02x09 - Bought and Paid For

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Miami Vice". Aired: September 16, 1984 – January 25, 1990.*
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Sonny & Rico, two Metro-Dade Police Department detectives working undercover in Miami.
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02x09 - Bought and Paid For

Post by bunniefuu »

Stanley, hold this.
Listen, I've just got
one more thing.

I'll be right back.
Come on!

Odette, hi.

I need a favor.
Only one?

Can you get these groceries
together and drop them
by my apartment?

I'm supposed to cook
dinner tonight.
You know, a hot date.

And I'm already starting
the day off a half hour late.


Here's some money, and key.

And I left something special
for you in the hallway closet.

That is not necessary.
Never argue with a cop.

I'll see you.

Guy ever worn a bug before?

Don't worry about it.

Guy's under contract.

He's looking at a dime
and a half if he messes up.

What kind of a jerky deal
did you get us into?

We just want to know
how sweet the stuff is.

Hey, man, we got to take
certain precautions...

when you're dealing
with professionals.

Manny, what are you doing?

When did they shine the light
in Steve McQueen's face?

Do you remember that part
in the movie? Why did I rent
the cassette tape?

Everything's cool,
Se?or Crown.
Just bring the sample.

I think you guys
are gonna close down...

every Coke distributor
south of Atlanta.

This is guaranteed, man.
This hasn't been
stepped on, man.

100% pure.
Sure is hot in here.

We're on.

What's with this guy?

You said nobody ever
used this place.
What's going on?

Listen, we'll talk about money
at another time. Come on.

Let's go, Manny!
Come on!

Freeze! Miami Vice!
Don't move!

Put your hands on your head!

Irv, what'd you get us into?
I want to see our attorneys.

Shut up.

Hey, my end's done.
Not until the trial, pal.

Would not miss it
for the world.

Miami Vice cracks down
on illegal soft drinks.

Look, it was a bum tip.
I just found out.

Artificial sweetener, Jack.

These guys don't run dr*gs,
they run supermarkets.

And they're just about to get
into the diet soda business.

Who the hell would rip off
a trainload
of artificial sweetener?

Said his name was Crown,
but his sidekick
called him Izzy.

Get them out of here. Tubbs!
You taste like a doughnut.

Now we got to find Izzy.

My lunch.

I told you
to leave me alone.

I've missed you, baby.

Oh, please.

Oh, please,
leave me alone. Please.

Oh, please.

It's actually better
if you're a little late
because what I'm cooking...

takes a while.

A rain check?

No, it sounds great.




What a perfect day.

First we lose the bug van,
then the C.I. and....


Wait a minute, now.
All is not lost.

That was the other guy.

Hey, Sonny?

How would you like
some dinner?


Better than nothing.

It's me.

It's me.

She's been r*ped.

Out! Get out!

Keep your hands
where I can see them, pal.

Easy, man. Easy.
Get on that car.

Get on there!

This is $100,000
worth of machine.

Don't scratch it.

What's the charge?

Pick one, buddy.
Resisting arrest,
reckless driving...

Or r*pe.

That's right, pal. r*pe.

Look at me, amigo.
I'm rich. I'm beautiful.

The finest se?oritas in Miami
beg me for it.

Why would I r*pe?
I'm not your shrink.

I just heard.

Let's go over it again.
I need more detail
on this guy.

I can't
think of anything else.

Hello? Just a moment.

There's a call for you.

Trudy, see what
you can do.


How's the girl?

Terrified. How do you think?
That answers my next question.

Yeah, well, I'm not exactly
in a great mood.

Where the hell did you go?

I saw a slick leaving
your building
when we came in...

chased him half way
across the causeway...

before I could catch him
to have a little chat
with him.

He's being booked right now.
What does he look like?

Latin. 25, gold-plated.

Name's Nico Arroyo.
Wrong guy, Sonny.

Odette said the r*pist
was a gringo, blond hair.


Yeah, I'm here.

No, I don't want to go.

Gotta go, Sonny.
Thanks for trying.
I don't need to go anywhere.

Please! Please, stop.

Gina, can't I just
go home?

You need this exam
for your health and welfare.

And we need it
for evidence.

Now don't be scared.
I'll be with you.

Bond's posted.
Come on, let's go.

Hey, you owe me
an apology.

I don't owe you spit.

I'll give you a tip.
Lose the cologne.

You smell like a cheap pimp.

Hey, what do you know?
This stuff costs $100
an ounce.

b*at it, before I book you
for air pollution.

Take it easy, Gina.
You just take the girl home.

Well, the great white hunter
You've heard.

