5th Wave, The (2016)

Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.

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Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.
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5th Wave, The (2016)

Post by bunniefuu »

Help me.

Somebody there?

I'm hurt.

Is somebody there?


I'm bleeding.

Help me.

Drop your w*apon.

You drop yours first.

Drop it.


Your turn.

Let me see your other hand.

If I move this hand, I'm afraid
my stomach will fall out.

I need to see your other hand.

- What's in your hand?
- Nothing.

Drop your w*apon.

What's in your hand?


I miss the Cassie I was.


A totally normal high school girl.

- Hey. How you doing?
- Hi. Good.

- Cheers.
- Thank you. Cheers.

I wonder what that Cassie
would think of me now.

The Cassie who kills.

You know, he was
supposed to be here.



Why are the hot ones
always so unreliable?

What would I even say to him?

I don't know him, and he
doesn't even know me.

You're a girl. He's a boy.

- Your parts go together.
- Don't.

Oh, God.

- Okay, Liz.
- What?

I'm gonna see you Monday.

- Oh.
- I gotta go home.



- Honey, love you.
- I love you.

- Bye.
- Text me when you're home.




Nice phone case.

What? You have something
against pink?

No, no. I totally like it.

I'm just kidding.

This is actually
my sister's phone.

I dropped her off at a sleepover,
and she took mine by mistake.

Mine's much cooler.

It's Spider-Man.

Polka dots.

Ah, that's her.


Yeah, yeah, I have it.

No, I haven't looked
at your text messages.

"Nice phone case?"


I'm Captain Lochner. This
is Sergeant Nicolai.

- Hello.
- How do you do?

I'm sorry. No more coffee.

Miss Grey, do you
know this gentleman?

Sing me a song.

A song?

Okay, close your eyes.

♪ Bones sinking like stones ♪

♪ All that we fought for ♪

I didn't know it then,

but that was the last
normal day of my life.

♪ All of us are done for ♪

When you're in high school,

just about everything feels
like the end of the world.

Can you believe what happened?


An early curfew, a final exam...

- Hey, Ben.
- Stop it.

Soccer practise.

Sullivan. What are
we doing out here?

Why not just tell her where
you're gonna kick it?

Come on, let's go.

Hey, check it out. Look
at this. It's so freaky.

- Watch.
- I can't see anything.

Oh, my God, Altschuler.

That's it. You're
done. Off the field.

No. But, look, it's really weird.

Off. Goodbye. Bye.

- What's going on?
- Panthers, let's go. Hustle up.

Give me your phone.
Give me your phone.

Mine doesn't work.

- It totally just stopped.
- All right, Perkins.

Turns out,

what we thought was
the end of the world


What, did someone famous
die or something?

It appears to be metallic
and of a considerable size.

Across the world, social media has

been awash with panic
and speculation

as these images
spread like wildfire.

The president has authorised NASA

to attempt communication
with the object

that is now circling our planet

and is currently over the United
States, moving west over Ohio.

Oh, my God. It's right over us.

I wanna see.

- Hey.
- No, Sam. Wait.

Sam, wait.

- You can see it.
- Come here.

Look up there, hon.

- Wait, what is that?
- I have no idea.

There were no messages from
our galactic party crashers

during the first 10 days.

But pretty soon, they had a name.

We called them ”the Others."

The Wilsons are leaving, too?

They say they don't feel
safe so close to the city.


Is this everyone?

Well, okay.

Everybody look at the
equation on the board.

Who can give me the
derivative of X?




I'm sure this is
just a power outage.

My phone's not working.

What's going on?

Over here.

What on Earth?

My goodness. What's going on?

Look at that.

Back up. Back up.

The Others hit us with
an electromagnetic pulse

that k*lled all the
power on the planet.

No more engines.

No more electricity.

No more running water.

No more everything
we took for granted.

That was the last time
I saw Ben Parish.

I guess he's dead now.

Like everyone else in that room.

Here, Sam. Grab me
another, okay? Thank you.

That was the 1st Wave.

At the time, we
thought that was it.

Then the 2nd Wave hit.

Come on, Sam. It's an earthquake.

- Cassie.
- Watch out.

- Cassie.
- Come on.

Go. Go. It's okay.


It's okay. It's okay.

Just keep your head down, okay?

What's that noise?

Sam, run.

- Go.
- Cassie.

Go on.


- Cassie. Hurry.
- I'm okay. Just climb.

- Go, Sam. Go.
- Cassie.

Come here. Hold on to me.


In Ohio, we only had the
lake to worry about.

But by the ocean,

I can only imagine.

Every coastal city,

every island,


There are over 300 billion
birds in the world.

That's 75 birds for every person.

Mum said the avian
flu was already one

of the world's deadliest viruses.

In the 3rd Wave, the
Others modified it.

Made it unstoppable.

And the birds spread
it across the planet.

Line A. Line A is for those who
have already been assessed.

