28x11 - Havoc to Wreak

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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28x11 - Havoc to Wreak

Post by bunniefuu »

Jeff: previously on

"Survivor": ninth person voted

Out and the third member of our


In order to get rid of l.j.,

Tone heto blindside his own


Now, me, trish, and kass,

Talk about feeling on the


Jeff: at the next tribal

Council-- jeremiah the tribe has

Spoken it's alliance of five

Regrouped to take out jeremiah,

Leaving tasha and spencer on the


Tasha and I are up against

This goliath army of five.

Jeff: back at camp, tony

Dug up his second hidden

Immunity idol.

I currently have two idols.

Jeff: while spencer dug up

A plan to trick tony and save


Jefra saying she wanted to

Vote you out, that wasn't a lie.

If you can make tony paranoid

About an all-girls' alliance,

That's gold.

Jeff: and it worked.

We getta get rid of a girl


Jeff: tony pulled in woo.

Spencer pulled in tasha.

Jeff: and together they

Pulled off another blindside.


Leaving tony's alliance in the

Dark once again.

Jefra, the tribe has spoken

Superpower six are left.

Who will be voted out tonight?

That was intense.

The pattern concerns.

I'm pissed off.

Another blindside.

Jefra taken out for crossing the

Don-- aka, tony, our mafia king.

Anyone who crosses tony gets

Their cement shoes and thrown in

The pond.

Do you and trish want an

Explanation for why?

No, totally understand why?

Why did I do it?

Because she was going to

Blindside and you us--

I'm glad newer not a jefra

And I need to sit there for five


I feel like they didn't learn

The lesson from when I flipped

From my other alliance which is

Don't leave someone else.

Fool me once, shame on you.

Fool me trice, shame on me.

I don't like being the one

Slack-jawed at tribal council,

And that's now happened twice.

I knew jeff rafs going to be on

The outs and I know what a hot

Head you are if someone does


It wasn't a hot head.

She wanted to blindside me.

I would have been home had she

Went with spencer and them.

So does tasha and spencer

Want to get rid of you, openly.

I know that.

They never promised on their

Mothers, on their fathers

They're going to stay with me.

When I make a promise like that

To somebody I keep it until they

Try to s*ab me in the back


Tony, I know you're feeling

Proud of yourself right now, but

You don't have to act like that.

Another kass.

You know what?

You're getting really old here,


The way you talk to people.

I mean, you're talking to people

So condescending.

I'm not trying to be

Condescending because there's no


Right now, tony.


You're kind of being a jerk.

Okay, kass.

I don't know how.

I wonder with tony for the

Last blindside of jefra and it

Really was a one-time deal but

Now the dynamic has changed.

Now we have kass and tony

Fighting like cats and dogs and

That's great for tasha and i.

I'm sorry if you felt I was

Being condescending because that

Was far from my intention so I


Good for you.

What the hell am I thinking

Sticking with this person?

It's stupid.

Play your game.

And will play my game because

I'm done with him.

Yeah, three different


Just shadowing you one day

Would be intense.

How many times do you get

Legitimately nervous jai never

Get nervous.


They shot at me.

But you don't get nervous.

It's fun.

It's adrenaline, man.

You're screwed up.

I'm getting to know tony more

And I like him, but I still

Think tony is lying to everyone

All the time out here.

And he's good at it.

Going forward, it's tough to

Work with him because he's sly.

He's playing harder than anyone.

And he's very, very dangerous.

So I usually sleep this le?



I'm surprised at kass.

Kass is usually up.

Not getting up and laying in

Bed is pretty smart.


Shows me what tone sereally

Thinking about me.

Your skill as a cop come in


>>, Of course.

Deception, man.

Everybody you deal with is

Trying to deceive you.

Trish ryou weak?

Have you been listening to the


And we have a good slogan,

Believe nothing you hear and

Only half of what you see.

He's over there contingent

The boys that I'm a bitch.

Did he say you're a bitch?

Yeah and that he would get me


Does he not know you are

Right here?

He thought she was asleep.

Apparently he's getting worse

Every day.

I didn't feel like getting up

Today so I decided to just lay

There and listen and I heard my

Name out of tone's mouth.

And I heard tony say, "kass is

Such a bitch, did you hear her

Last night?"

He made me hate him more.

