02x14 - The Young, the Beautiful and the Degraded

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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02x14 - The Young, the Beautiful and the Degraded

Post by bunniefuu »

Item 10. Sarge?

Thanks. Item 10.

As many of you
are no doubt aware,

There's been a $50,000 reward offered
by the friends of pam gilliam foundation...

For information leading to the
arrest and conviction of her K*llers.

Needless to say, the station
phone lines have been jammed...

With would-be informants
and creative testimony...

Ever since it hit
the news last night.

So, people, please,

Let's not burden an already
crippled telecommunication system...

With any recreational
calls these next few days.

What do you say, huh?

Item 11. Regarding meat.

Due to a critical freezer breakdown...
And in lieu of mass spoilage...

The pieri brothers
packing plant on bailey...

Will be discounting nearly
4,000 pounds of top sirloin...

- To 18 cents a pound.
- Eighteen cents!

The current economic
doldrums considered,

- I don't need to tell you
the sort of carnal hysteria...
- Hey, why don't we get some?

That could reign down
there this morning.

In anticipation of
which, the following

Officers shall be
assigned to crowd control.

Coley, lyle, walsh, tubbs.

The final item.

It appears "bust of
the month" honors...

Are due officers
larue and washington...

For their featured
roles in last night's raid...

On that p.c.p.
Laboratory on delaware.

All right. Resulting, I might
add, in five airtight arrests...

And the seizure of a
considerable quantity...

Of lethal, mind-altering

Quota-wise, society-wise
and parental concern-wise...

A peer group tip of
the hat, gentlemen.

Nice bust.

All right, that's
it. Let's roll.

And, hey. Hey.

Let's be careful out there.

That's great, j.d.

Okay. Let's get 'em. Let's go.

Neal. Neal, man. Come
on. Wait up a minute, huh?

Ain't nothin' to talk about,
j.d. I got paperwork to finish.

No, no. Furillo find out
anything yet? Look, man.

If that's all you're worried
about, I didn't say a word.

Partner, I tell ya. I don't want you
to get a swollen head or anything,

But I've been missin' you out
there those last few days.

Excuse me.

You want an apple? No.
Give me a big ol' cookie.

I guess what I'm
trying to say is this.

- Do you mind?
- He's choking!

I don't really mind your foolin' around
with this afro-american political gig...

As long as you're
loyal to auld lang syne.

No more sermons. Okay, renko?

Lean him back, joe. Come on.

It's gettin' so you can't hardly have a
decent conversation around here no more.

Dispatch. We have a 9-11.

Armed robbery in progress.

See surplus store, corner
people's drive, 124th street.

Excuse me, ma'am,
but I fail to see...

How that incriminated your
husband in miss gilliam's death.

Look, lady, why don't you just
take it to a marriage counselor?

We are trying to run
an investigation here.

Hill street. Detective
goldblume speaking. Okay.

We have established that you were
allegedly at the scene of the crime.

All right, sir.
What did you see?

In what sort of vehicle did you see the
assailants leave the scene of the crime?

It was, uh, a ford. A chevy.

Bates. Coffey.

We got a domestic-mayhem
situation. 416 Lynwood.

Let's roll, shall we?
Got it covered, sarge.

You wanted to see me,
captain? Sit down, j.d.

I commit over a dozen
men, two precincts...

And nearly $80,000 to a
major-league operation,

The safe execution of which is
almost entirely in your hands,

And you show up
plastered to the gills.

I'm sick about it, captain.

Hell, I walked the streets
until almost 6:00 this morning.

Hey. You think I wanted this
to happen? In a sense, yes, I do.

I went from a fifth a day to nearly seven
months of straight sobriety out there.

And I mean not a drop.

It was just in the last couple of
weeks, things started closin' in on me.

I don't know.

I'm in your hands,
okay? No... No favors.

But you, of all people,
should understand how hard...

I don't wanna hear it, j.d.! As of
this moment, pending an investigation,

You're assigned
to the motor pool.

