Harmony (2015)

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Harmony (2015)

Post by bunniefuu »

plus: Story of the Victor

plus: Story of the Excapee


plus: Story of the Victor
plus: Story of the Escapee
equals: In other words me

I'm sorry, Miach.

Long time no see, World Health Organization.

Long time no see, Warriors of Tuareg.

Do you know what "tuareg" means in Arabic?

I don't.

It means "The people God has misplaced".

The rulers of this land gave us that terrible name.

Misplaced by God.

Sounds pretty cool to me, though.

You don't love your own god.

That's true.

And so, we escape God's sight

on this b*ttlefield.

These medical patches

are also the fruit of a god like that.

I thought the Tuareg were against having WatchMe in their body.

We use it in moderation.

Everything concerning Lifeism collects data.

We'd rather not be controlled by your God.

We can still update with physical media

and deal with even the most dangerous disease.

Meaning even this illegal trade is a huge help.

You people don't know what "moderate" means.

After you crush our will you force your beliefs on us.

And that starts the flames of dissension.

We're not alies of the Republic of Niger.

But we're not Tuareg allies, either.

As an armistice monitor,

I'm an outsider.

You should join our side, W.H.O.

We value women greatly.

Thanks for the proposal, but...

I can't.

I'm only here

because of cowardice.

Probably I...

wasn't as strong as her.

Not strong enough to go to the other side.

So, Tuan...

Do you want to die with me?

I'm sorry, Miach.

The Republic m*llitary is coming!

It's a warbird!

It's armed!

Calm down.

Fall back.

Hurry, Tuan!

An armistice monitor

trading with a warring faction...

That'd be bad, right?

Farewell, "follower of lifeism".

You're always welcome with us.


No good, Tuan.

It'll catch us.

It's close enough to us to get video, right?

What's the status of it's comms?

It's EM barrier is up so it won't transmit til it breaks contact.

Before it sends video to HQ, we'll k*ll it!

Take the wheel.

Whatch out!

Tell me when it's in range.

Distance 5700

Distance 3000


This w*r is my only escape.

Could you not get in the way?

Take care of the rest.

The title "Helix Inspector" gives unusual privileges.

I could leave Japan and wander battlefields as I please.

I ran away from that prison-like society.

A society that slowly kills you with compassion.


Do you want to die with me?

Society made us both the same.

Kirie Tuan-san.

And also, from Mihie Miach.


Let's make a declaration.

A declaration that we will never become adults.

This body.

These breasts.

This place.

This uterus.

All of these are mine.

We'll say it to a world that doesn't want to listen.

The WatchMe is installed in you at birth.

Everyone accepts it without suspition.

The WatchMe activates when we grow up

and takes our freedom to grow fat or live unhealthy.

Even these breasts are monitored and controlled by the life government.

Tuan, can you accept that?

Stop it, Miach!

The WatchMe owns your body

and does whatever it wants with it.

Can you tolerate that?

I won't at all!

Not at all.


Forgive me, Miach.

We're almost at the base, Tuan.

Helix Inspectors.

The watchmen of Lifeism.

Like the name "Helix" implies...

If something is a genetic thr*at, we investigate and observe.

Similar to the world nuclear agency.

After a while...

They expanded to control parts of the m*llitary and police.

And claiming their authority to preserve life was above govenments,

they began to mediate disputes.

In this b*ttlefield I found a place to run awy.

I escaped the unseen prison that strangled with compassion.

I pretended to grow up

and tricked the system.

Special Inspector Kirie Tuan.

I've been waiting.

Chief Oscar?

This is my quarters. Why are you here?

Right now I want to see what you have behind your back.

Bordeaux, eh?

Sometimes it's Merlot.
Occasionally 100% of them are Merlot.

Despite how I look I'm actually 72.

The last generation to have real alcohol.

Is that so.

Monitoring the armistice in Republic of Niger requires impartiality.

What we put in the armistice report

determines whether the Republicans or Tuareg are favored.

That situation

is endangered when a Helix Inspector trades with the Tuareg.

On top of that...

It's all for alchohol and tobacco.

Disclosure would cause a big problem.

First of all... I'd like to know how you fooled the WatchMe.

There's no way the Health Sever wouldn't know.

I'm a women who can use magic.

And the new world can't handle a woman like that.

I don't know what kind of magic you're useing, but

your actions have clearly put the entire armistice mission at risk.

Oh, nothing will go wrong.

Neither of us want to tarnish this crest.

So you won't say anything.

My personal actions aside...

If Helix Inspectors loose respect,

this peaceful healthy world, you can kiss goodby.

That would be terrible, Chief.

I understand.

However, you will be suspended.

Special Inspector Kirie Tuan...

Until this cools down, you'll return to your homeland.

Just a second!

That's not funny.

You won't use the b*ttlefield as a bar anymore.

Go to Japan and experiance abundant mutual love

and relearn the right way to live.


I dispised it in adolescence.

And Mihie Miach hated it.


I failed.

The fact I'm alive means

I failed, didn't I.

There was nothing I could do. None of this would change Japan.

If I were Mihie Miach,

With Miach's drive and Miach's weapons...

I would finish it.

As of now... I'll continue on in this world

because there's nothing I can do anyway.

That's what I thought.


That was just my excuse.


I failed.

Tuan-chan, can you hear me?

Can you hear me?

It's your Mother!

Can you? Can you?

Thank goodness.

Thank goodness, Tuan-chan.

Where's Miach?

Miach-chan is...

I see.

She d*ed.

Don't do that, Mom.

Definately don't do that.

Don't feel guilty about something you couldn't help.

Jeeze, Mom, you didn't even know Miach.

Everyone watches for the smallest problem in everyone else.

