Frequencies (2013)

Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.

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Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.
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Frequencies (2013)

Post by bunniefuu »

You may begin.

Remember, give these straight to
your parents when you get home.

Do not open them yourselves.

Albert-Einstein Cole.

Nicola-Tesla Hertz.

Marie-Curie Fortune.

Thank you.

Theodor-Adorno Strauss.

What did you get?

- 127.
- Don't go higher than 100.


I only got a 67, but...

I'm so Relieved, really.
It could have been so much lower.

- Meet my friend.
- You don't have any friends.

This is Isaac-Newton Midgeley.

- Zak. Hello.
- Hello.

He's... minus seven.

Always knew I didn't like you.

- Thought he was your friend.
- Shut up and wait.

What for?

Super-High frequency meets
Super-Low frequency.

So that should be happening,

some... reaction.


Come on in, Zak.
Your mother's here.

- Now, Zak!
- Coming, Mrs. Cook.

How long?

Exactly one minute.

- Daughter.
- Father.


You know what this means.

How it will change your life?


How do you feel about it?

I'm so relieved, really.

It could have been so much lower.

Obviously, this is great news,
and we're very keen...

to make sure that Marie
fulfills her potential.

Is that not guaranteed, now?

Is there anything we can do
about her emotional--

Her emotions?

It's a common side effect.

The higher the frequency,
the lower the empathy.

One tends to drive out the other.

The luckier we are,
the less we care about it.

And no one's going to be
luckier than Marie.

No, it doesn't appear so.

There are certain things we can try--
Knowledge does determine destiny, after all.

I don't want her to be an experiment.

We want her to...

make friends,

have fun,

fall in love,

have a normal life.


I'm sorry, but you must understand...

that won't be at all possible.

If you want to find true love,
stop here.

If you want to find true love,
stop here.

If you want to find true love,
stop here.

If you want to find true love,
stop here.

- Hello, Miss. Anderson.
- Hello, Marie.

If you want to find true love--

Well, I've stopped.

This analyzes your precise frequency.

I developed a way
to directly read the waveform--

much more efficient
than the old school test.

- You have the patent for that?
- Of course.

It's now cross-referencing men
and women with compatible resonance.

Only a small sample--

Just the teachers that would let me
take their reading this morning.

That's how you define true love?

That's how nature defines it.

Those with the lower frequencies
need a minimum of 700 signifiers.

Of course, there are natural forces
to repel, not attract.

What are your plans for this project?

Father wants to put it on the market.

Apparently, people are obsessed
about finding true love.

And you?

No one 100 percents,
but there is a 95.

And who is that?

Mr. Thales.


Maybe you should go and say hello.

All extra data is useful.

This... device
has many possible applications...

- such as the ability to find friends.
- Of course.

- Just a different set of signifiers.
- And have you tested this aspect yourself?


Everybody wants to be my friend.

But how many actually
are your friends?


Then I believe it is necessary
for you to give it a try.

All extra data is useful.

Sorry I'm late.
Got locked in a corridor.


- Hello.
- Hello.

- Did you see the--
- I was going to say...

- Yes.
- ...we don't have to speak.

It's just that-- I want to.
I mean,

We're probably not gonna
get more than a minute.


- How are you?
- Greeting or serious question?

- Greeting.
- Fine. How are you?

Bit worried about
what's going to happen.

Maybe nothing will happen.

If that's true, then...
why are they here?

Why don't you ask them?

Why me?

Because you and I supposed to
have the most interesting reaction.

How long?

- 50 seconds.
- What happens if it goes past a minute?

Detention, both of you.

- Separately.
- It's okay.

They've used up their minute
for this year already.

We couldn't get them together
now if we tried.

Why do it?

You know what happens
when you two get together.

You want to put Zak in danger?

This is a health-and-safety issue
for the whole school.

Come on.

- Do you like him?
- It's just an experiment.

It's a false experiment.
Frequency does not change.

Don't waste your...
feelings on this boy.

The two of you are just
not destined to be together.

Knowledge determines destiny,
Miss. Anderson.



If it goes past a minute,
maybe frequency isn't fixed.


You asked what would happen
if it goes past a minute.

I've decided we should talk.

Did anyone see you?

No, I don't think so.

Good. We're alone.

Less chance of something happening.

How are you?

Not so good, actually.

I think I've got the flu.

I need a more specific answer.

Imagine your physical state
and emotions to my research.

I thought you might be.

Well, I'm feeling...





Because you're worried about
what might happen?

That's part of it.

Are you okay?


I've got an idea.

- Hello.
- Hello.

- What was your idea?
- I think we should... touch.

You know,
as part of the data collection.

I think we should touch.

I can't.

- Why not?
- Because it changes the variables.

- We haven't touched, so--
- We should never touch?

- Yes.
- It could be a new experiment,

- A better experiment.
- What are you talking about?

