01x03 - Episode 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Jesus of Nazareth". Aired: 27 March – 24 April 1977.*
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The narrative of Jesus of Nazareth is a kind of cinematic Diatessaron, or Gospel harmony, blending all four New Testament accounts.
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01x03 - Episode 3

Post by bunniefuu »

Jesus of Nazareth,
He cured a blind man!

- Who?
- Jesus of Nazareth

Master. We should send these people,
we have nothing to give them to eat.

They should go to the villages
where they can find food.

There's no need
to send them away.

You give them something to eat.

How? There are thousands of them.
We cannot feed them.

Is there any food left?

This is all we have. Five barley
loaves and two fish.

Put the loaves and the fish in the
baskets. And give them to the people.

Well, go on. Why are you waiting?
Do as he says.

I'm sorry! There's only one.
That's all we have!

- But we're starving!
- What do you mean there's only one? There's plenty!

A miracle! A miracle!

Jesus is our salvation!

Amos! God works through
Jesus ofNazareth, doesn't he?

Through him we can
cast off our chains!

We must revenge the m*rder of John the
Baptist, and we must k*ll King Herod.

Then what are we waiting for?

Listen it's been said over and over
and over again our kingdom is at hand.

Now a kingdom needs
a king doesn't it?

So now is the time for the people and
tribes of Israel to follow Jesus ofNazareth.

With him to lead us,
we can gather an army!

March on Jerusalem! And at Passover,
protect the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth!

Quiet! Quiet all of you! Now is the
time for clear thinking,

not for indulgences and your
absurd fantasies! You!

You want to k*ll Herod and you,
you want to march on Jerusalem!

They could have your skulls
crushed for saying it!

And one day, they will.


Amos. We live in obscure times, and
you all know that we suffer together.

Well I would rather die than see
Jesus manipulated by men like you.

His words speak louder than any
of your fake eloquence.

And what of his enemies.

What will defeat his enemies,
what will disarm them?

You madness, or his mission?


you have to take us to meet him,
we have to talk to him.

So the Baptist was right.

Men must change before
kingdoms can.

Don't stand in our way, Judas.
That is my advice.


Judas won't stop us
I like some of his ideas.

Herod must die, that is certain. He must
pay in the blood for the Baptist,

but I agree with Judas.

Jesus ofNazareth must be kept out
of the picture for the time being.

It would be safer not to
speak of him now.

We shall wait for the Passover in Jerusalem.
That's when you bring him to us, Judas.

We have our brothers
in the temple guards.

They shall arrest the Sanhedrin and force
them to declare Jesus, King of the Jews.

Are we all agreed?

Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

No, Amos, I don't agree.

I have listened to all of you,

and not one of you have understood
what Jesus ofNazareth means.

What does his presence
on earth mean?

Brothers. I am one who like you

believe that the people of Israel would rise up
in the name of the messiah and break their chains,

but I am sure now that Jesus of
Nazareth means far more than this.

Through him Israel will be reborn,

not by force, but by change within.

Simon, Simon, you can't
give up the cause.

We've believed in it all our lives.
Simon, choose.

I choose to pray for you.

And to follow Jesus ofNazareth,
if he will accept me.

Oh, he will accept you.

John the Baptist gave neither eating bread nor drinking
wine and you said he was possessed by devils.

Here I am drinking
and eating freely with you

no doubt you'll say I'm a glutton and a drinker,
friend of the tax collectors and the sinners

Rabbi you do us an injustice
we respect your achievements,

and we understand their importance but to what
extant are you prepared to accept our laws?

We hear that you heal the sick
on the Sabbath.

Do you want our people not to
rest on the Sabbath?

If one of you had a sheep that had fell into a pit
on the Sabbath, would you go and get it out?

God made Sabbath for the man,
not man for the Sabbath.

Oh, we understand that we
understand what you're trying to say,

but is it not confusing to
other people?

We live by the law.

