Gatekeepers, The (2012)

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Gatekeepers, The (2012)

Post by bunniefuu »

As Head of the Shin Bet,

you learn that politicians

prefer binary options.

They don't like having

three or four options.

They want you to

tell them, "Zero or one. "

"Do it. Don't do it. "

As a commander, I find myself

in situations that are

different shades of gray.

Let's say you're

hunting a t*rror1st.

You can get him,

but there are one or

two people in the car.

You're not sure if they're

part of his g*ng or not.

What do you do?

Do you fire or not?

There's no time.

These situations last

seconds, minutes at most.

People expect a decision,

and by decision they

usually mean "to act. "

That's a decision.

"Don't do it" seems easier,

but it's often harder.

Sometimes it's

a super-clean operation.

No one was hurt

except the t*rrorists.

Even then, later, life stops,

at night, in the day,

when you're shaving.

We all have our moments.

On vacation...

You say, "Okay,

"I made a decision

"and X number of

people were k*lled.

"They were definitely about

to launch a big att*ck. "

No one near them was hurt.

It was as sterile as possible.

Yet you still say,

"There's something

unnatural about it. "

What's unnatural is

the power you have

to take three people,


and take their

lives in an instant.

The Six

Day w*r in the Middle East

has echoes along

a second front.

Israeli officials

announce that their victory

voids previous

armistice agreements

and international borders

with their neighbors.

That victory was

swift and total.

The combined Israeli air force and

infantry, a*tillery and t*nk corps

swept south across the Sinai

Peninsula to the Suez Canal,

east across the West Bank

to the Jordan River

and north into Syria.

Suddenly, over one

million Palestinians

came under Israeli

m*llitary rule

in the West Bank and Gaza.

For Israeli troops, however, the

most moving moments of the w*r

were the capture of the ancient

biblical sites in Judea and Samaria

and the old city of Jerusalem.

Standing at the

sacred western wall,

Israeli Defense Minister,

Moshe Dayan,

vowed never to give up

the old city of Jerusalem.

How old were you

during the Six Day w*r?

I was 11.

I remember thinking,

"What is w*r?"

It's hard to say if

I really understood,

but I remember the feeling

of fear, because

our situation was bad.

Most of all I remember a book.

I read it a lot,

If Israel Lost the w*r.

It described a very

unpleasant scenario

of us losing the w*r

and the Arabs

conquering Israel.

It had a profound

impact on me.

I thought about

it a lot as a boy.

In the Six Day

w*r, I was in Operations.

The Arabs surrendered

and we were suddenly

left without an enemy.

You're like a dog in a race,

looking for the rabbit.

The rabbit goes underground,

and the dog can't find it.

We were like that.

Then we started working

in the West Bank and Gaza

in anti-terrorism, without

knowing exactly what it was

because terrorism

hadn't developed.

We decided to conduct

a census in the Territories

to find out how many people

lived in the refugee camps.

It was important. We used

the information for years.

But you know how it is.

They called up the reserves

and trained them quickly.

What do I mean by quickly?

You knock on the door.

They ask, "Who's there?"

You say, "Soldiers. "

"What do you want?"

"We came to count you. "

That's it. How many words?

It's nothing. Ten words.

The reservist unit comes

and knocks on the door.

They ask, "Who's there?"

What do the soldiers say?

"Soldiers," like they learned.

"What do you want?"

But they made a mistake.

Instead of saying nehsikum

with an unaccented "H"

they used an accented

What's the difference?

"Jinna nehsikum" means

"We came to count you. "

"Jinna nekhsikum" with an accent

is "We came to castrate you. "

We took intensive courses

in spoken and literary Arabic,

reading articles

and manuscripts.

Anyone who took the Shin Bet's

Arabic program seriously

knows Arabic.

He can listen to Arabic

and read between the lines.

He can read notes

from agents...

SHALOM". The Shin Bet looked

for people to talk to

to understand what

motivated the Palestinians.

For the first time,

some Jews raised

the idea of

a Palestinian state.

I loved the idea,

so I went to the

Territories with people

who dealt with

the Palestinians.

We didn't know what

we wanted to achieve.

We received no direction

about our objectives.

When you don't get direction

from the politicians,

you are... just like with

the rabbit... searching.

I started as a coordinator

in the Nablus district.

It was a very pretty area,

full of olive trees.

I liked to get out

of my car and wander

in the field,

refugee camps, alleyways,

visit homes,

sit in cafs, talk...

I really loved the interaction

with the people.

From that exotic encounter

with olive trees,

landscapes, and peasants,

I found myself at the center

of the Palestinian problem.

I was working in

the refugee camps.

Suddenly you see

what refugees are.

Once you look more deeply,

you say, "Wait.

"I'm not an observer,

here to take photos and leave.

"I'm an active participant. "

At first, your security role

is all you care about.

It's easier to

be on that side.

A curfew was

placed on the casbah of Hebron,

where one Israeli soldier was

k*lled and another wounded.

The two were on patrol

when sh*ts were heard.

One was wounded. The other

chased after the sh**t.

He was later

found m*rder*d here.

Gradually there was an increase...

To put it cynically,

luckily for us,

terrorism increased.

Why do I say that?

Because now we had work

and we stopped dealing with

the Palestinian state.


Of course.

As soon as we stopped dealing

with the Palestinian state

and started dealing

with terrorism,

terror became more

sophisticated. So did we.

Suddenly we had a lot of work

in Gaza and the West Bank,

and overseas, too,

so we forgot about

the Palestinian issue.

