01x19 - The Home Invaders

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Miami Vice". Aired: September 16, 1984 – January 25, 1990.*
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Sonny & Rico, two Metro-Dade Police Department detectives working undercover in Miami.
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01x19 - The Home Invaders

Post by bunniefuu »

You stay here. I will
be right back. Lindsay.

Tommy. Tommy, time for dinner.


- I want the chick.
- You had the chick last time, man.

Yeah, you stuck me with the kids.
Where are the kids?

They're coming.

I'll get it, Rosa.
Who are we to them?

Who's there?

Flowers from Kay-Den.

Lindsay, Tommy,
supper's ready now.

Who else is in the house?

No one. No one.

Shut up and get on the floor.

Get on the floor.

You like the flowers, baby?

I said, do you like the flowers, baby?

The money, man. Tell us where the money is.
- Come on. Where's the jewels, huh?

We want the jewels.

Well. Mmm. Quiet night
in the monastery, buckaroo?

Thanks for the party, guys.
Let's work on the timing.

What is so important at...
3:00 in the morning?

Maybe we should call Tubbs.
- Oh, yeah. Absolutely. He must feel left out.

Tucked away in some quiet corner in
Manhattan, sipping champagne with Valerie.

You can't knock a guy for knowing
when to take a leave of absence.

Deputy Chief wants all available detectives on
the home invaders investigation immediately.

As of tomorrow, the four of us
will be working Robbery,

and I want you two to be up to date.

Soon as you're done with the
Hernandez case, you're coming aboard.

What's this? Notes on a home
they just hit in Palm Island.

What's the M.O.?

It varies.
The homes have been occupied.

Been brutalizing the families.

Last night they put a woman
in the hospital with electrical burns.

Lieutenant Malone'll be holding a briefing
at 6:00 a.m. I understand you know him.

Yeah. Yeah I do.

I came up under him.

Taught me everything I know
about robbery.

He's a terrific guy.
Good cop.

Well, he's after some bad people.
Let's help him get 'em.

I don't lie.

Hey, Charlie. How you doin',
pal? Well, the circus must be in town.

Ebersole, just because you work Homicide
doesn't mean you have to dress like a corpse.

Look at this guy. Must be rough in Vice,
man. Cars, clothing...

You ain't exactly starving. You're fat. What is it with you?
You better lighten up. You're gonna need your own zip code.

Well, I hear we're gonna lose some weight on
this one. The press is coming down real hard.

Well, I wouldn't worry about it. You've
got the brightest and the best here.

Where have I heard that before?
- Hey, John, you rascal. How're you doin'?

All right. Still got enough left in me
to run you around the block.

Lieutenant, I want you to meet my boss.
This is It. Martin Castillo,

Lieutenant John Malone.
Good to meet you, Lieutenant.

Done much robbery work?

We can use the help
just the same.

Yeah, what is it with you guys? You
can't take the pressure over here or what?

I heard you were getting a little soft,
needed some real work. Hear that, Ebersole?

It's really good to see you here,
Sonny. Good seein' you, buddy.

We'll talk later.

All right, let's get this drill started.

All right. Now, here's the long
and the short.

We've been host to six home invasions
in the past eight weeks...

involving just under
two million in stolen property,

leaving five,
unarmed citizens hospitalized.

Location and sequence of
the scores are on the map here.

Now, we're all here because
we cannot let this situation continue.

Sergeant Heraty will be coordinating your
report and ramrodding the operation.

This pamphlet summarizes
everything we know as of this moment.

We're dealing with a crew of three
to five-handed and they're packing.

Shotguns, a*t*matic weapons
and other implements.

One victim described
what appears to be a cattle prod.

Got any descriptions
or, uh, composites?

Stockings and hockey masks.
- What about vehicles?

They're stealing commercial vehicles, which
they then paint and use for a delivery ruse.

We haven't seen a work car.
- What kind of scores they putting down?

Cash, jewels, uh,
couple of coin collections.

Similar to some recent scores
in Chicago and New York.

There's a little on that
from the F.B.I. in the pamphlet.

So you think these are

Could go either way.

Have you been calling your local burglars
when the scores are reported?

For what?

Well, if they're home in bed, then, uh,
they couldn't have robbed the house.

Usually, Martin, we don't tuck in
our local suspects.

