03x06 - Stan the Man

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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03x06 - Stan the Man

Post by bunniefuu »

County marshals are evicting at 717
Woodruff Avenue starting at 9:00 a.m.

This is a 30-family edifice designated for
immediate and comprehensive urban renewal.

I.e., the wrecking
ball. Area patrols,

let's be sure and check on
passer-bys for traffic congestion.

Let's be aware that tenants
are at the risk of theft...

in the course of
the moving process.

And let's have Hill and Renko,

Coffey and Bates keep a
presence outside the building.

- Let's.
- Will you stop fidgeting,

Item 9. The cadets
of Group "C"...

at the police academy have
asked me to announce...

the crowning of a...
Of a new champion...

in the annual Eat
Till You Barf Contest.

Said individual
consumed 14 pork chops,

seven helpings of potato
salad, seven buttered rolls...

and a half-quart jar of
Swedish dill pickles...

before succumbing to the
natural intestinal rejection.

Now, this surpassed the,
uh, long-standing record...

formerly held by, uh,
Cadet Lucille Bates.

Lucy, records are made
to be broken. Item 10.

Congratulations and
best wishes for the future...

to our own Officer
Tommy Geraci...

who'll be tying the matrimonial
knot at noon, Saturday!

In connection with the festivities tonight
at the Club Como, two announcements.

Andy Sloan, who will
be officiating the party...

until the crap game begins,

cordially invites
everyone on the day shift,

with the obvious exceptions, who
are asked, with sincere apologies,

to understand the necessity of
male-only activity on such occasions.

That's right. That's right.

Also, a reminder from Captain Furillo that
despite the physical removal of the badge,

with the advent of after-hour civilian
pursuits, it is still worn in spirit,

and that means keeping the party
indoors and superficially civilized.

All right, that's
it. Let's roll.

And let's be careful
out there, huh?

Man, what kind of game you trying to
run now? Damn, I hate eviction duty.

Try not to view the experience
with a jaundiced eye, Robert.

It may go smooth,
it may go routine.

I'm gonna take my
morning sit-down,

then you and I will sally forth to
greet this beautiful day as a friend.

Well, there goes someone
having regular sex, hmm?

Yeah. Check this out.

Oh, poopsie. Look.

Eviction. Guy came
after me with a hammer.

Look, I'm collecting
for Tommy's stag.

We're askin' 20 bucks for the
booze, the room and the entertainment.

That gonna cover the
penicillin? Twenty bucks?

We're also askin' 10 bucks
per man for Tommy's present.

What are you gettin'
him? Ten bucks per man.

- Oh, that's thoughtful.
- I am naked!

I am buck naked! I'm naked!

I'm naked, I'm naked, I'm naked!

Got a name? Hey, ya got a name?

I am naked! I'm looking
for Jesse Brochart.

Resisting and as*ault. Hiya,
Miss Davenport. He's in holding.

Thank you. I'm naked, I'm naked!

I'm stark naked!

Buck Naked.

Buck naked. I don't
wanna go to jail.

Buck naked.

Back off! Back off
or I'll break her neck!

Back off! Nobody's
taking me to jail.

We're gonna hold
court right here. Back off!

Back off! Back off!

- Let me go!
- It's all right, Joyce.

You're gonna be all right.
Leo, call an ambulance.

Dispatch. We have a 9-11.

Armed robbery in progress.

See surplus store, corner
People's Drive, 124th Street.




Sit. Amen.


Name? Raoul.

And-And Seymour did it to me.

It could've been the reds.

It could've been the ludes.



Hi, Ma. Ma?


Ma, calm down! I can't
help if I can't understand.

What do you mean you don't have
the strength? I wish the marines...

He was hit by a car?

Oh, God.

Is he all right?

You're sure it's
just a broken finger?

Never mind. Did
he see Dr. Lehman?


What was he doing?

Ma, how's somebody
his age gonna chase cars?

I'll come over tonight. We'll get
this all straightened out, all right?

All right. That's my girl.

I'll see you tonight.

Give my love to Pop.



Uh, Dr. Lehman, please.
This is Michael Belker calling.

Hey, ask him if he's
got any Nembutal, man.

Button it!

Uh, would he be in later on?

Do you think he could
make me one of his calls?

I'm at the Hill Street Station.

No, it isn't. It's for a
member of my family.

No, that would be
great. Whenever he can.

Thank you very
much. Doctor coming?

