29x10 - This Is Where We Build Trust

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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29x10 - This Is Where We Build Trust

Post by bunniefuu »

Jeff: previously on

"Survivor": seven have been

Voted out and no idols have yet

Been played.

The tribe has spoken.

Leaving three idols still in the


Jon's idol--

That's a game changer.

Jeff: that he with only

Jaclyn and missy.

I found the idol.

Keith's, that reed took

Everyone about.

And one idol that still laept

Been found.

There is an idol hidden at

Your camp.

I didn't ask her.

She just showed it to me.

Jeff: facing tribal

Council, reed was the target of

The majority alliance.

My chances of being here

Tomorrow are pretty slim.

Jeff: but after jeremy

Became suspicious that his ally,

Jon, had an idol--

Jon, you had to have found


Jeff: everything changed.

I I would like jeremy out

This time or next time.

Jeff: at tribal council,

Jon convinced enough of the

Tribe to take out jeremy.

Eighth person voted out and the

Second member of our jury,


Spacing reed and blindsiding

Jeremy's closest ally, natalie.

Jeremy, the tribe has spoken.

Nine are left, who will be voted

Out tonight.

I'll tell you what, tribal.

That was a biggie tonight.

Reed was going home.

That's the last word I got.

I even voted for reed.

We are all still here but it

Is on thin ice, so let's just

Stay humble and--

We need one more person.

Reed is a gamer.

He plays and he knows how to

Talk to folk folks and figure

Out, mathematic numbers and all

That mess, which is way above


As long as we can stick

Together and not turn on woon

Another, we'll figure something


At tribal council, jeremy went


It was a big play and it was a

Big success, which was awesome.

Don't vote for me again and

We'll figure this out.

I'm trying to decide how I can

Go deeper into this game right

Now, whether it's sticking with

The jon-type group and just

Picking off some people who are

In my alliance, or taking out


That would be a really great

Play because jon thinks he's

Alpha male here.

So I just feel like totally


I know, but listen to me--

How can I trust you guys now?

I feel like you can't trust you.

You were already off with


Talk about a blindside.

I had jeremy as my partner.

It was really hard for me but I

Had to put on a good face and

Try to figure out what to do


Another reason for why this



I have an idol.

I found it on exile.

And I wouldn't have shared this

Information with you unless I

Still trusted you and

Everything's still the exact


It was jon in charge of the

Whole blindside, and I want to

Give jon a taste of his own


I want to do it for jeremy.

It's just figuring out the right

Plan and the right moment.

I was shown the immunity idol

Clue when we were at exile.

I think it said "10 something

From the flag."

I have to find that bleed idol.

So to-do-list-- find the idol.

If I could pull it off, that

Would be amaidsing because I

Would love to get rid of jon.

Jeff: all right, you guys

Ready to get to today's reward



Jeff: for today's challenge

You'll divide into two teams,

Cief into the water, climb up a

Platform, jump off the platform

And grab a key.

Once you're back in the water,

You'll collect puzzle pieces and

Swim back to the platform and

The next person goes.

Once you've collected all the

Puzzle pieces, you will use them

To build a puzzle statue.

First team to get it right, wins


Want to know what you're playing



Jeff: here in nicaragua,

Baseball is the most popular


It is play played by kids all

Across the country.

Today you will serve as

Ambassadors of goodwill when you

Deliver baseball gear to kids

Who love the sport but are in

Need of some equipment-- hats,

Balls, bat, helmets, uniforms--

Everything you need to put on a

Great game, which you will then

Watch while enjoying baseball



Jeff: hot dogs, hamburgers.

Carmel corn.

Nice little taste of home for

You, and a nice way to say thank

You to san juan dell sor for

Hosting you on this adventure.

We'll do a school yard pick for


That means somebody will not be


We'll get started.

All right, we've done our school

Yard pick.

We have our two teams.

Yellow, reed, alec, jack lip,

And jon.

For blew-- missy, natalie,

Baylor, and wes.

Keith was not selected, will not

Participate in the challenge or

The reward.

Here we go, for reward,

Survivors ready?


Wes in the water and jon in the


You gotta swim, climb, jump,

Swim some more.

Going to be an exhausting


Wes is up first for blue.

He's got a key.

Jon it up for yellow.

He said got a key.

Now you have to unclip your

Puzzle pieces and swim them back

To the platform.

Wes has the puzzle pieces for


Jon has them for yellow.

We're very close.

You've got to get the puzzle

Pieces up on the platform, on

Your mat, along yourself.

