01x15 - Dead Woman Walking

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: Miami". Aired: September 23, 2002 – April 8, 2012.*
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Follows a group of detectives assigned to the Miami-Dade Police Department's Crime Scene Investigations.
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01x15 - Dead Woman Walking

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, mister.
Get over here.


Come here!

There's no witnesses.

Nobody heard anything
over the trains running.

Looks like a decade of skag
and skin popping.

Yes, but it's not an O.D.

There's no foam around
his mouth and nose.

You see that?

Take a look at that syringe.

There's no blood in it.

That's right, and that's 'cause
it's not a junkie syringe.

Junkie syringe is one cc, tops.

That's ten;
it's huge.

Maybe the guy is a glutton.

Maybe. Junkie or not ...

somebody k*lled this man.

We got a Carl Aspen.
A long record.

A few possession charges,
mostly as*ault and battery.

Looks like he got
the battery this time.

Lacerations on the face and lip.

I saw a couple of torn nails
so I bagged his hands.

May be able to get
some scrapings.

Oh! Horatio.

And what do we have there?

It's damp.

Maybe from the substance
inside the syringe.

How much is there?


Well, that rules out
money as a motive.

Alexx, do you have
a time of death?

No corneal cloudiness.

So, approximately an
hour to two hours ago.

So, that makes it between

So, Carl here
was looking to score,

needed money, but jumped
the wrong person, didn't he?


What's up, H?

That's a pencil, isn't it?

Yes, it is.

Looks like it's been
chewed up.

It's got teeth marks.

Okay, let's process it
for saliva and epithelials.

You got it.

Screen this for opiates.


I think I found the
cause of death.

Before you open him?

Cervical fracture.

Looks like somebody
snapped his neck.

Have you tested
under his nails for skin?

Just about to.

Wait a minute.

His hand wasn't like
this on the scene.

You think that's
parasite activity?

Not like I've ever seen.

That's got to be a chemical burn,
though, right?

But that would have
presented immediately.


There's only one thing
I know that burns like that.

We can't stay here.

Got to notify the team;
they may have been exposed, too.

We have an
emergency situation.

Please find the
closest exit,

and evacuate as quickly
and as safely as possible.

I don't think this
is a fire drill.

Yeah, I was just leaving.

Checking up on me?

Turn around.

Why are you standing there?
What's wrong?

Listen, Horatio and Alexx
found radioactivity on the victim.

How bad?
Nobody knows yet.

RMS are going to be
here any second.

They're setting up a
hot zone outside.

So, hurry up, all right?

It's eating through his flesh.

Odorless, tasteless and invisible.

Too many neutrons
destabilize the atom.

All those atoms ripping apart,
releasing energy.

Makes you wonder
what it's done to us.

Just hope it hasn't
rearranged our DNA.

Here's Radiation

Waiting for us?

You better believe it.

Definitely have an air
contaminant in here.

We think the hand
is the source.

Ooh, hot hand.

Medium-level radiation.

Let's make this sucker safe.

What's in that coffeemaker?


A soft-melting alloy.

Neutralizes the
radioactive particles.

Kind of like freezing it.

We should get you
two to scrubdown.

Roger that.

Okay, let's get the CDC to
quarantine the crime scene...

till we know what
we've got. Right.

You're both negative
for radioactivity.

Okay. So, that means
we just need to contain ...

the contaminated
evidence, right?

And clean the dirty air.

This will tell us if it's nuclear,

medical, or right out
of the ground.

Let me ask you a question.

Could you administer radioactive
material by syringe?

Radiation therapy
for cancer patients.

att*cks tumors.

Junkie mistook radioactive isotopes
for pharmaceutical narcotics.

Possible. It's not like it
glows or anything.

Syringes aren't marked.

A junkie could mistake
it for anything.

What's this?
Some grade-a smack?

I just won the lotto.

All right.
Let's go.

Delko has definitely
been exposed.

Yeah, but to what?

I mean, there are hundreds
of types of radioactivity.

Well, it basically
breaks down like this.

Say you have a pencil, right?

You put that on your skin,

that's going to wash right
off 'cause it's an alpha particle.

It's low-level radiation.

You have a pen,
that's a beta particle.

Has more energy.

That will sink into something.

And then you got gamma,
which is totally toxic.

Goes right through you.
Burns you from the inside out.