Hey, babe, what's the deal?

He'll be right with you,
okay? Thank you, sweet thing.

Get the call on service, Maureen, and
tell the guy we're waitin' on the parts.

Good typist? Couldn't come in
under your own steam, huh, J.D.?

You gotta call in your pulling
guard? What do you mean?

Come on. I just got off the phone
with her. Here, take the compact.

Hey, hey, whoa. Wait a second.

You telling me I can't call
my own sister to say hello?

There are the keys. Take the
compact and get the hell off the lot.

Oh, that's a nice
car, if you're a midget.

Come on, babe. Let's
go. Wait a minute.

This is how you treat your own

brother-in-law? You
give him the bum's rush?

Hey, look, man. Hey.

I was kinda thinkin' about
that big baby over there.

That's the car I drive.
Oh. You hear that, Neal?

Look, Rob, you don't want
to sell me a car, so be it.

What do you mean, "sell"?

Money in the bank.
Why? What happened?

I was rear-ended by an
exec from Timmons Textile.

Double vision, whiplash.

Lawyer says we're lookin'
at some serious numbers.

The guy good
coverage? Company car.

A couple of weeks, I'll
probably be rollin' in it.

Leastways, according
to my lawyer.

I don't know. What do you think,
Neal? Maybe I should buy a compact.

They're cost-efficient... You'll
get a few extra miles on 'em.

But, uh, that baby
out there, it, uh,

runs like a dream.

Hey, don't...

Hey, are you all right? Yeah.

That TV. What a shame.

You're a pool ball, and I'm a
pool cue, and I just do like this.

Hey, he hit me!
The lousy jerk hit me!

How come he hit you?
That guy upstairs, he's crazy.

Come on. I want him
arrested, now. All right, all right.

Mrs. Kramer, wait. Wait
a minute, Mrs. Kramer.

You owe me $84.

Just let them board the bus. So all
of a sudden it means I got money?

Because I'm being evicted?
I'll try and pay you... Look...

The five dollars a
week like I always done.

Just 'cause I'm moving
doesn't mean I became a crook.

Let her get on the bus.
Don't treat me like a criminal.

I gave groceries for 20 years
on credit. Okay, I'm sorry.

You're sorry? My business...
What's gonna happen...

I can't tell you... Oh, my God!

It's ruined. What did they do?

I'm sorry, ma'am. He kinda
dropped it before he got away.

First my house, and now my TV.

It's the only company I got.

If you'd just... The hell with
that, pal! You're under arrest!

Everybody calm down
till we get this worked out.

There's nothing to work out!
These are the last people on the floor,

and I gotta padlock this door!

You're not doing anything until my
grandmother gets good and ready to leave.

Y'all wanna be quiet, or
y'all wanna go downtown?

Make a choice.

Worchak, I understand
your problem.

But forget the arrest, okay?

We got enough trouble as
it is without pushin' for a riot.

Mr. Grundy, we've
got our orders to follow,

so if you could get your things
and move 'em downstairs...

I am not going anywhere
without her. That's that.

Mrs. Grundy, it seems
as though we have a...

I don't believe a
policeman's uniform's...

ever been in this house before.

I can believe that, ma'am.

Don't you wanna come
and go as a family?

I couldn't stand the commotion.

I couldn't stand
gettin' used to it.

My legs are gone.
They're just like rubber.

And I can hardly see.

No, I believe I'll
stay right here.

Why don't you take some
of your things downstairs,

and just have one of the young
kids come back and stay with her?

Come back later. Officer...

Just do some of the other
floors and come back later.

Seems like you still
got some raisin' to do.

No, I raised Jerome's parents,

and I raised Jerome.

I believe I've done my portion.

Step out for a second.

Mrs. Grundy,

I'm terribly sorry
about all of this, but...

I'm afraid you don't
have any choice.

If you don't go now on your own,

then they're just gonna
come back and take you.

That wouldn't be fitting.
The Lord has his ways, baby.

The Lord has his ways.

Yes, he does.

Yes, he does.

Yes, he does.


Michael, there's no
point in sugaring the pill.

Your father had a senile
episode this morning.

But he's been doing
better, hasn't he?

This was the first
flare-up in around a month.

You've asked me for my
opinion. Let me give it to you.

Your father's arteries
have hardened.

He's not getting enough
blood to his brain.

What? And his
condition is not reversible.

Overall, he's gonna get worse.
What do you have, a crystal ball?