Wes sup.

Go, blue!

Come omissy, come on.

Jeff: jon is up.

Go, yellow!

Jaclyn in the water for yellow.

Come omissy!

Jeff: missy's up.

She's going for a key.

Missy has the key.

Here's jaclyn.

Jaclyn has a key.

Now your tribemates can help


They've got a buoy they can toss

Out to bring you back.

Missy swimming it back.

Wes throws the buoy.

He's going to pull her back in.

A big help.

Got it!

Jeff: jon going to pull

Jaclyn in.

That's how you do it!

Get up, missy!

Any, blue!

Baylor in the water for blue!


Jeff: go, yellow!

Reed in the water foriel pope

Baylor's up.

She's going for a key.

And she's got it.

Reed going for a key be, and

He's got it.

It's a very tight challenge.

Baylor working on her puzzle




Got it!

Jeff: we are neck and neck.

Missy and wes pulling in baylor.

She has her puzzle pieces.

Reed's up first.

Go, yellow!

Go, blue!

Last two in the water, it is

Natalie for blue, alec for


Who will come up first?

It's alec up first.

Yellow is now in the lead.

Natalie right behind.

Natalie has the final key.

Alec has the final pieces.

There's the buoy.

Nice work by the yellow team.

Start working on your lock now.

Blue pulling natalie in.

She has the final puzzle pieces.

Start working on your lock.

One of your four keys will open

The lock.

Once you are the lock, remove

The platform.

That's it.

Jeff: yellow has theirs


They can start working on the


Blue still looking for the right


This one.

Calm, calm, calm.

Jeff: yellow has their

First piece.

Blue still trying to unlock it?

Is that it?

Jeff: one of the four keys


Three do not.

Panic is not your friend.

Yeah, just calm down.

There you go, that's it,

That's it.

Jeff: yellow with two


Yellow wit their third piece.

Blue has to pick it up.

Another no go, giving yellow

More time.

Yellow with the fourth piece.

That's got to be it.

Don't panic.

Jeff: finally blue has it


Start working on your puzzle


Yellow with another piece and


That's not it!

Jeff: yellow thinks they

Have it.

Yellow wins reward!

I love you all!

Jeff: all right, big win

For jon, jaclyn, reed, and alec.

But the bigger story seems to be

With natalie, baylor, missy, and


Baylor, the minute it was over,

Your head was down like you were

Ready to cry.

My mom hasn't won a reward


It's just really-- I think I

Really wanted us to win for her

The most.

Jeff: all right.

Jon, jaclyn, reed, and alec,

You're going to have a nice



I would like to give this up for

Missy because missy really wants

To go on this reward.

Jeff: reed, you're going to

Swap spots with missy.

It's about doing good for

Other people, and I feel like

This would be good for missy.

Jeff: reed, come over.

Missy swap spots.

Have fun!

Thank you!

Thank you so much!

And would you eat something?

Yes, I will.

Go eat something.


Big move, reed.

Jeff: missy, you are not

Part of the winning team which

Means you, jaclyn, jon, and alec

Will decide who goes to exile


Who are you going to pull out of

This game and send off on their


I hate to say it.

I know you're not going to like

It, but wes.

Jeff: wes, here's a map to


You will return in time for the

Next immunity challenge.

Jeff: all right, jon,

Missy, jaclyn, alec, should be a

Once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Enjoy it.

Represent "survivor" well.

Head out.

Keith, baylor, natalie, reed,

Got nothing for you.

Swim on back to shore.

Missy really wants to go on

This reward.

In the grand scheme of things, I

Can suck this up because with

Them being gone, it will give me

A chance to get the ball rolling

In taking out jon.

Here we go!

Here we go!


So alec and jon and jaclyn,

We all four walk in to this

Baseball field, and these kids

Just swarm us.

They were, like, it's christmas!

Give me my presents!

Give me my stocking!

It was just the sweetest thing

To see these kid with their new

Balls and their new gloves and

Their new-- I mean, it was so


Look, I'll start crying again.

Your hat!

There you go!

Wait, hold on.

This is so fun for me.

I've been a single mom raising

Two girls for most of my adult


I love my kids, and my loyalty

To my kids is my number one


I'm glad that I have these

Children to kind of wrap around

Me, and I needed that recharge.

I feel like the energizer bunny.

Play ball!

What's up, guys?

Don't be shy.


I'm missy.



Oh, peanuts!

This kid really wants some

Ice cream, right next to me, to

My left.

