Christmas Child (2004)

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Christmas Child (2004)

Post by bunniefuu »

What's the most embarrassing
experience in my life..

well, that's
a hard one, Tommy.

I've done so many
dumb things in my life,

but if you press and
pulled out my finger nails,

I'd had pick one
Tuesday night in July,

a few years back,
in '61 or '62,

when I was head lining
at the Grand Ole Opry.

Ali the g*ng's there--
Hank and Willy and Loretta,

and so when it's time
for my spot,

I'm really up for it.

In fact,
I'm almost on fire!

Until it gets up to the
last verse of my song

and I have fo sing
the word "darlin"

as in, "l jove you dariin'."

Well, the "dar" gets out okay,
but when I hit the "lin,"

my teeth sh**t clean across
the foot lights

and land right in the lap
of Hank's momma.

Yes, sir!
Right in her lap!

Most of the folks there
probably couldn't believe

what they just seen.

And fortunately, this old gal
is a real classy lady.

Because she just scoops up
those old false teeth

and pops them right
in her little black bag.

And after the show,

she comes back stage
to my dressing room.

When no one was looking,
she slips me back my dentures.

And then she leans over,
real close, and kind of draws,

"Boy, you be careful who's lap
you go throwin' that thing into

because where I come from,

most girls would take that
for a proposal.


§ "Baby, It's Cold Outside" §

Merry Christmas,

§ "Baby, It's Cold Outside" §

§ "Baby, It's Cold Outside" §


§ "Baby, It's Cold Outside" §

Here in the Windy City

the temperature has dropped
to minus three--

there are heavy snow storms
on the way...

it's going to be
a white Christmas, folks,

and a silent night.


Ah, Mr. Davenport,

we're glad that you
could finally make it in.

We've tried to reach you
on several occasions.

Nine months.

Its been that long?

My father's been gone
for nine months.

§ Music §

click, click

I'l get a box
for your things.

Thank you.

§ Music §

I want to find
something that works.


Yeah, if you're into
the mermaid look.

What do you
want me to say?

That you will meet
my client at three,

you will clean my house,

do my Christmas
shopping for me

and go to this stupid party
for me tonight.

Anything else?

Jack and I,

we don't even get to spend
any time together as it is.

The last thing I want,

is to spend it with the people
he's always with...

Are you hungry?

We just had lunch.

Umf, I am starving.

How about this one?

Huh, look at this Meg.

I'll look like
a poinsettia.

Well it is
a Christmas party.

It's a joke.

I don't know.

Mm, the gold one.

§ Music §

Dear Mom and Dad,
thank you for adopting me.

I love you so much.

God gave me the best parents
in the whole world.

I love you.

Love, Jack.

§ Music §

We're closing in five minutes
Mr. Davenport, alright?

Um, yeah...

yeah, yeah
I'll be right there.

§ Music §

Thank you.

Thank you.

§ Music §

Lets see...

Please, don't tell me
Ilook fat.

What's all over
the dress?

Oh, just crumbs...

that does make me
look fat.

Why are you acting
so pregnant?



You cannot say a word.

This is going to be
the best Christmas ever.

Mom and dad are going
to be so excited.

How far along are you?

Far enough along
for crackers.

How did Jack
take the news?


You haven't
told him yet.

Go home, Jack,

you have to pick up
your wife.

I need your opinion.

Which of these
would look best on Meg?

I'm not good
at this...


Have you decided
on the Dallas assignment?

I was going to talk
to Meg about it first.

What is this?

This is real journalism.

I cleaned out my Father's
safety deposit box, today.

How sweet.

And he kept it
all these years.

He'd be so proud of you,

especially if you went home
and picked up your wife.

I'l see you there.

Jack, go.

§ Music §

Don't say it.

§ music §


§ Christmas Jazz music §

§ Hey, Santa Clause, §

§ you want to make me
happy this year... §

§ well then,
listen to me honey. §

§ Give me something §

§ that wouid be
of some use fo me, §

§ like a five pound box
of money, um hmm. §

§ Now there's a little gift
that's loaded with §

§ lots and jots
of sentiment. §

§ See, whenever
I get the blues, §

§ Santa, I'll think
of you... §

§ but at the same time, §

§ I'll have a little change
fo pay my rent. §

§ Now money
isn't everything... §

Well you made it
after all!

Did we really
have a choice?

Oh, you are going
to love it,

the food is fantastic.

I skipped lunch.


So, do you have any plans
for Jack's fortieth?

That's right,
your birthday's coming up!

And it's the big 4-0!

Thanks for reminding me.

No thanks.

Well, you know
what they say...

Forty is the new thirty.

Yeah, right.

They also say ostrich meat
is the new beef.

It's not so bad
with bacon and cheese...

Birthday on Christmas Eve,

Oh... leave him alone!

He still has
a few days.

And on that note...

§ The New Year will be
so bright and sunny. §

§ Just bring me that
little something §

§ that I've been
speaking to you about §

§ Yep, you got it... §

§ f want a five pound box
of money, that's all. §

Thank you.

How long
are we staying?

Will you drive?

That's not
even funny, Jack.