In Nablus then, wherever

you threw a rock,

there was either

a cat or a t*rror1st.

Some nights we arrested

hundreds of people.

PERY. We'd take

over a village

and gather all the

men in the square,

usually by the mosque

or in a schoolyard.

We used the

"identifier" technique.

t*rrorists who confessed

would be put in a vehicle.

The windows had curtains

and they wore masks.

We'd sit them there,

and the villagers passed

beside the vehicle,

and they'd tell us,

"He's a t*rror1st

who trained in Syria,"

"He's a t*rror1st who

got back from Jordan. "

Not everyone cooperated,

but we usually

had a good catch.

Back then, most

intelligence was based on HUMINT,

HUMan INTelligence

we got in two ways.

Either from our agents or the

interrogation of prisoners.

On my first day at work,

the person I was replacing

picked me up at home.

He decided that

the best place to train

an inexperienced

security guy like me was

the interrogation

facility in Jerusalem.

I started learning

intelligence there.

I don't know if you've

ever been inside a prison,

but the one in Jerusalem

is the worst that I know.

It's a very old building

from the time of the Turks.

A normal person

walks through the door

and he's ready to

admit to k*lling Jesus.

PERY. You need to make

the suspect feel tense.

You need to make

him understand

that when we are done, he

will give up his information,

so the sooner the better.

The Shin Bet has interrogated

tens of thousands of people,

if not hundreds of thousands.

The Shin Bet is

a well-oiled system.

It's well-organized and effective.

It's systematic.

You receive

a territorial unit

and learn it, village by

village, trail by trail,

whether by field trips

or lots of interviews with the

masses of people who come

to m*llitary government HQ.

You sit with them and ask

them to tell you about

the village, the clans,

from the number of

people in the village

to what institutions it has...

You eventually reach a point

where you mark who

you want to recruit.

In the end you know

you want X

because X's connections,

his ability to infiltrate places

that you want to watch over

are such that he's the agent

you want to recruit.

Recruiting people means

taking someone who

doesn't usually like you

and making him do things

he never believed he could.

To convince

someone to betray

his surroundings, his

friends, sometimes his family

is no small thing.

SHALOM". All in all, we gained

control over the w*r on terror.

We kept it on a low flame so the

country could do what it wanted.

That's important,

but it didn't solve the

problem of the Occupation.

What it did was

instead of 20 att*cks a week,

there were 20 a year.

All in all,

no Israeli prime minister

took the Palestinians

into consideration,

whether they lived within

the '67 borders or not.

What's the difference between

Golda Meir and Begin? Nothing.

He didn't visit the Arabs.

She didn't either.

She called herself

a Palestinian.

Begin didn't even say that because

they weren't important to him.

In Peres's day,

the atmosphere changed,

but he did the same things

as his predecessors.

Continuing the Occupation?


Peri kept showing

us this chart.

How many people were caught?

How many informers were there?

How many att*cks were prevented?

How many weren't?

The picture was always rosy,

but it was point-specific. There

was no strategy, just tactics.

1982. The Lebanon w*r.

The IDF entered Lebanon.

The Shin Bet

recruited operatives.

In no time, the Shin Bet

controlled Lebanon,

just like it controlled

the West Bank.

Avraham Shalom was

head of the Shin Bet.

After years as the most

prominent intelligence agency,

the Mossad was replaced

by the Shin Bet.

I think that he was

to Prime Minister Yitzhak

Shamir and before him, Begin,

the most important person

in their security circle.

I think what

happened to him was

that he felt he could

do whatever he wanted.

People weren't in awe of Avraham Shalom.

They were afraid of him.

They were scared of him.

He was strong,

forceful, smart,

very stubborn,

uncompromising and a bully.

If he didn't like something,

heads would roll.

PERM I was in Jerusalem when

the 300 bus incident occurred.

The Chief of Central Command

called me on the hotline.

A bus going south from

Tel Aviv was h*jacked

and headed to Gaza.

There was a chase

with helicopters.

The bus stopped just

outside my district.

They called that morning to

say that they stormed the bus

and two t*rrorists were

taken to interrogation.

I turned on the news and heard that

all the t*rrorists were k*lled.

I told my wife that

something stinks here.

Please describe what

happened that evening.

You got a call and were

told a bus was h*jacked?

I don't remember.

I was in Haifa.

Yes, and...

They said, "A bus was h*jacked.

Come. " So I went.

"The t*rror1st Beaten to Death

by the Security Forces"

The army handled it.

During the operation,

they k*lled two, and

two came out unharmed.

I didn't know that then.

They b*at the daylights

out of them,

the two of them.

So the Shin Bet took them...

I asked Ehud,

the Head of Operations,

what state were they in.

He said they were almost dead.

Maybe the soldiers said so.

So I said, "Hit them

again and finish it. "

He didn't do that.

He did what he described,

which I found

out a year later.

What did he do?

I think he took a rock

and smashed their heads in,

but they were unconscious.

I don't know what

state they were in.

The photo showed them

before they were beaten up.

The army pounced on them.

The photo was

taken before that.

It's not how they looked

when we got them.

How did they look?

I don't know, but some

thought they were dead.

They broke their bones.

It was a lynching.

You didn't

physically see them?

I didn't see them.

We k*lled a t*rror1st,

whose hands were tied,

who no longer

threatened us.

BY What right?

But in the Shin

Bet back then,

there was no such concept

as an illegal order.

Not only did

the Shin Bet fail.

The Cabinet and the

Prime Minister failed,

and to some degree,

they oversee the Shin Bet.

PERM It's a tough question.

