03x11 - No Body's Perfect

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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03x11 - No Body's Perfect

Post by bunniefuu »

All right. Item
nine... Big Bertha.

Our antiquated heating
system once more is kicking in...

with a period of
thermal hyperactivity.

After knuckling under to an
overnight low of 16 degrees,

Bertha continues to produce in
excess of 1.8 million B.T.U.'s per hour,

despite every effort by
our cr*ck janitorial squad...

to get her to cool down.

When you're hot, you're hot.

It will please you to know that a
city-wide search is under way...

for a building engineer
experienced enough, i.e., old enough,

to be familiar with the inner workings of
a furnace that, contrary to popular belief,

was not brought
over in the Mayflower,

but certainly predates the Hoover
administration. Try the cemetery!

In the meantime, let's keep
those upstairs windows open,

and let's be certain to bundle
up properly before going outside.

Item 10... illness continues to
play havoc with our duty roster.

Revised pairings for the day...
Officers Hill and Crawford, foot patrol.

Officers Nichols and
Renko, Unit 2202.

We can expect this fluid state of
affairs as regards duty assignments...

to continue throughout
the cold and flu season.

Item 11 regards the ongoing
canine vicissitudes of Lamont.

Lhasa apso, beloved of Trudy,
woman and wife to the governor.

Officially, the dog
continues missing.

But it will hearten you to
know that even as I speak,

a negotiated release is
being finalized upstairs,

and the little nipper should be returned
safe and sound before day's end.

Let us hope for
this happy outcome.

Let us hope for the
well-being of this little scamp.

And more than anything, let us hope
for an end to the plague of dog hair...

that has assaulted our coffee, our clothes,
our sweet rolls, our nasal orifices...

over the intervening days via
the various Lamont pretenders.

All right, that's
it. Let's roll.

And let's be careful out there.

Officer Hill, may I
see you up here?

You think, uh, young Crawford bought
that explanation of the new pairings?

Probably not. Mmm.

Will you see what you
can do to convince...


I'm gonna k*ll you, man! Hey,
man! What the hell's wrong with you?

You guess you're straight?

She bounce you
off the walls, huh?

- Man, I don't know
what you're talkin' about!
- Teresa! Teresa!

I'm talkin' about Teresa!
I'm talkin' about Teresa!

Hey, Renko! Stop it!
Stop it! You hear me?

Dispatch. We have a 9-11.

Armed robbery in progress.

See surplus store, corner
People's Drive, 124th Street.

I will not tolerate such
displays in my station house.

What you were fighting about is
personal business between you.

There's no law says
you have to be friends.

Either you keep your differences
off duty and off premises,

or I'll have you reassigned.


All right, dismissed.

Woman troubles? I expect.

Ah, the bachelor's life.
Hey, Phil, let's have lunch.

Some other time, Ray. I
wouldn't be very good company.

Sarge! Excuse me.

Come on, Phil. Let's put Grace
Gardner out of your mind, huh?

We'll have a nice glass
of wine, enjoy a good meal.


12:30. All right.


Hi, Irwin. Oh. Morning, Captain.

Listen, thanks for coming
down. A little warm in here.

Well, we have a
runaway furnace. Irwin, I

need a postponement
on the Edwards hearings.

With a little time, we
could make a case. Uh...

I can't do it, Frank.
No postponements.

Uh, I don't have reason one to keep
Edwards in custody an hour over the limit.

Then let's turn him loose
for a few days. Still no.

My office has decided
to go with what we've got.

We're putting our faith in
Coroner Nydorf's testimony.

Then we're dead,
and you know it.

Sorry you think that.

What's going on? I'm trying to
keep from losing a m*rder case.

You guys seem
willing to let it go.

We're gonna get him,
Frank, once and for all.

Nydorf. Damn right.

You're gonna let a
m*rder*r walk? We are?

Who was it that lost the
damn autopsy report?

And then who b*rned up the damn
body so he couldn't perform another one?