If you're waiting to be assessed,
then proceed to Line B.

No pedal pulse, no
brachial, nothing.

Sit down, sir. Thank you.

Just head straight on back.

I ain't happy over here.

I feel fine.

I should be on the area
that isn't quarantined.

Hey, Liz.

- Hey.
- Your mum said you were here.

- Cassie. Cassie.
- Mum?

What are you...

She's quarantined.

It's okay. I didn't
even touch her.

It is not okay. You can't be here.

I'm sorry.

Sweetheart, I need you to go
home and look after Sammy, okay?

But, Mum, I wanna help you here.

I know. Can you get
her out of here now?

I wanna help.

- Mum.
- No, it's okay. Just go.

Miss, you gotta leave. Let's go.

- Quarantine six.
- In six.

Some people were
immune to the virus.

And a few people got sick
and somehow recovered.

But most people didn't.


You can't wear those shoes.

Why don't they just
get it over with?

What do they want?

I think a better question
is, "What do they need?"

They've been very careful so far

not to damage it any more
than absolutely necessary.

Damage what?


I think that's why
they're here, Cassie.

They need the Earth.

But not us.

No, not us.

Ready to walk for a while, Sammy?



Dad, how far is it
to the refugee camp?

Just a few miles. We should
be there by nightfall.

- Dad, look. Is this it?
- Yeah, buddy. I think so.

Hey. Welcome.

Thanks. Hi.

Name's Hutchfield.

Hi. See ya.

Let me show you around.

Latrines are off to the left.

Farm is out that way.

You got fresh water?

Yeah. Not too bad, huh?

How many people are there here?

I don't know how many we got now.

305, something like that.

Dining hall over here.

When's the last time
you had a hot meal?

Good. Well, maybe you
can walk me through it.

Here we draw a purple hat.

Can we get some water over here?

- Whoa, Dad.
- This is a Colt .45.


This button changes out the clip.

That's loaded.

All right? Safety on.

Safety off.

Listen to me.

You're gonna carry this
with you at all times,

you're not gonna tell
anybody you have it,

and you're only gonna use it if
it's life or death. You got it?

I thought we were safe here.

Pumpkin, there's
nothing safe any more.

Here, you wanna put
it in the basket?


- Here. Take this one.
- Okay.

You gotta get the weeds, guys.

What was that?

Sam, come here.

- What is that?
- I don't know. Come on.

Asher, come on.



What is that?

- You see Dad?
- Dad.

- Cassie?
- Hey, Dad.


- What's going on?
- All right, just take it easy.

I thought the cars didn't work.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am Colonel
Vosch of the United States Army.

My men and I are from the
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

We're here to help.

It's about time.

Let's get you people out of here.

- Heck, yeah.
- Thank you.



We should be ready to go at a
moment's notice, all right?

Stay with your sister, Sam.

- Come on.
- You can go right on the bus.

Adults, please move to the
mess hall for a briefing.

Children, please move to
the buses for transport.

We're right behind you. Be good.

Adults, please move to the
mess hall for a briefing.

Do you think they have electricity
if the trucks are working?

I don't know. Why, you
still have a phone?


- You have a charger?
- Of course, yeah.

- Whoa, whoa, sir, sir.
- Yeah?

My orders are to get just
the kids onto the bus.

Well, those might be your
orders, but they're my kids.

- Yeah.
- So we're gonna stay together.

- We'll wait for another bus.
- It's okay, Private.

I got this.

- Yes, sir.
- Thank you.

Look, you're welcome to keep
'em here with you if you want,

but if they were my kids,
I'd get 'em on that bus.


We have reason to
believe there's an

imminent thr*at to this location.

We're trying to get everyone to
safety as quickly as we can,

and this is the only working
transport we've got,

so we're taking
shifts based on need.

Kids first, then we come
back for the rest of ya.

Well, how safe is it
at Wright-Patterson?

Safest place there is right now.

And the buses will
just come right back?

Dad, no.

Drop 'em off, come right back.

Like I said, it's your call.

Just because some man in uniform
tries to tell us what to do

doesn't mean we actually
have to follow his orders.

Okay, I want you on
this one, all right?

- I'll be right behind you.
- We can't split up.

And we're gonna have
dinner tonight.

We're going to the same place.

- Dad, no.
- Cassie.

It's the Army, okay?
This is our Army.

It's fine. It's gonna be okay.

- Don't leave me alone.
- All right. Come here.

I love you.

Take care of your brother.
All right? Come here.

I want you to listen to
your sister, all right?

- Okay.
- She's in charge.

- Okay?
- Dad.

Go ahead.

I'll be there before you know it.

Here, head to the back, Sam.

All right.

All right.

Come here. Give me your backpack.


- What?
- Cassie, I forgot Bear.

- Cassie.
- What? Sam, what?

I forgot Bear. I
need to go get him.

Sam, stop. Sit down.