Kass, you didn't wake up this


I did, I heard everything you

Said about me.

Are you kidding me?

I'm not kidding you.

I heard everything you said

About me.

You and I both know what I

Exphrd so does spence and woo.

And me?

You guys were over there


You weren't talking but you and

Spencer were.

Are you being serious?

I'm being serious.

Honestly, we didn't talk

About you.

Nobody did except tony.

No way, no how.

Kass legitimately misheard


So now tony is actually telling

The truth, which is rare.

You know, this is a special

Moment, and kass doesn't believe


Am I going to clear up the



You're so off.

So off.

Tony wasn't doing anything

Wrong but if kass is mad at

Tony, that means she isn't mad

At me and I'm sitting back

Enjoying the show.

I didn't talk about you at


I mean, I'm not trying to say

That you're not in my mind.

You are always in my thoughts,

But I wasn't talking about you.

( Laughter )

For some reason, kass says, "I

Heard you talking about me."

And I looked at her and said,

"What are you talking about me?

Nobody is talking about you?"

She's off her rocker.

I don't know what's wrong with

Her and I don't care.

Just keep on voting.

Let me take her to the end with

Me so I can win the votes.

We're talking about cop things

And nothing about you.

Believe me when I tell you, it

Is nothing about you.

Tony moved up a level as a

Player by making two big moves--

Blindsiding l.j. And blindsiding

Jefra and using people outside

His alliance to do that and not

Letting people in the alliance


Now it's put a red flag out

There that tony is willing to do

Anything to anybody.

All the people who went with him

Are just cult members.

I don't want to be a cult


I want to k*ll the cult leader.

I don't like tension around


Kass was mad at me thinking I

Said something about her and I

Said let me just squash this and

Move forward according to plan

So she doesn't get any brilliant

Ideas to try to oust me.

Kass I wanted to tell you real

Quick, were you joking or did

You think I was talking about


You were talking about me.

I confirmed it with everyone.

They're lying to you, kass.

Tony, I know what I heard.

Just stop lying to me.

I think you're making this big

Deal out of it because you know

It's true.

I'm telling you it wasn't

True, so don't tell me what I


I'll tell you what I said.

You can't tell me what I


I just told you what you


Let's have a big argument.

I know what I said but you

Don't know what you heard.

Tony, everything that comes

Out of your mouth is a lie.

I didn't talk about you.

I never said anything about you.

This is a classic sign of

Someone who has gotten too deep

Into their own lies they don't

Know what they're saying


You make no sense.

Then don't talk to me, tony.

You make no sense.

Tony is loosing it.

Tony, I'm happy he's imploding.

I like to have chaos and I like

To have trouble.

I like to see people at their

Breaking point in this game

Because it brings out the worst

In them, and I expect that of

Him because he's an idiot.

She has to flatter herself.

I want to talk about her.

I don't want to talk about you.

I have nothing to talk about you


Well, if you can, just let it


No, I'm done.

I'm good.

And then she's looking at me

With that stupid grin on her

Face like she knows what she's

Talking about.

A nut job, man.

Kass is convinced that she

Heard tony talking about her.

I don't really know.

But you can't convince her that,

That event did not happen, but

If the two of them are at each

Other's throat, then it takes

The target off of me.

How old are you, 40?


You act like a four-year-old.

That's why I'm comb posed and

You're not.

Hopefully in the next two

Months you'll do a little

Growing before you hit 40.

Oh, wow, I'll take that

Advice from you.

I'm not the one having a


I'm not either.

I think it's funny that

You're losing your mind and

Self-destructing out here.

I'll never self-destruct,

Honey, never happen.

What are you going to vote me


>>Y I think I will write your

Name down.

You know what will happen,

You're going to go home?

That's fine, as long as we

Cleared the air.

Make sure you play your idol.

Listen, don't tell me how to


You write my name down you're

Going home.

Play your idol.

Write my name down.

I will, tony.

And you'll go home.

Because you're running the


No, because I have a special

Idol, that's why.

I'm sure you do.

You guys hear that.

Spence, you hear what I told


You have a special idol.

And you'll go home.

Put my name down.

So show it to us.

I don't have to.

Put my name down and you'll see

It you'll be the first to see


I don't give much credence to

Tony's claim that he has a

Special idol.

Tony is known for lying.