- Would you--
- It's not that I don't want to touch.

What if it wasn't
just for data collection?

What do you mean?

I've got to ask you something.


- Hello.
- Hello.

Will you go to graduation with me?

Graduation's not till next year.

I don't get many opportunities to ask.

We're supposed to be
keeping this quiet.

But this isn't data collection.

- This is a date.
- A one-minute date?

I've been on shorter ones before.

Low frequency, remember?

- Yes.
- Yes?

I think we should touch then, as well.
Think about it.

- Hello.
- Hello.

Where do you want to touch me?


Sorry, that sounds a bit wrong.

I know we can't be together,
but... I need to tell you...

I love you.

I know you probably
don't love me, but I just...

hope that you like me, you know?

Serious question?



What about our meetings?

- Data collection.
- Just data collection?

No, I've also been
experimenting with flirting.

And now I've stopped.

You really don't feel anything for me?

I don't think you understand, Zak.

I don't feel.

No one wants to understand.

I know what they call me.

The Machine.

And they're right.

I do not love my family.

I experience no joy.

If you ever see me smile,
frown, laugh or cry,

I'm pretending...

waiting for it to become real.

But it never will.

It's the side effect.

The side effect. Of course.

The two of us are just not
destined to be together.

Well, look at that.
One minute.

Looks like I'm leaving right on time.


It's not due in for another week, but
I'll just go check for you, okay?

Would you look at that--
It's Just arrived.

That'll be 20 pounds exactly, please.

- Isn't that lucky?
- Isn't it?


Happy birthday, Marie.




It's been a long time.

Where did you get to?

Everywhere. Sao Paulo,

Buenos Aires, Kaichi, Kinshasa,

But most recently, Vilnius.

I can now curse convincingly
in 18 languages.

Where's Kaichi?
I've not heard of it.

You don't have to pretend to care.

- How are you?
- Greeting or serious question?

- Serious question.
- Still the machine.

- Still broken.
- Still waiting?

Waiting, pretending,

but now, I think, so is everyone else.

- Why are you here?
- To continue the experiment, of course.

- Nothing's changed.
- Not for you.

- What's changed for you, Zak?
- Look at your watch.

Over a minute.

I can't stay.

But meet me in the train shop
tomorrow at 7:00.

I think I can help you.

Glad you could make it.

- Expecting a call?
- Yes.

How did you last more than a minute?

I changed my frequency.

You know that's not possible.

Knowledge determines destiny.

You did this?

- You found the solution?
- Yes.

- Does that surprise you?
- Yes.

You are Low-Frequency.

Not anymore.

What we know about frequency is wrong.

Otherwise, you and I
would never have met.

You said you could help me.

I can change your frequency.

- Lower it?
- I don't think it gets much higher.

But nature works hard
to give me everything.

Almost everything.

Tell me the process.

Okay, I don't think
you're gonna like it.

Essentially, it's an energy exchange.
I'll be bringing you down...

a lot closer to my level.

There are a lot of processes
at work, but...

one of them is... me... touching you.


The negative feedback loop should
eventually be self-reinforcing, but...

I will need to be physically
close to you for a while.

Very clever.

- How soon will I see results?
- If it works as I hope it should, instantly.

You want to do it-- I can tell.

Please don't lie.

Vuren's sake.

You will have feelings
for the first time in your life.


Is it reversible?

It should be.

But there are no guarantee.

That's it?

The main part.
It might not work.

I've decided you can talk
if you want.


It's weird, talking to you
without a deadline.

Or... not talking.

Are you okay?

- I don't think I'm feeling very well.
- Feeling?

Feeling physically sick
is not an emotion.

But that's not this feeling.

This is...

This is it.

This is... awful.

- I feel a huge weight.
- I think that's just nerves.

It's intense.

I feel... connected to myself.

- How does that feel?
- Not so good.

It definitely feels better
when we're touching. Why is that?



You love me.


I think nature's rebelling.

Just like old times.

Should we do anything?

No, it should settle down,
the longer we spend together.


- I know what I want to try.
- What?

- Kiss me.
- Really?

Don't make me ask again.
I'm used to getting what I want.

I'm not.

- I like her.
- You like everybody.

She smiled at me.

She smiles a lot.

I think mine's wrong.

Meet my friend.

This is Isaac-Newton Midgeley.

Zak. Hello.

Obviously, this is not great news,

and we cannot force
the choice upon you,

but we are very
strongly recommending...

that Zak be placed in a school better
suited to help him fulfill his potential.

Because, according to you,
he has no potential.

But a special school?

Can nothing be done?

I know that it is difficult,

but you and Zak have to accept the fact
that he has abnormally Low-Frequency.

He'll be a little unlucky.

Mrs. Midgeley,
we need to be clear on this.

Zak is a negative.

This is very rare, but it means
that he is literally...

out of sync with the natural world.