Oh, my gosh.

I know.

Want some?

Kids are definitely a huge

Heartstring for jaclyn and me.


As long as I can remember, I've

Wanted to actually have a kid.

But, unfortunately, jaclyn's not

Able to have children.

Jaclyn was born with m.r.k.h.

It's a syndrome that affects one

In 4,000 women.

You're beautiful!


When jaclyn told me that she

Couldn't have kids it was, like,

Okay, so we can adopt.

So what?

I'm not going to leave a woman

That I think is, like, one of

The most incredible people I've

Met just because she's not able

To birth a kid into the world.

Come on, jon.

Show us what you've got.

The reward was a lot more

Important for me and jon that I

Even thought it would be going


Right here, jon!

Jon and I have a lot of love to

Give, and it doesn't matter if

It's an adopted child.

Just the love we have to give is


So-- it's going to be okay.

All right, here we go.

Hey, batter, batter, batter,



Go, go, go, go!

I got on base, babe.


Home, sweet, home.

Yep, back again.

Baylor, myself, and keith and

Natalie got back to camp, and I

Knew that I needed to get to

Keith and have kind of, like,

This, like, heart-to-heart, come

To jesus conversation saying

Where do you stand in this game?

We could get this going and

Go get water and you want to

Check the fish nets.

Me and him?


Sometimes I don't know if

Keith quite understands exactly

The intraexes of how this game

Is played.

Here's the deal-- that other

Alliance is convinced you and

Wes have an idol between the two

Of you.

What they want to do at the next

Vote is split the vote between

And you wes.

So they will think they have

Four votes going on one of you

And three votes going to


They're including you and


Yes, but alec and I are going

To vote with you and wes.

What I'm counting on right now

Is that the majority alliance

Will split the vote between wes

And keith, but if we stay four

Strong, we'll be able to take

Out jon in one fell swoop.

I'm planning to go big or go

Home, literally, game right now.

And I really hope it pans out.

That's-- what are your thoughts?

Yup, uh--

Are you cool with that?

I'm cool with that.

That's a good plan if we can

Play all four and get jon out,

The ringleader, which I don't

Care much for to begin with.

And I still won't have to play

The idol, hopefully.

As long as we just trust each

Other for this one vote we can

Make a huge change in the game.

Are we going to take all


We're not going anywhere

We're going to look for the damn


Right now.

Yes, when they're gone.

Are you sure they don't

Already have it.

No, there's another one.

They didn't get the second clue.

I'm, like, ready to go get


And natalie is like, "what are

You doing?

We're going to look for this

Idol right now."

I was like, "oh, sh**t.

Okay, let's go."

It of.

It should be right under


We thought about the clue,

The 10, buried, flag, and of,

All the four symbols that have

Been in our minds since we have

Been at exile.

Why is this so bloody


If this one is not found, man,

I'm telling you-- I went back to

The flag, and I took larger

Steps this time.

Past the campfire, and right in

The middle of camp.

Were these logs here when you

Guys came?



It's, like, literally the heart

Of our camp, by the fire.

Oh, my god!

Oh, my god.

Shut up!

Shut up!

Oh, my god!

We went berserk.

We were, like, literally out of

Our minds.

We pick up the pot and run to

The water as fast as we have

Ever done in our life.

This is so exciting.

Oh, my god!

It's awesome!

This is the idol.

So sick.

Finding it was exactly how you

Think it will feel, you know.

Just like you're so elated, so


It's like my little twinnie,

Just me and my, you know, friend

Out here.

I think we keep making jon feel

Really comfortable for one more



Also reed is very, very


So we have to all be on the reed


We get rid of one of the boys.

So the guys can't take us out

One by one.

I want jon out bad.

But we have to get rid of one

More boy before jon because that

Allows us to still take out jon

And have majority girls.

We get rid of reed first.

We all vote reed.


Baylor has become my number one.

Mwe are on the same page as we

That we have to get rid of reed.

Reed is so scary.

I know he is.

Jeff: come on in, guys!

We'll now bring in wes,

Returning from exile island.

Yes, wesley!

( Applause ).

Did you make it?

Oh, did i.

Jeff: all right, you guys

Ready to get to today's immunity



Jeff: first things first,

Baylor, I'll take the necklace


Once again, immunity is back up

For grabs.

For today's challenge, you're

Going to balance your feet on a

Very narrow perch while holding

A handle above your head.

If at any point you let go of

The handle or a foot comes off

The perch, you're out.