§ ...a five pound box
of tens, §

§ now how much
could that weigh? §

§ Now f don't want
the whole money tree, §

§ well what good would that
whole thing be for me, §

§ you know what
I'm saying? §

§ Now you could keep
the branches, §

§ you could keep the trunk
and the root, §

§ because ail I really want
is a little bit of fruit. §

§ So if you want to be sure
that I'll be your, §

§ your little ‘of honey,
honey bunny, yeah... §

There's the
sl*ve driver, himself.

Give it a rest, Meg.

§ No, no, no,
make it a ten pound. §

§ You know what,
if I'm gonna beg, §

§ I'm gonna beg
real, real, real big §

§ because, you know,
folks move, §

§ they change
their address, §

§ and I may never see you
next year— §

§ just give me the money,
Santa Clause, come on now. §

§ Give me the money. §

(Mr. Hunt)
It's been a while since
you've hit on a story...

I think the Charlotte Hampton
thing could be it.


Let one of the
young guys do it.

You need it, Jack.


Looks like it's time
to go...

Thank you for a wonderful
party, Mr. Hunt.

I have to commend you, Meg.

Anyone that allows her husband
to work as much as you do...

Deserves an exceedingly
large bonus.

Don't you think?

I knows it's
a Christmas assignment Jack,

but I have to know
first thing, Monday morning.

§ light piano music §

[motor revving]





I wouldn't have to leave
until Christmas Eve!

Oh, that's great, Jack!
It's your birthday.

You really think
I want to take this story?

Yes! Ido.

I covered bigger stories
right out of college.

I've been striking out
for months.

You heard Hunt,
I need this one.

What about
what I need?

What we need?

I'l take time off
after Christmas.

Do you know that,
even when you're here...


I feel alone.

Then come with me
to Dallas.

We've already made plans
with the family.

They are coming tomorrow!

Your family.

Our family.

It has never been
any other way.

I didn't mean that.

What would you like me
to tell them?

Be creative, Meg.

You always
think of something.

I don't want to be
creative, anymore.

§ music §

[keyboard typing sounds]

§ music §

We're stuck, Jack.

What do you
want to do?

I don't know...

maybe we just need
some space.


I'll leave early
for Dallas.

§ music §

I'm leaving, Meg.

I'l call from Dallas.

craw, craw

§ music §

[motor revving]

(intercom - female voice)
Welcome to Dallas/Fort Worth
International Airport.

For your safety
and security,

keep your bags with you
at all times.

Please do not leave
any bags unattended.

Thank you.

§ music §

chirp, chirp, chirp

Hey Meg, its me.

I thought you should know,
I won't be staying in Dallas.

I'm on my way to Clearwater
for a couple days.

Can you pick up
the phone?

I'm the one
that's stuck, Meg.

I really need
to find some answers...

I'd love you fo pick up
the phone.


Good mornin'.

This here is Randy Rogers
of KOWS,

that's cows for all you
visiting city folks,

the station that puts
the "k" in county.

§ country song §

§ Put on my boots,
I put on my hat, §

§ because when you leave,
you got fo have that. §

§ But as far as a coat,
wel I'll just use that leg, §

§ because it's a hard Texas,
Christmas day §

Excuse me...

Yes sir.

You ever seen
this place?

Yes sir, if you've got
an arm strong enough,

you could just about
throw a rock

and hit it from here.

If you go to the light,
hang a left.

Second stop sign,
turn to the right.

Can't miss it.

Appreciate it.

You're welcome sir,
have a good one.

I'l be dogged.

§ church organ §


Excuse me, is there
a service tonight?

I said, is there
a service tonight?

No, we don't need
a linen service.

We do our own towels.

I was wondering

if I could talk
to someone in charge.

Uh, hold on...

Sarah, can you
hold it down a minute?!

What were you saying?

I'm sorry to bother you,

seems like you were
getting ready

for a service tonight.

No no, not tonight,
Christmas Eve.

A special service.
You planning on coming?

I'll think about it.

It's a good thing
God didn't think about it.

He did it.

He came.

Now that's something
to think about.


You're welcome.

Haven't been in church
for a while.

Jack Davenport.

How can we
help you?

Um, I'm here
because of this.

Someone sent it
to my father.

I was wondering if
someone could give me

some more information
about this...

Perhaps the reverend.

Oh, I'm so sorry,
he's not in at the moment.

You know, this looks
very similar

to the Reverend Krauss'
old photo's.

Quite a photographer.

Well, maybe I'l
catch him later on.

That will be quite difficult,
I'm afraid.

The Reverend Krauss
passed on.

It's been um...
quite a while.

I see.

You know...

if you go back out
to the town square,

you'll find Kirby's Cafe.

Some of the Reverend Krauss'
old photographs

are on display, there.

Thanks for your help.


§ church organ §

[Church bells]
ding, dong, ding

Arr, ahh.

Can I give you
a hand with that?

Yeah, Thank you.


Yeah. Yeah, yeah.


What can you
tell me about it?

I can tell you
it is made of wood...

lam Joe...
I do the maintenance here.

You are new in town?

Just visiting.

From where?


Ooh, you've come
a long way.

Good to meet you.


You got company?

Yeah, this is
mister uh...


Hi Jack, I'm Michael.

From Chicago.

Thank you
for your help, Jack.

So, Chicago, huh?


You a musician?

Oh, I play at the
church sometimes.

Any good?

Well, I don't
like to brag, you know,

but my kids tell me
I'm awesome.

