Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions! Take on Me (2018)

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Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions! Take on Me (2018)

Post by bunniefuu »


Hello, Student Council President.


Got it!

I'll say it again.

Please give me an answer,


Let me tell you, then.

I'm being serious here.

Then I can't say it.

Just give me your answer!

I just taught you!

The formula's the same!

All you need to do is change the numbers!

"" is no good.

I feel the pulsations of darkness.

The Cardinal of Darkness and the Senate's Project Number .

That number is...

Then just use .

's no good either.

That's the number for the legendary beast summoning...

Then .

That number's bad luck!

Then .


Scylla would like to answer.

Why did you bring that here?

Why do I have to do this when it's spring break?

Because you're no good.


Why did I fall in love with someone like her?

Here's a little present from me.

You're a senior now. Isn't it time to take off that eye patch?

Sorry, I have my own reasons not to.

That fluttery skirt is against the school's dress code, too.

That's how I dress.

Well, I'll think about it.

I couldn't even tell the teacher that she brought a cat to school.

years old, the last year of high school.

Excuse us.

Excuse me.

Even so, Rikka...

What are you looking at?

So that's what the United States are up to.

Her th Grade Syndrome is still going strong.

Hitogomi no naka de kimi o sagashita

"Matte, oite ikanaide"

Chotto hiraita futari no kyori

Koi gokoro ga warikomu

nen saki datte, nen saki datte

Sou itte kureru to iina

Watashi wa ieru no ni na

Konkyo wa nai kedo

Kimi ni mukau omoi wa kitto

Tomaranai yo

Saa yukou te o tsunaide

Futari dake no chizu o egaki ni yukou

Mou nani mo kowakunai

Omoi ga wadachi ni natte michi ni naru

Akogare no hatemade tabi o shiyou

I searched for you among the crowd.

"Please wait here, don't go anywhere."

The distance between the two grew ever so slightly.

Their love, interrupted.

After years, after years,

I wanted you to say those words to me.

Or was I the only one who thought so?

I've got no proof, though.

But when I face you, my feelings swell up.

They can't be stopped.

Now let us go, hand in hand.

Let us paint the map that belongs only to us.

There is nothing more to be afraid of.

Let our feelings become tracks of a road.

Let us travel to our desired ends.

I'm finally here!

The dream of becoming the Student Council President!

After three long years, I am finally here!

It was the right choice becoming a candidate.

Yes, yes!

I can say good-bye to my dark middle school times!

The high school life I've yearned for!

Why are you sitting in my chair?

Why are you here?

The Student Council has deathly work to do during spring break.

Bring me tea, Vice President.

Did you not hear me?

Rotting fake Vice President Mori Summer.

Why do I have to bring you tea?

Fake Vice President Mori Summer is deathly interesting.

Go make me tea now!

Otherwise I'll upload this online!

Damn it.

How did she become the President!?

Oh, Togashi and Takanashi. What's up?

That's our question.

What's the matter?

Student Council matters.

Sounds terrible.

I was remediating Rikka.

Somehow she didn't have to stay behind.

Level up!

+ , exp!

Spring training successfully completed!

You mean barely.


Who did this!?

Good morning, Rikka.

Why are you sleeping with a sword through your stomach?

It allows me to sleep as if I'm dead.

Oh, you're alive.

How's getting ready for college?

Just fine!

That's why I have time for club.

Well, I'm not sure how much longer this club will last.

Don't you worry.

Dekomori already gave her blessing for this club's survival.

Using her powers as the Student Council President!

Is it really okay for someone like her to be President?

Don't ask me.

Too slow!

How long are you going to make me wait?

I give you an inch and you take a mile!

Ow! Ow!

Will this school be all right with those two on the Council?

What's that?

What's with the creepy ringtone?

It's the Vatican Priestess.



Togashi Yuuta?


Yeah, she wants to take Rikka with her since it's spring break.

Use your supernatural powers to control that fisherman.

Oh, here we go!

Rikka's going away?

No way.

I'm finally free from remediating her.

I've got lots of video games to finish.

What are you talking about?


You two live together!


Doesn't that make the two of you a couple?

Aren't you two all lovey-dovey with each other?

You don't want to be separated, right?

Living together? Lovey-dovey?

Why are you treating this like some kind of breakup?

Didn't you sign a strong contract?

I guess so.

What's with that attitude? It's been six months!

Don't tell me you've had no progress since then?

You're right!

What are you doing!?

You're living together!

But look!

Taking care of Chimera and her kittens is a big chore!

There must have been plenty of chances!

"Let me grab that~"

Then your hands touch.

You return to your room,

and catch her changing with a "Kya!"

"Yuuta, I had a nightmare. Can we sleep together?"

Nothing like that!?


I told her to stay away from my room.

What's with that silly face?

Get him, Mori Summer!

Don't call me Mori Summer!

But we held hands!

We do that sometimes.

That doesn't count for anything!

In any case, you need to get serious about this.

You'll be graduating next year.

I have to study for the entrance exams before that.

