01x08 - For the Sake of Syrus

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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01x08 - For the Sake of Syrus

Post by bunniefuu »

Syrus has a brother that goes to this school, jaden.

You've probably heard of him, too.

What are you talkin' about?


Third year obelisk blue and number one duelist at the academy?

He's the big man on campus--zane.

And he really is as good as his reputation.

I can't believe this zane guy.

I mean, no wonder syrus has zero confidence.

If my big bro told me

That I wasn't good enough to use some card,

I'd be insecure, too.

Well, that's all about to change.

Jaden, voice-over: I wonder,

Do ya spell "zane" with two ns?

These duel request forms are such a drag.

Duel request form?


Planning a duel, are we?

Against whom?

You must be joking.

No, actually, I'm not.

I'm taking zane on to help syrus get over his confidence problem

So he'll be ready for our upcomin' tag match.

Ah, yes, of course,

The big tag team match.

The one where if you lose,

You'll both be expelled from the academy,

Am I right?

And you say that dueling zane

Will help you prepare?

Well that's a shame,

Because there'll be no duel.

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Chillin' out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never lookin' too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class they never taught us this ♪

♪ Somethings you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go!

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx!

♪ Generation next!

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow ♪

♪ Yeah!

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx!

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on ♪

Zane, voice-over: I would have never given you that card

Had I known that you would misplay it.

Sure, you may know how to use power bond,

But there's more to dueling than just that.

Aw, man, I don't know a thing about duel monsters.

I'm going to let jaden down.

You've gotta be kidding me.

That's your move?

Fine, then I'm gonna use my spell card

To take control of your monster and attack jaden.

It's all my fault.

Why, sy? Why?

I'll tell you why.

Because he doesn't belong here.

Big bro?

I'm toast.

Look, it's not you, it's me.

I just can't use you in my deck anymore.

I gotta make room for another koala.

Oughta do.

Lousy dr. Crowler.

Where does it say those duel request forms

Need to be filled out in triplicate and--

And with a no. Pencil?

What is that?

It's either a giant tree sloth

Or it's chumley.

Hey, what up?

Wow, chum.

There's like a zillion koala cards down here.

Yeah, they so rule.

Wanna have a pick-up duel against 'em?

Hey, a pick-up duel.

Why didn't I think a' that?

Hey, wait.

Where are ya off to?

The obelisk blue dorm!

Why ya going there?

A pick-up duel with zane!

The zane?

What's your problem?

I ain't got no problem,

But you sure will if you don't beat it.

Yeah, zane wouldn't waste his time with you.

You're still prolly wet behind the ears

From pre-duel school.

I am not.

Now ya are.

We're gonna duel.

So what're you gonna do now?

Well, I'll tell you one thing I'm not gonna do,

And that's give up.

I'll get zane to duel me one way or another.

Aw, sy, are you still in bed?

Look, I know you're down,

But that's no excuse to act like some lazy slug.

I mean, even chumley got up today.

Yeah, lousy bladder!

Where'd he go?

Look, he left a note!

What's it say?

Syrus, voice-over: dear jaden, I'm leaving duel academy.

Don't try and stop me.

It's for the best.

I would only be holding you back if I stayed.

Sy's not goin' anywhere.

Yeah, let's go stop him after dinner.

No, now.

But today's grilled cheese day.

If we don't hurry,

It'll be sy's last day.


Come on!

Sy, it's grilled cheese day!

Where are ya, syrus?

We miss you, sy,

And we'll miss dinner too

If we don't find ya before the kitchen closes.

So long, duel academy.

It's you.

So hungry, starting to hear voices.

Can you find where sy's at?



Aw, first no grilled cheese, and now I gotta run?

Aw, why me?

So, any new leads?

I can't believe he's still gone.

I keep looking for some sign,

But it's like my brother just vanished into thin air.

Don't give up.

You'll find him.

I hope so.

Speaking of brothers, zane,

I saw yours the other day.

Oh, did you now?

Yeah, he lost in a practice duel to jaden yuki.