I thought only good news
traveled fast.

This Nico Arroyo,
he look like money?

All the way.
Right down to his Lamborghini.

That sounds right.

That would make his father
General Octavio Arroyo.

Gee, and I thought
I knew everybody
on the Joint Chiefs.

In Bolivia, this dude
was the Joint Chiefs.

Until he got caught
on the short end of a coup.

He got away with
his gold-braided threads...

and a little change
from the Bolivian treasury.

About enough to buy a mansion
in Key Biscayne...

and three or four banks
in Miami.

Guy really made himself
at home here.

Left behind
a ton of trace evidence...

and some really good
palm prints.

Get this down to the lab
as fast as you can.
This one's special.

What's this Arroyo kid like?

If being a punk was a felony,
I could put him away for life.

Smell this.

Reeks, huh?
She must bathe in cologne.

It's a men's cologne.

Yeah, it's called
Golden Warrior, man.

Hey, I'll buy you some
for your birthday.

On your salary,

We're talking about $70
an ounce, buddy.

More like $100.


Put her to bed, Annie.
We'll come back later.


This is Annie,
Odette's roommate.

They find anything yet?

Come here.

She's lying.
Lying? Where do you get that?

The kid I kicked loose
digs this expensive cologne.

It was all over the dress
you gave Odette.

I've known her for months,
Sonny. She doesn't lie.

This Arroyo, who is he?

Some rich punk.

Son of some
defrocked Bolivian general.

Odette used to work
for a Bolivian. A general.

Does Arroyo live
in Key Biscayne?

He would never leave me alone,
always touching me...

saying dirty things,
trying to make love to me.

And when Mrs. Sanchez,
the full-time servant...

told me
about the other girl, I quit.
What other girl?

She worked
in the house before me.

Mrs. Sanchez said
he r*ped her.


I tried, he had a Kn*fe.

What could I do?
I know.

You couldn't do anything.

But you can now.
File a charge.
Oh, no!

He said if I told anyone,
he'd have me sent back
to Haiti.

He can't do that.
You're a legal alien.

He's the son of a general,
a rich, powerful man.
I'm a nobody.

In Haiti, a man
like General Arroyo
can do anything.

This is not Haiti.
And you are not a nobody.

That's what that pig
wants you to believe.

Odette, I'm your friend
and I'd never do anything
to hurt you.

You know that, don't you?

Then trust me.

No matter what Arroyo says,
no one will deport you.

What he did to you
was a crime,
and we have to make him pay.

Do you understand?


Hold it!

Hold it right there.
Police officers.
Get away from me!

Go ahead.
Give me an excuse.

Easy, lady, no problem.

There's a problem,
all right.

The little girl?
You r*ped her in my apartment.

Gina, I got him.



Good morning.

You see Odette
this morning?

She went back to work.
Well, she's tougher
than she looks.

You get any sleep?
Not as much as Arroyo.

You know his lawyer,
the great Guy Slocum?

Got him sprung
before my head
hit the pillow.

Lab report. Prints,
hair samples, blood types,
all Arroyo.

Made my day.

Only thing Arroyo didn't leave
was a forwarding address.

Creep figured
he had nothing
to worry about.

Gina, Trudy,
in my office.

The D.A. thinks
the evidence is irrelevant.

I agree.
Well, I don't.

The girl worked
in the Arroyo household...

knew Arroyo
for over six months.

He didn't leave
a mark on her.
At least none you can see.

That's the only kind
that count. You should
know that by now.

Arroyo's attorney does.

He'll make a point that Odette
invited his client over
to your place.

He's right, Gina.
It's his word against hers.

The D.A. wants corroboration,
I'll get it.

Mrs. Sanchez,
the full-time maid,
told Odette...

that Arroyo r*ped another maid
that worked in that house.

I'll find her.

It's a long sh*t, Gina.

Arroyo r*ped this girl
in my apartment
and we all know it.

I'm entitled to a long sh*t.

I'll talk to the D.A.
get him to file.

Come up with something.


Se?or Arroyo.

The General wishes
to see you in his study.


You have never been anything
but trouble to me.

I have given you

Still you want
what you can't have, right?

Guess who I learned it from?

No, there's a difference.

In Bolivia,
I started with nothing.

And you.

With the daughters
of the finest families
available to you...

what do you do?

What do you do?


You r*pe a servant girl.

You sicken me.

It's a minor matter.
It's amusing at best.


You find this amusing, hmm?

Would 20 years
in an American prison
amuse you?


I am a respectable banker
in this city.