You're going to college?

We're thinking of going to the same college.

He's leaving!

I'm sure my telepathy reached him.

What a deathly success!

I'm going shopping in a bit.

You have cleaning duty today, right?

I switched with Kuzuha.

How sly.

Someone else moving?

These are...

My familiars!



Is the Tyrant's Eye really leaving?

Big Bro! What's going on here!?

My belongings...

No way!

Are they lost in another time line?

Now's not the time to be saying that.

It must be Touka.

Did she say anything?

Something about going to Italy.

That means...

We can't leave Rikka here all alone.

You're moving to Italy!?

Don't tell me the situation has progressed to Phase Three!?

The Darkness is already evolving!?

Are you okay with that, Tyrant's Eye!?

Leave this to me! I'm fluent in Italian!

Hello, carpaccio! Served with seafood!

Bagna càuda!

You seem excited.

Bagna càuda!

Touka, I think she just wanted to try saying those words.

What about college?

What will you do?


You're going to college?

The Tyrant's Eye's contract is absolute.

It is needed for me to be with Gelzoniansus.

Can she make it?

She's trying her best.

How were your midterm scores?

They're not... back yet.

All right. I'll go confirm with the school tomorrow.

Then we'll make a decision.

Got it?

Her power level is over . million.

Is she a monster!?

Now's not the time for that!

You think you can persuade her with these scores?

I'm fine. They're not leaked yet.

I just have to seal them in the world of darkness...



The school will have records.

Then we just have to infiltrate the school and destroy the records.

That's illegal trespassing!

It'll be easy with my powers.

But my morals stop me.

I knew it.

You just have to study for real.

Tell Touka that you'll make the average on the next midterm.

Then ask her to let you continue going to school.


I think it will be hard to raise my abilities in such a short amount of time.

Then what do you want to do?

I'll summon Dekomori to dress up like me during the midterms.

Don't go begging an underclassman.

Then I'll prepare a answer sheet from darkness.

She'll figure it out in an instant.

Then what should I do!?

Just study.

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

It'll work out if you study hard every day.

What are you doing!?

I got a ! I have to face reality, Togashi Yuuta!

It's impossible to reach the average score by the next midterms!

Stop dreaming!

Think about this realistically!

Why are you so proud of your stupidity?

This score is pretty bad.

Sophia agrees.

Stop eating rice crackers!

You've gotta focus on the lovey-dovey parts.

That's right.

"We won't be separated!" Something like that.

What are you all on about?

We're worried about you.

She's a deathly strong enemy!

Normal tactics won't work.

How about eloping?


Tell her that you two are inseparable.

Then you run away.

An exodus!

Lost paradise!

That may work.

At the very least you leave room for negotiations!

The Hero and the Tyrant's Eye on an exodus?

Wait, wait, wait!

If Touka finds out about this, I can't even imagine what would happen!

You're doing this to protect Takanashi, right?

That's something worth fighting for.

Well, but...

She'll be taken away from you by force, then.

But eloping is a bit...

We don't have anywhere to go.

You're just showing her how serious you are.

There's no need to go too far.

But you should leave the city at least.

That Priestess is quite the tough one, no?

You're right.

And after the two leave the city...

We'll tell Touka-san that you two eloped.

That if you don't let the two of them stay in Japan,

they won't come back.

You think it'll go that easily?

There's no other way.

We have to try, right?

What do you think, Takanashi?

I want to try...



All right!

Let's begin the operation!

So heavy...

What are you carrying?

What? This thing is trying to obstruct me!

Wait, Yuuta!

Forget about me and go!

What are you thinking?

Well then.

Which way should we go?


Where did you go for your school trip in middle school?

I didn't go.

I see.

That reminds me.

During my school trip in middle school...

Has everyone formed their groups yet?

The Tyrant's Eye Style... One Four Secret Technique... The move to awaken my powers...

Don't drop it.

If they all come at once, I feel like we can't win.

They won't att*ck us. Don't worry.

Oh yeah, me too.

Come at me!

Yuuta got hit!

They eloped?


Seems like it.

I don't think you can take Master away from here.

I see.

The situation has gone awry right under your noses.

Of course!

When we woke up,

those two disappeared.

They left this note.

How about eloping?


Tell her that you two are inseparable.

Then you run away.

That may work.

When did you...?

At the very least you leave room for negotiations!

Seems like you want to rile me up.

What's going on here?

Well, you see...

She's the one who thought this up!

Something about revolting against you!

Are you betraying me!?

I got this from a certain source.

I'll delete it if you bring back Rikka and Togashi.

If you refuse,

I'll upload this on the day school starts back up.

No-No way...

Finally you'll be treated like the faker you are.

What's the hell is that!?

Your kiss scene from last time.

I wouldn't want a scandal to break out between the President and Vice President on the first day of school...

The President and the Vice President...

No way! They're super yuri!

No! You can't!

Forget about Master! I can't be seen at the same level as this faker!

That's my line!

Do you understand?

That should be Mount Daimonji.


