04x25 - Requiem

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles". Aired: September 28, 2012 - November 12, 2017.*
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Computer-animated television series based on characters from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic books by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.
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04x25 - Requiem

Post by bunniefuu »


Stockman, is it finished? This is it, Master Shredder.

The Super Mutagen has finally been perfected.


Do not disappoint me again, insect.

With this new formula, your mutation will be stabilized.


[grunts, yells]

Yes, it feels natural! Stable.

Let me test out this new mutagen.

Activate the Footbots, level 12! As you command, sir.

Ah! Karai.

It worked! [buzzes]

There was no emotional reaction.

You have done well, Stockman.

What is your plan now, sir? Master Shredder, we have found Karai's new secret hideout.

She hasn't left the city at all.

We tracked her to the Bronx.

She's staying with the Mighty Mutanimals.

I am finally ready to find Karai and destroy Splinter and those vile Turtles once and for all.


[rousing hip-hop music]

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Heroes in a half shell, turtle power Here we go, it's a lean, green ninja team On the scene, cool teens doing ninja things So extreme, out the sewer like laser beams Get rocked with the shell-shocked pizza kings Can't stop these radical dudes The secret of the ooze made the chosen few Emerge from the shadows to make their move The good guys win, and the bad guys lose [snarls]

Leonardo's the leader in blue Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through Donatello is the fellow who has a way with machines Raphael's got the most attitude on the team Michelangelo, he's one of a kind And you know just where to find him when it's party time Master Splinter taught 'em every single skill they need To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Heroes in a half shell, turtle power Where the heck did it come from? Talking food.

- What are you talking about? - Huh? My dues, my bros, my Turts.

It's that time again.

Our series is winding down.

The end of a season, the final episode of "Chris Bradford and his 2Ruff Krew"! [pants]

[all cheering]

[electronic music plays]

Evil Ninja Commander is on the roof.

Come on, 2Ruff Krew.


Heavens to Murgatroyd.

I can't make it, don'tcha know.

I'm just too exhaustipated.

Even me, Master P, is too tired.

Go on without us, Chris.

Oh, I can't make it either.

Hop on my back, Lil' Rineo.

We've got a villain to stop.


Lil' Rineo is gone.

Ah-ha! Evil Ninja Commander.


Foolish Bradford.

It was I all along.

I am Lil' Rineo.

Oh! [teeth chattering]



Why, you evil, senseless beast.

Hi-ya! [roars]


That's right, kids.

Evil never wins, but Chris Bradford's new Crunchy Chris Bradford Bran Flakes always wins.

Buy 'em.

Hi-ya! - Ugh.

- Huh? Huh? - Master Splinter.

- Hmm? You've been kind of distant the past few days.

You've been meditating non-stop and you're barely sleeping.

Are you okay? Leonardo, my son, please.

Let us not talk about me.

Let's talk about you.

Do you know why you are leader of this team? Um, yeah, because I asked to be.

You said it wasn't because of my skills.

I said that only to temper your ego at the time.

I knew even when you were a small boy that you would one day grow up to be the leader of this team, and when I pass on to be like a father as well.

Pass on? What are you talking about, Sensei? Leonardo, if I can only impart one piece of wisdom that will remain with you forever, remember, giving guidance to your brothers and friends does not come from here.

It comes from here.

I don't get it.

You you're fine, Father.

Is there something you're not telling me? Hey Leo, want to go visit Karai? Party at the Mutanimals' crib, yo.

And you can come too, Sensei.

Hmm, perhaps I do need to get out of the sewers for a time.

[rock music]

- Yeah! - Yeah! [laughs]


Check out my new sweet fighting style, Shini.


Now attack Doctor Rockwell.

Oh, indeed, an incredibly dangerous adversary.

Egad, I can barely defend myself.


Hold on there, monkey brains.


Shini placed trackers on two Footbots.

We found that they both went to this spot, 20 miles north of New York City, here.

We should summon our Turtle allies and form a plan of attack.

My thoughts exactly.

In the meantime, we'll be safe here.