They almost don't know how to do anything except inform on everyone.

It's absurd to mourn a stranger.

I don't want a world like that at all.

Cian-chan is okay.

She was properly cared for at the Emergency Ethics Center.

I'm sorry, Miach.

I'm going.

Cian and Tuan, what will you do?

Miach was too smart

and prepared for anything.

She always knew what to do.

The single most efficient way to solve a problem.

Pills made by MediCare.

If you take this, it will destroy your insides.

I'll do it.

For Cian and I...

She was our charismatic leader.

She knew way too much.

And hated way too much.

An Ideologue.

I'm sorry, Miach.

"I'm not interested in normal people."

Mihie Miach, who had the best grades in class,

was a problem child.

She wasn't part of any group

and kept herself beautifully isolated.

She didn't talk to anyone except Reikadou Cian and I.

When I want to be alone, Dead Media works the best.

Endurance is my favorite thing about books.


Endurance for loneliness.

It's just me and books. All alone.

Miach downloads the text she wants to read

and has it made into a book

She spent her time in a vast sea of words.

And learned to hone weapons against society.

If I felt like it, I could wipe out all of Japan's residents in a flash.

All adults have magic boxes, you see.


If one were to change MediCare just a bit

This city would be destroyed.

Even medicine to make one feel better

could be revised as one pleased.

To prevent that, MediCare is sealed inside us.

But if you can trick the system

you can overthrow the world.

The world slowly becomes more healthy.


More peacefull and beautiful.

Those good intentions never stop.

I couldn't stand it and ran away from Japan.

Now I've come back.

It hasn't changed.

Every one of them...

They take comfort in being the same as everyone else.

Tuan! Tuan!


Tuan! I found you.

It's been a while, Cian.

I'm glad you came.

You surprised me.

Yesterday, I got a note you were coming home all of a sudden.

I was sent home all of a sudden.

Reikado Cian.

A friend I tried to die with 13 years ago.

Tuan... A Helix Inspector really stands out.

You should be more carefull how you look.

It's part of the job.

A w*r can happen in any type of place,
or at any time of year.

I can't afford that many outfits.

That's true.

Your job contributes a lot to society, right?

Are you going home today?

I'll find a hotel.

There's no point in going home.

No point?

Everyone's talking about you.

Exactly who is "everyone"?

Mother would gather the neighbours for a party.

That's tedious.

How come?

There's nothing to talk about.

You went to Sahara, and Colombia before that, right?

You've had precious experiences, no?

You haven't changed a bit, Cian.

Nobody wants to hear about the harsh reality of w*r.

But you've come home for once.

The people in the area want to know you.

I don't want them to know me.

Nor do I want to know them.

Well, I don't do anything amazing like you.

I do volunteer work three days a week.

Like caring for elders, distributing food,

holding online ethics classes,

and health conferences for 15 hours a month.

I see.

If you don't mind, will you come next time?

In that case, how about geting some food?

There's a good restaurant near where I live.

Just us?


And afterwards, you're welcome at my house.

My friend who tried to shake up the world by dieing

is living a typical and prosperous lifestyle,

and WatchMe ties her to the government server.

She's become an adult.

I'm the one who's dragging this out.

Is that something shamefull.

Or something precious?

I can't tell.

Tuan, are you okay?

Are you not feeling well?

Want to take my seat?

If I keep living in this country...

I'm fine.


I'll end up k*lling myself or someone else.

With those thoughts, I fled to the b*ttlefield.

In the b*ttlefield there are all kinds of people.

But not here.

It's like being in a house of mirrors.

Everyone's the same.

Weren't you a bit rude to her?

She's an important member of some council.

I understand. Sorry.

After Miach d*ed,

Cian and I split ways.

The whole thing was like some common ritual that everyone did.

Cian just got right back on track.

And I... I pretended to return to normal society.

I took Miach's seat in academics

and learned all the knowledge Miach would have if she lived.

This takes me back. I've missed eating with you.

Me too.

The two of us together feels kind of weird, huh?

It used to be three of us, but...

Miach would always finish her lunch first

and make paper planes like you.

She did?

You grew your hair out.

You look like Miach.

You and Miach were friends before me, right?

I wasn't the one who started it.

Is that so?

She just stopped me at a park after school

and started talking about loneliness and books.

I didn't tell you?

That almost sounds like a trap.

Mayby... She wanted a freind to be with so she set a trap.


You're probably wrong.

It wasn't friends. Miach was looking for comrades.

Isn't that the same?

No. Friends and comrades are different.

It's similar in that you have company,

but comrades have bonds akin to soldiers.

Does that mean we weren't what Miach hoped for?

Tuan, you see...

There's something I have to say.


As for me...

I didn't take the dr*gs Miach gave me back then.

I betrayed her and told my parents.

Is that so?

I was too scared to take it.

You're not mad?

I owe you my life, Cian.

Thank you.

But I'm still a traitor.

It's my fault Miach d*ed.

It's not your fault.

No. It is.

I didn't have the courage to take the dr*gs.

Nor did I have the courage to tell right away.

I stopped going to school and locked myself in my room,

so Mother took me to the Emergency Ethics Center.

That's when I told them about Miach and the dr*gs.

The center immediately contacted Tuan's mother

and Tuan was saved.

But Miach...

By the time the center called Miach's house...

She was so far gone they couldn't save her.

Miach's mother told me.

Apparently her body was taken for medical research


I haven't heard that before.

Maybe I wanted you to say it wasn't my fault.

I found out when I went to visit Miach's mother.

Should we stop talking about this?

It's fine.

I need to say it.

When I think about it...

It was my idea to hang out with Miach.

I was with Miach to stop her from doing things.

Stop her?

