Yesterday's gone ? ? Don't turn away You can take it on ? ?? [Continues]

? Voices ? ? I hear voices ? ? Voices ? ? I hear voices ? ? Don't look back Look straight ahead ? ? Don't turn away Then the voice it said ? ? Don't look back Yesterday's gone ? ? Don't turn away You can take it on ? ? Don't look back Look straight ahead ? ? Don't turn away Then the voice it said ? ? Don't look back Yesterday's gone ? ? Don't turn away You can take it on ? ? Don't look back Look straight ahead ? ? Hey, hey ? ? Don't turn away Then the voice it said ? ? Don't look back Yesterday's gone ? ? Don't turn away You can take it on ? ? Don't look back Look straight ahead ? ? Don't turn away Then the voice it said ? ? Voices ? ? Don't look back Yesterday's gone ? ? Voices ? ? Don't turn away You can take it on ?? [Crockett]

Let's hope no one on this island's ever seen the hit man.

Yeah, well, let's take care of business quickly so we won't have to worry about it.

One thing 'cause if he's not on the island, Crockett, I don't wanna stick around for the sightseeing tour.

Well, relax.

We're here now, and I'm hungry.

Here? Where's here? Right smack in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle, pal.

Sharks and weirdness.

You gotta develop a positive attitude.

I'm plenty positive.

You want something to drink? Why not? Come on, you know the old saying.

When in St.

Andrews Yeah.


Checking in? Yeah.

Gotta drop it a notch, Tubbs.

You're strung way too tight.

Compliments of the house.

That's Jimbo's special.

Don't worry.

Taste of the rum'll k*ll the lousy taste.

So, you guys here for the diving or the windsurfing regatta? Strictly rest and recreation, pal.


Well, you'll get all the recreation you want, but I'm not sure about the rest.

We'rejust kicking off the annual Junkaroo festival.

Masks, costumes, masquerades.

Four days of total and utter nonsense.

Man, you're gonna love this place.

Beautiful women, nightclubs, water sports.

And listen, anything you need, man I mean anything see the kid.

I can get you into someJamaican ganja, man.

Stuff'll tie-dye your frontal lobe in Technicolor.

Maybe later.


I came down on spring break, got into some Caribbean grass, missed my plane back to the mainland.

Spring break, huh? How long ago was that? Seven years last April.

Let me get your bags checked in.

Luis! That's okay.

We'll handle 'em.

Yes, sir.

Reservations are under, uh, Miller.

- Any messages yet? - Nothing, sir.


Knew you guys were up to somethin'.

Friend of a friend in New York.

Hey, man, whatever you say is cool, you know.

One out of three people coming through here got somethin' going.

It's the ways of the islands.


Foreign intrigue.

You know her? It's Angelina.

Teaches school up in the north end of the island.

Stone fox.

Talented too.

You know where we can find her? Like I say, man, it's a small island.


We appreciate the intent of your visit, but interference can be counterproductive.

We've had no report on Calderone in some time.

We try to keep our eye on major traffickers, but with 700 islands, uncountable coves, private landing strips, it's almost an impossible task.

The Bahamas have always been a haven for pirates and fugitives.

No sign of Calderone at all, huh? I assure you if a criminal of Calderone's stature were on my island, I'd be the first to know.

We know where you're staying, Detective, and we'll notify you of any change of status.

I appreciate that.

And while you're here, we'll try to make your stay as comfortable as possible.

We're at your disposal.

By the way, where is your partner? Fishing.

Reminds me of a Cuban painter Vacherrez.

I don't know if I'm more startled at your presence or that a turista would be acquainted with Vacherrez.

Yeah, he and Colican happen to be two of my favorite Caribbean artists.

Actually, I'm on sort of a shopping jaunt.

I own a small gallery up in Soho.

L-I really would like to see some more of your works.

I'm flattered, but I only give them away to my friends.

Well, in that case I absolutely hope to have one.

What's your name? Angelina.

An Uh, I'm Richard.

Mine's Richard.

Oh, I've gotta go.

You can't.

Why not? Haven't you heard that old Buddhist custom that if karmic fate causes someone to enter into your life, they have to be your guest for dinner and dancing at this terrific café I heard about on Lyford Cay? That's a very liberal interpretation of Buddhist philosophy.

I've really gotta go.

Is that your boyfriend out there on that yacht? Are you a man of a thousand questions? Will I see you again? It's possible.

How'd you make out? Like a bandit.

How about you? Nothin'.

Albury says he hasn't seen hide nor hair of Calderone in some time.

He'll be here.

If not now, tomorrow, the next day.

I know it.

Guy could be anywhere, Tubbs South America, Europe.