He will be beyond unlucky.

He will never be in the right place
at the right time.

He will never fit in,
apart from with those of his own kind.

He no longer belongs here.

That's not our opinion.
That's scientific fact.

- He is gifted.
- He's a genius.

But, unfortunately,
surrounded by prodigies.

Perhaps we should ask Zak
what what he wants.

Is this what you want, Zak?
Do you really want to stay here?

- Yes.
- Good. Good boy.

Now, you're going to need help,
so don't be afraid to ask for it.


All knowledge that exists
is known in only two ways--

Inductively and deductively.

Inductive reasoning moves
from specific details and observations...

to the underlying principles
that explain them.

Observation of nature is the authority.

By contrast, deductive reasoning moves
from general truths to specific conclusions.

- Oh. Hello. Is Theo in?
- You must be Zak, yes?

Come in.

Theo, Zak's here!

Don't worry.

- I always come at a bad time.
- Nonsense.

I'm sorry for the discord.

Concertos can be
such messy things, can't they?

Take a seat.

Theo has told us all about you.

Tell me, Zak. Do you play?

No. People like me
have a problem with rhythm.


Everybody can play something.

All you need is heart, soul,
and a little imagination.

You have those?

Play any three notes.

Play them at any time,
for any length, in any order.

- I like the patterns.
- Progressions.

I can see them.

Then you just might be a player.

- Hello, Theo.
- What's up?

I've got an extra homework project.
I need a little help.

Now, to start. This is you.

And this is Marie.

You resonate
on an Ultra-Low frequency.

She resonates on an Ultra-High.

And this is what happens
when you get together.

You repel like
two High-powered magnets.

If you want any chance with Marie,
that's the problem we have to solve.

- Can I have the chalk?
- What have you seen?

I've seen a pattern.

What is it, Zak?

Sorry, Miss.

- Not ready, Zak?
- I was, but then--

Every time, Zak.

Not every time, Miss.
Just most times.

Can't blame frequency for everything.

No, Miss.

They say that inventions
mirror their inventors,

and yours is a mess, Zak.

So, what do we have here, Theo?

A simulation game?
That's more fun.

A simulation, but not a game.

A reflection, a sim of life.

- Whose?
- Everyone's.

You've modeled it on this world?

We know it is mathematically
possible for one rule,

constantly repeated, to create
seemingly random results.

My hypothesis is that all life
is not random.

I believe that one rule is at work--

One equation, one set of actions that
acted on the first element of matter...

- and keeps acting on it.
- Fascinating.

Life seems chaotic, but in fact,
it's just an infinitely complex pattern.

You realize you are searching
for the code to life?

It's not perfected yet, but--

If what you're saying is right,

then it assumes that
we are simply complex machines,

that we may not have a soul,
certainly not any free will.

I'm sorry. Are they important?

I'll go along with it for now...

Though if this is real, you'll be able to tell me
what's going to happen next, won't you?

Of course.

Just the next five minutes.

In about seven seconds,

Nicola-Tesla's gonna come over.

In about 31 seconds,
Zak is gonna cross the room.

And in precisely two minutes,

the fire alarms are gonna sound.

Miss. Anderson, I've just seen
Thomas-Edison's project,

and I think he's stolen my idea.

- Impressive.
- Thank you.

Miss. Anderson.

You told her to do this.
Go away, Nicola.

Miss. Anderson!

Not now.

Go on, Zak.
It's clearly part of the plan.

We leave the Low-Frequencies.

Pass the Medium-Low.

Through the mediums.

'scuse me.. Excuse me.

Now just through the High-Frequencies.


- Hi, mom.
- Why are you not at your stand?

This is important!

Come on.

You almost had me.

I have a sense of humor
like everyone else,

but I'm disappointed that
you've decided to play games...

instead of taking this fair seriously.

It's not a game.



I was wondering...

would you like to meet me
after school?

- Say "Thank you".
- Thank you.

Best I could do at short notice.

It's got the highest measurable remanence.

If anything can disrupt
your frequency, this can.

At last, I'm attractive.

Well, only to metal--
An unfortunate side effect.

Everything has a side effect.
My whole life's a side effect.

You think it'll work?


Are you wearing anything metal?

We just wanted to see
the experiment.

Sorry I'm late.
Got locked in a corridor.


The latest recipe.

- Say "Thank you".
- Thank you.

Oh, and, remember to try
not to throw up.

Good. We're alone.

How are you?

It's not that
I don't want to touch.

A one-minute date?


I do not love my family.
I experience no joy.

If you ever see me smile,
frown, laugh or cry,

I'm pretending...

waiting for it to become real.

And it never will.

It's the side effect.

The side effect. Of course.

Look at that.
One minute.

Looks like I'm leaving right on time.

The two of us are just
not destined to be together.


