02x08 - Bushido

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Miami Vice". Aired: September 16, 1984 – January 25, 1990.*
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Sonny & Rico, two Metro-Dade Police Department detectives working undercover in Miami.
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02x08 - Bushido

Post by bunniefuu »

This heat...

brings everybody to the beach.

Too many people.

Too damn many things
could go wrong.

This DEA guy, Thompson,
is he any good?

Special forces, medals,
khaki underwear.

Talks like Rambo.

Rumored to be bad.
He better be.

Last time Herrera
got cornered, people got dead.

Took this DEA guy last time
and took him deep-sea fishing.

Deep-sea fishing?

Yeah, cut him up
into little pieces
and used him for bait.

What'd they catch?

Looks like turbo diesels.

Man, this night vision
is beautiful.

It's snowing on the beach,

Herrera's moving up
to the park now...

and he's got Flex, Pecs,
and Mex with him.

Everybody stay hot,
we're moving
into position now.

He's committed.

I got him.

If you show me yours,
I'll show you mine.

After you.

Not yet.

There's one more civilian

Okay, take them down
and seal it.

It's your kidney, shorty.
Put the g*n down.

Just stand still
and I'll be your date.

Zito, you're on.


Hit the dirt.

God, I always wanted
to do that.

What the hell is
going on here?

What happened?

See, what it is, Lieutenant,
it's an operation
of complex tactic--

We blew it.

Somebody owes the government

Look, Lieutenant, we wanted
Herrera, we got Herrera.

That's what the DEA wanted.

As far as the DEA
is concerned,
the deader the better.

As far as the dough
is concerned...

I leave that to your...

cr*ck team to swing
into action and cough up
the dough.

Hey, pal, this was
supposed to be
a co-production.

You were the guy that walked
into the toilet
with a ton of dough...

and ended up with his pants
around his ankles.

You cr*cker cop.


What did you see?

It's all in my debriefing.
The report's on your desk.

I don't have to
take anything from you.

The report seemed incomplete
about your condition
when found.


I never saw his face.

I only saw the look
on Herrera's face.

The guy was behind me.
He squeezed my neck,
I saw stars.

I never saw him.

I never heard him.

Thank you for your time.

You'll be hearing from us.

What is it, Lieutenant?

You know this guy? Lieutenant?

Yeah, I know him.

You think he had
something to do with
cooling out the bust?

He had everything
to do with it.

He was the last one
out of the john.

Who the hell is he?
Jack Gretsky.

He used to work for
the intelligence community.

You mean the Company?

Highest priority. He was solo.

On this man's level,
death is a profession.

He sees everything.


I'll find out
if he's been sanctioned.

If he hasn't,
then he broke the law.

He k*lled Herrera
and stole $500,000.

I'll get it back,
that's my job.

I'll find him.

But know this...

this man is dangerous.

Don't try to apprehend him.

I don't want anyone
to approach him in any way.
That's an order.


you need manpower.

We don't even know
if this guy's still in town.

He's here.

What do you say, Castillo?

Long time no see.

Hello, Hardin.

Well, what do you make
of our cover? Talk about
local color, huh?

What's the Company doing
in Miami, Hardin?

Our work here involves
national security
and Jack Gretsky is our work.

That's why we're here.
You follow?

Well, you work
your side of the street
and I'll work mine.

You know, we could
pick up the phone
and have your badge, cop.

You won't do that.
You're right, Castillo.

We'd like your cooperation.

I have a job to do.

My name is Carter and
I don't like you.

And I don't care about your
crummy little drug deals.

I don't care about Herrera
and I don't care
about the half million.

You must care about something.
You look nervous.

Gretsky's left a trail
of dead agents...

halfway around the world
all the way to Miami.

He's taking all of
the old outstanding accounts.

Good for him.
Mostly theirs.

We don't know
why he's here in Miami.

We don't know why, and that's
what's got us worried.

What would he want in Miami?

We checked that.

You guys go back.
You go way back...

to the Golden Triangle,
to Cambodia, further.

But the real funny thing is...

that neither one of you
even existed before Vietnam.

You just drop out of sight,
right out of the computer.

Even deep background.
Why don't you tell us
about that?

Something heavy is going to
go down in this town...

and you're not
telling me the truth.

You know what we know.

If you want to use me to find
Jack, Hardin, you're gonna
have to tell me why.

All right.

Jack Gretsky...

went over to the Russians
years ago.

Now he's on the run.
He's a traitor.

I don't believe that.

We need to get to him
before the Russians do.

It's the only chance he has
of staying alive
in the long run.

They'll get him eventually.

Even Jack Gretsky
makes a mistake, eventually.

