10x15 - No Good Deed

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: Miami". Aired: September 23, 2002 – April 8, 2012.*
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Follows a group of detectives assigned to the Miami-Dade Police Department's Crime Scene Investigations.
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10x15 - No Good Deed

Post by bunniefuu »






(engine revving)

Help! Help! Help me!

Over here!

-Over here!
-(engine revving)


Name's Henry Duncan, age 42,

his body washed ashore.

Found his paddle board
about a mile from here.

Still trying
to locate a vehicle.

Wound suggests he was gored
by a boat going at high speed.

We got a time of death, Tom?

Level of skin maceration...

He's been in the water
two hours.

No boat crash was reported.

If it was an accident,
it was a hit and run.

Believe me, this was
no accident.

There are two distinctly angled
wound patterns here.

He was hit first here,

suggesting he was
on his stomach.

Maybe he was trying
to swim away.

His body then flipped over.

It appears his legs
got caught in the propeller.

The boater circled and struck
him again, this second time,

nearly cleaving his head off.

That's what left him with this
hanging chad of a head.

Well, gentlemen,
we've got to find that boat.

That boat is our m*rder w*apon.

# Yeah! #

# We don't get fooled again #

# Don't get fooled again #

# No, no! #

You sure this is the right boat?

I don't see any signs
of a collision.

Oh, this beauty is made of

extremely strong
and flexible composites.

Human body wouldn't have
done much damage.

The speed the k*ller was going,

and most of the boat wasn't
even touching the water.

Then it would have
been hydroplaning, Eric.



take a look at this.

What's up?

What's that on the propeller?

DELKO: Looks like human flesh.

CAINE: Yes, it does.

Hey, Frank?


Can I help you?

Yeah, Dylan Perez.

I got a call.
I see you guys found my boat.

You the one that reported it
missing this morning?

That's right. So did you guys
figure out who stole it?

We're working on that.

-Who else had access to it,
Mr. Perez? -Nobody.

I mean, I'm usually the...

(chuckles) I had a little
too much tequila last night.

Left the keys in it when
I docked her and then...

I mean, this morning
it was gone.

It was used to k*ll a man.


I mean, I don't... I don't
know anything about that.

And you don't know
who took the boat?

No, l-I'm sorry. No.

Eric, you get something?

Yeah, some kind of grease
on the steering wheel here.

Yeah, that wasn't there last
night when I docked her.

Well, it's there now, isn't it?

H, stuff on the dashboard is
definitely engine oil.

So does it match
the boat's engine oil?

No, that's lithium-based
with a corrosion inhibitor.

The stuff on the dashboard
is calcium-based,

used for trucks, cars,

-(phone beeps)

Turns out our victim's son is
Sean Duncan, motocross champ.

Odds are he knows his way
around a cigarette boat.

Two witnesses say he
argued with his son

right before he left the race.

Okay, here's what
we're going to do.

Let's focus on his job and

nail down his timeline
before the m*rder.

All right, I'll grab Calleigh

and check out
the vic's home life.

DELKO: This must be his kid.

Sean Duncan?

Henry's your dad?

Yeah, he's at work.
He'll be back around 7:00.

Got to talk to you
about something, Sean.

I'm late for class. Who are you?


What we have to say is not easy.


Your father was
k*lled this morning.

I'm sorry.


DELKO: Hey, hang on...

Just take a deep breath,
all right, Sean?

Just breathe.


Big motocross champion.

Still stayed in college, huh?

My dad wanted me to graduate.

Sean, we know that you pulled
out of a big race last week.

People said that they

had overheard you and
your father arguing.


This is what's happening?

I'm sorry, we have to
ask you these questions.

Of course you do.

He thought that I was cheating.

Don't read me the
regulations, Dad. All right?

It's not that big of a deal.
Everybody does it.

Answer the question, Sean.

If I strip
and unseal that engine,

am I going to find
that it's oversized?

Will you wake up?!

I'm here to win!

This is about
much more than a race!

I had to back out or
he was going to report me.

Must have made you mad.


You follow him down
to the beach this morning?


Did you and your father
have any...


Stop, okay?

I didn't do anything to my dad.

Look, what about Miss Jaden?

She's crazy. Talk to her.

I don't know who that is.

Connie Jaden, our neighbor.