If we accept the law to be ruled
by exceptions, then we are lost.

Today, if it hadn't been for the
severity that we learned from Moses,

we would not have our laws, we would not even
have, we would not even be a people any longer.

But it is the, the excessive tolerance, the lack of rigidity in
your teaching thathas made us feel that this is a real danger.

The law gives me security, it's a
guide to my whole way of life,

a measure for judging this man is
right and this man is wrong.

Then you should not judge-

But you, as a son of Israel, know we have been
chosen by God from all mankind to be the holy nation.

And for this He gave us our law,
the Torah, which is the law of life,

and we have to separate ourselves
from the sinners and be pure and just.

But who is just in the eyes
of the Lord?

What is the heart of the law?

Here, O Israel, thou shalt love the Lord, thy God, with
all thy heart, with all thy soul, with all thy strength.

This is the greatest commandment.

You study well.

You are not far from the kingdom
of God, Joseph of Arimathea,

but there is another commandment
no less great,

you must love your neighbor
as yourself.

But who is my neighbor?

No! No! Stop her! You can't come in!
This is no place for the likes of you!

What's the matter?

Isn't she that woman? The whore!
Yes, yes that's her!

What is she doing?

She is defiling him!

This is no place for you woman!
Come, leave quickly.

- Simon, sit down!
- But Rabbi,

you know what kind of a
woman this is!

Simon, please!

Simon, when I came into your house,

you didn't pour water over my feet, or kiss
me in greeting, or anoint my head with oil.

She has washed my feet
with her tears,

and dried them with her hair,

and anointed them.

Daughter, your sins, and
I know they are many,

are forgiven you because of the
greatness of your love.

Only god can forgive
the sins of men!

Your faith has saved you.

Go. And sin no more.


Take this ointment

and keep it for my burial.

Go in peace.

Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers,
cast out peasants.

Take nothing with you except a staff,
no pack no food no money.

Whenever you come to a town or a village
find who is worthy of it, and stay with him.

If at any place they will not take
you or listen to you,

shake the dust off your
feet as you leave.

Sodom and Gomorrah, on the Day of
Judgment, can fare better than that place.

I am sending you out as sheep
among the wolves.

Be as wise as serpents

and as harmless as doves.

Don't be anxious about what you are
to say, or how you are to speak.

It's not you who speak,

but the spirit of your father
speaking from you.

Freely you have received,
now freely give.


Blessed are you among women.

You are His mother.

Anyone who believes
our Father in Heaven

is His brother, His sister,
His mother.

Take this.

The king is coming.

Here comes Herod.

Keep following me.
Come on, come on!

k*ll the tyrant!

Herod! Pay with your blood for the
Baptist! m*rder*r! m*rder*r!

Your blood for the Baptist!

Make room for His Majesty!
Make room! Lead him this way!

He's been att*cked by those
damn zealots!

Lead him this way! Lay him down here,
Lay him down. Gently! Gently!

Oh! Oh! I could have been k*lled.
I could have been k*lled.

The guards were simply not there!
They were too slow!

Do you know why this happened?

Because two disciples ofJesus of
Nazareth were preaching in the town!

Your majesty, Jesus himself has
no interest in the zealots.

He... He may not, but the zealots
still make use of him!

They made use ofJohn
the Baptist, too,

and he is more dangerous now
then when he was alive.

Watch your tongue!

Don't stand there, gaping like idiots!
Out! Out! Out! Out! Out!

Have no mercy on those zealots.
k*ll them all!

Come on you zealot scum!

You sold your soul to Herod!

Herod! God's curse on you!

You butcher us, Herod, and after our blood,
thousands will rise to take our place!

In the name of the king, k*ll them!

And this is how they'll all end up!
All who plot against the king!

Poor Amos! To die like that!

How good and strong he was, really.

Don't grieve, Simon. You warned
them what would happen, remember?

They were my brothers, Judas.
I lived with them since I was a boy.