You must have seen it on TV. The word "Big" drawn with a flame.

Oh, that?

Rikka, what are you doing!?

I can guess what you are thinking about.

It's Nibutani.



Things have gotten bad.

What's the matter?

I can't really tell you over the phone.

Where are you right now?


The target...

Straight ahead.

The giant concrete observatory of death.

The people look like pieces of garbage.

I know what you're trying to say.


What a nice car.


What's the matter?

Don't ask any questions!



Please come back immediately!

Are you betraying me, Dekomori!?

I have my own reasons.

I'll bet on my life to bring you two back!

Now's not the time for me to forsake my spot at the top.

Explode, o reality.

You're going to fight here?

Stop it! It's embarrassing!

Shatter, synapses!

Banishment this world!


You mean Hoshin! (Self-preservation)

I will bring you two back even if I have to bet my deathly life on it!

Hey! Um...


Holy Weiss!

Too easy!

Thank goodness I bought this.

Let's go!

Yuuta! Indirect kiss!

Now's not the time to be worried about that.

O lost travelers...


Your path has reached its end.

Now I, Mori Summer...

Take this, Gelzoniansus!



Wait right there, you two!


I would have caught them if you weren't in the way!

That's my line!

I can't believe the servants of the Tyrant's Eye betrayed us.

I'm sure Touka is behind this.

They got away.

Hello? I'm on the train...

A text?

I know.

It's from Shichimiya.

So Dekomori and Nibutani...

For now, she says?


You had an indirect kiss with Dekomori.

That's what you're bothered about?

In the end Nibutani and Dekomori both went to Touka's side.

Even though Shichimiya is still our ally,

it's vs .

Give up.


I know exactly where you two are.

No matter where you guys go,

I can easily catch you.

Are you serious?

This wouldn't make much of a joke.


I'm sure you're worried if you leave her behind.

But she's been fine for over a year now.

She has me and the others supporting her.

That's why.

When I heard that Rikka was living with you,

I was actually looking forward to it.

I was thinking that Rikka had changed.


Like that Tyrant's Eye and eyepatch business.

She loves herself more than anyone else.

I thought if she fell in love with someone other than herself,

then she'd stop her silly ways.

Here are your pancakes. Let me take your empty plates.

That's what I thought.

She's been the same after an entire year.


Hasn't she found that Ethereal Horizon or something already?

She shouldn't have to rely on her dark powers anymore.

You're right.

But Rikka's Eighth-Grade Syndrome...

No, her Tyrant's Eye...

To her, it's a sort of bond with me.

That's why I didn't want to force a change.

I just want to be by her side and look after her.

Not as a friend nor as a lover.

I want a relationship unique only to the two of us.

What's wrong with you?

You may think that's fine.

But what about Rikka?

Mother didn't say anything about this arrangement,

but I'm sure she's quite worried.

She'll be this June.

What will you do if she can't get into college and stays like this?

It'll be fine.

She will graduate from her Syndrome by that time-

Really? That's great news.

I'm sorry. I don't know actually.

Oh, you're just hoping for the best.

I even turned my head in anticipation.

I'm sorry.

When I was in grade school I picked up a cocoon.

But I accidentally injured it.

I thought it was going to die.

But it emerged successfully.

The wings were a bit wobbly though.

I guess it must have lived.

Oh dear, what am I saying?


I found a new drink, orange with probiotic!

I call it the Black Rainbow.

She's not thinking about anything.


I guess this is not a good place.

Let's go, Rikka.

I'll be serious next time.

I'll take her with me immediately the next time I catch you.

Keep that in mind.

So nobody came back in the end.

I don't think they'll be coming back for the next couple of days.

Eh? But it's spring break!

Maybe I should join the chase?

I think we should wait a bit longer.

This trip could be the final decision point for the two of them.

That's what I think.


I've experienced the same thing.

To change? Or stay the same?

And for that to happen something is needed.

Yuuta, I'm tired.

We've been running around since early morning.

Where are we?

I was thinking of a place where Touka wouldn't consider looking.

The darkness awaits. Time for the summoning of beasts.

We should set up a proper base first.

We do need to find a place to stay.

In that case, Yuuta.

There is a castle right in front of us.

I knew you'd say that.

Let's go!

Hey, wait up!

So cool!

Rikka, this isn't a castle!

I know that.

But I've always wanted to stay in a castle hotel like this.

You've said the same thing before.

, yen per night. ($)

Is that expensive?

Well, it's a bit cheaper than a regular hotel.

Okay, let's go in!

Wait, Rikka!

Well, it doesn't look that shady.

If it's just for a night...

Look, Yuuta.

We can choose the rooms like this.

Eh? It's like that now?

Seems like we can borrow cosplay costumes.

I see.

Rikka's cosplay!

Pain, fly away!

I'm so lonely I could die!

Oil me up.

It's the Meat Festival!

I'm sorry, God.

I'm thinking of dirty thoughts about the person right next to me!

It's fine as long as it remains a fantasy in your head.

