03x11 - Heart Breaker

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Becker". Aired: November 2, 1998 – January 28, 2004.*
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Set in the New York City borough of the Bronx, follows John Becker, a misanthropic doctor who operates a small practice and is constantly annoyed by his patients, co-workers, and friends, and practically everything and everybody else in his world.
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03x11 - Heart Breaker

Post by bunniefuu »

Ah, who's up?

Oh, you're not gonna believe this.

Mr. Brown is in One
with something gross.

And Mrs. Gross is in Two
with something brown.

Thanks for the heads up.

Doctor's office.

Oh, yes, Mrs. Fouts.

You want an appointment at 4
on Wednesday?

Oh, 4 is no good.
That's when Dr. Becker takes his nap.

Oh, yeah, 5 is no good either.

- He wakes up really cranky.
- Ah.

Mrs. Fouts, 4:00 is fine.

See you then.

What are you up to?

If I tell you, will you let me do it?
No questions asked?

Okay, here's the thing.

I signed up for a 5:00 spinning class
at my gym.

- Spinning?
- Yeah, it's an exercise.

You get on a bicycle,
listen to really loud music,

while this gay guy screams at you.

Oh, that would be just perfect
except for one thing.

Let's see, what was that? Oh, uh...

Oh, yes. You have a job.

Okay, but the next time I screw up...
And I will.

- Let it be on your head.

Hi. Is Dr. Becker in?

Well, he's with a patient right now.
Can I help you?

Yes, my name's Darcy Thompson,
and he and I have a date tonight.

A date?

- With John Becker?

And, unfortunately,
I need to push it back half an hour.

Ha, ha, oh, well, I will just be happy
to give him that message.

- You're so nice, thank you.
- Ha, ha.

No problem.

Can you set up an EKG
for Mr. Brown, please?

Oh, sure, I'd be glad to.

Oh, and you got a message
from somebody named Darcy.

Uh, oh, yeah, yeah.
Oh, right, right, right, Darcy.

She's an old lady actually
in my building.

She, uh...

Poor dear's got some hip trouble.

Oh, well,
she looked pretty hip to me.

Almost like a beautiful 25-year-old.

She was here?

Uh-huh. Ha, ha.

Oh, and your date's been pushed back
half an hour.

All right, fine, you busted me.
All right, are you happy?

But she's not 25.

She happens to be 27.

- And a half.
Ha, ha.

So where did you two meet?

- Chuck E. Cheese?
- Don't...

Yes, as a matter of fact,
she happens to be one of the lawyers

that handled that car accident
I witnessed about a month ago.

- Remember that?
- Oh.

I didn't know you could chase
an ambulance on a tricycle. Ha, ha.

As a matter of fact, you know,
Darcy and I have a lot in common.

Like what?

I don't know.
We just started going out.

Give me a break, will you?

You know, you wanna know the truth?
She asked me out.

Oh, was that before or after
you lured her to your car with candy?

Reg, you're in big trouble.

Word on the street is, Denise Shaw
saw you flirting with her boyfriend.

Denise Shaw?

- From high school?

Anyway, seems you were at
the hardware store where she works,

and she saw you putting the moves
on her boyfriend.

So now Miss Shaw
has you stuck in her craw.


It's a clever turn of phrase.

Oh, I'm wasted on you people.

I would never flirt with her boyfriend.

I don't know where she got
that stupid idea.

Well, you must have made her jealous

Okay, did you do that little thing you do
when you want a guy to ask you out?

- What little thing?
- Give him your number.

Shut up.

Anyway, Bob's advice,
stay out of that hardware store.

Denise is really pissed.

Well, I'd be pissed too
if I worked in a hardware store.

I mean,
what kind of loser job is that?

Good morning.

Reg, coffee, please.

Oh, in a minute. Have a seat.

You and I have some business
to take care of.

Oh, yeah?
What are you talking about?

Well, I hear you have a girlfriend.
You should have her drop by.

- I have a booster seat.
- Ah.

Yeah. So Margaret called you, huh?

Well, me and four others.
Now I'm supposed to call five people.

So Becker's taking a walk
down Sesame Street.

Yeah, looks like Oscar the Grouch
has a girlfriend.

Always fun when the seals at the zoo
get a new ball.

Give me some coffee, will you?

Not so fast, Becker.

When I dated that college kid,
you gave me all kinds of crap.

Now it's payback time.

So, what do you two talk about?

Who's the cutest Backstreet Boy?