Did the Prime Minister know

about the premeditated m*rder,

the plan to k*ll the t*rror1st

caught on the 300 bus?

Did the head of Shin

Bet have the authority

to do that, to make

those decisions?

Under what circumstances did

Shamir give you permission to k*ll?

There were one or two cases,

when I couldn't find him,

and it had to be done.

What had to be done?

We had to deal with Arabs who

were about to launch an att*ck,

or that launched an att*ck.

He said, "if you can't find

me, decide on your own. "

When did you realize

that you had to resign?

I offered my resignation

to Shamir the next day.

He said, "Don't you dare. "

He was afraid that if I resigned,

he'd have to resign, too.

He went to Shimon Peres.

Rabin was Defense Minister.

He said, "You gave

similar permission to k*ll,

"so if you leave

us to the wolves,

"we'll drag you down with us. "

They kept telling me what

to do and how to respond.

I didn't do anything

without coordinating it.

I never imagined that after

a year of coordinating,

they'd drop the issue

and say, "We didn't know. "

I don't take politicians

seriously anymore.


Because I saw that

they couldn't be trusted.

They abandon the wounded in the field.

That's not for me.

You are the wounded?

Not just me.

The whole Shin Bet.

The Shin Bet's operatives said,

"We're sent on missions 24/7.

"Some are of questionable legality.

Some are barely legal.

"Some are legal.

"No one gives

us any backing.

"As soon as the press finds

out about an operation,

"if we don't get any support

from the politicians,

"it's a sign that

they abandoned us. "

Head of Shin Bet to resign... "

The Shin Bet's exposure as

a result of the 300 bus incident

and the sense that,

"Guys, we're not omnipotent.

"There's a legal system

above us" began to sink in.

Why did you give the

order to k*ll them?

I didn't want any more

live t*rrorists in court.

It would only increase terrorism.

It increased it anyways.

Was it right to k*ll the

t*rrorists on the 300 bus?

Based on the results, no.

Only because

of the results?

Only because

of the results.

So, if there was no

reporter, it would be okay?

Are you asking me,

or are you telling me?

I'm asking you.

If he hadn't come,

no one would have known.

What about the

morality of it?

With terrorism

there are no morals.

Find morals in

t*rrorists first.

And if he surrendered?

It's not a moral problem.

Then what is it?

It's a tactical problem,

not strategic.

So for you, the decision to

k*ll the two t*rrorists...

You keep painting it black and white.

There are decisions that...

Two captured t*rrorists

were k*lled.

Why are you

caught up on that?

I'm trying to understand

the morality of it.

There is no morality

in a case like that.

In the w*r against terror,

forget about morality.

When there's a one-ton b*mb,

forget about morality.

The First Intifada was the

charge that blew up this room,

with all the expl*sives,

because it occurred


A nation rose up and tried

to launch a revolution,

to kick us out.

I was second in command here

in the Southern District.

A wave of mass

protests erupted,

bigger than

anything we'd seen.

Hundreds and thousands of

people took to the street.

Only live fire

could stop them.

The number of people

on the Shin Bet's wanted list

may have been the largest of any

intelligence agency anywhere.

Dozens in every region,

hundreds, thousands...

PERY. Explain how the Shin Bet,

which controlled the territory,

didn't foresee an insurrection

of this magnitude.

What intelligence agency foresaw

the fall of the Berlin Wall?

To complain that the Shin Bet

should have foreseen it...

Formally, in principle,

yes, it should have.

That was the expectation.

That's why you

operate systems,

maintain enormous intelligence

factories... Correct.

But you have to

tell the truth.

Almost all the intelligence

agencies in the world

failed to foresee

major historical events.

You ask yourself,

"Where did I go wrong?"

Not in the sense

that I rule over them,

but should I have

let this happen,

or should I have left before

they said, "Get out. "

But those questions are more

philosophical than practical.


the most interesting.

Yes, but listen.

You can't...

Most of them don't

have definitive answers.

I don't need

definitive answers.

There were plenty of instances

since 1967, when, in my opinion,

and I thought

it then, too,

we should have reached

an agreement and got out.

Why didn't you say so?

We all have our criticisms,

but it's not

within my mandate

to convince the Prime Minister to

go to the Palestinians or not.

It also depends on who's

dealing with the issue.

Prime Minister Yitzhak

Shamir never believed

that an agreement with

the Arabs was possible.

Yitzhak Rabin

really did believe it.

If we ever

want a serious chance

at solving the

Palestinian-Israeli problem,

the time is now, and the

partner is the PLO,

which rid itself of the principles

that I despised them for.

The signing

of the Oslo Accords

between Israel

and the Palestinians

marked the first time that the

PLO officially announced that

it had abandoned

terror and v*olence

and recognized Israel's right

to exist in peace and security.

In return, Israel committed

itself to withdrawing its forces

from Gaza and

the Jericho region

and to transferring ail civilian

authority in the West Bank and Gaza

to the Palestinian


For us, the Oslo Accords

erupted in a single day.

Peri was head of

the Shin Bet then.

He updated me about Oslo.

He said, "Avi, listen.

We have to act quickly,

"to speak to the PLO's

representatives in the field

"and deal with

all the suspects

"because we can't keep

going after PLO suspects

"after we sign an

agreement in Washington. "

PERM It was amazing. The

first meeting was in Geneva.

Sitting in the lobby

was Jibril Rajoub,

and I, not me personally

but the Shin Bet,

put him in prison

when he was 16.

He sat in prison

for 18-20 years.