If we postpone, m-maybe we can get
Edwards to plead and... or we develop...

Frank, our office has
had egg on its face 'cause

of this guy too many
times, for too many years.

Since I came on in '79, I
can quote you seven cases.

Then tell him to resign.
What? And go through

two more years of
civil service hearings?

And in the meanwhile,
how many more K*llers like

Bubba Edwards does
he open the cell door on?

No. No, Wally Nydorf
wants to testify, Frank.

He thinks he can get his report
to fly. And we're gonna let him try.

He's been that
department for 32 years.

That's nothing to brag about.

I'll see you in court.

Mick, I'm terrified. Eddie,
your part of it is over.

All you have to do is
disappear till around 4:00.

You know that all you can do is
get yourself made showing up here.

Oops. Poorly put.

I can't be alone. I keep thinking what I'm
doing to Jose. I'm getting him in trouble.

What do you mean, getting him in
trouble? The guy k*lled three people!

But I still... I can't
stand causing pain.

Mick... All right,
you listen to me.

You did the right thing. Now you gotta let
me and the people I work with do our jobs.

But what's gonna happen to me?
What's going to happen to the betrayer?

Nothing is gonna
happen to you, Eddie!

Go to the movies.

I should. I was
thinking I should.

Well, I think it's a
good idea. And then...

And after today, I thought
I'd go away for a while.

If things go good,
we don't need more

information, I think
that's right on the ball.

I cleaned your apartment.

I think you had the cure for
something growing in your sink.

Thank you. And
your mother called.

- She's a doll.
- Go to the movies.

See you later.

You're immature.
You're promiscuous.

You got a lousy attitude toward
women. You stay out all night long.

Well, I'll k*ll myself
tomorrow, okay?

Oh, I mean, putting it to a
buddy's girl, Joe. That is the lowest.

Hey, you don't know all the
facts, Luce! So just knock it off!

Fine. Why don't you tell me?
You're not my mother, either!

Oh, perfect,
beautiful. You're right.


I can't believe you.

Well, maybe you
want a new partner.

Maybe I do. Yeah, maybe
Phil Donahue's available.


Any messages? Mmm.


What do you want? I saw him comin'
out of your house last night... Joe Coffey.

So what? Who I see
is my own business.

You are trying to ruin this
relationship. What relationship?

We had some really nice times
together. We had a lot of fun.

And some of the other
times were not so enjoyable.

What you did the other
night... It's Joe Coffey, isn't it?

If you say so.

How could you do this?

You're such a jerk.

I want to tell you something,
not that it's any of your business.

But nothing happened
last night between Joe and I.

I wanted to, and he passed.

And no, it doesn't
change anything.

Look, couldn't we just...

Maybe if I... changed.

You're not gonna be happy until
you bulldoze yourself into nothing.

I care for you so much.

Just go, okay?

Don't make me...
sad I ever met you.

Lee? Yeah.

Right on the button, amigo.

How you doin', Sid?
How are you doing?

I'm good. I'm good. Didn't
have any trouble gettin' here?

No. No sweat.
The stuff in there?

Hey, Lee, that is 14 polo shirts and a
half a case of coconut tanning butter.

What're you doing?
You taking a trip?

Uh-huh. And you wanna
know something crazy? What?

I don't even know where. I'm
just gonna go out to the airport,

and I'm gonna see what's flying.

- I'm gone.
- Come on down!

And, uh, what is it
that I can do for you?

Well, I think you can do a
couple of L.B.'s for me. Mm-hmm.

Well, I think I can
cover your action.

Now, listen, Lee. I don't wanna
cause any embarrassment,

but, uh, I'm gonna
have to see your talent.

Sidney, this is not
an embarrassment.


Which I'm not gonna count it or
nothin', Lee. I'm not gonna waste our time.

Thank you very much. You ready?

I'm ready.



Check whichever one you
want. What do you use? Heat?

What? Are you kidding? I know
you're not gonna stiff me, Sid.


