02x09 - The Great Pretender

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Bear in the Big Blue House". Aired: October 20, 1997 – April 28, 2006.*
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Bear lives in the Big Blue House where he is a caregiver for his friends Ojo, a bear cub; Tutter, a mouse; Treelo, a lemur; otters Pip and Pop; and storyteller Shadow.
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02x09 - The Great Pretender

Post by bunniefuu »

[theme music]

♪ Welcome to the blue house ♪

♪ Hello from the small mouse ♪

♪ -Things to do
-Fun for you ♪

♪ Howdy from the big bear ♪

♪ -Want some fun
-Here's where ♪

♪ -Just for you
-All is new ♪

♪ In the house of blue ♪

♪ Lots of room at our house ♪

♪ Catch the moon at our house ♪

♪ Kitchen's here
Bathroom's there ♪

♪ Attic full of stuff here ♪

♪ Pillows full of fluff here ♪

♪ Just for you
in the house of blue ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the big blue house ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the big blue house ♪

♪ Door is open come on in ♪

♪ Now you're here ♪

♪ So let's… begin ♪

Oh! Hi!

It's so good to see you.

And I was wondering when
you about to get here,

because I'm just
about to check the mail.

Look! We've got mail.

Oh! Yes!

♪ What's in the mail today? ♪

♪ What's in the mail today? ♪

♪ Wonder, wonder ♪

♪ What's in the mail today? ♪

♪ What's in the ♪

♪ What's in the mail today? ♪


Now, let's see
what's in the mail today.

I wonder what's inside.

Oh, wow.

It's a package.

Well, c'mon in.

[background music]

Gee, I wonder what


Wait a second. [sniffing]

What's that smell? [sniffing]

Hmm? [sniffing]

Ha! It's you!

Oooh, tell me. Do you have
flowers in your house?

Because you smell fresh
as a daisy.



I wonder what's this package.

Well, only one way to find out.

Let's see now. Oh! Look!

It's my brand new Super Wiper
Dust Cloth I ordered...

especially good
for picking up fur.

Now I can really give the big
blue house a good dusting.

[Ojo humming]

-Hey, Bear!
-Hey, Ojo.

[Ojo humming]


What's that, Bear?

What? What? What? What's what?

Oh, oh, oh.
That beautiful red scarf!

It's just what I'm looking for!


But this is just my...
I mean, it's not a red scarf.

I was just doing a
dusting with it...

No, no, no, no, no, no Bear!

You can't use that for dusting!

I can't?

Oh, oh, oh. Definitely not.

I need it. Can I have it, Bear?

Can I please, please,
please, please?

Well, okay, Ojo. Here you go.
Here you go. There you are.

Oh! Thank you, Bear!

Ojo, let me...

[Ojo humming]

I wonder what that's all about.

Let's go.

[background music]

To grandma's house I go!

Grandma's house?

Do you know what Ojo's doing?

Hello, Bear.

And what are you doing
in the forest on this fine day?

Hmm? Forest?

it's the fairy tale forest!

-Fairy tale forest?

You see, I have my
red riding hood,

and I've got my
basket of goodies,

and I'm on my way
to grandma's...

[Ojo humming]

A basket of goodies
for her grandma?

Wait a minute... A basket of
goodies, a red riding hood,

a grandma, a forest,

lots of la-la-laing

do you know what Ojo's playing?


I think Ojo's playing...
Little Red Riding Hood!

Yes, we got it! Yes!

-That's great, Bear.
-Thank you.

Except for one thing.

Really? What?

I'm not playing
Little Red Riding Hood.


I'm playing Ojo Red Riding Hood!

Oh! Yes! Of course!
I should have known!

I can see it now.

Ojo Red Riding Hood walks
through the forest...

[Ojo humming]

Oooh. Trees and vines!

I think I see Grandma's house..

Over that way!

I can see it too!

-A little green house...

But... where's Grandma?

Oh, I think, Grandma's asleep in
her bed, Bear. In her house.

Hmm... What's this lump?


-Gee, I wonder who it could be.

Guess I'll just have to
tickle... tickle-tickle-tickle.


This must be Grandma.

Grandma's a ticklish lump,
isn't she?


My, Grandma, what a big lump
you are.

-All the better to tickle, Bear.


It me. Bear!

Treelo lumpy Grandma!


Well, well, well. It's Grandma!


Tickle grandma! Again, Again!


Thank you. Bear.
That was fun, Bear!

Yay, Bear!

And thank you for
my Red Riding Hood, Bear!

No problem, Ojo.

See, using your imagination
and pretending is fun.


When you pretend,

you can take things that you
have every day

and make them something
totally new,

just by using your imagination

like, for instance,
a plain old stick

can become a magic wand!