You see that you

are meeting people

whose desire for

peace and quiet,

whose desire

for an agreement

is no less

ambitious than yours.

It was very hard for me.

I felt like I was

doing something that...

I couldn't be doing this.

I chased after those people.

How could I sit

with t*rrorists?

They k*lled people.

Could I sit down with them?

To them, by the way,

I was also a t*rror1st.

As a Palestinian, he looks at you and

says, "You're a t*rror1st, too. "

How can that be?

Then you realize that...

"One man's t*rror1st is another

man's freedom fighter. "

The number one t*rror1st

enemy of Israel

until the day that

Arafat entered Gaza

was Fatah, the PLO.

All at once, the PLO

left the circle of terror.

Hamas and Islamic Jihad

filled that vacuum.

We wondered how the

Palestinians will function.

How committed are they

to fighting terrorism

in those areas

that they control.

We also asked how we

could prevent terrorism

if we no longer control

the Territories.

The first bus bombing

I saw was the 5 bus in 1994.

It was the first su1c1de

bombing in Tel Aviv.

I'll never forget it.

It was the first time I felt

I couldn't isolate myself

from that sight, from the

stench of burning bodies.

I'll never forget it.

Later it passed. I saw

many other bus att*cks.

It continued with the horrible

att*ck at the Beit Lid Junction

and the Stock Exchange

and the 18 bus in Jerusalem.

The feeling in the Shin Bet

whenever there's an att*ck

that we couldn't prevent

is a horrible sense of

failure, disappointment,

especially if the

att*ck is a large one.

There's a real sense

of disappointment.

How did we fail

to prevent it?

It was the lowest

point in the Shin Bet

that I remember in my 32-33

years in the organization.

As the su1c1de

att*cks increased,

as long as Hamas played the

main role in these att*cks,

the need to use moderate physical

pressure in interrogations increased.

Interrogating Hamas and Islamic

Jihad is much more difficult.

Anyone willing to

sacrifice his life,

whether it's for the virgins

in paradise or not,

has nothing to lose.

Things get more complicated

with a "ticking time b*mb. "

it basically means that you

have information or a lead

about a possible

t*rror1st att*ck,

whether su1c1de or other.

In any event, people will die

and the way to find out,

"Yes, no, if so, where?"

lies with the person

you're interrogating.

You use all sorts

of techniques

that reduce his

ability to resist.

The interrogation techniques

we were allowed were

sleep deprivation,

sitting handcuffed in a painful,

degrading, exhausting position.

What do you get

out of covering their heads?

It's pitch black, and you lose

your sense of where you are.

You don't know

what's around you.

You can hear, but you

don't know what's there.

And shaking?

Shaking is used to

establish presence.

It's threatening.

It doesn't hurt.

What it does is

intimidate you.

An interrogator picks you up and shakes you.

You feel threatened.

What happened was that

someone named Harizat,

from Hamas, was a small

man and he was shaken.

It was a case of

shaken baby syndrome.

His brain hit his skull

and he d*ed as a result.

This resulted in

bitter arguments

between me as head of Shin Bet and

Attorney General Michael Ben-Yair,

who thought it was

immoral and unethical.

In response, I said

that if we don't use it,

if we prevent 90 percent

of su1c1de att*cks now,

we'll prevent 70

percent instead,

which means dead Israelis.

Prime Minister Rabin

had to decide.

He once got out of

his chair furiously

and shouted at Ben-Yaw,

"You keep telling

me what I can't do!

"Tell me once what I can do!"

It was a very

contentious issue.

Rabin was a security

man in every bone in his body,

not someone we have to

explain to when we said,

"We don't have the tools

to provide security. "

He understood it perfectly.

You saw that he

was torn up over it,

but he made a

decision that said,

"We will fight terror as if

there is no peace process

"and continue the peace process

as if there is no terror. "

As the

att*cks increased,

the Right, and not

just the extremists,

took to the streets

against the Oslo Accords.

It was exactly what Hamas

wanted, and they succeeded.

With blood and

fire, we'll throw Rabin out!

You promised us peace

and you gave us w*r!

You promised us life

and you gave us death!

You promised us tranquility

and you gave us terror!

Most opposition to the peace

process was from the religious camp.

Their leaders targeted

Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.

The incitement

was focused on him.

As a young army

recruit in 1974, they took us

to stop the first Jewish

settlers in the West Bank.

We stood there, rows of soldiers

gripping each other's arms.

The settlers started

hitting us in anger.

I remember that I really

didn't like that.

The illegal settlements

were built despite

or in opposition to,

government decisions,

but there was no

Israeli government

that didn't accept them,

or come to accept them.

The fact that most

Israeli governments

did nothing gave the settlers

the sense that they're

slowly becoming the masters,

that they're gaining

the freedom to act

because the government

looks away.

If they do that with

an illegal settlement,

it can extend into

illegal activity.

In 1980, a Fatah cell

att*cked worshippers leaving

the synagogue in Hebron.

A revenge att*ck

occurred 30 days later.

They att*cked Palestinian mayors

Bassam Shaka 'a in Nab/us

and Karim Halaf in Ramallah.

Another b*mb blinded

someone from the b*mb squad

in the home of Ibrahim

Tawil, mayor of al-Bireh.

We knew Jews did it.

We didn't think it was some

rival Palestinian group.

You check the Jewish

files and find no clues.

At some point you realize

that you have a problem,

that it's an

intelligence failure.

We put our entire Operations

Unit into action.

Operations put in

tens of thousands of hours,

until, 6 months later, we

were in the right direction.

We knew who did it.

They were a very ideological

group, really top quality.