Michael, how long have
I treated your family?

Your father's had this
condition for 15 years.

We medicated him.

We had him on as much
of a diet as he would accept.

Why hasn't anyone told me?
Because there was nothing to say.

He was leading a normal life.

There is one thing we have
to say now though, Michael.

Your mother cannot give your
father the care that he's going to need.

What about a nurse?
Home nurses are $95 a shift.

Would a nurse help? I know
you love your parents, Michael,

but bankrupting
yourself is not going...

Thank you very much
for your time, Dr. Lehman.

Yeah, Mick. How's
Miss Davenport?

Uh, they think she may
have a broken cheekbone.

I'm sorry. I'm grateful
it wasn't worse.

I heard you cleaned
that guy's clock for him.

I need a couple of hours
personal time, Captain.

Of course.

Is everything all right, Mick?

I gotta go to the
bank. I gotta get a loan.

I gotta get a
nurse for my father.

How old is he? Eighty-two.

He needs help, and I can't...

I'm their only son, and I
can't afford to help them.


Howard. Nurse Wulfawitz.

How do you feel?

Oh, pretty chipper overall.

It seems a few of my self-absorbing
stitches don't want to self-absorb.

I see.

You left these in
your hospital room.

My marine dog tags. I've
been waiting to return them.

Waiting for you to call. Well,
I meant them for a present...

A token of a soldier's esteem.

Why haven't you
called me, Howard?

Well, what's this libel you're
circulating about my stitches?

How are you, Doctor? Just fine.

Give me some light, Nurse. Okay.

Are... Are you gonna
take 'em out now?

Aren't you gonna use
some anesthetic or...

Oh, I would like to get a picture
of this for their representative.

One hundred percent
self-absorption, my foot.


There you go, Lieutenant.

You can still dance in
the Roxy chorus line.

That won't scar much at all.

Thanks ever so much.


Don't you put your pants on.
We were discussing phone calls.

Well, I thought...

I guess it was just plain fear.


I tried to dial the
number so many times.

Oh, and I willed
that phone to ring.

- Well...
- Do you want us to see each other?

I do. I am such a fumble-tongue!

You know, I'm very
articulate in command.

Give me an order, Lieutenant.

Kiss me, Nurse Wulfawitz.


Mmm. Mmm.


I want you to meet my parents.

Coming through.

Just keep away.
I mean it, sonny!

Please, Mr. Seligman.
Don't, Mr. Seligman.

I just want you to
be able to hear me.

Come your boss, I'll
be able to hear perfectly.

I promise you, my boss
said I could speak for him.

So, I'm listening. Speak.

We're in close touch
with the housing authority.

They're trying to address
the situation right now.

Housing authority, phooey.

For five months,
all I get from them...

They're gonna move
us to the Hotel Crane.

You know the Hotel Crane?

I took a bus last
week. I saw it.

The people who break
in and b*at up live there.

What's the point I move?

I should wait for the
night they b*at me up?

I'd rather jump. It's only
temporary, Mr. Seligman.

Don't talk to me "temporary."

I want to see a picture of
building I can live in like a mensch.

Hurry up and jump! I
want to see a lease.

That's all I got to say.

- We get you a bowl of soup?
- Get me a safe place to live.


Hey! The boys!

The man, huh? Please,
watch your language.

Come on. Sit. Relax.
All right, all right.

You want some wine? Grab
a glass. All right, all right.

I'm into wine now.
What kind of wine is this?

- What is this?
- This? A little insurance grift.

That's beautiful. And what's
good with you, boychick?

- You are, Sid, baby.
- You are.


You boys ready to gain
some weight? Hey, always.

Okay, I think I can put you
in touch with that chef tonight.

You hear that? Oh,
way to go, Sidney.

Now, I've reserved five
pounds... Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa.

We can't get that
fat. That's right.

- You were talking about
a deuce, right?
- That's our max, baby.

Okay, that's so. I think
I can piece the rest out.

I just wanted to give
you boys the sh*t, huh?

What a guy, huh?
We appreciate that.

No, that's okay. I think we're gonna
be doin' a lot of business together.

I mean, this one particular guy,

he's a one-sh*t, but, I mean,

I'm very well connected
with their nationality.

Uh-huh! Sid, how ya doin'?

Hey, look who's here.
You're early, huh?

How you makin' it? Fine. I'm
just talkin' with a couple friends.

Give me a couple
minutes, okay? Okay.