BOTH: Wow!


And, things you de every
day can be great adventures.

Like, um,
exploring your back yard.

Well, that could be...a

Jungle, Bear. Jungle!

Yeah! It could be a jungle
expedition in search of...

Oh, oh! I know! The Lost
Lima Beans of Wiggly-Pigglyt.

Uhh... Sure. Why not?

It can be anything you want.

Just use your imagination!

♪ Imagine new things to do just
make believe they're true ♪

♪ You'll live a story
by pretending ♪

♪ A fairy tale's always good ♪

♪ I'll be little
red riding hood ♪

♪ Me no like wolf bear ♪

♪ We'll change the ending ♪

♪ We could be on a trip ♪

♪ Sailing a pirate ship ♪

♪ We could go plunder
some Booty ♪

♪ Bear,
could you trim the sails? ♪

♪ Oh look at, Treelo
see some whales ♪

♪ Dar she blows!
Ain't she a beauty ♪

♪ Imagine that we're floating
on the sea ♪

♪ We're going round the world ♪

♪ Wherever we pretend to be ♪

♪ We're flying through the air ♪

♪ Hey, me acrobat ♪

♪ However far we roam
We're right at home ♪

♪ Imagine that ♪

♪ Imagine that ♪


♪ We could explore new lands
jungles or desert sands ♪

♪ Go on an African safari ♪

♪ We could see dinosaurs ♪

♪ We could see wild boars ♪

♪ We did that yesterday ♪

♪ Oh, sorry ♪

♪ Hey, let's all be
someone new ♪

♪ Treelo be someone too ♪

♪ You'll be Ojo,
how does that strike you? ♪

♪ Me, Ojo! Ha-ha ♪

♪ -I could be bear
-You could? ♪

♪ Do you always smell
this good? ♪

♪ Hey, bear, that sounds
Just like you. ♪


♪ Imagine that we're
In a school of fish ♪

♪ I'll be the teacher bear ♪

♪ Imagine anything you wish ♪

♪ We could do magic tricks ♪

♪ Pull rabbits from a hat ♪

♪ With nothing up your sleeve ♪

♪ But make believe ♪

♪ -Imagine that
-We play pretend ♪

♪ -Imagine that
-Treelo imagine ♪

♪ -Ima
-Oh, we imagine ♪

♪ -Gine
-Yeah, we imagine ♪

♪ -That
-Oh we imagine, imagine that! ♪


Oh, but hey, I bet you
like to pretend a lot, too?

What do you think?

What things do you like
to pretend?

What do you think?

We'll show you pretend
things we like to do.

He has many.

She's pretends I'm...
she's my mama.

Oh! I like to pretend.

That my bed is like an airplane
and I'm flying in the sky.

She's the mother and
I'm the baby.

Well, sometimes she likes to
pretend she's Superman.

-And Batman!

Sometimes, you act out an animal

and then the other person
tries to guess it.


It's kinda fun in your
free time.

Wow! Sounds like
you really like to pretend!

TUTTER: Come and get it!

That sounds like Tutter.
I better go see what's going on.

Oh! Ok, well, we're just gonna
stay here and pretend some more.

Ok, see you later.

Bye Bear.

Come on! Ok.
Time for caramel cookie.

Step right up! Step right up!

Four cheese stew!
Get it while it's hot!

Four cheese stew.
Step right up! Step right up!

-Hey, Tutter.
-Hey, Bear, hey.

Where is everybody?

They're busy in the living room,
playing pretend.

Pretend? Oh!



What's wrong, Tutter?

Oooh! Nothing much,
Bear, nothing much.

It's just that...

it's just that, Four Cheese
stew doesn't taste as good

if you have to eat it by

Well, you know, Tutter.

You could go into
the living room

and play pretend
with Treelo and Ojo.

They're having a great time.

Of course, I...

I mean...sure,
Bear...I'd like to, I guess,

but it's just that...

I... but...
well... I... but... but...

But what, Tutter?

[whispers] Bear!

I don't know how to pretend!

There, I said it.

I just don't get it, Bear.

I've tried and I've tried,
but I just can't.

But, Tutter,
everybody can pretend.

You just
have to use your imagination.

No, Bear. I'm telling you,
it's hopeless.

You just mouse is mouse,
Bear, for better or worse.

That's just the way it is.

Well, um...

okay, Tutter.

But, you don't mind if I do
a little pretending now, do you?

Oooh! No, go ahead.
You go right ahead.

-I'll see you later.

[clearing throat]

Squeak. Squeak. Squeak.


Bear...what are you doing?

Can't you tell? I'm a mouse.

Squeak. Squeak. Squeak.