Moreover, some of

them were even leaders

of the communities

in which they lived.

That gave them access

to the Prime Minister.

They had access

to the Knesset.

They had access

to ministries.

They were friends

with ministers.

They're part of

the Israeli establishment,

the respectable establishment

of the State of Israel.

We said, "if we don't catch them in

the act, we'll never catch them. "

The decision came when

they planned to put bombs

in Palestinian buses in a

parking lot in Jerusalem.

The att*ck they planned

on the buses was insane.

They intended to k*ll

250 Arabs all at once.

PERY. We followed

them all night.

I commanded the

operation in Jerusalem.

It was another night

I'll never forget.

We arrested them at 4:30 a.m.,

putting bombs on the buses.

We got out of our cars and

said, "Come, join us.

"If you don't want anything

to happen to our b*mb squad,

"dismantle the bombs. "

We did our first wave of

arrests, of 17 members.

Then we investigated and

found out that since 1978-9,

they were planning an

att*ck on the Temple Mount

to blow up the

Dome of the Rock.

At first, the idea

was based on the belief that

as long as the "abomination" stood

over the site of the Jewish Temple,

there will be no Redemption

and therefore, they have

to get rid of that Dome.

They prepared the bombs.

They used a very sensitive

type of expl*sive, Semtex.

It was planned

by Menachem Livni,

who was a demolitions genius.

The charges would be placed so that

the entire force of the expl*si*n

would be directed at

the support structure.

This would result in

the collapse of the Dome.

The consequence of blowing up the

Dome of the Rock, even today,

is that it could lead to total

w*r by all the Islamic states,

not just the Arab states,

not just Iran, Indonesia, too,

against the State of Israel.

I'm not talking about the risk to the

Jewish minority around the world.

These people decided to do it

out of some mystical belief

that this would be

the w*r of Armageddon

that would usher in the

Messiah and a Jewish kingdom.

After we exposed

the Jewish Underground,

Prime Minister Shamir called my

unit the "diamond in the crown. "

We received compliments

and support from everywhere.

Then the lobbying on

their behalf began.

They were put on trial. Three

of them got life in prison,

different sentences. They all

got out of prison very quickly.

They went home as

if nothing happened.

They went back to

their previous positions,

some to even higher positions.

The main question is how

history will judge us

in the annals of

the Jewish People.

I am sure that

the Dome of the Rock

will not remain

on the Temple Mount

and the Temple Mount

will return to us,

just as I am sure that

those same murderers,

whose legs I took

part in removing,

deserved their fate.

The entire Underground was

released by the Knesset.

The Clemency Law for the Jewish

Underground is signed by

Yitzhak Shamir as

Prime Minister of Israel.

It wasn't just a few members

of the Opposition.

At first it was, "Oh, no!

They broke the law.

"They k*lled people. They wanted

to blow up the country," etc.

Later they said, "They are

our own flesh and blood. "

Then, the delegitimization process

was transferred to the Shin Bet.

The story of the Jewish

Underground is an episode

that really shook up the

Shin Bet intelligence-wise.

It established the intelligence

mechanism that, since then,

keeps an eye on those Jewish

suspects worth watching,

in our opinion,

in the West Bank.

You watch it closely.

You work hard

and up comes Yigal Amir, who was

never on any list of suspects.

He gets up one morning and

sh**t the Prime Minister.


July-August 1995,

I started to feel that we

were faced with an increase

in the potential for the

assassination of the Prime Minister.

Rabin's a traitor!

Rabin's a traitor!

We're fighting

against a government

that's leading

us into a chasm!

The Right's activity

in Israel was no secret.

You don't need the head

of the Shin Bet to explain

what Bibi Netanyahu

or Arik Sharon said

to the demonstrators

in Jerusalem.

You don't need the head

of the Shin Bet to explain

to the Israeli public and

especially the Prime Minister

the significance of Rabin's

coffin at a mock funeral.

With blood and fire,

we'll throw Rabin out!

Things started

heating up more and more.

There was an attempted att*ck

at the Wingate Institute.

After that, I went

over to him and said,

"Listen, Yitzhak, it

doesn't work like that.

"They'll hurt you in the end.

"I'm asking you to start

wearing a bulletproof vest

"and to drive in

the armored car.

"We'll increase

your security detail. "

He slammed me down.

"I was a soldier

before the State.

"I won't wear

a bulletproof vest. "

Did you speak to the

rabbis and the settlers' leaders?

Yes. I met with rabbis. I met

with the leaders of the settlers.

We spoke about incitement

and insurrection.

The government has no right

to force people to do

anything that runs counter

to the Torah and Jewish Law.

All Of you here,

by your presence

at this gathering,


that the people

really do want peace

and oppose v*olence.

I went to Paris on

Thursday, maybe Wednesday,

on an assignment that was

forced on me by Rabin.

I got a call from

my bureau chief,

who told me that

Rabin was wounded.

I was in shock, of course, but

I was surrounded by people,

so I had to function.

On a personal level, until I sat

on the plane in the dark at night,

on the flight to Tel Aviv,

I think it was the first time

that I started to feel in my

heart what I knew in my head.

Thank God for

those four hours

because it gave me

a chance to absorb the loss

of a man who really

was extraordinary.

"I'm ashamed. "

In retrospect, I can say that

it changed my whole world.

I suddenly saw

a different Israel.

I wasn't aware of the intensity

of the chasms and hatred,

of the rifts that

exist between us.

How do we see our future?

What do we have in common?

Why did we come here?

What do we want to become?