The last person left standing

Wins immunity, safe from the

Vote, guaranteed one in eight

Shot at winning this game.

Losers, tribal council, where

Somebody will be voted out,

Become the third member of our


We'll draw for spots.

We'll get started.

All right, everybody looks good.

This challenge is on.

Everybody's station has been

Measured based on your height.

So it is equal and fair for


The only things you have to

Worry about are keeping your

Hands on the handle and your

Heels on the perch.

Jon really tempting fate,

Stretching way out.

I ain't feeling it.

I was just showing off.

Jeff: let me see if I can--

A hamburger or donut burger.

Jeff: tempt you down with a

Little sugar.


Jeff: if you step out,

You're out.

Oh, my god, no, please.

Gummy bears.

Jeff: not interested?


Jeff: nope?

Oh, you're going to have to

Do beneficiary that, jeff?

Jeff: I don't have to do


I don't care if you come down.

You have $1 million on the line.

This is up to you guys.

Nothing, hunahpu?



Don't do it, jeff!

You're so mean.

Jeff: it's textury.

It has great sugar.

Go away!

You're so mean!

I'm going to do it.

Jeff: you're going to step


I'm going to be the first one

Out, anyway.

Jeff: jon is out.

Sorry I took ray bite.

Oh, my god.

Eat that chocolate!

Jeff: jon, first out of the

Challenge for a plate full of


Oh, my god, jon, I'm going to

k*ll you, I swear.



All right, now, shut up.

My favorite candy bar.

I couldn't do it.

Jeff: jon lasted seven


That's all it's been?

I don't know if he feels that

Safe or not?

I would have stayed up there

If I thought I would be able to


Heck, I'm 53.

How old are you, jon?



Roger that.

Jeff: we are down to eight.

Settle in.

We could be here for a while.

Oh this is hard.

Jeff: immunity on the line.

There's no way this doesn't


Just like jesus on the cross,


He can live that long up there,

I can do it.

Jeff: a lot of back


A lot of feet twitching.


Jeff: missy steps down.



Missy's done?

I'm out.

Jeff: missy is out of the


It feels so good down here on

The sand.

Mom, shut your mouth.

I'm not talking to you,

Smarty poo.

I heard it.

Simmer down.

I'm dying.

If two people step down,

Jeff, do they gotta share it?

Jeff: wow, wes, it's

Amazing what you just said

Because I brought enough for


I'm down!

Jeff: wow, baylor doesn't


Jaclyn's out.


Chocolate chip cookies!

Jeff: baylor, jaclyn just

Gave up a shot at a million

Dollars for five chocolate chip

Cookies, and two glasses of


Damn wasp.

Jeff: let me see if I can

Tempt a few more people down.

So we have this necklace--

Don't show me steak.

Jeff: is that worth more

Than this?

Oh, my god.

Jeff: wes says yes.


Jeff: wes is out.

Wes has a plate full of chicken

Wings, two cold beers.

That's crazy!

Jeff: no shot at immunity.


Jeff: we are down to four.

Natalie, keith, alec, and reed.

Nat, there's your team

Sitting right over there.

Jeff: so, keith, you're

Saying natalie is the only one

Of her group still up there?

Yeah, it shows me natalie is

Fighting for her team and the

Other three of us are fighting

For our lives.

Jeff: so then what is it

About your son that made him


Yeah, wes-- I don't know,

Maybe a food weakness.

I'll have a little father-son

With him after we get through

With it.

I ate 58 chicken nuggets in

Five minutes and won an eating

Contest once.


Jeff: you ate how many what

And one what?

58 Chicken nuggets in five


Jeff: and you won the--

Eating nugget competition.

Jeff: is that an annual


I never heard of it.

I couldn't pass that up, man.

Jeff: I think we mike here

Even a while longer.

Jeff: keith's feet look


They're purple.

Your feet are looking


Are they?


Jeff: alec really squirming

Around a lot.

Keith struggling to find some

Spot that doesn't hurt.

I'm shaking.

Jeff: his whole body is

Moving, and keith has had


Wisely, gently steps down.

That's amazing.

Jeff: another person


We are down to three-- natalie,

Alec, and reed.

Jeff: alec is out of the


No shot at immunity for alec.

We are now down to two-- natalie

And reed.

Fighting for immunity on day 26.

Jeff: that was unfortunate.

I can't spit.

What about the episode of

"Two and a half men" when you

Were naked cooking pancakes or


Jeff: cooking bacon.


Jeff: that was fun.