So what about you,
what line of work you in?

I'm a journalist.

Journalist, okay,
let me guess,

I bet you're doing a story
on our nativity?

No, actually I'm doing
a story in Dallas.

Dallas, well what in the world
are you doing in Clearwater?

Just trying to get
some information

at the county clerk's office
in the morning.


Well, hey, if you're
gonna be in town tonight,

you need to come out
to Stanford's barn,

we got our big annual
Christmas celebration,

sure love to have ya.


hope to see you there.


Hey Meg, its me,
Iwas hoping to catch you.

Aright, I'll try again
later... bye.

jingle, jingle


Were any of these taken
by the Reverend Krauss?

Pretty much any one
with the church in it,

but that's about all
I can tell you.

So, anything
in the way of food?

Do you have
any lunch specials?


But they're not
that special,

so I'd go with the breakfast
if I were you.

Play it safe.

Just wheat toast
with a coffee.

Where ya headed?

Here, ha.

So, ah, what do you do
for fun around here?

Weil, that all depends,
I guess.

What kind of fun
you lookin' for?

If you want excitement,
you got, oh goodness,

square dances,
flea markets,


this is the place
fo be, sug.

Could I get
a refill over here?

Of course,

I don't know,
you don't strike me

as the cow-tippin' kind.

Well, aren't you

Yeah well, that's
one of my many talents.

Yokes up, darlin'!

I thought ya could use
a little cheerin' up.


So tell me, what kind
of work do you do?

I'm a journalist.

What newspaper?

It's not really
a newspaper.

It's more
of a magazine.

jingle, jingle

Are you lookin'
for stories,

‘cause we got
lots of stories.

Don't we, Naomi!

That's right.
Hey, Cindy.

Whatcha gonna have, foday?

Ah, nothin' for me.

I'm here on official business
for the newspaper.

Seems like Sunday's the only
time I can catch Jimmy.

Here's somebody eise here
you might like to meet.

A real live,
big city reporter.

Anything I
would have read?

Well, a few months back
I wrote an article

on the w*r children.

The ones in Liberia?

Yeah, that was mine.

You wrote that?


Well, ain't that special.

Don't pay
any attention fo him.

That was a pretty
powerful piece.

I'll pick you up at eight,
Miss Congeniality.

I'l be ready,
Jimmy James,

and don't be late.

Naomi Williams.

It's a pleasure
to meet you.

Jack Davenport.

Naomi, if you want
to talk to Jimmy,

you better hurry up
and catch him.

Oh, right... Listen.

Anything you need,

I'm right there
down at the corner,

town square, alright?


Alright, thank you.


Let me get
your change.

You can keep it.
It's been charming, Cindy.

Wow, you take care
now, then.


Is there any place nearby
where I could get a room?

Only one.

Just turn around
the other way,

and go down the road
about a mile and some.

It's Venna's place,
you can't miss it.

It's not fancy,
but the rooms are clean.


Take care.

You too.

[motor revving]


[police siren]

[police siren]

[police dispatch]


§ country song §

knock, knock, knock

I'l need to see
your driver's license

and the paper work
on this car.

What exactly
did I do wrong?

§ country song §

You made an illegal

I didn't see
a sign--

Things run a little differently
here in Clearwater, son.

You can mail this in,

or they'll be happy
to take your money

at the county courthouse.

Opens in the morning
at 8 a.m.

§ country song §

You drive real careful now,
ya hear.

§ country song §





Hello, I'd
like a room.

And, you're in luck,

because we have a room
with a king size bed.

Or two full sized beds
if that's more comfortable.

We also have a room
with a double bed

and a fold-out couch.

Two fulls will be fine.


Here is your room,
number 145.

On the left, here,
you'll find the ice machine.

And your listing
of the television channels,

we do not have cable
or satellite.

A discount coupon
for Stottlemeier's,

they have a wonderful
selection for Christmas.

I see you've already
picked up a flyer

for the Christmas Carol event
this evening,

directions down here
at bottom.

But now, here is your
street map of Clearwater

so you won't get lost.

Now how will you be paying,
cash or check?

We don't take
credit cards.

Ha, ha.

Ann, you know,
they're married.

I mean, everyone has a problem
or two, every now and then,

but we can't interfere.

It wouldn't do
an ounce of good.

I hope you get
some time alone with Jack.

That's all.

They're adults...

...I just want the best
for our Megan.

So, we're agreed.

All right.




Anybody home?

Come in, come in.

Merry Christmas!

I was dreaming
of a white Christmas

and here it is.

Good to see you!

Hi, daddy.

Hi, sweetheart.

Merry Christmas.

I'm fine...
hey little guy,

Merry Christmas.

I'm not little anymore,
Aunt Meg.

That is for sure.

Mom told me not to say
the food is yucky.



Where is that handsome
husband of yours, Megan?

Duty called
and Jack answered.

Jack's not here?

What kind of assignment is Jack
away on this time sweetheart?

Oh, something about
a homeless woman in Texas

inheriting millions.

He'll be back
Christmas day.


Hi, angel...

What did Jack say?

You think my
food isn't yucky.


You still
haven't told him?

§ music §

§ "It Came Upon
a Midnight Clear" §

[audience cheering
and clapping]

And Angel Gabriel
was sent from God

into the city of Nazareth.

