Detective Conan Movie 02: The Fourteenth Target (1998)

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Detective Conan Movie 02: The Fourteenth Target (1998)

Post by bunniefuu »


Stay away, Ran!

Just a dream...

Eh? You dreamed I was sh*t?

Is that why you called me so early in the morning?

Oh, come on, I was worried!

Sometimes even lawyers get people who have grudges against them...

You're just being paranoid, Ran.

It's because of all those crimes you've seen

that you have dreams like that.

But I'm glad you're all right!

Oh, yeah! You were a little younger in my dream, you know!

Oh my! How rude! I'll have you know I'm still young!

Oh, I'm sorry! Please forgive my rudeness!

Very well, then!

Okay, so : tonight, right? Dad and Conan-kun can't wait, either!

I wonder... Does she remember?


What's going on? Why're you up so early?

Oh, no reason. Sorry for waking you up.

Oh, it's tonight! Our dinner date with Ran's mom...

Man, I can't stand that lady...

I'm high school detective Kudo Shinichi.

I went with my childhood friend, Mouri Ran, to an amusement park

where I witnessed a suspicious deal with a man dressed in black!

I was so absorbed with watching the deal

that I didn't notice the second man sneak up from behind me!

He forced me to take a pill, and when I woke up...

... my body had shrunk!

If they learned Kudo Shinichi was alive, they might go after me again,

putting all the people around me in danger!

As Dr. Agasa's advice, I decided to conceal my identity.

When Ran asked my name, I quickly answered, "Edogawa Conan".

To get information on the men,

I wound up living with Ran and her detective father.

Yes. This guy is Ran's father...

... and the now-incredibly famous detective, Mouri Kogoro.

But he's really a bonehead detective...

... and you all know who's really solving the crimes, right?

The secret behind that is in the two gadgets Dr. Agasa made for me!

The first... is this!

The Stun-g*n Wrist-Watch!

Pressing the button while using the aiming device on the cover

will launch a tranquilizer needle that can knock a person out instantly!

Next is the Voice-Changing Bow-Tie!

By adjusting the dials on the back,

I can produce all types of voices, from children to adult!

For offensive items, I have the Power Assisted Kick Shoes!

They use electricity and magnetic fields to stimulate my feet muscles

and maximize my kick power!

To chase down criminals, I have the Turbo-Engine Skateboard!

And an unexpectedly sweet item are these Elasticity Suspenders!

One press of a button, and the rubber will expand or contract!

It's a really unique gadget!

I can't identify the men in black yet, but other cases won't wait for me!

Even when I'm small, my mind remains that of a sharp detective!

There is always only one truth!

{\c&HBBBC&}Mouri Kogoro Beika Street, Beika City

Genta-kun! You're going to eat that one, too?

Who cares how many I eat?

This one's a Black Choco Bar! It's got a grownup taste!

Oh? Really?

Yeah, right.

Geez, what's taking him so long?

Look! Look!

Look! Look!

Conan-kun and I are a perfect match!

Conan-kun and I are a perfect match!

A-Are you sure that game's not broken?

B-But more importantly, Genta-kun!

Card fortune-telling is obviously a pack of lies!

Now let's check Conan-kun's! His birthday is...

Hey, now.

Don't telling people's fortunes without their permission.

It must be talking about me and Conan-kun!

- An "A" is in your future?


Oh, geez. How old of a game is that thing?

Hey. What does "A" mean?

The letter A, you see, is the one before the letter B...

So it means fried shrimp!

"AB" sounds like "ebi" which is shrimp.

Oh. So it doesn't mean "kiss".

It actually does mean "kiss".

Sorry! Sorry! I overslept! ...Huh?

- Geez! What took you so long, Doc?



Look at all the planes!

I hear you can even play a helicopter flight simulator here!

- That sounds like fun! - Yeah!

Too bad!

Why's that, Conan?

It says here only fifth graders and up can do the flight simulator!

Aww, that's no fun.

Sorry. I played it to death when I got into th grade.

In that case, how about I tell you all an interesting story?

Hey. We're in for a long story if we don't stop him now.

Leave it to me.

The "Pegasus" from Greek mythology is...

Tadah! And now for a quiz!

Huh? What're you doing?

Three people who were born on New Year's Day, April Fool's Day,

and Children's Day all got together and formed a club!

So, what was their club's name?

Here's a hint, it's a flying animal, much like the Pegasus!

A flying animal?

Oh? You figured it out, Conan-kun?

Of course! You just need to add their birthdays, right?

- Eh? - Birthdays?

January st, April st, May th... October th?

Yep! October th!

It's Tonakai! (to = , na =, kai = club)

Tonakai means Reindeer

and they fly while pulling a sled on Christmas, right?

Correct! You're so smart, Conan-kun!

Hey! Isn't that Shishido Eimei?

- So cool! - So cool!

"Mouri Detective Agency"

- Thank you! - Next, please!

"To Mouri Ran"

Alright! Here you go!

Thank you so much! I'm a big fan of yours, Nishina-san!

Please continue to write lots of delicious books!

That's a unique comment. Thank you.

He's even hotter than he is in pictures!

His type is my favorite!

You're so silly, Sonoko...

- What a reckless driver! - Isn't that...

It is Osanai Nana, the model!

I have no interest in women.

Let's get some tea!

What time do you have dinner with your mom?


Did you set it up again this time too?


You sure have it rough, too.

What was it, ten years ago when your mom left?

Yeah. When I was seven...

...I remember them having a big argument.

Apparently they split because of personality conflicts.

And then in no time flat...

...your mom began to flourish as a lawyer, right?

In contrast, your dad quit his job as a police detective,

and became a lousy private eye instead.


Yeah! Your dad's suddenly all famous and stuff now,

but I bet he would've ruined himself by now had you not been there.

I don't think so, but my mom was really with-it in that regard.

I'm back!

Welcome back!

Huh? He's still not ready?

He went to play mahjong during lunch and just got back now!

Geez! Why do I have to eat dinner with Eri?

Please quit complaining and get ready already.

I'm here at the house of Asahi Katsuyoshi-san,

owner of Aqua Crystal,

the aquatic recreation center opening today by the Toto Bay!


I'll change too!