I'll tell you. This is
100% Peruvian soda.

I'm only moving it for a friend who
got caught in a couple of switches.

You know, it's too bad Teddy and Steve
can't be here, because we could, uh...

I think that can be arranged.

Teddy. Steve.

Neal. John.

- Lee?
- Michael.

I'm sick. I'm sick in my heart.

Frank. How're you doing, Wally?

All right. How
'bout yourself? Fine.

Come down to give me the Rockne
speech before the big hearing, Frank?

Oh. Well, I don't
know what I'd think I

could teach you about
testifying at a prelim.

Yeah, I've been around
that block a couple of times.

I'm looking for a
favor. Oh, yeah? Sure.

Our evidence on, uh, Bubba
Edwards seems, uh, iffy to me.

I thought maybe you could
develop a 48-hour flu bug,

and, uh, meantime we
could get him into plea.

Plea to what? Felony bad looks? Well,
we've been going through the records.

We think we might be able to
connect him with some other business.

- What other business?
- A couple of
unsolved homicides.

They why doesn't the D.A.
postpone on that, Frank?

Why get me to stiff the hearing for
something that takes a phone call downtown?

Stop yankin' my chain.

It's a hanging party up
there. They're after you, Wally.

Frank, you've always been a good
kid. And I appreciate your concern.

But believe me, Frank,

there isn't a trial lawyer around I
can't waltz through one of these things.

I'm gonna get you
your indictment, Frank.

W-Wally, you're not
seeing the situation clearly.

They want you out. They
want another chief coroner.

Now, don't make me
lose my temper, Frank.

Wally, when I first
came on the force,

as much as anyone, you showed
me what it took to do my job.

Don't give me a
eulogy. Nobody's dead.

This department's in bad enough
shape... without a public humiliation.

Please, Wally. Take 48
hours. Consider retirement.

You wanna know when I'll retire?

When I'm the guy out there
on that slab. That's when.

Get out of here.

You guys draw
straws for who got me?

You lose?

You're being too
sensitive, brother. Sure.

Three partners in three days.

Nate, stop thinking so much.

You see the tall guy across
the street? Which one?

He took a TV out of the
Marquis and put it in his own car.

Had an extension cord and a
circuit tester in his back pocket.

Maybe a repairman or...
The Einstein of the B & E set.

Say, could we lend
you a hand? Yes, please!

Okay, get in the car.

You know, I was sh*t
two years ago, Nate.

You were?

Going into one
of those buildings.

Every time I walk into a
hallway, I have to fight off the fear.

Comes with the territory, man.

Try it!

Thanks, officers!

You got it.

Phil. Ready for
lunch? Yeah, all set.

Oh, thank you, Ray.
You're quite welcome.

Hey, look who is here!

Well, that's Rosa...

and somebody else.

I think, uh, that's her
cousin, Esperanza.

IHola, muchacha! ¿Cómo está?

Ray, it was my understanding
that... You and I, man to man.

Oh, this Esperanza is
an exceptional woman.

She's bright, intelligent,
hardworking and single!

Ray. Should we
invite 'em for lunch?


IQué coincidencia!

"Felipe" Esterhaus.

She says it's a great
pleasure to meet you.

She really knows much
more English than she thinks.

She just gets nervous.
I'm pleased to meet you too.

Ay, gracias.

Hi, Phil. Hello, Rosa.

W-Were the two of
you shopping? Yes!

Imagine the coincidence!

We were just at the
new mall, - right there.

Mm-hmm. Imagine.
Boy, am I hungry!

Oh, me too!

You guys.

You really make me
sick, you know that?

So what? Now, what
am I supposed to do? I'm

supposed to lie down?
I'm supposed to roll over?

Forget about it. Jose.

- Jose who?
- Come on, Sid. Jose.

You know, the guy that sh*t
and barbecued three Peruvians?

I don't know who
you're talkin' about.

Look, uh, one of you guys wanna check
the thermostat? It's like a oven in here.