I probably wanted to balance your presence.

Back then, I thought I didn't belong anywhere.

I felt like a fugitive with no where to run.


But, you see

I never thought that meant I had to die or k*ll someone.

But Miach was different.

She was very exciting and edgy.

That's right.


If I stayed close...

I thought I could keep her worst thoughts at bay.

I could say "you bet" to everything and make Miach feel better.

But in the end I lost my head,

and let Miach die.

I misunderstood you, Cian.

You're strong, Cian.

Excuse me.

I'm sorry, Miach.




I'm sorry.


I'm sorry.

They should be ashamed of themselves.

That's blasphemy to Lifeism!

As of right now the number of confirmed deaths is 2,697.

Of those people 2,697 were successful in doing so.

Eight hours has passed since the incident occurred.

There are still those on the edge of death.

It seems the number of confirmed deaths will increase.

The methods of su1c1de were all different

and we can't find any connections.

In approximately half of the attempted suicides,

augmented reality contact lenses were equipped while the acts were committed.

Thus we can see with their field of vision from videos logged on the server.

What is this?

Is this not a t*rror1st att*ck against life society?

What's the status of the survivors?

They've all fallen into deep comas.

There isn't a single one among the survivors

from whom we can confirm the motive.

The executive office of Helix Inspectors

have ruled this incident an attempt to ruin lifeism's esteem.

Start the investigation immediately and end this situation.

In about 2 hours time, W.H.O. will hold an emergeny meeting.

In accordance to the cooperation pact between the government and W.H.O.

All Helix Inspectors will participate in police investigations around the world.

Take the initiative

and make the presence of Helix Inspectors known to the world.

Using an encrypted channel, huh?

On top of your suspention,

Reikado Cian k*lled herself right before your eyes.

You will immediately take 120 hours of mental therapy with medication.

Trying to keep me away from this?

Your excellency, Chief Inspector Oscar Stauffenberg.

If you do that, I think I'll use my free time

to tell the media what I did in Niger as an armistice monitor.

Are you insane?

Jezus... I'm perfectly sane.

I'll do it just for spite.

A Helix Inspector who spends her time on conflict missions

instead of therapy,

is the right person to guarantee the success of these pressing matters.

And you're the one who can decide that.

I understand.

I'll allow you to participate.

However, I will only delay your therapy 5 days.

No matter what you find, I can't extend it.

If I never came back to Japan...

If I never met with Cian...

Would that girl still be alive?

Miach once said:

"If people ever felt like it,"

"taking another's life is easy."

"It's not just that."

"They have the will to destroy even more important things."

She was only 15 when she said that.

Did Cian, 13 years later, prove it?

I've been left behind again.

Five days.

That's the time I've been given to clarify Cian's death.

I misunderstood you, Cian.

You're strong, Cian.

I'm sorry, Miach.

I'm sorry.


I'm sorry

I'm sorry, Miach.

A month after her death, Mihie Miach's parents

moved to the Tama district with government recommendation.

Requesting incognito mode with my Helix Inspector privileges.

Request received.

Special Inspector Kirie Tuan's Profile

does not appear unless social ranking is more than 5.

The Mihie couple's ranking is 3.

As of now, Mihie Reiko is home.

With Incognito mode

Special Inspector Kirie Tuan's visit will not be announced.

Back then, We...

We didn't even know each others parents.

We never went to each others houses either.

For a long time now, people have been bound to many things.

Family. Business. Religion. Money.

Money is made with paper.

They say, "There's no way a piece of paper can make someone happy,"

yet everyone is bound by it.

For the sake of money, wars are started.

For the sake of money, women's bodies are sold.

But you see, WatchMe is even more troubling

It takes your life hostage more than money ever could.

We're bound.

That Miach...

The parents that raised the Miach who could k*ll 5 million people and laugh.

What kind of people could they be?

Scanning Personnel

How can I be of assitance?

Personnel Confirmed

I'm a Helix Inspector from the World Health Organization.

I'm here about yesterday's simultaneous suicides.

I saw it on the morning news,

but we don't know anythi...

This is about your daughter.

My daughter d*ed over 10 years ago.

I know.

This is about your daughter when she was still alive.

Still alive?

Please come in.

That child, over and over, tried to end her life.

Yes. That's in the record.

Miach was too smart and strong for us to control.

Yet she was a sensitive girl.

We tried to give her as much love as we could.

But, as expected...

As expected?

Miach was adopted.

That's not in the record.

I'm not sure if it was government policy or a special case.

But, there was a w*r in Chechnya, right?

Yes. It's still going on.

That girl was a minority from that w*r zone.

A w*r orphan.

I wasn't told in detail,

but apparently she experienced many hardships there.

They gave her extensive therapy.

She was very young during the fighting. Only 8.

They said with a good home she would soon settle in.

But Miach k*lled herself with dr*gs.

When a child deviates beyond my imagination,

what should I do as a parent?

No one knew, not even me, of Miach's demons.

Rescued and taken from hell

Michie Miach was brought to Japan.

Fake world made to resemble heaven.

When we moved here,

her remaining things were disposed of.


I couldn't throw that away.

Do you know what a business card was?

This was the only personal information you shared.

You would only show it if you chose to.

It's our Marque.

This is cute.

It is.

There's no record of the location of Miach-san's body.

Was she buried in Chechnya?

A scholar said he wanted to take her body.

She had willed her body for research.

The name of that scholar?

I don't know.

Because of security, I don't know who he was.

I'm an international inspector.

I have the investigation privileges of the highest rank.

I need to confirm that. Excuse me.

Saeki Keita!

The researcher that wrote the engineering thesis for WatchMe.

My father, Kirie Nuada-sama, worked in his laboratory.