Sorry, Mom! We ran a little late!

That's all right. I'm sure "someone" was busy playing mahjong.

She's as sharp as ever.

I gotta watch what I say around this lady...

Hello, Conan-kun!


You're so scatterbrained, Tsuji-san!

Oh! Long time, no see, Mouri-san!

Oh! Tsuji-san!

Who's Mouri?

You know, the detective.

- The famous detective? - Mouri Kogoro?

Yes. I am detective Mouri Kogoro.

Oh, Tsuji-san! Let me introduce my family!

This is my wife Eri, and my daughter Ran.

And that's Conan, the mooch.

Isn't there any other way to say that?

I'm Tsuji. I played with Mouri-san in a pro-amateur golf tournament.

That reminds me, Tsuji-san.

Doesn't the All-American Open begin next Thursday?

Yes! I basically practiced an entire year for this one tournament!

This year, I will make it to the top ten for sure!

I look forward to it!

But sometimes it's important to take a breather,

so I thought I might take the girls out for a flight tomorrow.

Tsuji-san here also owns and pilots his own helicopter, you see.

Say! I'm planning to fly the following Thursday, too!

Why don't you come along?

Wow! Really?

Sounds wonderful!


No, uhh, flying isn't really my thing, so maybe some other time.

Oh? That's too bad.

He's no fun.

That man's name is Sawaki-san,

and he's known my mom and dad since they were young.

What's that grape badge for?

That's the symbol of a sommelier.

Oh, a sommelier is someone like Sawaki-san who specializes in wine.

What's that around his neck?

That's a "tastevin", It's for taste-testing wine!

Whoa, you really know your stuff.

I read about it in Nishina-san's books!

For example, red wine is best at room temperature,

and white wine and rosé are best chilled!

It's true that many people say that,

but a wine's best temperature is really up to personal preference.


Light red wine is actually quite delicious when chilled.

The key is that a wine's astringency is diminished when cooled.


Still, I can't believe you're old enough

to be interested in that sort of thing now.

That just means that we've gotten that much older.

That's for sure.

They seem to be getting along well now!

Oh, Conan-kun! Your mouth's all messy!

N-No, that's okay...

Come on, now! Don't move!

"An 'A' is in your future"

Sheesh! Kids are such a pain!


That was delicious.

The wine and food here tastes just like it did back then!

Say. Do you remember?

When we first came to this restaurant years ago,

you gave me a present.

Yeah. Your favorite Zigoba chocolates.

And then we ate them all on a bench at Beika Park on our way home.

Oh, that's right.


Who's he?

Isn't that Peter Ford?

You know. He often hosts TV shows and stuff.

Dammit! What's she doing with him?

Who's Towako-san?

She runs a hostess club in Ginza.

She's been extra generous whenever I've...

I should be going now.

Already? I thought we might have some coffee back...

I'm sorry. I still have work to finish.

Thank you for the meal.




Towako-san disappeared somewhere!

The old guy never learns...

Come on in.

"Megure Jusan"?

"Megure Jusan"?

It's read "Juzo".


Oh, Genta-kun!

So Inspector Megure's name is Juzo, huh?

Oh, Mouri-kun! You came all this way? And everyone else, too?

We were all just about to go hiking.

Inspector. How is your injury?

Luckily, it missed a vital spot, so there's no danger to his life,

but they say he'll need to stay here for a few days.

Hey, Inspector.

Why do you always have a hat on?

Oh, uh, does it really matter?

- I bet he's barely got hair! - He could have huge bumps!

We believe a handgun-type crossbow was used.

We're investigating this from two directions:

Whether he was att*cked specifically, or just for fun as he passed by.

Hey, old inspector guy! Didn't you have a g*n?

And you still let him get away?

Of course he wouldn't have a g*n on him while jogging!

Plus, even if I had had one, I'm a horrible sh*t, unlike Mouri-kun here.

Eh! My dad is good with g*ns?

Enough to have been one of the best sh*ts on the entire force!

I guess everyone's good at something...

However, something odd was found where the crossbow was fired.

Here it is.

- What is it? - It looks like a Western sword.

Huh? I've seen this somewhere before!

But where?

- Good morning! - Good morning!

That's a pretty broach.

Here is your schedule for today, Sensei.

And I found this in the mailbox downstairs.

Oh, Zigoba!

Those are your favorite Swiss chocolates, aren't they?

Ah! So he...

But I don't see the sender's name...

It's all right. I know who's responsible for it.


Water! Water...


How's my mother?

Rest assured!

We flushed her stomach immediately, so there's no danger to her life!

Thank goodness...

Was it poison, then?

Yes. We believe it was agrochemicals in type.





You're here too, dear?

Are you okay, lady?

Even you, Conan-kun?

Thank you. I'm okay now.

Just to be safe, she should probably stay here for today.

Sounds good to me.

Still, first the inspector, and now Eri... Is this just coincidence?

Incidentally, I hear she collapsed the moment she ate some chocolate?

Yes. It was apparently in the agency's mailbox.


A-And... this paper flower!

You don't mean... the same person did this?

Huh? That flower...

Where? Where have I seen it?

But why would someone so cautious eat poisoned chocolate?

Yeah. The old man got Ran's mom mad at dinner the other night.

Apparently she mistook it as his apology.


Here you are! Repairs complete!

Who pulled this prank?

Doc! Don't open it!


I'm fine! Go after him, Shinichi!


Go, Shinichi! Go after him!

Got it!

Which way did he go?

Ayumi and Genta live down this left street...


Oh, Conan-kun!

A black off-road motorcycle?

What's a black pot-holed motorcycle?

That's it! That's the off-road motorcycle, Genta-kun!


Roger that!

So he did turn left!

Conan-kun! He just turned right, toward Beika Station!

Roger that!

Alright! I gotta b*at him there!

Yes! Found ya!

Oh, no, you don't! I'm not letting you get away!

Are you okay, lady?

Thank you!

What's this?

That's it! I figured it out!

Playing cards?


The culprit is doing these crimes to match the pictures on the cards.

Inspector Megure was att*cked first, and his name is Juzo, right?

It's written as "thirteen", thus the King of Spades!

Doesn't this king's sword look like the one found at the scene?