The indirect presentation
of a contradiction...

between an action or expression
and the context in which it occurs.

Ironic particle--

The physical manifestation of irony,

existing latent
in every atom in the universe.

But my preliminary research suggests...

that the ironic particles
are only activated by the brain...

when we want something,
and so forming...

a Desire chain.

But only by a certain type of person.

- A Low-Frequency person.
- Yes.

My research indicates that
only they are susceptible to irony.

Is not irony
in the eye of the beholder?

Yes, but the beholder
is the individual involved,

hence the Desire chain.

In everyday terms, it's why
they never get what they really want.

But my hypothesis,
and the purpose of the research grant...

I'm hoping you'll give me,

is that it is possible
to reverse this effect.

The mental changes the physical.

It's all about patterns.

The first stage is to want something,

recognize the potential irony,
and then to change your Desire chain.

Sorry to interrupt,

but that sounds suspiciously
like you're trying to fool fate...

and I just don't think
that's possible.

Well... I do, Sir.

Hi. This is Theo.
You know what to do.

Hey. It's me.

I feel like having a drinking
session tonight, so as usual,

any assistance you can provide
would be gratefully appreciated.

- Doctor Zak.
- Doctor Theo.

Brought supplies.

Say "Thank you".

So, what's on the menu?

Our latest test substances
from the research lab...

all with very interesting side effects.

To side effects.

To side effects.

- Too much tea.
- Too much... "Midenzobetritate".

- Any change?
- Not yet.

Give me another three.


Right. So, we're mixing
three Pyridinecarboxamide...

with Tetracotinate Triptothol.

What was that?

A fluctuation.

An upward fluctuation.

- You're sure?
- Yes!

- But it didn't last long.
- Any effect should last hours.

Maybe it's not the dr*gs.

Another variable.

But what else has changed?

Let's repeat the last 60 seconds.

- Too much tea.
- Too much Midenzobetritate.

- Any change?
- No, not yet.

Give me another three.


Right, so, we're mixing three

with Tetracotinate Triptothol.



Sound waves.

But sound waves was
the first thing everyone tried.

It's not just the waves.

It's the words.

But the effect only lasts a moment.

So... some fine-tuning needed, then.

Sign here, please.
Thank you.

Remember, it's a trial run.

You've got 65 seconds, then get out.

It'll get easier each time.


Back in a minute... more or less.




- Zak.
- It's been a long time.

- Where did you get to?
- Kaichi.

Oh, everywhere.

- Sao Paulo,
- Kaichi
- Buenos Aires, Kaichi, Kinshasa.

But most recently, Vilnius.

I can now curse convincingly
in 18 languages.

Where's Kaichi?
I've not heard of it before.


You don't need to pretend to care.



Glad you could make it.

Expecting a call?

- Yes.
- How did you last more than a minute?

- I changed my frequency.
- You know that's not possible.

Knowledge determines destiny.

You did this?
You found the solution?


- Does that surprise you?
- Yes.

You are Low-Frequency.

Not anymore.

What we know
about frequency is wrong.

Otherwise, you and I
would never have met.

You said you could help me.

I can change your frequency.

- Lower it?
- I hardly think it gets much higher.

But nature works hard
to give me everything.

- Almost everything.
- Tell me the process.


- Okay.
- Okay.

I don't think you're gonna like it.

Essentially, it's an energy exchange.

I'll be bringing you down
a lot closer to my level.

There are a lot of processes
at work, but one of them...

is me...

- touching you.
- Clever.

The negative feedback loop should
eventually be self-reinforcing, but...

I will need to be
physically close to you for a while.

Very clever.

How soon will I see results?

If it works as I think it should, instantly.

- You want to do it. I can tell.
- Please don't lie.


Vuren's... sake.

You will have feelings
for the first time in your life.


Is it reversible?

It should be.
But there are no guarantees.

That's it?

The main part.
It may not work.

I've decided you can talk if you want.


It's weird, talking to you
without a deadline.

Or-- Or not talking.

- Are you okay?
- I don't think I'm feeling too well.

- Feeling?
- Feeling physically sick is not an emotion.

But that's not this feeling.

This is... awful.

I feel a huge weight.

I think that's just nerves.

It-- It's intense.
I feel... connected to myself.

- How does that feel?
- Not-- Not so good.

It definitely feels better
when we're touching.

Why is that?


- Unith.
- Unith.

You love me.


- Where.
- Where?

- I think nature's rebelling.
- Just like old times.

- Should we do anything?
- No.

It should settle down,
the longer we spend together.

- Eesa.
- Eesa.

- I know what I want to try.
- What?

- Kiss me.
- Really?

Don't make me ask again.
I'm used to getting what I want.

I'm not.

Do you want to come in
and touch some more?

Can I?

- Do you think... maybe...
- Yes?

You could go a bit faster?

I want it to be special.