My father who left his family 13 years ago.

Immediately after Miaha, Cian, and I attempted su1c1de.

I've been waiting for you.

Come in.

Professor Saeki. You seem well.

People who don't feel good are an enigma nowdays.

And the sick one's would never come to this town.

It never would have occured to me...

The inventor of WatchMe is a comedian.

I could not have predicted such an extreamly healthy society was possible.

The "Great Calamity".

This is the result of "The Maelstrom".

This is the result of what your generation wanted, isn't it?

When the Great Calamity occurred 50 years ago,

North America alone lost more than 10 million lives.

Nuclear warheads were stolen and used for terrorism.

It spread around the world causing revolts and chaos.

Right now, the 70 and 80 year olds who make up the government

are still controlled by the fear from back then.

And I'm one of them, too.

But you didn't come here for that story.

What an inspector of the W.H.O. wants to know is yesterday's incident.

It's about Mihie Miach.

For what reason did you want her body?

You didn't bring the body here.

Did you?

If that was what you did,

normal procedures would have sufficed.

It was my father, right?

Kirie Nuada-san took the body

so it was most likely sent overseas.

I haven't said anything.

I don't have time!

Are you, and possibly my father,

somehow involved in this incident?

I'll have the Japanese police ask you.

You're not very good at asking questions, are you, young lady.

I give people headaches.

This sickness can get lot worse, though.

It's Baghdad.

Nuada-san went to Baghdad for a research project.

He's not going to be my student forever.

He moves while I stand still.

I haven't been in contact with Nuada-san since then.

What kind of research?

Three years ago a Russian scholar announced a study.

It was a study of what's called the "midbrain reward system".

This, in layman's terms,

is a theory of how the human will works.

Look at this.

This flashing area indicates the midbrain.

The core of the brain.

This is the part of the brain that controls desire, as you know.

People think human will is a single thing.

Something like a soul that thinks and feels.

Is that wrong?

It's more like a council.

Various people have various desires they try to act upon.

Human will within the brain is also the same.

It's like a bunch of individuals all wanting something different.

Still, however... People decide on one action and then act.

Why is that?

The brain's desire and the brain's satisfaction are connected.

In other words; by the reward.

Nuada-san thought the connection between desire and reward

could probably be used to control human will.

Control human will.

As I thought...

My father is involved in the recent events?

That, I don't know.

A daughter who doesn't trust her fa...

My father disposed of his family

So... If I don't know were he is, how could I know what he thinks.

To touch the human soul.

That's the kind of research that's built into a scholar's soul.

I can understand.

I'm going to Baghdad to search for Miach's body.

Even if it means chasing my father.

Can I guess where you're going?

It's Baghdad, right?

How do you know?

Who are you?

Forgive me. I'm in incognito mode.

I'm Interpol detective Elijah Vashlov.

Have you ever seen one of these?

It's a business card.

Damn. That spoils my fun.

I hope you don't do that to everyone you meet.

It's just a way to start.

Everyone's definitely frightened.

They're terrified of what they think will happen.

They've never felt gloom... Of course they can't express it.

It's the first time they've seen someone die.

As for myself... I'm not particularly upset by it.

Lately, therapy clinics have been booked solid.

"I'll live my life without seeing anything nasty."

Until recently everyone else thought so.

Everyone thinks people are a public resource

and they have to take care of each other.

This world is supposed to be heaven, after all.

Aren't you scared?

Of course I'm scared.

Our section in Interpol

last year started an investigation of a certain group.

A group?

They have a name for themselves.

They're called; "The Next Gen Human Behavior Working Group."

They're made up of influential people from government.

Top medical people.

Scholars, scientists, etc.

A bunch of traumatised old people.

They have a very long name, don't they.

They're prepared to stop mankind from returning to barbaric chaos.

At least that's the idea.

There's still no single theory for what caused the Great Calamity,

but at least...

We know the human brain can turn barbaric in seconds.

It's proven by hundreds of millions of deaths.

And so, this group...

Has a plan to directly supervise every person using WatchMe.

Supervise everyone?

What a grand conspiracy theory.

How would they do that?

The WatchMe connects everyone to MediCare.

They can implement their ideology with security holes.

With these security holes,

and help from a certain technology,

they are researching the control of consciousness.

Control of consciousness?

Yes. That incident was a test of their system.

An organization that fears the Great Calamity

caused these suicides as an experiment?

I'd like your cooperation...

Actually, I want to help with your investigation.

Within Interpol, some believe this situation,

and the intervention of the Helix Inspectors...

Has a different purpose.

The W.H.O.'s real purpose is...

Intervene in the international community to expand Lifeism's influence.

They think this is a farce.

It's true isn't it?

There's no time to argue about it.

Before that group makes their next move...

Excuse me.

The coverage from NET/24.

Please look.

Breaking news.

Breaking news brought to you by NET/24.

Someone claiming responsibility for the mass-su1c1de the other day

has sent a message to NET/24's broadcasting office.

Please listen.

Just a while ago, many people took their own lives at the same time.

It must have been quite shocking.

When someone suddenly dies right before your eyes

you remember what fear is like.

We did that.

How, you wonder?

That's a secret for now.

There are already roots deep in your brains,

and you can't rip them out.

All of you are now our hostages.

Frightening. Vexing.

You must be feeling many emotions.

Those emotions are real.

Please value them.

We live in a society where such emotions must be suppressed.

It's not written in any book. Nor is it the law

You can simply feel it in the air.

Did you know that children's su1c1de rates are going up?

Everyone's running away from reality.

We're going to make a new world.

This is a declaration.

For this, we must first choose capable people.

Within one week's time

please k*ll at least one person.

You can use whatever method you want.