And I don't want in
the newspapers...

my depraved first born...

that is on trial for r*pe.

Got that?

I'll take care of it.
No, you won't.

You will do nothing.

You won't talk to that girl,
and you won't see her again.


I'll take care of it,
my son.

Don't worry.

Now go.

How far did you guys get
last night?
A name. Nellie Guererro.

Get an address?
Come on.
It's illegal in a haystack.

Illegal in a haystack.
That's cute.

Yeah, what's
the cross street?

What do you think?

No, thanks. I'd probably
only wear it once and then
leave it in the closet.

It's for Odette.
Sort of a replacement
for the one I gave her.

Well, who knows.
Maybe this Guererro girl
will show up.

I haven't given up yet.

Morning, partner.

I just got a call
from the owner of Club Fatale
about your bug van.

Says it's parked
in front of his place.

Maybe we can k*ll two birds
with one Izzy.

Your partner
looks kind of intense today.

Yeah, I haven't seen him
act like that since '83...

when he chased a guy
who swiped a hubcap
from the bug van.

Have we already had the scene
where I ask,
"What's this all about"...

and you say, "Shut up,
we ask the questions"?

I don't know.
Did we, Lar?


Oh, yeah.


There's this little girl,
Nellie Guererro.

She's about 19,

She used to work
for this family, Arroyo.

Find her.

Sure, Nellie Arroyo?
Used to work
for the Guererros.

Yeah, I used to,
you know, date her cousin.

Yeah, I used to hang out
with all the Arroyos.

You know, Mrs. Arroyo,
Mr. Louie, Loupie....

Why don't you
finish loading?

Finish loading!
Finish loading,
yes, of course.

All right, let's go!

Come on, Manny.
Come on.

Hello! Come on, let's go.
Get the bug, let's go.


I was just driving by,
I thought I'd say hello
to the charming police lady.

Saw your car.
Que pasa?

Get out of here.

Easy, easy.

I just need a few words
with the Se?orita.

A conversation
about the truth.

The truth is,
you r*ped her.

The truth is, the little tramp
begged me for it.

Get out of my sight.

I love anger in a woman.
It's very sexy.

# On the streets #

# And everywhere #

# You're turning heads #

You know, this is not
such a bad place.

And maybe
she's really having fun.
Yes, she's a real sport.

# And walk on through #

Tubbs looks funny
when he dances.

Come on, come on,
let's dance.

No, I got a trick knee.
Come on.

I got a trick knee.
Every time
somebody asks me to dance...

it goes out on me.
What's with you?

# Anything you wear #

Relax, enjoy the music.

# especially #

# Nothing I could tell you #

# You haven't known #

# and you've heard
half a million times
but still I'd like to say #

# You wear it well #

# You wear it well
you wear it well #

What are you doing?
You're supposed to be looking
for Nellie Guererro...

not greasing up
some singles joint.


What looks like a room full
of yuppies...

trying to find
their hormonal readjustment...

is, in actuality,
the control center for
my hand-picked operatives...

who have blanketed the city
in search of this....

What was her name?

Look, if you think
we're kidding
about finding this girl...

you're gonna have a long time
to wonder why you were wrong.

I'll check my sources.
Unfortunately, they're all
here with dates, but....

# Anything you wear
looks good on you #

# especially #

# Nothing I could tell you #

# You haven't known #

# And you've heard
half a million times
but still I'd like to say #

# You wear it well #

Cinderella tonight.
All alone
with Prince Charming.

Thanks, Sonny. This is
just what she needed.

# You wear it well #

# You wear it well #

# You wear it well
you wear it well #

# Oh, yeah #

# You wear it well #

# You wear it well
you wear it well #_

Oh, you look beautiful.

It's the dress. Gina,
how could I ever thank you.

I wish my sisters
could see me tonight.
You've got sisters?

Are they all
as pretty as you?

I have pictures.

This is Sara
and this is the youngest,

Only 12, but she already
looks like a movie star.


That must be Mom, huh?


She's wonderful.
But she's had a hard,
poor life in Haiti.

I send her $50 every week.

But she's never been happy
about my being here.

She's afraid something bad
will happen to me.


Odette, they're playing
our song. Let's dance.

I'm gonna nail Arroyo.