Why don't your friends
meet your friends? What?

Hey, maybe they
don't want to meet you.

We already know each other.

Oh, is that right? You
know this character?

- Yeah.
- We're in the same racket.

Hey, it's a big
world. A lot of noses.

What's he callin' himself?

Hey, I don't care if he
calls himself Shirley Temple.

No, no, no, no. I just... You
know what I'm gonna do?

I'll call 'em
"garbage" and "cans."

Hey, Ace, let's you
and me go into the john.

That's right. That's where
you got your start, isn't it?

Come on. Come on, guys.
We're all adults. Let's not.

You don't change, do you? You're
still a hundred percent tube steak.

He's my action. The hell he is.
We've been working him three weeks.

I don't care if you're workin' him
three years. He's Narcotics. He's mine.

You b*at it! Where do you get the
stones tellin' him we know each other?

Oh, you're such a
deep thinker, LaRue.

What, did I blow your cover
'cause one dealer knows another?

People say you screwed your career
behind booze, but I think you're stupid.

Come on. You swing on me. Because I'll rip
your arm off and put it down your throat.

You're high, ain't you,
Maizel? Yeah, you're using.

How'd you hurt your
neck? Bangin' your head...

against the wall in your nowhere
job in your nowhere precinct?

Let him go, man! Hey,
86. Nobody needs this.

Teddy, Steve.

I'll start makin' my appointments
in separate restaurants.


Where have you been
all your life, Detective?

Excuse me? You haven't
generated a credit record.

You seem to have been
an underground man.

I got my car there, my
utilities. No credit cards.

I always paid cash.

I know it's a paradox, but your
not having borrowed before...

makes you a poor
candidate for a loan.

Uh-huh. The other
problem, of course, is salary.

For a $10,000 loan, unsecured,
we'd like to see you bring in...

about half again
your present income.

So would I.

I'm afraid the credit history
alone gets you a "no."

Well, it doesn't make me
happy to say that, Detective.

You have an excellent reason for the
loan, and my guess is you're a decent risk.

If you can find a cosignator,
come back and see me.

Would you give me some
idea where else I might apply?

Loan companies are your obvious bet,
but they like you to have some property.

- I got a car.
- It's 12 years old. You really haven't...

- Oh, my God!
- What is it, a stickup?

Try to stay calm,
and don't move.

- Is it called in?
- It's a*t*matic.

I have a heart condition.
Everything's gonna be fine.

I want you to tell me
when they leave the teller.

All right.

There's gonna be cars outside
- in about 30 more seconds.

- Oh, my God!
- Who's your favorite
baseball team?

- The Saint Louis Cardinals.
- Who is your favorite player?

Stan the Man. There they go.

Get down.

- Oh!
- Everybody down!

Just stay down!

Police officer! Freeze!

You know the drill, Detective.

Stick close to your desk.
Looks to me like about 24 hours.

I want to thank you, Detective.

I'd like to know a little
more about this loan.

So you can tell me I'm a
jerk, I'm an underground man?

I want to know if
you're being realistic.

Is it just the start of what you'll be
spending for your father's care, or...

I want to get him a nurse.

The application
says what it's for.

It's for a hundred
days. Is he terminal?

Is he not expected...
He's my father!

Look, I'm gonna
cosign this note for you.

Why? 'Cause I pulled a g*n...

and k*lled somebody to save
your lousy bank a couple grand?

You're an honorable
man, Officer Belker.

We put that under "additional
information" in the file.

When can I get the check?
Stop by in the morning?

Thank you.

Frank, you got any juice
at housing authority?

Ah, not so you'd notice.

My jumper wants you to bring
him a picture of someplace...

he knows is safe and a signed
lease for an apartment there.

- He doesn't trust anybody
at housing.
- Where do they wanna place him?

The Hotel Crane. I mean, my
guy's the only guy on a ledge.

But 18 out of 30 apartments, they
were people with Social Security.

Put 'em in a zoo like the Crane,
they might as well go off a roof.

You trying to get this guy down, or
are you acting as his real estate broker?

I'm trying to give you a
sense of his frame of mind.

He doesn't feel he has anything
to lose. He's gonna jump.

All right. I'll get back to you.

Ray, would you get me the
housing authority, please?

I'm telling you
at the start, Jerry,

I will not have my men or their cover
jeopardized by territorial jealousies.

That's not how I
heard the story, Frank.

Maizel says he's made
the best of a bad situation.