We have reason to believe
they've already sent
their A team.

Why is he better off with you?

He'll keep breathing.

He knows a lot of things
we want to know.

He's smart. He could
take years telling us stories.

He has a wife and a son.

Durrruh...She's Russian.
He got her out, we know that.

And she may have been
an intelligence operative.

So, we want them both.

Prove it.

There's your buddy in Cuba and
Moscow with his Commie wife.

Now if he contacts you,
you contact us.
We'll take it from there.

If you help him,
you're over the line.

Cop or no, we treat you
like any other
national security risk.

You catch my drift?

Hello, Marty.

It's been a long time.

Are you the same man
I used to know, Marty?

We change.

Not you.

After they put me back
together again in Bangkok...

they told me
you were dead.

Caught in the ambush.

They were wrong.

Left for dead is
what they meant.

I got your message.
I figured that was
your way of saying hello.

Now don't be
too hard on them.

Those two, that were up
in the balcony
with the night scope...

they were very good.

And the ones in the park...

I liked the roller skater
the best.
She was a real beauty.

And the one that was buried
in the sand, he's working
with a clean slate.

You've got good people,
a lot of heart.

What's this all about, Jack?

What did they tell you?
You went over.

You believe them?

They tell you
I had a family?

A wife, a boy.

Have you made a family
of your own, Marty?


There's so little time.

Do you remember that night
in the hills of Mae-Sa?

When the Hmong w*rlord
sent his assassins?

They had us cornered
in a temple. Like this one.

And we lay there waiting
in the dark.

And the air was
so thick and ancient
you couldn't breathe it.

And when they came, we stood
in the middle of the floor...

leaning with our backs
to each other.

It was our swords
against their swords.

We should have d*ed then.

Come on, let's go inside.

My wife and son
changed everything for me.

Because at the end
of everything...

they're what I
always wanted anyway.

Are they all right?
Yeah, they're here, in Miami.

You remember Erendira?

Yes, of course.

They're with her.
Watch out for that one.

Why here?

Everybody's hunting you.

I had to come here.

Marty, you're the only one
I ever trusted.

If something happens to me,
I look to you.

I want my family
to live a safe,
comfortable life.

No more running.

And they shouldn't want
for anything.

I can't let you walk.

I know.

It's my duty.

It's what I am.

Marty, take it easy.

Loosen your tie a little.
Everything's working out
just fine.


We just want you to know
that we really appreciate it.

He outlived
his usefulness anyway.

Two peas in a pod,

You and Gretsky,
the last of the dinosaurs.

But I gotta hand it to you,
you're a real problem-solver.

That guy was
totally out of control.

We either had to k*ll him
or give him a medal.

Yeah. Now we don't even
know him.

What do you want me to do?


They tell you I had a family?

A wife, a boy.

Hey, Brennan.
What have you got? It's Tubbs.

I don't understand.

Okay. Of course.

What was that all about?

He said whoever k*lled Gretsky
did him a favor.

Autopsy shows that
he had cancer everywhere.

They don't even understand
how a guy with so much pain
could be walking around.

Excuse me, you Carter?

Name's Surf.

Well, come on in,
come on in.

We p*rn smut degenerates
don't stand on ceremony.

Now let me see.
Don't tell me,
'cause I know this one.

You're Crockett.
That makes you Tubbs.

You got the Caddy, right?
Totally awesome.

Well, now that we've
made contact on a deep,
subtextual level...

how can I be of help
to Miami Vice?

We're looking for Carter
and the other guy, Tex.

You must mean Hardin.

Yeah, they went Pinko on us,
and we sent them away.


Pinko's Donut Shop,
it's down on Palm.

They have superb jellyrolls.
Did you know that?

We'll wait.

I don't think you should.
You got a busy night
ahead of you.

I'm tired
of dancing with you, pal.

Where's Castillo?

Listen, he's
in a lot of trouble.

The KGB want Gretsky's wife
and the boy.

Alive if possible,
dead if necessary,
but they want them.

She's former KGB.
You understand?

You got to find them
before the Russkies.

Hey, Hardin,
back already, huh?

Where's the jellyrolls?

Please don't ever speak
in Russian again.

It's been a long time,

I'm glad it was you.



Who is there?

Hello. My name is
Martin Castillo.


I know.

I have your photograph.

It's no longer safe for you
here in Miami.

I've made arrangements
to take you away from here.

I will wait for Jack.

We must go now.

We will wait here.

Jack has gone ahead.

I wish I had gone with him.

We gonna meet Dad someplace?

Go upstairs.

I'll take care
of your things. Go.

You were there,
with him?

Yes, I was there.

Was he hurting long?


Did you hold him?