Captain. Is there
anything I can say...

I suggest you make plans
for another career, j.d.

I am going to personally recommend
your dismissal from the force.

I'll teach you to mess
around with married women!

Luce. Luce, wait a
minute. I'll k*ll him!

Why don't we let somebody else
handle this? What are you talkin' about?

We're here already. I...
It's a routine domestic.

Let 'em work it out
themselves. Come on.

How are they gonna work it
out? They gonna k*ll each other?

Forget about it.
Police! Open up!

Come on out of there!
There's something

I should tell you
before you go in there.

What? Help! He's gonna k*ll him!

Joey? What are you doin' here?

- Help! Police!
- I'll k*ll him!

Hold it! You're not the
first guy she's brought home.

Okay, what's goin' on here?
Well, you oughta know.

Your partner here was the
last crumb I caught up here!

Who's out there? This is the little
cookie that you stood me up for?

I told you I had
somethin' to tell you. I

Didn't wanna take this
call in the first place.

Yeah? Long as you're
here, maybe you'd like

A little taste of what
you got last time...

- Hey! Relax!
- All right! That's it!

Don't let that guy near me!
You got two choices here.

Either we sit

Down and discuss this
thing like mature adults,

Or I'm just gonna run
the whole lot of you in.

There's nothin' to
discuss anymore.

Is it okay to come
out now? Well, try.

That's all I been doin' is tryin'.
I can't live with this rage...

I got tearin' at my insides.

Rage? You're the one that
wanted an open marriage. Not me.

Or have you forgotten that weekend
at the shore with the kolodneys?

Open marriage is one thing. It's gettin'
I oughta put in a ticket booth here.

I don't know. Maybe
I'm askin' for it.

Using heather's infidelities to
reaffirm my own deep-rooted hostilities.

You see, deep down,
I always blamed her...

For me not getting
into dental college.

Me? You didn't get
into dental college...

Because you flunked out of correspondence
school, you big, impotent dummy!

- Who you callin' a dummy?
- I'm callin' you...

I hope you're right.
Three hot dogs, please.

I hope so too, man. You
want anything on 'em?

Uh, mustard and
kraut on mine. Bill?

Uh, mustard and
onion. Hold the kraut.

And a club soda. And
give me a diet cola.

Uh, hold the onions.
A little mustard.

Oh, and heavy on the kraut.
Let me have an orange too.

Ah, on second thought,
the kraut looks good.

A little of that and no onion.

Hey, you got that, uh, dark
mustard or that yellow stuff?

You wanna steam the bun a
little bit more for me, would ya?

Yeah, give me a diet
cola. You got any relish?

Relish. Wait a minute.
That's what I want.

Forget the other stuff
and just give me relish on it.

You expect me to eat this now?

This is on the house, fellas.

Now scram. Come on.
Let's get outta here.

- That's affirmative action,
- I can't believe...

You got a match for a
filter-tipped cigarette?

Sorry. They're
in my back pocket.

Where's the cash?
Where's the stuff?

Your turn, baby.

Come here.

The money's hot. It's a joke.

Make me one of those hot
dogs while you're at it, will ya?

Oh, you're the hot dog,
hairball. You're under arrest.

Hey, look out!

You want I should call a cop?

Look, I'd understand
if you wanna hit.

I probably deserve
it. Do it. Hit 'im. Hit 'im!

Knock it off, or I'll pop
ya. Lucy, will you shut up?

You're takin' a lot of
space up, big boy. Big stooge.

Carries his unconscious
libido in his fists. Come on.

I had an escrow closing at 1:00. My boss
is gonna k*ll me. Not to mention my wife.

Mr. Vosca, I'm gonna put you
on hold for just a second.

Please stay on the
line. I'll be right back.

Frank, I got an
interesting one here.

Cabbie... Says he saw the whole
thing go down. I think it's legit.

Okay. Follow it up.

Mr. Vosca, could you meet me
down there? Let's say 15 minutes?


Are you still concerned
about that dealer getting away?