So, we don't know if it went on Delko,
in Delko or through Delko.

Alpha, ...

... beta ...

... or gamma.

Delko could have inhaled that
radioactivity off that money...

and not even had a clue.

So, maybe our vic
jumped somebody...

who was delivering

Any trained delivery guy...

would have handed it over and notified
the nuclear regulatory commission.

That would make sense,

but I haven't heard anything from
the NRC about anything yet.

So, you're looking for a thief
who steals radioactive isotopes.

In syringe form.

The guy is a thief.

He's going to take
as many as he can.

Radioactive materials.

Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?

You thinking terrorism?

I think the doses
are too low.

Come on, let me
show you the money.

You ready?

Iodine 131 at the
end of its half-life.

Low-level radiation.

Your guy should be okay.


I want to check
the pencil first ...

and then I'll get it
back to you, all right?

What's up?

The guy said my exposure
was equal to what...

a pilot gets on
a flight to Paris.

Well, next time,
take the trip to Paris.

It'll be easier on all of us.

Tell me about it.

I heard radioactivity can
cause temporary infertility.

So, you and your girlfriend
are temporarily in luck.

Yeah, or permanently

Hey, heard you were worried
about having children.

This should keep you safe.

The bell rings if you
get near radiation.

That was nice.

"B. King."


It's Belle King.
Practicing attorney.

Specializing in
environmental law.

All righty.

Who is it?

It's the Miami Dade
police department.

Let me see
your badges.


Sorry about that, but, uh,
you can never be too careful.

So, what can I do
for you, officers?

Belle King?

Yes, that is me.

Ms. King, we have a warrant
to search your premises.

Well, whatever it is you
are looking for my position...

is it's covered by
attorney-client privilege,

work product included.

Well, we're not here
to talk about your clients.

We're Crime Scene

I'm placing a call to
the issuing judge.

Thank you.

What the hell is ... ?

Is that me?
It can't be you.

Ten times
the level at the lab.

"One minute."

What'd the doctor say?

The doctor said that
we have a m*rder victim...

who has less
than one week to live,

but she is
not contagious.

Okay, let's find Eric...

and tell him to process the
cash from the crime scene.

It's safe to touch now.

Calleigh, let's go to
Belle's home.

Iodine 131 decays
into normal iodine.

That's what
you're looking for.

Iodine reacts to sulfur.
I'll put some in my kit.

Put some in mine, too.

Speed, let's go to
Belle's office and see....

if any of her enemies
left her a warning.

You got it.
Thank you.

No silver jumpsuit, hmm?

I guess that means I'm ...

I'm all better.

Well, um ...

you've actually ingested
some isotopes.

An isotope called
iodine 131.

The stuff they use
for cancer therapy?

But I haven't
ingested anything.

And even if I did ingest
a little bit of iodine 131,

it wouldn't k*ll you.

Actually, you've ingested
quite a bit of it.

Well, how much?

It's my understanding that at
these concentration levels ...

How much?

Um ... roughly equivalent to...

what four patients undergoing
radiation treatment ingest in,

say, a six-month period.

Somebody's making
a mistake.

This ...

this can't be true.

I didn't eat or drink iodine 131.

We think you
were poisoned.

Now, the doctor is
coming in to ...

How long?

We think you have
about a week.

I'm sorry.

Not even enough time
for all my hair to fall out.

I'm sorry.

Is there somebody
I can call?

Yes. My parents, my sister.


I'll call them.
Never mind.

Now, I'm going to need to ask
you some questions, too.

Like who would
want to k*ll me?

That would be a
good place to start.

I'm going to need a list
of your clients and....

any of the companies that
you filed suit against recently,

and how about enemies.

Well, that's a long list.

Did you meet with any
of them yesterday?

I met with
Twin Creeks Power Plant.

Just sued for
plume contamination.

They hate me.

Did they bring you
anything to drink?

No. But, uh,

I had coffee at
my next meeting....

with a nuclear weapons
facility, Elkwood.

They bring you the coffee?

No, actually I got it from
a vending machine,

and if you keep
interrupting me,

I'm never going to get
through my list of enemies.

Go on.

Right before lunch, I met with
Risher Pharmaceuticals.

They're guilty of unsafe
toxic disposal,

misplaced isotopes,
and - this is my favorite

-- confusing isotopes so patients are
injected with the wrong dosages.