We have to go.

There's a little island
off Key Largo.

A boat will meet us there,
take you to a safe place.

Good people.
You can trust them.

What's your name, son?

Dad tells me stories
about you.

Has he ever told you stories
about the shoguns
and the samurais?


There's a special story
I'd like you to know.

The story about the samurai,

I don't think I know that one.

Toshin was
the greatest swordsman
of his clan.

And all the other samurai
revered him very much.

And the shogun became jealous.

The shogun ordered Toshin...

to m*rder all the people
of a little fishing village
as a test of his loyalty.

Toshin refused, of course,
to do something so wrong.

It would have destroyed
his honor.

He became an outcast
to his clan,
which turned against him...

and he lived with
the wild animals in
the mountains with his family.

The clan sent assassins
to try to k*ll them all...

but none of them
ever came back.

Toshin knew that one day
they would k*ll him
and his family.

That not even he
could win all the time.

That his time would come.

Hold on.

What happened?

He gave me the slip,
that's what happened.

But he'll be back this way.
Only way in or out.

What's on the island?
A bunch of roads
going nowhere.

A few abandoned places.
No one comes
out here anymore.

I don't know about you,
partner, but I'm getting
real tired...

of ending up two yards short
in this game.

Anyone else come out here
since you been here?

How about I ask
some questions? Like
what the hell is going on?

The BOLO I was following
has a cop car.

You'll be safe here.

The boat will come
late today.

We'll have to wait.

I'll be right outside
the door. You can
get some rest.

Don't leave me.

They will find us.

They'll try.

Take Marty.

They want me, I think.

Maybe I will be
enough revenge for them.

You and Marty will be safe.
I promise you that.

You don't understand.

I was with KGB.

They will not stop.

They know if the others could,
they would do what I did.

Why Jack?

How did you meet him?

I was an actress in Moscow.

They sent me
to fall in love with him.

You see, Russians are
very well trained.

We do what we are told.

But why Jack?

He tried to....

He pretended to defect.

They sent me to
pretend to defect.

He told them lies about me.
I told them lies about him.

We were very happy.

That couldn't have worked
for very long, no?


After Marty was born...

he took us out of Russia.

He tried to quit CIA.

We lived quietly
until they found us again.

KGB or the Company?

We didn't know.

Rest for a while.

I'll come and get you
when it's time.

I'll go look in on the boy.

You never finished the story.
What happened to Toshin?

Let me help you with these.

We'll go upstairs,
I'll finish the story...

and then I have something
that belongs to you.

Finally, the clan
sent his best friend.

A man closer than a brother
to him.

It was this man's duty
to obey the clan.

Toshin came down
off the mountains
onto the beach...

to meet his old friend.

They faced each other
with drawn swords.

They loved each other
very much.

As they both struck
with their swords...

Toshin, the master,
was a little quicker...

but he only touched
his friend's neck.

Touching it
but not cutting it.

His friend could not stop
in time.

He struck Toshin once,
k*lling him.

Toshin d*ed in honor.

It is the way of the Bushido,
the way of the warrior.

Toshin knew that his family
would now be safe.

But his friend's heart
was broken.

Now I have something
that belongs to you.

Mom, what are you doing?!
He k*lled your father.

Hello, comrades.

Please, after you.

Come with me.

Stay here. Don't move.
Stay here.

God, I love American cars,
don't you?

Nothing like
a big old Detroit.

"Born in the USA."

Who are you, man?

You got a name?

You know what my name is?
My name is Surf,
isn't that great?

My name is Surf.
Boy, I love America.

Yeah, land of the free
and home of the brave,
isn't it?

Yes, this is my first time
in Miami, though.

Boy, it's paradise here.
Ain't it just paradise?

I mean, it is
really far out, right?

I mean, it is far out.
Do they still say that,
"far out?"

Kind of hard to keep up.

All right, look, cop,
we got to wrap this up.

Now we can do this
in one of two flavors.

I can either blow you all away
and just drive this Caddy
back to Moscow...

or you can come out
on your own.

I k*ll you and they go free.

All right?
The choice is yours.

I'd rather be dead.



You and Gretsky were comrades,

Well, one thing
I promise you...

they won't hurt the woman
or the boy. I won't let them.

Besides, they make
a better example
alive in Russia...

than dead in Miami, right?

Boy, when you go,
you go all the way.

Surf's up, pal.

(Vice sh**t First!)

He's still alive.

Is this the $500,000?


That's close enough.

In the greater scheme
of things,
it won't matter.

It'll all be lost
in the sauce.

No one will care.

It'll all be there,
by bank closing time tomorrow.

Castillo doesn't give
an inch.

He can't.
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