Please prove that no-one matters to you more than yourself.

Let loose the feeling that the most important thing is your own life.

It's possible that you will be unable to k*ll someone.

In that case, we will mercilessly k*ll you.

We will force you to take your own life.

All we need is the press of a button.

For those who still don't believe us, we'll show you proof.

You'll probably only see a second of it, so make sure you don't miss it.

That's the end of the audio clip sent to NET/24.

We were unable to identify the sender.

I repeat.

Someone claiming responsibility for the mass-su1c1de that happened...

sh*t! I saw it!

A declaration?

It's Mihie Miach.

These are Mihie Miach's words!

The Sorrows of Young Werther.

This book, you see, k*lled many people.

How did people die from a book?

The protagonist Werther liked a girl,

but that girl was engaged to another man.

Werther couldn't endure a love that would never be, and took his own life.

Or so it's written.

It sounds like a love story.

But how does that k*ll people?

People were influenced by the book and committed su1c1de.

People of similar circumstances d*ed one after the other.

Fiction. Books. Words.

They have the power to k*ll people.

Amazing isn't it?

I wonder... Am I chasing Miaha's ghost?

So she was talking to someone.

It's not hard to guess who it was.

Cian said her name out loud.

It's been a while.

Cian, do you hear me?

Cian, and Tuan...

You didn't come over to this side.

You said "let's fight together".

It made me very sad.

So today, Cian, I want to tell you about Zen.

After 13 years of silence.

What do you think "Zen" is?

Helping those in need. Being friendly.

The common aspects of Zen are trivial details.

When you speak of Zen,

You're really talking about the will to uphold your Values.

To further your family.

To further happiness.

To further peace.

Ensuring that whatever Value people believe in continues on.

That's what Zen really is.

But nothing is eternal.

Humans inherently grow, become old, and fall ill,

And then they die.

Originally, in nature there was only life. No Zen or Evil.

But you know... Now it's different.

WatchMe has ended sickness and old age.

The Value of "health" over-rides everything else.

That Zen is what this world sustains.

Back in the time of kings, dissobediant people were ex*cuted.

People were ruled with v*olence.

But, ever since democracy started

governing ourselves became the right way of life.

But what if the enemy is inside us.

What do we do then?

That is the limit of Lifeism.

And that will be the end of it.

Cian and Tuan.

You two didn't come to this side.

Even though you said we'd fight together.

But right now... If you show me your courage, it's fine.

Nothing in this world will last forever.

Your body is yours alone.

Prove it here and now.

Then we can go back to that time.

Like we were that day.

Please do. Show me your courage.

Show it to me.

I'm sorry, Miach.

Miach is alive.

She's alive.

She's alive.

Michie Miach is alive.

Miach is testing the world with her declaration.

We need to k*ll to live

or die without k*lling.

Miach is testing people all over the world.

This is "Dian Cécht".

After the Great Calamity,

Baghdad became more open minded about human experiments.

With a preferential tax system,

The city transformed into a gigantic medical industry complex

My father lives in this city.

As well as Miach.

Being on the upper floor of the garden makes you forget where you are, right?

I'm Gabrielle Etian of the SEC Neurocience Consortium.

When I heard a Helix Inspector was coming,

I was sure it was for a surprise inspection.

Even though we aren't doing anything for the W.H.O. suspect us.

I'd like to ask...

Is Dr. Kirie Nuada-san part of this research team?

Yes. Well, he was.

That was quite some time ago.

Do you know where he is now?

Unfortunately not.

Is that true?

What are you implying?

Kirie Nuada-sama is my father.

I'm aware of that.

I wondered why an esteemed Helix Inspector would come without a warrant.

I guessed that you were looking for someone.

Don't assume I'm your enemy.

I'm just asking for cooperation.

Can you tell me what research you do here, if possible?

I suppose.

Say I could get 10,000 credits right now.

Or a promise of 20,000 credits a year from now.

Which do you think I would take?

The former, I suppose.

Correct. This isn't limited to humans.

Primates and birds,

dogs and cats, all display these tendencies.

All living things place more value on what's right in front of them.

This is genetic programming.

If they don't take take what's in front of them,

it'll be stolen by others.

An individual that merely waits for future gains won't live.

Short term desire and long term desire.

The struggle between these two is a survival game.

That's the reality of "Human Will".

Even pain is chosen by one's will.



When you feel a needle s*ab your finger,

your brain will imprint that pain the moment it happens.

But if it happens while you're focused on something,

you don't even realize the pain.

You've heard of that before, right?

In that case, pain loses to what the brain chooses to be conscious of.

It's as if the pain never made it to your consciousness.

The senses that give shape to our reality

are a collection of what the brain chooses to reach the consciousness.

If I'm not mistaken.

As expected of a Helix Inspector. You catch on quickly.

I'd like your opinion as an expert.

Like the criminals claim,

is it possible to lead someone to su1c1de?

Who knows?

At the very least, when it comes to us controlling people's will:

Making them see reality as we want...

It's regrettably something we can't yet do.

What will you do?

Until the criminals' deadline comes, that is.


That's nothing more than a thr*at.

Well, if that's all you need.

One more thing.

The Next Gen Human Behavior Working Group.

Do you know this research group?


Go to the hotel. Check in for one.

A room overlooking Sadun Boulevard has been prepared by the Bhagdad hotel.

We've received contact from Special inspector Kirie.

Please join the AugMeeting at once.

How many murders have occurred since the declaration?

Yes. While we can't confirm it yet,

the cases are clearly increasing.

The governments are suppressing emergency coverage.

We're working hard to silence the declaration, but...

I don't know how much we can keep secret.

Any info on the suicides?