Ah, I know they were mad, I know,
but they were honest.

- They thought they could force God's hand.
- Exactly.

Now Jesus will go to Jerusalem,

and will deal with the Sanhedrin
on his terms,

and there will be no need
for bloodbath.


Come, let us find a master. Come!

And she called to me Rabbi... Rabbi!

I didn't know how to greet China! And
then suddenly I found myself speaking!

The same power of Peter was here!

Master, there is great excitement
everywhere about you!

Who do the people in Galilee
say that I am?

Some say John the Baptist.
They will not believe that he's dead.

They know he is dead!
Many indeed.

But they say you're John
the Baptist alive again

I've heard one say you're Elijah,
back from the grave.

Or some say Jeremiah, or Ezekial.

And who do you say that I am?

I say you are the messiah.

The son of the living God.

In saying that, Simon by Jonah,

you show yourself to
be blessed among men.

Flesh and blood have not
revealed this truth,

it has come from
my Father in Heaven.

And so now I will call you Peter,
the Rock.

And upon this rock I will build what
I must call my church.

The gates of hell will not
prevail against it.

To you I give the keys
of the kingdom of heaven.

And to you all I say this,

Peter has spoken the truth.

And now you know it.

But you must not reveal
it to any man.

The time has not yet come.

But another time is coming.

The time for me to go to

Oh yes, master! You must go to Jerusalem.
The whole city awaits you!

The elders of Israel must know
and recognize you.

No, Judas.

In Jerusalem the son of Man will be rejected
by the elders and the chief priests of the temple.

He will be condemned.

He will be handed over to the unbelievers,
who will scourge him, mock him,

put him to death.

Then after three days,

he will rise again.

Blessed are the poor in spirit,

for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are those who mourn,

for they shall be comforted.

Blessed are the meek,

for they shall inherit the earth.

Blessed are those who hunger
and thirst for what is right,

for they shall be filled.

Blessed are the merciful,

for they shall obtain mercy.

Blessed are the pure in heart,

for they shall see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers,

for they shall be called sons of God.

Blessed are those you are
persecuted in the cause of right,

for theirs is in the kingdom
of heaven

Blessed are you when people
abuse you and persecute you...

Rejoice and be glad

for your reward will
be great in heaven

as it was for the prophets
persecuted before you.

In your prayers, remember,

your Father knows what your
needs are before you ask him.

This is how you should pray,

Our Father who art in heaven.

Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done on earth as
it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread

and forgive us our debts,

as we and forgive us our

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.


Master, you said you were going to

and in Jerusalem they would k*ll you.

if that's true, then it's our duty to
keep you from going.

You must not allow it to happen.


You're thinking as men think,
not as God thinks.

The devil is speaking through you.

Get him out of Satan.

Mercy on this holy soil!


Come! Give me your hand, Alazar!

You go ahead,
I'll meet you at the gate!

One more halt,
and we'll be nearly there.

Jerusalem will be swarming with pilgrims
getting ready for the Passover.

Will he go straight to the city?

He said that he would be
put to death there.

And that he would rise again.

Master, master!

Martha and Mary, the sisters of
your friend in Bethany

have sent me here to find you.
Lazarus is very ill, near death.

Go. Tell them I'll be there

- Master, master! He's coming
- Master! Martha's coming

He's arriving!

My Lord.


If you had been with us,
my brother would not have d*ed.

But I know that even now, whatever you
ask of God, God will give it to you,

because I believe you are the Christ,
the son of God.

He who has come into the world
to give us eternal life

Where do you live?

Come and see.

Lord. Lord.

I prayed and prayed for you
to arrive.

You could have kept Lazarus
from dying.

Take away the stone

But he's been dead four days master.
His body must already be decaying!

Take away the stone.

Give me a hand!

Father, thank you for hearing my prayer.

Now those who stand round me may believe

that I am resurrection and the life.

