06x17 - What I Want

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Grown-ish". Aired: January 3, 2018 - present.*
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Zoey heads off to college and begins her hilarious journey to adulthood.
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06x17 - What I Want

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Let's take it up a notch ♪

♪ Let's go, let's go ♪

♪ Let's go, let's go ♪

♪ Now show me what you got ♪

♪ Let me see ♪

♪ Gotta make it hot ♪

It is the end of the semester,

and people are ready to party, baby!

Whoo! I'm free!

That is right.

Your boy is almost done with college...

for real this time.

You know what else is real?

The pit in my stomach about
not knowing what is next.

I'm at the point of my journey
where if I'm gonna make it,

I have to take a leap of faith.

You got yourself a deal, partner.

After my petite hiccup with Brock,

AKA Gamma Grifter-Gate 2024,

a lot of my clients
took a leap away from me.

But I have faith that
the real ones will stay.

After our 10 out of 10 kiss, no notes,

I invited Kiela on our
first official dinner date.

I can't wait for us
to just chill, relax...

- Surprise!

Bitch, you're back?

Oh. He was scared, so
I'ma let that one slide,

but yes, I am indeed back, b*tches.

And as much as I'd like to tell you

about all the fabulous
things I've been up to,

this is not about me for once.

So I must bid you adieu.

Oh, "adieu."

It just reminds me so
much of my time in Paris.

Doing it again. Caught myself.

Let me focus. Hi.

So are you... are you
gonna do your whole thing?

- No, I'm done.
- Or what?

Because this is kind
of a big moment for me.

I was gonna get emotional.

Well, I am here for whatever you need

because I know how being
hurled into the real world

can be just such a
daunting and stressful...

Yes, yes. Thank you for reminding me.

I was actually in the
middle of trying to soak in

the last moments of this college cocoon

before I'm thrust into the real world.




I got dropped again?

By who?

Only my best friend.

BOTH: ♪ Watch out, world ♪

♪ I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪

♪ Learn something new every day ♪

♪ I don't know so I'ma feel my way ♪

♪ Got the weight of the world on me ♪

♪ But no regrets ♪

♪ This is what I say ♪

BOTH: ♪ Watch out, world ♪

♪ I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪

♪ You can't tell me nothin' ♪

BOTH: ♪ My heartbeat is so loud ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Mama, look, I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪

♪ ♪


One, two, three, four.


♪ I know this is weak,
but don't be mad at Zeke ♪

♪ You've been the best manager to me ♪

♪ Best manager ♪

♪ Sorry this apology has been absentee ♪

♪ I hope my success is contagious ♪

♪ 'Cause I know that
you're bound for greatness ♪


Oh, my God. OK.

Thank you. [SIGHS]


♪ ♪


Damn, that's crisp.

I just don't get it.

As soon as Zeke is up for the draft,

he just up and leaves me for Rich Paul?

I was counting on that
commission to keep me afloat.

I mean, it does make
a little bit of sense.

Isn't Rich Paul, like, the
most elite agent in the game?

I mean, he's whatever.

"Mr. Paul has reportedly made a total

of more than $1.4 billion
for his clients"...

wait, did I read that right?

OK, thank you, Miss Wikipedia.

We get it.

I'm just saying, after you chose someone

who's gonna end up in
a medium security prison

as your business partner,

it tracks that Zeke would go somewhere

extremely reputable, like Klutch.

Andre, I am so sorry,
but I kind of agree.

And it's not... it's not personal.

It's just business.

There's no point in trying to compete

with someone at that level.

Maybe you're right.

Hello. Is this thing on?

Did I not just say the same thing?

Points. Points have
definitely been made.

Maybe instead of trying to
b*at 'em, I should join 'em.

OK. So Aaron reached out to talk.

That can't be good, right?

Oh, God, he has cancer, doesn't he?

He's gonna be OK. He's gonna be OK.

I've actually read that
testicular prosthesis

is amazing these days.

Yeah. They can take his baby beams.

They can't take his spirit.

- Hey.
- Hey, there she is.

Oh, you went to the Grove, didn't you?

You know me so well.

Uh, so what's up?

How are you? How's your
health and wellness?

I'm good. I'm great, actually.

I just... I wanted to
wait to tell you in person.

I finally got promoted
to full-time professor.

[GASPS] Aaron! What?

- What?
- Yeah, yeah.

That's what I'm talking about.

- Like, it's about time.
- Yeah.

Actually, I'd have
to say, it's past time.