- It's okay. What's up?
- I can't. I can't go without him.


All right, all right, all right,
all right. I'll go get him, okay?

Just stay here. All right?

- I'll be right back.
- Promise?

Yeah, I'll be right
back. I promise.

Right, no, I think you're right.

Just grab whatever you can get
up in a box and carry it.

This way. Down to the mess hall.
In the mess hall now, please.

Come on, Sam.

Bear, Bear, Bear. Bear,
Bear, Bear, Bear.

Oh, God. Sam.

Hey. Wait.



Cassie. Wait, stop.

Sam. No. Sam, wait.


Cassie. Come on.




Cassie, no, no.




Can I have your attention, please?

If you'll all just quiet down.

We believe the 4th Wave has begun.

The Others have come
down off their ship.

They are moving among us.

Apparently, they have the
ability to inhabit human hosts

and control their actions.

- So, they look like humans?
- That's correct.

Where are they?

They could be anywhere.

What we do know is they have
sn*pers in these woods,

and they are targeting survivors.

We've got intel that would suggest

some of them could be right
here in this very camp.

So, what... Are you saying
that some of us are Others?

Please. There's a lot
we still don't know.

We can detect them in children.

Unfortunately, the
screening procedure

for adults is a bit
more complicated.

What about our kids?

Yeah, what about our kids?

I know. I know you all wanna
get back to your families.

Unfortunately, we're
gonna have to move

you all to a secure
holding facility

so they can run some
screening protocols.

Folks, please.

You need to understand,
there is no way

to differentiate
us from the Others

without a comprehensive
screening process.

The sooner we get you screened,

the sooner we can get you
back to your families.

This is bullshit.

I am not an Other, okay?
I'm not going anywhere.

Sir, no one's saying that you are.

This is the reality
of our situation.

Now if you'd just calm down.

Please, just calm down.

Let me out of here. Get
out of my way. Watch out.

- Hold on, sir.
- Wait. Hey.

- Back it up. Now.
- Stop right there.

- Sir, drop your w*apon.
- Step aside, now.

- Sir, drop your w*apon.
- Drew, no.

You can't keep me in here.

- Everybody, just calm down.
- Let me out now.

Lower the w*apon. Now.

- I wanna see my kids.
- Put it down.

Let me out of here.

No. Drew, stop.

Stay down.


No, no, no.

Hey, Dad?


I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.


I need my dad.


Security teams, clear
zones three and four.

Security teams, clear
zones three and four.

Support team members, meet
arrivals on the tarmac.

Stand in the red circle. Wait
for your number to be called.

Stand in the red circle. Wait
for your number to be called.

Number 127. Number 127.

Stand in the red circle. Wait
for your number to be called.

Stand in the red circle. Wait
for your number to be called.





Number 7-3, 73.

Number 74.

Number 130.




What's your name?

Ben Parish.

They called me "Zombie"
in quarantine.

Any family not known to be dead?


Sister d*ed in the quakes.

Mum and Dad k*lled by the virus.

But it didn't k*ll you, did it?

Not quite.

That where the nickname came from?

You fought it off.

Yeah, lucky me.

Is this your sister's?


Well, lucky you.

You get to help avenge her death.

This puts out a signal
that we can track.

You kids are the most
important thing right now.

We need every one of you to
help us fight the Others.

This isn't summer camp,
Zombie. You're a soldier now.

So we don't wanna
lose you. Stand up.

Turn around.

Take a deep breath.

You all right?

How are we supposed
to fight the Others

if we don't even
know what they are?

Actually, we do.

You wanna see one?

Don't worry. He won't
be able to see us.

I know. It's impossible to tell.

Look through here.


That's its true form.

The Others infest real humans
like some sort of parasite.

Take over their
minds, their bodies.

dr*gs, radiation,
surgery, nothing works.

The only way to k*ll 'em
is to k*ll the host.

He's already dead.

You just need to destroy
the thing inside him.

The thing that did this.

Push the button.

Look again.


If you're gonna be on my squad,

I need to know that you will
do whatever it takes to...

Welcome to the fight.

Here's how you k*ll off a species.

First, you take out the easy
ones, the weak, the exposed.

k*ll them as efficiently
as possible.

That was the first three Waves.

But even if you bug b*mb a house,

there's always a few
cockroaches left.

Now, we are like
those cockroaches.

And the Others are picking us off.

One by one.

And because the
Others look like us,

we can't trust anyone.

Eighty miles to Wright-Patterson.

I'm coming, Sammy.

I promise.

How do you rid the
world of humans?

Help me.

First, you rid the humans
of their humanity.


Shi... Shi...



All right. All right.


I'm sorry, Sam.

When I was a child,
I spoke as a child.

I thought and I
reasoned as a child.

But when I became a man,

I put away childish things.

Those words never meant more
to me than they do right now,

looking at all of you.

Our hope. Our future.

The best and brightest
vision of who

we are and what
we're fighting for.

