08x06 - In the Sweet Pie and Pie

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Three Stooges". Aired: 1934 - 1945.*
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The Three Stooges were an American vaudeville and comedy team active from 1922 until 1970, best remembered for their 200 short-subject films.
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08x06 - In the Sweet Pie and Pie

Post by bunniefuu »


What's up?

Yeah, what's happened, Tiska?

Listen to this:
"Tiska, Taska, and Baska Jones,

"our triple wedding
must be postponed indefinitely.

"not returning to port today.
Have been ordered to Honolulu.

See you in a few months,
love Tom, d*ck, and Harry."

If we're not married
by midnight tonight,

we can kiss the $ million
legacy goodbye.

We're sunk.

No, you're not.
A smart lawyer's never sunk.

I read about the fleet
going to Honolulu,

so I figured out a little plan
to save your inheritance.

Well, let's have it.

Today you marry three convicts.

Tomorrow they hang.

You get your $ million,
minus my fee, of course,

and you're free
to marry your boyfriends.

Nice, huh?

But what about the convicts?

Yeah, how about that?

There they are.

ALL: Ooh.

They can't hang us.
We're innocent.

We're innocent, I tell you.

You're telling me.

Well, they're gonna hang us.

Oh, no.

No. I'm too young to die.

I'm too young and too handsome.


Well, I'm too young.

Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck,
nyuck, nyuck.

Hold that.

Oh, thank you.

Listen, you,
we got hours to live.

Think. Think. Think.



Attaboy. Think it up.

I got it. What?

A terrific headache.

Ha-ha, he stuck--

Come on.

we gotta get out of here.

If we only had a saw.

Hey, what about these?

Wow. Where'd you get these?

I save bottle tops.

Is this a musical saw?

Certainly. It plays
"I Hear a 'Ripsody.'"


That was a "rhapsody"
in the kisser.

Come on.
Get on those bars, quick.


Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

Let a guy that can saw
see... saw?


♪ Oh, give me a home
Where the buffalo roam ♪

♪ And the deer and the antelope
Are pla-a-a-ying ♪


On your guard.


Oh. Oh. Oh, look.

You ruined the saw.

Gimme that. [DOOR OPENS]

Gentlemen, my name is Diggins.
I'm a lawyer.

This is Tiska, Taska,
and Baska Jones.

STOOGES: How do you do?

ALL: Would you marry us?

Will we? Oh, boy.

Start the ceremony.
Nyuck, nyuck.

I now pronounce you
man and wife.

Oh, boy. We're married.

Brother-in-laws. Niagara Falls.

Hey, wait!

Bamboozle. How do you like that?

No wedding kiss.

Happy honeymoon, gentlemen.

Well, I'll be hanged.

DIGGINS: You will.


You had to bring that up?

Stop it.

Howdy, folks, howdy.

This is your old friend
Bill Stein,

bringing you
a jerk-by-jerk description

of the triple hanging
of the mushroom m*rder mob.

This broadcast is coming to you
from Hangemall Prison.

We're at the gallows' side,

and it's a beautiful day
for a hanging.

Peanuts, popcorn, soda pop,
chewing gum, candy.

Get your programs, gents,
all the names and numbers.

You can't tell the victims apart
without a program.




Hey, hey, hey.
You better watch that cough.

First thing you know,
you'll wind up with pneumonia.

They say strawberries
are good for a cold.

Strawberries won't
be in season for six months.

STOOGES: We'll wait.

Just a minute.
Line up there, boys.

This broadcast comes to you

through the courtesy
of Edam neckties,

with stores at three
convenient locations:

Skagway, Alaska,
Little America, and Pago Pago.

Are you ready?


One, two--



Oh, the ropes have broken.
They're all down on the floor.

What kind of a hanging is this?

Wait a minute, wait a minute.

Hey, that's my head there.

Stay tuned, and I'll bring you
a word from the contestants.

You're free.
The governor's pardoned you.

"Mickey Finn and his g*ng
have been captured,

and they've confessed
to the mushroom m*rder."

You're free, boys!

STOOGES: We're free.

Here, boys, say a few words,
will you?


[SPOOKY] I am the shadow.

Boo! Ah-ah-ah.

Here's to us, three new widows.


Tiska. Taska.


CURLY: Whoo-whoo-whoo.

How did you zombies
get out of jail?

We were innocent.

The real murderers confessed.

The governor pardoned us.

So here we are,
and until death do us part.

Until death do us part, eh?


Oh, boy. What a joint.


Okay, then. Give us a kiss.

Oh, honey.

Close your eyes.


That's just to let you know
who's going to be boss.

Oh, well, if that's how it is,

why, that's how it is.



MOE: That's just to let you know

who's gonna be boss around here.

We've got to get rid of them.

We've got to get rid of them.

We'll get rid of them.

All we do is insist
they become society gentlemen.

We'll make them take
dancing lessons, fencing, baths.


Boy, this ought to take off
the pimples and blemishes.

Yeah, maybe the skin too.

Who cares?
I'll be a skinless frankfurter.

Oh, I see.



♪ La, la, la-la, la ♪


♪ La, la-la, lee ♪

♪ La-la-la la-la la ♪



Smell good on the inside too.
Ain't you the one.

♪ La, lee, la, la-la ♪

♪ La, la, lee, la ♪


♪ La, lee, la-la, la, lee ♪

Hey, listen.