Next, Ran's mother's name, Kisaki, means "Queen" in English.

Hence the Queen of Spades.

This queen's flower is the same one that was on the chocolate box!

He's right! They're the same!

But how are Dr. Agasa and "eleven" related?

The doc's name is Agasa Hiroshi,

and the "shi" in his name is a combination of and !

Hence the Jack of Spades.

"Jack" originally refers to soldiers, thus this sword-like object...

They're the same! No doubt about it!

But why playing cards? And why spades?

Spades refer to death.

Similarly, hearts refer to love,

diamonds refer to money and clubs refer to happiness.

Then is the culprit planning to follow the playing cards in order

and k*ll people with the numbers to in their names?

More specifically, people connected to you.

But who would do this?

Our only clue was the motorcycle's license plate number,

but it turned out to be stolen.

but it turned out to be stolen.


What are you doing here?

I heard that first Eri-san was att*cked, then Dr. Agasa too...

But what about your wound?

It's been sewed up! I'm fine!

I heard everything. The culprit is most likely Murakami Joe.

Murakami Joe!

Who is he?

A maverick gambling dealer.

He committed a m*rder ten years ago,

and was just released one week ago on parole.

A gambling dealer?

A person who deals out cards to gambling patrons.

This is Murakami Joe, years ago.

Murakami, huh...

It's true that I wouldn't be surprised if he held a grudge against me.

Why's that?

Because I arrested him.

Hold on! It's only natural that policemen arrest criminals!

That's true, but...

Actually, I have heard about that incident.

If I'm not mistaken, after he was taken to the police station...

Shiratori-kun! We don't need to hear the story.

But why wouldn't Murakami Joe come straight after me?

He could deal with me directly...

Probably to make you suffer. So as to ruin you slowly but surely.

Say, is there anyone you know with a "ten" in their name?

They might be the next person to be att*cked!



- Welcome. - Welcome.

Oh! Mouri-Sensei!


You're all right!

"All right", Did something happen?

Umm, Shiratori-san. What were you going to say back at the hospital?

You know, about that Murakami guy!

Oh. Well, I guess I'll tell you since you could find out easily enough.

I heard this from a superior officer.

Ten years ago, when Mouri-san was a police detective,

he and Inspector Megure

or was he still an assistant inspector back then?

In any case, the two of them arrested Murakami Joe for m*rder.

While they were interrogating him at the police station,

Murakami said he wanted to use the restroom.

Mouri-san and the inspector ordered an officer to take him there,

then took a smoke break in front of the interrogation room.

Just then, you and your mother arrived to bring a change of clothes.

That's when it happened.

Murakami managed to steal the officer's g*n in the restroom.

I remember.

Just then, I...

Get a car ready!

This woman and I have a rendezvous at the ends of Hell!


Ran! Stay away!


What's on your mind?

Oh, nothing!

You're saying he sh*t her?

I had forgotten until just now!

It must've been something you didn't want to remember.

But... But why would Dad sh**t her?

He must've been really confident about his skill.

Confident he could miss the hostage and hit only the criminal...

But the b*llet missed and hit your mother instead.

Apparently, the fact he sh*t without concern for the hostage

caused quite some trouble for him at the police station, too...

I believe it was soon afterward that your father left the force.


Hey, Ran! Been a while!


Dr. Agasa filled me in on everything.

Sounds like some bad stuff is going down.

It's much more than "bad"! Where are you? Come back right away!

Sorry, I'm in the middle of a case here. I won't be back for a while.


Don't get all glum on me!

But the doc and the inspector gave me a summary of what's up,

so if I figure anything out, I'll call right away!

Tell me. Would you sh**t, Shinichi?

I found out why my mom really left my dad.

Kogoro-san sh*t your mom, huh...

I don't care how confident he was... I can't believe what he did.

You would never do anything like that, right, Shinichi?

Good question... I dunno.

But even if it's a fact that your dad sh*t your mom,

are you sure that equals the truth behind it?

What do you mean? That doesn't make sense!

Anyways, that's all I can say.

Cheer up, Ran!




Shinichi ? Shinichi ?


The truth...

Inspector! I'll watch the emergency exit!

Wait! Mouri-kun!

He gets really fired up when there's a pretty woman involved...

The old guy never came home...

Still, why would Murakami Joe leave clues that point straight to him?

Is he trying to challenge the old guy and the police?

But how did Murakami research his acquaintances from behind bars?

He even knew Ran's mother's favorite brand of chocolate...

"Tsuji Hiroki"

Tsuji Hiroki...


"Ten" Tsuji...


Tsuji Hiroki? The pro golfer?

Yes! Conan-kun noticed it, but Tsuji's name has a "ten" in it!


She's right! There is one!

I called his home, but he left for the heliport minutes ago!

Got it!

Contact the station and have them send someone to keep watch here.

Yes, sir!

Conan-kun! Let's go, too!

Let's go, Mouri-kun!

Go? To get breakfast?


Hey, you! What're you doing here?

Don't give us that! We're involved in this too, you know!

I'm your daughter!

So, people connected to Mouri-san are being att*cked one by one?

Yes. Counting down from .

And since you're number , you're in danger now!

Anyways, it'd be wise to cancel your flight for today.

I'll be fine!

If you're that worried, why don't you and Mouri-san come with me?

No, flying isn't really...

Incidentally, where is your flight to today?

Toto Airport. With other places along the way, though.

When did you submit your flight plan?

Hmm... The day before yesterday, at the Aviation Bureau.


There's a chance Murakami is lying in wait at Toto Airport.

Alright! You head for Toto Airport in the car!

Yes, sir!

Mouri-kun! Just to be safe, we're going to ride the helicopter, too!

Ran-kun! I know how you feel, but this is as far as you go.



Inspector! I'd prefer to go with Detective Shiratori in the car!

Are you trying to run away on your own?

I, uhh, need to use the restroom!

I-Inspector! I don't want to die too!

Get in! If you die, we'll die together!

So we are going to die!

Well, I'm off.

Conan-kun. We should get going...

Huh? Where are you?

He couldn't be!

One sheep! Two sheep!

Is that an anti-crashing spell?

- Conan-kun! - When did you get in here?