Our intelligence tells
us the Others are

readying themselves
for a final att*ck.

The 5th Wave.

What form it will
take, we do not know.

If they are successful,

there will be no more Waves.

No more conflicts.

Humanity as we know it will be
wiped from the face of the Earth.


I'm gonna tell you
some things I know.

This is our world.

It is our home.

They will not overrun it.

They will not possess it.

So with whatever
time we have left,

you will learn to
think, speak, move

and fight like the
soldiers you are.

Look out. A raid.



Let the weight of
our loss fuel you.

Let the weight of our
dead embolden you.

Your right. On your right.

Let the weight of our hope
drive you to victory.

Can you do that?

All right. Hold.

Soldiers. Can you do that?

Sir, yes, sir.


- Get down.
- It's a booby trap.

Can you do that?

Sir, yes, sir.


Come on.

Where's my g*n? Where's my g*n?

Where is it?

I know you're awake.


How the hell do you know my name?

Your driver's licence.

I'm Evan.

Evan Walker.

Where am I?

You were bleeding
on the highway. I

brought you back here to my house.

Where's my g*n?

All right, when you
found me on the

highway, I had my
g*n. Where is it?

I didn't see any g*n.

What did you do?

Your leg, Cassie.

Don't touch me. Don't
touch me. Don't...

- Your leg.
- Jesus.

Oh, God.

Put your leg over here.

This is gonna hurt.

All right. Just do it. Just do it.

Oh, God.


Oh, God.

How long have I been here?

About a week.

Oh, God.

How far is Wright-Patterson
from here?

The m*llitary base?

About 60 miles.



Hey. It's okay.

- You're safe here.
- No.

All right, we're not
safe anywhere any more.

Why did you wanna know how
close Wright-Patterson was?

It's my brother.

The Army took him there, so I...

I need to get him back.


You should eat.

You gotta get your strength back.

Why'd you bring me here?

What do you want?

My family.

I couldn't save them,

but I could save you.

The way everything's happened, I

guess it just makes
me feel more...


And you need help with that?

Feeling human?

Don't you?


- You're cheating.
- I'm not cheating.

Don't you tell him my card.

You hear me, Oompa?

Hey, I've been getting
pretty lucky,

and this isn't my
first time playing.

By the way, I heard
the new guy coming

in got kicked out of
their last squad.

- For what?
- Disciplinary issues.

That true, boss?

That's what they say.

What's his name?

The name's Ringer.

And he is a she.

Bunk's over there.

Did you ever do karate before?


Sure looks like you did.

You Zombie?


I was the leader of my last squad.

No doubt.

So the guy I replace
went Section 8. Why?

Does it matter?

I heard it's because
this squad's so bad

he was afraid you'd get him
k*lled when the 5th Wave hits.

Huh. It's your squad, too, now.


Keep staring at my ass

and I'll rip your throats out.

Let's be clear.

I'm not taking
orders from you. I'm

not gonna die with you geniuses.

Good to know.

If anyone in this barrack
touches me, I'll k*ll them.

Got it?

Anything else?

I like to play chess. Do you play?

No, actually.

But if you wanna play some
strip poker later on...

- Ha.
- Oh, sh*t.

And no demeaning, sexist remarks.

She's cool.


You had my g*n the whole
time. Why'd you lie?

I was afraid you'd sh**t me.

For all I knew, you were an Other.

Yeah, well...

Was he one? Out there?


The woods are full of 'em.

They're using those drones
to hunt down survivors.

He looked so human that...

Oh, God. I gotta get Sam.


Rallying points, places
like Wright-Patterson,

they're obvious targets.

You think that Sammy's
already dead?

I'm sorry, Cassie.

You're wrong, Evan.

All right? He's alive.

He's alive, and I'm
gonna go get him.


I'm going with you.

You're not gonna make it
very far on your own.

You know what? Screw you, Evan.

Okay? I don't need you.
I don't need anyone.

Cassie, come on.

- If you go, I'll just follow you.
- Actually, no.

If I need someone to
carve a cane for me...

You can't stop me. How
are you gonna stop me?

I don't know. Maybe
I'll sh**t you.

What, like you sh*t that
guy with the crucifix?

What, you read my journal?

I didn't think you
were gonna live.

Don't touch me.

I'm sorry.

I'll get you there.

I can't promise what you'll
find, but I will get you there.

We leave in the morning.

This is a waste of time.

Go ahead and try it again.

Those kids are gonna be dead
before their boots hit the ground.

Especially with you
as squad leader.

You don't know anything about me.

Let me guess.

You did good in school,
had a bunch of friends.

You probably played football.

You might have even
been team captain.

Life was easy.

And then, all of a
sudden, it wasn't.

No more games to win.

No one to get weak-kneed
at that pretty smile.

You weren't ready for
the end of world.

And you were?

I know how to survive.

And I was doing fine
out there on my own.

