World w*r Four (2019)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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World w*r Four (2019)

Post by bunniefuu »

(soft music)

(dramatic music)

Nuclear w*r, the
subject of endless

documentaries, spy
thrillers, novels, films.

Did any of us think for
one moment that any of it

could actually
happen on our watch?

During our time?

If you'd asked me, I would have
told you it was impossible.

It would never happen.

Ask any of the officers here.

They all would have
told you the same.

Not surprisingly, it
all started in Korea.

(background voices on radio)

No, if there's North Korean
troops inside South Korea,

that's an act of w*r.

(radio chatter)

Swick one, this is two four.

I guess you've been monitoring,

but we've got that
movement again out there.


Negative radar contact.

We are in the worst possible
position to get ambushed.

(soldiers yelling)


(unintelligible yelling)

(dramatic music)

My name is Sue, and I'm
the wife of a soldier,

and here's what
I've learned so far

about the start of nuclear wars.

They begin with the
little things.

Like that raid in South Korea,

and that other raid
that followed.

I remember that day.

Which the U.S.
Defense Department

has called an unacceptable
and irresponsible act,

in response to the provocative
act by North Korea,

a U.S. Air Force,
B-52 Stratofortress conducted a low-level

flight in the vicinity of
Osan airbase South Korea.

(background News)

Here in Cairo and across
the Middle East, Africa,

and Asia, protestors
threw rocks at police

who responded with tear gas.

The demonstrations occurred

near the heavily
fortified U.S. Embassy.

But that has not
stopped protestors

from blaming the
American government.

Demonstrators shouted anti-U.S.
slogans and demanded just-

- So it's that time again.

I've been seconded
to the marines

in the Middle East again.

I can't tell you any
more than that.

I'll be fine, just
like I always am.

I love you.

I love you too.

I'll see you soon.

Hey, where's your brother
stationed at the moment?

Aaron, uh, he's at
some big exercise

in Guam or Japan, or someplace.

(speaking in foreign language)

Go to the front!
Hey! Go to the front!

(speaking in foreign language)

Two raids, one in the South
Korea, one in the Baltic Sea.

Both on the same day, both
virtually an act of w*r.

But you haven't heard
the worst of it.

That ship, the F101, was
carrying NATO's full response

if Russia decides to
inv*de the Ukraine.

So you think the
Russians did it?

Pretty much everyone does.

But here's the thing,
for each and every one

of those att*cks, we
detected a massive spike

in data and traffic, coming
from an entity inside the U.S.

Every time.

Well, what do your
superiors think?

They think it was just
coincidence, I mean,

but, it's way too specific.

It happened on two
of these raids,

and it happened on the
raid with the oil shipments

about three weeks ago.

What would you like
me to do about it?

Mike, you're FBI.

You can investigate the
U.S. angle. I can't.

I don't know what kind of
influence you think I have Dave.

Where would I start?

We've narrowed down the
source to a 40 mile radius,

somewhere to the west
of Washington D.C.

I'm sending you some files now.

Yeah, sure, send 'em
through. I'll take a look.

Let me know what
you can do with it.


Thanks man.

I'm sure you can understand
how important this might be.

Okay. Dave, be careful.

(eerie music)

Is it possible for one
man, or a group of men,

to orchestrate a series
of small incidents

around the globe that
could drag us into w*r?

From B2 bomber flights
over the Korean Peninsula

to destroyers off the coast
and m*ssile batteries in Guam,

US forces are showing
they are ready to tackle

anything that North
Korea sends their way.

Meanwhile, both North Korea
and Russia continue to deny

any involvement with last
week's raids in South Korea

or the Baltic Sea.

The Pentagon's options
include airpower

to knock out North Korean
m*ssile installations,

long range bombers that could
take out its nuclear sites

and government complexes, ships
and truck-mounted batteries

to destroy missiles before
they hit their targets.

North Korea's closest
ally, China,

opposes any unilateral
m*llitary act in the area.

North Korea has threatened
to att*ck South Korea,

the United States and
other US allies.

We'd become
complacent, all of us,

been living in a dream world.

The threats that had been
thrown around for so long

most of us hardly noticed
anymore, until it was too late.

SC sub-com report.

Sir, message from Stratcom.

We've been ordered
to the Korea strait.

Stealth-mode-weapons-hot, over.

Sub-come aye.

Dive, dive.

Make our dive depth 160 feet.

Open outer hatch.

So where are you exactly?