Man, you give him up, you could
probably walk away from the whole bust.

Oh, I could walk away
if I rat on this guy?

I'm gonna walk where?

Relocation. Maybe a couple
of bucks in your pocket.

Captain, these
guys just whistlin'?

Because I wouldn't believe these
two if they told me the sky was blue.

The guy's got friends.

Money and relocation are
good, but I'm gonna need more.

I'm gonna need surgery.

Take a couple of John Doe
warrants besides the one from Jose,

in case he needs company. Right.

Movie's over. You are driving
me crazy, you know that?

You're up here more
than a bail bondsman!

You! Butterfly! You did this?

It was you! Pig squealer!

Get him out of here! Come on!

Pig squealer! Oh, my God!

You're dead, butterfly. How
does it feel to be dead, huh?

I'm gettin' a nose job!
You're gettin' a pine box!

Shut up!

So long, dead man!

You happy? Oh, God! Oh, God!

That's why I told you not
to come up here. I'm dead!

I'm a dead man! All
right. Just calm down.

I'm dead now. What
have I done? Eddie! Stop it.

Come here.

I'm worthless. I
wish I didn't exist.

Stop it! You're staying here.
We're gonna take care of you.

Nobody's gonna hurt you, Eddie.

You're with friends
now. You hear me?


Eddie, this is
Sergeant Goldblume.

Sergeant Goldblume's gonna
stay with you. How do you do?

Henry Goldblume. Eddie Gregg.

How do you do?

You okay?


All right.

You could pick up those
warrants at 2:30, Mick. Thank you.

I love you.

I love your hot
breath. Excuse me?

Excuse me.

Cut it out, hair bag! Oh,
Mick. Mick, I'm damp.

My breast is heaving...
I said, cut it out!

Hey, hey, calm
down. Be cool, baby.

Geez. You make me sick!

Just 'cause a guy's different,
what the hell is it to you?

What are you afraid of? He's gonna come
up to you and touch you and give it to you?

Eddie Gregg is
scared, that's all!

He's just a poor, scared guy
trying to get through the day!

I was dumbfounded, Howard. The
man had the best of intentions, Phil.

Granted. Of course
he did. But the fact

remains with the best
intentions in the world,

the man put me in an
extremely precarious spot.

I felt like he had a license in his
pocket and a clergyman in the car.

Clergyman in the car?

Phil has just survived an as*ault
on his bachelorhood, Henry.

It seems that our Ramon Calletano is not
above a few Machiavellian machinations...

to procure citizenship
for a friend of the family.

Did I understand you to use
the word procure, Howard?

Calm yourself, amigo. I didn't use
that term in a "solicitorial" context.

I am sorry your meeting with
Esperanza did not have a happy outcome.

But it is not fair for
you to accuse me...

I'm not accusing you of anything.
It was just a very awkward situation.

It is true Esperanza's
visa is running out.

It is true we hoped something
might develop between the two of you.

But only if you had both fallen
in love in the next eight days,

we would have
considered marriage.

Stranger things have happened!

- Well, not to me.
- Excuse me.

Hello, Howard.

Ray. Hello, Grace.

Miss Gardner.

Phil, could we have
a private moment?

If you gentlemen will excuse us.

Uh, you'll follow me,
please? Roll call?

Any word on Lamont?

Lots of sugar, just
like you wanted.

I was gone two minutes, Frank.

I went to get him some coffee.
Where do you think he went?

Probably to the bus station.
He was scared to death.

What time are we
busting the boyfriend?

Uh, 45 minutes.

He could be running back there to
warn him. We better notify Belker.


It seems like such
a terrible waste.

Well, still, if we break, I
feel we should break clean.

And I appreciate that.

If I were fair-minded
I'd say "I...

"I have to give Phil emotional
space to develop new attachments.

"I have to respect
his desire for...

For a relationship which
has marriage as its goal."

But Phil, I'm not fair-minded.

I still feel hot fire...

burning inside me
every time I think of you.