No meals, no drinks.

Not even a glass of water?

I'd tell you.

How are you feeling?

Not very hungry.

Yeah, we got threatening
phone calls,

stupid letters --
mostly from other lawyers.

Belle kicks ass.

Yeah, I've seen
these articles.

Does a lot of pro
bono work, huh?

She's helped a lot of people.

Who would do this?
Who is that sick?

Can you tell me what's
in this drawer?

Personal stuff.

Well, do you mind
unlocking it?

Thank you.


Yes. That's Mary Ann,
Linda and Jean.

You supply the neighbors
with eggs?

People pay me what they can.

We okay?

Air's clean.

If there's any
iodine 131 left in there,

it's lost all its potency.
Just let one of your CSIs in.

Thank you, gentlemen.

Thank you.

Would you mind
putting these on? Okay?


I, uh, checked all the dishes
in the sink with sulfur.

There was no reaction.
There's no sign of iodine so far.

You collect hourglasses.


My dad got me this one to remind
me not to work on the weekends.

It lasts for five days.

Somebody sent you flowers.

From "a friend."

Yeah, sometimes people like
to say thanks anonymously.

I don't question
it if it's nice.

Helps to balance out
all the hate mail.

Speaking of, there's a ...

there's a nice one from
Newhouse, Getty and Cooly.

Who's Sam Carver?

An angry father lashing out
at the world, not me.

Where are my glasses?

Good thing I didn't get that laser
surgery to correct my nearsightedness.

"If you ever try
to contact us again,

I will k*ll you ...
and that's a promise."

Yeah, he wrote that right
after his oldest son d*ed.

It was horrible.

I still wanted to fight for Hank.

He's seven now,
and he's doing fine.

We worked everything out.

So you did contact him again.

And we worked
everything out.

In fact, Janet even leaves
me fresh orange juice...

every couple of days to
celebrate the clean new water.

Did she do that yesterday?


Did you drink it?


Calleigh, could you come in
here a minute, please?

It's positive for iodine.


Belle won a class action suit for you
against the power plant for $200,000.

So I guess I'm a little confused as
to why there are still hard feelings.

But there aren't.


"If you ever try
to contact us again,

I will k*ll you,
and that's a promise."

She dragged
her feet on the case.

Holding out
for more money.

She had a responsibility to
everyone in the lawsuit, Sam,

not just us.
While our oldest son d*ed.

It's true.

We could have used an
early settlement to move,

for Michael's last days.

But we're in a better
neighborhood now,

and our other son Hank,
he's in a real good school.

One with
wheelchair access.

Okay, the problem,
Mrs. Carver,

is that your husband is
still very angry with Belle.

Aren't you, sir?


Does that seem like enough
money for a child's life to you?

Of course not.

I'm sorry for your loss.

I see no holes or striations.

But there is something
else we can try.

We take the empty orange
juice container and turn ...

to good old ...


There you go.

So someone has injected
this with a syringe, haven't they?

Sam Carver sh**t a
needle through plastic.

Why not just pour isotopes
directly into the juice?

Because I don't think
it was Sam Carver.

I think someone
else injected it.

The Carvers are innocent.

The Carvers are innocent, and...

we are looking for somebody who
knows their way around a syringe.

Eric, you get anything?

Seventeen prints so far.

No matches on AFIS.
But I did get this.

What is that?

Numbers I hope.

I don't know, like from a
credit card or a bank card.

Could have come straight
out of the k*ller's wallet.

Could lead us straight
back to him hopefully, huh?


Looks like sixteen numbers.

Eric, your genius knows no bounds.

There you have it.
Nice going.

I'll call the credit card company,
see whose cash this is.

George Risher?

CEO of Risher

Yeah, I know who he is.

I have a class action suit against
him for contaminating groundwater.

I'm asking $128 million.

Are you okay?

You know what,
come here.

You need to get
some rest now.

You need to spend sometime
with friends or family,

and let me handle this, okay?

Did you know Horatio
was the first CSI?

He was...
the what?

In Hamlet.

When Hamlet was
poisoned and dying,

he asked his
best friend Horatio...

to tell the world
who m*rder*d him.

Okay, I'll tell the world.

But first, I'm going
to go talk to Risher,

and I'll call you later.

Miami Dade police.
We'd like to see George Risher.

May I ask what this is about?