Yeah. Listen, Reg...

How she did at soccer practise?

- Look, l...
- How hard long division is?

I agree with you.

I'm a walking cliché.

Come on.
This is no fun if you don't get upset.

You know, she asked me out.
What was I supposed to do?

You know, tell her that the woman
who pours my coffee doesn't approve?

You know, for your information,
my younger woman is incredible.

Your little boy was a joke.

Oh, just when I thought
they retired your jersey,

turns out you're still a player.

- Yeah, Bob has a newfound respect.
- Ha, ha.

This isn't fair.

I date a younger guy, everybody thinks
I'm some desperate cradle robber.

But Becker does it,
and he's your hero.

Well, that's because we're guys.

You're just perpetuating
a sexist double standard.

That's what guys do.

So I was running late for court,
I pull up,

and some guy is parked
across two spaces.

So you double-parked
and blocked him in, right?

- Well, you gotta send a message.
- Damn right.

I love this place.

Reminds me of when I was
in law school and had no money.

Oh, yeah.

Just because Ming's prices are low

doesn't mean
he doesn't use real meat.

See, it says so right there.

Anything else, Dr. Becker?

No, that's fine, Ming.

- You're Ming?
- No, I'm Bill.

I bought this place from Ming
a couple of years ago.

So he calls you Ming because...?

Well, apparently,
we Asians all look alike.

So your niece here enjoy her meal?

She's not my niece. She's my date.

Get the hell out of here.

So, what happened?

Did you have old man on your list
for the scavenger hunt?

Hey, I tell you what,
when two people eat here,

it really adds up.

What, no, uh?

Ah, there it is.

The coupon.

You know, John, this whole age thing
doesn't matter to me.

I don't look at this
as dating a 50-year-old.

I look at it as dating you.

Huh. Boy, I wish I'd met you
30 years ago.

Of course, if I had,

you still wouldn't have been born
for another three years.

You know, I don't have
to be in court tomorrow until 11.

Oh, good.

Any chance you have a bottle of wine
at your place?

Wine, no. Actually, I don't, ahem.

- Do you have beer?
- Uh, no.

- You have any water?
- Well, of course I have water.

Oh, oh.

You just wanna go back
to my place.

Yeah, but thank you for making it
as awkward as possible.

I'm sorry, it's...

It's just that
I haven't done this for, ahem...

Done this for a while.

- Oh, jeez.
- You okay?

Yeah. No, I'm fine, I'm fine.

Just all of a sudden, got a little flush.

- I got some chest pains here.
- Should I call someone?

No, no, no, not chest pains.
It's more of a pain in the chest there.

Yeah, you know,
I think it's just heartburn, you know.

I'm a doctor.
I know what I'm talking about.

Oh, you know, maybe we could
make it an early night though.

- Is that all right with you?
- Oh, um...


- There'll be others.
- Yeah.

At least, I hope there will be.

Come on, Margaret,
why can't I leave early?

You're always saying
I don't do anything.

What's the difference
if I do an hour less of it?

All right, if you really wanna leave at 4,
why don't you come in an hour early.

An hour early? That's like 9:00.

- That's like 8:00.
- Oh.

- Hi, Bob.
- Salt. Pepper.

So, Reg, I just ran
into Denise Shaw again,

and I tried to smooth things out
between you two.

Bob, there's nothing to smooth out.
Just leave it alone.

It's too late.
She said some very unkind things.

But don't worry, I stuck up for you.

What did you tell her?

All that stuff you said
about her being stupid,

not wanting her boyfriend,
her being a loser.

You don't talk like that to Denise Shaw.
She's a psycho.

In ninth grade, she stuck a pencil
in my arm just for fun.

You should have thought of that
before you hit on her boyfriend.

Because according to her, your ass...
And I'm just quoting here.

- Is grass.

Well, what am I supposed
to do now?

I think the best thing you can do
is to just lay low.

For God's sake,
keep your mouth shut.

You keep my mouth shut.


Well, if it isn't Close Encounters
with the Third Grade.

Get away from me, will you, Bob?

Hey, you sound a little cranky, John.

I thought sleeping with a 27-year-old
might mellow you out.

Well, I wouldn't know.
We didn't sleep together.

I had a little problem.

- You know, they got pills for that.
- You're not...

Hell, you're a doctor.

You've got pills for that.

- Didn't I tell you to go away?
- Hey, I'm just buying gum.

- I'll pay you later, Jake.
- Yeah.

It wasn't that kind of problem.