Aaron, I am so happy for you.

You deserve your flowers.

Thank you.

So how is everything else?

How's, uh... Doug?


Well, you know, speaking of Doug

and other people in our
lives, Edie and I broke up.

- Oh, no.
- Yeah.

I am sorry to hear that.

It's all good, you know.

And the Academy Award goes to...

Yeah, it just didn't feel right.

So, I, uh...

I ended it.

He ended it. Hmm.

I wonder where he's going with this.

So how about a young
woman such as yourself?

How are things in your world?

How are the, uh, gentlemen callers?

- Mm, they've been calling.
- Mm.

- I haven't been answering.
- Huh.

I don't know, since
the show did so well,

I really haven't had time to date.

I've just been focused
on rebuilding Anti-Muse.

I know that's right.

Andre had actually mentioned

you might be pulling an
LL, coming back to Cali.

Just, if my opinion matters,

there's no better place
to rebuild things...

businesses, relationships...

Yeah, Aaron, I...

I think we should go get a coffee, soon.

Like, I don't know, maybe a chilled red

and a setting that's, like,
dimmed, like, the lights...

not, like, so dark where
we can't see each other,

but, like, dark enough
where it's, like, vibe...

I decided I'm not moving back.


So after Zeke dropped
me like a short girl

from the volleyball team, I told him

I didn't need any more fruit baskets.

What I wanted was a
meeting with Rich Paul.


I asked for a sit-down,

but all Zeke could
get me was a walk-with.

Mr. Paul. Mr. Paul. Oh, my God.

Thank you so much for taking
the time to meet with me.

I am in awe of your career trajectory

from when you were selling jerseys

out of the trunk of your car...

Yo, I got 2 1/2 minutes.

Yes, right, two minutes.

OK, the Cliff Notes version.

You are the GOAT, and I would love

to join in your greatness,

which is why I came to you today

to talk about folding
my company into Klutch.

Your company?

- Do you even have a learner's permit?
- Trust me.

I have a lot more
experience than you think.

OK, young g*n, pitch me.

Like, now? Oh, OK.

So before you poached my client Zeke...

Not off to a great start.

OK, you're right.

So before Zeke made a very
justified and well-informed

decision to sign with
Klutch, I had just got him

a huge branded deal with Dude-Odorant.

I also negotiated an
unprecedented salary

for Annika Longstreet
on "Social Submarine."

And my client Zaara Ali

just booked her first
big national ad campaign.

I know that I am new at this,

but I am also very good at this.

I will be the junior associate...

pun intended... who busts my ass.

Mr. Paul, I'm asking you to
take a leap of faith with me.

Sir, sir.

I am so sorry.

I couldn't get the 990v3

New Balance Freshgoods that you wanted.

There is only one guy who
has access to that shoe,

and apparently, he doesn't mess with you

because you "swooped in on
his ho in the seventh grade."

Those were his words, not mine.


♪ ♪

I'll let myself go.

Thank you for the opportunity.


Look, you're not ready
to be a rep at Klutch yet,

but now there's an opening,

if you want to come be my assistant.

Oh, an... an assistant, huh?

Yeah, um, assistant, I'm
not really trying to do that.


Thank you for your time.


I feel like I've put everything

into building my business...
blood, sweat, tears.

That's just how dedicated
I am to being a manager.

Why can't he see that? Huh?

Why can't he see this face?

This face is not made to
wear a headset around it.

- That's just...
- I don't know about that.

OK, so, uh, let me get this straight.

You're just... you're
owed your dream job

straight out of college.

You think you can just
skip steps like that?

It's not that I don't
want to work for it.

It's just, you know,
I've been in the game

for, like, two years now,

and I don't want to go back to tryouts.

Two years. Such a long time.

Look, man, I think I figured
out what the problem is.

Your generation needs to
learn how to eat more sh*t.

I've been eating it for years...

breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

I even learned to season it

with salt, pepper until it tastes good.

That's how much sh*t I've had to eat.

OK, Boomer.

Doug, help me out here.

Help you with what?
I'm with Grandpa Aaron.

All I'm saying is, I just want

to be out here making deals,
not making some dude's coffee.

No, no, no. This isn't just some dude.

This is the dude, and you'd be able

to get the opportunity
to learn the ropes

from the best in the game

while also getting health
and dental insurance,

and you said no.

- Mm.
- In this economy?

So hypothetically, say that
I [BLEEP] this all the way up.

How do I fix it?