All that was self-evident,

and it all fell apart.

PERY. Rabin's assassination

shattered all hope.

It showed very clearly

that some punk of an assassin,

with a p*stol that

could barely sh**t,

could eliminate hope,

an entire peace process.

He could change everything.

First of all, I decided,

after consulting with my wife,

that I would take

ministerial responsibility,

and submit my resignation.

I did that immediately.

What does

she tell you?

She... tries to keep me alive.

It was a very

difficult period.

Yigal Amir succeeded.

He changed history.

He changed history.

He succeeded big time.

Until today.

Until today.

On the contrary,

it's only getting worse.

I believe that we'll see another

political assassination

surrounding the withdrawal

from the West Bank.

It will come from every direction,

mainly from the rabbis,

because the rabbis have

no reason to learn any lesson.

As far as the extremist rabbis are

concerned, the system proved itself.

Rabin's assassination

brought me to the Shin Bet.

A year earlier,

I turned Rabin down,

when he asked me to be

head of the Shin Bet.

After Yitzhak Rabin's assassination,

I realized I had no choice.

It was obvious the Shin Bet

faced a serious crisis

and everyone in

the Shin Bet knew it.

Everything about the Shin

Bet's operations collapsed.

Security surrounding the

Prime Minister collapsed.

The intelligence that should have

prevented the assassination collapsed.

The Shin Bet's strong suit,

preventing Palestinian

and Islamic terror,

could no longer

provide the goods.

The organization was

down for the count.

The Shin Bet needed new tools

and they had to be developed.

We also realized that

we were relying on force,

rather than our brains.

We began to implement

an organizational shift,

from field operations

to people sitting in offices

in front of their

computer monitors.

We prevented more

att*cks each year.

We achieved greater

security every year.

How did it happen?

It had a lot to do with changes

we made in the Shin Bet,

but the truth must be told.

The more significant


was cooperation between

us and the Palestinians.

I met with all the top

Palestinian security officials,

all of them, once a month,

to coordinate intelligence.

They always told me,

"We're not your agents.

"We don't put Hamas members

in prison for your sake.

"We only do it because

our people believe that,

"at the end of the day, we'll

have a state beside Israel.

"When we no longer believe

that, forget about us. "

Just as there was a strong

desire, a firm decision

and real intent by Peres and

Rabin to reach an agreement

after Rabin was gone,

the desire,

or Israel's intent to reach

a real agreement dwindled,

to put it mildly.

There was

no good faith.

There was no good faith

from the Palestinian side

and not from the Israeli side.

We wanted security

and got more terrorism.

They wanted a state

and got more settlements.

When we started the Oslo

process in 1993-1994,

100,000 settlers lived in

the West Bank and Gaza,

not including the new

Jerusalem suburbs.

At the end of the process,

6-7 years later,

in the summer of 2000,

when the process collapsed,

there were over

220,000 settlers.

Ehud Barak is very proud

to have built more settlements

than Bibi Netanyahu

or any other Prime

Minister before him.

So the question isn't

whether there's a partner.

Arafat doesn't have a partner.

Barak doesn't have a partner.

The question is what both

sides do to have a partner.

It was obvious we were heading

toward another Intifada,

another round of v*olence by

a group, a society, a nation

that felt that it

had nothing to lose.

In 2002,

I went to London.

The Intifada was raging. It was

hell and we went to London,

a group of Israelis and a

group of Palestinians,

in order to see if

we could do anything.

At some point, I was making

myself a cup of coffee

and I was approached by a

Palestinian acquaintance

named wad Satay,

a Doctor of Psychiatry.

He said, "Ami, we

finally defeated you. "

I said to him, "Are you mad?

What do you mean, defeated us?

"Hundreds of you

are getting k*lled.

"At this rate thousands

of you will get k*lled.

"You're about to lose whatever

tiny bit of a state you have

"and you'll lose your dream of statehood.

What kind of victory is that?"

He said to me, "Ami, I

don't understand you.

"You still don't

understand us.

"For us, victory is

seeing you suffer.

"That's all we want.

"The more we suffer,

the more you'll suffer.

"Finally, after 50 years, we've

reached a balance of power,

"a balance,

"your F-16 versus

our su1c1de bomber. "

lyad Saraj's statement

gave me a very clear insight.

I suddenly understood the

su1c1de bomber phenomenon.

I suddenly understood our

reaction very differently.

How many operations did we

launch because we hurt,

because when they blow up buses it

really hurts us and we want revenge?

How often have we done that?

Yahya Ayyash was

the most senior t*rror1st

that ever operated

against Israel,

certainly the most

senior member of Hamas.

He was an engineer.

He knew how to make bombs

out of improvised expl*sives.

Those were the b*mb belts

that blew up in buses.

Secondly, he knew how to convince

someone to commit su1c1de.

Finally, he had survival skills

that beggared description.

For years, every IDF soldier

carried his picture.

He was undoubtedly our

number one most wanted man.

Yahya Ayyash moved

from Samaria to Gaza.

It took some time

to get that intelligence.

Then we started basic surveillance to see

who was around him, where he might go.

Of course, everyone

has his weak points.

Yahya Ayyash's weak point

was his wife and son.

After a long time living alone in

Gaza, he asked them to join him.

We knew the whole story, and I

decided to let them into Gaza.

I thought, once they were in

Gaza, he'll want to see them.

Maybe the mouse would

come out of his hole.

Then we found out that

he really misses his father.

How did you know that he

wanted to talk to his father?

We heard.

From a source?

We hear rumors.

He never used a cell phone.

People made calls for him.