We've got this place on lockdown.

Thanks for letting us stay, Slash.



Um, is anyone actually watching the monitors? Mutanimals, prepare for battle.

Leatherhead, man the defenses.

Rockwell, ready the weapons.




Karai! You ain't touching her.

Shredder! [glass breaks]

That's superheated plasma.


You don't know what kind of simian you're dealing with.


Uh, maybe I'll wait this one out.

Leave my friends alone! Aaah! [crumbling]

I am here to destroy you all.

[grunting, clanging metal]

- Hyah! - Aah! [grunts]

Stop this madness, Shredder.

We'll all die here.

It is fitting that you perish just as your mother perished! Ugh.

Yah! Hyah! Ah! Aaah! [grunts]

[vehicle approaches]

Hurry, Leo.



- Miwa! - Oh, no.


Splinter, is she? [inhales deeply]



Karai! You saved her, Leonardo.

Shredder doesn't care about using Karai as bait anymore.

He wants us all dead.

[sirens wail]

The ambulances are coming.

Can you wait with her, Shinigami? [gasps]

I see two clear trails leading off in opposite directions.

Raphael, April, Casey, and Slash will come with me.

Leonardo, you will lead Donatello, Michelangelo, and Leatherhead in that direction.

Take the Shellraiser.

The rest of us will travel on foot.

Sensei, that's not a good idea.

We should all stick together if we're going to take Shredder down.

Leonardo, remember what I said earlier in the dojo.

From your heart.

[sirens approach, horn honks]

Leo, we got to hurry before the trail runs cold.

Guys, zooming in.

I got Bebop and Rocksteady's van on camera two blocks ahead.

[tires squeal]

Oh, feels good to stretch.


[bell rings]

[all gasping]

[organ plays]

Turtles, come out and play.

Remember when I said that? Because it's Throwback Thursday, fools.

Da, we be throwing you all the way back to last Thursdays.


Shut up, Rock, I'm trying to intimidate them.

You're going down, Turtle fools.

It's a missle-go-round.


Attack me from behind, will you? Ah! Ha! Whoo hoo! This is your swan song, tartarugas.

Tonight, you all fall.

The Shredder.

He is atop that building.

That's where we fought for the first time.

And that's where we take him down once and for all.


So why couldn't we take the elevator? At least me and April.

Feels like my legs are disconnected from my body.

Quiet, Shredder is near.

[soft whooshing]

Oh, man, I sense it.

He's close.

Hamato Yoshi.

At last, my nightmares will end, for tonight, you will finally perish.

Indeed, I will end your nightmares, Saki.


Aah! Ah! Uh! Aah! Aaahhh! Goongala! Aah! Casey! Aaah! [groans]


Aah! [groaning]


Your weakness is that you care about others.

I have torn all weaknesses away and become all-powerful.


Aah! Whoa! You want to get funky fresh with me? Whoo-hoo! [organ plays]

Wha! Stay down, Leonardo.

Aah! [panting]

Leatherhead! Guys, we did it! We beat 'em! Whoo hoo! [laughter]

Oh, no, we didn't beat them.

This was all a distraction to split us up.

[cell phone rings]

Donnie, we need back-up.

Raph is hurt.

Super Shredder's too strong.

- Where are you? - The Wolf Building rooftop.

Please, we need you.

Super Shredder is [gasps]

- April! - There's no time.

Let's go.

[metal clanging]

[both grunting]


Aah! [groans]

[breathes heavily]

[tires squeal]

There's the building.

Hope we're not too late.

Splinter! Aaah! Is this how you choose to die, brother? Lying on your belly like an animal? [exhales]

Come, Saki.

End this madness.

Ah! [screams]


Yes! You did it, Sensei.

My family.

Aaah! Oh, no.

Splinter! [metal slices]

- Father! - Splinter! [gasps]

And now, Hamato Yoshi dies! No! Father.


I have claimed my victory.

No more will you haunt me, rat.

[dramatic choral music]

Aaah! [machine gears grind]


No, please.




[all crying]

[engine revs]
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