09x118 - The Emperor's New Clothes; The Hungry Coat

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Between the Lions". Aired: April 3, 2000 – November 22, 2010.*
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Follows a family of clumsy anthropomorphic lions operating and living in a large, busy library called "The Barnaby B. Busterfield III Memorial Public Library", starring alongside characters such as Click, an electronic, anthropomorphic computer mouse; the Information Hen, who answers library calls; and Heath, a dinosaur who serves as the library's thesaurus.
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09x118 - The Emperor's New Clothes; The Hungry Coat

Post by bunniefuu »


pbs kids

hey now

hey wow

here's how

come and read

between the lions





between the


the emperor's new clothes


what was that

did you just see something


there it was again

it looked like a king in his underwear


i'm not a king i'm an emperor



you'll have to excuse my little sister

you see when she plays with her doll she

gets really in to make believe


there's an emperor in his underwear in

the library

told you



uh excuse me uh what are you doing in

your underwear emperor and why are you

hiding behind the card holder oh it's

too terrible i'm so embarrassed

if you knew what i had been through you

would understand

i couldn't possibly tell you

but i could show you


the emperor's new clothes retold by

bruce stewart illustrated by june

a long time ago in a faraway kingdom

there lived an emperor

named luke

emperor luke loved to wear beautiful


and no one looks more beautiful in them

than i do

he loves showing them off to the people

in his kingdom

so what do you think

not bad huh

fits me like a glove right

one day emperor luke was trying to pick

out a suit for the upcoming music parade

no no too

orange two pink

yikes two stripy

you two zigzaggy

the music parade was the most important

event in the entire kingdom so the suit

had to be very special

emperor luke decided to call his tailor


but ruby couldn't help the emperor

because she had the flu


emperor luke was very worried that he

wouldn't have something extra special to

wear for the music parade

but then

another taylor showed up at his door

his name was rudy he was from yuma and

he was a trickster

rudy told luke that he had in his

suitcase the most beautiful suit in the

whole universe

it was worth a huge fortune in


but i'll give it to you

for half price

luke was curious open the suitcase i

must have that suit

the suit you are about to see was made

of cloth so fine and so unusual it can

only be seen by people

such as yourself who can appreciate its


of course it is invisible to fools

in truth emperor luke didn't see a suit

on the hanger but he didn't want to seem

like a fool


he pretended to try on the suit


that suit is perfect with those shoes

socks crown and wristwatch and it's a

great color for you

ha ha thank you

i always look good in



royal blue

luke gave rudy a small fortune in gold

for the suit

on the day of the music parade the

ukulele flute loot and tuba players all

tuned up in preparation for the

emperor's arrival

oh he's coming i can see him

word it spread that luke was wearing a

suit that only a fool would not be able

to see

so all the villagers chanted


everyone that is except for one little

girl excuse me

pardon me

coming through

that emperor has no clothes

everyone gasped


okay he does have underpants on and

shoes and socks and a crown

but nothing else and that's the truth

everyone began to see that the little

girl was telling the truth

and they chanted


emperor luke realized the people were


he was a fool for believing that

trickster rudy from humor instead of his

own two



i'm a fool

a fool in his underpants

you have to admit that was very unusual



the end



that was some story now you see where i

can never go back there again oh who

always me


i have an idea what if we found you

something to wear

you mean

something fit for an emperor

well then

i suppose i could go back

wait follow me huh


oh yeah this is gonna be good

ta-da the emperor has new clothes

fits me like a glove

i got it off my baby betsy ballerina


how does it look is it fit for an


i am so sorry i just can't help it


well i think it looks good on you

emperor luke but but don't worry

i'll find you something else

wait wait wait wait come back

what's next on between the lions here's

a clue words with long view

hey i'm hanging here anyway i might as

well watch and so should you




it's game time and welcome to the

blending bowl i'm terry bradshaw and

i'll be doing the play-by-play today for

this incredible showdown in red we have

team crew

and in white we have team um


oh he plays so well

well that's about it folks and until

next time for the blending bowl i'm

terry bradshaw hey thanks for watching







sure now it's time to play with smarty







thank you thank you arty has a flute now

what would happen if we lost the f in





capital u

lowercase u

these vowels have a problem and silence


just think about the damage


silent e your vowel sound changing days

are over i'm cutting you off to the

slammer but of course you have the right

to remain silent silent



that's no use nothing fits me ah and i'm

a little chilly oh


but that's my last doll coat and you

can't wear one of ours it'd be too big

oh it's hopeless

i'll have to walk around in my underwear

for the rest of my life

hey leona there's one doll's coat you

haven't tried yet ah


i completely forgot about him

come on

all right

i sure hope this works if it doesn't

there's always tin foil


it fits you perfectly

i love it oh oh thank you both so much

i can't wait for everyone back home to

see me in this coat


good job leona well thanks but

we still have a problem what's that

what's thumper gonna wear