Hark, I hear him coming.

Excuse me, sir.

We need to be
on stage.

Ha, ha. Okay.

Did you find
the church alright?

Yeah. Thanks.

Miles Stanford.

People just
call me Judge.

§ "Angels We Have
Heard on High" §

Alright, good...

Go, go now.

§ "Angels We Have
Heard on High" §

[audience laughing]

Come on, Mary.

We need to find a warm place
to stay for the night.

knock, knock, knock

[audience laughing]

Come, come...

§ "We Three Kings
of Orient Are" §

Oh, excuse me.

§ "We Three Kings
of Orient Are" §

[audience laughing]

Looks like
the best show in town!

This is not a show
you would see

in that big city
of yours.

§ "We Three Kings
of Orient Are" §

Shh, shh. Quiet, quiet.

Do not be afraid!

I bring you good news
of great joy

which will be unto
all the people.

Today in the town of David
a Savior has been born fo you;

That's our daughter.
That's Grace.

...he is Christ the Lord.

This will be a sign to you:

You will find a baby
wrapped in cloths

and lying in a manger.

§ "O Come,
All Ye Faithful" §

[audience cheering
and clapping]

Everybody thank
these children

for this wonderful
show tonight.

And Sarah, you've outdone
yourself this time.

Now you stand up
and let us thank you, too!

[audience cheering
and clapping]

§ Collage of Christmas songs §

§ Collage of Christmas songs §

§ Collage of Christmas songs §

§ Collage of Christmas songs §

He's the reverend?

[Audience clapping]

Come on kids, how ‘bout
we get the car started.

Great evening.
I really enjoyed it.

Yeah, yeah
it was good.

Uh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

Looks like our
bumpy Texas roads

have got the best
of your tires, there.

Two tires!?

What are the odds.

Guess I'll call
triple A...

I don't think there is one
here in Clearwater.

I will drive you...

I'l take care
of him, Joe.

Well, it's no problem.

It's alright.

It will give us a chance
to get to know each other.

Well, then I'll help you
with your tires in the morning.

Thanks... you sure
you don't mind?

I'm positive,
come on.



This is really nice
of you.

It's not everyday

I get to talk
to a Chicago reporter.

You're not going to be
with your family

for the holidays?

I'l be home
Christmas night.

What about you?

Oh, none of my kids
live here anymore.

They'll come home and visit
for Christmas, though.

What about you,

Just Meg and me.

That's my wife.

It works for us.

I see.

Lived here jong?

All my life.

So you knew
Reverend Krauss?

Everybody knew
the Reverend.

He was a good man.

Is this your

You doin' a story
on the Reverend?

Nabh, it's more
of a personal thing.

I see.

Can we stop
a minute?

Coo, Woo, Woo, WoO...

It's really
something at night.

I'd say you're looking
at the pride and joy

of this town.

Where's it from?

Right here.



It was hand carved
by a man named Ottolman.

Must have cost
a pretty penny.

Didn't even cost
an ugly penny.

It was given
to the church.

A generous gift.

Ottolman was a proud man,
but He loved to drink.

One night
he got so drunk.

He wrecked his car
with his pregnant wife in it.

Ottolman survived
and she didn't.

How tragic.

I figure he worked ten years
carving this nativity scene.

That's quite
a story.


well, I better
get you back.

No, you know,
I think I'll walk.

You know, work off
some of this pie.


It's good to meet you.

Thanks, Judge.



§ music §


beep, beep, beep, beep

] [phone]
ring, ring, ring





Did your parents
make it in, alright?

Yeah, everybody's fine.

Tell him! Tell him!

So how was
your flight?

It was fine...

alright, well I'l
call you tomorrow, I guess.

Okay... bye.

Yeah... bye.



I don't want him to come home
for the wrong reasons.

Weil, good mornin' to all
you good people out there

in Clearwater.

To all you heathens,
be advised,

you have just 39 shopping
hours left before Christmas.

You know foiks, our little
culture crusade here on KOW

seems fo have stirred up
a variable frogs nest

among the west Texas pond line.

Now here's just a sample email

sent in by J.J. Driskel
of Desmith County:

"Dear Randy, are you nuts?

Your hour of culture is driving
my whole family insane.”

Weil, Jimmy Driskei,

clearly you have forgotten
the old saying,

"Your grandma tried
to b*at Indians,

those who pursue mediocrity
are never disappointed.”

jingle, jingle

Ah, how can I
help you, sir?

Now, that's
a lovely sweater.


Is this where the county
keeps its vital records?

It surely is.

And what kind of records would
you be looking for today?

Birth records.

Now these
are yours, correct?

Because I can't permit you
look up someone else's records.

There mine.

Okay, it'll cost you
five dollars.

And the date of birth?

December 24, 1963.

ha, ha, ha,

happy fortieth
and Merry Christmas, almost.

This might take me
a few minutes,

so don't you
go anywhere.

§ "Jingle Bells" §

[keys rattling]

§ "Jingle Bells" §


Ah... I'm sorry...

Is there a problem?

I can't give you
any information.

The records
are sealed, hon.

That's my
personal information.

How can that be sealed?!

In sealed case's
such as yours,

you'll need a written request
from a birth parent,

as well as
an adoptive parent,

to get the information
you're requesting...