Till they forced me onto
their stupid school bus.

They were rescuing us.

We didn't get rescued,
dumb-ass. We got drafted.

Good, good.

Try it again.

How about this?

I take you down,

you teach us how to sh**t.

And when you don't?

I stop asking.


Cute necklace.
Girlfriend or sister?


You're too sentimental.

Can you teach me that thing where
you took the g*n out of my hand?

Let's just leave any
potential disarming to me,

- all right?
- No.

No, I need to be ready.

Cassie, it's okay.

You don't have to be
tough all the time.

Don't do that.

I'm not tough, okay?

I promised Sam that I would be
there for him no matter what.

I made that promise to him.


Give me your g*n.

Get up.

Point it at my chest.

Okay. Grab the barrel of
the g*n with your left,

and with your right,
snap my hand away.

You got it?

Hey, you're not gonna
hurt me. All right.

Like that, but stronger.


Now at the end, you'll grab my
wrist and pull it toward you.

- Like that?
- Yeah.

Good job.

Well, thanks.

Can I have...

Okay. Don't be so
scared of your w*apon.

You gotta think that the
g*n is a part of you.

Not the g*n f*ring, you f*ring.

Try it again.

Well, that wasn't terrible.

Zombie, the Colonel
wants to see you, now.

Could be. Seems
like a good target.

Be right back.

- Lieutenant?
- Yes, sir.

Simultaneous att*cks on the
last of our metropolitan areas.

A full-on invasion. This is it.

The 5th Wave.

It's started?


Here, I want to
show you something.

These employ the
same technology as

the detector viewer from medical.

We've improved it. Made it mobile.

The idea is to allow our
soldiers in the field

to instantly differentiate
between friend and foe.

You look at the enemy through
this and it lights 'em up green.

We can see them before they
know they've been seen.

We take back the advantage.

The only thing left to do now is

test the optics in
live conditions.

Which is why tomorrow at 2100,

I'm sending four
squads into battle

equipped with these helmets.

Your squad will be
among those four.

Yes, sir.

Make me proud, son.

Bring that squad
back in one piece.

Yes, sir.


- Morning.
- Morning.

Who've we got here?

This is Lizbeth.

She's my best friend.

She looks like she's funny.

Yeah. Actually, you
know, she was...

She was really funny.

- And this guy.
- He's nobody.

This must be Ben Parish.

- Oh, God.
- Wow.

I really wish you
hadn't read my journal.

It's really embarrassing.

Is that your family?


And that must be Sam.


I can't wait to meet him.

- We should probably get moving.
- Yeah.

All right, this way.

How do you know without a compass?

Do you have a compass?

No. But...

You know, I can make one out
of a pin and a glass of water.

Didn't peg you for a Girl Scout.

What'd you peg me as?

A cheerleader?

You said it, not me.

I've never been a huge
fan of the outdoors.

Too many bugs.

You live on a farm.

Accident of birth.

I had a scholarship to Kent State.

Mechanical engineering.

Thought I was some Hick, huh?

You said it, not me.

Zombie, are they really
sending us to fight?


I'm scared.

It's okay.

Just go to sleep, all right?

What was your name before?


What was yours?


But my sister called me Sams.

When I couldn't sleep.

She would sing to me.

♪ Bones sinking like stones ♪

♪ All that we fought for ♪

♪ Homes, places we've grown ♪

♪ All of us are done for ♪

Could you guys please shut up?

♪ We live in a beautiful world ♪

♪ Yeah, we do, yeah, we do ♪

♪ We live in a beautiful world ♪

Hey. Let me help you.

Yeah, sure.

- Looks better.
- Yeah.

- Let me do this.
- All right.

- Got scissors?
- Yeah.

I got it.

I should probably cover our stuff.


Thank you.

- Squad 53?
- Present and accounted for.

All right.

Strap in. Take us up.

Where's Nugget?

Food poisoning.



Let me out of here.

Copy that. Tango Three
dropping down 1,000.

You clear on your orders?

Infiltrate enemy hornet's nest,
verify enemy and terminate.

Remember, the Others light
up green in your visors.

At mission complete,
signal for extraction.

We'll get ya home.

Holy sh*t, it's working. You guys,
I got two of 'em straight ahead.

And I heard it. I was right there.

Got you, you motherf...

I peed. I definitely just peed.

Get inside.

Return fire.

Coming this way.

- They're over here, too.
- Run for the alley.

Go. Go, go, go.

- Teacup, go, go.
- Go. Run.


Go. Go.


Stay low.

Get to the bus.


Where's Teacup?

- Where's Teacup? We lost Teacup.
- Over here.

Don't do that. Don't
scare me like that.

Oompa's been sh*t.

Down, down. Now, now.
Down, down, down.

Oompa's been sh*t.


He's not breathing.

Don't be dead. Come on, man.

Don't be dead. Please
don't be dead.