-Umm... Well...
-What do you think?

Nothing personal, Bear,
nothing personal,

but a mouse doesn't sound
like that.

Oh! Gee.
I must be a little rusty.

I'll say. Now listen,
Bear. Listen to this.

[imitating mouse sound]

You see that? Now that's what
I call a real mouse squeak!

[imitating mouse sound]

Like that.

Yes. Yes, that is
definitely a mousy squeak.

Well, I have had a
bit of practice,

Bear A bit of practice.

Maybe I should try
something else.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Good idea, Bear. Good idea.

Oink! Oink!

Great Gouda! What's that?

Oink. Oink. Oink.

Uh! Let me guess. A pig?

That's right. Oink. Oink.
Pretty good,

Pigs don't sound like that,

Ok, well, Tutter,
what does a pig sound like?

Okay, okay. For starters,
Bear, they do a lot of.

You see that? That's
called snorting.

[imitates pig's sounds]

And, of course, the
ever popular.

[imitates pig's sounds]

See? Remember,
Bear, it's not a pig without a.

[imitates pig's sounds]
Like that...

That's great, Tutter.
You make a great pig. See?

You really are
good at pretending.


Pretending?! Me?
Is that what you...

Hey! Hey! I can pretend, Bear.

[imitates pig's sounds]

I'm a pig! I'm a pig.

Tutter -the pig!

[imitates pig's sounds]

See you later. Bear. I can't
wait to show everybody.

[imitates pig's sounds]

Okay, Tutter.

Well I think now would
be a good time to find

my good friend Shadow.

C'mon. Let's go find her.

Now remember. If we
sing our song together,

she might appear. Ready?

♪ O Where-o-where-o where
is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where-o-where-o where
is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where-o-where-o where
is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where could Shadow be? ♪


Hey, you big ol' fluffy Bear!

Hello, Shadow!
So nice to see you today.

So, tell me, what have you been

Oh! I was pretending to be
a flower by the pond.

Oooo. That sounds like fun.

Well, Shadow, I was wondering

do you happen to have a story
for us today?

Why certainly, Bear!
Let me see what I can make up!

Just watch.

♪ If all the world
Were apple pie ♪

Houston. We got apple pie.

♪ And all the seas were ink ♪

[cruise sailing]

♪ And all the trees
were bread and cheese ♪


♪ Then what would we
had to drink? ♪

♪ It's enough to make an old man
scratch his head and think ♪

You can't drink the ink.

You can eat the trees, though,
yum, yum, yum.

And the ground, too.

Houston. We need whipped cream.

Wow! What a great story, Shadow.
Thank you.

Oh, you're welcome, Bear.

Though that would be a really
unusual world.

It certainly would, Bear.

And a tasty one, too!

BOTH: Mmmmm.....

Well, I must fly. But if you
need another story

just try and catch me!


Thanks, Shadow. Bye, Bye.

[imitating oinking]

Sounds like more pigs in
the living room.

Let's go see what's going on.



Hello! Anybody home?

Look! It's the Big Bad Wolf.

Yeah! Look at him!
He's big alright.

Yeah, but how bad is he?

Yeah, Wolfy, give us your
biggest and best huff!

And your best puff, too!


Huh? Huffing and puffing!?

Wait a minute! Can you guess
what these guys are playing?

Huffing and puffing.
A Big bad wolf?

That's right.
It's the three little pigs!

No, no, no, no, Bear!

Who said that?

[Tutter pops out] Ta-da!


Yeah, yeah. And it's
the four little pigs,

Bear, four! Count 'em.




And this little pig
makes four, Bear.

[oinking] This little pig!


That's the great
part about pretending...

you can do it
any way you want to.

Yeah, Bear, so huff and puff
and try to blow our house down!

Come on, give it your best shot!

Okay! Yeah, give it a try, Bear!
Come on!

Well, okay, okay... here goes...

I'll huff,
and I'll puff and I'll bloooowww

your house down.

[takes deep breath]

[light blow]


I don't think

you're going to be blowing any
houses with that, Bear...

I mean... Mr. Wolf. A birthday
candle, maybe, but not a house.

Well, you know, I knida new at
this wolf thing.

Yeah, sorry Mr. Wolf, but you're
really not much of a buffer...

Yeah, and your puffin'
needs a little work, too.

Yeah, a little work.

Nope. He's not
a very bad wolf at all, is he?

Maybe we should
just invite him in.

Yay! Great idea!

Come on in!

Everybody. Lumpy Grandma hungry!

Hey, yeah, me too!

that is a good idea!... Hmm...

if only we had some food that
was... I don't know...

hot... and gooey...
and... maybe... cheesy?


Wait a minute!
I just had a great idea!