Everyone had seen everyone else. It
was obvious they all knew each other.

The most dangerous thing
would've been for him to play dumb.

He's lying, Captain. He
had plenty of room to walk.

We're just gonna go around and around with
this. Can we just tell them to get lost?

Still Mr. Personality, aren't you,
Maizel? Still on the Hill, aren't you?

That's enough.
Seems to be for him.

Shut your mouth, Maizel!
Let's make some decisions here.

You guys aren't
lookin' to get married.

All you have to do
is work together.

I think in terms of budget for
the buy and everything else,

it would make sense if
we went joint venture.

- Is that liveable?
- How does the bust go?

- Whoever makes it.
- No dice, Maizel.

The bust is coordinated and
made in concert, understood?

Turn around. Is that understood?

You know, you're a hell of
an impressive guy, Furillo.

Do you do that for the mirror
at night? Get outta here.

I'm sorry, Frank. That's not
nearly good enough, Jerry.

What's going on? Hey, come on!

You had him. You know,
he's always been a bad egg.

He's also my best cop.
He's also out of control.

Look, he's under
a lot of pressure.

He's on top of some
very heavy stuff right now.

I mean, that guy this afternoon?

Maizel says he's part of a
whole thing at the airport.

And your guys fall into him, because
LaRue's got the same bookmaker.

You're not addressing the
problem. And you're not realizing...

what it's like to go
18 months under!

You live with crazies,
Frank! You get a little crazy!

Not like this. Ten days...

Two weeks, I'll be
able to bring 'em in.

I mean, this here, this'll work
out fine for everybody. You'll see.

Your guys'll be
able to sit on him.

Bring him in, Jerry.
Two weeks, tops.

Neal, J.D. Uh, Detective.

Oh, two minutes.


Mrs. Furillo? Attorney Wachtel.

Oh, Alan, please. Alan.

Well, how are you? I'm
delighted to see you again.

I'm fine, thank you. Just
waiting to see my husband.

Oh. Have you reconciled?

No. I guess I just call him
that out of habit. Uh-huh.

Has there actually,
uh, been a divorce?

Afraid so. Four
years ago. Uh-huh.


And, uh, if you don't mind too intrusive
an inquiry, what's your alimony, Fay?

My alimony? Yeah. I mean, are
you satisfied with the settlement?

They're never engraved
in brass, you know.

Oh, listen to me. Business,
business, business.

What I really wanted to know is whether I
could take you out to dinner some night?

I don't know. Well,
think about it, huh?

But think about both things.

Hey, Al. How's it going?

Frank, I have the
housing commissioner.

How long will this...
Just a few minutes, really.

I have the most important
thing to tell you. Wait in my office.

What do you know? We just got
an offer from Timmons's insurers.

Yeah? Let me hear some
numbers. Six thousand.

Hoo. You feel light-headed?

Do we take it? Are you kidding?

Six thousand within 24
hours of the incident...

means they think they could be
lookin' at a $50,000 settlement.

A hundred if it goes to trial.

For a stiff neck? Shh.
Keep your voice down.

You don't know who's
stringin' in a place like this.

Let me tell you something, John.

When you had the presence of
mind to faint after that accident,

you opened up the whole
spectrum of neurological possibility.

I mean, they don't know whether they're
looking at a spinal damage, cranial trauma.

I could drop a dime this minute. I
can get you a check for $15,000.


You're gonna have
to babysit me, Al.

When a guy's been tap
city as long as I have...

I understand. I
understand completely.

Now, you just keep
visiting that neurologist.

You leave the talking to
Timmons's people with me, huh?

John? Huh?

You see this guy here? Oh, yeah.

Got hit by a cab. Ah.

Well, you know,
technically, I, uh, can't...

But, uh,

will you let him know
that I'm an attorney?

But if those units are
vacant, Commissioner...

I understand they're
in the federal purview.

Henry on two. Commissioner,
you mean to tell me...

that with a man about to take his
own life, you're not prepared to...

The housing he was
offered wasn't safe.

That's right. We'd be
giving into blackmail.

You're a man of great
imagination, Commissioner.

It's been a pleasure
talking with you.

- Yeah, Henry.
- You'd better
get down here, Frank.

Henry, I-I have nothing to
give the man. I'm batting zero.

I've gotta be able to
tell him you're coming.

- All right.
- I'm afraid we're gonna
lose this guy, Frank.

Just tell him I'm on my way.