She already tried
to k*ll Tiberius.

-Who's Tiberius?
-My dog.

She gave him chocolate.

He was throwing up all over
the place this morning.

He's still at the vet.

Do you have any idea why

she would do something
like that?

Because she's psychotic.

All right, one second, she's all

neighborly and sweet, and then

the moment that Tiberius
lets out a yelp, she snaps.

And her and my dad
really got into it yesterday.

-(dog barking) -I sleep to
the sound of that dog barking.

l-I eat to the sound
of that dog barking.

I bathe to the sound of
that dog barking.

We're working on it.
I am so sorry.

JADEN: If you can't handle
the situation, I will.

She thr*aten your dad?

Yeah, she did.

Where exactly does she live,

Right across the street.

She's probably there.

I think she works from home or
something. She's always around.

See you next time.

It's a boyfriend, maybe?

-(car alarm beeps)

-Another boyfriend.

(mist spraying)

You looking for the lady
of the house?

Oh... uh...

I must have the wrong address.

(chuckles) Yeah, I think
you have the wrong address.

That clears things up.

Look at all this garbage.

Oh, yeah...

Well, a lot of chocolate.

DELKO: Connie Jaden?

DUQUESNE: We're from Miami-Dade
Police Department.

We need to talk.

I'm busy.

Oh, you don't have to worry.

Your next appointment
just canceled.

Come on out.


You know, I got to say,
you don't look like the type

that eats chocolate
by the boxful.

That's, uh, that's got
to be bad for business.

We know that you and Henry
Duncan argued yesterday.

(sighs) Look...

That dog is obnoxious.

Henry was m*rder*d this morning.

He's dead?



Listen, that guy was
a pain in my ass,

complaining about
the height of my grass,

or when I left
my trash cans out,

but I wouldn't k*ll him.

Even if he found out
you were tricking,

and he threatened
to turn you in?

He had no idea.

If you can't handle
the situation, I will.

Tiberius is only barking
because of all

the foot traffic you
have at your house.

What I do in my house
is my business.

Your business is the problem.

Excuse me?

I know you're a notary.

This block is zoned residential.

It violates the housing code,
having your notary clients

coming to your house
at all hours.

My notary clients?

I know it's hard
to make ends meet

since you've had to close
your real estate business.

But it's not right,
and it has to stop.

Henry was an uptight Boy Scout.

But he was sweet.

I wouldn't hurt him.

No, just his dog, right?


You said he was m*rder*d
this morning?


I was with a client.

What's the client's name?

Will Kingsley. He's actually
a friend of Henry's.

I met him at
one of his barbecues.

Do you know how
they know each other?

They worked at the same
accounting firm.

Actually, if you see Will,
can you give him this?

'Cause he left it
here this morning.

Um, sure.

Thank you for your time.



I guess that means that Henry's
coworker had a secret to keep.


I'll have Ryan bring him in.

So you were late
for work this morning.

Maybe a few minutes, what?

(chuckles) Did you check
my time card or something?


You know, we arrested
Henry Duncan's neighbor

Connie Jaden for prostitution.

And she said you were at
her house this morning.

She has me confused
with someone else.

You, uh, you left this behind.

Okay. So...

maybe I've been to see her a few
times, including this morning.

Did Henry know about it?

-I mean, was he
going to report you? -No.

I'd never let him find out
something like that.



Henry believed everyone
should play by the rules.

He wouldn't let you
get away with anything.

It's what made him
a great accountant.

It's also why his wife left him.

Did he have any contact
with his wife?

Hmm, not that I know of.
He was really busy with work.

Did he have anything at work
going on? Any new clients?

I don't know.

Was he having any troubles?


Yeah, he did mention something.

It was keeping him up at night.

Wow, we are late
for this meeting.

I'm sorry I made you wait.

Henry, what's up?

Everything okay?
You look like a wreck.

I have to go to Jane.

I was going over
a client's financials.

And Will, our firm is
overlooking a serious matter.

It's not your problem.

People's lives are at stake.

Let it go, Henry.

Look the other way.

I could never do that.

Do you have any idea
what it was?


He found something
in one of our client files.

I don't know. I didn't ask.

As crass as it may sound,
maybe I was the smart one, huh?

We're gonna need
to see those files.