Thank you, God!

Hey, you two!


You two are underage, right?

Takanashi Rikka, years old

Togashi Yuuta, ... years old.

years old is too old.

I can't believe I'm getting told by you.

But for such a strong barrier to be erected...

This place is super shady, no?

That's what I said.

We should call the police!

That's what you meant!?

We should look into this more.


We don't have trackers on us...

Rikka, let me see your phone.

No! The Tyrant's Eye's important secrets lie within!

Enough of that.

Seems like he's not as stupid as I thought.

We're getting on?

Yes, it'd be dangerous to stay here.

It'd be dangerous to stay here.

Stop copying me.

That was super cool.

Thank you.

Jeez, why do we have to run so far away?

We'll arrive next morning.

Make sure you buy something to drink.

Okay. The darkness will move by high speed.

To another space with the dawn.

And the ability to travel by high speed...

If you can't hold it in, then throw up in here.

You idiot.

If I throw up now, that'd be the Tyrant's Eye's greatest embarrassment.

She's finally asleep.

Even if Touka doesn't catch us, we'll run out of money.

I need to think of something.

Isn't this a bit underhanded?

I'm gonna kiss her without her consent.

What should I do, God?

But we're already going out!

Then you should kiss each other out in the open.

Is that so?

That's the way, right?



Eighth-Grade Syndrome, huh?

She'll be this June.

What will you do if she stays like this?

My clone has been born!

That's your child.

What will you name him?

I want him to grow up healthy and strong.


Oh wow! That's a bit cool,

but that won't do!

Why are you naming your child after a dragon?

Tatsuya, Ryoma... There are plenty of cool dragon names.

Well, I was thinking of something a bit more normal.

Then take a character from Yuuta and Rikka...

Yggdrasil Ragnarok!

So cool!

Well, that won't be too bad, either.

Mother must be quite worried on the inside.

The Capitol of Demons, teeming with demon power!

We're finally here!

Tremble under the Tyrant's Eye!

My body aches a bit from that.

Yuuta, what are our plans for today?

Well, we won't be caught if we keep our phones off.

Let's find a place to stay, then...

Are we looking for the Sorcerer's Stone?

You're right. We're here anyway.

Kono basho ga kyuu ni totsuzen

Itoshii to omotta

Naze kotae wa kantan de

Kimi ga iru kara

Iro iro na machi to michi

Kuuki no nioi datte

Omoide kasanaru yokan

Kore wa yokuaru hanashi no hitotsu

Sure chigau otona wa waratteru

Demo watashi ni wa tokubetsu na monogatari

Please take on me!

Mitsukete motto shitte

Unmei kiseki terekusaina

Sei nobishite kakkotsukete

Hou some au

Please take me on

Sagashite tsurete itte

Kimi to kimi to

Hanashi o shiou

Kibou ga maboroshi de nai to

Shomei suru kara love me

Right here, all of a sudden,

I wanna fall in love.

Why? The answer is simple.

Because you are here.

The various roads and streets,

The various scents in the air,

Feels like they're all memories.

This is a story as old as time.

The people passing by are laughing.

But to me it's a special story.

Please take on me!

Discover and find out more.

Luck and miracles will appear.

Extending myself, hanging in there.

I find my face all red.

Please take me on.

Take me with you on your search.

With you by my side.

Let us talk.

That hope isn't all an illusion.

Let me prove my love to you.

I wanted that sword so badly.

It's like that super strong w*apon you get in an RPG midgame that you don't wanna throw away.

I understand.

You should have bought it.


Some sort of jewel.

Prayer wheel.


We're on the run here!

We need to be careful with our money!

I don't know how long we can keep going like this.

As long as we keep our magic powers up, we won't need sleep or food.

And also...

Where did you get that from?

You should have spent most of Touka's allowance.

Mom sometimes sends me money.


Where's your mom right now?

Some land to the north.


We should have enough.

For what?

Well, do you want to see her?

You mom should be able to ward off Touka somewhat.

And I want to tell her something.


Yeah. Can I?

I think we're good here.

Got it.

Through the demonic powers vested in my fingers, I call forth the Protocol Code right here...

Enough of that.

Turn on!

Hokkaido, huh?

Fake Summer, I see you drooling.

No, I'm not.

This texture and aroma really whets my appetite.

I feel so sorry for you.

Just eat it already.

This is enough for me.

Want a deathly bite?

I wouldn't mind sharing a bite with you.

You just have to say that you will be my eternal servant.

I'm not saying that.

Too naive! Fake Summer should just eat plain vegetables!

What are you doing!?

Now enjoy your delicious cheese steak.

What are you doing to my food!?

I'll eat it for you then.

What are you two doing?

Let me confirm once again.

Who am I?


No! I'm your older brother! I told you so many times!

Don't make that face! That's not what we agreed on!

Agreed on?

That's right. A camouflauge.

We're just pretending to be siblings.

Well, you know...

The enemy!


I guess not... But let's pretend for now.

Yuuta, real name (Gelzoniansus).