He hasn't stayed alive this long being predictable.

Oh, yeah? Well, wejust got lucky.

Everybody's got their weak spots, pal.



! Hot damn.

! We'll get the boat numbers, and then we'll check every harbor.

Then we'll put in a call to Swanson.

Hey, pal, you're not in the process of forgetting you're a cop, are ya? We go by the book.

Just like we did before? Ended up standing on the surf, watching the man fly away with a big smile on his face and 10 million clear in a Swiss bank account.

Listen if you can't put a lid on that vigilante impulse of yours, then just toss the badge right now.

Get him on your own.

But otherwise, we're here to surveil, to catch him, and deport him back to Miami.

Pure and simple.

Yeah, I'll follow the agenda all right, Crockett.

But if it starts to slip back into an instant replay of what happened before, I'm gonna get him, and nobody's gonna stand in my way.

Not that overeducated hooker, you or anyone else.



You look in pretty good shape for a dead man.


Made the front page.


" A high-ranking Dade County vice detective was sh*t to death yesterday in the South Beach area.

Authorities believe the k*lling to be linked with seven other contract murders in the South Florida area.

" Well, that oughta convince Calderone's people that the Argentinean's hit list is complete.

- You heard from 'em yet? - Nada.

Good morning, gentlemen.

Your breakfast has arrived.

So, what's on the agenda this beautiful island day? I can lay a couple doobies on you, man.

You can kick back, relax, do the whole island trip.

Scuba, parasailing.

No appetite, man? Mind if I have a piece of toast? Sure.

Help yourself.

Thanks, man.

Oh, boy, I'm taking a day off from writing.

Never touch a typewriter on southerly trade winds.

No, the negative ions throw off your whole metaphorical assimilation.

What kind of book you writin', Jimbo? Novel.

Been workin' on it for the past five years.

Got it up to 2,127 pages.

"The house was built on the highest part of the narrow tongue of land between the harbor and the open seas.

It had lasted through three hurricanes and was built solid as a ship.

'" Hey, I like that.

That's beautiful.

Oughta be.

It's Hemingway.

I'm working on what oughta be a contemporary island classic.

Sort of a cross between Mutiny on the Bounty and The Road Warrior.

I've gotta go, man.


Almost forgot.



Thank you.


Got a meet with Calderone's man in two hours.

Final payment for the hit man.

You need any backup? No, I'd better do this one solo.

It's in the middle of town.

I doubt if they're gonna pull any stunts.


That means I can continue on with my little romance.

Well, despite your obvious charm, how do you know she's gonna meet you? Oh, I believe she'll see me again.


Now, class, let's settle down.

I have a special story for you today.

It's Heidi in the Pasture.

Are you ready? "Heidi was awakened early the next morning by a loud whistle.

The sun was shining through the round window into golden rays on her bed and on the large heap of hay.

And as she opened her eyes, everything in the loft seemed gleaming with gold.

" Theresa, would you finish reading the story to the class, please? [Theresa Reading, Faint]

I inquired at the hotel where I might return this.

I thought I'd never see this again.

My father gave this to me.

I really thank you.

You're welcome.

You know, since we missed dinner I thought I might try you for lunch.

Well, I'm sorry, but I have other plans for lunch.

Well, I'm a social being.

I'll just tag along.

I'm sorry.

I'm afraid who I'm having lunch with wouldn't go for that.

Hey, who is this guy? He's making me jealous already.

Hey, look, don't you commit yourself to him until you get to know me better.


How about dinner? If you can handle the juggling act, I'd love it.

You enjoying your stay on the island, Mr.

Miller? What, are you from the board of tourism? Cut the questionnaire and let's get down to business.

Press clippings.

The Herald.

Seven obituaries.

Number eight's on page one.

Sixty thousand American.

Nice doing business with you.

We're not done doing business.

Your people omitted telling me about Crockett.

My price for that kind of job is the same for politicos.

You owe me an extra 30,000.

Senor Calderone never renegotiates.

This is not a renegotiation.

It's not even a negotiation.

You see, my prices are not negotiable.

Senor Calderone either pays my fee or he becomes number nine on my list.

Possibly we can arrange something.

The only thing you have to arrange is delivery by sundown.

I will convey your message.

Tell Calderone I don't deal with errand boys.

Money that gets paid for blood gets paid in person by him.

I understand completely.

Angel, where did you go, huh? Thinking on something or somebody out there? You should go easy on the alcohol.


I like dissipation.


Hey, this was that vineyard we visited in France a couple of years ago.

Remember? Vineyards? What do I know about vineyards? All I know as a kid, if it was big, it was a tree.

If it was small, grass.

You're always so sensible.

Yeah, except with you, huh? Habla.