Oompa... Stay alive, Oompa.

We can't stay here.
They'll be back.

That alleyway. We'll
have cover there.

No, it's too far.

If we're out in the open that long
they'll pick us off one by one.

We need a distraction.

- Okay.
- Okay what?

I'll distract them.

When I tell you to run,
run as fast as you can.

- Now cover me.
- What?

Listen up.

On my go, haul ass
to the alleyway.

Back out there? Are you crazy?

Listen, Teacup, you just
gotta trust me, okay?

You're gonna run and
don't look back.

What about Oompa?

He's dead, man. We
gotta leave him.

Sorry, man. I'm sorry.

- Zombie, now. Run.
- Haul ass.

- Go, go, go.
- Let's move. Move. Move.

- Stairs.
- Got it.




Are we still alive?

I think so.

Watch out.

Don't sh**t. It's Ringer.

That was badass, Ringer.

I'd hug you if I
didn't think you'd

punch me in the nuts for it.

Okay, so what do we do now?

None of this makes sense.

They knock planes out of the
sky and cause earthquakes,

but they're afraid of
an army of children?

There's something Vosch
isn't telling us.

Okay, I'm not risking
my life for this.

Ringer, what are you doing?

I'm unenlisting.

I'm better out there on my own.

If you know what's best for
you, you'll do the same.

Holy sh*t. What the hell is this?

Zombie, you see this?

- She's green.
- What the hell, you guys?

Put your g*ns down.

You're one of them.
You're an alien.

What are you talking about?
I just saved your asses.

If she's one of them, we
have to take her out now.

Poundcake, just calm
down, all right?

- We have to.
- I can see it.

I can see it inside of her.

- There's nothing inside me.
- Shut up.

Zombie, what do we
do? Do we sh**t her?

It's your call, Zombie.

Zombie, what are you doing?

What's up, man?

Oh, my God. What's going on, man?

Come on, man.

Hey. Put your g*ns down.
Put your g*ns down.

Don't sh**t. Calm down. She's
not an Other. Neither am I.

- I'm glowing green, right?
- Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah, listen.

You know me.

Come on, Dumbo. You know who I am.

Put the g*ns down.

Just put 'em down.
I'm not an Other.

I don't even think
any of those people

out there sh**ting
at us are Others.

Reznik, Vosch...

They lied to us.

They lied to us, man.

Green doesn't mean alien.
Green means human.

Just, without one of these.

What are you talking about?

Don't you guys see?

Those lenses, these trackers,
it's all fake, man.

It's an illusion. It's a trick.

They weren't testing these.
They were testing us.

They were seeing how
we would do, how

we would hold up under pressure.

All right? If we would do
what we were trained to do.

- To k*ll Others.
- No, to k*ll the survivors, man.

To k*ll survivors.

Yeah, well, what about
the guys outside,

the ones that were sh**ting at us?

They're human.

Why would the Army want
us to k*ll other humans?

Because the Army, Reznik, Vosch,

they're the Others.

And because we're kids,

they thought they could manipulate
us into doing their dirty work.

We're not fighting the 5th Wave.

We are the 5th Wave.

Oh, God.


What do we do?

Take out your trackers.

We go AWOL.

This means we can't go back.
You know that, right?


I left him back at the base.

- I was trying to protect him.
- Jeez.

- I gotta go back.
- That's su1c1de, dude.

No, man. I gotta go back.

You can't just wander
back in there.

- They'll know.
- I can't leave him there.

I'll put the tracker back
in. They'll pick me up.

You guys go ahead. I will
meet up with you later.

Dumbo, where can I take a b*llet
in the torso and not die?

- Are you serious?
- I'm not kidding, man.

Where can I take a b*llet in the
torso? I gotta make it look real.

It's the only way I'm
getting back in alive.

It's impossible, man.
There's too many organs.

There's gotta be somewhere, man.

Ringer, she can make the sh*t,
all right? I know she can.

You want me to sh**t you?

Don't pretend like you
haven't thought about it.

Where do you want me to sh**t him?

I mean, the... Oh, sh*t.

Evan Walker.

You're out of your drone sector.


Put the g*n down. Stay away.

Cassie, run.

Where's my g*n?


Drop the g*n.

Evan, drop it.

If I was gonna k*ll you, Cassie, I
would've done it a long time ago.

What are you?

You're one of them.
You're a f*cking Other.

I'm human.

But I'm Other, too.

I'm both.

This isn't the first time
the Others have been here.

They came before and created
sleeper agents, like me.

I always felt different.

Growing up, there was
this voice in my head.

It was quiet, but it was there.

And when the ship arrived,

it was like a switch
was flipped inside me,

and the sleeper woke up.

How many people have you k*lled?

Did you k*ll your family?


The disease...

The disease that the
Others created.

The disease that you created.

Your family loved you.

Our kind believe that
love is just a trick.

An instinct.

A way to protect
your genetic future.