Takanashi Rikka's (The Tyrant's Eye - the strongest) Big Brother.

Can you make it a bit smoother?

I understand now.

Yuuta is my older brother.

Big Bro! Hey, I'm calling for you!

Rikka, can you bring up the luggage for me first?

I'm not going to leave my brother all alone.

Why did your character change?

What an interesting sister!

Please say something like that, Miss!

I was intending on a cover up.

That's why I acted so embarrassingly.

Yeah, yeah.

How did this happen?

Can't be helped. The twin rooms were full.

This bed is mine! Rotten Fake Summer gets to sleep over there!

Why!? I'll catch a cold!

I don't care!

Hand that over!


Why must I share with you!?

Got it? Cross this line and I'm kicking you off the bed.

That's my line!

Go deathly to sleep!

Hand that over!

I'm cold!

Me too!

I get cold easily!

Me too!

Can't be deathly helped.

Shut up.

I've confirmed that I'm not the little sister type.

Well, I've got two little sisters.

Impossible for me to have weird fantasies.

I wonder what Rikka will think of this?


What's up?

What are you doing!?

This gown is a bit small.


Hey! Stay away!


Stay away!

I wonder if they prepared a kid-sized one for us.

Wear mine for now.

Rikka can get embarrassed, too.

Well, of course.

An Eighth-Grade Syndrome love, huh?

Rikka called out for me then, too.

It's not like I wasn't into girls back then, too.

I wonder what the Advanced Contract meant to her.

What's this? If this is a drama, they'd kiss?

Do I do it in real life, too?

Foreigners do that!

No wait, I'm Japanese!

The Japanese are shy!

Or is it just me? Do Japanese people do this, too?

Don't we need to see how the other person feels? How about the timing?

God, what should I do?

Good luck!

What do you mean!?

Dad... Mom... Sis...

What am I doing?

So warm...

It tickles...

How long are you two gonna sleep?

I should just upload these photos right now.


You can't!

Get ready. We should be able to catch up to them if we hurry.

All right, let's get going.

What are you deathly doing?

Yuuta, are we getting on that?

Yep. Is this your first time?

Those are my new wings.

Work for my wings, you peons.

Cut the disrespect.

Maybe I'll learn a new skill.

Schwarz Sonic Heaven's sh**t!

Gather all of the Tyrant's Eye's powers up at , meters in the sky and blast off.

An airplane... Nice.

Sounds nice!

Yeah, yeah.

Oh no!

What's wrong?

Nibutani and Dekomori.

Contact me immediately when you find them.

Stop ordering me around!

They've already caught up to us.

We have to wait here for the plane.

We have to eliminate our presence.

Seems like they know where we are going.

What should we do?

Jeez, she's having us stake out right when we get off the plane.

She said they'll definitely be here. I wonder if that's true?

This is a public announcement.

Looking for Mori Summer from the fake Sorceress Society.

Looking for Mori Summer from the fake Sorceress Society.

Dekomori Sanae is looking for you.

That idiot!

Please come to the second information desk.

Okay, let's go.



Don't sh**t me...

Are you carrying anything metal-based?

My w-w*apon.

Schwarz Sechs Prototype Mark II.

You idiot!

I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!

A passenger can only have a single umbrella.

I'll carry the other one.

Dekomori is Master's servant.

I never wanted to do such a deadly deed.

But in order for our secret society to live on... For my life with Master...

My scandalous behavior with Fake Summer...

Hey! What's with that embarrassing announcement!?

Why are you here!? Don't leave your spot!

Didn't you call me here!?

Me? Why would I call for you?

Oh no!

How did they know!?

They must have entered from the side where I left!

Did they pass through security already?



Your eyesight is too good.

Oh no, they're leaving!


Huh? Your eyesight is great.



Will this thing really fly!?

Hang in there, Rikka!



Master, don't leave Dekomori behind...

It's real-life Google Earth!

No borders on the real Earth.


Wait for me, Soviet Union and the United States...

Who are you fighting against, exactly?

Would you like something to drink?

They provide drinks?

Hot coffee. Black.

Hot coffee. Black.

I guess we have to wait for the next set of instructions.

Can't be deathly helped.

The Tyrant's Eye arrives!

So cold!

It's so cold even though it's spring already.

As expected from the Land of the North, land of the beasts.

Okay, let's go.

Got it.

+ Defense!

I'm serious!

This is getting really bad.

We don't have much left.

So which way should we go?

I think over there.

Sorry, I forgot you haven't been here before.

Hey, Yuuta.


What did you want to talk to my mom about?

What's with those movements?

Is it weird?

No, not really.

It's nothing important.

Well, I guess it's not.


All right. I'll just be making you worry.

To put it simply, it's about the future.


You mean the final battle is upon us and we'll be reviving our old friends?


Then you mean Chapter Three of Ragnarok's Final Story?


Another future?

Don't tell me!


How can you tell? Can you read my mind?

I don't even need to read it!

It's about the near future.

The near future...