That's not possible...

How about we exchange
Christmas presents?

I get a look at that file,
and you get a new sweater.

No, no...
I can't accept that.

With a court order you'll be
able to see the file though,

that would have fo go through,
Judge Stanford.

Judge Stanford?

I really am sorry.

It's alright...

I'l come back later.

§ Jingle Bells §

Merry Christmas.

[bells on door]
jingle, jingle

Is everything okay?

It just doesn't
seem fair.

What doesn't
seem fair?

These sealed
adoption cases...

these cases
are not really sealed.

Certain folks
can see 'em...

just not the people
who want to.

Don't you think

people should be able to know
about their own life?!

I understand.

But we can't forget
the promises of privacy

we made to the people
who gave up the child.

You should have seen
his face.

I know you feel bad,

but you did
the right thing.

[diner noises]


Oh, it's just something
I'm working on.

So, what's the deal
with the Sheriff?

Jimmy James...
that ol' boy,

ya know, he's not that bad
once you get to know him...

just a little
set in his ways, I guess.

So how'd you
get to know him?

Well, he gave me
a speeding ticket...

we argued, I cried...

He asked me
to dinner, ha, ha, ha.

Yeah, that's my
Jimmy James.

Listen, I better
make my rounds.


What, did you
come back for seconds?

Thought I'd get
a refill.

Have a seat.

Did you know
Reverend Krauss?

Ah, I knew his boys.

Why, did you know him?


Why that's one of his,
right there.

Is that the Reverend?

Yeah, that's him.

He was a good man.
Lived what he preached.

knock, knock, knock...

He's my most
disgruntled customer.


Geez, Jimmy James!

From now on,
you're only gettin' decaf.

Ey, ya know what...

I think, that before
Reverend Krauss

came to Clearwater,
he was a photographer

for one of those
big city news papers.

Any family
left in town?

No, his wife passed
after him.

Are there any pictures
of Ottolman?


Yeah, the wood carver
that donated the nativity.

Oh, that's it...
that's the day

the nativity was donated
to the church, right there.

Listen, why don't you
go see Naomi,

Iam sure the newspaper
has lots of information

on that kind of stuff.

[door bells]
jingle, jingle

You ready to get your car,
Mr. Davenport?

Oh, great.

Thanks, Cindy.

I'm sorry you had fo go
to all this trouble.

It was no trouble.

Judge asked me to pick up
a tire on the way out.

That was kind.

What are you doin'
working so hard?

I am not working,
he is doing all the work.


Just the man
I was looking for.

I'll get them fixed.

Thank you.

So what do I owe you
for parts and labor?

Ah, not a thing.

I appreciate
your hospitality.

It's all right.

I didn't know
you were a real Judge.

That I am.

There's something I wanted
to talk to you about.

If you don't mind?

As long as you
don't quote me.

Here, let me get
the door for ya.


I went to the courthouse
this morning

to get a copy
of my birth certificate.

I was told I need
a court order,

because my adoption records
are sealed.

I thought maybe
you could help me out.

Knew a woman one time.

She decided to look for the
baby girl she gave up at birth.

Sealed adoption.

The woman searched
for five years.

She begged and pleaded
for information from anybody.

Finally, she got the adopted
parents name from someone.

She called the family.

Her baby girl had been
dead for three years.

It broke her heart,

broke her heart
all over again.

§ music §

You see...

she came to me first...

I knew the child was dead,
but I couldn't tell her.

The law forbids it.

She would have been
better off

never knowing
anything about it.

§ music §


I need to know.

Son, I see your point.

I might even
agree with you.

I just can't help.

Hot off the wire
this mornin'.

An update on
miss Charlotte Hampton,

who has promised to give away
all of her new found money

on Christmas mornin'.

Many legal experts expect
a flood of lawsuits...

Listen, I need to get
the Hampton file

to my hotel...

No, no no,
here in Clearwater.

I am not leaving for Dallas
for a couple more days, okay?

No, I am fine Janice,
just fine.

Well, after that sad
little reflection

of human adverse,

here's a sweet
Christmas ditty...


It's nice to see you again,
Mr. Davenport, right?


Let me turn
this down.

That Charlotte Hampton story
is huge.

But I hear she's got a sister
who's gonna try and sue her,

even before
she gets the money.

How do you know that?

I've got my sources.

I decided to take you up
on your offer.

Oh sure,
anything, name if.

I'm looking for information
on the Reverend Krauss...

or anything concerning
his church,

around December, 1963.

Well, you came to the
right place, come on.

So you're doing a story
on the ol' Rev', huh.

Some research...

trying to get
some information.

Yeah, well, we have a pretty
extensive research library,

and over here
we have our microfiche

that dates back
to about 1920.

Lets start with the
Reverend Krauss in the 60s.


Been a long time since
I used one of these.

Lets see, here ya go.


Oh, look at this,
look at this, look at this,

baby Jesus returns.

Ah, I've never
seen this before.

"The baby Jesus,
part of a hand-carved set

donated in 1955
by a local woodworker,

was taken from the Church
sometime fast Sunday."

"The Reverend Krauss awoke
to find the wooden baby Jesus

back in the manger."

Why would somebody
steal it one day,

then return it the next?

I don't know.

Maybe a rival church
across town.


