30x11 - Holding on for Dear Life

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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30x11 - Holding on for Dear Life

Post by bunniefuu »

Jeff: previously on


We got the numbers.


We make a move.

Jeff: rodney was putting

Together a strong alliance.

I'm always riding with

Numbers, baby.

Looking beautiful for rodney,

Isn't it.

Jeff: but being in charge

Doesn't always lead the


Everybody's had a break, but

I've listen locked in my cell


I'm pissed.

Jeff: tyler and carolyn

Discovered the party of dan's


I grabbed dan's bag.

He gets an extra vote.


Jeff: after exposing

Rodney's secret alliance.

It's a great job you all

Flipped rodney...

Everyone was targeting mike.

We get him out right now,

He'll never know.

I know they are coming for my


Jeff: but he was

Unstoppable at immunity


Rodney is out.

Mike wins individual immunity

For the second time in a row.

And at tribal council...

I'm pulling out a hidden

Immunity idol, jeff.

Jeff: he revealed his idol

To shake up the six.

Shirin's voting for tyler.

I'm voting for one of the other

Four, and you take your chances.

Jeff: and although tyler

And will changed their vote.

11Th person voted out,

The fourth member of our jury,


Shirin was sent home.

Shirin, the tribe had spoken.

Seven are left.

Who will be voted out tonight?

I think dan voted for tyler

And tyler voted for dan.

I bet you are wrong.

I put a star on mine.

I voted for shirin.

Thank you very much.

I voted for shirin, too.

Let's not do this.

Let's no do this.

Stay focused.

I'm just letting...

You ain't got to.

You hear me?

You hear me?

One of you is going home next

Time, so better start


When we got back to camp

After tribal, they called a

Little team meeting of the six.

And it was kind of fun.

It was kind of fun to start

Watching people scramble because

For the past three votes, I've

Been scrambling.

Right now I'm safe with my

Hidden immunity idol.

So that target is taken off of

Me and they'll start turning on

Each other.

The fall out of all this will be

Interesting to watch, and that's

For sure.

I have to write somebody's

Name down other than mine.

Yeah, absolutely.

I can't write shirin.

Yes, you could have.

I knew it was a bluff.

But when your name is the

Other one that's already been

Out there, I have to write

Somebody else's out there.

If I don't, I'm done.

I put down dan's name thinking,

Look, man, I have to do whatever

I can to stay alive.

Who is the only other name I

Can think of that's going to be

On the block?

It doesn't matter.

Nothing happened.

It's fine.

I didn't write your -- I

Wrote your name down.


I'm just coming to you and

Telling you that.

Thank you.

The fact that I got two votes

Gives me reason for pause.

So that's bad on will and tyler,

Because they did flinch.

Mike is still public enemy

Number one right now.

But here's the problem: mike has

An immunity idol.

He's guaranteed one more trip.

Look me in the eye and told

Me what you're thinking.

This is a game.


You and I are going far.

We're not going anywhere.

We are not going anywhere.

All right?

Last night's vote so the six are

More than willing to vote for

Each other and that dan is most

Likely at the bottom, which is

Why he got votes, but I was on

The chopping block, as well, so

I don't have too many lifelines


I voted for dan, and I plan on

Doing it again.

I don't know if I call dan

Extremely gullible.

I just call him extremely loyal,

But in this game, they're kind

Of one in the same.

Today is day 30.

Rodney's birthday!

Thanks, guys.

Appreciate that.

Appreciate that.

Today's my birthday.

Hopefully we got a reward.

Hopefully I get out of here.

I've been stuck on this beach

For 30 days doing the same damn

Thing over and over again.

We got tree mail.

Read it, girl.

For an opportunity to nourish

Your soul, just race through.

You also may be feeding your

Belly if it's you who can

Dominate the stumps.

I need this pick-me-upper,


Feeding your soul?

For an opportunity to nourish

Your soul, race through a few

Little lumps.

You also may be feeding your

Belly, if it's you who can


People don't know how tight

Me and will are.

Mama c, she has a lot of love,

Too, and they're going the take

Me on this reward.

I have faith in my reward


If I don't go on the reward, it

Will be a sad, sad day.

My whole game will change, but

Guess what, the chances of that

Happening are 0.000% chance

Because that's how much faith I

Have in these people.

Jeff: come on in, guys.