Why don't we pigs... and
grandmas... and wolves...

Head to the kitchen for
some of my world famous...



That sounds delicious!

I'm so glad you thought
of it, Tutter.

Yeah. Me too, Bear. Alright!
Everybody to the kitchen!

-Get it while it's hot!
-Yay! Yay!

Alright. C'mon!

[background music]

Mmm... That was really good
cheese stew, Tutter. Thank you.

Yeah. Yeah,
and great pretending, everyone!

Yeah, we're great pretenders!
You guys were really good!

Hey, you weren't so bad
yourself, Tutter.

Yeah, Tutter...
you make a really good pig.

Yeah, well, I dabble.

Guys. guys, what about me?
Big Bad wolf?

Uhh... Yeah,
you were pretty good, Bear.


Yeah, Bear, you did a pretty
good job as a wolf.

Yeah, Bear...let's just say

you're pretty good
at being a wolf,

but you're even better
at being a bear, Bear!

In fact, you're a really
good bear!

-Yeah, yay for Bear!

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Well, we sure had fun but...

we certainly
made a mess here in the kitchen.

Looks like it,
Bear. Looks like it.

You know, sometimes pretending
can get kinda messy, Bear.

That makes it fun.

You're right, Ojo.
But, you know,

I think it's time to
clean up the house!!


♪ Come on, everybody,
let's clean up the house ♪

♪ Let's go! ♪

♪ Come on, everybody,
let's clean up the house ♪

♪ Clean up the house ♪

♪ Clean up the house ♪

♪ Everybody clean up the house ♪

♪ -Come on-you, too!
-Clean up the house ♪

♪ -Tidy it up, tidy it up!
-Clean up the house ♪

♪ Tidy it up, tidy it up! ♪

♪ Everybody clean up the house ♪

♪ Let's take it upstairs! ♪

♪ -Clean up the house
-We've got to clean it up! ♪

♪ -Clean up the house
-That's right, clean it up! ♪

♪ Everybody clean up
The house! ♪

♪ -You tell 'em, Ojo!
-Clean up the house ♪

♪ -Tidy it up, tidy it up
-Clean up the house! ♪

♪ Tidy it up, tidy it up ♪

♪ Everybody clean up the house ♪

♪ Ooh, baby, baby! ♪

♪ Everybody clean up the house ♪

♪ Let's clean up the house! ♪

[background music]

[exhales] The attic.

Mmm. I love it up here.

It's one of my favorite places
in the Big Blue House.

Wanna know why?

Because of all the cool
stuff that's up here.

For instance, look at this.
See this?

This is my old
varsity berry-picking jacket.

I was the fastest
berry-picker at Hazelnut High.

Yeah, the attic
is full of great stuff,

but it's also the place where
I talk to a special friend.

You know who it is?

That's right. It's Luna.
C'mon. Let's go see her.

[background music]

Hello Luna.

Hello, Bear,

I was just making my way
across the big night sky.

Tell me, what happened
today in the Big Blue House?

Well, let's see. We played Ojo
Red Riding Hood,

the Four Little Pigs...

You were pretending, today!

-What a wonderful thing to do.

Ojo must have had a good time.

We all did, Luna. Treelo was
a really ticklish grandma.

Oh! And I got to be
the Big Bad Wolf.

Although I wasn't
really that bad I guess.

Oh, my.
And what did little Tutter do?

Tutter had a great time.

He discovered that he was great
at pretending to be a pig.

That's what I love about

It's the only time
that a mouse can be a pig!


Yeah, when you pretend, you
can be whatever you want to be.

And sometimes, while

you're pretending,
you think of great ideas

for things you might
want to do for real.

That's right, Luna.

Hey Luna? Would you like
to join me in a good-bye song

before you go?

I'd be delighted. Bear!

♪ Hey, this was really fun ♪

♪ We hope you liked it too ♪

♪ Seems like we've just begun ♪

♪ When suddenly we're through ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye,
good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ 'Cause now it's time to go ♪

♪ But, hey, I say,
well, that's OK ♪

♪ 'Cause we'll see you
very soon, I know ♪

♪ Very soon, I know ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye,
good friends, goodbye ♪

-♪ -Goodbye!
-And tomorrow, just like today ♪

♪ The moon, the bear
and the Big Blue House ♪

♪ We'll be waiting
for you to come and play ♪

♪ To come and play,
to come and play ♪

Bye now.

[background music]

Thanks for stopping by and
pretending with us

at the Big Blue House!

It was even more fun with you.

[light off sound]

Oh! Almost forgot...

[light on sound]

Be sure to come back next time
because there's always somebody

pretending something
around here.

[laughs] See you soon!

[theme music]
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