Alright, lets go
to December of 1955.

[motor idling]

Look at this...

"A gift to my dear friend,
Reverend Krauss,

and in loving memory
of my wife.

Ottolman's wife d*ed
in a fatal car accident

in 1945."

What do you know
about Ottolman?

Now, that's a little bit
before my time,

but obviously he was close
to Krauss, right?

I wonder if he's
still alive?

Hmm, I'l go online
and check the obits.

"And the gift
was warmly received

by most of the congregation,

yet some of the individuals
were troubled

by the woodworkers depiction
of the baby Jesus.

Carved within the chest
of the Christ child,

Ottolman chose to place
a simple wooden scarlet cross."

[motor revving]

There is no current listings
of Ottolman

in the whole state
of Texas.

But, I did find
this phone book from 1955.

And it says it has an Ottolman
at 1729 Sullivan lane,

I know exactly
where that is.

He's not
living there now.

Well, maybe we can
find something out.

All right,
lets give it a try.

Okay, great.

Car's out in back.

chirp, chirp, chirp...

knock, knock, knock


Can I help you?

Ah yes, I'm here doing
some research on Clearwater.

A journalist?

Yeah, I'd like to find out
about someone

who used to live
in this house.

Come on in.

How long have you
lived here?

About eight years, now.

Now it's just
Kylie and me

and she's in school.

I'm pretty sure that
a man named Ottolman

lived here
with his family

sometime in the late 50s,
early 60s.

I don't know.

He was a woodworker.

Ya know...

it was all here
when we moved in.

I can't believe someone
would've leave this behind.

This is Kylie's room,
she just turned ten.

This was here
when you moved in?

It surely was...

my little girl,
she just loves it.

Ottoman had a daughter.

I'm glad you
stopped by.

I found this today.

The Reverend Krauss
gave it to me, years ago.

Your picture
reminded me.

What did he say
when he gave it to you?

I don't remember...

It's really important.

He gave us
so many things...

Sounds like he was
a very generous man.

Sincere, dedicated...

oh, and he could preach!

Like this, um...

The baby Jesus was born
with love in His eyes

and the cross
in His heart.


Reverend Sarah,
you keep that up,

and you gonna put me
out of a job.

Oh, I was telling them
about the Reverend Krauss.

You go right ahead,
don't let me interrupt.

No, no,
I think I'm through.

Besides, they didn't
come to hear me preach;

they came
looking for you.

Well, I was just
on my way out.

Can you walk with me?


So, what can I do
for you, today?

Iwas hoping you could
answer a few questions.

You'll know
who to give it to!

1 remember now.

That's what he said,

"You'll know who
to give it to."

Since you have
the other one,

I 'spect
that'd be you.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

I've only been here
about three years now,

so I sorry, Jack,

I don't know anything
about these pictures.

This place does have quite
a history beyond me, though.

What about
the scarlet cross?

Oh, the one
in the manger.


It's missing.


Yeah, come here,
I'l show you.

That's where it
used to be.

It's really interesting,

they say the woodcarver
wasn't a believer

when he first
started the nativity.

But when he carved
the face of the Messiah...

something happened.

People say his life
really changed.

And the scarlet cross,
where is it now?

Well, that's a good question,
nobody really seems to know.

Why don't you
come to the house

for dinner tonight,

family and I,

and Naomi, we'd sure love
to have you too.

Oh, thanks, but I
already have plans-—

I've got to be get back
to the office.

Okay, well, let me give you
my phone number

and we'll eat about 6:30.

Sounds great.

I really
appreciate this, Naomi.

Ah, no problem.

Fit try and pull
more articles on Krause.

Uh oh, looks like Jimmy
nailed somebody again.

[motor revving]


Hey there, Naomi.

Is there
a problem, Jimmy?

What are you doing?

I am removing an illegally
parked vehicle

from the premises?

"lilegally parked?"

It's been parked

for three hours
and twenty two minutes

in a two hour parking zone.

Ha, ha, ha, ha.

You're kidding, right?

I'm gonna tow it.

Well, I'm here now.

I'l move it.

No, I'm movin' it.

C'mon, Jimmy,

[machine sounds]

Ya know, this isn't
funny anymore, sheriff.

You're on my turf,
you play by my rules, son.

Get out of my way...

whoa... umf!

click, click

Ya know, this is very
small town of you, Sheriff...

Would you like
to get in the car?


[police radio dispatch]


click, click

clunk, clatter

Empty your pockets.

clunk, clatter

You'll get all this back
when you are released.

Jimmy, this is crazy.

Your phone call.

Call Reverend Curtis.

Just do it.

Jimmy, why are you
doin' this?

You know it wasn't
that big of a deal.

Naomi, now you
can leave.

I'l be back.

Yes, is the Reverend Curtis
there, please?

Hold on,
Just a second.


Oh, thanks.


this is Jack Davenport.

Hey Jack,
what's going on?

Jimmy's got me here
in the county jail.

f've got a 5:30 meeting,
but I'll be there.

Thank you very much.

Take off your jacket.

and your watch...

clunk, clatter

[cell phone]
ring, ring...

You only get one, son.

[ringing continues,
then stops]

Hope it
wasn't important.

§ light music §

ring, ring...


Hey, Meg...

Look what
your mother found.


Remember that?