I just want to get rid of one


You can't, you can't.

Right there.

You can't.

I can't?

You can't.


We'll see.

We will see.

We'll see what happens.

Okay there, you go.

You're done.

And just like that, tash and

Spencer, you guys move up

Another notch, huh?

Jeff: come on in, guys!

You guys ready to get to today's

Reward challenge?


Jeff: for today's

Challenge, you'll be divided

Into two teams of three.

On my go, you'll raise to throw

Sandbags until one team

Completely destroys the other

Team's wall.

Then one member of each team

Will race to rebuild their wall.

First team to finish wins


Want to know what you're playing




Jeff: the winning team will

Be taken to a local elementary

School where you will serve as

"Survivor" ambassadors of good


You'll be bringing school

Supplies for each individual

Student and for the school as a


A little nourishment for the


You'll also be bringing with you


Hamburgers and hot dogs.


Jeff: american style.

Should be a great afternoon.

Worth playing for.




Jeff: we'll draw for teams

And get started.

All right, here we go.

We have our two teams.

It is woo, spencer, and kass

Taking on tasha, trish, and


Survivors ready?


The goal is very simple-- you

Want to knock down their wall

Before they do yours.

Then you will have more pieces

Of your wall intact when it

Comes time to rebuild.

Tone wea nice toss knocks off a

Couple of blocks.

Kass comes up a little short.

Tony with a hies nit.

Spencer with a massive hit.

Kass with another.

Once one tribe decimates the

Other's wall, switch it up, and

Start rebuilding yours.

Spencer takes out another four



Jeff: trish with a nice


This thing is heating up.

Four blocks left for purple, two

For orange.

Orange is down to one.

Purple down to two.

There it is!

Kass knocks off the last orange


Switch, start collecting blocks.

The purple puzzle has two


Orange has none.

Not much of a lead.

We now have our two puzzle

Makers, spencer building for his

Team, tasha building for hers.

Spencer has two ploks but it

Really does him no good because

They're not in any order.


Two former members of the

Brain tribe in a showdown on a


You see the teeth in the


I'm looking for the base

Right now.


Jeff: spencer falling


Tasha starting to pull away from


Do you see the middle bottom

Piece here?

You have it up there, it's

Already there.

Jeff: a lot of panic

Setting in already.

This is starting to become a


The question is are you placing

Them in the right spot?

Flip it over and put it on

That corner.

Kass now starting to guide


One day you're arguing with


The next day you're relying on


Flip it around.

There you go.

Jeff: spencer finally

Starting to get some momentum.

He's going to have to move

Quickly in order to catch tasha.


Jeff: tasha with another


Spencer and kass really work

Together well.

Help me, guys.

Jeff: tasha now struggling

A big bit.

Put it to the right, perfect.

Jeff: spencer continuing to

Gain on tasha now.

All right, tash.


Jeff: tasha still can't

Find that missing piece.

Spence wer another piece.

Tightening the gap now.

Don't panic.

Jeff: tasha starting to


She can feel the pressure now.

This is how fast a challenge can


Spencer and kass have brought

Their team back into this.

Momentum has completely shifted.

This is why you never give up.

Slow down.

Jeff: it's an incredible


Spencer kass, and woo win

Reward? Re.


God, I wanted that one so


Jeff: spencer, kass, woo,

Not only are you going to fill

Your bellies with food.

More than that, you're changing


You're representing "survivor"

And bringing supplies to kids

Who wouldn't otherwise have


Grab your stuff, head out, and

Have a great afternoon.

Tasha, trish, tony, got nothing

For you.

Grab your stuff.

Head back to camp.

Todays reward was a

Phenomenal opportunity to give

Back to the filipino community

And to be an ambassador for

"Survivor qand the the moment we

Come out is mob deep of all

These beautiful young people.

It was phenomenal yes, book


You need a book bag.

This one's cool.

There you go.

How about a crazy one!

To see how stoked they were

To receive book bags was

Something very humbling that I

Will just possess in my heart

For the rest of my life.


Here, bud.

Who likes the basketball?




I'm not really a kid person,

And I'll be the first to say

That I don't even really like


There you are!

There you go.

You share, okay?

It was a little overwhelming

Having all of these little

Monsters swarming me.

Let's let some of the other

Kids up.