Because I feel like "my bad" is just...

it's not gonna cut it at this point.

You need to stand
outside that man's house

with a boom box over your head.

OK, can we please not talk
about big romantic gestures

- right now?
- Uh-oh.

Did Operation: Get Zoey Back fail?

Well, yeah, no, I was just drafting

off of some faulty intel I was
given to by this guy, Andre.

Yeah. Zoey's not moving back.

And I don't want to move on from us.

I don't want to move on
from her, and I just...

I don't know what to do.


What do you think I
should wear for my date

with Andre tonight?

Do you think a dress is, like, too much?

What's the vibe you're going for?

Like, freak in the sheets,

girlfriend material in the streets.

- Oh, it's like that?
- Yeah.

- Um, do you have, like...

Wait. [GASPS]

Holy hell, I got into
the Portugal program.

That's amazing!

Oh, I can't wait to eat too much codfish

and drink too much port wine

and, like, find myself or whatever.

- Congrats.
- Yay!

What, do I have BO?

No, no, I just... I haven't
gotten any new emails today.

I'm sure the Aritzia newsletter

will hit your inbox any second now.

OK... surprise.

I actually signed up for
the Portugal program too.


You were very convincing,

and your closing argument
was very compelling.

- OK, well, refresh again.
- OK.

Yeah, I think this
means I didn't get in.

Well, listen, either you
get to spend a few of the most

incredible months in an
exciting, exotic location

with the best person ever,
or you get to stay here

and explore things with Andre.

It's kind of a win either way.

OK, you made the first
option seem way more appealing,

but do you really support
the whole me and Andre thing?

I ship it. Yeah.



Look, maybe it's a good thing
that Zoey's not coming back.

- Good thing?
- Yeah.

That's what you
think. It's a good thing.

- Yeah.
- I'm devastated.

I've been stress-eating
ice cream sandos.

And I don't want to do

the whole long-distance dance again.

Look, you guys have been
back and forth for years.

You're more on and off
than a light switch.

Let me tell you what's gonna happen.

You're gonna get back together.

There's gonna be a few
months of insufferable PDA.

Then one of you guys is
gonna mess up... probably you.

And then you're gonna break up.

I love you, and I love Zoey.

I just... maybe this
thing has run its course.

Maybe it wasn't meant to be

more than a college relationship.

No, no, no. [BLEEP] that.

I've been hearing this dude
yap about some Zoey for years.

OK, but what if I'm the
only one feeling this way?

'Cause I don't know where her head's at.

I might have heardie from
a little birdie named Ana

that she has been talking
her ear off about you.


- Really?
- Yes.

That's your girl.

You go get her.

♪ ♪


♪ I don't need the world ♪

♪ ♪

What's up, dawg?

Yo, Doug, this place is amazing.

I'm so proud of you.

You know, I always say, there's no one

I'd rather spend a free night with...

Andre bailed on you

and Aaron's still grading papers?

- You got me.
- It's OK. It's OK.

But I'm being serious.

I really do love spending time

with one of my nearest and dearest.

Seeing what you've done
with this fine establishment.

- It's, like, unrecognizable.
- Mm-hmm.

- Mm-hmm.

And sipping on complimentary cocktails.

Thank you.

You just told me I was your backup plan.

That'll be $16.

I'll put that back.

Inflation is high.

- Oh.

Oh, sorry. Ooh, OK.

Aaron just said that he locked
himself in his classroom,

and he needs me to come get him out.

- I don't...
- Not again.

Tale as old as time.

OK, thank you.

- Good to see you.
- Later.


- Sir, excuse me.
- Yes.

You can't just go in there.
Can I help you with something?

Well, I actually have a reservation.

I'm just gonna say a
quick hello to a friend.

Are you stalking me now?

Some might say "stalk."

Others might say "a planned run-in."

Tomato, tom-ah-to.

I just really, really
wanted to apologize

for so rudely turning down
the assistant position earlier.

And I knew that a simple "I'm sorry"

wasn't gonna cut it, so...

Those are size 15?

No, they're for Mr. Paul.

- So they're a size...
- That's enough.

How'd you get those?

Well, see, I found myself
on Shoe Connect guy's Instagram

and found that he had a
son who loves Pokémon.

And I noticed that his
collection was lacking

in a way that mine was not.


I don't know if I'm impressed or scared

that you tracked a child down...

I just wanted to show you

that I was willing to do what it takes.

I'm ready to eat sh*t.

Just gobble on it.