I always wanted to try sitting next to a pilot's seat!

Welcome to my cockpit!

We're scheduled to fly over your place on Beika Street, you know!

Yay! That's great!

We have no choice. We can't exactly go back now.

But if you cause any trouble, I'm tossing you out!

Nothing seems out of the ordinary...

What're you looking at?

You're in a helicopter here! Take a look outside!

Is something the matter?

Not at all.

Say, you applied some eye drops earlier. Do you always use them?

Yeah, when I'm driving, or when I'm piloting my helicopter.

Beika Street's coming up now!

So it is!

Mouri-kun! There's your place, too!

I don't want to look!

What's wrong?

It's too bright! I can't open my eyes!

Say what?

Wait! Were those eye drops...!

- Does that mean... - Does that mean...

Mister! We're drifting to the left!

M-Mouri-kun! Do you know how to fly?

Of course, I don't!

We can't stay in the air like this!

I gotta find a place we can land!

Teitan Elementary! Alright!


I'm going to land us in the schoolyard!

You handle the pedals and corrective measures!

What? You idiot! No! Stop! Are you trying to k*ll us?

Don't worry! I did lots of flight simulator practice when I was a kid!

B-But you still are a kid...

Tsuji-san! We're going to crash if we don't do something now!

Help me out!

Alright! Let's do it!

A-Are you serious ?

Elevation feet! Speed knots! Go ahead!

H-Here goes!

Elevation feet! Speed knots!

Press the right pedal degrees!

The schoolyard is dead-ahead! Distance, feet!

Hey, Genta! Do you read me? Genta!


I'm about to emergency land a helicopter! Get everyone out of there!


Everyone! Run! A helicopter's about to crash!

Like hell it's going to crash!

We're spinning left! Hit the right pedal hard!

Oh no! We're in a down wash!

It really did crash!

Is Conan-kun in there?

I'm alive!


Are you all right, Tsuji-san?

The fuel is leaking!

- What? - What?

It exploded!

Aren't helicopters expensive?

Don't just the rotors alone cost million yen?

How many boxed eel lunches is that?

I'm glad everyone is all right.

But, Doc! Conan's unfair!

But, Doc! Conan's unfair!

He got to pilot a real helicopter all by himself...

That's not the issue here! We just about d*ed, you know!

About that...

Tsuji-san's vitamin eye drops had been switched with dilation drops.

Dilation drops?

Medicine used to open up the pupils to treat pseudo myopia and such.

Ah. So that's why the sunlight overwhelmed his eyes...

Except the ones Tsuji-san used are to treat something called "iritis".


How are they different?

Pseudo myopia drops take effect in minutes, and don't last long.

Conversely, iritis drops take a half hour to work, and last a long time.

A long time?

It varies per person, but they usually dilate the eyes for to days.

That long!

Then what about Thursday's All-American Open?

He probably has no choice but to cancel...

Say, when did the culprit switch the eye drops?

About that...

This morning, after Tsuji-san took his car out of the garage,

he apparently applied his eye drops in the car.

Immediately after, he heard glass break,

so he left the eye drops on the center console and went back inside.

Apparently, a rock had been thrown through a window.

A rock?

That's what happened to Dr. Agasa!

However, Tsuji-san figured it was just some kid's prank,

so he had the maids take care of it and left.

There's no question that the culprit threw the rock!

And Tsuji-san's eye drops were switched while he was in the house!

Yes. Most likely.


There is no doubt that Murakami Joe is responsible.

We found this.

The of Spades...

Mouri-kun! "Nine" is the next one to be att*cked!

Do you know anyone with a "nine" in their name?

I can't think of anyone. I do know an "eight" though. "Eight"?

Sawaki-san, a sommelier.

Sawaki-san, a sommelier.

His name is Kohei-san, and the upper part of his "ko" is "eight"!

Alright! Let's meet this Sawaki fellow!

So this Murakami person is attacking your acquaintances one by one

to get revenge on you, Mouri-san?


Still, you certainly do seem calm, Mouri-san...

Oh, I'm "five", so I still have lots of time until I get att*cked!


That's called a "wine cooler". It keeps wine at the proper temperature.

There sure is a lot in it!

Sawaki-san's family has an orchard in Yamanashi,

and he has hundreds of bottles of wine stored there!

Isn't that right?

Yes. I thought I'd keep some for whenever I open my own restaurant.

I'm quite fond of wine, may I take a quick look?



The wood flooring is scratched up!

Oh, are you all right? I dropped a bottle there the other day.

Conan-kun. You're not wearing slippers, so be careful.

Margaux, Lafite, Haut-Brion...

Such an impressive collection of top-quality wine!

That reminds me, what was it called again?

Your treasured... Petr...?

You have Chateau Petrus, too?

Chateau Petrus? That's what Poirot drank in "Death on the Nile"!

I did, but I drank it the other day.

Huh! But I thought it takes years until it's ready to drink?

I just couldn't help myself.

Sawaki-san. We can talk wine another day.

Can you tell us your plans for today?

Do you know Asahi Katsuyoshi-san?

He's a businessman who operates dozens of restaurants in the city.

Oh, I've done a job for Asahi-san in the past.

I hear he's opening Aqua Crystal, that aquatic park in Tokyo Bay.

I hear he's opening Aqua Crystal, that aquatic park in Tokyo Bay.

Yes. He's offered to let me run a restaurant there,

so I have a : appointment with him.

Asahi Katsuyoshi?

- Asahi? - Hold on, now!

Nine! There's a "nine" in "Asahi"!

Which means he's the next to be att*cked.

But he only hired me to find his pet cat.

We're not really acquaintances...

Murakami might not think so.

In any event, let's protect Sawaki-san and meet with Asahi-san!

Is that all right, Sawaki-san?

Yes. I don't mind.

Then you and Conan-kun-

are coming.

Conan-kun and I are coming, too!

I've had enough of this, Ran! This isn't a game!

That's right! Lots of people are being att*cked because of you!

I can't just wait for my turn to come!


That's Aqua Crystal?

- My... - What a flashy building...

Reckless driver!

A little bit off. But not too bad.

Hey, you! That was dangerous!

- What is? - Listen, you...

