01x08 - The Carnivore Kid

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Santo Bugito". Aired: September 16, 1995 – August 17, 1996.*
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The show primarily deals with slice of life stories, but often with a strange insect twist.
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01x08 - The Carnivore Kid

Post by bunniefuu »








oh boy oh boy some days you just

shouldn't leave the nest hello

Nick how was your day on the hunt dear

oh pretty bad honey and you where worse

than bad terrible Betty I I had this

nice juicy ant right in my clutches and

then he tickled you it's the third time

I've fallen for that this week well

don't you worry honey bunch we'll get

him tomorrow not so


sure hi Mom hi Dad how'd it go today not

so good son I tell you being an Inc

divor is not all heads and thoraxis yes

it's awfully tough to get by with just

two bug winners in the family you know

yeah uh well I'll just be working on my

web spinning not not not so fast dig

junor I think it's time we had a little

talk uh-huh well dear you've reached a

certain age and uh well we think it's

time you started catching bugs along

with us oh oh really isn't that great

I'll bet you can't wait to get out there

and trap some bugs with your pop huh son

Mom Dad I have something to tell you

what is it

son I I don't want to eat FKS I want to

be a vegetarian what there's never been

a veggie eater on my side of the family

and they never will but Dad vegetables

are full of proteins and they taste good

I've been eating them for weeks

see for weeks G get that away from me oh


shame your father and I work enslaved to

put bugs on the table for you and this

is the thanks we get but Mom I don't

like bugs well what's liking got to do

with it you're a wolf spider wolf

spiders eat bugs and that's all there is

to it oh but that's not all there is to

it you see insector are bugs that um

they eat other bugs yes and the wolf

spider is one of the most fascinating of

all insector it's true they have a

voracious appetite for all kinds of

insects including flies beetles ants

mantises and O that's that's

me well you see that you've got your

father so upset he couldn't catch a bug

when it was in his own living room but

Mom no butts about it mister I'm putting

my feet down you march out there right

now young wolf spider and don't you come

home until you've caught your first bug



oh oh look at him

go off to our



santoo his folks they don't

care go no or go

south as long as he

putss in his



cool no no no no no I am no but

heater no no no no no no no I like

food that's neater

right you oh Amelia would you decide on

a place to put this banner and then put

it there it's got to be just right Rosa

I want this to be the best insect

dependence day ever then maybe we should

get this banner up before the day is

over not good enough wow


hey you're pretty good at sneaking

around Clen you ain't too shabby


B oh there I think this is perfect

Amelia I don't know what do you think

Mel you're right it's all wrong come on

Rosa Miguel how could


you there's the spot buddy that's our


just there there's our spot think we can

make it does a fly reor is




yeah don't you keep it down I'm creating

a major Masterpiece in here it's not our

fault CLM and Bert flew right through

our Banner oh we ain't doing nothing

wrong is we clim nope we ain't doing

nothing at all and ain't got nothing to

do with our secret float for the parade

ah no no no don't tell me let me guess

it's another giant pile are rotting

garbage maybe it is and maybe it ain't H

the whole thing is absurd besides my

float is going to be the best oh yeah we

just wait till you see my fireworks just

you wait we're going to win we're going

to win and you're going to lose my float

shall Prevail I've been working on my

fireworks for months I've been putting

up this Banner for 27

months I got I what is going on out here

uh nothing nothing nothing nothing

nothing well that is the loudest nothing

I ever heard we're sorry Carmen yo Meo


Ah that's better now play nice and slow


down every insect b day it is the same

Paco would we have it any different

M never


come young ones we have much work left

to do for insect appendant day

a papa what's so great about in

dependence day anyway yeah it's boring

who cares oh M insect dependance day is

a very great day it is the day we bugs

celebrate our freedom to live the way we

want and we celebrate our great bug

Heroes like Christopher colog who came

to this man after a tortuous Voyage

aboard the an Maria and the great George

washingt who defeated the evil queen

with his army of fellow fleas and d*ck

of course the greatest bug of them all

Abraham lant who performed the greatest

feat of all insect dependant freeing the

drones so you see my young ones it is

because of these great bugs that we are

free to have life liberty and pursue our

happiness oh you're ruining

everything I only wish they wouldn't all

pursue it in my

coina all right one more time from the

beginning do we you know have to we most

certainly do my performance art float

will be my

masterpiece and begin oh great bugs of


dependence oh Noble four bugs who cated

this Hallowed Ground with sweat and

tears life struggle

Victory uh you know sorry about that

yeah that's all right I think we'll just

keep it in once more with feeling out

what a migraine I don't know how I let

you talk me into these things we're

going to be the head of the parade with

this airflow CLM yep and best of all

it's a

secret we I can't wait to see the look

on their faces when we roll this puppy

out ain't that right Clen uh

Clen you should see the look on your


Bert finally it's


done a big old spider's got clim I tell

you a big hairy hungry and ugly spider's

got my

clam look at the size of that thing oh

my goodness I wonder if he's single see

what I tell you this doesn't look you



good I swear I'll eat him I really will

and don't try to tickle me

neither we got to do something fellas he

don't look real friendly I think he will

listen to the reasoning of a superior

mind I pray you young spider listen to

me don't eat that fly for if you eat him

you eat the the air you eat you eat the

very Earth upon which we stand

oh eat all eat none eat that fly eat him

I say eat him now eat him now eat him

now Ethan snap out of it baby did I say