I'm in an area about 75
miles west of Washington DC.

So your buddies at
the Pentagon come up

with some lunatic theory
that somehow links a US group

to these m*llitary att*cks

and you don't think I'll
notice when you disappear

off on some wild goose
chase for these guys?

Someone needs to
check it out Captain.

I really think there
could be something to it.

The data's pretty compelling.

I mean, every one
of those att*cks

could have been carried
out by 50 men or less.

All of them push us
closer and closer to w*r.

Only if you're a
conspiracy nutcase.

How about this, how about
the !sis crazy man did it

and the North Koreans did
it and the Russians did it?

You're saying that some entity
in the US secretly planned

these raids in order to
slowly draw us into w*r?

I mean, why would anybody do
that? And how would they do it?

Please Captain, just give
me a little bit more time

out here to check it out.

Fife, I want a full
accounting of every hour

and every day you're
spending on this,

and I want it on my desk Monday.

Is that understood?

(dramatic music)

Meanwhile, it is now 25 days

since the t*rror1st
att*cks that set fire

to hundreds of oil fields
across the Middle East.

And still they burn.

None of the key t*rrorists
have yet been caught,

including their leader
Hassan El Sherie.

Experts say, unless the
t*rrorists are stopped,

large-scale w*r in the
Middle East may be imminent.

(phone ringing)


Hi honey, I'm
just checking in.

I found a quiet spot where I
can talk. I'm on a Satphone.

It looks like I'm going to
be pretty busy over here.

Well, you be careful.

Oh, you know me. So,
what's new over there?

I guess I haven't
been away that long.

Not much, it's pretty
uneventful here.


Okay, well I gotta
go honey. I love you.

I miss you.


Oil prices skyrocketing,

oil prices could
reach historic highs

if the unrest continues.

(somber dramatic music)

As you know, tonight's
mission involves the k*ll

or capture of at least
two or maybe three

of the USA's most
wanted t*rrorists.

Now these are the men most
responsible for the att*cks

that halted the oil shipments.

They are top priority targets

and have threatened
to att*ck again.

Now we'll be landing in a hot LZ

so expect a lot of heavy fire.

Travel light, but
really load up on a*mo.

Radio check.

Dragon Zero One, Eagle five.

Yeah, good morning, gentlemen,

got a flight of two
46's up from Matsu.

We copy.

Good morning Dragon Zero One.

Flight is two US Marine
Corps helicopters.

1,500 feet, 10
miles to the east.

Southwest turning.

Mission to approach.

Zero one in flight to the North.

Ok men, take out your e-maps.

Now, you know the
terrain we're landing in.

First, we need to
make the treeline.

Then, through the forest to
the base on the other side.

The mastermind of the att*cks
is unlikely to be there,

but his leading men are
almost certainly on that base.

147 Eagle request valve,
looking for an LZ opportunity.

Going to the north
to Abib abama.

Go! Go! Go! Go!

Alpha teams on me. See
the treeline to the north?

Direct all your fire there.

We're two men
down already, sir.

Dragonfly leader,
this is Alpha team 1.

We need CAS aimed
at the treeline,

300 meters north of
our position, over.

Roger that, we're inbound now.

I'm showing a very large
contingent of enemy hostiles,

extremely heavily armed, over.

Dragonfly, you
are cleared hot.

Say again, you are
cleared hot, over.

Roger that.

Use the helicopter as cover.

Move forward.

Down, down!

Too many casualties.
Gotta get out of the open.

We're still under
heavy fire, Dragonfly.

Roger that.
Coming back around.

Dragonfly Two inbound.

The helo's inbound.
Use them as cover again.

Go! Go!

Down again men, down!

It's getting worse, sir.

They're cutting us to pieces.

We've gotta make
that treeline.

Dragonfly, hit 'em with
all you've got. Over.


Coordinates 41-9-6
by 15-9-5, over.

Roger that.

That's done it.
Into the trees, men.


Go! Go!

We need medics to attend the
k*lled and wounded, over.

Ok roger, we're moving.

Alpha teams, we're heading
north about 1.5 clicks

to the edge of the base.

Maintain radio silence as
long as possible, over.

Got him.

Alpha teams, we're going
in. Stealth and silence.

You know where the targets are.

Move out.

It's too quiet.

Overwatch, you see anything?

Negative, sir.

Unit Two. Head west.

Alpha One, I've got movement,

60 meters from your position.

RPG, RPG! More inbound!