Another example! A new report in from the Japanese police.

This makes over 300 people.

This one left a su1c1de note!

More and more su1c1de notes are being left.

Two cases in Cologne, Germany.

One in Satre, Spain.

Summarize the su1c1de notes.

"I couldn't k*ll anyone."

"Even if I k*lled someone, I couldn't bear the t*rture of my conscience."

"Of course my body is free to the public, but..."

"The others are mostly the same."

"I can't find a way out of this dillema other than su1c1de."

"To apologize to my wife, daughter, and neighbours for choosing the path of su1c1de."

That's the end of it.

This is not the work of those behind the declaration.

k*ll or be k*lled. They answer by taking their own lives.

That's what I get from it.

What about censorship?

Outside the family, those who know are only police, Interpol, and Helix Inspectors.

If people find out about the su1c1de notes this situation might increase.

Increase censorship to the highest level.

Of course. But that'll only work for a few days.

One possibility is that the criminals want this chaos.

The Werther effect.

Can't we cut WatchMe's connection to the health server for more privacy?

We would have to cut LifeLine and that would spread chaos and panic.

We can't tell how many would die.

Kirie Tuan!

Come to Abu Nuwas

Abu Nuwas.

Outside the government's reach.

Now... Our report on the situation.

Governments around the world

are reporting a global panic

that is spreading through the population.

Here's new information.

Both Canada and Italia

have requested troops in accordance with the Geneva treaty.

If you're going to the old town...

WatchMe will continue to function outside,

but we can't guarantee your safety.

You understand, right?


Then... Please sign this waiver.

Even at a time like this, the WatchMe analyzes the content and calories

and issues warnings through the Aug.

These people are safe from the interference of "Aug" life enhancement.

Though it's next to the heart of the medical world,

these people haven't surrendered their bodies to anyone.

They don't have WatchMe inside them.

And they're not connected to the server.

They get colds,

feel headaches,

have cancer,

and die around age 60 to 70.

Since the declaration...

All of the augmented people shut themselves inside the damn gate...

To stay healty.

The people here never heard that news anyway.

go to the river

Do you know why this place is called Mesopotamia?

There's no way I can forget this voice.

It means "between two rivers".

The Tigris and Euphrates.

Before I noticed, I was inbetween, too.

Thank you for coming.

That injury.

Yeah. An experiment. I went too far.


More importantly, how long has it been since I saw you?

My good for nothing father who left us 13 years ago.

Kirie Nuada-san.

He's not really a father.

Many people are dying.

Yes. It's unfortunate.


Didn't you do this, dad? Using Miach?

She was your friend, right? Miach.

Why was it Miach?

You know how child su1c1de rates were increasing?

Tuan... You and Miach were almost like that.

A while after the introduction of the WatchMe,

there was an increase in kids that would hurt themselves.

Governments were desperate to solve this problem.

So those children were taken in and treated.

You've heard of that organization, right?

The Next Gen Human Behavior Working Group.

In addition to treatment, it was also an experiment.

They were testing the application of the Harmony Program.

One of the test subjects was Miach.

Harmony Program?


To sum up... It creates a harmonious society

using a technological system to harmonize the human will.

A promising method to save the human will from barbarism.

That was the organization's goal, and my research.

With Professor Saeki, I researched human choices, resolve, emotions, and thoughts.

Controlling a person's will, that is.

For the W.H.O. and some of the leaders in government,

that's an extremely important issue.

And Miach...

And Miach's will was filled with intense despair and rebellion.

The kind that drives Miach straight into death.

If we could control her brain,

then we could control anyone's.

Call it short sighted if you will, but I believed it.

Come in.
Though it's just the hideout of someone in between.

You're fine with caffeine?

You do research here?

I can't do it here.

Until recently, I was in Dian Cécht.

Miach was there too, huh?

There's a side effect.

The Harmony Program has a serious side effect.

Logically speaking we should have seen it coming, but...

Harmonizing the entire mind: Harmonics.

As a result of pursuing it,

the brain's desires are harmonized perfectly.

However... Self-awereness is eliminated.

While experimenting on Miach, we found out about the loss of "consciousness".

That's the side effect of the Harmony program.

What happens when you lose consciousness?

What happened to Miach?

Is she a vegatable?

No. How can I put this?

What to buy, eat, enjoy... It's always the obvious choice.

The choice that's self-evident.

She never struggled when it came to making choices.

For an observer, whether she was conscious, or acting like she was,

there's no obvious difference.

And Miach?

She described a euphoric state.

She would eat as usual, study as usual, and talk to us.

She acted like nothing had happened.

After the experiment we returned her mind to normal
and she said she didn't remember anything.


She felt like being in an aimless happy bubble.
Like she was in a trance.

In a way, that's like death.

We of the W.H.O., and senior government leaders made a decision.

That is...

Using WatchMe, every human brain on earth has been programed with this system.

That includes my brain, and yours.

Even though it's already in our brains, they'll only use it as a last resort.

If something like the Great Calamity were to thr*aten humanity again...

They can take our consciousness.

No way.

The leaders won't use it right now.

They didn't want to deny people their humanity.

However, there are people that do.

The organization is split in half.

Mihie Miach caused that split.

The reason I called you was because of Miach.

Still selfish.

Dad, you always were.

Like when you threw us away.

I'm being hunted by the opponants of the main faction.

You should leave this city.

And listen...

You're the only one Miach will meet.

If anyone can stop her, it's you.


What could I do about it now?



Are you okay, Dad?

I'm Interpol, Kirie Nuada-sama.

Pleased to finally meet you.

I'm arresting you for complicity in mass suicides.

Whoa, there. Tuan-san shouldn't move, either.

You're related to the criminal, after all.