You think I'm a virgin?

I've conducted many experiments.

And... your conclusions?

Sex is like masturbation,
just with someone else.

I hope not.

You're a virgin.
Of course.

I may not have conducted many
experiments, but I have...

studied very, very hard.


Open it.

- I'm sorry.
- Don't be.

We were raised to have
a burning curiosity.

Open it.

I don't understand.

Is it some sort of code?

Sometimes a tick is just a tick.

I have a 210 I.Q.
I never needed to take notes.

I just didn't want to have to
always look at people...

or have them looking at me.

It's the eyes.

I could never read people's eyes--
not-- not like other people-- and...

if they looked into mine
for too long, they'd realize--

Was that our train?

Welcome to my world.

Are you okay?

I've never waited for a train before.

It's not all bad, though.

So, where are we going?

- Daughter.
- Father.

- Daughter's friend.
- Sorry about the state of the place.

We're having some work done.

So, Zak, how have you been
since you left school?

A serious question,
or polite conversation?

Polite conversation.

Very well, Mrs. Fortune.

Call me Hettie, Zak.

And yourself, Hettie?

Fine, dear. Just fine.

What is this, mother?

Since when have we done small talk?

Since when have you
brought a boy home?

Ask him.

Ask him.

You're not really having
any work done, are you?

You still think something bad's
gonna happen.

You don't believe that Zak solved anything
because he's Low-Frequency.

- It's just a precaution.
- Relax.

Nothing will happen,
and then we can discuss why.

But how did you do it?

I mean, I did some research myself,
long ago when Marie was young.

It seemed impossible.

- Words.
- Words?

- The right words.
- What? Magic words?

We think so, me and Theo.

You remember Theodor-Adorno?
He's been helping me.

We discovered a link between
synaptic function and resonance.

The way you think affects
your frequency.

Think lucky,
and you'll be lucky.

Not quite.

The synapses need to be
manipulated in a certain way.

These are you--
All High-Frequency.

And this is the world.

And this is me.

Now, what the words do is this.

- Well, that's never happened before.
- Spilling some water?

Marie spilling anything.

- What have you done to my daughter?
- What I asked him to do.

Let me explain.

Me. Marie.
Now, this is how the words work.

- You steal people's frequencies?
- It's just physics.

They balance the environment.

In actuality,
what really happens is this.

Both the vibrations
of the sound waves...

and the words themselves
create the effect.

It's a new type of
quantum entanglement.

Mental and physical processes
at work simultaneously.

Like dominos, and each person
affected affects the next,

- ultimately adjusting--
- The whole world.

He's the only one
that can make me Normal.

I'm the only one
that can make him Normal.

It's unnatural.

But it's reversible.

The natural order reverts itself
very quickly.

One word can change the world.

Not one.

Nature needs constant nurturing.

What-- you have to keep saying them?

Yes, but less and less often because--

because you are like a Low-Frequency
organ in a High-Frequency body...

- A virus!
- ...and the word prevents rejection.

Yes, but the words constantly change
as the environment constantly changes.

- We worked out a rough formula of sound--
- How do you monitor the changes?

It's a modification of
Marie's frequency analyzer.

It measure
the changes in the room...

and then formulates a word that
I should say to balance the environment.

It's still in beta.

Can I?

If the world is a maze,
this is the map.

Do you realize
what you've done?

Made me happy.

I mean, this could be the most
important discovery of all time!

There's still so much about it
we don't know.

It levels the playing field.

I mean, think what would happen if
everybody uses it--

No lucky, no unlucky, true balance
in the universe for the first time.

An end to w*r.

Justice for all.

Have you got a patent?

Hi. This is Theo.
You know what to do.

Hey, it's Zak.

Good news, we're meeting tomorrow
at Fortune's lab.

Call me when you get this.

It really is extremely small.

Zak! Zak, come in.

You know my research team,
I believe.

No, I don't think we've--

Nicola-Tesla Hertz.

Nicola-Tesla. Oh, my God.

And Thomas-Edison Gates.

Sit. Sit.

- How do you feel?
- Great.

We've been trying to improve the range of
Marie's frequency analyzer for years,

so we'd love to know how you did it.

That was actually Theo.

I know that if you pointed it

but he dealt with most of the hardware.

I think I love you.

And this is how we detect imbalance
and formulate the sounds,

although we still don't know why
they all seem to be two syllables.

I... think I love you, too.

I... believe I need
more empirical evidence.

How-- How does this love
manifest itself?

Whatever you ask, I'll do.

- Anything?
- Yeah.

And you?

I wouldn't do anything for you.

Spellings are phonetic,
but the words are only approximations,

which is why the earpiece
is still necessary.

In this case, the word
to balance frequencies is "Rana".

So far, there have been no words that
are impossible for a human to pronounce,

but there's still so much
we don't know.