Seems to me that's the kind of information
that a Robbery unit should have.

There's next to nothing in this.
Not even an M.O. sheet.

It's my understanding the method is everything
to these home invaders. They work on a clock.

Yet, there's, uh, not a word
in this pamphlet...

as to how long they're in the house.

Where's he speaking next week?

With all due respect, Lieutenant,
you came on pretty strong in there.

Detective, I've seen more information
on a dog-bite report.

How'd it go?

Shaky. I don't know.
It's a crapshoot.

Well, I don't like the layout.

It's too far from the highway, private security
patrolled. It doesn't look as good as I was hoping.

Yeah, but for this one,
maybe we take a little extra draw.

There's maybe 200 large in there.
Our end.

Can we prowl it?
- I counted three different alarms
going up the pole.

Plus, you gotta figure people like this... they
gotta have panic buttons under their pillows.

Come on. There's gotta be a way.
We put too much time in this already.

We go in, like, uh, heavy,

and baboom! and knock 'em down,
and we'll I am in three minutes' time.

Two hundred grand, man.

Forget it.
We got no way to monitor that radio.

So what about the patrols?
We got a ram car.

We can't prowl it with
all the juice goin' in the house.

We gotta pass it.

I agree. You know there's other good
scores out there won't draw near the heat.

Pass it? What, you guys
getting a little soft in the head?

Hey, I ain't taking no draws.
I don't have to.

You may not remember...
There ain't too much social life in stir.

I ain't goin' back, man.
Fifty G's my end or no 50 G's.

We're passin'.

Like Nicky says, this town's
loaded with marks.

Animals. What they did
to our children.

My son may never be able
to use his hand again.

Mrs. Taylor,
to catch these men we need your help.

I'm sorry, gentlemen.

Was there anything even slightly
familiar to you about any of these men?


Their walk. Speech.
Their build?

No. Nothing at all.

Any accents that were recognizable?

In the last four or five days,

did anything unusual happen
around the house?

Hang-up phone calls?
Solicitors? Vendors?

Any jewelry appraised recently?

No. No, nothing.

Did they ever call one another by name
in your presence?


What was the first thing they said to
you when they walked in the house?

Try to remember.

I think it was,

"Is there anyone else in the house?"

The kids were screaming and crying,

so I couldn't hear everything
that was said.

And then this man started to
burn me with the cigarette.

- I promise you.
- We'll do everything we can for you.

Mrs. Taylor, as soon as you feel up to it, I'd
like you to take a look at this questionnaire.

Simple questions about
your daily routine.

We will come back for it.

It's important to us.

I can't believe
this has happened to us.

My son. Don't let it
happen again.

Please, please, catch them.

Excuse me, please.
Can I help you?

Yeah. We'd like to see Benny.
Benny ain't here.

Find him,
please. We'll wait. Find him?

What do I look like, a tour guide?

Just find him. We'll talk about
what you look like later.


Yeah, what do you want?
Benny, how are you, baby?

Good to see you again. Well,
I got nothing to say to you.

Oh, I think you do. There's a lot of
action around. Lot of jewelry goin' down.

Oh, so that's what it is. You forgot
when I squared my beef with you?

You ain't squared nothing.
Oh, you don't remember?

Well, I do. So take your shoes for a walk
and take your friend with you and get out.

I'm Lieutenant Castillo. I
don't care if you're chief of police.

I run a legitimate business here, and if you
got something on me, fine. Well, then arrest me.

But if you don't get out.
- Let me tell you about your business.

There's a crew in the city
hurting family and children.

They're scoring exactly
the kind of merchandise you move.

If I find out that you even breathe the
same air as these people... I'm shakin'.

Don't point.

Hey, Angel.
- What do you want?

Get rid of these guys.

Come on. Let's go.

Up in the air, Angel.

Primitive, but effective.

The guys you're looking for are a lot
more dangerous than you two guys.

So I got nothing to say. You know
what I mean? They're dangerous.

Ladies, if you hear of any
young hookers...

being beaten up by their tricks tonight,
I want you to let me know right away.

Will do.
All right.

Check, please.

I just talked to
a detective in Chicago.

He said there was a rash of
batteries on young prostitutes...

during the home invasion.

It's a long sh*t, but
he's gonna send me the paperwork.