Forget it, sarge. I don't wanna
hold no press conferences about it.

Oh, lighten up, mick.
It happens to us all.

Uh-uh. I should've had him.

I'm gettin' old. I'm
losin' my chops. Oh.

Now, there's no need for
pathetic recriminations, detective.

You're just starting
that part of your life...

Where quality replaces the
blind, youthful grab of quantity.

And I gotta tell you that you...

You held down the
fort longer than most.

Change overtakes us all, mick,
and it can crop up anywhere.

As for me, personally, it
was first apparent in, uh,

Matters of sexual management.

The testosterone peaks and then
starts a diminishing-sequence curve,

And then you're out.

Oh, sure, I was troubled the
first few times it happened, but, uh...

You know, mick, you've never really
seen the sun come up with a woman...

Until you've done it
sans the basic motivation.

Yeah, your bull chimp can hold
down the hierarchy for, uh... Till he's 25.

You know, your cape
buffalo... Damn near 40.

And humans? Well, it's
common knowledge...

That your tropical types burn out
faster than your glacial, european man.

Still, the day comes...

When the mustard just
doesn't cut the same way.

You know, the visigoths
venerated their old warriors.

They had a festival each spring,

And they honored
them for their wisdom...

And their ethereal
place in society.

Then they trampled them under
a herd of oxen... The barbarians.

Hello, grace.

I'm wearing your favorite, phil.

Eau de sade.

You once said that it put
you all out of control.

A weakness I share with
weimaraners, it appears.

Grace, if you've come for
some posthaste reconciliation,

I'm not in a very forgiving
mood at the moment.

I came to try to make
you understand, philip.

The last thing I ever wanted
was to cause you any pain.

But after exhausting every
possible avenue for my grievance...

Countless phone
calls to my landlord,

The local precinct,

That obnoxious
little buck mullins...

After enduring nearly
four sleepless months...

Of that dog's lovesick howling,

You were my last
resort, darling.

How could you commingle
with that sordid little wretch?

Philip, it happened
before I ever met you.

Chronology notwithstanding,

I think sometimes...

You don't really...
Know me at all.

I don't often spend four
days in a one-man tent...

With total strangers, freemason.

Oh, I admit we share a
certain physical attraction.

And I won't deny a certain fascination
with your multipurpose lotions,

Your handsomely
illustrated manuals,

Your weekends at
the shore au naturel.

But I have other
needs as well, grace...

A pipe, my slippers by the
hearth, two sets of teeth.

- Teeth?
- In matching glasses
by the sink, as it were.

- I don't think I follow.
- Old age, grace. Senior citizenry.

Decline and fall. The
far side of the mountain.

It's not so far away, you know.

And what use will tangerine-flavored
body creams be to us then?

It does give one
food for thought.

Grace, I know you see in
me some blue-clad symbol...

Of male sensuality.

But underneath this
gabardine exterior...

Beats the heart
of a simple man...

With strong domestic desires.


I have to know,
once and for all,

In the twilight years...

When the blaze has
reduced to embers...

Will we still be together?

Semper "fidelitas"?

Side by side?

Philip freemason esterhaus.

Are you asking what
I think you're asking?

Oh. That's a good question.

I... I mean, I don't
really know.

I'm gonna have to give
this... Some thought, grace.

Take all the time
you need, philip.

Is there any reason you were
parked across the street...

The night of the
sh**ting, mr. Vosca?

I just dropped off a fare, like, four
blocks away on the corner of utica.

And, uh...

Well... See, I got this
bladder problem, you see?

And, um, I didn't spot
any gas stations handy,

So I made a pit
stop in the alley.

Well, any port
in a storm, right?


I was just gettin' back into
my cab when it all went down.

I assume your trip sheet for
tuesday night will place you...

In the neighborhood at
that hour. Yeah... No, no.

Because, you see, I was high-flaggin'
the utica fare. Off the company records.

The guy waved me down from a bus stop
on hurdle, and I was between radio calls.

So, I figure, what, might as well
pick up some spare cash on a flat fare.