Vashlov. You're one of Miach's group, arn't you?

As expected of a Helix Inspector.

You make amusing guesses.

If his daughter, a Helix Inspector, continues this investigation

eventually Kirie Nuada-san will meet with her.

You predicted this.

You wanted me to pull Kirie Nuada-san out while you hide.

All's well if I can secure Nuada-san.

What will that accomplish?

Kirie Nuada-san is a leader of the main faction.

If I restrain him, I destroy his side's cohesion and unity.

If I do that, the situation will turn in our...

Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't have that much power anymore.

That excuse won't work.

Don't forget, you're the one who created the future we dream of.

And what might that future be?

The future we dream of? Of course it's...

Dad, this way.



It's just a scratch.


I was told to spare him if possible.

I was able to do something fatherlike at the end.

Now the main faction has lost their ideologue.

After this, chaos will engulf the world.

The suicides and fearmongering were just to give birth to chaos.

Just catalysts.

Where's Miach.

We'll bring a new world.

A new harmony that surpasses the chaos of this world.

The one Mihie Miach gave us.

The path to peace.

She can see far into the future.


Contact the Anti-Russia Freedom Front there.

Miach is there.

She said I could tell you.

I beg you. k*ll me.

I can't breathe.

This is what they call pain?

All because of WatchMe and MediCare.

I'd forgotten about pain.

k*ll me, please.

The WatchMe and authorities...

Right now, they control every aspect of life.

"Death is power's limit,"

"the moment that escapes it."

"Death becomes the most secret aspect of existence."

"The most private."

Who said that?

Michel Foucault.

I guess there's no way out but that?

Before I came here, I was subject to different authority.

It was hell there.

Still, it's messed up here too.

Almost as much as back there.

Back there?

The opposite of here

If you were there, you'd be k*lled with a g*n.

When you're here, you're k*lled with kindness.

The dark ambitions from Miach's childhood...

I knew about them.

The desk where we suppressed our rage and laid down curses.

Does Miach even now, still hold her hatred from back then.

She finally has the power to crush the world.

Will she do it?

The day after tomorrow is the deadline to k*ll someone.

Many people were driven mad as death and fear engulfed the world.

It's not just murders. There are a great many suicides

causing riots all over the world.

The police and army

have yet to report suicides and murders within their ranks.

But you won't be surprised by that, right?

The same goes for Helix Inspectors, doesn't it?

You should be okay now, right?

You've k*lled one person, after all.

It was self defense.

Surely you aren't feeling guilty, are you?

He k*lled my father.

While that man was Interpol,

he used his authority to work for a different organization.

That organization is called the Next Gen Human Behavior Working Group.

They formed shortly after the Great Calamity

with the goal of preventing another global chaos.

In other words; to prevent a catastrophe.

To fulfill their means, they began researching the brain.

Gabrielle Etian is part of the Brain Medical Research Consortium.

She might also be a part of that organization.

She was k*lled 3 hours ago.

It seems to have been a random k*lling.

But it's possible someone used the chaos to cover m*rder.

Where are you?

I'm going to Chechnya.


I'll say no more.

The organization is split in two, and the conflict is growing.

Helix Inspectors were careless.
The W.H.O. senior leadership, too.

This argument will probably get louder.

It's a private line call.

Everyone but Special Inspector Kirie please leave their seats.

It's like the second Great Calamity of 50 years ago.

At this rate people will be lost to v*olence and destroy society.

Despite everything we did to avoid this.

Who are you?

We are individuals, police, government,

who know the peacefull society we live in

is vulnerable in just this way.

And that's the vulnerability the enemy has used.

We are...

the Next Gen Human Behavior Working Group's senior members.

In other words...

Your Father's colleagues.

What happened to your father was unfortunate. Honestly.

After they betrayed the organization, Nuada-san was targeted persistently.

Father and I were being monitored.

Either Mihie Miach's group would contact you,

or you would use the investigation to contact them.

Either way, you would find them.

So the 5-day time limit didn't matter.

The opposition stole access to part of the Harmony Program

which controls a certain brain area, and went into hiding.

They're using a small percentage of it's capability

to spread fear and terror everywhere.

Do you know what Mihie Miach's plan is?

Why does she want to plunge this perfect lifeism society into chaos?

Does she want us to run the Harmony Program?

We don't know.

I think you can find that out, and stop her.

Special Inspector Kirie.

What's funny?

Nothing. You said the same thing as my father.

If you'll excuse me.

Special Inspector Kirie!

You might be the only one who can save the world.

You really think that?

What are your real intentions, Tuan?

I don't particularly care about the world.

I want to meet Mihie Miach who k*lled Cian and mayby Dad

And put some kind of end to this.

That, by itself

is the basis of my actions.


Humanity is being asked:

Will you seek happiness?

Or will you seek the truth?

If the world can't stop this chaos with its own power,

then we'll have no choice but to run the Harmony Program.

Make sure you show your boss.

She'll know what to do.

He's a soldier of the Anti-Russia Freedom Front, right?

I have it ready for you, Tuan.

Everything you need.

Thanks, Uwe.

What Miach sought

That was...

A world where one's body remains their own.

Your body belongs to you and not some standard set by society.

That same Miach...

Does she actually want a world were you cease to be an individual?



It's okay, Miach.


I've been alone since that day.


Mihie Miach's birthplace.

The birthplace of her consciousness.

A few decades ago, during the conflict in Chechnya,

a certain ethnic minority was discovered.

A new ethnic group not previously recorded in history.
Distinct from other phenotypes.

By repeatedly inbreeding, they formed an isolated community in the steepest of mountains.

Miach comes from there.

Those people expressed a certain recessive gene.