Oh, Nana-chan! You too?

Oh, Asahi-san invited you too, Shishido-sensei!

Pardon me, ma'am, but who are you?

You don't know who I am, mister?

She's Osanai Nana-san, Inspector. A popular model.

Those three are from left to right,

the essayist Nishina-san,

the photographer Shishido Eimei-san and...

Peter Ford.

I take it you two are policemen and the famous Mouri Kogoro-san?

You're that famous detective!

I've never seen the real one before! Shishido-sensei!

- Take a picture! - Peace!

Oh, geez. Where'd that anger just now go?

This is Sawaki Kohei-san, a sommelier,

Mouri-san's daughter, Ran-san, and Edogawa Conan-kun.

Oh, you're the "Delicious Book" girl.

Wow! You remember me?

Beautiful wine and women always remain in people's hearts.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Have you all been asked here by Asahi-san?

- Yes, for :. - I'm at :, too!

Same here.

Inspector. Has there been some sort of incident?

Yes, as a matter of fact...

Hey, it's almost :! Let's go already!

Oh, right! Let's head to the restaurant for now!

Huh? Come to think of it, all four people called here are-

Is the monorail the only way to get to Aqua Crystal?

Huh? There's no driver!

It looks like you just need to press this button.

It looks like you just need to press this button.


This is quite something!

A-Are you not good with hanging in the air either, Nishina-san?

No... It's water I'm afraid of. I can't swim at all...

Y-Yeah, everyone has their little quirks.

Even if it's a fact that your dad sh*t your mom,

are you sure that equals the truth behind it?

It's like an aquarium! This totally is an underwater restaurant!

A Ferrari F! How did they get it in here, I wonder!

I don't seem to see Asahi-san...

That's odd, after he invited guests here...

Don't tell me Murakami already got to him?

What does that mean! "Murakami already got to him?"

Oh, right! I need to tell you about that...

Inspector. I'll go look around the place.

- I'll come too. - Alright.

Okay, everyone! Just to be safe, please sit with your backs to the wall!

So this is where the emergency exit is...

This is the only room that's locked...

I see. So that's what's going on...

Nothing out of the ordinary.

Which means I could be "six".

Why's that?

The "shishi" in "Shishido" has a "six" in it.

So it does!

The other three have numbers in their names, too.


Nana means "seven",

"Nishina" has "two",

and Ford has the English "four".


Now we just need a "three" and "one" to have all the numbers...

I know of a "three". He's right in front of you.

Wait, you don't mean-

My name is Shiratori Ninzaburo.

(Zabu = three)

My name is Shiratori Ninzaburo.


But there's definitely no "one" here...


(Ichi = one)

Do you think Shinichi could be "one"?

Is Kudo-kun coming here?

No. But I just got that feeling...

It's true,

had I not shrunk, I would've been intrigued enough to come too!

{Does that mean "one" does refer to me?

Tell me, are any of you connected with Murakami Joe in any way?

Of course I'm not!

Me neither!

I am.

Before I became an essayist, I was a criminal investigative reporter,

and I had done a report on the Murakami incident.

I'm connected, too.

I photographed him for a photo album called "Portraits of Criminals".

Did any trouble occur at the time?

Nothing at all.

What is it, Nana-san?

He got out of prison eight days ago, right?


Then it's unrelated.

Oh, you guys! Getting all serious! Let's quit talking about this!

More importantly, aren't you the one

who wrote that lame book, "Restaurants in Paris"?

All the restaurants you recommended in it sucked!

- Do you even understand tastes? - How rude!

Of course I do!

Then let's see some proof.


I brought this as a gift for Asahi-san,

but let's see you guess what wine this is!

Blind tasting, huh? All right, then.

This elegant, violet fragrance...

This velvety texture going down...

Chambertin, the beloved drink of Napoleon, Emperor of the French.

I got you!

As if I'd ever buy something that cheap as a gift for someone!

Then what is this?

- You're a sommelier. - Yes.

Tell this fraud of an essayist the answer.

Moulin-a-Vent, Beaujolais, yes?


No way! This is a Beaujolais!

High-quality Beaujolais, when left to age for a long time,

can produce top-quality Bourgogne-like flavors and fragrances.

Now do you get it? I suggest you call it quits as a "gourmet essayist"!

Now I feel like having some wine, too!

Let's all have some, then! I'll get the stuff!

I'll have some beer. Where's the kitchen?

That way.

Alright! Lead the way, brat!


Who're you callin' a brat?

Ah! Here we go!

Good news, brat! There's juice here, too!

Really? I'm so happy!

Enough with the brat stuff!

Here, Ran-neechan!



It really is as delicious as you say, Sawaki-san!

Sawaki-san! How about another glass?

Oh, no, thank you. I'll have some mineral water.


You're not having beer?

Of course not! There's no telling when Murakami could strike!

Here you are, Inspector!

Here, Conan-kun. You can have mine.

T-That's okay! I'll get another one!

Hey! Don't be scampering around, now!

The mineral water is in the bottom drawer of the fridge!

Oh, thanks.

I saw a rare seasoning here, so I gave it a taste.

- Is your juice up here, Conan-kun? - Yeah!

What's taking Asahi-san so long? What could he be up to?

W-What's going on? What's wrong?

Just joking!


Ford-san! Please don't joke around at a time like this!

Incidentally, why are you all here today, anyway?

I got a call from his secretary.

Said Asahi-san was a fan of mine and wanted to meet with me.

Maybe he wants me to help promote this place or something?

I also received a call from his secretary.

I got the same invitation.

I even got a present from him!

Here! This nail polish!

It's made in France and super expensive!

- You too, Nishina-san? - Yeah, me too!

What're you doing there, Nana-chan?

I drew on the wine cork with nail polish! Isn't it cute?

What is it? A raccoon dog?

Oh, you're such a meanie! It's a cat!

Sawaki-san. This is addressed to you. I found it on the ground.

"Sawaki Kohei-san..."

"I may be late, so please treat everyone to any bottle of wine you want

from Rack M- in the wine cellar."

"The key is in an envelope on the checkout counter."

"Thanks. - Asahi Katsuyoshi"

Was that paper there when I picked up the juice earlier?