Why'd you wait till
now to come forward?

Well, I was worried
about losin' my job,

You know, if they found
out I was high-flaggin' and all.

And by then, you
guys had made arrests.

I don't know.

When you had to let him
go, you know, something...

It just... It started
gettin' to me.

Her death or the reward?

Well, both, I guess.

What were they wearing?

I'm pretty sure the sh**t
was wearin', like, jeans...

A gray sweatshirt
and, uh, black high-tops.

And then the other kid had on,
what, a brown leather jacket.

How about the car?
Aha. Two-tone chevy.

'62 Impala, I think.

With, uh, kind of like a dent
on the right-front panel.

It was black or dark
blue with a white top...

And, uh... White
pinstriping, you know.

Now, it was missin'... It
was missin' the front plate.

But I got, uh... I got the first
three digits from the rear,

You know, when they
went tearin' outta here.

This cabbie's the
real thing, frank.

As far as I can tell, you
couldn't ask for a better witness.

Keep in mind, henry, as far
as media leaks are concerned,

This case hasn't been
exactly a model of discretion.

Uh-uh, frank. I
grilled him on stuff...

Half our forensic guys didn't
even have access to... Straight a's.

Okay. Chart his sight time and all
distances involved, then bring him in.

I'll send hill and renko out
to pull in bragg and harmon.

Nice going, henry. Yeah.

If that barbecue
turns out all right,

Maybe I'll make it into
a weekly type thing...

Your basic all-american,
family sunday dinner.

Each and every week...
Me, trace, tommy and dad.

For a while there, I was about to
write the whole thing off as hopeless,

But now I think
things are different.

I think this family's gonna
get itself back together.

You know what burns me up the most
about this whole coalition situation?

I got vernon lee, clay matthews
and five dozen other guys...

Just breathin' down my neck,
waitin' for me to screw up.

And I didn't even
ask for the damn job.

You didn't hear a
word I said, did you?

What? I said you did not
hear a word I said, did you?

Yeah, sure, I did, renko. You were
talkin' about the, uh... The barbecue.

I hope you make it in
politics, pal, 'cause

You're sure not cuttin'
it in the real world.

It's right here.

Don't tell me about the real world. I
already know about the real world.

Dream on, tuna. If you knew
anything about the real world,

You never would've gotten
messed up in this bush-league...

Racial lobby of yours
in the first place.

Racial lobby? You don't
know the first thing about it.

I'm sorry, robert, but I think we can
just stop this conversation right now.

Baby, this dust of his was
bad enough to stop traffic.

And I asked about curtis.

He said, "the last
time I saw curtis,

He was runnin' naked
down elwood av..."

Hey! Freeze right there!

Now back up. Put your hands
up high... Right above your head.

Get up against the wall right
now. Hey, man, this is bogus.

Did I ask you to talk?
You ain't got nothin' on me.

Did I ask you to talk? You
ain't got nothin' on me, man!

Okay. I'm a drunk.

I tried to quit. I couldn't.

And because I'm
a drunk, I'm a liar.

And nobody trusts a liar.

I lost my partner.

I'm... I'm probably
gonna lose my job.

I'm scared.

I've never been so
scared in my life, doctor.

I'm scared to go to work.
I'm scared to go home.

I'm scared to be with a woman.

I'm scared to be here.

I need help.

And... And if... If I
don't get help now,

I'm gonna die.

And... And I don't wanna die.

Please, god.

Pl-please, god!

Please. Don't let me die.

All the way to the end,
gentlemen, and please face front.

Uncross your arms,
please, number five.

Take your time, mr. Vosca.
Be absolutely sure.

Huh. Yeah, that's
them, all right.

Number five was drivin'. And, uh,
number three... He was the sh**t.

You're sure? Yeah. I'm positive.

- Okay, henry.
- Thank you. Move 'em out.

You know, he could've seen
their pictures in the papers.

But the paper didn't say anything about
who drove and who pulled the trigger.