Well, you know...

I've told you before.

I want to be by your side.

I only care about you, Rikka.

That's why...

Well, I haven't formally told your mom yet.

Like what?

You know what I mean.

I'm just a high school student.

I'll buy the real thing when the time comes.

You don't like this?

It's not that...

I'll wear it myself!


The Tyrant's Eye says so herself!

All right.

Is it too small?

It's perfect.

Really? Thank goodness.

Let's go.

Hey! Your gloves!


Are you okay?


The loser pays. Got it?

She's not kidding. What an appetite!

If that's the case...

I win!

Right when she tastes the spice...

Got ya!

I already saw right through you!

You two...

Oh, I've seen this place before.

You mom has it tough, even though it's for work.

She goes all over the place.

Yes, something about not having enough people.

She did say that, I think.


Every month, through the Protocol Code,

she'd send me codes and photographs from where she's been recently.

And what did you reply back?

Things about Yuuta.

How the Dark Flame Master is the next strongest after the Tyrant's Eye.

Disappear into the flames of darkness!

That's what you replied back?


Mom's always so happy to hear back.

She'd always say the same things.

Jeez, Rikka...

Rikka, you must love Yuuta so much.

What's gotten into you?

You can't read my thoughts right now!

I can't either way.

Hey, if you run over there...

Jeez, look at you.

Seems like she's not here.

Figures, it's a weekday.

Mind if I call her?

Rikka, would you like to talk to her?


Hello? This is Takanashi.



It's me. I'm in front of your apartment.

Yes, really. I just got here today.

The plane took us here.

She's working elsewhere.

I see.




She can hurry back. She wants to know if we can wait a day.

Can I talk?


I'm really sorry. I'm so busy due to work.

I will definitely be back tomorrow.

It's all right. We came all of a sudden.

Hey, Rikka!


We're here!

The Land of the North!

So cold!

They're not here!

Where are they exactly?

Maybe at that miso ramen restaurant?

What an idiot.

They're at this Jingisukan restaurant!

Soup curry sounds deathly good, too.

Where should we start looking?

What a shame. We have to look carefully in every single place.

This doesn't usually happen,

but I actually agree with you.

First off...

I've already uploaded this.

I will remove the digital mosaic next.

Are you sure you're not trainsick?


Be aware of your luggage.


I'll go shut the curtains.



This ring...

It's sort of weird.


I feel like my powers are being sucked away when I'm wearing it.

It may actually be a power-up item.

You are the Tyrant's Eye.

Yeah... Tyrant's Eye.


You don't like it?

That's not it.

It's really cool. The best! Fitting for the Tyrant's Eye!

You don't have to force yourself to wear it.

I'm not. I'm really happy.

It's just that it feels so mysterious.

We have to get up early tomorrow. Let's tuck in early.


Let me use the restroom.


Don't ignore me! You noticed me already!

You too?

What are you talking about?

Mister, are you enjoying the time of your youth?

Why are you here?

Just a coincidence.

You know that Kumin's graduating this spring, right?

I decided to take a solo trip to heal my aching heart.

That's when I heard a familiar voice.

Hey! Listen to me!

Good night.





Just like Sophia predicted!

If you've made the lover's contract,

that means you will lose your powers the moment you accept his feelings.

Things will then change.

That's why I decided not to change.

To change or not to change.

The Tyrant's Eye ultimately makes the decision.

To change?

Or not?

Are you going to Mom?


What will you do then?

Are we there?

What's wrong?

My foot started hurting the moment I woke up.

Is it your sleeping posture?

Where's Rikka?

In the restroom?

Her luggage is gone...


Of course her phone is off.

The servant of the Tyrant's Eye!

Dekomori Sanae!

Here at Mount Osore!

It's pretty far away.

According to Touka-san,

it seems like they're here.

Um, excuse me. Can I ask you something?

I would like to go here.

Ain't gonna read something that small.


A new magic spell!

You're wrong!

Um, we want to ride the bus.

That one just gone. Hafta wait a long time for the next one.

She's a sorceress that was summoned!

Time for a fight to the death with Dekomori!

I guess they aren't here.

Look, there's still snow.

We're here, too.

The Magical Devil Girl is here.

That means everything will be settled soon.


Will you be okay?

Don't worry. I've confirmed the location yesterday.

We'll be watching everything unfold.

The conclusion between the Tyrant's Eye and the Dark Flame Master.

We must watch over them.


It's really nice to meet you. I am Rikka's mother.

I'm really sorry!

Rikka disappeared when we got off the train!

I looked all over...


I'm really sorry!

I don't have the right to protect her!


Raise your head, please!

Rikka already stopped by my place this morning.

She never contacted you, did she?

I'm sorry for making you worried.

Thank you very much.

Hospitals everywhere are overwooked. They wanted me to help out wherever I can.

I felt bad for Rikka, though.

So where's Rikka?

She seems to be worried about something.

Frankly, I don't understand much of what comes out of her mouth these days.

When I'm with Yuuta, my heart beats so fast.