Now we're in society,
and we got to act like society.

I refuse to act that dopey.

Say, what do we know
about society?

Well, startin' tomorrow,
we're gonna learn.

We got to act like gentlemen
so these dames we married

won't have any excuse
for throwin' us out.

You mean I can't go to sleep
with my shoes on?

That's exactly what I mean.

Now, get to bed.
Like a gentleman.




It's no use.
I can't sleep in this bed.

Me either. It's too comfortable.

For once, I agree with you guys.

We got to fix these beds
so we can feel at home.


Oh, boy. Just like jail.

Yes, sir,
all the comforts of home.

Grab a bunk, boys.


Hey. How do you expect me
to get up there?

Figure that out for yourself.




Ooh. That's dangerous.


Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.


I'm all right now. Nighty-night.

MOE AND LARRY: Good night.


[IMITATING CHILD] I fall down.

Oh, you did, eh?

You fall down. Shut up.

Can I reach him?

Give him one. That's it.

That's what you get
for puttin' me on top.







Quiet. Quiet.

I been sabotaged. I'll get--

Hello. What--?
Oh, yeah, yeah, sure.

We'll be right down. Okay.

Hey, fellas. Hey. Hey.

I didn't do it, warden,

Never mind. Listen.
Our dancing teacher's waiting.

Dancing? Oh, boy.

I gotta have my breakfast first.

We don't eat till after
we've taken our lesson.

I quit.

You can't. That's what
they want us to do.

Get up. Oh! Oh.


Now, in order to become
good dancers,

you must follow me closely
and do exactly as I do.

Do you understand? Okay.

Here's a dance that's most
popular in society.

You'll never go amiss
doing this.

Follow me closely
and do exactly what I do.



Well, get started.





Oh. There you are.

I came as fast as I could.

What seems to be the trouble?

Listen, you got us to marry
those Frankensteins,

now get us a divorce.

You have to have grounds
for a divorce.

Well, we made them take dancing
lessons, wear fancy clothes,

and even take baths
times a day,

but still they don't complain.

I've got it. Give a big party.

They're bound to humiliate you.

All your society friends
can testify for you.

Divorce will be a cinch.


I haven't looked this pretty
since I was a baby.

Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.

Come on, let's check in.
They're waiting.

All right,
watch your P's and Q's.

Come on. Don't worry.

CURLY: Nyuck, nyuck.

STOOGES: Well, here we are,

the life of the party, folks.



BASKA: Oh, I'm terribly sorry.

Well, my scheme is working.


Oh, Williams?
WILLIAMS: Yes, sir?

Williams, when you bring
that big cake in,

I want you to walk up...



Yes, sir.

Hey, you gonna
eat that chicken alone?

No. Maybe if I wait,
I'll get some potatoes.

What kind?


You got 'em.

Hey, what do you think
you're doin', playin' poker?

Quit stackin' the deck.


Boys, wouldn't you like
some punch?

Certainly. And see what the boys
in the back room will have.

Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.

Pass me the-- Ooh, I'm sorry.

I heard you've traveled a lot.

Are you familiar
with the Great Wall of China?

No, but I know
a big fence in Chicago.


Wouldn't you like to sit there?
It's much more comfortable.

Ain't she "hospital."

That's where I'll put you
if you don't be quiet. Go on.

Say, Jasper,
how's your tapeworm?

Fine. It took the blue ribbon
at Madison Square Garden.

Fancy that.

You fancy that.

In former years,
we traveled incognito,

then by freight.

Now we just thumb it.

But of all the rides I've taken,
I like best--


You clumsy oaf. You tripped him.

He certainly did not.
The butler did it deliberately.

I did not, sir.

He did it.

Thank you.

But you started it.

As a rule, parties bore me,

but I know I'm going
to get a bang out of this one.


Oh, senator, I am so sorry.


You missed me.

Oh, yeah?


Rachel, wait, please.

Who did it? Who threw that?

He did.

Oh, you did, huh?

Stop it. Do you hear me?


And there we were,
in mud up to here.

Oh. Oh.



SENATOR: Who threw that?

Oh, who did this?

I'll find out.

What's the idea?

Who interfered with my romance?

Why you--

Gentlemen, please.



We strive to please.

Stop, stop.
This has gone far enough.

Love thy neighbor.


Why, you--

But I raised my r*fle and fired.

Naturally, the, uh--
The lions halted.

So I turned to my right,

and there, coming toward me,
was a--

Another lion.

But did it scare me? Not a bit.
Old soldier like I am.

Then I turned
to come face to face with--

Another lion.
Just at that moment,

That very moment I heard
a roar to my left.

The lion that I thought
I had k*lled was only wounded.

But you understand exactly
what I'm talking about.

Well, at that time--
Now, there I was,

one lion here, one lion there,

nothing but my trusty Kn*fe
and my bare fist,

but there I was, about to--

Oh, me.

Never have I been through
such a lion fight.

Somebody give me a pie.




Funny, isn't it? Yeah.

You're that cutie-pie.

MOE: Why, you-- Where is he?

Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.




Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.

MOE: Why, you-- Where is he?

Who threw that pie?

Shut up, you, or I'll--


Why, you dirty tramps.

You've disgraced your wives
and their guests. Now, get out.

I'll have your marriage
annulled at once.

Oh, yeah?

Your little scheme--

It worked beautifully.

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