Hey, remember father...

and I am
a pretty good listener.

I don't know, dad...


When mom told you
that she was pregnant...

what went through
your head?

Lots of things.

That day, when I came home
from work,

and your mother was just
waiting to tell me

that I was going
to be a father.

She was.

But, I gotta tell ya,
I was totally unprepared.

I didn't know what to say,
I was speechless,

maybe even
a little scared...

but very, very happy.

Hey, listen to me,

Jack's going to make
a great father.

§ music §

clank, clatter

There's somebody here
who'd like to see you.

I'm kinda busy,
right now.

You're funny.


I'l be at my desk.

I am so sorry, Jack.
This is all my fault.

Naomi, it's okay...

if I get out of here in time
to do my story in Dallas.

What story do you have
in Dallas?

Charlotte Hampton.

Christmas morning.

I knew it...
I knew it.

If I'm not
still doin' time.

I did find some more
Krauss articles.

And check this out,
you were right;

Ottolman did
have a daughter.

Carmen Ottoman.

She was k*lled
in a drunk driving accident

when she was 18.

And that is when
the house was abandoned.

No wonder
Ottolman disappeared.

[paper rustling]

Naomi, do you know anyone
in the county clerks office?



We're tight,
we go way back.




Now, Reverend--

Jimmy, why in the world
did you throw him in jail?

I didn't throw him
in jail.

He's just coolin' off.

Get the keys and let's
get him out of there.

I can't do that.


Give me the keys
and I'll get him out.

It ain't locked.

you wear me out.

§ music §

I'm afraid I won't be
very good company, tonight.

Hey, that's nothin' that a good
home cooked meal won't fix.

[door opening]
creek, creek

Hey Deb,
we're home.


Hey, honey.


Hey, let me
take your coat.

Hey, Jack.


Its good
to see you, tonight.

Thank you.

I hope you
like pot roast.

Sounds perfect.

Come on in.

Smells great.


I thought you guys
might be hungry by now,

the kids were.

They've already eaten
and gone to bed, so...

Oh, okay.

Well, let's pray.


Lord, we thank you
s0 much

for the many gifts
that You've given to us.

And we ask You
to keep our hearts open

to receive all that
You have for us.

Thank you for this
wonderful meal,

for this great company,

and thank you that my
very obedient children

are asleep
in their beds.


And you didn't even
open your eyes.


what have you done?

§ light guitar music §


Daddy, can I stay up
with you?


Ha, ha.
Come here.

Here you go, Jack.

Now, how can I say no
to this?

Easy, "No."

You know
the rules, honey.

Why were you in jail?


I broke some rules.

I'm so sorry.

And you're gonna be
sorry too, little girl,

if you don't get to bed,
right now.

Come on...

say good night.

Good night.

Good night.

When did you
adopt Grace?

She was about six months old
when we got her.

Why'd they
give her up?

Ya know, that's something
we don't know.

You mean, it was
a closed adoption.


Grace was abandoned.

Is that why
you're here, Jack?

I don't really know.

All my life, I've told
other people's stories.

I'm gonna be forty
on Christmas Eve...

this time,
I'd like to know my own.

§ classical music §

Today, I'm featuring music
of Albinoni and Chopin.

That's "Chop-in"
to some of you folks.

And of course,

the one and only,
Ludwig van Beethoven.

§ classical music §

[motor revving]


I said,
good mornin'!

Just wanted
to remind you,

you can to pick up
your car, anytime.

I suppose you'll be
leavin' town, today?

You know something
I don't?

(police radio)
Hey, Jimmy James,
your eggs are gettin' cold.

I told you not to call me
at work, Cindy.


[iingle, jingle]


I'm in the back.

Hey Naomi,

you're sure getting
an early start today.

Girl, that is you.

You like it?




I heard you've been hangin' out
with that big time reporter!

Uh okay,
who's been talking?


Yeah, that figures.

Ya know, he came in here
the other day

and I wanted to help him,
I really did.

But you know,

there's only so much
you can do

Um hmm.

and keep your job...


Ya know, he's been having
a hard time.

I just wanted to help him
find some of that information

he was lookin' for...

I couldn't.

No, you couldn't.

Ah, Naomi,

my printer out front
is running out of paper,

so could you go in
the supply closet

and get me some.

Now here's the key
to the supply closet,

and don't get it confused
with this one,

which unlocks
this filing cabinet.

I gonna be out front.

Thank you.

[keys clattering]


It's not here!

Are you sure?

Yes, did you
do something with it!?

No, no!

I locked that
file up, myself!

Okay then,
who else has a key?

Just me
and the Judge.

[iingle, jingle]


Go out the back.

Oh, thank you, thank you.


Hi, sheriff.

What's goin' on?


Where's Naomi?

I saw her come in.

I don't see her.

Merry Christmas.

Back at ‘cha.

[iingle, jingle]

[motor revving]


[security alarm]
beep, beep


I paid a little visit
to our friend, Vanessa.

Your birth certificate...


It's gone.


Only two people
have a key.

Vanessa and the Judge.

And Vanessa
didn't take it.

[motor idling,
then turns off]

click, click

what are you up to?

Nothing, Jimmy.

Is that a fact?

[tires squeal - horn beeps]

Leave him alone,
Jimmy James.

He hadn't done anything...