I smell your...

Your smell on my pillow
and-and on my clothes.

Oh, I... I nearly go
crazy wanting you.

Oh, Phil!

There are still frontiers of
passion for us to penetrate.

Grace, I-I think we've
penetrated all those frontiers...

No, we haven't.

We haven't... begun.

We haven't?


And there's something
I want to do to you.

Oh, ooh.

Ooh, Grace.

Right here? Right now?
Oh, you must know of a place.

The furnace room. Oh!

Little ferret.

Little w*tback con artist.
He won't bring the dog back.

Jesus usually delivers.
Well, it doesn't matter anyway.

It couldn't matter less.

You know what you're looking
at? You know what I am?

"Finito." "Write-off-areeno."

I figured it out last night.

I don't get the dog, I'm
a failure. I do, I'm a joke.

Every fund-raiser
emcee, every smart-assed

reporter looking for a
sidebar on a slow day.

"Hey, let's work over Anderson.

Let's do something on that stiff that
spent 50 grand finding the governor's dog."

Oh, I'm out. I bought the farm.

My career got creamed
by a runty little mutt.

Why do you guys
keep it so hot in here?

Somebody lookin' for a dog?

I don't believe it!

Is it really him? Check him out.

Right dog this time,
Mr. Anderson? Looks like the McCoy!

Better get the governor's
Mrs. down here.


I'm looking forward to
getting back to the capitol.

We've been here three days.
We were scheduled for four hours.

I didn't even pack
an overnight bag.

Martinez, with a "Z".

Listen, pencil pusher, you
learn to spell that correctly.

You're talking to the big
cheese of the new youth program.

All right. M-A-R-T-I-N-E...
"Z" as in snake.

You're a little lethargic.

We'll get you on
a physical training

program. We'll get you
a shave and a haircut.

You're hangin' around with
the wrong people, Lamont.

Fetch. Fetch. Fetch!

Dr. Nydorf,

you've testified that you've
conducted autopsies...

on more than 600
homicide victims.

That's right.

You've, uh, supervised
preparation of autopsy reports.

Over 7,000 other
homicides. That's correct.

Doctor, what would you say is
the typical length of such a report?

Well, there's no typical length.

Some reports go into
great detail, 30 or 40 pages.

Others-Others... Would you
put two and a half pages...

on the low end of the scale?

Do you want to weigh it?

It establishes cause of death.

Doctor, when in time
was this report prepared...

relative to performance
of the autopsy itself?

It's a reconstruction
of the original report.

When in time was it prepared? Three
weeks later. That's all been stipulated.

What happened to the
original autopsy, Doctor?

That's all been stipulated. The
original report was misplaced.

You're sure the
autopsy was done?

Oh, yes.

Now, to the extent
that there is a customary

procedure when an
autopsy report is lost,

in the case of a homicide,
what would that procedure be?

Perform another autopsy.
Look, this has all been...

Why wasn't that done
in the present case?

The body was unavailable. Why?

Look. This is a
preliminary hearing.

All he has to do is show reason to
believe a crime has been committed.

Now, I have testified
that the victim,

Ca... uh, uh, Castaneda,

d*ed from application
of force to the neck.

Answer the question, please.

Why wasn't the body available
for a second autopsy, Doctor?

There were difficulties involved
in, uh, retrieval of the body.

As you all know... As you all should
know, our office is understaffed and...

Doctor, speak directly
to the question please.

If you'd just let me
ex... Why wasn't the

body available for a
second autopsy, Doctor?

I have said the body
was not retrievable.

- What prevented...
- The body has been cremated!

Now, the, uh, body had been switched
with the body of a... of a vagrant...

who d*ed of natural causes,
and while we... while we, uh,

we-we-we keep the body...


We do not cremate the
bodies of homicide victims...

to guard exac... against
exactly this kind of eventuality.

In this particular
situation... Doctor,

isn't it true that this
report is worthless?

That's argumentative.