So, you wouldn't do
anything for me, then?



Not even kneel on the floor
and call me "Master".


Everybody, stop.
It's arrived.

Just wait till this hits the market.

Why did I do that?
I had to do that.

What-- What do I not want to do?

I don't want to leave this room.

I don't want to fly a plane.

What would you normally not do?

- I told you, if you asked, I'd do anything.
- Don't disrupt the experiment.

What's against character for you?

- Any kind of v*olence.
- Fabulous.


Slap me hard around the face.

It must be love.

It seems you discovered a side effect.

We're categorizing them
as adjustments for now.

Whatever you ask someone to do
after you say one of these, they'll do.


And it doesn't have to be
something they say immediately.

As far as we can tell,

the influence can be short, medium,
or potentially long-term.

The words trigger
all neurotransmitters to work together,

making the suggestion irresistible.


We don't know.

- Is there a pattern to these words?
- No.

Apart from the fact
that they're always the last on the list.

Oh, everywhere--

Sao Paulo,
Buenos Aires, Kaichi.

I can't explain it. I can now curse
convincingly in 18 languages.

He must know. He's lying.

Not quite.

- The synapses must be manipulated
in a certain way.
- No.

For Vuren's sake, you'll have feelings
for the first time in your life.

- Maybe we've got the wrong inventor.
- No.

- Where is Theo?
- I don't know.

He doesn't know anything.
I knew he couldn't have done it!

He's Low-Frequency!


Well, we'll have to abandon
the launch permanently greater...

You love me.


He did it.

He made me feel like this.

- He told me.
- What?

He told me to love him.

No, it-- it must have been an accident.

Like-- Like she said,
It-- It's a side effect.

I said the first word on the list.

You have to believe me!

If we believe you, then you are
just a fool who got lucky.

If we don't you are a lying genius.

I'm sure you'll appreciate the irony.

- Hi. This is Theo. You know what to do.
- Where are you?!

The side effects.

What have you done?

You must sign.

It must be suppressed.

- I want to see Marie.
- I'm sure you do.

- Tell her I can fix this.
- Can you?

Soon, everything
will be back to normal.

- You have reached the Messae bank of...
- Marie-Curie Fortune.

...And I'm currently unable to take your call.
Please leave a short message at the tone.

Hi. This is Theo.
You know what to do.

If you want to find true love,
stop here.

If you want to find true love,
stop here.

[font color=cyan]- Thank you.

You have reached the messae bank of...


- Three matches found.
- You know what to do.

Helen Malzin.



Would you like to contact?

Laura Warwick.



Would you like to contact?

- Please leave a short messae at the tone.
- Ana Della Matta.



Would you like to contact?

Marie-Curie Fortune.

- What--
- Please. Do not speak.

But please also
do not be alarmed.

We're just your friendly
local-government agency.

Not one of yours.

One of ours.

We're here to ask you three questions.
Nod for "Yes", shake for "No".

Did you steal this technology?


Did you leak the device's program
or schematics?


Do you have any plans of any kind...

to manipulate the world?

You may speak now.

Those words
make me tell the truth?

- Yes.
- But how do you know they work?

I've done this before.

Now, how would you like a job?

The hours are terrible, but you
do get free room and board.

As of now, you are all
officially government employees...

and bound by the official secrets act.

Your task is to find a way
to neutralize the thr*at...

which the technology known as
"The Manual" poses to this country.

In front of you, you'll find a file
which contains all the information...

we have on the subject
and an historical account...

of what happened the last time
it was in the public domain.

You have stumbled upon
very old technology,

mostly lost to us, fortunately.

The remnants are always kept top secret
and are analyzed for generations...

with little success.

And then, inevitably,
elements are rediscovered...

by the general population,
and chaos ensues.

You've heard the stories--

Wizards, witches.

The mastery of the tech was
what first established the ruling classes...

and was the main contributing factor
to most wars until 1066.

We don't know why.

It had a steep decline
in its effectiveness from about 1100.

That last known date of
any successful usage was about 1760.

We don't know why.

And now it's out there again.

Thank you all.

But I'm sure you'll find a way
to put it back.

The ground rules--

If you say or even semi-utter a word
that is not immediately recognizable,

you will be arrested, gagged,

and... potentially tried for treason.

Thomas, you look at physical solutions,
Nicola, linguistic solutions.

Marie and I will look
at the program itself...

to see if we can't unlock
a few more secrets.

- What about me?
- You don't work for me.

You can do what you like.

What about...

Maybe. But what if we...

I know this might
sound ridiculously simple...

but why don't we just work
on some kind of earplug?

That'll only make it worse.
What you need is something like this.

No. You're all wrong.
What you need is something like this.

Oh, that's very dangerous, daughter,
at that speed.

It needs to be quick.

The quicker this is all over,
the better.

How about...

It would work...

because it would k*ll
most of the population.