You know, after we ate,
I got these chest pains.

Well, you always get chest pains
when the bill comes.

I'm fine. Thanks for asking.

Okay, all right.
Maybe you were just a little nervous.

I'm not ner...
What would I be nervous about?

About the fact that a 27-year-old
was gonna see

that your 50-year-old body
looks like it needs ironing.

It could be any number
of things, John.

You're worried that she knows
a whole bunch of new sexual tricks.

Come on, it's not like I don't know
what's going on out there.

I got cable.

Well, maybe it was just
performance anxiety.

It was not performance anxiety.

Maybe you're just afraid you'll die.

There you go.

Eighteen-fifty from a 20.

Do you need change?

- No, that's fine. You keep it.
- Thanks.

Now I can buy that subway token
I had my eye on.

- You know, John...
- Let me just ask you.

That is your foot rubbing my leg,
isn't it?

- Uh-huh.
- Oh, good, good.

Because the last time
something crawled up my leg here,

they had to shut the place down
for two weeks.

You know, John,
I'm thinking that it's still early.


It might be nice
if we went back to my place.

We could do that.

My parents won't be home
until around midnight.


I'm kidding.

Oh, all right.

You know, John, I've really enjoyed
going out with you,

and I think that maybe we're ready
to take this relationship

to the next step.

I mean, it might feel a little soon.

- But I feel that we really connect.
- Oh, boy, uh.

You're having those chest pains again,
aren't you?

No, no, I'm fine.

You know what, Linda?

I was thinking
about what you said before,

and you were right.

I was? What about?

About leaving early.

There really is no reason for both of us
to be here after 4:00.

Oh, Margaret, thank you.

Which is why I signed up
for a pottery class.

I'll be leaving early today.

Damn. Never saw that coming.

Oh, great.
Barge right in, why don't you?

What in the world are you doing?
Why are you checking your heart?

Relax, will you?

I'm fine. See?

Okay, it's normal,
but why are you checking?

- Uh, are you in pain?
- No.

Now I am.

Are you gonna tell me the truth?
Or you wanna go for two?

No, no, keep your hands off me,
will you, Margaret?

All right.

Like it's any of your business,
but the last couple of nights,

Darcy and I
have been going out to dinner

and at the end of the evening,
I got these chest pains.

I'm just ruling stuff out.

Well, did you rule out the part
about you dating a teenager?

I've already told you, Margaret.

You know,
she's way into her mid to late 20's.

John, these chest pains are obviously
your mind telling your body

that what you're doing is foolish.

Oh, I see, you've already consulted

with your fellow physicians
down at Reggie's Hold the Mayo Clinic.

John, but a 27-year-old?

That's just not you.

Well, it could be me.
Why can't it be me?

I mean, every day,
you read in the paper

about some old fart dating
some young beautiful woman.

Those men are rich.

Look, I have no idea
what she sees in me.

But, obviously, she sees something.

Her daddy?

That's very amusing.
I'll tell you something.

I'm gonna continue dating Darcy.
I don't care what you say.

- John...
- Just leave me alone?

I know what I'm doing, Margaret.
Ow, ow, ow.

So look who pulled into the station.

The Little Engine That Couldn't.

You know, Bob,
everything you say to me

just mirrors your own inadequacies.

Isn't that basically just,
"I'm rubber, you're glue?"

I know exactly what your problem is.

Your anxiety about age difference

is manifesting itself psychosomatically
as heart palpitations.

What is this? Open-mike night
at your psychology class?

Becker, relax. It happens.

Everyone gets insecure
about dating.

Even me.

Even you? You're the poster child.

All right, I guess I'm not one to talk.

Broke, divorced.
What do I have to offer a woman?

Intense relief when you leave.

There are times
when I'm with a woman,

and I start to feel...

Oh, hell, who am I kidding? Ha, ha.

I'm cool.

Sorry, Becker,
you're just like everyone else.

Same doubts, same fears.

Well, I hate to break it to you.

You're normal.

You can't talk to me like that.

You know,
you call me a lot of things.

You call me neurotic, damaged,
obstinate, inappropriate.

But I'll be damned if I'm gonna sit there
and let you tell me that I'm normal.

I'm not normal. I'm abnormal.

When he's right, he's right.

Hey, Reg, look who's outside.

Denise Shaw.
What the hell is she doing here?

Did I forget to mention that
she was coming here to kick your ass?

Bob, you said you were gonna fix it.