Great. At least we'll have something
new to talk about at Robbery.

Hey, you can tell 'em.

Aren't you going to the meeting?
- No, I'm gonna go back to the office...

and review some of
the case reports.

Well, Malone is expecting you.
What should I tell him?

Anything you want.

You take the old lady.

Wake up. Wake up.
Wake up.

Who else is in the house?
No one. No one.

You wanna die?
- Give them what they want. Give them!

I ain't givin' these bums nothing.

Step out of the car.

Hey, buddy boy.

Make sure you vacuum around that bed,
get some blood samples off the carpet.

How'd it go down?
- Elderly couple. Got them out of bed.

They were after jewelry,
some gold coins the old guy collected.

Seventy-five years old
and he tries to fight 'em.

How is he?

He's at the hospital.
sh*t twice.

What's the story
on the cop outside?

I don't think he could've heard
the sh*ts or he would've called for help.

My guess is he came up on
the outside guy.

He just let him have it
point-blank in the heart.

Where's the wife?
- She's in the next room. Sergeant Heraty's talking to her now.

Do we know how they got in?
Back door.

Pulled the lock. Missus was taped, rubbed
the gag off, kicked the phone off the table.

How long after they left?

Five minutes.

She hear the sh*ts from outside?

Sergeant Heraty's handling the
street scene. Why don't you ask him?

Why didn't you seal off the area?

Because they were long gone
by the time we got here,

and I didn't feel it appropriate
to call in 20 squad cars after the fact.

And, frankly, Lieutenant,
I don't have to explain my decisions.

Even if you wanted to,
I don't think you could.

I learned a long time ago, guys that come
down heavy don't make good mechanics.

This is a different crew,
and your lieutenant is out of line.

I know you're under
a lot of pressure, John,

but I gotta tell ya, pal... Sonny,
don't patronize me.

I was handling cases like this when Castillo
was still busting kids for nickel bags.

His attitude I don't need.
Now, wait a minute.

Castillo may not have the warmest disposition in
the world, but he's one hell of an investigator.

There's two ways you b*at these guys.

Informants or wiretaps.
End of story.

I gotta tell you, John, as a friend...
He's got a legitimate beef.

Your crime reports
are paper-thin, pal.

Forensics has got their heads
where they don't see daylight.

This isn't the John Malone
I used to know.

This guy may look
a little rusty on the surface,

but underneath
he's a helluva detective.

This investigation's in real trouble,

Lieutenant, I know this guy.

He'll come through.

Let's get going.

You always pick
the nicest places to meet.

A trick bounced her around
pretty bad.

She say how long ago it happened?

I'll let her tell you.

What are you gonna do for us?

Me and Sha Sha,
we don't do something for nothing.

We're businesswomen.

We ain't dumb.

Show us how smart you are
and tell them what happened.

See, Sha Sha and me,
we're from Detroit.

I moved in with her after
my father started drinking a lot.

Just tell us what happened
when you got b*at up.

Slow down, stud.
I'm gettin' to that.

Talk about a fast trick.

Honey, I ain't your trick.

Ooh, another tough guy.
You wanna b*at me up too?

You can talk to us here
or talk to us downtown.


I meet this guy and he wants to
have a party, so he takes me to a hotel.

What time did you meet him?

I don't know, 4:00, 5:00,
this afternoon.

Anyway, we go to his room, and when
we get through, he doesn't let me leave.

He check in,
or did he go straight to the room?

I saw him check in.
Did he have any bags?

- Did he tell you anything that
he did or where he stayed?

He didn't want a conversation.
Can you blame him?

How much time
would you spend talking?

What did he look like?
- He was real cute.

He looked like he had a lot of money too.
If I had to guess, I'd say he was a Gemini.

Yeah, okay. Thank you.

Get a description.

Then get the lab over to the motel.
Maybe they can match a specimen.

I thought you did better work
in your own office.

I came back to cross-check these.

Uh, I noticed in this first knock,

uh, Christiansen.

They used handcuffs.

Did you ever do any good
trying to run 'em down?

Japanese manufacturer,
sold to a huge wholesaler in Chicago.

Not enough time to chase down
all the retailers and mail order yet.

Here's a report I asked for
from Chicago.

According to the
"Evidence Recovered" section,

handcuffs were used
on all the victims.