Contact our boss Jane Caldicott,
check his office.

But that guy didn't
throw anything away.

There's a ton of files
you'll have to go through.



Caldicott Accounting
complied with our subpoena

by giving us every piece
of paper in that building.

Well, they're definitely
hiding something.

And if we have to
look at every page,

we're gonna be here forever.

Wait a second.

I think I have an idea.

Maybe we don't have to look
at every single page.

What do you mean?

What if we just focus on the
fingerprints on the folders?

And if one of them contains the
files Henry was worried about,

he'll have handled it the most.

And that'll be the one
with the most prints on it.

Good thinking.






You just have
something on your...

Oh, is it, like, spinach
in my teeth or...

(laughs) No, no... um...

Here, I'll just--

Just a little...

fingerprint powder.



Wow, look at all
these fingerprints.

So these accounting files have
Henry's fingerprints on them.

They also have the fingerprints
of his boss Jane Caldicott.

And then there's this file.

Scherner Developers...

As you can see,
both Jane and Henry

handled this file
multiple times.

His prints are in green.
Hers are in pink.

Now, Scherner's building
an environmentally-friendly

housing development, and
there doesn't appear to be

anything strange about that.

Except we dusted the pages
inside the folder.

Henry's prints are
completely absent.

Jane Caldicott
replaced the paperwork.

H, that's a
multimillion dollar account.

Here's what we do.
Go back to the victim's house,

and see if he keeps
paperwork there.


Did your dad ever mention

a client at his firm,
Scherner Development?

Maybe. I kind of tuned him out
when it came to work.

It would have
been a major account

worth millions of dollars.

I'm sorry. I don't remember.

Do you know if your dad ever
kept any of his work at home?

There might be some stuff
in his desk.

May I look?

Yeah, please.

(dog barks in distance)


Were you always into racing?

Pretty much my whole life.

Were you always good at it?

-(phone ringing)
-Pretty much my whole life.

Do you need to get that?

Phone's been ringing all day.

Just more questions
from the funeral home,

more stuff that
I'm supposed to do.

Do you have anyone that can
help you, any family?

My mom moved to Arizona
with her trainer.


And I've been blaming
my dad ever since.



My dad wouldn't have fun.

All he cared about were
the details in everything.

And what was the point?

I mean, he wasted
his life trying to

get people to follow rules
that didn't even matter.

I know that I'm supposed
to feel sad.


all I feel is pissed.

I'm sorry.

Is this your bag?

You know what's weird?

My dad goes nuts if I ever
leave anything on the floor.

Uh, those are his shoes.

Any idea where this
green paint came from?

No clue.


What am I looking at?

Chromated copper arsenate.

Looks like it wasn't
just green paint

on the bottom of Henry's shoes.

-Well, that's poisonous.

at the levels found
in that soil sample.

I'II, uh, give you one guess
where Henry found that stuff.

Why guess? You ready
for a field trip?


OWENS: Green paint.

WOLFE: Yeah.

I'm sorry.
This is a closed site.

We'll be ready
for showings soon,

but if you're not
authorized to be here...

MDPD. I think we're authorized.

Who are you?

Bob Scherner. I'm the owner,
and I'd like you to leave.

Well, Bob,
when they say "green,"

they actually mean
environmentally safe.

They don't mean you actually
spray-paint the ground green.

This stuff's completely safe.

It's just
for aesthetic purposes.

Well, I'm not concerned
about the plants, Bob.

What I'm concerned with is
what's underneath the plants.

-The dirt?
-Yeah, the dirt.

And if the dirt's k*lling
the grass, what do you think

it's going to do to the kids
who are playing on top of it?

Check it, Sam.

You can't do that.

Oh, yeah? My warrant says I can.


It's positive for chromium,
copper and arsenic.

-I'm calling my lawyer.
-Hey, why don't you do that?

And, uh, why don't you
tell him you can meet him

down at the police station?
Let's go, Bob.

I got nothing to say to 'em.

I don't want to talk
to 'em, nothing, all right?


-Mr. Wolfe.

So, the developer's lawyer
won't let him talk to us,

so I'm bringing in the victim's
boss, the accountant.


Jane Caldicott?

Uh, yes.

Will this take very long?

I was in the middle

of organizing
a memorial ceremony for Henry.