That it's a collage of
unverifiable recollections and

That's argumentative!
Bernstein, where the hell are you?

Your Honor, with
the court's permission,

I'd like to reopen the question
of Dr. Nydorf's qualification...

to be admitted as an
expert witness. What?

Objection? No
objection, Your Honor.

If I told you, Doctor,

that I have before me documentation of
11 instances in just the last four years...

in which capital cases
have been dismissed...

Where did you get that? on
court holdings that your office...

- Where did you get that?
- had provided inadequate

or that it had not provided information in
timely fashion, would that surprise you?

Well, it's easy to see
who's really on trial here.

Come on, everybody. Get
over on the prosecution side.

Dr. Nydorf...

This is a lynch mob.

It's a hanging.

And I've got people in my
own department tying the rope!


Alberto Lorenzo.

Alberto Lorenzo
of Lisbon, Portugal,

found dead in Waterloo
Park, July 15, 1957.

Body all busted
up, cause of death...

Acute hypothermia.

Nobody could explain
it. How he got there,

how he froze to death
in the middle of summer.

Nobody could explain it!

They called experts
from all over the world!

Even called in that hotshot
forensic from New York!

He couldn't explain it!
Nobody could! Nobody!

But me, I did! I did!

Me! Wally Nydorf, Assistant
Coroner Wally Nydorf.

I sat in that park
for six hours,

and I knew.


Alberto Lorenzo wanted
to come to America.

So he climbed inside
the wheel well of a

commercial airliner at
Lisbon airport and hid.

He d*ed over the Atlantic...

at 40,000 feet...

where the air temperature
is 10 below zero.

And when the plane landed,

the wheels came down,

and Alberto Lorenzo...
dropped out of the sky.

I figured it.

I did... when nobody else could.

Oh, I was good.

I was the best in the business.

No further questions,
Your Honor.

You may stand down, Doctor.

Court reserves the judgment on
the showing of probable cause.

72 hour rule, Your Honor.

My client has to be
charged before 5:00 p.m.

Judgment will be
issued by 5:00 p.m.

Court's adjourned.

All right? Everybody got him?

All right. This guy's
wasted three people.

Also, there's a chance
he's been warned.

These things do not make
a promising combination,

so you keep your eyes open and
don't be afraid to use your radios.

You and you, you come with me.

Just let's get this over with.

Police! Open up!

Mick! Help me!

Where is he? Gone... the window.

Oh, Mick.

How long ago? Just now.

This is Red Squad One.
Suspect just left by the window.

Street teams watch the alley. We're
goin' up to the roof. You watch the room.

You okay? Okay.

You think he could have made it to
the street? No, we would have seen him.

Check that door.


You go there,
and I'll go this way.

Shouldn't we stick together? Not
enough time. Just play it cautious.

Make a sound, and
you're dead! Drop it.

You're just what I needed,
piggy. Now move to the door.

Why? What're you gonna do?

What do you think, stupid?

You're gonna help me walk
past your buddies. Now move it!


You wanna die, pig?

You wanna k*ll me? k*ll me.

I'm not going out
there with you.

You crazy. Now move it!

Give the precinct a call.
Tell 'em we're comin' in.


Better get over to
county. I'm all right.

No you're not. Go
get yourself fixed up.

The city'll pay for it.

Mick, I'm sorry. I did
a terrible thing. I know.

I'm weak. I'm a
sl*ve to my emotions.

Don't give me any garbage
about your emotions, hair bag!

People almost got
k*lled here. You're right.

I deserve the worst
that can happen to me.

I don't blame you if
you never forgive me.

Do you forgive me? Don't
run your act with me, Eddie.

I'm sick of it.

I went the extra yard with you,
and you betrayed me. That's all.

Please don't hate me, Mick.

I don't hate you, Eddie. I was
just hoping you'd surprise me.

After you get fixed up, I
think you'd better leave town.

My 30 pieces of silver.

I thought I'd go south.

I don't care where you go.