You're name came up, too,

And not in a good way.

The big bad brother.

What, does jaden want to scold me now?

Actually, I think he wants to duel you.

Syrus: stay back, jaden!

Look, it's syrus.

Help me!

I can't swim!

And you were about to raft out into the ocean?

That makes sense.

I'm coming!

It's shallow.

Why are you trying to stop me, jaden?

I stink.

Please, just let me go.

They'll assign you a new tag partner

And you'll have a much better shot at winning the match.

Sy, that's your brother talkin'.

Come on, pal.

Ya gotta believe in yourself.

You gotta believe me.

I'm a lost cause.

Zane: he is right, you know.

Syrus: zane.

So that's the school's top duelist?

You're dropping out?

Well, yeah, kinda.

Well, it's about time.

He's wrong.

You're his big brother!

How can you say that?

Because I know him.

Yeah, I bet you think you know it all,

But guess what.

Ya don't, and I'm gonna prove it right now.

Let's duel.

No, jaden.

Duel a slifer?

Sure, why not?

After all, it's been awhile since I went slumming.

Then get your game on.

Jaden, he's good.

I'm sure he is.

Jaden, voice-over: and I'm sure this duel

Will solve sy's confidence problem without hurting mine.

Duel! Duel!

Aw, man, my big brother taking on my best friend?

There's no way that this can turn out good.

Ok, now we find out what's goin' on with sy and his bro,

And we find out how I rank with the best.

Here I come, zane.

First, I'm gonna summon elemental hero avian

In attack mode!

And I think I'll go ahead

And throw down a face down while I'm at it.

That's all, huh?

Ok, for my first move,

I summon cyber dragon in attack mode.


How can you bring a level monster out

On your very first turn?

I can play my cyber dragon

Because it's my first turn, jaden.

With no monsters out, he requires no sacrifice.

And now I'll play mystical space typhoon

To destroy your facedown card.

That was fast.

Not as fast as your life point meter will go down.

Cyber dragon, attack!

Strident blast!

Syrus, voice-over: I tried to warn him that zane was good.

Next, I activate the spell card different dimension capsule.

It allows me to pick any card from my deck.

Then I simply place it in the capsule,

And in two turns I get to take it out

And put it right into my hand.

Man, that's gotta be the best card out a' his entire deck.

I can't wait to see what's gonna come out of there.

Syrus, voice-over: well I can,

'Cuz it's not gonna be pretty.

It's your move, jaden.

Jaden, voice-over: yeah, and I'd better make it count,

'Cuz I'm startin' to get the feeling

That not only is this guy as good as everyone says he is,

He might even be better.

But still, that doesn't mean he's better than me.

All right, round two,

And first I'll rock polymerization.

And next I'll roll out elemental heroes sparkman and clayman,

And fuse them to create elemental hero thunder giant.

And since his special ability

Destroys monsters with less attack points than him,

Your cyber dragon gets vaporized!


Looks like thunder giant

Just made the big man on campus

Get a little bit smaller,

Wouldn't ya say?

Yeah, I would say it.


And the best part is that since that blast

Was just thunder giant's special ability,

I still get to use his attack!

And since you're now defenseless,

I'm gonna use it directly on you!

Ya could at least kind of flinch.

Oh, well,

Maybe this facedown card will get ya to later.

Syrus, voice-over: yeah, if jaden lasts long enough to use it.

Nice moves, kid.

Of course, with my field now empty again,

I can just throw out another cyber dragon.

Or better yet, two.

I play monster reborn.

And with just one monster in my graveyard,

You can guess who's coming back.

But neither will be here long...

In present form.

Dragons, unite.

Now, cyber twin dragon, emerge.

Twin dragon?

One was tough enough.

Now, my dragon can attack twice in a round,

Which means double the trouble for your monster

And your life points.

Twin dragon, attack!

Not so fast.

I've gotta trap card out--

A hero emerges!

Now normally, you'd have to randomly

Pick one a' the cards in my hand,

And if it was a monster, I'd get to summon it.