And those who believe in me
shall never die.

I went down into the countries
underneath the earth,

to the people's of the past,

but you lifted my life from the pit,
Lord, my God.

Lazarus! Come forth!

He that believes in me, but he were
dead, yet shall he live.

Too much, too much! Keep it! Ah!
He always complains!

Give your sheep.

Give your sheep.

Thank you!

Lord our god, the Lord is one.

It is that thou art the Lord, our God,
the God of our fathers.

Save your life Father, I'll save you-

Here are the documents you
wished to see, master Zerah.

Thank you.

And I am extremely flattered that you
wished to see me, but why may I ask?

Master Zerah, with respect,

there are many people in Israel who feel that your
influence in the Sanhedrin offers great hope for the future,

and I can think of no better introduction
to the high priest, Lord Caiaphus.

Well, since you know so much about me, then you won't
be surprised that we know about your rabbi from Nazareth.

Miracles. Raising the dead extraordinary.

No, I wish that my duties give me
time to see yourJesus myself.

I wish you had, then you would need no persuading
that he is the only man that can bring peace to Israel.

- What?
- Well, the zealots know it and so-

So, you might be surprised to learn,
do your temple guards.

Romans, they're faithfully practical, they would welcome
any body who can bring peace, and if it was a peace
that cost him nothing,

so much the better.

The Sanhedrin should proclaim Jesus
king ofJudea, and tell the Romans-

What? "Look Caesar, we have a new
ruler, one from the royal house of David.

One in whom we have every confidence, who
preaches peace, tolerance and love even to you Romans,

therefore you can calmly withdraw
your troops. We no longer need them"?

You actually put it very well.

I would have to put it very well indeed for the Romans
to take away their troops and their procurates,

not to mention their tax collectors.

I was told of your wit, and this is
hardly the time for it.


You and I should not quarrel.

What do you want me to do?

Let Jesus ofNazareth prove himself
before the Sanhedrin.

I think I can promise you that
he shall have that opportunity.

Rabbi, Many days see to you.

Please, Jesus save me.

Welcome to our city!

Hail Jesus!

He raised Lazarus from the dead!

- Who is this Jesus ofNazareth?
- He's a prophet, a great prophet.

A prophet, on a donkey?

I saw you with Jerusalem's daughters.
Behold thy king!

Son of David! Master,
you are the hope of Israel.

You are our prophet and our savior!

Jesus has come to save us!

Hosanna! Hosanna!

Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!

You cannot buy anything in our
temples with Roman money,

you must change it for our
sheckles, you know that!

- But it's cheap!
- Well if you don't like it-

...You are turning the house of our
lord into a market place! It's a shame!

That much?

Don't tell.

It's some rate that all the
other saucer, dear friend.

It's come true ten-

Take two instead of one
they are all greatfull.

Who fight with lambs.
Who fight with lambs.

Jerusalem, the faithful city.

She that was full ofjustice,
has become a harlot!

Stop him! Have you gone mad?
Have you not heard?

What are your multitude of
sacrifices to me, says the Lord?

Bring forth no more vain offerings!"

Look at my money! Thieves!

This is a house of prayer,

and you have turned it
into a den of thieves!


Rabbi, my name is Zerah.
I'm a scribe of this holy place.

And I, like my brethren, have followed
your mission with great interest.

We have heard good things about
you, and are glad,

but what you have done today
shocks and surprises us.

Do you wish to destroy
this sacred temple?

Atemple is not merely of stone.
It is a house of God.

It cannot be destroyed as long as
God lives here.

Destroy this temple, and in three
days, I will make it rise again.

It took centuries to build this temple,
and you think you can build it in three days?

You said it,

but you have not understood.

Rabbi, I understand better than
you think.

Master That scribe had every intention of greeting you
in a friendly manner. He wanted to understand your mission.

Was it wise to discourage him?

He has one of the most open minds
in the Sanhedrin.