eat him I meant to say seat him now on

the ground him could a sunbug please do

something it's awful clammy and here um

young Senor

spider oh why don't you let go of my

friend I can't I have to eat him I don't

want to but I have to you don't have to

do anything you don't want to oh yeah

ask my parents you don't understand no

bug understands I understand who said

that why don't you just you know take it

easy kid I know what you're going

through you do uh-huh I know it thing or

two about being a carnivore you know I

am a ladybug you know what I mean yes I

do know what you mean ladybugs are

notorious insector remember that word

insect evor bugs who eat other bugs

anyway ladybugs pre on aphids and um um

that's a wolf spider isn't it well that

about yes you see I didn't want to eat

bugs either really uh-huh do your

friends tease you and call your names

yeah leaf feater

16 eyes I know I got the same stuff from

the other

ladybugs they picked on me because I

wouldn't you know eat bugs with the rest

of the Swarm no bug wanted to be my

friend but I didn't give up I set out on

R hoping to find a place where I could

be accepted for what I you know was and

eventually I found that place right here

and sop


so you see you should respect your

parents but you should be able to you

know disagree with them too and because

they love you they'll let you be who you

want to

be that was

bootyful HT well it was


thank you I give yes yes yes CL and I

thought I was going to have to finish

our Float by myself that is if we were

making a float and I ain't saying we are

good catch buddy what do I do now you

can stay with us today this is a day for

happiness and celebration care to join

me in a you know salad cool let the fist

stop begin


yeah welcome everybody to the annual

Santo bito in SE dependence day parade

and a great day for a parade it is don't

you think Vince absolutely Jean 72° and

a 10 mph wind out of the South East well

this Splendid entry is from the flea and

tick Ladies Auxiliary and its theme is

peace and Brotherhood among bugs of all

species and it's made up of over

45,000 individual discarded egg sacks

how about that wow je and there we have

the Nightwing Precision flying team led

by our own Amelia yeah I hear she's got

quite the fireworks show planned related

to n that's right and here's the entry

by eaten wood and Ralph the ladybug and

Vince it's titled simply emptiness sure


exciting oh



wow well here's a surprise addition to

this Year's parade Jean a giant wolf

spider float that's right Vince and so

realistic too d*ck Wolf and spider there

you are hi Mom hi Dad

so this is where you've been honest Mom

Dad I I did what you said but I I'm

sorry what are you sorry about son Good

Golly I asked you to catch one little

bug to eat but you hit the

jackpot just look at them all it's a

smus board we are so proud of you son

but but Mom Dad these bugs are my

friends I can't eat them and you

shouldn't either son let's discuss this

after dinner


dinner poor poor

amig look at his

folks to our


s they say that they don't care

go north or go

south as long as

they bugs in their

mouth bugs in their

mouth they are

large bug

eaters they are large bug eaters


oh we Betty I've never seen so many bugs

in one place before and so many

varieties too Dad listen to me please

look honey a

ladybug wa he is a handsome bug we'll

eat you last sport professional courtesy

thanks you know a lot there's more over

here honey call me anything but don't

call me late for supper Mom

Dad Amelia we have to do something to

stop this attack attack Amelia those

spiders are huge and there are only two

of us then run away

oo I have an idea come we have to move


quickly Well jean it seems we've been

dropped into a cage and are about to be

eaten by the wolf spiders well that's

right Vince and big hairy creatures they

are a breakfast lunch dinner breakfast

lunch dinner breakfast lunch dad oh hey

son how can I thank you enough for this

fantastic spread dad I oh I know there

you go son a nice juicy ant for you you


it no dad I won't eat him he's my friend

and I'm a vegetarian and you have to

understand that and let me be me well

that does it no son of mine is going to

be a Spore sucker now you go on and eat

your ant like a good wolf

spider come we must hurry oh no he's got

Paco we have no time to

lose but Dad think of how much easier it

would be to eat vegetables I don't want

to hear about it now eat your ant but

just think we could grow our own food at

home no more traveling no more bumps no

more bruises you should respect your son

and let him live his life his own way ah

so it's you I hope this

holds I was not a state fair Blue Ribbon

Champion seam stress for nothing you're

right he doesn't have to eat you I


wait hey who who put this this H you

know this isn't so bad hey honey honey

here try

some say this is rather tasty what is it

that's vegetable Pate Mom that's what I

like to eat well you know it's uh well I

guess it's I guess it's not all bad it's

uh okay I guess I could see where you

might like I do like it Mom it's what I

want to eat doesn't mean I don't love

you it just means I don't like to eat

bugs you've got a good son you should be

good parents and you know listen to him

you know what I mean well of course we

should listen I mean after all you're

our you're our son we will want you to

do what what makes you happy you do yes

and if eating uh vegetables makes you

happy well then then I can be a

vegetarian yes thanks Mom thanks Dad

y wow we are safe and sound that's right

use all through eating bugs wao we did

not say that I for one still like to eat


but we'll leave you bugs alone you're

friends of our son after

all let the Festa



again now mind your manners say sorry

sorry sor

uhhuh un low this great great insect


day thank you thank you did you really

like me really really like

me you're too kind Hot 2 three 4 Hot 2

three 4 look look alive hey alive who

wants to see our mystery float I got ey

boys you might want to show us that

thing uh

after we

eat hey everybody the fireworks are

starting now 3 2


1 well good buddy guess we'll try

another float next year got you B this

one was kind of ugly

happy six


day just a little speck on the map it's

a cozy place not a sticky fly trap it's



place could ever be found Santo bito


is kind of


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