Your client, Mr. Scherner,

bought land
that was previously used

as a wood pressure treatment
facility, is that right?

Well, that's news to me.

That's interesting to hear,

considering your fingerprints
are all over this file.

Henry crunches the numbers.
Mr. Scherner buys

the property
at below-market values.

And now he builds
exorbitantly priced

houses on that same property.

And you helped Mr. Scherner
cover up the fact

that the land is carcinogenic.

Listen, I add and subtract
for my clients.

I am not responsible
for Scherner's activity.

Then why did you swap out
papers from the file?

He was gonna cut you in,
wasn't he?

And Henry found out about it,
didn't he?

I will say it until you listen.

You are building
on unsafe land.

-This doesn't concern you.
-So you're just gonna let

this monster build homes
where its residents

are going to get sick and die?

You don't know what
you're talking about, Chief.

I'm gonna advise you

to get the hell off this site
before things get ugly.

Henry, I will see you
back at the office, okay?

Keep your mouth shut.


I guess if Henry
blew the whistle,

you two would be out
millions of dollars,

and you'd end up in jail.

-So you and Bob
got rid of Henry. -No.

I was going to cut Henry a check
if I had to,

but I never got the chance.

I can't speak
for what Bob may have done.

Now are we done?

No, as a matter of fact,
we're not.

We're gonna hold you
for additional questioning.

Go with her, please.

Well, then,
I'm calling my lawyer.

I recommend it highly.

Well, she and the developer
definitely have motive,

but I don't think
they're gonna fess up to it.

Okay, you know what
we need, Mr. Wolfe? Leverage.

Let's get this car back
to the garage.

Hey, Wolfe, it's Walter.

Henry's car finally
made it to the garage.

I'll let you know if it
leads us to anything new.

-What's up, Sarge?

Took patrol all damn day,
but they finally found it.


Let's see what we got.

(power tools whirring)

(cell phone ringing)

Hm. Must be Wolfe calling back.

Not me.

Not me, either.

Maybe it's our vic.

(phone continues ringing)

All right.

So our vic just got a voice mail
from an unknown number.

-Check it out.
-(touch tones sound)

BOY: Mr. Duncan.

It's me, Manuel,
from yesterday morning.

I met you in front
of the coffee shop.

I need your help.
I'm in trouble.


Somebody help, help!

Okay, so the call came
from a blocked number,

which means we can't trace it.

Yeah, Benton's been
collecting surveillance video,

traffic cam footage, anything we
can use to recreate Henry's day.

Okay, use that. Find out where
Henry crossed over with the boy.

-SIMMONS: Hey, Dave.

So, that kid on the call-- he
referred to yesterday morning.

Does that mean anything?

Well, according
to the car's GPS,

Henry left his house at 8:11.

The yellow dots are

the surveillance cameras
in the area.

I've pulled all the footage

I can find of him
along his route.

Okay, so at 8:30,
he parks in front

-of the Maplewood Coffee Shop.
-Goes to buy a paper?

Yeah, but he doesn't enter
the convenience store.

Why does he stop, see?

SIMMONS: Well, it looks like

he's talking
to someone off camera.

You got another angle?

Yeah, we have a camera
in that direction.


Who are you talking to, Henry?

-Got anything wider?

SIMMONS: Ah, there he is.

That must be Manuel.

What's that at his feet?

Hey, punch in.

Ah, looks like Manuel was sick.

No wonder Henry was
worried about him.

Henry just gave him
something. Did you see that?

Yeah, I think
it was a business card.

This guy right here's
walking right up onto them.

Zoom in on that guy's belt.

Look, he's got a Kn*fe.

Hey, if we can see
this creepster's face,

maybe we can I.D. him.

Good idea.

Come on, chump, turn around.

Let me try the security video

And Henry is watching them.

SIMMONS: Switch cameras.

That's his car.

Can you zoom in
on the license plate?

(computer trilling)

DAVE: Let me see
if I can sharpen this.

We got a partial plate.

Okay, now, Henry's office
is located north,

but he's headed south
following Manuel and tattoo guy.

Right, and the next time
we catch him, they're still

on the roadway
and he's still headed south.

We've got him right here
in a taxicab camera.

(computer trills and beeps)

Still can't get that plate.