It's as if my powers will be taken away from me.

But the Tyrant's Eye was born because of Yuuta.

Rikka said that?


Do you understand?

I do.

She may not look like it, but she's thinking about a lot of things.

I'm sure she also realized how worried you are about her.

I'm such a nosy mother.

No, I don't think so.

She's thinking things through her own way.

The Tyrant's Eye...

Love... Me...

As well as family.

One day she must make the choice herself.

This is the way of the Natural Law!

Will you live on as the Tyrant's Eye?

Or will you throw away your powers and love the hero?


You have to decide yourself!

What should I choose?


I would choose to throw away the Tyrant's Eye.


That way you won't be a bother to anyone!

But then my identity...

I won't be myself anymore.

My bond with Yuuta...


He likes the current me.


The more I fall in love with Yuuta,

the more I lose the current me.

If I lose myself...

Will Yuuta still love me?

Will he accept the new me?

No matter what I choose,

I can't accept either way.

Yuuta, or the Tyrant's Eye...

The most important thing!

The center of the world!

If I had to choose, then I...

I will... Banish This World!

Shatter, synapses!


This fight!

I, the Second Tyrant's Eye, will take care of it!


You two aren't the ones who should decide.

It should be between Togashi and Rikka.


You chose by yourself, Shichimiya.

That is one of the correct ways.

But that's not the only way.

Togashi must be waiting.

I want the two of them to decide.

Because Togashi is Gelzoniansus.


Yuuta, what should I do?

I have to hurry back to his side!

I just called him.

I told him you were here.

Nibutani, Dekomori.

Gelzoniansus is rushing over here.

To where Master is.

Thank you.

We prepared this when you two eloped.

Please use it.

It'll come in use when you two have a private chat together.

Thank you.

She's gone.


She sure makes us worry.

So what will you do now?

What do you mean?

Master and Dark Flame Master.

Now's the perfect chance to capture the both of them.

You never intended to in the first place.

What are you talking about?

The Tyrant's Eye...

Natural Law.

I'm sure this is Natural Law.

If Shichimiya didn't make a choice back then,

you, Rikka, and Togashi wouldn't be here right now.

Isn't that amazing?

Everyone's connected.

I wanted to have a proper school life.

You're a fake, so no matter how hard you struggle your school life will be full of regret.

Me? Regret?

Thank you.

Don't say such a deathly disgusting thing!

I'm seeing right through you!


I'm fine. The Tyrant's Eye is the strongest!

The stars are so pretty.

When you two have reached an answer, please let Touka know.

I'm sure she's waiting for your answer.

That's why she told you she wanted to take her away.


If the Tyrant's Eye's power disappears...

If I throw it away...

Can I still be with you?

I'm sure Touka would rather have it that way.

How about you, Yuuta?

Even the stars are not eternal.

Humans, definitely not.

The Tyrant's Eye will be fine.



You will be able to continue using the Tyrant's Eye's powers,

or you will lose it one day and gain something else.


Will I change?


I'm kind of afraid.

Don't worry.

No matter what, I will be by your side.

I will keep on loving you.

I swear upon God.

I don't believe in God,

and even if I have achieved my final form,

I will keep on loving you, Yuuta.


This is a contract between the Dark Flame Master and the Tyrant's Eye.

Of course.

What are you doing all of a sudden!?

You didn't like that?

I did not hate it.

But I was confused at the sudden timing.

We should make a proper contract again.



It really is quite embarrassing.

Idiot! Me too!

Huge amounts of serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins are being released from my brain.

Brain medications?

It's a nice feeling.

Bam! The darkness! Ouch!

Become swallowed by the flames of darkness!

Avalon Smasher!

Black Dragon Chop!

Plutonium Fascination!

Explode, o reality!



Jeez, those two are quite a handful.

Let's look for a sparkling daydream

Shibaraku mitsume atte kara

Sorasu made ni, nani wo kangaeteta no

Ki ni naru

Kuchibiru togaraseta watashi wo mite "dou shita no?"tte

Kiite kuru no matte miru no

Gomaka shita ato no hitori goto ha

Hazukashī kara kikanai de kureru?

Ato ni hikenai hodo hikare au koi, mou hajimatteta

Yume nara takusan mita

Sameta mama demo mada aitai

Kimi ga sou saseta, koi ha yokubari da ne

Tobihanesou na kokoro no yuku mama ni yukou yo

Risou mo mousou mo genjitsu mo

Subete kimi wo jiku ni mawaru

Atarashii sekai he

Risou to mousou to genjitsu wa

Chigau you de onaji nanda

Katachi ni ha dekinai keredo

Kimi ga sou saseta, koi wa yokubari da ne

Tobihanesou na kokoro no, yuku mama ni yukou yo

Risou mo mousou mo genjitsu mo

Subete kimi wo jiku ni mawaru

Atarashī sekai he

Let's look for a sparkling daydream!

From the time our eyes met,

to the time we looked away, what were you thinking?

I want to know.