That was awesome, dude.

I love that show.

Is any more food coming out

Or no?

Jeff: you're telling me

After three hours of battling

For immunity, now you would take

Some food and step down?

He doesn't look like he's

Going to come down.

If I'm going to come down, it's

Going to be for some food, not

For anything else.

Jeff: wow.

All right, pita?

Some wings.

One cookie, I'm good.

And and just a glass of water,

Some ice water.

Jeff: all right.

Oh, my god.

You're hilarious.

Jeff: so here's the pizza,

Chicken wings, cookie, water,


And here's the necklace.

Just because you asked for it

Doesn't mean you have to take


It is still your decision.

Oh, geez!

Yeah, seriously.

If I'm going to fall out after

Three hours I might as well eat

Something, you know.

Jeff: up to you, natalie.

Natalie steps out and

Immediately crumbles.

Am I set?

Jeff: reed wins individual


( Applause )

Good job, guys.

Jeff: neither player can


Natalie can taste the food.

She just can't get to it.

Reed's about to get a necklace

If he can stand up.

What an ending to a long

Endurance challenge.


Jeff: that is how you do


Do you see this fool?

"Do you see this fool?"

When I started closing my

Eyes and seeing stars and I felt

Like I was going to throw up I

Knew I was going to go out so I

Figured I might as well get some

Sustenance in my body and I'm

Going to lose.


Jeff: reed.

It's a dream come true.

Jeff: individual immunity,

Cannot be voted out of this


After 26 days, one you go home


You'll become the third member

Of the jury-- it won't be you.


Get up when you can.

( Applause ).

Good job.

Good job, reed.

At least I'm not going home

Tonight because I will not be

Giving up this immunity


And hopefully I can rally people

Around to vote jon tonight, and

I am, like, eewww!

Natalie, reed, whatever.

Reed, how much more did you

Have in you, really?

A while.

A while.

Jon stepped down seven minute

Into the challenge today.

It's always very telling when

People step down, when they feel

Like they don't have to try, and

Who ends up stepping down first.

So I was like, fine.

That means he's going home




Basically, how this works is

I'm going to try to make the

Majority alliance have four

People vote for keith and then

To have three more people vote

For wes.

That's what everyone thinks is

Going to happen.

But basically, myself, wes, alec

And keith vote four strong, and

We would be sending jon home


It's an amazing plan, but it has

To be stuck to.

Just make sure you vote for

Jon tonight.

Think it will work?

Yeah, just make sure you vote

For jon.

And I'm gonna say I want you and

Baylor and missy and nat to vote

For keith.

But we're really voting for jon.

I know.

Are you down?

I'm down.

We can make this happen.

We can turn this game.

I'm down.

Why don't you and her and him

And nat vote for keith?

And then jon, jac, and I will


Do you feel comfortable with




The opposing alliance think

Reed and I are going to vote

With them tonight against wes

And keith, but what we are going

To do is we're going to blinded

Side jon tonight.

Let me just tell you what

Just happened.

Yeah, he just came up to me

And said are we still doing the


We need to split the keith and

Wesley thing.

I know.

Listen, if we don't do this now,

Wes or keith is going to scoot

On up with an idol.

One of them has it.

Reed is not going to vote

With us tonight.

Alec and reed are still, you

Know, really trying to be in

With us.

They're not going to be in with

Keith and wesley.

I will bet you he will vote with

Us tonight.

How we doing, dude?

We were just talking about

The split.

You really down?

Yeah, I'm down.

I'm down.

We've got it.

He's voting keith.

You're 100%.

I'm 100% down, yeah.

This is it.

This is, like, where we build

Trust right now.

Yeah, I gotta.

Let's do it.

Tonight's tribal is the first

Tribal that I am not really

Calling the sh*ts.

So it is the first time that I

Am at the mercy of my alliance.

I'm saving the idol for either

Jaclyn or me.

Whoever makes it farthest.

I feel like it would be selfish

To tiewz on myself right now.

The only thing that gives me a

Little hope going into tonight

Is the reassurance I had talking

With alec, and that is why I

Believe that tonight will go as


This tribal is definitely the

Most important trieblg so far.

Jeff: we'll now bring in

The members of our jury.

Josh and jeremy, voted out at

The last tribal council.

So, jaclyn, the last two tribal

Councils, two people who had a

Shot at winning this game have

Been blindsided.

Where's your head now?

I mean, I don't know.

I think I'm in the five strong

Right now, but who knows?