I'll always think of
you as my friend, Mick.

I'll always be grateful to
you for taking care of me.

Thank you.

I heard what went down.
Good work. Thank you, sir.

Welcome to the Hill. Thank you.

You call me down here! You cruelly
and deliberately build my hopes!

Now you tell me that
he's disappeared again!

Uh, we're as distressed
as you are, Mrs. Sandler.

No you aren't. You
aren't nearly as distressed!

You aren't nearly as
unhappy as you're going to be!

Go break your leg. What?

Go k*ll yourself.

How dare you talk to
me like that? You're fired!

I'm fired? I quit! Just wait.

Rotten luck, Anderson.
Fortunes of w*r.

Today's hero, yesterday's goat.

Yes, sirree, it's up and down, up
and down on the Hill Street elevator.

It's all right, Nate. It wasn't
anything different out there today.

There wasn't a damn thing
different from down in the sewer.

I was just as scared.

Just as much being...
Man, I was blind!

Take it ea...
Take it easy, Nate.

Do you wanna know
what kind of hero I was?

He had a g*n on me! He
was using me to get clear!

I didn't want the
others to see it.

Cowardly Crawford strikes again!

Man, I was so scared. I was willing to die
rather than go through any more of that.

I don't think I'm cut
out to be a police officer.

I'm gonna quit.

That's up to you, Nate.

But if you do, don't do it
because you think you're a coward.

There's all kinds of bravery, brother, and
you're showing me a lot of it right now.

I don't know. I just don't know.

Nate, for whatever it's worth, I was glad
it was you next to me in that building.

Damn glad.

Joe! You wanna hit me, Renko?

Go ahead. Hit me.
No. No, I don't. I...

I want to tell you I'm sorry
about what happened.

I was stupid.

I went and saw Teresa, and she
told me, you know, nothing happened.

Look, I don't know
what I was thinkin'.

She was your lady.
I was out of line.

You went over there because I
was too hardheaded to realize...

that some woman
don't want me no more.

So, you got a free
run at her now.

What? Me and Teresa? No.

I mean, Teresa's okay, but,
uh, she's just not our type.

You know, cops.

Yeah. Yeah.

Okay, um, you're right.




Why didn't you tell
me nothin' happened?

Because it wasn't
important, that's why.

It wasn't important? I'm out
there today acting like a fishwife.

Let's just forget about it. I mean,
it's over. Everything's cool now.

You know that stuff I said
about changing partners?

I don't want to be
with anybody but you.

They got 50 cent draws
tonight at, uh, MacHenry's.

What do you say we go lift
a few and fish and chip, huh?


Things got a little bit out of
hand in there, didn't they, Frank?

Lost my cool a
little bit, didn't I?

I'll tell you. I appreciate you
trying to tell me what was up.

You know, I... I
appreciate that.

Hey, Frank, these things happen.

It's all political.

A couple of young turks over there
in my department with the D.A...

Wally, this isn't business
as usual, and it's not politics.

Why don't you do
yourself a favor and quit?

You're misreading
the situation, Frank.

I promise you. This
will all blow over.

Hey, listen. What are
you doing for dinner?

You wanna have some chow or
something? I don't think so, Wally.

Don't want to be seen with
me, do you? That isn't it.

Hey, Frank.

They'll never get rid of me.

I'm a civil servant.

It'll take years for
'em to get rid of me.

I only got 19
months to retirement.

You're a doctor, Wally.

You were one of the most
distinguished men in your field.

You're gonna hide now behind the
skirts of-of some bureaucratic regulations?

Don't do that to
yourself. Quit now.

What would I do?

Oh, hey, Frank. Listen.

I'll go out to my cabin
up in the hills there.

A couple of weeks
and... You'll see.

When I come back, no one
will even remember this...

Bubba Castaneda.

No one will even
remember his name.

Listen, Frank.

You take care of yourself.

Don't work too hard.

Old Bertha just shut
herself down, Captain.
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