Tell Mr. Risher it's
about Belle King.

You know, if that woman
comes by here again,

I will have to call security.

Now, why would
you do that?

She's, um ...
a nut case.

She's been driving
my boss crazy.

I'll go get Mr. Risher.

You do that.

Three blocks from where
Carl Aspen was m*rder*d.

Yeah, three blocks from
where iodine 131 first showed up.

And twenty feet ...

Twenty feet from where it's
being distributed as we speak.

This is a new lock.

How can you tell?

See in here?
This is freezer burn.

You would spray freon in
to disrupt the lock internally.

Maybe Risher's in so much hot
water already he didn't report it.

Maybe he staged
a break-in to cover it.

George Risher.
What's this about?

This is about your involvement
in a m*rder, Mr. Risher.

Is there somewhere
we can talk?

My office.
Thank you.

Lock here is busted, too.

Makes sense.

It's where they keep all
the radioactive material.

Yeah, in the fridge
with their soft drinks.

Oh, god.

Can you imagine
drinking in our lab?

Well, it is a wonderful way
to ingest all sorts of chemicals...

and biologicals.

Can you hand me the scale?

Anything recognizable?

An earring,
a frito and this.

Looks like dirt from a heavy
tread shoe or boot.

So, let me get this straight,
Mr. Risher,

you did have a break-in,

but you failed to report
it to the police?

We needed time
to do an inventory.

Figure out what,
if anything was missing.

And something was missing,
wasn't it?

Like four or five syringes
with iodine 131.

How did you know that?

We found a $20 bill on a dead mugger
with your credit card impression on it.

This conversation is over.

No, it's not.
Not yet. You ...

stand to lose $128 million

if Ms. King wins her
suit against you, right?

I'll have security
show you out.

It would be convenient
if she disappeared.

Ms. King is playing
David and Goliath.

She hasn't a single piece of
solid evidence against us.

As for this dead person with
my money and my medicine,

thank you very much
for solving our break-in.

If I find out that you did this,

I'm going to make it
my mission to get you.



The mystery goo we found on
the floor of Risher's lab...

is made up of nitrogen,
phosphoric acid,

potassium and methyl sulfide.
So, in other words ...

Chicken dung.

Okay, so Risher cuts
through Belle's backyard,

doses her O.J.

and then tracks chicken
remnants back to his lab.

Delko ...
It's not that big a deal.

If you would have
thought about it,

you would have come up
with same conclusion.

It's your nose.

You think this could be
from the iodine exposure?

That's probably

Beta contamination does
not cause nosebleeds.

That's easy for you to say.

You didn't breathe in
radioactive money.

You spent a lot of time
in those canals...

swimming through
radioactive crap.

So I wouldn't be too concerned
about a little nosebleed.

Yeah, and the RM guys gave
you a clean bill of health,

and you do get nosebleeds
in high-pressure situations.

Speedle, did you want
to tell us something?

I want to show you

Now, I got these pictures
from Belle's home office.

That's Risher's place.

And Risher's lab documents.

These are night vision.

Yeah, and my guess it's
probably after hours.

Belle shouldn't
have these pictures.

Well, she sure couldn't have
taken them without permission.

It means the chicken dung
in Risher's office ...

could have
come from Belle.

So, if she breaks in,

takes these pictures and
steals radioactive iodine.

Okay, I understand
the documents,

but why take the iodine?

To analyze it ...

to prove that Risher
has shabby security.

To k*ll herself.

I mean, maybe she's
a martyr for her cause.

She wouldn't be the first.
Lady does like the press.

I don't agree.

But these pictures could
put Belle inside Risher's lab.

And according
to some chickens,

right in front of the refrigerator
with missing iodine.

H, all of the evidence points to the fact
that Belle took these pictures.

I understand,
but something's not right.

We're missing something.

What are you doing?

I'm going to take these
into evidence.

Come on, Horatio.

I can't win my cases with
illegally obtained documentation.

Breaking into that bastard's
lab would be against the law.

And besides,
I'm not that brave.

We found some film in your office
with pictures of the Risher lab on it.


You want to tell me about it?

Do you have sources
on the street?

Well, then, you know.

I can't give up this person.

They're helping me
get the bad guys.


How are you feeling?

Never better.

But you might
want to hurry.

I will.

I looked for reflections --

a hand or fingertip captured
holding the document.