Jeff: baylor, the tricky

Thing is you can't help but

Think, okay, I know I trust

These people but so did josh and

So did jeremy.

Yeah, trust is really

Difficult in this game because

Somebody says I 100% am with you

Doesn't mean that they are ever.

Jeff: keith, with all this

Talk about trust, not a single

Idol has been played yet this


Somebody feels comfortable.

That's all I can figure out.

I don't know.

Jeff: natalie, it's tricky

Because you're rolling the dice.

You're thinking I'll use this

Next tribal or the one after,

But you can't get to the end if

You don't survive every single


Yeah, and if I ever have an

Idol, it will feel like a

Tblessing and a curse all in one

Because you have this pressure

To use it at the perfect time.

And it is all about timing in

This game.

Jeff: reed, natalie said an

Idol can be a blessing or a

Curse because you don't want it

To be a souvenir.


And looking at the challenge,

You had five people that did

Step down that clearly felt very


But it was interesting when wes

Stepped down because he wasn't

Necessarily in that group of


So it makes you wonder then do

Wes and keith have an idol?

Are they sharing it, or what

Really is happening here?

Jeff: keith, it doesn't get

Request more direct than that.

It doesn't.

You're exactly right.

So hue easy that was.

And then all of a sudden, it's


Idols are everywhere.

Idols are everywhere.

I say stick to the plan.

You know, at this point, that's

All I can say.

Jeff: wow, jon, stick to

The plan.

This is the most confusing


You think you have a plan.

Maybe some people are in on it,

Maybe some people aren't.

It's a bombshell.

Just keep the same.

We'll go with you guys.

Jeff: wow.




Jeff: missy, this is

Fantastic to watch but not what

You want if you are one of the

Nine players here.

No, you don't want this at


This is, like, complete chaos.

And it's like popcorn.

Look what's happening.

'M talkin talking and they're


Baylor, what does your gut do

Right now because you have so

Many stories going everywhere,

You don't know what's real and

What isn't.

Yeah, you know, when you're

At, like, a fair and you're

Looking in those distorted

Mirrors, okay, well, I feel like

All three of them are jumbled up

And I'm really fat, really

Skinny and like this right now.

And I think everybody miefl like


Jeff: that's a good


It is.

Jeff: pretty good.

I don't know what's going to

Happen I think until the moment

I get to the voting tonight is

When my gut will tell me what to

Do because the conversations

That are being had, that's never

Happened before, and I feel like

We may have not as been as close

Or organized as we thought.

Jeff: all right, it is time

To vote.

We're still doing this.


Jeff: reed, you'r you're up.

He's still talking.

Jeff: I'll go tally the


Dude, play your idol.


Play your idol.


Are you sure?

Up to you.

Jeff: if anybody has a

Hidden immunity idol and you

Want to play it, now would be

The time to do so.


I'd rather play this than go

Home with it in my pocket.

Yeah, pull it out.

Jeff: thank you.

This is a hidden immunity idol.

Any vote cast for jon will not


Here you go.

You want to play it, you play


You got it.

Haven't even opened it.

Jeff: how do you know it's


Ah, just taking a chance.

Jeff: this, too, is a

Hidden immunity idol.

Any votes cast for keith will

Not count.

I'll read the votes.

First vote, jon.

Does not count.


Does not count.


Does not count.


Does not count.

Keith, does not count.

Jon, does not count.

I'm so glad I played that.

Keith, nobody with any votes.


That's one vote wes, one vote


Ninth person voted out and the

Third member of our jury.

Wes, you need to bring me your


Sly dog you.

Good job.

Jeff: wes, the tribe has


Time for you to go.

Damn, damn, damn.

Jeff: well, it's quite

Clear that you guys truly are

Playing this game in the moment.

It's aggressive, and it's risky.

And now that you've started, you

Can never go back.

Grab your torches.

Head back to camp.

Good night.

Jeff: stay tuned for scenes

From our next episode.

Jeff: next time on a


Tensions are high.

Baylor, you're a brat.

Shut your mouth for a second

And listen.

One fight will change the

Game for good.

Don't touch me.

We have tribal council

Tonight and she won't talk to


Not a good time to do that.

Screw him.

I hope my dad gets far and I

Hope he gets to the final three

And wins a million bucks.

This is the experience of a

Lifetime and I I am glad I got

To experience it with him.

Those wings were not worth $1


I do regret that decision

Stepping off but, you know, you

Have to wing it sometimes and

Take risks and you have to risk
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