Once I got into it, I did

Enjoy it?

You want it?

And it kind of surprised me in a

Good way that it was such a

Positive experience for me.

You guys like to see a little

Martial arts demonstration?


I need one volunteer.

Spencer, please.

All right!

Beat me up.

Spencer, I'll just have you

Hold this.

I promise you, I will not kick


This is called the turning hook

Kick, but before I do it...

( Applause )

I loved woo doing his martial

Arts and being an entertainer.

Definitely in his element.

Woo is usually quiet.

This is the most he's spoke nen

31 Days is to, you know, 100


You think you can take the

Ball from me?


( Applause )

Good job, good job!

I really like woo a lot more

After seeing how he was with the


Bye-bye, everyone, study



I haven't thought about the

Game for the last couple of

Hours, but the kids have to go

Back to class and we need to go

Back to "survivor 101" and I'm

Here with two people who could

Be allies.

Considering what happened last

Night at tribal I need some new


Did you see how smoked those

Kids were, it was awesome.

It was good to see your

Personality, woo.

You're so quiet at camp.

I was pleased it's us three that


This is what I think we need to


We need to flush the idol.

If toney and trish tell me

They're voting for tash, two

Vote trish, two vote tony.

If he doesn't play the's out

With the idol.

If he does, we vote for trish.

I spoke with spencer and woo

About working together to do a

Three-way split against tony.

Spencer and I had a lot of

Animosity in the past but now we

Have a common enemy.

I'm no longer the enemy.

Tony is the new enemy.

What do I say ponds people well?

Hatred and enemies.

Tash will be with this.

This is what tash and I have


You won't tell tony this?

No, I want tony out.

Kass has managed to screw up

My game in the past.

But right now, if tony goes with

Twoizeols he goes from a threat

To the biggest threat.

You want to get tony out

Before talk?

Yes, we have to flush that


There's only one time to flush

The idol.

The last time he can use it is

At five.

We're three people away from the

Final three.

So you have to make a couple of



Honestly, woo, I would be

Happy with going you to the end.

Kass, too.

I think I would be really


Us three.

With us three being the final


I think it's a fair three,

Where there's no landslide.


You guys are right.

Right now would be the time to

Make a move.

Honestly, working with woo is

Stressful because all I'm

Getting from woo is, "yeah.


Something to consider.


You think that's something

You would entertain?

You can be straight up with

Us, you know.

No, I'll definitely consider


At this point in the game, it's

Going to be an individual game.

And we all have to be looking

Out for ourselves.

Do you want to do it?

Playing this game from day

One with tony, it's hard to dp

Against him.

Let's just think about it.

But this game, it's doing

What you can do to move yourself


So if that means that I have to

Make a big move, take tony out,

It's something that I'll

Definitely consider.

So as far as strategy, I can

Talk to tasha about what we


Okay, perfect.

Or do you want to wait until

You decide for sure, woo?


I'm in.

You're in?

I'm in.


I think woo is maybe getting in

Game mode.

Walking back from the reward, he

Just said, "I'm on board."

And I like that he took that

Time to think about it.

It shows me he's just not

Kneejerking this game.

I'm not going to disclose

Anything that we discussed, no



We're all going to trust each


But we know what's going on.

Hey, guys!

How was it?


Epic, man.

The kids loving us.

Woo was an entertain.

Woo was, like, making all these

Kids laugh.

He was entertaining hundreds of


I would be like,"get out of

The way.

I want to eat sm of.

It was a cool experience.

So kass realizes that tony

Needs to go, so we were thinking

The brains plus woo, you, me,

Kass, woo.

We really can't lose if we team


Because we can split the votes

Between tony and trish.

And if tony plays the idol, we

Send home trish.

And then we send home tony next


Do you totally trust woo?

Hopefully he's with us,

Because if he isn't, tony now

Knows everything.


Tony resident people really


It's very hard to lie to him.

I wonder if they got woo.

To blindside us.

I'll find out.

I'll say, "woo, any strategy


What's going on.

Fill me in."

If he says no--

, Of course,.

Then he's lying.

And we know we're screwed.

What's up, karate kid?

Oh, man.

Any strategy talk?


Who was talking?

Kass and spencer are saying

We should take out tasha.

That's their strategy talk?

Where does that leave spencer?

I don't know.