But since I only have one card in my hand,

Let's just get right to it, shall we?

Wroughtweiller, defense mode.

You'll need him.

Cyber twin dragon, double strident blast!

Glad ya did that,

'Cuz when wroughtweiler's destroyed,

His special ability activates.

It brings one elemental hero

And one polymerization card back from the graveyard

And into my hand.

And just when you thought

You could probably stop worryin' about 'em, huh, zane?

I don't worry.

Man, you're chill.

Not worryin', not even flinchin'.

You are good.

You, too, jaden.

Syrus, voice-over: whoa, since when does zane give props?

Now where was i?

Oh, yeah.

I was about to summon elemental hero bubbleman in attack mode.

And since bubbleman's the only monster out on my field,

I can use his special ability to draw two more cards to my hand.

Jaden, voice-over: transcendent wings and winged kuriboh--

The cards I used to trash that dragon catapult cannon.

An evolved winged kuriboh would turn zane's cyber twin dragon

Into a pile of cyber junk.

Then, its attack points would be dealt to him as damage.

That'd be enough to drop his life points to zero and win the duel.

But I can't summon any more monsters this round,

So I'm just gonna hafta wait until my next turn.

Still, I won't have to wait until next turn to use another card.

Alright, zane, I play polymerization

And fuse my elemental hero bubbleman with elemental hero clayman.

Now, elemental hero mudballman,

Rise in defense mode.


Mudballman's got defense points.

That twin dragon's attack won't get through to jaden.

Syrus, voice-over: I can't believe it.

Jaden might actually win.

Now gimme your best shot, zane.

My best shot?

You got it.

Syrus, voice-over: oh, no.

Jaden, voice-over: the capsule.

It's been two turns since I first activated different dimension capsule,

And now I can take the card I first put into it and add it to my hand.

You played well, but not well enough.

Hey, gimme what you got.

I'm ready.

I'm sure you are.

A good duelist is ready for anything,

And that means not just knowing how to use all of their cards,

But knowing how to play them, too,

And you play your cards well, jaden.

Syrus, voice-over: knowing how to play your cards?

Jaden, voice-over: that's a nice compliment,

But even better advice.

Hope sy's listenin'.

Syrus, voice-over: of course.

Knowing how to use a card

And knowing how to play it

Are two totally different things.

That's what zane was trying to tell me all those years ago.

I get it now.

First I'll activate this de-fusion card.

It splits my monster back into two separate cyber dragons.

Next, I'll activate the magic of power bond.

With this spell card,

I'm allowed to summon a machine-type fusion monster.

And with another cyber dragon in my hand as well,

I can now fuse of them together and create the cyber end dragon.

Plus, its attack points are doubled

Because of power bond's effect.


And keep in mind, when cyber end dragon att*cks,

The difference between his attack points and your monster's defense points

Are dealt to you as damage.

Just hang tough.

If you can survive his attack,

You can win for sure,

'Cause of power bond's nasty side effect.

Chumley's right.

At the end of the turn power bond is used,

The player who activated the card takes damage

Equal to their attacking monster's original attack points.

Syrus, voice-over: yeah, but that won't matter if you play it right,

And zane has.

I just wish it didn't have to be at jaden's expense.

Cyber end dragon, attack mudballman.

Super strident blaze!

Jaden, no!

I can't believe it.

He lost.


Thanks for a great duel, zane.

So, zane, whatta ya think?

I think sy chose good friends, alexis.

Your brother's got mad skills.

Well, least I got the looks.

What's funny?

Come on, let's go home and work on our decks.

And I say we arrange yours

So you can finally use that power bond.

How 'bout it?

For sure.

Now I know to play it, not just use it.

Yeah, well, you know what I could use?

A coupla grilled cheese sandwiches.

Not if I scarf 'em all down first, chumley.

Wait up!

Aw, we gotta run again?

Seriously, can we just walk though?

♪ Chillin' out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never lookin' too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class they never taught us this ♪

♪ Somethings you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go!

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx!

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on ♪
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