Hey! I want to see the wine cellar!

Me too!

I'd like to see what wine there is, too!

Then let's all go together!

- My word! - What a sight!

- It's cool in here... - No, it's almost too warm!

A temperature between to degree C is ideal for preserving wine,

but it's up to degreeC in here.

Just look at these, Inspector! They're all rare wines!

Romanée-Conti, La Tache, Le Pin, Cote-Rotie, Clos du Mesnil...

Just amazing!

Shelf M-...

There it is!

Look out!

A booby-trap!

Mister! Inspector!

This is just like the one that hit me in the side!


The crossbow is set up here!

An of Spades...

So it was Murakami who set this up, and wrote that letter!

If so, why would he skip nine and go after Sawaki-san, who's eight?

It couldn't be!

Inspector! Let's evacuate from this building for the time being!

Huh? It's closed. Was the entrance not here?

No, this is the place.

If we're leaving, can I get my coat first?

Go ahead.


The of Spades! It was Murakami!

Inspector! I can't open this door, it has an electronic lock!

What? Alright, I'll call for help!

What? Alright, I'll call for help!

No good! We're out of service range!

It's been cut! Damn it!

Inspector! I'm going to check the emergency exit!


It's blocked with cement!

This is your fault! We have nothing to do with this!

Yeah! What do you have to say for yourself?

The fact Murakami didn't go out of numerical order

means you're next, Nana-chan!

Q-Quit it!

Why do I have to be targeted by some man I've never even heard of?

But something bugs you, right?

Earlier, you...

He got out of prison eight days ago, right?


I already told you, it was unrelated!

We will determine if it's unrelated or not. Please talk to us.

Three months ago...


We didn't collide, but I got scared and drove off!

Did the person have an off-road motorcycle?

No, it was a regular motorcycle.

Inspector, Nana-san is right. It's unrelated to what's happening now.

More importantly, we need to figure a way out of here!

Yeah, We might find an exit if we search the entire building.

Then let's split up and look, too.

Guess there's no other choice.

Listen! Ran and Conan, you stay here!

You remain here too, Nana-san!


What's taking everyone so long? Can't they find an exit?

Don't worry! I'm sure they'll find one and be right back!

I'll just do some searching, too!

You were told to stay here!

Honestly! You're so curious about everything...


A power outage!

What! What's going on? Why are the lights out?

Luminescent paint!

- Help! - Stay there, Nana-san!

Don't tell me this blackout....

What! What happened?

- What was that scream? - Inspector!

- Mouri-kun! The electrical room! - Right!


Is this it?


What the....!

- Nana-san! - Move aside!

She's dead!

The of Spades and a Joker...

It's Murakami! Murakami's here, inside this building!

Damn it!

I'll go check around!

Mouri-san! It's dangerous to go alone! I'll come with you!


Please cease your photography.

Why's that?

Since help can't come right away, you'll have to do the autopsy,

but won't you need to photograph the scene of the crime first?

Y-You have a point...

Then I expect you to hand them over to the police later on.

Yes, but of course!

But how did Murakami manage to do this in pitch darkness?

Luminescent paint. Nana-san's fingernails were glowing.


I see! Luminescent paint was added to the nail polish she was given!

Her middle nail...

Hey, Inspector! Nana-san's left fingernail is weird!

The nail polish came off! wait... did her nail break off?

I think that's a press-on nail that came off.


They're not real fingernails.

They come in various designs, and you glue them to your nails.

Oh? So it came off by chance, then?

Here we are!

It doesn't seem related to her m*rder...


She was grabbed with a left hand! And pretty forcefully, at that!

Which means... the k*ller is right-handed!

If I remember right, Murakami... is left-handed!

It wasn't Murakami who k*lled Nana-san!

Wait a minute! A while back, the k*ller...

Think back! Remember!

He's right-handed!

What the hell! I've been making a huge mistake this whole time!

Inspector! No luck! Murakami's nowhere to be found!

Could he have already escaped?

That can't be! There's no way out!

He must be hiding somewhere still!

No... Murakami isn't the k*ller. It's someone in here!

Who! Who k*lled Nana-san?

Come to think of it, the k*ller...

... kicked the can of juice I left on the floor!

The contents have spilled onto the floor.

I'm certain there was about half left in it when I set it down.

So if the k*ller kicked the can...

... the juice must've flown out and stained the k*ller's pants!

Nana-san's k*ller is one of these four men!

Him! But why?

I'm sorry, Sawaki-san. Because of me, Asahi-san was m*rder*d,

and you never got to discuss running his restaurant...

Not at all. I was going to turn him down, anyway.

Actually, I've decided to quit my current job and return to the country.

I'm an only son, so I need to take care of my parents.

In any case, we'd be wise not to act rashly now.

Especially you, Shishido-san.

Yeah, I know. I'm next, right? I'll be extra careful not to get k*lled.

Inspector! I refuse to die! I will get out of here alive!

Wait a minute! Could it be that he...

What're you up to now!

I thought everyone might be thirsty...

You idiot! Don't be running around on your own!

There's no telling where Murakami might be hiding!

But there's no number in my name, so...


Here you go!

Here you go, Sawaki-san!

Thank you.

Hey, brat! Gimme some too!


Japanese water really is delicious!

That's great!

I was right! No doubt about it!

But there's no proof.

Come to think of it, where is it?

I found the proof!

What was that!

There appears to have been an expl*si*n somewhere!

Shiratori-kun! Shishido-san is next! Protect Shishido-san!

Yes, sir!

Shishido-san! Where are you, Shishido-san?

- Right here. - Put that out!

Do you want to die?

I'm "two", so I won't get att*cked for a long time.

Sawaki-san! Are you hurt?

N-No. Do you suppose, I'll be targeted again?

I-I'm not sure...

Thank you! Emergency lights!

W-What the!

H-Help! I can't swi....

Here, grab on.

Hey, brat! Glad to see you're alive!

Huh! Ran, Where are you? Ran!

Don't tell me she's...

Wait, Conan! Where are you going?

Ran! Where are you?


Ran! Every thing's okay now! Calm down!



It's no good!

Oh, yeah! My Elasticity Suspenders!

Crap! My leg's stuck!