Why don't...
we make an Anti-Manual?

Because that would take decades.

I don't mean a real one.

The biggest problem here is that
people actually believe The Manual works.

Panic causes chaos.

So, some kind of placebo?

It would buy us time.

Or we-- we could distribute
flawed copies of The Manual...

and then discredit the whole technology
a few weeks later.

That's very devious.

It is, but if it works,
we should use it.

It should be possible to use The Manual
to convince people not to use The Manual.

I mean, it-- it would be like
having inoculations at school.

Everyone would be instructed
never to use it... or to forget it.

Why don't we treat the actual problem
of The Manual and not its symptoms?

Does it matter?
If it works...

There's probably a very simple solution
that we all just haven't seen.

Nature works in patterns.

Usually, the cure is very close to the disease.

- Like stinging nettles and dock leaves.
- Yes.

Maybe there are antidote words.

Oh, dear.

We're calling them "Shortcuts".

They don't need a command
to follow them.

They are the command.

What do they do?

Permission to speak
one of them, Mr. Bridges?

They commands are all harmless,
and no effects last more than a minute.



That means "Sit".

And the others
mean "Stop" and "Go".

We seem to have hit
on some basic motor functions, but...

the effects seem short-lived and
cannot be used twice in the same hour.

A lot of damage
can be done in an hour.

Obviously, these words
are banned now.

Did you know about this?

- Hello.
- Hello.

I was thinking,
what you said before...

about convincing people
not to use The Manual.

Tell me
I have no feelings for you.

Adjust me.

They let you have that?

For experimentation.

Command me.

I don't know how.

I probably don't need to do anything.

Now that I'm not using it anymore, things
should go back to normal pretty quickly.

Oh, they have.

I can feel myself feeling less.

But not for you.

Don't touch me.

I'm sure I can fix this.

I know.

I love you.

But only because you've told me to.

Cruel, isn't it?

Maybe you would have
loved me anyway.

- Now we'll never know.
- Does it matter?

- You have to have choice.
- Do you if it works?

Do it!

Do it for me.

- Maybe someone else can.
- No, I've already tried. It has to be you.

I'm just gonna say the last word
on the list. I don't know if it'll work.


You do not love me.

Nothing's changed.

Time's up.

I need to speak to
Mr. Midgeley alone.

Two minutes.

- It's just not meant to be for us, is it?
- No.

It's just not meant to be for you.

Can you confirm that this is yours?

I can.

- Our top people have had a look at it.
- And?

They think it's brilliant.

We think it's time
you stopped all this.

It's clear you have a history
of obsession with... manipulation.

No, just irony.

You are prohibited from speaking
under any circumstances...

while we decide precisely
how to deal with you.

- But--
- Under any circumstances.

The side effects.

Side effects.

The side effects.

It can't be.

I know I'm not supposed to talk,
but I need to speak to Bridges.

No communication,
or you'll be sh*t.

No communicating by any means.

[font color=cyan]...To be concidered TREASON BY ANY INDIVIDUAL


Don't worry.
The effects should only last a minute.

- Zak?
- I know.

It's your protection, isn't it?

It's why it's always around, isn't it?

Am I right?


Then you have to help me.

They won't let me speak.
You must tell them.

Must I?

I must.

They know your frequency's
reestablished itself.

They know what happens when
we're together.


They know that
we should only have one minute,

- ...that fate should push you out.
- Very clever.

What if they're wrong?

They're going to break down the door
after one minute and five seconds.

They're wrong.

- What?
- Not yet.

I have no desire to repeat myself.

You're Theo's father, aren't you?

Tell me.

Tell me!

Tell me!

- Nobody say a word.
- On the ground.

On the ground!

No talking from anybody.

- He knows something.
- No talking!

- He knows something.
- No talking!

What does he know?

What are you doing?

Giving you what you want,

what Zak here has worked out--
The antidote.

And the antidote is?


Well, don't take my word for it.
Try a word.


- Is it special music?
- Well, kind of.

It's mozart.

Listen, gentlemen... and ladies.

When mozart plays,
we are all the same frequency.

A brief history lesson.
A secret history.

There was never any magic,

only just the book being lost and found,
being written, being rewritten,

being b*rned,
being used to control the masses.

And then... came the music.

We knew from early on that music held
some power, some power to free us.

You've heard of the pied piper,
I have no doubt.

Composer-- literally "To Come".

The first composers weren't writing
simply to entertain.

They were writing to give us control
of our minds back.

With each new piece,
the book was weakened, until...


His first composition,

the first piece that
truly immunized us against the book.

Since then, there've been many.

When you recognize a melody
you've never heard before,

that'll be one,

tapping into our collective subconscious.

Most complex music just interferes enough
with the book to make it unreliable and,

so, useless.

Why was it a secret?

It wasn't.

It just fell out of history
by mutual consent.