He's just looking
for answers, is ail.

Excuse me.

I've got a lot of
important things to do,

so unless you're placing
me under arrest...

I've got your coffee,
Jimmy James.

Merry Christmas, Jimmy.

Have a seat handsome.

What are you hiding?


You took my
birth certificate.

It may not be legal for me
to see those records

without a court order,
but it's my life.

I won't leave
until I find out.

You, come with me.

Carmen Ottolman,
the woodcarver's daughter,

got pregnant.

And she hid it until
almost to the very end.

When her daddy found out,
of course,

he got mad and then
he got drunk.

Hadn't had a drink
in years.

He and Carmen
had a wreck.

A second time?

Second time,
same mistake.

The first time
was with his wife,

when she was pregnant
with Carmen.

He k*lled them both.

Why do people do what
they swear they'll never do?

I had to step in.

Put up the baby
for adoption,

and this time Ottolman
went to prison.

Carmen Ottolman
was your momma.

§ music §

And those
sealed records...

they were meant
fo protect you.

And my father?

Only Carmen knew.

§ music §

Then why send
the photo?

That was Krauss' doing.

Now, I know what he meant
when he said,

"It's in God's hands."

I'm sorry...

son, there's nothing
here for you.

§ music §

Well, Happy Birthday, Jack.


knock, knock, knock

Alright, alright,
I'l keep it down.

knock, knock

click, squeak

Hey, Jack.

Hey listen,

I knew you were gonna be
leaving early tomorrow...

and ah, Grace made you
a little somethin',

these are, let's see,
Merry Christmas,

happy birthday,
going away cookies.


Hey, you got minute?


I've thought a lot about
what you said last night.

It sounds crazy now,

but right before
we adopted Grace,

Deborah and I panicked.

I mean we really
freaked out.

We were so afraid that we
wouldn't be able to love her,

as much as we did
Josh and Robert.

But then the first time
we held her in our arms,

and looked down
at her tiny face...

it was nothing short
of miraculous.

It was like our hearts just
exploded with love

and we knew, somehow,

we just knew that
she was our daughter.

A gift from God.

And you're right.

I mean, she's never
gonna know

why she was abandoned,

and neither will we.

But, what she will know,

is that she has a family
that loves her like crazy...

and most important,

she'll know,
that just like us,

she has a heavenly father,

Who loves her,
even more then we do.

Do you really
believe that?

Ya know, I don't
have all the answers.

Boy, I sure don't have it
all figured out.

But yeah,

I believe with all my heart
that God loves us.

He came.

Well, hey...

you enjoy those multi-purpose
cookies of yours.

Thank you.

Listen, if you need to talk,
if you need anything.

You know where
to find me.


[door opens, then closes]

Coo, woo, Woo, Woo

§ music §

chirp, chirp, chirp

§ music §

Good morning.

Good morning.

There was no room
for you in the inn?

We must get you
warm... come.



I do not have much...


I hope you will soon
be going back to your family

for the holidays.

Me, too.

It's good.

Do you think that a man
can change?

I hope so.

I better get going...

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Happy Birthday, Jack.

You came looking
for Carmen...

and all you get is me.

§ music §

She was my whole life,

and now meeting you,
my grandson,

it's the answer
to all of my prayers...

§ music §

She would of wanted you
to have this.

What happened
the night I was born?


is my baby come?

No, Carmen.

I'm so sorry.

It's alright Papa...

will the baby come
before Christmas?

I love you, Papa.

Papa, I'd like to hold
my baby before Christmas.

Please, papa...


I'd really like to hold
my baby, before Christmas.

§ music §

Oh, Carmen.

§ music §


I'm so sorry.

§ music §


chirp, chirp, chirp

§ music §



Thanks for coming
so quickly.

§ music §

I have so much
to tell you.

Please forgive me, Meg.

§ music §


(Reverend Michael)
Every year at this time,

we gather around this
beautiful nativity

as friends, as family
and as a community...

and we remember who we are,
what we have,

and even what
we've lost.

Let us remember that
this scene represents

so much more than just
a touching story,

or a nostalgic
holiday fairy tale.

It is, in fact, a reminder
of a most amazing reality,

that God came
and God spoke.

Peace on earth,
God is with us,

and the God who spoke
still speaks,

and the God who came,
still comes.

Now, aren't you glad
I made you come?

I'd come anyway.

That as we stand here
tonight in our real world

with our real lives,

full of problems
and questions...

past hurts
and future hopes...

God is with us.

God is with us.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

§ light piano music §

This belongs to you.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

§ light piano music §

1 can't believe this.

Charlotte Hampton...

he gave me the
Charlotte Hampton story!

§ music §

It's so nice
to meet you, Joe?


We have news
for you.

You're going to be
a great-grandfather.

§ music §

This is KOWS,

broadcasting to you live
from the Christmas service,

in front of the oldest church
in Clearwater.

It's 12:01,
Christmas mornin'.

All night the lines
have been opened

and the requests
have been piling in.

First up, is Marlin Davis
in the county jail,

who is doin' ten,
for armed robbery.

Marlin wants Jim Reeves,

"Put your sweet lips
a little closer to the phone."

Well, I don't
think so, Marlin.

What you need is some
soul surgery--

just you open up your heart
and get an ear full of this...
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