and now get ready for another very very

very very very tasty story


the hungry coat

i love it


i adore it oh isn't it wonderful i know

he loves it yeah but he adores it yeah


it's sensational

it i know i know it's sensational but

what is

emperor luke what are you talking about

i'm talking about this beautiful

fantastic coat you gave me

but it's so torn and shabby yeah i

hardly recognize it

that's because i love this coat so much

that i never take it

oh off

sleep in it i bathe in it and go conga

dancing in it

congo dancing well i must get back to

the palace

i just love this coat tata

i got a bad feeling about this


the hungry coat retold by vivian

vinewood illustrated by veronica vicks

once upon a time in a castle in a lovely

valley there lived an emperor

named luke

every day emperor luke put on his

favorite coat

it had broken buttons torn sleeves and

tattered pockets

let's just say it was in very bad shape

but he loved it anyway

i love this coat

one day while emperor luke was admiring

his coat

an invitation arrived

you are invited to my villa for a coat

party wear your favorite coat tonight 7

p.m very truly the viceroy of bonteca


a coat party i love coat parties


later that evening emperor luke arrived

at the viceroy's villa

i'm here in my favorite coat let's party


everyone in the villa gasped when they

saw luke's coat

when luke tried to join the festivities

everyone avoided him

the viceroy wouldn't even let him sit


hey viceroy what's the problem the

problem is your shabby coat it has no

place at this party

the emperor became sad

very sad


and he left the party

i'd like to teach those folks a lesson

me too yeah

but how aha i got it

hmm but i need a new coat

mouse to the rescue mouse to the rescue

oh hiya click greetings cubs

executing drag and drop big book


computer mouse can give you another coat

from that big book of coats oh really

executing code exchange program


this will work perfectly oh thank you



emperor luke returned to the party in a

new coat he had gotten from a friend and

this coat was in very good shape


that's french for look at this

everyone oohed and odd


look at that coat it's lovely come sit

at the table and eat

the table was covered with platters

piled high with veal chops various


olives and vanilla cookies

all of a sudden luke began stuffing food

in his coat

he shoved the veal chops up his sleeves

i can't believe my eyes

what's wrong with him

what is he doing

he put the various vegetables olives and

vanilla cookies into his many pockets

everyone was speechless

except for the viceroy

emperor luke explain this behavior

well it seems as if you invited my coat

to the party not me

so i figured my coat should have the


thus emperor luke had taught the viceroy

and everyone at the party a valuable


don't judge people by what they're


it's not very nice


those folks have been taught a lesson

applause for emperor luke



for what matters is the person not what

they are wearing

oh it's nice of you to say that but i


terrible oh boo hoo



ah because i ruined the nice coat you

gave me from that book over there

just look it's all stained from the meat

chops i stuffed in the pockets

that's right he did stuff meat chops in

his pockets oh dude yes yes look look

for tons of meat chopsticks


no you made it delicious

well what do you know


axed next

excellent what's next on between the

lions i vote for the letter v

turn up the volume dudes








it's game time and welcome to the

blending bowl i'm terry bradshaw and

i'll be doing the play-by-play today for

this incredible showdown in red we have


and in white we have team


and there's the kickoff


unbelievable what a play

well that's about it folks and until

next time for the blending bowl i'm

terry bradshaw hey thanks for watching




veloce taking care of sparky here is a

nice job very nice

guys on tight thanks but i didn't sneeze

you didn't

uh oh it's sparky he's sick what do we

do oh wait i have a note from the owner

if sparky is sick get

what white starts with



quick get a vegetable do something

broccoli sparky is sick i'm a vegetable

i don't know anything about sick animals

you need an animal doctor

an animal doctor that doesn't start with

wait i went to an animal doctor once she

was called a


that's it if sparky is sick get a


open wide we have very good brains true

small but good

flying off the shelf once again it's the

continuing daring and dangling

adventures of


today's adventure episode number 5711

cliffhanger and the very powerful vacuum



excuse me

excuse me

we find cliffhanger where we left him


hanging from a cliff


hold on much longer

suddenly cliff hears voices high above

him on the cliff


i'm a vacuum cleaner vendor and i'm a

vegetable gatherer and i'm here to sell

you this very very very powerful vacuum

cleaner but why would a vegetable

gatherer like me want a very very very

powerful vacuum cleaner because it can

vacuum up every vegetable in view that's


watch this

cliff reaches into his backpack and

removes his very valuable survival


using his vaulted decoding skills cliff

begins to read

if you see a vacuum cleaner vendor

vending a very very very powerful vacuum


move under the hose and get vacuumed off

the cliff all i have to do is press this

violet colored button here and

nothing ventured nothing game


that was very impressive

but how do i get all the vegetables out

of the vacuum no problem you simply

point the vacuum cleaner hose up in the


and push this vermilion colored button




much longer


that coat party looks like fun huh

computer mouse will have a coat party as

well and you are all invited

oh but first

mouse must find a coat executing random

code selection program

code selection is complete computer

mouse is stylin

party party a party party party






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