Thank you for
your help, mr. Vosca.

If you will, give your signed
statement to lieutenant calletano here.

Yeah, sure.

Neal, please get the forms,
and we'll take his statement.

Well, uh, maybe we
have a case after all.

Francis, we got
'em back-to-back.

Oh, good. Thanks, phil.
Let's start at the bottom.

You got something
more to say to us?

A confession is being typed up.
We'd like mr. Harmon to sign it.

We heard the "rubber hose" monologue
last tuesday. Can we get down to business?

The individual who
identified your client...

Has put him at the scene
with a smoking revolver.

I'd like to see the
details, please. You will.

But don't tire me out. Neither
one of us has a lot of time.


What captain
furillo is saying...

Is that emotions are running
particularly high in this incident.

The convicted k*ller of pam gilliam
is looking at life without parole.

Give us a signed
confession today,

The d.a.'S office will recommend
no more than 25 to life.

Full guarantees?

I'd like to discuss this
with my client, please.

Who you kiddin', jack?

You got somethin', you prove it.

I ain't doin' 25
years for nobody!

We're asking again. We want
testimony against wilbur harmon.

My client's told
you... I said to stick it!

Be sensible, tyler. We can get
you 12 to 16. You'll be out in eight.

Oh, man. Before,
you was sayin' three.

That's right. That was before.

We have a witness
now, a good one.

Harmon's going
into cold storage.

If we want, we can drop
you right in beside him.

It's a different picture, tyler.

You're in deep, and you're gonna
have to work hard to climb out.

I really must
insist that... Shut up!

You know somethin'?

If it's so airtight, how come
you wanna make a deal with me?

Oh, we don't care about you,
bragg. We're after your friend.

- Do yourself a favor.
- You don't get nothin'
from me...

Unless you go back
to the original deal.

That's what I need...
The original deal.

My, look at you.

You're really
trembling, aren't you?

I've never seen
anything like it. Have you?

How badly do you
need him? I need him.

One witness...
Even a good one...

Is like trying to tie
your shoe with one hand.

Look, I know he's garbage, but we may
wanna give him what we offered before.

Let's not move too
fast. Facts of life, frank.

The press, the
public... Even my office...

Doesn't care about bragg
as long as we get the sh**t.

I just don't wanna end
up holding an empty bag.

I understand, but let's
bury harmon at least.

We done?

I'm gonna take 'em
both back downtown.

Send me the cabbie's
statement when it's in.

I could use some
decent bedtime reading.

I'm almost afraid
to ask. It's true.

The reward brought in a
cabbie who says he saw it all.

Thank god.

Can he make the case? We'll see.

But it looks good, right?

Frank, I'm sorry I've
been so desperate.

It's just that I was so afraid the system
wasn't going to work for us on this one.

It is, isn't it? Yeah. About
50,000 dollars' worth.


I, uh... I gotta
talk to you, joe.

About what?

We shared somethin'
together once, joe.

Right. Once. That's
the key word... Once.

You were the best.
I have been around.

I have been looking,
and, believe me,

You are the best.

I... I believe you.
I believe you.

Hey, don't... Don't
worry about bruno.

He's still in. I came
to bail him out, but...

I thought, maybe before...

Oh, you animal.

How about tonight,
joe? After you get off.

I can't. Oh, joe.

You took me someplace. You took
me someplace no one else ever did.

And only you can take
me back there. Young lady.

Young lady, please,
this is a restricted area.

Oh. You got my number, joe.

I got your number, buffy.

And don't you forget it.

Mm-mmm! Animal magnetism.

I empathize, joseph.

Bobby, there's a man to see you,
uh, in the squad room somewhere.

Who? Black badge, midtown.

All right. Thanks, leo. Sure.

You look like a major
leaguer here, don't you?

Can I get some help
here? What do you want?

I said what do you want?

Um, look, about yesterday... We
can't afford that kind of baby stuff.

You were doing your
job, and I was interfering.

I apologize.

Thank you for your honesty.