Open your heart,
Judas Not your mind.

Open your eyes and your heart.

Master Zerah! Master Zerah!

Ah, My dearJudas!

You're quite right. Your master
has very little political sense.

But he is an extraordinary man

and we shall continue to watch is
mission with great interest.

Your son will be teaching in the temple.
Shall I take you to him?

No I'll wait.

I'll see him when it is time

Blessed are the eyes that
see what you see

for I tell you Many kings and prophets
have desired to see what you see

and have not seen it

to hear what you hear

and have not heard it.

I thank you, Father

for hiding these things from
the learned and the wise

and revealing them to the innocent
and the sinful

for he who would be great among
you must be your servant

he who would be the first
must be your sl*ve

just as the son of man
came not to be served

but to serve

and to give his life
as a ransom for many.

Come to me All who labor and
are heavy laden

and I will give you rest.

Come O blessed of my Father

and inherit the kingdom prepared for
you from the foundation of the world.

I was hungry and you gave me food.

I was thirsty and you gave me drink.

I was a stranger,
and you welcomed me.

I was naked, and you clothed me.

I was a prisoner and you visited me.

I was sick and you came to me.

You will ask,
"When did we do this for you?"

Whoever does this to the least of
my brethren

he does it to me.

He's there.

Master I am Barrabas, a zealot.

Before he was m*rder*d,
Amos sent word to us, "Trust you."

My brothers are ready.

Some of them are temple guards.

Our day of revenge against
the Romans has come.

Everyday their grip becomes tighter.
Our people have become used to oppression.

With you to lead them,
and with our swords behind you,

they will rise up,
we can teach them to fight.

Some of the priests of Sagisis
have said "Obey the laws of Caesar.

They do not speak for
the Jewish people.

Tell us what to do,
whatever you say we will follow you.

Then love your enemies

and forgive those who use
and persecute you.

The day of forgiveness is at hand.

Forgive Herod?

Forgive the Romans?

Forgive them all.

But the, the Romans have butchered hundreds
of innocent people, young people, old people,
lives ended without mercy, without trial.

Surely you can't mean to
forgive that, master?

We should fight the sword
with the sword.

All who take out the sword
shall perish by the sword!

But we must end the
weeping in Israel!

Your zeal blinds you to the truth.

The new Jerusalem will not
build up by m*rder and uprising.

If we still have god we'll fill
the land as water fills the sea.

The lion will lie down to the lamb.

There will be no more k*lling
or destroying

and the voice of weeping
shall be heard no more.

While we wait for that day to come,
our people live in mourning and lamentation.


you wish to follow me.

I have come to take on my
shoulders the sins of the world.

You who'd follow me must
be willing to do the same.

Oh no.


Father, Blessed my child.

The son of David.

You must not let the children use those
words. You know it is blasphemy!

You are responsible for it

Have you never read the psalms?

Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings,
thou has perfected praise.

By what authority
do you do these things?

Before I answer
I will ask you a question.

From where did John the Baptist
receive authority to baptize?

From heaven or from men?

We don't know we can't tell.

Very well, you tell me nothing

nor will I tell you by what authority
I do these things.

And I will tell you a story.


There once was a man,
and he had two sons.

And to the first son one day he said,
"Go and work in the vineyard."

And the son said, "No" but afterwards
he thought better of it, and he went.

Now the man said he was off to say
the same thing to his second son,

who said, "Certainly"

but he didn't go.

Now, which of the two boys
did his fathers will?

First Second

Yes, the first.

And what is the meaning of
this story?

That there are those who think they
are righteous because they say yes to God,

but they do not do his will.

John the Baptist came to
you in righteousness,

but you didn't believe him,

even when you saw that there were
sinners who believed and repented.

They will get into the kingdom of
heaven before you do.

Love your enemies!

Bless those who cure you.

Do good to those who hate you.

Pray for those who persecute you.

If you love only those who love you,
why should you pay them any credit?