(clucking tongue)

Whoa! Wow.

Man, that truck
almost hit Henry.

All right, that threw him
off the scent of tattoo guy.

And we also lost
the taxicab visual.

Henry takes the next exit.

15 minutes later,
he's arriving at his office.

And that's it?
That's all we got?

That's all we got.

You know what?
Could you do me a favor?

-Uh, give me Henry in his car
again, please. -Sure.

You see that?

He's talking on his Bluetooth.

Thanks, Dave. We can trace that.

Hey, Calleigh--
that kid on the message--

he hopped in the car with
this guy that was tatted up.

Henry tried to follow 'em,
but he lost 'em.

What's your next step?

I left Henry's phone in Trace.
You got a minute?


(sighs) Come on, baby.


Henry called 911 while
he was following Manuel.

The call was routed
to Miami Shores PD.

Here it is.

911. What's your emergency?

I saw a boy, about

12 years old, he was crying,
he looked really sick.

When did you see him, sir?

Uh, about ten minutes ago.
He got into a car

with a man
who said he was his father,

but it didn't feel right.

I'm following him now, I'm
trying to get his license plate.

Let me advise against that, sir.

You could cause an accident.

I'm fine. I'm hands-free.

It's a silver Chevy,
license plate

Oscar, Bravo, um, two...

I can't make out the rest.

OPERATOR: Please, let us take it
from here.

-(tires screech, horn honks)
-Hey! Hey, no!

-HENRY: No! Damn it!
-OPERATOR: Sir, are you okay?

HENRY: Yes, fine. A truck just
barreled in front of me.

I've lost them.

(computer trilling)

DUQUESNE: The report says
Miami Shore PD tried

to follow up, but there wasn't
enough to go on.

Yeah, we got enough.
We got the other half

of the plate
on the surveillance tape.

SIMMONS: These are the right
plates, but the wrong car.

CAINE: Somebody switched them.

Henry mentioned...

a Chevy.

-CAINE: Hey, wait!
-SIMMONS: Hey, wait!

-Wait up!
-Wait, wait!

Wait, wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait! Wait.

Police! Wait! Police!
Police, police. Hold on.

I need to check this car.

This looks like the duffel bag
the kid had

in the surveillance video, H.

What's this?

Manuel Gonzales flew in from
Nicaragua yesterday morning.

-One way.
-Oh, that's bad.

Walter, check that

and see if Henry's number is
on that call log.

It is, H.

This must have been the phone
that he used.


It can only mean
one thing, Walter.

They're using the boy
as a drug mule.

If they're desperate
enough for these dr*gs,

they'll cut him right open.

One-way ticket means they're not
planning on sending him back, H.

Walter, we got to find this kid.


There was a witness.

The driver
on the surveillance tape.

Let's bring him in.

DELKO: Mr. Olsen,
you're registered

as a driver at Clarion Tow.

Now, I just need to know, is
that you driving the truck here?

Yeah, that's me.

I'm no longer with the company.


Oh, sorry to hear that.

Sure. What can I do for you?

I got to get
to the unemployment office.

Yeah, I was hoping you could
help us find this missing boy.

Well, sure. What can I do?

See that? We believe, uh...

We believe the missing boy
was in this gray Chevy here.

Now, did you see the driver?

Dark-haired guy.

I didn't get a close look.

Wait. He had a tattoo.

with a cross or something.

Did you see where the car went?

I don't know.

(engine revving)

(tires squealing)

Yeah. Wait.

He-he turned
into that diner, Tabby's.

I remember 'cause I...

I thought
that place was closed down.




(heavy breathing)

Easy, son, you're okay now.

MAN: I got your man!

I got your man!

I'll trade him for the boy!

I'll trade him for the boy!

Fair enough, but now
I've got a trade for you:

a 6x9 retirement plan or
a trip to the great unknown.

You decide.

So you like to t*rture
little boys?

Back the hell out of my face.

While you still have one.

Henry Duncan.

I don't know who
you're talking about.

Henry Duncan is the man
that you m*rder*d.

He came between you and a mule,
and you started hunting him.

I didn't k*ll nobody.

Say what you want-- that
ain't going to change.

You know, my friend,

everything is about
to change for you.

I'll be back.

Uh, they told me to
wait here for you.