The only thing that matters to me is
that you take our position seriously.

I do take it seriously,
vern. I told you.

Look, I've been around longer than
you, man, and I've seen it happen before.

Six weeks to promotions. If
we don't have a big push on...

Something with some
real teeth and numbers...

Our guys are gonna
get passed right over.

Vern, this is how
it is for me, okay?

I got you in one
ear sayin' one thing,

And I got ozzie cleveland in
the other sayin' something else.

And I don't know
who's right. I'd like to.

It would make it a lot easier right
now if I did know, but I don't know.

Can you respect that?

You wanna be stuck at patrolman
for the rest of your life?

I don't know what I wanna be
for the rest of my life, vern.

But for right now, yes,
I like being a street cop,

If you can believe that.

So just let me do
my job, all right?

Come on. We're goin' to
midtown. What's in midtown?

Ozzie cleveland.

Everything. Try
everything. Right. Later.

The cabbie's statement.

Oh, my. He must have
talked your ear off.

Is any of it holding
up? You could say that.

Faces, clothing,
vehicle, time, place.

He remembers everything,
just like we want it.

Mm-hmm. Go on. Something else?

This guy...

I mean, cops dream
about witnesses like this.

'Was the suspect
carrying a w*apon?'

'Yeah. It looked like a .45
a*t*matic. Looked new too.'"

From 30 yards, at night,
he gives us the w*apon,

The license plate, the sneakers.

And look at those trip sheets. I
got them from the cab company.

You think he's been
rehearsed, ray? You tell me.

All right. I don't want that
transcript going anywhere,

Our witness either...
Not till I talk to him.

Who do you work for, mr. Vosca?

Mm. Dot taxi. "When you
gotta dash, go dot." Huh?

Dot doesn't work the hill.

We're well aware of the few cab
companies with enough guts to come up here.

Dot isn't one of them. Well,
hey. Hey, some drivers do.

I told ya. I was off the meter.

We examined your
trip sheets for a week...

Only two trips up to the hill.

Are you trying to
tell us, mr. Vosca,

That after your meter goes
off, you rush right up here...

To provide needed taxi service
for residents of the ghetto?

Come off it, mr. Vosca.

What's goin' on here?

I mean, you guys been
so nice to me, you know?

You described detailing on the
perpetrators' jackets and pants...

And the model and even the
caliber of the m*rder w*apon.

Yet, you were 92 feet away, viewing
for no more than four seconds,

Under extreme hazard,

A scene at least partially
obscured by parked cars...

And poorly lit at best.

What can I tell ya? I
mean, I saw what I saw.

You gave us three digits off
the rear license plate of the car.

It happens that, at the
time of the sh**ting,

That car was in violation
of the vehicle code.

The light over the license plate was
out. Unlikely you saw even one digit.

Wow. Boy, this is...

I mean... This is
amazing, you know?

I thought you guys
would be happy.

Is that all you
can say, mr. Vosca?

We're just the cops, buddy...
Square one on a long board.

What in the hell do you think your
wonderful story's gonna sound like...

After three days
of court testimony?

After hearings, depositions,

Private investigations,
credit checks, polygraphs.

You really think you
can b*at a polygraph?

A lot of people think
they can these days.

You're not going one step
further, mister, without one.

No grand jury, no
reward... Not a penny.

And if you flunk it, we're
gonna start investigating.

And if it goes that
far, god help you.

Well, just, uh...
I'll get a lawyer.

You're gonna need one... You and
whoever fed you that information.

You're facing fraud, conspiracy,

Obstruction of justice,
attempted grand larceny.

Neal, find out who his
accomplice is. Right, captain.

Yeah. Okay.


We, uh, heard about the reward.

My girlfriend... She's a...
Clerk typist downtown.

Police headquarters.

She had all the
papers on the guys.

I mean, mug sh*ts even.

We xeroxed them.

Well... Hey, you know,

I just, uh, figured
everybody'd win, you know.

I mean... Yeah, all
right, we'd get the cash,

And those, uh, animals that
k*lled that girl would get theirs.