So what's kass tell you?

Take out tasha.

That's what she's telling




Any clues or anything.

Was spencer saying anything?


Okay, shhh!

Up to this point now, woo has

Been a disciplined ally.

So I have no reason not to trust

Him you know.

Spencer didn't mention nothing

About me?


Nothing about my idol.



I was thinking he was going to

Come up to you and say, "listen,

It's time to make a woo.

Come with me, and tasha."

He didn't propose that.


Nothing like that?

That don't sound right.

Woo was telling me oh, yes,

Spencer wanted to vote off tash.

It didn't make no sense at all.

To get rid of one number locked

In his hand makes no sense.

And I'm saying to myself, okay,

You're lying to me.

And woo might think of making a

Power move right now.

I might have been wrong about

Woo all along.

All right, you guys ready to get

To today's immunity challenge?


Jeff: tasha for the third

Time in a row, I will take it


You are one victory away from

Tying kelly wigglesworth as a

Record for four wins in a row.

You go, sister.

Jeff: once again, immunity

Is back up for grabs.

For today's challenge, you're

Going to race out and count the

Number of items at six different


You will use those numbers to

Solve a combination lock.

If you pull on the lock and it's

Wrong, you have to head back out

And count again.

First person to solve their

Combination, break the tile,

Wins immunity, guaranteed a one

In five shot at winning this


Losers, you know the drill--

Tribal council.

After 33 days, somebody will be

Voted out.

Draw for spots, we'll get


All right, here we go.

For immunity.

Survivors ready?


Six stations.

Try to remember as membership

Numbers as you can.

Then head back and lock them in

On your combination lock.

This is going to test you

Physically and mentally just

Remembering numbers after 33

Days is a lot.

Then having to sprint back and


Tony's first back.

Tasha right behind.

Here's spencer.

Lock them in, and then head back

Out and count some more.

Woo coming back with a big old

Smile on his face.

Here's trish.

The question show many numbers

Can you remember at once?

Could somebody do all six


Spencer heading back out.

Tasha heading back out.

Woo heading back out.

Trish heading back out.

Here comes kass.

Kass has been out there for a

Long time.

The question is, does she have

All six numbers and are they


Tony heading back again.

Here comes tasha and spencer.

Spencer flying.

Kass going to give it a shot.

She's wrong.

You only get one shot.

You have to head back out.

Spencer back, tasha back, tony's


We're getting to the point now

Where somebody could have

Counted all six stations and

They could be right.

Tony going to give it a shot.

He's wrong, going to head back


All right, jeff.

Jeff: spencer going for it.

He's wrong.


Jeff: tasha wrong.

Head back oit.

You have to go.

Woo still smiling.

Does he have it, is the


I'm going to try.

He's going to give it a go.

No, woo has to go back out.

Here comes trish.

Big effort by a woman who can

Barely move, has no muscle left

On her body, would be a huge

Victory for trish.

Trish is wrong.

This is where it gets tricky.

Which number is wrong?

Do I have more than one wrong?

It looks so simple.

Count the number of items.

Spencer tries.

He's wrong.

Woo is going to give it a go.

And he's wrong.

Woo has to head back out.

Trish tries it, she is wrong.

Tasha wrong, head back out.

Kass it wrong again.

Frustration setting in for


Oh, come on!

Jeff: keep fighting you


Somebody's going to win this!

Jeff: here comes tasha.

She recounted every single

Station, double checking her


Here comes kass.

Here comes tony.

It is a sprint to the end.

Does somebody have it?

Kass is wrong.

Who's going to get this right?

Here comes spencer.

Here comes trish.

Tony's wrong.

This could be tasha's fourth

Immunity in a row if she's



Spencer has it!

Spencer wins individual


Safe at tonight's tribal


Huge effort by everybody.

Tasha, you were one off bamboo

For a long time.

Spencer, come on over.

Big effort.

Big day.

Big win.

Spencer, safe at tonight's

Tribal council.

But after 33 days, somebody,

Sadly, going home tonight.

Grab your stuff.

Head back to camp.

I'll see you tonight at tribal.


Everyone was in that


It's anybody's game, every

Single challenge up to this


That's what I've been saying.

No one believed me.

The same two people keep


Why tonight you share the


I'm so bummed I didn't win

The immunity challenge.