Apparently, the same brand.
- It's handcuffs or tape
in every score in Miami.

Commercial vehicles stolen in every case.

Victims tortured, handcuffed
and taped.

First words, "Who's in the house?"

Set aside all
the Miami questionnaire reports.

Did the Marcos belong to
any social clubs?

Did you get the lab report
on Fed?

Fed lock was pulled.
- How's Fed doin'?

Social clubs. No.

Look at Einstein.

They have a gardener?
Yes, uh, Landscaping Specialties.

How about Taylor?
- Taylor. Taylor.

Yes. Showcase Services.

Back to Einstein.

Did she have groceries delivered?

No. Pizza, once in a while.

Where does she have her hair done?

Hair Emporium.

Go to Golden.

I have Golden.

Here. Uh, pizza, groceries, landscape?

- Sunset Landscape.

Go to Christiansen.

What do you want?
- Hair.

Hair Emporium.

Where does D'Arco get her hair done?

Hair Emporium.
- Hair on Shapiro.

She trades off.
Glorious Waves, Hair Emporium.

One more. Hair on Foreman.

Hair Emporium.

Beauty shops.
That's where it all starts.


♪♪ Oh. How's my favorite
hot little number?

Wonderful, but we're starting to
look so ratty. I need a trim.

Oh, well, not to worry.
We'll have it looking fabulous in no time.

Natalie. First, shampoos
for both of you.

Steve, slap some No. 5 on
this mutt and throw it in the sink.

Drown it if it bites you.

♪ She wants to lead the glamorous life ♪

♪ She don't need a man's touch ♪

♪ She wants to lead the glamorous life ♪

♪ Without love, it ain't much
It ain't much ♪

Well, I'm ready for something new.
I've just let it go for a couple of years.

Same old thing. But now I'm ready
for some excitement. Some adventure.

We can start with a new cut.

Sort of punk, but sophisticated.

♪ She wants to lead the glamorous life ♪

♪ She don't need a man's touch ♪

♪ She wants to lead the glamorous life ♪
The Mercedes, right over there.

♪ Without love, it ain't much
It ain't much ♪


You look good.
- What?

Your new do.

You think so?
I dig short hair myself.

Your husband's gonna get
a kick out of his, lady.

When, in between board meetings?

♪ She wants to lead the glamorous life ♪

♪ She don't need a man's touch ♪

♪ She wants to lead the glamorous life ♪

♪ Without love, it ain't much♪♪

I know that guy too.
He had a neat tattoo.

It stretched out.
Yeah, I know that guy.

I know that guy.

I know that guy.

And that guy.

And that guy.

This is so boring.
Look, Lana.

The purpose of this exercise
is for you to find the one guy...

who b*at you up most recently, okay?

So, please, take another look.

This guy.

That's the guy?
- Owes me 20 bucks.

Eddie O'Donnell.
Make a note of that, Sha Sha.

What's the matter with you? You think
we're just playing here or something?

- You lost, sweetheart?
- Come to Papa.

Where's Castillo? A meeting. He's
volunteering us for another week in Robbery.

Well, come on.
I may have something.

Sorry to bother you,
Lieutenant, but...

I have a feeling about the guy
who parks those cars at Hair Emporium.

I'd like to have those two hookers
get a look at him.

Did you check out the employees?
- I called the beautician's license bureau.

I ran all the names through Records.
Clean. The owner too.

Take the two girls down to
the parking lot right away.

Take Switek and Zito for surveillance.
Keep me posted.

All we want you to do is take a look
and just tell us if it's the same guy.

Well, if you really want me to identify
him, why don't you get us a room?

Look, just tell us
if it's him, all right?

Is this one-way glass?


The guy in the white shirt.

He's too far away.
Here. Look through these.

You won't hurt him, will ya?

Malone. I got him here right now.

Good work, Gina.

Your gals fingered
the parking lot attendant.

Nailed you to it, sucker.

What a guy. Not only parks your car,
makes a copy of the keys while you wait.

Stay with him.
I'll handle the woman.

No sign of any tail. We
can't wait any longer. Let's go.

Miami Vice.
Pull over, please.

Police officers.
Please step out of the car.

Please, somebody help me.
My ex-husband is having me m*rder*d.