Uh, Fay, we have a guy up on a
tenement roof, and I have to be down there.

I've got some very
exciting news, Frank. What?

You remember that interview I
had with John Gennaro? Yeah.

The one that you arranged
for me? I remember.

It sold. That's great.

Guess for how much?
Fay, I-I can't imagine.

Come on. Guess. Fay...
Five hundred dollars.

Add a zero, mister. Really?

Five big ones, Frank.
Can you believe it?

I mean, I must've spent it 10
different ways on the way over here.

What do you think, springtime
in Paris? Maybe a new car?

A new car? Well,
I'm just fantasizing.

But, I mean, it's so wonderful! I
wouldn't go out buying a new car.

What? Uh, never mind.

We'll talk about it
tomorrow. Talk about what?

Forget it. Just
congratulations. Forget what?

The 1,900 I loaned you last year
when you front-ended your current car.

What about it? Well, I just thought
before you go out on a buying spree...

I don't believe you're bringing
that up now at this time.

I was skipping it. You insisted.

Who knew you were gonna slap a lien
on me? I'm not slapping a lien on you.

This is my day of triumph!
I'm getting national publication!

Forget it. I'm sorry I said it.

I really couldn't
be happier for you.

Sure. I can understand why.


I can pay my own way, mister!

I got money in the bank!

Stand back. Stand back.

Jump! Jump!

To the right, Captain.

You want anything in the
meantime, you just say so.

- There he is.
- You're Henry's boss?

Yes, I am.

Why don't you listen to
him and come on down?

This is his news he's bringing?

No, it isn't,
Mr. Seligman. It isn't.

We may have something in
the works for you, Mr. Seligman.

Hey! Hey, you with that
car! Get that car outta here!

Let's go. Move the
car. Councilman...

Well, Officer Hill, I see you've
got everything under control.

How's our jumper?

He hasn't jumped.

Now I'll show you what a
good councilman can do.

Excuse me.

Why don't you let me help you
down, Mr. Seligman, so we can talk?

I can talk fine
from here, thanks.

I don't come down
without what I said.

Excuse me, please. I
think I can help on that.

I'm your councilman,
Mr. Seligman.

What did he say? This is
Councilman Detweiler, Mr. Seligman.

I think we have an
arrangement for you, old-timer,

if we can all get off this roof.

Now, the, uh... the radio
people said that you...

That, uh, you wanted
to see a photograph.


- This is...
- 144 Dekker, the Heights.

Some citizens, they couldn't
keep up with the taxes.

Mr. Seligman,
it's about as safe a

neighborhood as you're
gonna find in this city.

I oughta know. We're gonna
be the next thing to neighbors.

- What about the lease?
- A solid year.

- What about the others?
- It's a 14-unit dwelling,
my friend.

I... accept.

Not bad for a
drunk, eh, Furillo?

What I'd like to think
we proved today is not...

that Arnold Detweiler takes
care of his constituents.

I... I hope by now that isn't
something that needs proving.

I think we've proved that
institutions can and do work...

if the people in authority
help bring them alive,

if only they help make them
responsive to the needs of the people.

Councilman, what about...
No, no, no. I'm sorry, Gary.

I've gotta get home to dinner.
My missus is gonna k*ll me.

Excuse me.

Well, Officer Hill,
keep up the good work.

You'd better get up to 403.

Apparently the
place was secured.

It's... It's like she
just decided to die.

How you feel, Tommy?
Not as good as I'm gonna.

You guys are comin', aren't
you? Wouldn't miss it for the world.

- We'll see you there.
- I swear, Robert.

I hate to lose a night
from my rotation.

Just think of those two poor
women... Cheryl and Teresa...

Both deprived of my charms.

You know, Renko, sometimes you're
funny, and sometimes you're just a fool.

Now, Bobby Hill, you're
off your feed tonight,

and I would like to
know the reason why.

I closed that old lady's
eyes today, Renko.

And I'm also having
a lot of pain in my butt.

Are we talkin', uh, hemmies?

No, it's on the outside. I
think I'm growing a boil.

Well, then, let's go get it
lanced. No, it's not ready yet.

You know, I had one of
these things six years ago.

There was one day I was
afraid I wasn't gonna die.

Feelin' lucky?

♪♪ Hey!

Man, where you been? Hey!

I got you something
important. You gonna love this.

You gonna love this!

Tommy... Tommy, I'd
like for you to meet...