Good for you, I'm glad, spence.

Good for you, bro.

I'm not done yet.

There's still havoc to wreak.

Neither tony nor trish won,

So how do you want to split the


Do you want to do boys tony,

Girls trish?

That sounds good to me.

Boys tony.

So you and I vote tony, and

Tasha and kass vote trish?

If he doesn't play the idol,

It's tony.

If he does, it's trish.

We can't lose.

I don't think he has the special

Idol, or whatever.

But just in case, it's probably

Better that he doesn't think

Anything's up.

He's going to freak out on my

Decision, but--

I mean, it's-- you gotta do

The best thing for your game.


This is the best thing for

Your game, your game, my game,

And kass' game.

Everyone's game.

Woo is very quiet, very

Stealth, but I think woo is

Ready to make a move.

So hopefully he will do what he

Has said that he will do, and I

Just have to put on an act like

I could be going home tonight.

You don't know how it is.


You're a powerful player, just

Like I am.

If I had won it, would it have

Been spence tonight?

I don't know, man, tasha.

You just never know.

Right now, I think it's you


But I don't know.

He's endured a lot, and I'm

Glad to have made 33 days.

I'm going to the pond.

I'll be back.

She's too comfortable.

And when did you ever see her


No way.

Tash, out of all people, did not

Win immunity today.

And she's not scrambling,

Especially when she knows it's

Her tonight.

There's something going on.

Usually she'll be like, "trish,

Can I talk to you?

Tony can I talk to you?"

You know what I mean, she always

Does that.

And now today's she's not.

Just in case she does have

Anythingoon idol or something,

I'm going to have to play mine

Tonight, man.

It's me or her tonight.

I think you should play yours


I am playing mine tonight.

I'm not going home at six.

I have two idols.

One regular idol and one with

Special powers.

The special powers I have is I

Can use it after the votes are


Do you have the special idol?

I have plenty of stuff, kid.

At this point, I cannot confirm

Or deny.

I don't want to play my special

Idol tonight but if they call my

Tbluf that I'm not using the

Special idol, and they put my

Name down, I have to use that

Special idol, or I go home.

Are you down with it, big

Change in the works?

Let's hope it goes according

To plan?

It should.

Tash knows she needs to get

Rid of tony and she knows as

Long as it's not her, it's


He ran his alliance by fear

Because everyone who has double

Crossed him--

Is gone.

Is gone.

I'm over it.

He's like our version of russell


He's such a ( bleep )--


Not likable.

He's a bully!

He is.

Hypothetically, if everybody

Hates him as much as I do, it

Actually can change my strategy.

He's russell hantz.


Jersey style.

Jersey style russell.

One thing I learned in this

Game is it changes every hour.

Now I'm starting to think is he

Our russell who maybe makes it

To the end and thinks he's god's


I have to make a decision

Tonight based on can I beat tony

In the final tribal?

And nobody ever gives the jerk

The money.

So maybe I keep him.

You want to talk for a minute?


This is the position I love.

Where I'm really the one making

A decision.

Either way, chaos will ensue.

You're sticking with the


Which one do you want to do?

I don't know.

Kass pulls me aside and she's

Like, "do we want to take out

Tony and trish or take out


And I'm sitting here like, whoa.

This is insane.

I think we're about in the

Same boat right now.

This game, it all comes down

To that critical moment in the

Game, and that is moments before

Tribal council.

What are we going to do?

We'll now bring in

The members of our jury.

Sarah, morgan, l.j., Jeremiah,

And jeff remark voted out at the

Last tribal council.

Tasha, this is the first time in

A long time you have is not had

That necklace.

What's the feeling tonight?

Well, it's been made very

Clear pretty much by everyone

That as soon as you lose, you're

Going home.

But, you know, what?

All we hear from tony is "I have

The special idol with special


I have the hidden immunity


So I'm hoping that people will

Recognize tony for the threat

That he really is.

Jeff, today her scrambling

Was far from the regular, far

From the norm.

It's like it wasn't even an

Immunity night.

So to me I got kind of worried.

She's been on a roll.

She's won half of the immunity

Challenges so her not being

Worried made me worried and

That's why I got my bag with me

Again tonight.

Jeff: of tricks?

Of tricks.