Others also have that rare gene,

But two holders seldom ever mate, so it's rarely expressed.

That rare factor is the gene responsible for creating self-awareness.

Those people did not have what we call consciousness.

The same as the side effect of the Harmony Program.

They seemed to decide rationally for everything.

They take the obvious choice without thinking.

In other words they had no consiousness and no will.

A people in a natural state of harmony.

So why is Miach like this?

She was abducted at the age of 8 by the Russian army.

I'm told it was a "disapeared" camp.

I believe she experienced unimaginable misery there.

I didn't talk with her about it that much.

She said her consciousness woke up there.

Woke up?

The non-conscious Miach was confronted by intense fear and pain,

and a hatefull consciousness was born.

No, we should say it's similar to a consciousness.

Originally, the brain's core would take care of this process.

but the other areas of the limbic system are emulating it.

An emulation of consciousness.

An imitation consciousness.

A pretend soul.

I have to burn them.

If I don't,

these children will tie me to the earth.

And I won't go to the other side.

You're ready to do it?


When the Chinese emperor is replaced,

the history scrolls are burnt

so that new history may be written.

Why do you think people write about things?


Because writing lasts for near eternity.

The Bible is like that.

And the Pyramids in a fashion.

People have long been obsessed with eternity.

Can I ask a favour?

It'll be hard for me.

These books are basically you, after all

Long ago, Japan incinerated corpses like this.

It was called cremation.

You put the person's important belongings inside the coffin.

This is my cremation.

They gave me strength. I'll take them with me.

You see, I...

I want to shake up what people thought was eternity.

I want to land a blow on this static time.

Our three deaths will be that blow.

Areas that people once considered as natural,

were slowly eliminated with the advance of civilization.

What about the soul?

People who believe consciousness is inviolable.

Where are they now?

People who believe the soul is sacred.

Where are they now?

From here on is private.

You'll stay here.

I've come, Miach.

Tuan, It's been a while.

There's no need for a g*n.

Here is Me and Tuan... Just us.

I thought, she'll come for sure.

The only one who'll come is Tuan.

I'm here, Tuan!

You grew your hair out.

It suits you.

It's too bad what happened to your father.

But you'll say "It couldn't be helped", huh?

Yes, I will.

It couldn't be helped.

It didn't look that way to me.

No one had to die.

You're right.

There's murders, suicides, and riots all over the world now.

But if I don't do that, the old men won't press the button.

What I want is harmonics for mankind.

This time I'm going for sure.

Tuan, what will you do?

A wonderful new world.

What new world?

Tuan. My consciousness was born here.

Father told me.

I see.

You know, this was the Russian Army's prostitution base.

The women they abduct on the b*ttlefield

were used day after day by the Russian soldiers.

I was one of them.

At the time, I didn't feel pain or fear on a conscious level like now.

The officer that used me

while penetrating me repeatedly,

touched me with the barrel of a Tokarev p*stol.

He said; "This is a g*n. This is steel. This is power."

He shoved the barrel into my mouth...

He thrust into me over and over.

Over and over I had to take it.

My drool covered his g*n.

This was when my consciousness was born.

These concrete floors

have absorbed semen, sexual discharge, blood, tears, snot and sweat.

In the midst of this, another me was born.

A me with actual human consciousness.

Miach, no more. Stop.


Here is where I learned how barbaric people are.

But Japan is the opposite of this place.

Where they k*ll you with kindness. A different kind of hell.

When I was twelve, a neighbor boy hanged himself and d*ed.

"I hate this world."

"I don't have a place here", he said. Then he k*lled himself.

You understand, don't you, Tuan?

You said you have no place in this world.

You said we have the same soul.


All this chaos today is to take revenge on the world, isn't it?

No, it's not that.

Right now I'm in love with the world.

The souls that have no place:

With tormented consciousness.

With patched up consciousness.

All of them will be in perfect harmony.

I realized...

If this world kills people who can't adapt to it,

then it's better for people to not have a consciousness.

It's better if they throw away their "self".

A world without suffering and consciousness?


Adults think loss of a consciousness and death are synonymous.

So they hide from it.

Your father did too, huh.

There are people that are happy and like the way the world is now.

Like Cian.

Was Cian really happy?

And Tuan, too...

This world has always been painful and alien to you, hasn't it?

You see, Tuan.

When people have problems they don't understand, they become barbarians

But you know... People can change.

Even this consciousness that's patched up from pieces

won't feel suffering if it evolves.

Even if that evolution is un-natural.

People can overcome the limits of their consciousness.

Those old men are going to activate Harmony for sure.

They have no choice now.

Everyone's going to come over to my world.

Each and every one. To my painless world!

Miach... You never change.

I guess I'm relieved.

Smart, selfish, pure, brutal, and a bit lonely.

You wanted to go back, huh?

To that unconscious place. To before you were born.

Miach, you don't even care why I came here.

And I didn't think about it.

Everyones idea of utopia,

replaced by a world without consciousness.

Mayby they would have done it someday, anyway.

Tuan, let's go.

To the world of Harmony.

You see, Miach...

I've been chasing you this whole time.

I guess I always will.

If Miach wants the Harmony world,

then I'll accept it.

But, you see, Miach...

Miach is the only one who won't go there.

I want you to stay the Miach I loved.

I love you, Miach.

This is a business card.

Long ago adults used these for introductions.

This is cute!

I know, right? It's cute, right?

This marque. Did make it?

That's right.

It's our marque.


That's right.

Mine, Cian's, and Tuan's.

The three comrades' marque.

Farewell My Self

Farewell My Soul

item: Farewell, My Self
item: Farewell, My Soul

item: Farewell My Self
item: Farewell My Soul
item: We Will Never Meet Again
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