The Argentinean wants an extra 30,000.

And he wants you to pay him face-to-face.

Está bien.

I don't know, man, about this Angelina.

She's just not what I expected.

Something just does not compute.

In all my years of doing undercover work, Tubbs, I've never gotten used to the idea of using people.

But you have to.


Look, just because she's playing Sound of Music with you doesn't mean she doesn't have another act altogether for Calderone.

Don't go gettin' turned around here, buddy.

Nobody has to tell me about gettin' turned around.

I know exactly what we came here for.

Hey, they must be going to the festival.

[Hollering, Whooping]


[Whooping, Shouting Continues]


What the hell is this? Hey, there's people! And cars! Hey, what are we into, man? A hard right.

[g*nshots Continue]

- Gotta get out of this city.

- Yeah, you tellin' me.


Whoa! There.

Where? Right here! Crockett! It's a dead end! Better not be! They still with us? Like a bad dream.

[Horn Honking]

We lost 'em! All right! [Chuckles]

All wrong! Whoa! Hang on! Which way now? Right! Left! Whoa! Forget it! Forget it! Hey! [g*nshots Continue]

Hang on, Tubbs! I'm gonna park this thing! [Machine g*n Fire]

Crockett! Ohh! You all right? Yeah! Think we just heard from Calderone.

Another fine predicament you got us in.

I just received word.

Are the both of you all right? Barely.

I was on my way to your hotel when I heard about it.

You got something for us? Calderone's boat just departed from the island.

- When? - This morning.

The serial number on the yacht is 768 Alpha 311.

Registered to a Macedonia holding company.

It's one of Calderone's corporate fronts.

Ayacht fitting that description came into St.

Marcos for refueling around noon.

Why wasn't the Coast Guard alerted? Spotter planes have already been called in.

There's 5,000 square miles of water out there.

He could be en route to Cuba, the Antilles, Costa Rica.

Damn it! If there's anything else we can do for you while you're on the island I appreciate it, but we'll be going back to Miami right away.


Henderson here will arrange a ride back to the hotel for you.

Again, my deepest apologies about all this.


[Engine Starts]

So we're just gonna leave the island just like that, huh? Cool it.

This stinks.

What are you talkin' about? Calderone knows who we are.

How do you know that? Albury? He's the only other one that knows who we are on this island.

You're sure? Enough so we operate under that assumption.

That means no backup, no support.

That means Albury's one of them, and our badges don't mean a damn thing on this island.

[Cuban Accent]

You got it, man.

We're so under, may as well be on another planet.

I wanna go see Angelina.

If Calderone did leave, I can get a destination out of her.

Is that the only reason, pal? Business.


[Doorbell Rings]

It's a little early for dinner, isn't it? Uh, yeah.

Something came up, and I have to leave the island in a couple of hours.

Come on in.

Uh I find this a little difficult to say.

I understand.

I've been feeling the same way too.

What way? Who are you, Richard? What do you mean? Sometimes I see you drifting away to places private places, places others aren't allowed into.


Didn't I tell you I was, uh, a misunderstood soul? No.

Really? Yeah, I see something in your eye too.

Do you? Yeah.

A little tiny eyelash.


Silly! Pass me my watch, please.

Don't tell me we've been watched by your boyfriend all this time.

Isn't he a bit too old for you? That's not my boyfriend.

That's my father.

Your father? I was hoping you'd stick around for the festival.

I want to introduce him to you.

Tonight? There's a masquerade party at the beach club.


How could I pass that up? I love masquerades.


Tonight? Yeah, tonight.

I got an intro set to meet with Calderone tonight at the festival.

Okay, I tell you what we do.

Just like we planned we'll leave.

We'll go down the coast, we'll dock the boat.

After it gets dark, we'll double back.

You know Ah, she doesn't understand.

I mean, she thinks that her father's just a wealthy financier who donates half his income to the church.

I knew it didn't add up.

Why can't things just be black and white, huh? I mean, you go after the bad guys, you get the bad guys, and that's that.

You don't end up destroying some innocent person's life.

What is it with you, Tubbs? You changing your mind about gettin' this Calderone, or what? - Absolutely not.

- What's your problem? The problem is Angelina is Calderone's daughter.

His daughter? Yeah.

And you know what else, Sonny? I really do care for this woman.


Me too.

Hand me the.

44 Mag.

We're not going after elephant, Tubbs.

? I know, I know, I know I know she's a country girl ? Hey! Let the good times roll! - Got 'em? - Hey, would I let my Yankee brothers down? Guys, you're gonna be in for some serious party time tonight.

"Junkar-a-go-go'" is extremely whacked.

I think we can handle it.