What kind of shame... You
guys can't even make that case.

So, I figured you...
You need a little help.

- You call that help?
- Hey, now look!

It's not my fault that...

You guys can't put anybody away.

The name. Well...

The name! Mary lopata.

Call division, ray, and inform
them. Then call the d.a.'S office.

Tell 'em I'm on the way and to hold off
sending tyler bragg in to the grand jury.

Can I talk to you for a second?

What is it? You heard about
us reoffering bragg that deal.

Look, frank, it was a question
of pure pressure from upstairs.

It's not that. It's
the cabbie. He lied.

Turns out he's a complete phony.


I was just taking
him over to testify.

It's your decision,
but no cabbie.

You know what our
case is, frank... Dead.

The best I can do now is keep them
both in creative custody for six weeks.

Then they're out free.
It's okay. Let 'em go now.

At least, on the outside, there's always
a chance they'll slip up someplace else.

Gentlemen, gentlemen.

I'm due at the
urologist at 4:30.

Move him out, mike.

You can take your
client home, mr. Schwartz.

Huh? We're letting him
go. Charges dropped.

Yeah? What's he sayin'?

I got you off, kid. You can go.

No kiddin'?

I'm resigning as vice president
of the coalition, ozzie.

I don't accept. I'm
sorry. You have to.

Let me guess.

Your social life is a wreck,

You're on the outs
with your white partner,

You're suddenly the most
unpopular guy in the world.

I support this
organization, ozzie.

I pay dues to it, but I'm
not cut out to help run it.

If everybody who felt like
you turned their backs...

On the additional
responsibility of making this

Thing go, nothing would
ever happen for us.

You can do it, ozzie.
And vernon lee.

I may disagree with the man, but he's
a good, strong, committed politician.

With me, ozzie, it's like pounding
a round peg into a square hole.

Why are you making
this so difficult for me?

If I make it easy on
you, I got nothing.

We need you, bobby.

I can't do the job, ozzie.

All right, brother.
Resignation accepted.

So, did you tell
him? Yeah, I told him.

Well, all right. I knew
you'd see the light.

Because when it comes to hard-core
commitment... Let's get outta here, renko.

What's happenin' is
right inside these wheels.

Just me and you,
partner. America's team...

Free, mobile and back in action.

Damn it, renko! Would
you shut up and drive.

I've had it up to here with all
your rah-rah buddy routine.

Routine? I'm talkin'
about friendship here, pal.

Sometimes I don't think you even
know the meaning of the word.

Since day one, renko, my
stomach's been tied up in knots...

Over this coalition thing.

If not support, the least I expected
from you was a little understanding.

But, no. All I got from
you was self-centered

Moaning about your
personal status quo.

It's a two-way street, pal.

I haven't exactly seen you breaking
a sweat over my personal problems.

You mean with your family?
What's there to understand?

You were tellin' me
everything is solid on that end.

To tell you the truth,

I don't think my old man could
care less if he ever saw me again.

I didn't know that, renko.
You gotta tell me these things.

I can't read your mind.

Why not? You been
expecting me to read yours.

Look, bobby.

Maybe I've been gettin' down on you
for the last two weeks or so, but...

It's just because, well, with all
those outside interests of yours,

I guess I was afraid of, uh...

Of losin' you.

I can't fill in for
your family, cowboy.

That's somethin' you'll have
to work out for yourself.

But as far as this
friendship goes, well,

I'd say there's a
few miles left on it.

Let's get the hell outta here.

I was going through my address
book today, looking for a number,

And I came across pam gilliam's.

I just stared at it.

It's like you expect those
things to vanish by themselves.

But they're always
there to remind you.

I'm so tired of being jerked
around by that murdering savage.

Joyce. I have to be
honest about it, frank.

I want to see harmon punished
to the absolute limit of the law.

I want revenge for pamela.

Frank, I don't know if I
want to do my job anymore.

I know that feeling.

I can become a corporate lawyer or
a d.a. Or go save the great outdoors.