Dammit! Oh no! Can't breathe!


Hey! Ran! Ran!

Damn it!

I'm free! I gotta hurry!

Hey! Ran! Ran! Say something?


Thank Conan.

Thank you, Conan-kun...

No, uhh...

What's wrong?

I seem to have reopened my wound!


Look! Over there!

The to of Spades!

Damn it! Is he planning to k*ll us all at once here! Screw that!

But, at this rate, it is going to happen. Because there's no way out!

- I know a way out! - What!

You know, the exploded windows!

Yeah! We can go into the sea through them!

N-No! I can't!

Quit being a sissy! I'll take you with me!

Then I'll take you, little boy!

I'll be fine by myself!

And I'll take you. Think you got a little bit left in you?

- I'll help you, Inspector. - Thanks...

Then I'll lead the way! Let's go!

Here we go! Deep breath!

Hold on tight and don't let go now!


Here! Grab my hand!

- Take Ran! - Right!

We're saved, aren't we?

Yes. We're safe now!

Nishina! Nishina!

Hey! Say something!

I'll give him CPR! I'm a certified lifeguard!

Hold it! Detective Shiratori! You give him CPR!

Huh? No, I didn't say anything-

Do it now, Shiratori!





The person behind this string of incidents is not Murakami Joe!

Say what?

Because the person who sh*t Dr. Agasa and k*lled Nana-san

was right-handed!


Y-You're all right!

The real culprit most likely met Murakami after he was released,

learned things from him, like how I sh*t him years ago

and that he was once a gambling dealer nicknamed "Joker",

and decided to use him.


Yes. The k*ller realized that he and the people he wanted to k*ll

all had numbers in their names.

So he came up with the idea of combining these "name numbers"

with playing cards to pin his crimes on Murakami.

Then the reason Eri-san, Dr. Agasa, and I were att*cked

was to act as camouflage to make us think

Murakami was getting revenge against you?

That's right.

Then who did the culprit really want to k*ll?

Asahi-san and Nana-san.

And Tsuji-san.

Given that the method used against him "switching his eye drops"

had a very high probability of being fatal, there's likely no doubt.

Mouri-kun! Who is the k*ller, then?

The k*ller is among us.


Come to think of it, didn't Nana-san humiliate you?

N-No! I didn't k*ll her!

That's right. You were to be k*lled.

As you can't swim, the k*ller attempted to drown you

by blowing up the underwater restaurant.

Say, Detective Shiratori.

When you gave CPR to Nishina-san, what was the first thing you did?

What did I do?

You're supposed to tilt the head back, lift the throat up,

and keep the airway open!

Then, what would happen if you hadn't kept the airway open,

and only pretended to give CPR, while shutting the nose and mouth?

That'd k*ll him, obviously!

Y-You're not saying...

Yes. The person who m*rder*d Asahi-san and Nana-san

and tried to k*ll Tsuji-san and Nishina-san...

It was you, Sawaki Kohei-san!

Mouri-san! I was att*cked with a crossbow too, you know!

You had set that up beforehand.

After you m*rder*d Asahi-san here last night, that is!

Then the letter that was under the table...

And the secretary that called us all...

Sawaki-san was behind it all.

Including Nana-san's luminescent nail polish, of course!

Motive! What was his motive!

Something to do with ageusia, most likely.


That's when you can't taste food and drinks anymore, right?

Yes. He suffers from this ageusia.

Apparently, ageusia is caused by stress or external head injuries.

External head injuries?

Then Sawaki-san was the person Nana-san got in an accident with.

H-Hold on now!

You claim he lost his sense of taste,

but he named Nana-san's wine brand correctly!

He could tell the brand by the wine's color and scent alone.

That's possible?

After it happened, Sawaki-san continued as a sommelier,

relying on vision and smell alone.

But it was an affront to his aesthetic desire to be a perfect sommelier.

That's why he decided to leave his position and return to the country.

But not before getting revenge on Nana-san and everyone else

who had caused him to lose his sense of taste!

It must have been quite hard to accept.

Enough to make him break the bottle of wine he treasured and saved

for the day he would finally open his own restaurant.

Then that mark on his floor was-

But how did you manage to figure all this out?

Yes. It was because he tried to taste some seasoning.

What he tried was chili powder.

People like sommeliers who use their tongues for a living

don't put irritants or stimulants in their mouths, you see.

I was able to confirm that he had lost his sense of taste

when I had Conan give him some mineral water.

Mineral water?

The glass that Conan gave you had salt in it.

And I drank it without realizing it?

It's true that I suffer from ageusia.

But that hardly proves that I m*rder*d Nana-san.

But there is proof. In either your left or right jacket pocket.

That's the cork Nana-san drew on!

Nana-san had that cork on her until just before she was m*rder*d.

So what was it doing in your pocket?

It's because when you stabbed her from behind,

Nana-san spun around and grabbed at you,

at which time the cork slipped inside your pocket!

The press-on nail on the floor likely came off at this time.

How ironic that a wine cork should prove a sommelier's crime.

But there's one more thing!

And it's most likely still asleep in one of your pockets!

The final Ace of Spades that matches those there.

The card for Kudo Shinichi!

The Ace of Spades!

Mouri-san. It's all as you say.

Three months ago, on my way home from the restaurant,

I nearly collided with her car, and fell off my motorcycle.

A while after, I suddenly lost all sense of taste.

The doctor said stress might also be the cause.

Having lost all hope, I decided to give up being a sommelier

and enact revenge on the cause of the accident, Osanai Nana,

and the causes of my stress, Asahi, Tsuji, and Nishina.

But what did Asahi-san and the others do to you?

Asahi caught wind of a "wine boom" and used his vast fortune

to buy up all the rare foreign wine available!

And he couldn't even take care of it right!

Nishina! You pretended to be a gourmet, wrote know-it-all books,

and planted incorrect information about wine in reader's minds!

And Tsuji Hiroki!

He sullied my dignity as a sommelier!

Four months ago, I attended a party he held at his home.

Oh! You're here!

Here's a good sommelier badge for you!

And for your tastevin!

Oh! Looking sharp!

You tried to k*ll Tsuji-san for that?

"For that"? You can't possibly understand how I felt then!