Enemy's got at least four
machine g*ns and RPGs

in a position to dominate
the whole complex.

Roger, I heard that.
We're already inbound, over.



Troops on the ground
are all too aware

of the rising death
toll which now-

- Oil prices.

There's unrest in Libya

and other Middle East
oil producing countries.

Sir, are you okay?

Roger that.

Coming up to the complex now.

Dragonfly leader. You
gotta take out that tower.

Danger close. Say again,
danger close, over.

Roger that.

Enemy still intact.

They're f*ring RPGs!

That's no RPG. It's
one of our aircraft.

Urgent fire, Dragonfly. Urgent!

Roger that. We're inbound now.


Good sh**ting, Dragonfly.
Targets are destroyed.

Say again, targets
are destroyed.

Let's go.

All units, the way is now clear.

Time to get those
t*rrorists we came here for.

Capture if possible, k*ll
if necessary. Go, go.

Yeah go go go.

(dramatic music)
(g*nshots banging)

Go, go!

Freeze now!

We have Al Hazree. Say
again, we have Al Hazree.

HVI secure, break.

We're showing a light truck

full of armed hostiles
fleeing the Northern sector.

He's in a white van.
North east corner.

It's Nassar, over.

We confirm.

High priority
target Abdul Nassar

is fleeing the compound, over.

Copy that. Clear to fire?

NAB confirms target,
clear to fire.

Alright, f*ring.

Target is destroyed.

Say again, target is destroyed.

All units, well done.
Mission accomplished.

Let's wrap it up.

We lost a lot of good men
tonight. Too many good men.

Official state-run
media broadcast

the thr*at saying those who
provoked North Korea once,

will not be able to escape
its unimaginable punishment.

(phone ringing)


Agent Fife.

Who is this?



- Neeco.

Gene, give me a quick trace

on the number that
just called my phone.

One moment.

Yeah, holding.

That's a m*llitary
number out of Syria, sir.


Can you put me through?

One moment.

(phone ringing)


This is special agent,
Michael Fife, FBI.

Did you just call this number?

Call your number?

You've reached a secure
m*llitary line out of Syria.

Why would I call you?

Who am I speaking
with, exactly?

This is Lieutenant Caleb
Jones, US Special Forces,

and you have no right
to call this line.

And what are you
doing in Syria?

What I'm doing is classified.

Listen, do you watch the news?

You see those two oil t*rrorists
taken down last night?

That was you.

That's why I'm here.

Trying to stop those t*rrorists
from causing a major w*r.

That's all I can say right now.

Well, I'm in the States,

trying to do pretty
much the same thing.

I'm sorry. Obviously,
someone's fooling with you.

Yeah, but why would they
want to connect me with you?

Why you exactly? There's
gotta be a reason.

(phone ringing)


Hi sweetheart.

Hi Mom.

So, did Caleb get away ok?


I'm not liking the look of
the mess he's headed into.

And I haven't been
sleeping well.

I'm not sleeping
either but we have to be,

try to be calm okay?

What channel are you watching?

Umm. The local news.

Another thing on North Korea.

Washington moved a naval
strike force into the region.

While Pyongyang warned
it would retaliate

against American aggression
with nuclear weapons

specifically targeting both
South Korea and the US Mainland.

A US aircraft carrier
group will join

the South Korean fleet
in the Yellow Sea.

North Korea warned-

- I can't believe
this is happening.

Would bring the Korean
peninsula to the brink of w*r.

Satellite images
showing Russian forces

sitting along the
Ukrainian border.

Rioters smashed windows
and broken into shops.

Looted stores and
fought with Police.

Similar scenes have
engulfed other major cities.


Kiev has accused Russia
of massive troop build-ups

in the Donbass region.

Tens of thousands of Russian
troops on the Ukraine border.

(dramatic music)

(radio chatter)

Command, you have a Russian
Mig-23 headed your way.

(sirens wailing)

Strikers inbound.

This is IS 5621, request
taxi, single sh**t.

Three zero cleared
for takeoff.

Yes, all Aces
right for takeoff.

IS 99 is also
cleared for takeoff.

(m*llitary chatter)

Eagles 4, this is
Baltic Air Command.

We have a Russian Mig-23
infringing allied airspace.

Co-ordinates 3-5-9-9 by 21-0-5.

Proceed to intercept, over.

Copy that, Command.

Cathie, I'm gonna report back.

Aces gonna chase him on that.