After weeks of persuasion,

he agreed to speak to his

father for a few minutes.

At this point, we started

laying the groundwork

for our cell phone to

infiltrate his surroundings.

Then we started doing

all the backup work,

making sure that an innocent

cell phone had expl*sives in it.

The Shin Bet are

technical experts,

experts at making small

appliances with lots of power,

not so much broadcast power

as expl*sive power.

Since it was difficult for us to

make direct contact with Ayyash,

we used the services

of a middleman.

He gave him the cell phone.

One Friday,

everything was in place.

We set off the expl*sive

charge in the phone

and nothing worked.

Everything we built up over eight

months fell apart in front of us.

Everything worked perfectly.

Then we click to get the coffee

and it doesn't come out.

Nothing happened.

Within days, the phone was back

in its natural environment.

We saw that no one

suspected anything,

that things went on as normal.

We all got together again.

On Friday morning,

his father called him.

The wire tapper recognized

Ayyash's voice and told us.

Someone hit a button

and the cell phone exploded

while it was right next

to Yahya Ayyash's ear.

He was k*lled on the spot and

no one around him was hurt.

More importantly, no one on the

ground floor heard the expl*si*n.

The operation was coordinated with

the Air Force. It went very nicely.

It was very clean... elegant.

I like operations like that.

They're nice and tidy.

To some people, the

assassination of Yahya Ayyash,

at a time that seemed

relatively free of att*cks,

some said it was a mistake.

Sometimes it feels quiet

and you say, "Oh!

We disturbed the calm. "

Two months later, it seemed

like the whole country was exploding.


Don't you see

the connection?

Yes, we know for a fact,

after Ayyash's assassination

a group crossed the fence

and left Gaza to organize

att*cks from the West Bank.

Of course I see

the connection.

But if we make the equation,

if we assassinate them, they'll

commit su1c1de att*cks,

if we don't assassinate

them, they won't.

The second part of

the equation is false.

After we pulled

out of Gaza,

we couldn't enter

the Palestinian areas,

unexpectedly, with a small

force, and exit safely.

How do you surprise a t*rror1st?

From the air, from a distance.

He has no idea where

the m*ssile came from.

But to fire a m*ssile

from a distance,

you need very precise intel

and not for one split second,

but for the entire operation.

What is targeted


Where do we

break the chain?

Okay, we'll injure.

If necessary, we'll even k*ll

whomever comes to k*ll us.

What happens to the people

surrounding him?

What happens to the people

who make the expl*sives,

who transport him,

who make the plans,

who gather the intel,

and who just preach the idea?

They don't k*ll.

They preach an ideology

that, in the end,

creates jihad and leads

to the death of Israelis.

Salah Shehadeh was what

we called the "hairspring,"

that set Hamas's entire terror

operation in Gaza into motion.

The hunt for him

was very difficult,

with lots of intelligence

tools invested in it.

At some stage, it was

clear that he was home,

that his daughter wasn't,

and that only his

wife was with him.

We agreed by phone,

the Chief of Staff, me, the Defense

Minister and the Prime Minister.

The Air Force dropped a

one-ton b*mb on the house.

Unfortunately, because of

inaccurate intelligence,

innocents were k*lled.

No one knows

the final number, 9-14.

When you drop a one-ton

b*mb on a densely populated area,

like in the Shehadeh incident,

obviously bystanders

will be hurt...

No, it's not obvious.

No. You gather intelligence.

Where do people live?

How many? Who? What are the chances?

Where do you sh**t from?

The implications of this incident,

in terms of collateral damage,

led to criticism of how

we could drop a b*mb

on a home in

the middle of Gaza.

An American

asked me about it.

I said, "We know about your

methods in Afghanistan.

"You bombed a wedding

and 70 people were k*lled

"and no one knows if

the target was k*lled. "

Overkill! It's security stupidity!

It's m*llitary stupidity.

I don't know what to call it,

but it makes no sense that to k*ll

the most important man in Gaza

you have to drop a

one-ton b*mb on a house

surrounded by homes with

families and children.

That can't be moral,

it's ineffective militarily

and it's certainly not humane.

Is it just? Not that either.

There's a concept,

"the banality of evil. "

When you start doing it en

masse, 200, 300 people die

because of the idea of

"targeted assassinations. "

Suddenly the processes become

a kind of conveyor belt.

You ask yourself less

and less where to stop.

September 6, 2003, was, for me, my

toughest day as head of the Shin Bet.

On that day the

State of Israel had

a chance to get rid of the

biggest t*rror1st group

in a single blow.

We had very reliable

and precise intel

that the Hamas leadership

was going to hold a meeting

like they never had before,

and probably never will.

I think there were ten

or twelve people there,

but the crme de la crme,

the merde de la merde.

Really... everyone was there.

Suddenly I was told,

"Listen, the army is opposed.

"A one-ton b*mb would

cause collateral damage. "

There was a bitter argument.

Finally, after several hours,

the Prime Minister was convinced

to cancel the att*ck.

I called the Prime Minister to

convince him that it's unreasonable.

The compromise

was a quarter-ton.

It was based on


The house had two stories.

If they were on the second

oor, it would k*ll them.

If they were on the first

floor, it wouldn't k*ll anyone.

The b*mb was dropped.

It was a direct hit.

The second story

was destroyed

and the entire "Dream Team" fled

the house on their own two feet.

Some people insist they saw

crippled Sheikh Yassin running.

If there's a moment

you realize,

not that we missed,

but that we were mistaken,

because of what happened

with Salah Shehadeh,

we paid the price

with the "Dream Team. "

it took a long time to get

to some of the people there,

like Sheikh Yassin

and others.