Yeah, later.

Party time.

[Shouting, Laughing]

?? [Caribbean]

Wait a minute.

Isn't that her over there? Yeah.

Keep an eye on me.

I think I'm gonna have an introduction to Calderone real soon.

I got your back.




Is your father here? No, he's not here yet.

He's never on time.

I look forward to meeting him.



Come on.

Let's dance.

[Tubbs Laughing]

Wow! I'm so happy right now.

I wish this moment would last forever.

So do I.

Uh, would you like something to drink? That'd be wonderful.

Thank you.

I'll be right back.

Don't move.

Is there a problem? No problem.

Just don't move.

Hey, man, drink the rum! Richard, what is it? Let's get out of here! It was all just a game? You werejust using me this whole time? What kind of person are you? You're gonna take me to your father! You can go to hell! Your father kills people! He's got my partner! My father is not a k*ller.

I don't know what you're talking about.

For God's sake, why don't you open up your mind and your eyes? Your father is wanted in five countries.


He's been an international crime figure for the past 20 years! No! Yeah, arrest files.

Possession and intent to sell D.



Files that date as far back as 1966.

That's a lie! Maybe you remember Rudolpho Mendez.

Curly headed fella who used to visit the villa just for a drink and leave with a stuffed envelope? I don't know what you're talking about! Mendez was kind enough to tell us about seven murders that your father had commissioned in Miami last month! My father would never do that! Your father had a cop sh*t to death in New York City! Leave me alone! And that cop was my brother! Yeah.

Lookin' forward to seeing Miami again.

Nice scenery down there.

[Silverware Clatters]

Miami's looking forward to seeing you.

Qué cosa, ¿ ah? The local authorities and $350-a-week cops? For a few lousy dollars, I get 'em to clean my toilet bowls.

You don't get it, huh? D.



, F.



, your county, city, your technologies, your computers they can't catch one little man who didn't make it past the fourth grade.

You know, only time I see a judge is when I tee off with 'em at the country club.

Forty-two million.

Forty-two million dollars, tax free.

Why do you think they call it the land of opportunity, huh? Even fat cats fry, Calderone.

Yeah, that's true.

Only if they allow mistakes to exist.

Senor Calderone, the detective he got away.



! ¡Estúpido.

! ¡Levántese.

! Get up.

! Go find him.

! Get up! ¡Levántese.

! - sh**t him a couple of times in the head and throw him in the ocean.

- [Angelina]

Father? Angelina, what are you doing here? Somebody's told me things about you.

Who Who you been talking to? Me.

Calderone, tell those g*ons of yours to drop their weapons right now, or I'm gonna blow your brains out.

- No! What are you doing? - Angelina, get out of here! - You don't want to see this.

- You heard him.

Go! Get out of here! Father? Father? Go.

! Get out ofhere.

! Drop 'em.

I said drop 'em.

I said drop 'em! [Snaps Fingers]

[Blows Landing]


! No.

! No.

! [Screaming]


! No.

! No! No.

! No.

! ?? [Pop]

Chief Albury and, um Henderson.

Will be held in detention until the preliminary hearing.



We'll need you back It wasn't supposed to turn out this way.

I, uh I thought I had everything worked out.

All except for you.

I'm a I'm a cop, Angelina.

And that makes it all right for you, Richard? What brought you to this island was something far more than just your job.

? You must try to ignore that it means more than that ? ? Oh, what's love got to do ? ? Got to do with it ? ? What's love but a secondhand emotion ? ? What's love got to do got to do with it ? ? Who needs a heart ? ? When a heart can be broken ? Come on, Tubbs.

Let's go home.

? It may seem to you that I'm acting confused ? ? When you're close to me ? ? If I tend to look dazed ? ? I read it someplace I've got cause to be ? ? There's a name for it ? ? There's a phrase that fits ? ? But whatever the reason ? ? You do it for me ? ? Oh, what's love got to do ? ? Got to do with it ? ? What's love but a secondhand emotion ? ? What's love got to do got to do with it ? ? Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken ? ? Ooh-ooh ? ? I've been taking on a new direction ? ? But I have to say ? ? I've been thinking about my own protection ? ? It scares me to feel this way ? ? Oh, what's love got to do ? ? Got to do with it ? ? What's love but a secondhand emotion ? ? What's love got to do got to do with it ? ? Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken ? ? What's love got to do got to do with it ? ? What's love but a sweet old-fashioned notion ? ? What's love got to do got to do with it ? ? Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken ? ? What's love got to do ? ? Ooh, got to do with it ? ? What's love but a secondhand emotion ? ? What's love got to do got to do with it ? ? Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken ? ? What's love ? ? Ooh-ooh ??
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