What'd you say your
name was again? Arlene.

Arlene and Ginger.

Yeah. Mm-hmm.

Go on.

So, how are you doing?

Things are gonna be fine.

So, you're the man
of the hour, huh?

I'm more like around 90 seconds.
Honey, don't you worry about that.

That's right. Don't you worry
about that, 'cause he ain't.

Ginger, you gotta promise
me one thing. What's that?

You won't fall in love with me,
because I'll just break your heart.

Oh. I'll be next.

Hey, hey, hey,
hey, hey! I got...

I got $30 right there.

Oh, hey, I got $30 right here.

I bet I do, bet I
don't. All right.

Seven comin' up.

All right! I'll tell you.

I'm with you boys in
spirit. That's for sure.

Wait. Give me some of
that spread. There we go.

Bettin' 40. ♪ I bet
I do, bet I don't ♪

♪ Don't drink liquor
Don't snort a toot ♪

♪ Come on, baby
sh**t, sh**t, sh**t ♪♪

Bettin' 40. Bettin' 40.
Put your money up.

You gonna play?
You just can't sit there.

If you're gonna sit there, get
on and sit somewhere else.

Hey, man, you ain't said...
You're faded, brother.

- A yard says the man can't.
- Bet I will, bet I won't. I got you!


Some of that belongs to me.

New sh**t. New
sh**t. I ain't do too bad.

Give me the dice. Give me
your dice. Who's got the dice?

Right in the front. All right.
New sh**t comin' up.

Got 200. Yes!

I got two Franklins here says I
can. Hey, easy, my man, easy.

No sweat. That must
be a strange feeling.

Oh, yeah. You want the
Mr. Nowhere Contest, right, Maizel?

- It's down the hall.
- What are you, LaRue,
a few bucks ahead here, huh?

I'm gonna have to sit
down till you blow all of that.

Hmm? When's the last time you left
a game with money in your pocket?

- When there was a raid?
- I can walk whenever I want.

And I bet you don't need a
drink either, do you, LaRue?

Because, I mean, you
do that for pleasure.

- What's the matter with you?
- Ladies and gentlemen,
it's the soul shaker.

I'm sorry. I lost you
in the lights, boy.

Must've been a real
good shipment, sucker.

Got you wired nice and tight.
No, no, no, no. Back off, Neal.

Hey, Maizel, why don't
you teach me some kung fu?

Come on, guys! Maizel!

- Let me go! Let me go!
- Run from that!

Let me go! Let me go!
Let me go! Get outta here!

You all right?
Yeah, I'm all right.

Get out. Break it up.

It's over. It's over.
Now, let's go back.

Hopped-up, junko narc. He
can't even find the door. I'd like to...

It's over with, man.
Let's just party, all right?

Everybody party.
Come on. It's over.

J.D., this fool's takin' a damn
crowbar to your car, man.

Don't everybody go out there!

Maizel! Maizel!

Come on. This way. Maizel!

No, man! Don't! Don't! Maizel!

Stop him! Do something!

Maizel! Look, you
better stop it, man!

Maizel, I gonna k*ll you, man!
It's my brother-in-law's car.

All right. All right. Hey. Hey.

Maizel, look at this! Watch me!

Watch me! Maizel!

Stop it! All right!
What do you think?

- Come on! Let's do it!
- Wait, wait, wait!

- Come on! Let's go!
- I'm ready!

Stop it! Be cool,
baby! Stop it. Stop it.

Pull it! Let him
go! Pull it! Relax.

You need help, man.
You're sick. Hush up!

Hush up, man. Come on.

Look at ya, ya junkie!
Be cool, Maizel.

Put it down, Stanley.

Put it down, Stanley.

I can buy two more of
those tomorrow, you know.

Let it go. You're
sick, Daddy! Sick!

Let it go, man!

You go near
Sid, and I'll k*ll ya!

I'll k*ll ya.

All right.

Come on. Let's go. Come on.

Hi. Hi.

How you feeling? All right.

I ache. Mm-hmm.

This, uh, isn't broken, Frank.

That's wonderful.
I'm so grateful to you.

Oh, don't be silly.

When he had me,

all I could think...

You'd come to take care of me.

I was so proud.

I love you.


Took his w*apon, then sh*t
him. Maybe the same piece.

You heard about the fight
between him and LaRue?

Yeah, I got it on the way. I
want J.D. in for questioning.

Two weeks, Frank, I
was gonna bring him in.
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