Even the tax collectors do as much.

If anyone strikes
you on the right cheek,

off the other also,

and if anyone
takes away your coat,

give them your cloak as well.

Give to everyone who asks from you.

And if anyone takes away your goods,
do not ask for them back.

Do not do to others anything you
would not have them do to you.

Pass no judgment
and you will not be judged.

Condemn not,
and you will not be condemned.

Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

Be perfect just as our Father
in heaven is perfect.

Ask for this gift
and it shall be given you.

Seek and you shall find.

Knock and the door shall be opened.

What father refuses his child?

If you who are imperfect know
what to give to your children.

How much more will your Father
in heaven give to those who ask him?

What happened?

Wicked adulteress!

She's a sinner!

And a whore!
She's sinned against her husband!

Stone her!
She must be judgement-

She's a sinner! An adulteress!

She's gonna be punished
according to the law!

Take her to the master.

Shame on you! Shame!

Stone her! Stone her!

Master what shall we do?

This woman has been caught
in the act of adultery.

She should be punished according
to the law. What do you say?

Answer master.
We want to know your opinion.

Yes, tell us.
Is it right to k*ll her?

He who among you who is without sin.
Let him cast the first stone.

Come on.

Where are your accusers?

Is there anyone here
who's condemned you?

No, no one.

Then neither do I condemn you.

Go, and sin no more.

Isn't that the Centurion?

I'm sorry if I disturb you, Rabbi

But I would like to ask
you a great favor.

I have servant in my house.
I've had him a long while,

and he's good. Love him more
like a son than a servant.

He's very sick, dying I fear.

Rabbi, in all humility...

You would like me to
come to your house.

Very well, I will come with you.

No. I am unworthy that
you should enter unto my roof.

I know that if you say the word,
my servant will be healed.

I am a man under authority,

but I myself have authority over a hundred
soldiers and if I say to one of them,

do this, I know that he will do it

and if I say to another go there
I know that he will go.

I need not see, I know.

So it is enough that you give
the word, and it will be done.

Do you hear this man.

I have seldom found such faith
among the people of Israel.

Go home, your faith has
cured your servant.

So he's a friend of the Romans.

You orders are changed.

But we know that we are the children's people.
How can the pagan be worthier than a son of lsrael?

Everybody, everybody is welcomed
at my father's table.

Rich, poor, masters, servants,

children of Abraham and of pagans.

Theseus! Theseus!

The Romans are right! Marcus
is well, your servant is cured!

- What?
- Come on

Come on! Come and see for yourself.
I can't believe my eyes! He's cured!

Come on! Come to your house!

Intervene? No

At least not for the moment.

I must confess that I am fascinated
by this man's power with the people.

We must find out where
this power comes from.

You must admit that he is capable
of extraordinary things.

They say he raised one of
his friends from the tomb.

- That's trickery they've all come into Jerusalem.
- Yes, but you must admit...

Please brothers be advised,
we must not act impetuously.


Ask the captain of the temple guard
to report to the high priest Caiaphus.


Alms! Give to the poor blind men.

May he, may the Lord,
give you happiness.

God give you good health.

Give to the blind!
I was born blind for my parents sins.

When you give you shall receive.

May the Lord give you happiness.

Help! I was born blind.

Please! Helf for the
poor blind man, please-

Master! Master! Here he is! Here
he is! Over here! The master is here!

Stop it! Leave me alone!

He does too well as a blind figure!

He knows if he could see,
no one would give him anything.

Leave me alone! Don't touch me!

Don't touch me, I say!

Master, that man was born blind. If he has
accepted that's the way it is, then why change it?

He lives in darkness.

And as long as I am in the world,

I am the light of the world.

No! Don't! Leave my eyes alone!
I don't want you to touch them!

No, don't touch my eyes!

You are hurting me! They're burning!

What have you done to them?
What have you put on them?

Go and wash his eyes.