I'm gonna get Aces two-one
out to the airspace.


Aircom, we have
target on radar.

Closing to intercept.

I see him!

Break formation, Eagles 4.

Unidentified Russian aircraft,

you are trespassing
over Ukrainian airspace.

You are requested
to alter course

and clear this territory, over.

Closing in for a better look.

Back off Eagle 3.


Foxfox times one.

He's f*ring missiles.
What's his target?

Foxfox times
two. Craig go out.

What's his target?

No target, he's f*ring
them as a warning.

It's like this guy
wants to get sh*t down.

Hailing Russian aircraft
on all frequencies.

Alter course or you will
be fired upon, over.

Baltic Command
this is Eagle one.

Requesting permission
to fire, over.

Eagle one, you
are clear to fire.

Say again, you are
clear to fire.


Birds away.

Clean track.

(expl*si*n booms)

Good mark, destroyed in half.

Russian aircraft is destroyed.

Say again, Russian
aircraft is destroyed.

(eerie music)

(phone ringing)

(speaking in foreign language)

(phone ringing)


Mike, it's Dave. Did you
hear about the Russian plane?


Our guys just sh*t it
down over the Ukraine,

I mean, the Russians
are throwing a fit,

they're threatening
all kinds of things,

but we got that spike again.
I think we're going to be able

to narrow your search
area right down.

So, what am I
actually looking for?

I don't know.

Computer hubs in the middle of
nowhere, I mean, coms towers,

anything that looks
out of place.

Sounds unlikely, I guess.

Yeah. Totally insane is
the phrase my captain used.

Now he's got me on a
real short leash.

Well, I'm grateful
you're out there, man.

Look, someone's gotta
go check this stuff out.

You just keep doing
what you're doing.

I'm sure something will turn up.


Thanks, man.

(phone ringing)


Susan, I've just had a
call from your brother.

He's going to be
part of the landing,

part of the first wave ashore.

In North Korea?

What do you mean?

They've halted the exercise

and they're headed there now.

The amphibious guys
are going in first.

Do you know what
Aaron told me today?

Something I've never
heard him say before.


He said that he doesn't think

he's going to make
it back this time.

He says he thinks that
this time is different

and that his number's up.

I've never heard him
speak that way ever.

This is happening in the
vicinity of the force objective.

We are considering
it as dangerous.

We are also considering
it as hostile.

Are you ready for this?



How do you tell the
winner of a nuclear w*r?

Is it the one with the
most missiles still left?

The most planes in the air?

The least cities
turned to ashes?

Is that how you tell?

The USS George Washington
arriving in Korean waters.

The aircraft carrier
is the centerpiece

of this considerable
show of force

off South Korea's east
coast and in its skies.

(phone ringing)


Hi honey. I'm just
checking in again.

There's a lot going on here,

so I don't know how
often we can talk.

Are you okay?


Hey, have you heard about Aaron?

Apparently, he's going
in in the first wave.

An amphibious landing
in North Korea.

A landing. I didn't know that.

(dramatic music)

How are you guys
doing back there?

Are you ready for some action?

We're approaching our
deployment zone.

You better hold onto something.
It's about to get rough.

(g*nf*re banging)

Whoa, that's a range finder.

Woo hoo.

(m*llitary chatter)

Light 'em all up.

We're headed inland.


You've got to get
out of the city!


Listen, you've got to get
out of the city immediately.

Breaking News this hour.

A mass landing of US
marines in North Korea.

The sh**ting w*r has finally
begun as bombs rain down

on the North-South border

and the city of Seoul
is completely evacuated.

US sources claim that every
nuclear w*apon and facility

in North Korea has
been destroyed.

While the Marines approach
Pyeong Yang from the East,

a giant fleet in the Yellow Sea

is to att*ck North
Korea from the West.

Experts say it will
be another 24 hours

before that fleet actually
enters North Korean waters.

Meanwhile, the
Mideast oil crisis

has also taken a dramatic turn.

Despite two of the
leading t*rrorists

being taken down by US forces,

the Mastermind of the
raids Hassan El Sherie,

is threatening further att*cks,

as nations across the
region prepare for w*r.

To all concerned, 0310
(m*llitary chatter)

A week ago, I could
have been forgiven

for thinking none of
this would happen.

But now, here we are.

With 50 ships in the Yellow Sea

and soldiers storming
the beaches,

and one of them's my brother,

and my husband is
who knows where.