I thought I did. I told her that you didn't
want anything to do with her

and that she better back off.

she took that the wrong way.

It just occurred to me

that I may have caused
a problem here.

So let me give you a little advice.

Lead with the left, work the body.

I'm just gonna slip out of the back.

So, Reggie.


It's been a long time.

L... Denise, you look good.

You let your hair grow out.

You know, not that the buzz cut
didn't look nice.

Save the compliments, huh?

We weren't friends in high school,
and we're not friends now.

I just came over to...

You mind? This is personal.

I can't pick you out of a line-up.

I'm blind.

- Are you deaf too? Take a hike.
- Okay, you got it.

Look, Denise,
I wasn't flirting with your boyfriend.

Just shut up and listen.

I'm not here to fight.

I don't have a boyfriend.

I made that up,
so I'd have an excuse to talk to Bob.

- Bob?
- Yeah.

Ever since high school,
I've had a thing for the little mutt.

Now I know you were really crushed
when he dumped you.

- But l...
- He said he dumped me?

I know it's painful.

Anyway, I was just talking trash
to impress him.

I wasn't really gonna kick your ass.

Well, that's all I wanted to say.

Denise, wait.

Sit down.

You didn't have to go
through all that.

There are plenty of ways
to attract Bob.

You see,
what Bob hides from the world

is that he's shy and sensitive.

He's never gonna make
the first move.

So if you really want him,

you just tell him you're going out
and don't take no for an answer.

You really think so?

I know so.


That was cold, ha, ha.

Well, apparently, I was crushed
when Bob and I broke up.

- Now it's his turn.
Ha, ha.

Well, according to my fortune cookie,
my evening holds promise.

- Ha, ha.
- How are we looking?

Ha, ha, I'm fine, I feel great.
No problems.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

I'm asking, because it's about time
when you start to sweat.

- Yeah.
- Clutch your chest.

Darcy, look, what happened before
is not gonna happen tonight.

And what didn't happen before
could happen tonight,

if that's what you'd like.

John, save your strength.

And just to be safe,
why don't I get the cheque.

- Oh, jeez, I can't believe...
- John.

No, I'm fine, I'm fine. Really. Ahem.

It's obvious that something else
is going on here.

And I'm starting to think
that it might be me.

No, it's me. It's stupid me.

Jeez, well,
maybe everybody's right that...

What are you talking about?

Oh, come on, Darcy, it's obvious.

I'm way too old for you.

I don't think so.

Yeah, but what do you know?
You're just a kid.

I've lost more reading glasses
than you've had birthdays.

Obviously, my anxiety over all of this

is manifesting itself
in these chest pains.

Let's talk about this. If you're having
a problem with seeing me...

It's not just me
that's having a problem here.

I mean, come on, what about you?

You know,
what are you working out here?

I'm obviously, what,
a father figure to you?

No, my father takes me
to great restaurants.

Okay, all I'm saying is...
Look, it's a little strange, isn't it?

A young beautiful woman like you
attracted to me.

Come on, I'm not rich.

You know, I'm not powerful. I'm...

John, I'm a lawyer.

I know a closing argument
when I hear one.

- Oh, no, Darcy...
- Oh, forget it.

- Look...
- You were right.

One of us does have a lot
of growing up to do, and it's not me.

Everything all right here?

No, everything's not all right.

I just gave up a great relationship
with a beautiful young woman.

I didn't wanna say anything, but
you did look kind of ridiculous together.

Yeah, thank you, thank you.

You're not the only one
having a bad day here.

I just had to fire my new chef.

It turns out he was using MSG.

- Excuse me?
- Yeah, he was using tons of the stuff.

But you don't use MSG.
That's why I come here.

I'm allergic to MSG.

Yeah, you and a lot
of my other customers.

People were sweating,
short of breath.

One poor fool actually thought
he was having a heart att*ck.

Well, I don't believe...

I've been sitting here
thinking I'm neurotic,

and the whole time,
you're trying to poison me?

Oh, come on, you're not dead.
Chill, I'll make it up to you.

How about a coupon
for a free dinner?

A coupon?

This is my life
we're talking about here, my future.

You can't just buy me off
with free food.

- Seven.
- Three.

- Five.
- Done.

You know,
you could still go after her.

Huh? Oh...

No, I...

At least, this way, she'll always wonder
what might have been

instead of knowing
just how bad it could be.

Excuse me, sir,
you don't look so good.

You're not allergic to MSG, are you?


Cheque, please.

Oh, God.
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