But, jeff, they're putting

This false target on me like I'm

The queen of immunity challenges

When tony is the bigger

Strategic threat and put most of

Those people over there but no

One wants to see tjeff.

Jeff: so, tony, what do you

Do, when you're clearly trying

To deflect the attention but

There's only six of you?

I know for a fact anything

Can happen in this game.

Spencer and tash have been

Trying to plant the seed in the

Head that tony is dangerous.

But that's her deflecting the

Target off her back.

For my alliance, we're tight.

We're loyal.

We're honest with each other.

And that's how we've been all

Along, loyalty and trust, jeff.

Jeff: kass, does tony's

Logic I'm just relying on

Loyalty seem genuine or


Probably disingenuous.

We're getting very close to

Having a final three or final


So I would be paranoid if I had

A bag of tricks.

Jeff: so if everybody

Believes that tony has a hidden

Immunity idol and a second idol,

This seems like an obvious vote

To flush one of those two idols


That is exactly what needs to

Happen tonight.

Jeff, why would they want to

Flush the idols out if we're


Keeping the idol away from the

Enemy helps the alliance.

I'm not saying I'm going to use

It for everybody when there are

Just four left--

And he was perfectly honest

With us that he did get the

Immunity idol and if need be he

Would use it on us if we needed


Jeff: woo, why would you

Want to flush somebody's back of

Tricks, one or two idols, at

This point in the game?

Yeah, we would want to flush

That out, because the further he

Advances, the more he can

Dictate whether or not you go or

You go sit on the jury.

Jeff: spencer, what do you

Make of this?

Well, there's a point to be

Made that after voting out

Jefra, tony does what he always

Does-- he scoops back the people

In his alliance that were

Blindsided, and he says, "don't


We're still together."

And they believe it.

And I'm curious to see when it

Will change.

But I'm excited.

You know, tony did bring his bag

Of tricks, and I believe we're

Going to find out what's in it

After a long wait tonight.

( Laughter )

Jeff: what do I think is

Going to happen tonight, woo?

Is there a plan that you think

Is going to play out?

You know, we-- we agreed upon

One thing, and the vote's going

To be what we all agreed upon.

Jeff: tony's shaking his

Head no.

I'm hoping that the four

Stick together and tash goes

Home tonight, jeff.

That's what I'm hoping for.

Jeff: kass, how about for


What do you think's going to

Happen tonight?

It's fun to fantasize you're

In the final three and who's

Going to vote for me and stuff,

But you also still have to get


You know, how am I going to get


Who am I going to get there


And what's going to happen?

I think tonight might be a


Jeff: that's what you're

Banking on tasha?

That's what I'm hoping for,


That we blindside.

I'd be happy to stay here, even

In the rain.

Jeff: all right, it is time

To vote.

Tony, you're up.

You've been in the driver's

Seat for a long time.

Time to move over.

Trish, someone has to go


Better you than me.

Sorry, you played an awesome


Jeff: I'll go tally the


If anybody has a hidden immunity

Idol and you want to play tnow

Would be the time to do so.

Okay, once the vote are read,

The decision is final.

The person voted out will be

Asked to leave the tribal

Council area immediately.

I'll read the vote.

First vote, tasha.



One vote tasha, one vote tony,

One vote trish.

That's two votes tasha, one vote

Tony, one vote trish.

12Th person voted out and

The sixth member of our jury,


That's three.

That's enough.

You need to bring me your torch.

Tasha, the tribe has spoken.

Well, spencer, based on

Tonight's vote, it would appear

That once again you're on the

Outside of this group.

But given unpredictable way

Things have been going, it may

Not be such a bad thing.

Grab your torches.

Head back to camp.

Jeff: next time on


I told you something in


And then you come here and you

Blow it out.

Jeff: chaos kass is back.

I want nothing to do with

You, kass.

At this point in the game you

Want as much paranoia as you can

Stir up.

Jeff: but this time she's

Met her match.

You don't want to argue with

Me kass and act like you're

Going to win at everything.

I have news for you, sister,

You're not!

Given the start I had at the

Luzon tribe, to make it this far

In the game is amazing.

I'm proud to have been here and

It's a blessing.

I thought at the end I got voted

Out because I was strong in

Challenges, and honestly, the

Castaways were probably smart to

Get rid of me when they did

Because I felt I had another

Immunity run in me
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