Come on, Let's take him. Come on.
Make way! Make way!

Come with us and see!
The master has cured the blind man!

Can he see? We're not through yet!
Give him a bath!

He hasn't touched water all his life!

Give them a good wash!

I can see!

I am not blind anymore!

I can see you!

And you!

I can see! Brothers!


I am not blind anymore.

I can see everything!

Now I know what it means to see!

It's a miracle!!

I can see the world!
My eyes can see!

Brothers! I can see all of you!
All of you!

What do you think of that?

Make way, make way there!
The high priest is coming.

Get back!

What have you got to say?

What have you got to say about
the man who healed you?

He's a prophet,

there's no doubt.

What are you saying?

You got your sight back from god,
not from that man. He's a sinner!

I don't' know. I don't know what he's
a sinner or not. I only know one thing.

I was blind, I was blind before,
and now I can see.

It's a miracle!

I must go to this man and thank him
for what he has done for me.

Where is he?

Where is he? Where is he?


I can see.

I can see.

Do you believe in the son of man?

Who is he master,
that I may believe in him.

You're seeing him.
It is he that is speaking to you.

I believe. Lord.

Make way, make way there!

Make way, the priest is coming!

Out of the way! Habbukuk is here!

This lying cheat was never blind.

We at the temple know that he was
only pretending to be blind to earn his living!

He's right, he's a liar.

I've know him a long time,
he's never been blind!

And what's your story?
That you can give sight to the blind?

I came into this world to give sight
to those who cannot see.

And to take away sight from
those who can.

What do you mean by that?
That we who are righteous are blind?

If you were blind,
you would be without sin,

but since you say "We see",
your sin remains.

This man works for the devil!


Woe to you scribes and Pharisees,
hypocrites all!

When you shut off the kingdom of
heaven against men,

you do not join yourselves,
nor do you let others enter.

Blind guides.

You are stray and inept,
and swallow camel.

You bow before the letter of the law,
and violate the heart of the law

justice! Mercy! Good faith.

You are like white washed tombs,
all fair and clean without,

but within full of death
and bones and all corruption.

You see these stones, do you not?

I tell you there will not be left here one
stone upon another that will not be throne down.

Yours is a house of damnation,

the home of the ligard and spider.

Serpents through their vipers.

How can any of you escape damnation?

You shall not see me here again,
not until you learn to cry,

"Blessed is he who comes
in the name of the Lord,

for I and my Father are one
and the same."

He is a blasphemer!

This is the man!

You don't speak for
the people of Israel!

Listen to the teachings of our God!

He should be stoned to death!

He's a blasphemer!

Wonder what's going on?

I don't like it, I'll take a look.

- Look after, stand, will you?
- All right

Caspar! [Whispering]

A righteous man. A righteous man.

k*ll the Romans!

Come on!

He's not the messiah!
He's a false prophet.

He a friend of the Romans!

Stone him! Stone him! Stone him!

Traitor! Traitor to Israel!

Traitor! Traitor! Traitor!

He speaks the truth!

Stone him to death!
Stone him to death!


If you please,
I've come to offer my help.

Master Nicodemus.

Yes, I must advise you.
You are in danger.

Please persuade your master to
keep away from public places.

God must have sent you,
master Nicodemus. You speak to him.

Of all people,
he will listen to you. Come.



There is to be a meeting
at the Sanhedrin.

You have many enemies there,

but also friends who know that
you are a teacher come from God,

for no man that shows the signs
or has the words that you impart,

unless God giveth them.

And yet, my heart is troubled,
and my mind confused.

You must help me to see the truth.

Accept the man to be born again,

He cannot see the kingdom of God.

Born again?

Can a man enter his mother's
womb the second time?

That which is born of the
flesh is flesh.

That which is born of
the spirit is spirit.

Do not marvel that I said to you,
"You must be born again."

The wind blows where it will,
and you hear the sound of it,
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