There were rulers who still harbored
thoughts of using the book again,

and the masses didn't take too kindly
to being reminded they are just mechanisms--

Complex, certainly,

but mechanisms with buttons
to push, nonetheless.

Music-- it's the reset button.

Where is that, precisely?

The soul.

And what happens
when the music stops?

Oh, it can never stop.

Why do you not talk to her?

I... can't.

You can.

It is a bit of a surprise.

We expected his frequency
to be above average,

but it is exactly average,
to 10 decimal places.

The time has come for you
to learn some family history.

So, why don't we tell them?

Because the masses
prefer not to be self-aware,

which by choice, puts them on a level
with all their cousins in the animal kingdom.

Want some flakes?

Say "Thank you".

- Maybe this isn't your instrument.
- But it was perfect.

Look, for hundreds of years,

we have been the players, Theo,

interpreting the score, evolving it.
Where's the life?

Where's the inspiration?

Where's the... spontaneity?

If we are all machines,
then everything is decided.

Spontaneity is an illusion.

No. We still have free will.

We still have souls.

We still have imagination.

Theo, Zak's here.

What is it?

A code, I extrapolated from Mozart.

It lays underneath
all his work, invisible.

I thought all this time
you were writing music.

I-I believe it's the code to the-- that...
governs everything.

This universe comes from
one simple code repeating infinitely,

making it infinitely complex
but utterly predictable.

But it's not perfect yet.
I-I'm still working on it.

If this is real, then it assumes
that we are simply complex machines,

that we may not have a soul,
certainly not any free will.

I'm sorry.
Are they important?


I'll go along with it for now.

Though, if this is real, you'll be able to tell me
what's going to happen next, won't you?

Just the next five minutes.

In about five seconds,
Nicola-Tesla's gonna come over.

And in 31 seconds,
Zak is gonna cross the room.

And in precisely two minutes,
The fire alarm's gonna sound.

Two minutes. No alarm.

- Two minutes, seven seconds.
- I told you, it's not perfected yet.

You almost had me.

I have a sense of humor
like everyone else, but I'm disappointed...

that you've decided to play games
rather than taking this fair seriously.

It's not a game.

Thank you.

Have a gift. Open it.

I think you've been working too hard.

You need a hobby, a pet.

I quite agree.

- Say "Thank you".
- Thank you.

Oh, hey, it's me.

Yeah, I'm thinking of having
a drinking session around 9:00 tonight.

As usual, any assistance you can provide
would be gratefully appreciated.

- Any change?
- Not yet.

Give me another three.


I see you've taught him
some new tricks.

- They're going to ask.
- Who? Ask what?


Ask... for our help from the book.

And they're going to ask you specifically,
and you're going to tell them.

I would say it was a gift, but it--
it really has nothing to do with me.

Oh, turn off the music now.

Oh, sorry.
Sorry about that.

Technology's never been my strongpoint,
but we're all getting used to this, aren't we?

Your test results are back.

Well, there's no need to worry,
either of you.

It just means that we'll have to start
with stronger doses to begin with.

Zak, this is a course of
Mozart and Brahms.

Marie, Pachelbel, once daily.

So... what I'm feeling now...

is it real?

From what we now know, what you feel
is not due to any form of manipulation,

but further than that,
I-- I cannot comment.

You're perfectly normal.

For a machine.

Nothing to say, father?

If you're right, then you've seen
this conversation already.

It's not physically possible for me
to watch every conversation, but... yes.

You know precisely
what I'm going to say?


Then tell me what happens.

- So, how do you feel?
- Like the luckiest girl in the world.

- You are the luckiest girl in the world.
- I was.

What are you thinking?

You're going to tell me that you don't think
I'll ever perfect the equation,

that free will is not an illusion,
that creativity and improvisation do exist.

I-- I disagree with you.

But I'm not interested
in individual destinies.

What I am interested in
is the universal... symphony.

You always got whatever
it was you wanted, didn't you?

And what was it you wanted
more than anything else in the world?


To be in love.

So, what are you saying--
that nature created you for me,

someone to give me what I wanted?

I tell you that
when the equation is perfect,

I will know the true pattern.

You ask me what good that will do.

I tell you, "Knowledge is useless
if you only know parts--

There can be no truth.

Everyone else will know only pieces.

Only I will know... everything."

That would mean
neither of us had a choice.

You ask me if I don't miss surprises.

I tell you that although
I might get the score,

there is still the joy
in watching the performance.

This is the part
where I say goodbye, isn't it?






If you're right...

If I'm right, it means that whatever
gave us our minute wasn't love...

It was fate.

It means I'm just here
to serve a purpose for you.

It means everything's already decided.

There's no freedom, no responsibility,

and knowledge absolutely
does not determine destiny.


Does it matter?

No. Not to me.

Me neither.

That's it.


I see.
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