Or get married and have
babies in a house in the suburbs?

Well, let's just say I'm going to
be keeping all my options open.

That's very lawyerlike
of you, counselor.

Frank, you know
what I'd like to do.

I'd like to have
a nice dinner...

And maybe drink a
little too much wine.

Then you can drive my
drunken soul to the shore,

And we can watch the waves.

Hmm? Mm-hmm. You got it.

Frank... They'd like to
see you over at midtown.

They got a problem.
I'll get to it later, ray.

I think you'll want
to get to it now.

It's mrs. Furillo.

She was arrested during a
sit-in at chief daniels's office.

You smug, chauvinistic,
insensitive flatfoot!

Please, mrs. Furillo,
talk to your husband.

My husband? Oh, frank.

I don't want you here.
I don't want to see you.

Walsh. What's your problem, fay?

Your shining shield... 1974.
That's what's the problem.

Detective john walsh
took it upon himself...

While all the other members of
wad were being honorably arrested...

To single me out for
preferential treatment.

And why? Entirely because my
ex-husband's a police officer.

Let's go home, fay.

Do you know what this is, frank?

This is blatant reverse
discrimination. That's what.

And you better believe the
a.c.l.u.'S gonna be hearing about this.

The look on midge dolson's
face when your frat

Buddy here pulled me
off that paddy wagon.

My credibility with my sisters
is ruined, totally ruined.

I'm a fink!

Thanks, walsh.

Say, what's a precinct
captain's ex-wife gotta do...

To get arrested in this
town... Jaywalk in the nude?

Frank, this was very,
very serious to me.

All I wanted to do was make a
statement. I wanted to be counted.

- Hello, fay.
- Oh.

Uh, I'm sorry. I see I've
interrupted something here.

- It's okay. Don't worry. I'll take a cab.
- Fay.

- No, no, no. It's all right. I swear.
- Fay!

Oh. Uh, I'm sorry.

Uh, how insensitive of
me. I-i'll get in the backseat.

Look, it doesn't
matter. Honestly.

No, no, please. Miss
davenport, I get out first.

Unless... Do you prefer
to ride in the back?

I'll get in the backseat. We
can all get in the backseat.

But for god's sake,
let's get on the road.

Well, thanks for the ride.

I hope you both have
a very nice evening.

Good night, fay.
Good night, fay.

Good night.

Maybe we should call it a night.

I'd settle for a back
rub and the late show.

Absolutely not. I've been hearing great
things about this basque restaurant...

Oh, damn. I'm sorry.

What, ice pick?

Chest and back.

What is it? Homicide?

Yeah. Tyler bragg.

Harmon just couldn't wait.
Did it in front of a crowd.

What if I did k*ll him?

He rolled on me. I got
an image I gotta watch.

And I can't let somebody
get away with that.

I can't operate.


I do believe we
have you this time.

You got me, but you
ain't gonna keep me.

Five people in this room heard you
confess to cold-blooded m*rder.

Come on, man. I said, "what if."

Fourteen people saw you
s*ab bragg to death outside.

That's not a "what if." Look.

On my client's behalf, I have to
object to this kind of... Shut up, man!

You don't know nothin'.

Let's just assume...

I k*lled tyler for
rattin' on me and all.

Who you jivin', man?

Ouble-digit time for that.

A couple of dudes
get in a fight...

A little self-defense, a
little crime of passion.

I got my lawyer here, and
we start talkin' hearin'...

And we start discussin',
uh, evidence and whatnot...

And me, I'm free and clear.

I got a clean record
since I been an adult.

You talkin' about hard time now?

And for a homicide like tyler.

What's the most you could get?

Three years and change?

I can do that easy.

So don't be jivin' me
about double digits.

He's won, frank.

He k*lled a warm, loving, committed
human being who had everything to live for,

And he got away with it clean.

Well, he'll do time. Maybe not as
much as you and I would wish, but...

Three years and change.

Just about the time it
takes to get a law degree.
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