A little bit of salt and pepper, maybe.

Throw in some hot sauce, you know.

But I'm also willing
to shutter the business

that I've spent my entire
college career building

so I can work for you,

if... if the position is still open.

All right, Andre. You start next week.

- Yes!
- As my second assistant.

Second? OK, second. Yeah, no.

Thank you so much, sir.

I really appreciate the opportunity.

And excuse me for interrupting

this very important client dinner.

Big fan, by the way.

This is my accountant, Niles.

It's great to... great
to meet you, Niles.

Uh, if you'll excuse me,
I will be dining over there

if you need anything.

- So I'll...
- Hey.

It's on me.

Welcome to Klutch.


Thank you, sir.

Enjoy your meal.

Oh, excuse me.

Yeah, we'd like to order.

OK. Yeah, no, she's gone.

- My God, are we invisible?
- I know. What is up with that?

And how could they
miss you in this dress?

But I want you to know, I still care

about your thoughts and opinions.

- Oh.

I can't believe we're
finally doing this.

Who would have thought
from where we started?

It's wild after all this buildup.

I feel like we just
keep getting cut off.

- Oh.

Oh, wow.

- Good news?
- Yeah.

So I applied for the
Portugal program with Zaara,

and I got in.

Like, the program that
happens in a couple of days

and is thousands of miles away?

Yeah. Yeah, that one.

I just... I didn't want to say anything

in case I didn't get in, but I just...

you know, I feel like I finally know

what my path is gonna be.

I want to pursue law school,

and that's gonna be
a long and hard road.

Yeah, law school is famously difficult.

Right? I figured that this summer

was gonna be my last chance
to have some fun for a while.

The next couple years,
my life is gonna be

very structured, so
I just want to get out

and have an adventure.

Yeah. No, you should explore.

Yeah, new places, new
experiences, new foods,

new Portuguese men's bodies.

What? Andre.

No, you should go explore.

Sounds like a great opportunity.


Hey, Aaron. You in here?

Where are you? Are you OK?

Oh, Jesus!

Sorry, sorry.

I wanted to get real candles,

but there's a strict no
open flame policy on campus.

So this is what I got.

Do you mind taking a seat, please?

Is this a one-person intervention?

They're usually just a little
more effective in a group.

- Just gotta go up right there.
- And trust me, I already know.

I'm hitting the Diet Coke hard lately.

Yeah, well, just go right on up there.

To your left.

Your other left.

Yeah, that one right there.

Just pop a squat.


All settled?

OK, ready?



Aaron, what are you doing?

Uh-uh, shh, shh, shh.

- No talking, Cup Bitch.
- Ooh.

I just wanted to start this lesson

by taking us back to your freshman year

in this classroom in that seat.

So you were a hot stranger

whom I was both intrigued
and turned on by.

And it didn't take long
for me to fall for you.

Our love story hasn't been perfect.

No one's is.

But that's when I realized

I'd rather go through
life's ups and downs with you

than to have it easy with anyone else.

And the truth of it is, freshman,

you are a lot of things.

Easy is not one of them.

You are smart. You're complicated.

You're irritating. You're beautiful.

Sorry, I know you prefer "hot as hell."

You're funny.

You're annoyingly slow when walking,

but after all that,

you're still my favorite person.

And I'm even more in love with you now.

Aaron, what are you doing?

OK, what are... what are you doing?

Listen, this past year
has been great for me, right?

I've gotten everything
that I've ever wanted,

but it just... it still
doesn't feel right.

And that's because the only thing I want

more than anything is you.


I'll follow you anywhere.

All right? I'll follow you to New York.

I'll follow you if
you want to stay here.

I just know that I want
to be with you forever.

♪ ♪

So yeah, here it goes.

♪ ♪


Will you marry me, Zoey Johnson?

♪ ♪

I ca... I can't.

I'm really sorry. I
can't... I can't do this.

- You can't do what?
- I'm sorry.

- Zoey, where are you...
- I'm sorry.


♪ ♪


Hey, I didn't expect you back so early.

Did y'all find a
bathroom on the way back?

Well, we didn't hook
up, but I did get screwed.

He made you go Dutch?

No, but he made me go to Portugal.

[GASPS] Wait, you got in?

So that means you're coming with me?

- Yep.
- Oh, I'm sorry.

Well, packing up at the end of the year

has brought us some treasures.

I found three left AirPods and...

Andre's night retainer.

Wait, that's worth, like, $1,200, right?




♪ ♪

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