Do you really believe that?

I did.

But then I saw you.

I don't know how.

I don't understand it, but...

It was like you flipped
the switch back.

You made me wanna be human again.

Did you sh**t me?


I saved you.

I was wrong.

They're wrong.

Love's not a trick. It's real.

I know now because of you.

Look, stay back.

I don't wanna hear any more.

Just stay there.

Cassie, please, just
let me help you.

All I wanna do is
help you find Sam.

All right. Get on
your knees, Evan.

All right. Come on,
just get on your knees.


The Army is controlled
by the Others.

They're preparing the kids.

For what?

To k*ll the last humans.

They'll search you.

You can't be armed.

If you follow me,

I'll sh**t you.

Soldier, where's your unit?

All dead.

What's your number?


2-9-5. He'll live.

Let's bug out.

All right, copy that, Tango Three.

Tango Three returning to base.

2-9-5 on deck.

The rest of the squad
are reported KIA.

Ma'am, it's all right. It's
all right. We've got you.



Any family not known to be dead?

No, just me.

Stand up.

You know why you're here, Cassie?

To get revenge.

He's an Other.

I know.

It's impossible to tell.

Look through here.

That's its true form.

That's the face it's hiding.

What happened out there?

It was bad, sir.

We were surrounded.

We tried to move to cover,
but as soon as we did...

They were everywhere, sir.

- Everyone was hit.
- Except you.

I took a b*llet, sir.

But you survived.

It's a miracle,

the way that b*llet went right
through you and managed to

miss everything important.

Let's make a deal.

You drop your lie,
and I'll drop mine.

Tell me, Ben.

What do you know?

I know what you are.

You're gonna k*ll me, aren't you?



What's the point of any of this?

- What did we do to deserve...
- Nothing.

Other than occupy a space we need.

We're not that
different, Ben. Your

kind would do exactly
the same thing.


Our kind wouldn't have wiped
out an entire species.

Of course you would.

You've been doing
it for centuries.

Sir, Sergeant Reznik's dead.

Security found her body.

- Where?
- In medical.

There's more. Three guards were
k*lled at the west gate and...

What the hell was that?

An expl*si*n, sir. It came
from inside the base.

- Get rid of him.
- Damage to Sector Three.

- Captain.
- Let's go.

We need to move all the
recruits off-base.

Get 'em on planes
to Wonderland now.

Deploy units. Find out
who's attacking us.

South corridor. On the double.

They're taking out our
security cameras.

Bring the drones home so we
can see who's attacking us.

Yeah, these are the changes
from about 60 minutes ago.


Don't move, all right. Don't move.

It's okay. Okay, all right.

Cassie? My name's Ben Parish. We

used to go to high
school together.

I know who you are.

What squad are you in?

I'm looking for my brother, Sam.


Sam Sullivan? Sam Sullivan?

You know my brother?

Yes, yes, we're in the same squad.

You know where he is?

I'm trying to get
to him right now.

All recruits report to
the transport area.

They're sending the
kids off to w*r.

Vosch. The Army. They're Others.

Look, Sam is about to get
on one of those planes.

If we don't go now,
you're not gonna

see him again. You understand?

We don't have much time.

All recruits report to
the transport area.

All right.

- Ready?
- Come on.

Once the recruits
reach Wonderland, get

them ready for
immediate deployment.

Yes, sir.

Transfer area's this way.


This is a restricted area.

- Hey, it's all right.
- On your knees.

Hands behind your head.

No, it's fine. He's
one of us. It's okay.

Evan, what are you doing here?

Helping you.

Who's he?

Ben Parish.

Ben Parish?


He was just here.

I told you not to follow me.

Well, I decided to ignore you.

I've been planting bombs.

In about 10 minutes, when the last
plane full of kids takes off,

I'm taking this place
down, for good.

I'm sorry I lied to you, Cassie.

I was wrong when I said I was
both one of you and one of them.

You can't be both.
You have to choose.

I choose you.


Get out of here.

I'll find you.

- Who was that?
- Evan Walker.

We gotta go find Sam.

I think Evan Walker's about
to blow this place up.

Next floor up.

Head to the northeast
corridor, number 22, now.

Which way?

This way.

Stay with your group leader.

Proceed to the transport vehicles
in a calm and orderly fashion.

Stay with your group leader.

Proceed to the transport vehicles.

Come on. Move along, people.

Keep moving. Straight ahead.

- Stay with your group leader.
- Keep it moving.

Don't fall behind, everyone.

Where do they think they're going?

Once you are on the plane, you
will receive further instructions.

Keep moving. Straight ahead.

Stay with your group leader.

What's her problem?

Sam. Sam.

Sam. Sam. Sam.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.


- Cassie.
- Don't, don't.

We gotta go, all right?

Let's go.

Once you are on the plane, you
will receive further instructions.

Come on.


I missed you so much, Sam.

I missed you, Cassie.