Did you find that kid?

We did, we did, and I just
wanted to thank you.

I'm glad I could help.

I got to get going.


Uh, well, listen, a friend
of mine owns a tow company

and he might be hiring.



H, stuff on the dashboard

is definitely engine oil.

Got some sand
on your shoes there.

You at the beach today?

The beach?

You know something?

Can you wait a few minutes?

Sounds like you're gonna
go get the mayor,

give me a proclamation
or something.

-Hey, I just did

what any good citizen
would have done.

You did, and we appreciate it,
we really do.

Just give me two minutes.
I'll be right back.

Sounds like our civic hero
is worried about something.

Yeah, well, he should be.

I just saw a grease
stain on his sleeve.

Could be engine oil.

That's what I'm thinking.

Do we have the victim's
call record?

Yeah, I got 'em right here.

This is it.

Henry, uh, Henry made
a call at 8:55 a.m.

Right after he lost sight
of Manuel's car.

Yeah, right after
he got off with 911,

he dialed this number.

It's, uh, 1-800-555-0199.

Check My Driving call center.

Would you like
to report an incident?

Eric, Henry was k*lled

reporting this nitwit's
bad driving.


(tires screeching,
car horn honking)

Damn it!

Check My Driving call center.

Would you like to report
an incident?

Yes, I'd like to
report truck number 08-golf-321.

Uh, driver cut me off,
nearly k*lled me.

You got to get him off the road
before he hurts someone.

My name is Henry Duncan.

Thank you, Mr. Duncan.

We have
a zero-tolerance policy.

Our driver will be terminated.


(engine starts)

You didn't even know
the man you m*rder*d.

I lost my pension,
m-my job, everything

because some four-wheeler
didn't like my driving?

How would you like it if
you made one wrong move

and somebody could just
call your boss like that?

Well, they do, Mr. Olsen.

Yeah, they do, they file
complaints against us,

they take us to court.

We don't k*ll anyone.

Most people file
complaints anonymously.

Not that guy-- Dudley Do-Right.

He left his number and
name at the call center.

And when you found out his name,
you started following him.

That guy dialed ten digits,
and I lost everything.

You don't mess with a man's job.

Hey, Sam.

Hey, Wolfe.

Great work today.

You really worked that case
like it was your job.

-Well, it is my job, actually.

It is your job.

I should think about what I say

before my...

That was awkward.

Um, you know what we should do?

We should, uh, we should go
and get a drink

and celebrate
having solved the case.

What do you think?

Uh, that, that...



MAN: Ready for dinner?

OWENS: Yeah, I am.

Wolfe, this is my
boyfriend Josh Avery.

He, uh, he's with the
state attorney's office.

Oh, wow, hey, I'm Ryan.

-Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you, too.

-Keeping my girl safe?
-Josh, come on.

Oh, I forgot, Texas women
don't need protecting.

Humor me, Ry, huh?

You bet, Josh.

We actually just solved a case.

Uh, you should come with us

and have some drinks
before we have dinner.

Good idea, yeah.

Oh, yeah, yeah, I would,
but I got, I got...

lots of stuff to do.

But some other time, maybe.


Aah, firm grip.

Good night, Wolfe.



Uh, I'll find out
as soon as I can.




I just wanted to come by
and let you know

that we made an arrest
in your dad's case today.

Yeah, I, uh, saw
that on the news.

I just wanted you to know.

Uh, my dad was m*rder*d because

some trucker was a bad driver.

That's the punch line
of a bad joke.

Sean, your dad was not a joke.

He was not an embarrassment.

That's very nice of you.

I'm not being nice.

I know your dad was tough.

I'm sure he was a stickler
and very difficult to live with.

That being said,
he was one of those rare people.

He noticed the little things.

He knew that if there was
a little problem,

chances are,
there could be a big problem.

His life was not wasted.

Because of him, today we made
very important arrests.

(garbled radio transmission)

SEAN: You did?


We stopped a housing developer

who had endangered hundreds
of families.

We broke up a drug ring
that was targeting children.

Because of your dad,
we saved a boy's life.

Manuel... let's get
you to the doctor.

Because of my dad?

He cared so much about you,

about everyone.

He just couldn't look
the other way.

That's a hero.

A hero?


My dad was a hero.

A hero.
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