# When it feels like
the world is
on your shoulders #

# And all of the madness
has got you going crazy #

# it's time to get out,
step out into the streets #

# Where all of the action
is right there at your feet #

# I know a place where we can
dance all night away #

# Underneath the
electric stars #

# Just come with me and we can
shake the blues right away #

# You'll be feeling fine
once the music starts #

# Oh! #

# forget about the worries
on your mind #

# You can leave 'em
all behind #

# Oh, rhythm of the night #

# Oh, yeah #

# Look out on the street now #

# The party's just beginning,
the music's playing #

# A celebration's starting #

# Under the street lights
the scene is being set #

# A night for romance,
a night you won't forget #

# Tonight is gonna be
a night like
you've never known #

# You can leave them
all behind #

# To the b*at
of the rhythm of the night #

# Oh, the rhythm
of the night ##

Do you want to work it
with me?


All right.
Gina, I've been trying
to reach you. Hold on.

Lieutenant just talked
to the D.A. a few minutes ago.

Odette dropped the charges.


She said
it was a misunderstanding.

Said she invited Arroyo
over to your place.

Her mother was with her
when she made the statement.

Her mother lives in Haiti.

There are direct flights
every day from Haiti to Miami.


Yeah, I'm back.


Maybe she's gone
to work.

It doesn't make sense.

I wonder what the price
of silence is in Haiti?

Hold him.


Who's your employer?
None of your business.

Wrong answer.

You can't run away
from this.


You can't run away
from this.

Gina, the limo
belongs to Arroyo's lawyer.

They just put her mother
on a plane to Haiti.
First class, window seat.

I didn't take a penny
for myself.
But your mother did.

My mother loves me.

You want to know?
It was $1 O, OOO.


How can you understand?

Look at you,
you have everything.

You live like a rich girl
with your nice home...

your fine friends
and a closet full
of beautiful clothes.

$10,000 may not be much
to you...

but to my mother and sister,
it's an entire life.

Food on the table every day,
and a decent place to live.

And what about Arroyo?
What he did to you...

what he did
to that other girl....
Doesn't that matter?

I had no choice.

There's got to be something
we can do.

We've got a bribe here.

Gina, what are you trying
to prove?
I'm trying to do my job.

Your job ended
when the girl dropped
the charge.

So Arroyo just walks?

I've tried.

Sonny, lay off.

Lighten up.

What's going on with you?

You're a cop,
not this girl's conscience.

She made her decision.
She made the wrong decision.

Not your problem.

I trusted her.
You've got that backwards,
I think.

She trusted you,
and you did everything
you could do.

After all, she was the one
that was r*ped.

You've got
a hell of a short memory,


Hello, my pet.



$10,000 I just paid for you.

I own you.

Every lovely inch.

She wouldn't have
returned the dress
if she wasn't really hurting.

She's allowed.

She's been through hell.

Which my leaning on her
didn't make it any easier.

You know what?

We've all been
leaning on each other
pretty hard.

From day one...

I promised her
I'd never hurt her...

and that's exactly
what I did.


You only did
what you thought was right.

That's just the problem.

I pushed her to do
what I wanted to do.

Maybe if I was a terrified
18-year-old with no money...

I'd have done the same thing
as Odette.

Maybe she'd like
to hear that.


Annie, what happened?

Arroyo came again.

He said he owned her.

Now God owns her.


Police lady,
to what do I owe
this rare pleasure?

I wanted to see
how you chill out
after a r*pe.

I figured maybe
a steam bath.

But I guess a celebration
is more your style, huh?

You've been talking
to that little tramp again?


She left me a note
before she slit her wrists
last night.

You know...

I think
she truly convinced herself
that I was in love with her.

And when I told her
the truth...

she went crazy.

She was
a frightened little girl.

Angry little pussycat,

You and Odette
were friends?

It's true then. I'm sorry.
I do not like
to hear of anyone dying.

You give new meaning
to the term snake,
you know that?

I am a man, guapa.
Perhaps more man
than you are accustomed to.

I doubt it.
You like your women helpless.

You have to hide
behind a Kn*fe
and a rich father.

I don't have to do

There are just a few things
that I want,
and whatever I want, I get.

I think that I may
want you.

You couldn't handle it.

Okay, bye.

we're going for Chinese,
you want to go with us?


She's not here.

She left.
She looked down.

Let's go.
Hold on.


Listen, the g*ng's going
for Chinese.
You interested in a free meal?

No thanks, Sonny.
Not tonight.

Tell her I promise
I won't throw
any shrimp at her.

Switey promises
he won't throw
any shrimp at you.

Yeah, sure.

She ain't going for it.
Let's go!

You okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.

I'd just like to indulge
in some sedation
and get some sleep.

All right, turn yourself in.
In the morning
I'll buy you breakfast.

Now, that's a deal.
All right, bye-bye.

She's okay.
She's fine.

All right, guapa?

Don't move.

I've come to give you
what you want.
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