Look what I brought back for you.

It's Bear.

I love you.

I love you, too, Sam.


I gotta take his tracker out.

All right? It's not
gonna hurt, okay?

Is it back up?

All the recruits accounted for?

Yes, sir. Six barracks left.


Power up my bird. Last plane's
in the air, evacuate the base.

Come on.

sh*t. It's Vosch.

Run. Run. Go for the truck.


Sam, run faster.

Go. Go.

Come on, Sam.

- Run.
- Cassie.

Oh, sh*t.

Who is that?

- Come on.
- Come on. Get in.

Come on.

Quick, Sammy. Get in.

All right, come on.
Get in. Get in.


Thanks for coming back.

- Feel better?
- Yeah, thanks, Dumbo.

Make sure you give
her the food first.

Let me know if it starts
hurting or anything like that.

- Okay.
- All right.

Teacup, how you feeling?

Pretty good.

All right.

How much longer for food?

I don't know. Not long.

What are you looking at?

Trying to find the stars.

It's a little early, isn't it?

You were named after
a star, right?



Yeah. A cluster of stars.

I was named after Ben & Jerry's.

The truth. Yeah.

Nothing made my dad
happier than ice cream.

I'm sure you made him happier.



What do we do now?

We have to save those other kids.


How are we gonna do that?

Dinner's ready.

I don't know yet.


Let's worry about that tomorrow

and just go get something to eat.

All right.

Hey, Sam.

Here, wake up, buddy.

Hey, there he is.

Come on.

Come on, lazy bones. Put
your bear down, would you?

The Others see our
hope as a weakness,

as a delusion.

But they're wrong.

It's our hope that
lets us survive.

That lets us bend,
but remain unbroken.

You two knew each other?

Yeah, we went to high
school together.

It's our hope that will
let us win one day.

It's our hope that makes us human.

♪ I was born in a thunderstorm ♪

♪ I grew up overnight ♪

♪ I played alone, I'm
playing on my own ♪

♪ I survived ♪

♪ Hey, I wanted
everything I never had ♪

♪ Like the love that
comes with life ♪

♪ I wore envy and I hated it ♪

♪ But I survived ♪

♪ I had wanted to go to a place
where all the demons go ♪

♪ Where the wind don't change ♪

♪ And nothing in the
ground can ever grow ♪

♪ No hope, just lies, and you're
taught to cry in your pillow ♪

♪ But I'll survive ♪

♪ I'm still breathing,
I'm still breathing ♪

♪ I'm still breathing,
I'm still breathing ♪

♪ I'm alive, I'm alive ♪

♪ I'm alive, I'm alive ♪

♪ I'm alive, I'm alive ♪

♪ I'm alive, I'm alive ♪

♪ I found solace in
the strangest place ♪

♪ Way in the back of my mind ♪

♪ I saw my life in a
stranger's face ♪

♪ And it was mine ♪

♪ I had wanted to go to a place
where all the demons go ♪

♪ Where the wind don't change ♪

♪ And nothing in the
ground can ever grow ♪

♪ No hope, just lies, and you're
taught to cry in your pillow ♪

♪ But I'll survive ♪

♪ I'm still breathing,
I'm still breathing ♪

♪ I'm still breathing,
I'm still breathing ♪

♪ I'm alive, I'm alive ♪

♪ I'm alive, I'm alive ♪

♪ I'm alive, I'm alive ♪

♪ I'm alive, I'm alive ♪

♪ You took it out, but
I'm still breathing ♪

♪ You took it out, but
I'm still breathing ♪

♪ You took it out, but
I'm still breathing ♪

♪ You took it out, but
I'm still breathing ♪

♪ You took it out, but
I'm still breathing ♪

♪ You took it out, but
I'm still breathing ♪

♪ You took it out, but
I'm still breathing ♪

♪ You took it out, but
I'm still breathing ♪

♪ I had made every
single mistake ♪

♪ That you could
ever possibly make ♪

♪ I took and I took and
I took what you gave ♪

♪ But you never noticed
that I was in pain ♪

♪ I knew what I wanted,
I went in and got it ♪

♪ Did all the things that
you said that I wouldn't ♪

♪ I told you that I would
never be forgotten ♪

♪ I know that's part of you ♪

♪ And I'm still breathing,
I'm still breathing ♪

♪ I'm still breathing,
I'm still breathing ♪

♪ I'm alive You took it out,
but I'm still breathing ♪

♪ You took it out, but
I'm still breathing ♪

♪ I'm alive You took it out,
but I'm still breathing ♪

♪ You took it out, but
I'm still breathing ♪

♪ I'm alive You took it out,
but I'm still breathing ♪

♪ You took it out, but
I'm still breathing ♪

♪ I'm alive ♪

♪ I'm alive ♪

♪ I'm alive ♪

♪ I'm alive ♪

♪ I'm alive ♪

♪ I'm alive ♪
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