As you looked at my scowling face, I was waiting for you to ask me,

"What's wrong?"

After he brushed me off, I mumbled to myself.

Maybe he was just embarrassed, and didn't ask?

After that, a love I couldn't suppress, had already begun.

If it's in dreams, I've seen you a lot.

Now I'm awake, but I still want to meet you.

You made me feel this way. Love is greedy, isn't it?

As my leaping heart ticks, Let's go

My ideals, delusions, and reality

All revolve around you.

Towards a new world.

My ideals and delusions and reality,

May seem different, but they're actually the same.

I can't give them form,

You made me feel this way. Love is greedy, isn't it?

As my leaping heart ticks, Let's go.

My ideals, delusions, and reality

All revolve around you.

Towards a new world.

Is this a notice from the Magic Society that magic is being released?

Excuse me.

She should have told us earlier that she was getting married.

The Priestess is all about secrets.

When she said she wanted to bring Rikka to Italy,

it may just be that she wanted her to be at her marriage ceremony.

b*ating around the bush too much.

It's God.


Hot Italian food!

I never expected to actually come to Italy.

Touka, you're so pretty.

Thank you.

She's so beautiful!

Where did you go, Mom?

Women have things they need to take care of.

Grandpa's crying.

Love time no see.

Long time no see.

Long time no see.

What's up?


Please take care of the cats.

The keys to your new home.

We won't be... living together anymore!

How far is she tossing it?

Kimi no mune no oto ga suki

Kimi no yawai kami ga suki

Watashi wa kimi to areuite kita

Ironna kaze ga fuita yo

Kawatte yuku koto o osoreta

Zutto kono mama de iretaratte

Demo hajimaru mono bakari de

Owaru mono nado nakatta ne

Suki de ite kurete

Suki de isasete kure te

Konna ni mo tsuzuku kanjou ni deai

"Shiawase" ni tadori tsuita

Kagiri aru inochi no naka de

Muchuu de kakenuketeta hibi o

Kimi to tomo ni sugoshita kara

Nee watashi tsuyoku natta yo

Nigetara raku no kimochi kara

Nigezu ni iyou to omoeta

Hokorobi ga hokori ni kawaru no

Kimi ga mitometekureta kara

Umaku ienakute

Toki ni nomikomu kotoba

Sore ga ichiban todoketai kimochi

Butsukeru dake jyanakute

Kimi no koto mo shiawase ni shitai

Tabi wa tsuzukuyo dokomade mo

Mayoisou na toki mo aru kedo

Kono kokoro wa massugu da yo

Nee koi ga ai ni kawaru yo

Sabishisa datte tokubetsu nanda

Kimi o omou jikan nanda

Kioku mo keshiki mo daiji ni suru kara

Mukaeni kite

Hajimari no tane wa

Kimi no tonari de hana o sakasu

Yume ga sametemo kimi wa iru

Doredake no kisetsu ga megutte mo

Muchuu de aishite ita hibi o

Wasurenai yo tomo ni susumou

Nee zutto isshoni itai

I love the sound of your heart.

I love your soft hair.

I have walked here with you.

While the many winds blow.

I'm afraid of the coming changes.

I want things to remain the same.

But with new things happening constantly,

we don't get to see things to the end.

Please keep on loving me.

And let me keep on loving you.

Let us continue meeting these feelings.

We have reached "happiness."

Inside my life right now,

there are days where I dream away.

Because you were with me,

Hey, I have gotten stronger.

That easy feeling of running away,

But I choose not to.

My weaknessness become my strengths.

Because you accepted me.

I can't say it properly.

At times I swallow my words.

Those are the feelings I want to express the most.

It's not just a simple confession.

I want you to be happy, too.

The journey continues on, no matter where.

There may be times when I am lost.

But my heart remains true.

Hey, let our feelings become love.

Even our lonely times are special.

That's when I think of you.

These memories, these scenes, are all my precious things.

I welcome them all.

The seed of beginnings

blossoms beside you into a flower.

You are there when I awaken from my dream.

No matter how much the seaons change,

The days where we are in love,

I will never forget them, as we move forward together.

Hey, I want to be with you forever.

There are times when I wonder why I fell in love with someone like her.

But now I understand.

Would you like to see my eye?

It's because she's that sort of person. That's why I love her.

Student Council Room

Yo, Hero! It's Sophia. Currently Mjolnir Maul and Mori Summer are in Touka's clutches. It would be prudent to stay away for now.

I don't know how long

we are gonna keep on going like this.

I shouldn't spend recklessly...

But for the woman you love,

you shouldn't be holding back.

You know?

You're right!


Aomori Station

Ferry Ticket Aomori to Tsuruga Single Adult

To Yuuta-kun, from Shinka-chan, Deko-chan, Shichimiya-chan, and Kumin.

Subject: It's Yuuta Touka-san, I...

From: Togashi Yuuta To: Takanashi Touka Subject: It's Yuuta. Touka, I...

I want to be in love even with Eighth-Grader Syndrome!
Post Reply