Easy. Easy, lady. Relax.
We're detectives.

We have reason to believe that you
may be the victim of a robbery tonight.

We need your help. A
robbery? Take everything,

but, please, whatever you do,
don't r*pe me.

Lady, please. Step out of the car.
We have to ask you some questions.

What's your name?
My name?

How do you know I'm gonna be robbed
if you don't even know my name?

Your name,
lady. Your name. Mrs. Abraham Goldman.

But if you’re really detectives,
you can call me Muriel.

Show's on. They're rolling. It's a hot
rod Camaro and a black Lincoln. Let's go.

We got 'em. Stay nice and loose
on 'em now.

All units, we're moving. East on
Flager Street about 30 miles an hour.

It's the Camaro, trailed by three
men in a Lincoln. Florida plates.

Don't turn.
Pull over and let me out.

Hello. This is Sergeant Heraty. They have switched
into an I. M. D. van and are heading south.

I am no longer maintaining eye
contact on the subject. I have lost him.

I repeat, I have lost eye contact.
I have lost the subject.

They have switched into
an I. M. D. van and are heading south.

Anybody got them yet?

Anybody got 'em yet?
Anybody seen 'em? We lost 'em.

Can somebody come in?

- Sonny, it's Gina. They lost them.

They switched to an R.G.A. van
and lost them in traffic.

Terrific. How long ago?

Ten, 15 minutes. Heading towards
the beach. I'll send them to back you up.

No. Too risky.
Tell 'em to cover the garage.

They lost 'em.

We'll find 'em
when they ring our doorbell.

They should've been here by now.

Unless they already came here
and saw something they didn't like.

Gina, put Mrs. Goldman
on the phone.

Mrs. Goldman,
this is Detective Crockett.

What lights do you normally
leave on at night?

- Just answer the question.

The living room.
The bathroom, generally.

The bedroom, naturally. I like to watch...
- Where do you normally park your car?

What car?
- Your Corvette.

You mean my daughter's car.
I wouldn't own a car that color.

Where does your daughter live?

Where she shouldn't. In that barn of a house.
I've been trying to talk her into moving...

- Lady, the address. The address.
- 18 Bel Drive.

Such a rude young man.

It's going down right now.
18 Bel Drive. Move it!

Freeze. Out.

One word out of you, and I'll just
get in and drive away, sweetheart.

Better yet, good night.

Where the hell's the backup?

You know what he's gonna do
to her if you're lying?

Wait or go?
No choice.

Look at her. Close your eyes
and she's dead, man. Don't blink.

You know what he's gonna do to her
if you're lying to us, man?

Those jewels better be where you said,
man. Are they up there, man?

Nicky, what the hell's goin' on?
Jerry? Jerry?

What's goin' on, man? Nicky?

Aw, you really shouldn't have.

Oh, it's the least I could do. It
isn't often that I'm invited to dinner...

with five exciting...
Police detectives.

It's been at least a week.


I haven't had this much fun since I
watched my ex-husband file for Chapter 13.

I don't wanna seem greedy, but, uh, weren't
we supposed to be joined by two more men?

I'll call 'em. Got a quarter?

How can you be
thinking about other men?

He's not in your league, honey.
Don't break his heart.

That's about 20 bucks now, right?
About nine-fifty.

To me.

Well, where ya been? We were
waiting... We were waiting to start.

I had to make a stop.
Here, this is for you.

What's this?
Open it up.

Consider it a graduation gift
from your former teacher.

What's this all about?

I figure you might wanna go
fishing someday.

I hear it's real fashionable to go out in a
boat with a retired lieutenant from Robbery.

I turned in my badge yesterday, Sonny.

You're kidding?

Come on, John.

You've forgotten more than
10 cops in this town ever knew.

This was one case.

One sloppy case.
That's more than I want on my record.

Sonny, you let me show you when it was
time to take your g*n out of your holster.

Now, let me show you when
it's time to put it on the shelf.

You knew about this?

Yeah. The deputy chief
called me this afternoon.

He's a little worried about
trying to fill the shoes. Rightly so.

Depends. Maybe they can
talk somebody into switching departments.

I told them I couldn't think of anybody
with a comparable track record.


Good luck, pal.
- Thanks.

Now, come on. Let's go
teach this gal how to party, eh?
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