Anything to tell us who took
these pictures other than Belle.

How'd the shoe
treads turn out?

It didn't.
No match.


Guess we were wrong.

Hang on a second.

Is that the door to the lab?

Go tight on that.

That's a levered dead bolt.

There's no evidence of freon.

You got the picture?

So that's the old lock ...

And that's a new lock, isn't it?

So if she took the pictures she
didn't break in to do it, did she?

Somebody let her in.

Somebody let her in.

Which means she's
protecting an insider.

You know, when I found the film it
was in a heart-shaped chocolate box.

Maybe that's how
they communicated.

You also found a camera
in her office, right?

So if the insider was the
one who sent her the film ...

Maybe the insider
took the pictures.

Where's the camera?

It's on its way to the
fingerprint lab.

Call them.

You misled me, Belle.

Didn't you?

You ...

have a source ...

inside Risher.

And I want to know
who it is.

He has nothing
to do with this.


He took the pictures,

he knows where they
store the iodine,

he's involved and
I want his name.

He'd never hurt me.

Belle, either you
give me his name,

or I'm going
to get it myself.

If you expose my source,

my evidence
will be inadmissible...

and it'll ruin my
case against Risher.

I think he poisoned you.

I'm one victim.

Do you know how many other
people will be k*lled by Risher?

Right now,
my concern is you.

There's not a single
fingerprint on this.

It's probably wiped down.

Lenses are such a good
place for fingerprints.

Why is this blurry?

Wait a minute.

This has a diopter on it.

Diopters refer to the
curvature of the lens.

Increase the diopter, ...

... the lens gets thicker,
the curvature greater,

redirecting the light,

making the image appear
larger and in focus.

Just like putting on a pair of
glasses and this one ...

is set for farsightedness.

So what?

Belle is nearsighted.

I need the Risher employee list
complete with medical records.

I'll narrow it down to
farsighted employees.

Okay, I'll call a judge
and get a warrant.

Eric, start taking swabs.

To match with what?
We didn't get any DNA off the pencil.

Oh, I think I know
where else to look.

The isotopes have
become harmless.

Still, you do realize
this is a long sh*t.

I know, Alexx.

I have no idea if the lead is
compromising the epithelials.

All I need is one.

Like I said,
long sh*t.

Must have been
quite a fight.

'cause it looks like I have
a pretty nice hunk in there.

So we have a k*ller.


Fourteen employees
at Risher are farsighted.

Only one with this DNA,

Got it.
I got the match.

I'm sorry this is
the employee ...

Miami Dade Police.
Get out of the way, ma'am.


That's private property!

You have the right
to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be
used against you in a court of law.

We found your skin underneath
the victim's fingernails.

These are called alleles.
There's a 100% match to you.

I work in medicine.

I know about DNA.

Do you?

It's an exciting field, isn't it?

But that's not what we're
here to talk about, Parker.

We're here to talk about the
fact that you got mugged...

the night you were
planning your own m*rder.

Don't hurt me!
I got money, I got money.

I got money.

That's nothing,
that's nothing.

What's this?

Some grade-a smack?

I gave him my money.

Money that you used from
the Risher coffee run, right?

He wouldn't back off.


Oh, yeah, self-defense.

You were trying to defend the
other four syringes of iodine 131.

Snapped his neck,
left the cash...

and took your syringes
over to Belle's.

Now, Parker,
I have a question for you.

Do you have
a crush on Belle?

Because, see, once we do
a full handwriting analysis,

I'm certain we're
going to get a match...

between your
office stationary...

and the anonymous
flower card.

She, uh ...

tricked me ...

into doing things for her.


Things like breaking into
Risher to gather evidence.

That kind of thing?

She pretended to like me
to get what she wanted.

I told her how I felt about
her and she just ...

she just cares
about sick people.

Just cared about
sick people.

So you spiked her orange
juice to get her attention.

I loved her.

Enough to love
her to death?

I thought if she were dead ...

I could forget about her.

Well, that is a plan.

But it didn't turn out
that way, did it?

You'll have the next fifty years
in a 6x6 cell to work on it.


You were right.

About what?

Your pictures of Risher
confirm that he's dirty.

So he was
dumping waste.

My evidence was
obtained with a warrant.

Now I can prove it in court.
How about that?


Tell the world.

I will.


Thank you.

Thank you.
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