Gunner one-one
to zero 995, over.

995 go for one-one.

Cleared to engage, over?

95, one-one, you
are clear to engage.

95 copy. I'll pass
it to my higher, over.

One-one copy.

Centcom on the line
for you, Lieutenant.

Lieutenant Jones.

Lieutenant Jones, this
is General Conlon, Centcom.

Just wanted to commend you on
your mission two nights ago,

very impressive work.

Which brings me to today.

You've been briefed on your
mission but for various reasons,

you've not yet been
briefed on the target.

I'm here to tell you
that your objective today

is the k*ll or capture
of Hassan El Sherie,

the top mastermind of the
oil att*cks, as you know.

It's a huge base that we
think they're holed up in

and we've had it under
constant bombardment

for the last seven hours.

(canon fire)

We've taken out the airfield,
taken out the armor,

and we've forced
them underground,

but we're still
bombarding them now.

Shortly we'll be sending in
Bravo team with a ground convoy

and your teams via helicast.

Is that all understood?

Roger that, Sir,
I'll brief the men.

UH-1's in att*ck formation.

Just gonna lay down
some covering fire.

Red 995, take 'em high.

Roger that.

We're obstructed right now.

Let me know when you get in.

Will do.

You're clear.

I'm just trying to
find targets again.

(g*nf*re and explosions)

Headed for the drop off point.




All units head west
to the rendezvous

about 1.3 clicks to the west.

Be aware that this
place was built

on a huge system of
old m*llitary tunnels.

Nobody knows how old they are
or what's really down there.

El Sherie's bunker
is deep underground.

We've located a point where
you can blast your way

into those tunnels and
find that bunker.


Take only a small team.

The tunnels should be
mostly empty but who

knows what you're gonna
find down there.

We've heard that even
many of the locals

refuse to go inside.

We don't know the reason.

Maybe superstition,
maybe something else.

All our intel says Hassan El
Sherie will be in that room.

It's like a maze down there.

The path to your bunker
is marked on your e-maps.

It's just 200 meters to
the objective, down here.

Shh, I think there's
soldiers coming.

Quick, down here.

I think they're behind us.

I think we lost them.

Since w*r is at stake, your
mission is to find the bunker,

capture or eliminate the target.

This is it.

This is the bunker.

Sir, there's nobody here.


(phone ringing)

Agent Fife speaking.

This has been going
on for too long, Fife.

I need you back here
and no excuses.

I've just got too much going on

to have one of my most
experienced agents

off on some wild goose chase.

Just give me a couple
more days, Captain.

This could be important.

Well, have you got anything

that's actually
concrete in hand?

Well, we've narrowed
down the search.

I want you back here, Fife.

First thing tomorrow
morning, in this office.

Don't let me down.

Meanwhile the US-led
fleet is now just 7 hours

from entering North
Korean waters.

China has warned
the United States

that it will not sit idly
by and allow North Korea

to be att*cked, but so far
has made no move to intervene.

The US ground invasion
force, meantime,

has approached to within
130 miles of Pyeong Yang,

with very few losses so far.

You're going to break
into contact anytime.

Copy that.

Hold on back there.

(speaking in foreign language)

We're seeing a lot
of movement up ahead.

Better hold onto something.

(speaking in foreign language)

There's a civilian
vehicle approaching.

(expl*si*n booms)

We're hit!

Roll over!

(phone ringing)

Nancy speaking.

(cellphone rings)


Caleb? It's Sue.

Wow, I can't believe you
got through on the cellphone.

Caleb, it's about Aaron.

The transport he was
in has been hit.

Is he okay?

He's in a coma.

The driver is dead and
four of the other soldiers.

They're transporting him to
one of the aircraft carriers.

You know, the big fleet.

Look, that's
probably a good thing.

Those ships have probably
some of the best

medical facilities
on the planet.

He'll be well taken
care of there.

He said he wasn't
going to make it back.

Listen. Don't
worry, he'll be fine.

He's probably in the
best place he can be.

It is now just 30 minutes

before the US-led fleet
enters North Korean waters.

The fleet is now headed
by three Aircraft Carriers

and numbers 70 vessels,
including ships from Japan,

Canada and South Korea.

Both China and Russia have
issued severe warnings

to the United States,

but so far have taken
no action to intervene.

Just five minutes now
until the first US ships

cross into North Korean waters.

The US claims to have taken out,

not just every nuclear site,

but also every airfield
in North Korea.