I sought dignity, honor, and pride as a sommelier in my work!

And he stomped on all of it with his grimy feet!

Did you k*ll Murakami Joe?


The day he was released from prison, I just happened to meet him

in front of the Mouri Detective Agency.

That's the day he went to play mahjong!

I thought I might be able to use Murakami,

so I invited him over as an acquaintance of Mouri-san.

Way back when, he did hold a grudge against Mouri-san,

but now he wanted to apologize for everything, so he went to see him.

That's when I came up with the idea of using playing card numbers

to camouflage my crimes.

k*lling Murakami while he was wasted was easy.

So you had no grudge against Mouri-san or Inspector Megure, then?


So you brought me and Shishido-san here...

...because you needed a "four" and a "six"!

That's right.

I figured three and five "Mouri-san and Detective Shiratori"

would naturally come if I mentioned Asahi-san invited me here.

I had actually hoped "one" Kudo Shinichi would come too...

...but unfortunately, my wish didn't come true.

Did you ever stop to consider if innocent people were k*lled!

I blew up the underwater restaurant simply to k*ll Nishina.

I didn't give a damn whether any of the others lived or d*ed.

This place would collapse afterward, Murakami would go missing,

and it'd all remain an unsolved mystery.

This place would collapse?

Sawaki-san. There's nowhere to run now. Give yourself up.

Detective Shiratori! Seize Sawaki-san!


W-What the!

Oh no!

Come on!


Huh? Why does Sawaki-san have Ran?

What are you talking about? You just exposed his crimes!

Huh? I did?

Stay where you are! Move and she's dead!

Damn it! Ran's too out of it to use her karate.

That last expl*si*n has caused the building to lose its balance!

Ran! Where are you?

Up there!

Where is he going?

He plans to escape in a helicopter!


He called one here using the secretary's name so he could escape!

That's what he thinks!

Wait! Mouri-kun! Leave the rest to us-


- You guys evacuate immediately! - I-I can't swim!

Don't worry! We'll find a plank or something and get you to shore!

- Let's go, Shiratori-kun! - Yes, sir!

- Which way? - Up the stairs!

The elevator, huh!

Mouri-kun! This way!

Hurry! Hurry!

Inspector. How good is Detective Shiratori with a g*n?

He's as bad as I am.

W-What in the world's going on?

What are you doing? Land!

W-Who is this guy? Why does he have a Kn*fe?

Dammit! Why doesn't that elevator go to the roof!

Get down here now! I'm the one who ordered the chopper!

Emergency! Emergency!

A man with a Kn*fe has a girl hostage on the Aqua Crystal heliport!

And the building is in danger of collapsing! Send help at once!


Stay back!

Any closer and she's dead!

Stop this, Sawaki-san!

Let Ran-san go! Let her go or I'll sh**t!


Go ahead and sh**t, if you dare!

His hands are shaking! He'll hit Ran if he sh**t!

Shiratori-kun! Don't!

Inspector! Are you all right?

Escaping in a helicopter won't help you! Let Ran-kun go!

Shut up! I'm going to take this girl and go k*ll Tsuji!


He can't be in the All-American Open now!

Isn't that enough!

Nope! I'm going to k*ll him, and then I'm going to die!

And she's coming with me!


Shinichi... Help me...


If he runs off with Ran, he'll k*ll her!

This is bad! If this keeps up, we'll all be goners, not just Ran!

Hand over the g*n.


I'll s*ab her!

Hey, Shiratori, Gimme the g*n.

I said give it to me.

Yeah, right! I can't give it to you!

What're you doing! Hurry it up!

A-All right!

Boy! You bring it here!

Do you want this girl to die!

N-No! Don't make a kid do something that dangerous!


C'mon! Bring it here!


Conan-kun... D-Don't give...

Don't give it to him!

Atta boy! Now bring it here!

Hurry up!

I said bring it here now!

Ah! Now I see! That's why the old guy...



Damn it! Hey, Get up! Hey!

Hey! Hey!

I sadly watched the rain pound on you as you bent over.


If there was only one umbrella in this world, I'd find it for you.

That was a close one, Ran...

N-Now, I see! So that's why Mouri-san

sh*t her back then!

It wasn't to stop the k*ller,

but to save the hostage!

Yes. A hostage sh*t in the leg

I can't do anything, but I can't get drenched in your place either.

Yes. A hostage sh*t in the leg

is just a burden to a fleeing criminal.

It was to save Mom...

So that was the truth, then?


I beg of you, please confess your worries to me.

Sawaki Kohei!

You're under arrest for m*rder,

bodily harm, kidnapping, and more!

Let go! Let me die!

I'm not letting you die!

I'm going to make you understand the weight of what you've done!

Talk about a close call!

It looks like you're over your fear of helicopters now, huh!

Let me off this thing!

Here you go!

He suddenly jumped at me, so I got surprised!

Honestly! It's just a good thing you only grazed Ran's leg.

Anywhere else and things could've ended badly.

I'm sorry!

Can't really tell him that my old man often taught me how to sh**t

at the sh**ting range when we visited the lodge in Hawaii!

But... I did cause Ran hurt...

Inspector! This is the perfect opportunity to take some time off!

Yeah, I think I will!

The hat can stay on, if you don't mind.

Say, do you think even Shinichi would've sh*t like you did?

Who knows. He might've, if he was as good a sh*t as me.

I think so, too. Right, Shinichi?

What's that?

Shinichi's card. The Ace of Spades.

I was holding onto it the whole time.

Who knows, maybe Shinichi helped protect me!

You dummy! The person saved by the ace...

"An 'A' is in your future"

...was me... know!

Eh? You knew why Dad sh*t you?

Of course I did! We are married, after all.

Plus it's only natural for a husband to protect his wife.

Then why did you leave him?

That very night, he said my cooking was horrible and didn't eat it.


My leg hurt so much, and I worked so hard to thank him with food...

Yet, he...

You idiot! If this is the best you can make, get the hell to bed!

And that's why I moved out.

Just remembering it makes me mad!

That insensitive old clod!

O-Oh, I see...

Looks like they won't be making up for a while now...

Come to think of it, Mom's cooking...

...was horrible...
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