God knows how much

damage they caused

until we managed to take

out the ones we did.

Some of them were never taken

out and are still active today.

I've often said, "Terror is

a barrel with a bottom. "

You can reach the bottom. You don't

need to reach the last t*rror1st.

You reach a critical mass, and

that's enough of a deterrent.

I can prove to you that

Hamas did not become more moderate

after Sheikh Yassin

was eliminated.

I can prove to you

that when we k*lled Abbas Musawi

and Nasrallah took over instead,

the security situation in

Israel didn't really improve.

That's why, when we deal, not with the

one coming to k*ll us immediately,

but with the person preaching,

we are headed toward a place, which

is forbidden by international law

and basic justice poses huge

question marks as to its ethics,

but I'm talking to you

as head of the Shin Bet.

It's ineffective.

I was born near

the Sea of Galilee.

I grew up in

a children's house,

like all children who lived

on kibbutzim did back then.

I had a wonderful childhood.

I knew that there's

a house in Jerusalem

and on the second floor

there's a long corridor.

At the end of the

corridor, there's a door

and behind the door is a wise

man who makes decisions.

He thinks.

My parents called him

the "Old Man," Ben-Gurion.

Years later, after

the Yom Kippur w*r,

I went to Jerusalem, and I

went to that same building.

I was on the second floor

and found no door at

the end of the corridor

and behind the missing door,

no one was thinking for me.

You see that void,

that lack of initiative,

that willingness to let

things take their course,

without you stepping

in and saying,

"This is as far as it goes,

in this direction or that. "

You can't make peace

using m*llitary means.

Peace must be built

on a system of trust,

after, or without

using m*llitary means.

In the end you must build

it on a system of trust.

As someone who knows the

Palestinians well, I claim that

there should be no problem

building a system of trust

with them, a genuine one.

For Israel, it's too much of a luxury

not to speak with our enemies.

As long as they decide not to

speak to us, I have no choice,

but when we decide not to speak,

I think we're making a mistake.

Do you support

speaking to anyone?

Anyone we can, even if they answer

rudely, I'm for continuing.

There is no alternative.

To what?

To talking.

Hamas? Islamic Jihad...

Including everyone.

I said everyone,

so it includes...

Even Ahmadinejad, whoever.

I'm always for it.

It's a trait of a professional intelligence

operative to talk to everyone.

Things get clarified.

I see you don't eat glass.

He sees I don't drink petrol.

That's how it is.

I want to

read something that

Professor Leibowitz,

a critic of the Occupation,

wrote a year after

the Six Day w*r, in 1968.

"A state ruling over a hostile

population of one million foreigners

"will necessarily become

a Shin Bet state,

"with all that this

implies for education,

"freedom of speech

and thought

"and democracy.

"The corruption found

in every colonial regime

"will affix itself to

the State of Israel.

"The administration will have to

suppress an Arab uprising on one hand

"and acquire Quislings, or

Arab traitors, on the other. "

What do you think about this prediction,

given where Israel is today?

I agree with every

word he wrote.


There's nothing to explain.

Every word he said

is etched in stone.

Is that what Israeli

society is like today?

I think it's an accurate depiction

of the reality that emerged

from 1968 until today.

I wouldn't say that

it became a Shin Bet state,

but no doubt, our current

situation with the Palestinians

undoubtedly created a reality

that is very similar

to what Leibowitz wrote.

You knock on doors

in the middle of the night

and wake a sleeping family,

all cuddled up in bed.

The mother's tears

or the last goodbyes of the suspect

you take from his family's embrace...

It's not easy. You see

the family suffering,

those difficult moments

between parents and children,

between children and parents.

These moments end up

etched deep inside you

and when you retire you

become a bit of a leftist.

We are making the lives

of millions unbearable,

into prolonged

human suffering.

We leave the decision

about what's appropriate

to a soldier who's spent

a few months in the army.

A year earlier he finished

high school, at best.

He's standing there facing

a father holding his baby girl

deciding, does he search him or

not, does he let him pass or not.

It kills me.

The future is bleak.

It's dark, the future.

Where does it lead? To a change

in the people's character

because if you put most of

our young people in the army,

they'll see a paradox.

They'll see that it strives

to be a people's army,

like the Nahal unit, involved

in building up the country.

On the other hand, it's a

brutal occupation force,

similar to the Germans

in World w*r ll.

Similar, not identical.

And I'm not talking about their

behavior toward the Jews.

That was exceptional, with its

own particular characteristics.

I mean how they acted to the

Poles, the Belgians, the Dutch...

To all of them... The Czechs.

It's a very negative

trait that we acquired,

to be... I'm afraid

to say it, so I won't.

We've become cruel,

to ourselves as well,

but mainly to the

occupied population,

using the excuse of

the w*r against terror.

Clausewitz, who was wise

even though he wasn't Jewish,

or at least we haven't

discovered his Jewish roots,

said almost 200 years ago...

I'm translating, but the

essence of what he said is,

"Victory is simply the creation

of a better political reality. "

That's victory.

Victory doesn't dictate that

we have to conquer Gaza

or Ramallah or

Nablus or Hebron.

I think my son, who served for

three years in the paratroopers,

participated in the conquest of

Nablus at least two or three times.

Did it bring us victory?

I don't think so.

Did it create a better

political reality?

The tragedy of Israel's

public security debate

is that we don't realize that

we face a frustrating situation

in which we win every battle,

but we lose the w*r.
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