The big question on
everyone's lips is,

what kind of nasty
surprises North Korea has

waiting for the allies
when they arrive.

A reminder that we will
stay with this live feed

from the region as the
first US ships now cross

into North Korean waters.

What is clear is that
the United States

is in total control
of the skies,

making them seemingly
impervious to real danger.

Sir, I'm showing a
large metallic object

rising off the seafloor.

A submarine?

Negative. Wrong shape.

It's rising right beneath us.

Man battle-stations.

(expl*si*n booms)

I don't know what
happened here,

we had everything in
the world drop out.

(somber music)

We apologize for that
loss of transmission.

We suddenly lost all our
feeds from the fleet,

and we are still unable to
contact any of the ships.

Satellite imagery is
not yet available,

but there are reports of
an enormous flash of light

around the time that
we lost contact.

Some are speculating
that what we are seeing

is the result of a
nuclear att*ck,

but this cannot
yet be confirmed.

Boom! Boom! More!

News just in that we
have a new live feed

from 2 Navy helicopters
headed for the region.

The ship you see in the
distance is the USS Bainbridge,

which is also
headed at top speed

for the area where the
fleet was last seen.

In what could be one of the
darkest days in US history,

the helicopters are closing
in on the search area now.

As you can see, at least one
ship remains above water,

though clearly very
badly damaged.

The pilots are reporting
to us that they think

this is the USS Crommelin,

one of the destroyers at
the very back of the fleet.

Coming in closer now.

You can see the huge
billows of smoke.

They've tried signaling
the ship with no response.

Very difficult to imagine
anyone surviving

under those conditions.

The other helicopter is
reporting one more ship,

seemingly the USS
Ogden which again

was one of the vessels at
the very back of the fleet.

You can see this ship
is in much worse shape.

Looks like it's very
close to sinking.

From what the pilots are saying,

these seem to be the only
two vessels for miles around.

Not even a lot of
wreckage left behind.

If the rest of the fleet
has indeed gone down,

that makes this by far the
worst maritime disaster

in allied history,

with possibly more than
30,000 lives lost.

(phone ringing)

Mike, it's total chaos here.

Look I think we might have found
the hub you're looking for.

It's at the end of a dirt road,

not too far from your location.

I'm going to send you
over the coordinates now.

Yeah, I've got it.

Be careful how you approach.

Copy that. I'll call
you when I get there.

Confirmation through
from the Chinese Government

that indeed this was
a nuclear device,

but they are claiming
the North Koreans

were acting in self defense.

The Chinese say that
if the US retaliates

with nuclear weapons
against North Korea,

then China will be
forced to strike back.

(phone ringing)

Hello, Sue?

Caleb. Did you see,
Aaron was on those ships?

I, I know, I know
and I'm so sorry.

Listen, listen,
there's something

you need to do immediately.

You need to get yourself
out of the city right now.

You can't afford to stop
and grieve right now.

Listen to me, The US
will counter strike

and the Chinese may
well get involved.

We're talking nuclear w*r here.

Okay, you need to
leave right now.

No, no, I don't understand.

In half an hour the
roads will be clogged

with people trying to
leave the city, okay?

What, where?

(static buzzing)

Sue can you hear me?



Man battle-stations
for C.E.T launch

and spinup m*ssile C.E.T-3.

Subcon aye.

(m*llitary chatter)

Launch is authorized.

(dramatic music)

What do you do when
you're on a countdown

to nuclear w*r?

Attention all stations.

ESE, we're performing a
log status check verifying

to resume the count
and go for launch.

- OCC.
- We are go.

- TCC.
- TCC is go for launch, Sir.

- MILON TN is go for launch.

- STM.
- STM is go.

- SRO.
- SRO is go.

You have a range
clear to launch.

Launch minus 4 minutes
30 seconds and counting.

Minus 1 minute 35
seconds and counting.

Minus 1 minute 10
seconds and counting.

Minus 1 minute
mark and counting.

Minus 45 seconds and counting.

Minus 35 seconds.

Minus 27 seconds.

20 seconds and counting.

In the 20th century you
people lost their faith.

In the 21st century they
lose their civilization.

In the 20th century you
people lost their faith.

In the 21st century they
lose their civilization.

10, 9, 8,

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

(missiles launching)

(somber music)
(singer vocalizing)

(somber music continues)
(vocalizing continues)

(somber music continues)
(vocalizing continues)

(somber music continues)
(vocalizing continues)
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