Guys ready to get to today's

Reward challenge?


Jeff: for today's

Challenge, you will be divided

Two into teams of three.

On my go, you'll work together

To unspool ribbons to release a


Once you have the key, build a

Ladder, climb to the top and use

That key to relows a bag of


You then make your way through a

Net swing to the finish where

You will attempt to land those

Balls in a series of targets.

First team to get one ball in

Each of the five targets wins


Want to know what you're playing



Jeff: wring -- bring it in.

Isn't that great?


Jeff: today you will be

Ambassadors of goodwill for

"Survivor" and deliver some

Much-needed supplies to some

Very worthy children from a

Local orphanage.

This truck is filled with the

Kind of things that back home we

Just take for granted, school

Supplies, clothing, bedding,

Sports equipment.

You will also treat these kids

To an afternoon of barbecue --

Chicken, steak.


Jeff: pork.

Feed your soul, feed your belly

And change some lives in the


Hell, yeah.

Jeff: only six people are

Participating in this challenge.

You have seven.

That means somebody is going to

Sit out.

We're going to do a schoolyard

Pick to see who will not be


Then we'll get started.

All right.

We have our two teams.

Dan was a captain.

He chose tyler and rodney.

Carolyn was a captain.

She chose mike and sierra.

Will was not picked.

Will has no sh*t at this reward.

Here we go, for reward,

Survivors ready?


Hop over.

Both of us.

Jeff: teamwork is critical

In this first step.

You're unspooling these ribbons

To release the key from the very


If you get tied up, like tyler

Just did, it's going to slow you



Jeff: mike is through.

Here goes sierra.

Stop, stop.

Jeff: tyler is through.

Here goes dan.

Go, dan.

You're good.

Go, mama c.

Go, go, go.

Jeff: mike, sierra and

Carolyn in the lead over tyler,

Dan and rodney.

There comes the key for red.

Once you have it, unbuckle and

Head out.

Mike, sierra, carolyn working


We're good, we're good.

Jeff: you're good.

You're good.

Now you got build the ladder

From bottom to top.

Five ladder rungs.

Got to figure out the order.

And build it from the bottom to

The top.

And one person goes up to get

The bag.

Red with their fourth plank.

Red with their fifth plafnlg

They have their ladder built.

Mike heading to the top.

Blue has their third.

Their fourth.

That's not right.

That's not right!

There you go.

Rodney has the fifth plank.

Mike has the bag.

He's through.

Rodney has the bag.

He's down.

Here goes dan and tyler.

Everybody got to go up and over.

Now you got to get through the

Net swing working together


Come on.

Jeff: mike helping both

Women up.

Sierra's in.

Carolyn's in.


One, two, three.


It's tyler and rodney trying to

Get dan through this very narrow


Red still in the lead.

Sierra is out.

Carolyn is out.

It is a race to this finish.

Mike is through with the bag of

Balls for red.

Go, mike.

One person starts launching the


Both teams are through.

Where the balls?

Grab them.

Jeff: rodney left the balls


You got to go back through.

Got to get through with the


Rodney left the balls behind.

Huge time loss.

That gives mike a big head start

On launching the balls.

Rodney's now go to got all the

Way back through that net swing

And the panic is sending --

Setting in.

Mike is now launching balls for


Big advantage for red.

Rodney's through.

Now blue can go.

Red with a big time lead trying

To figure out how this catapult


Mike's had a few sh*ts now to

Figure it out.

Yes, yes.

Jeff: mike scores for red.

That's in.

Jeff: dan launches and

Scores for blue.

Dan launches and scores again

For blue.

Blue with two now.


Jeff: mike launches and

Scores again.

We're tied 2-2.


That's not good.

Blue with a third.

Blue now leads 3-2.


Jeff: that's not going to


It drops in the same spot.

Let us try, mike.

Dan with a fourth.

That's four for blue.

It would be a big comeback.

Mike, they're four.

They got four.

Jeff: mike trying to catch


There's a third for red.

It is 4-3.

Mike, can I go or no?

New york I got it.


Jeff: mike not giving it


Sierra wants in.

Mike won't give her a sh*t.

Dan the win right here.

That's it.

That's game!

Jeff: oh, in and out, over

The top.

Just keep sh**ting, bro.

Jeff: mike scores again.

We are tied now.

It is 4-4.

Mike versus dan for the win.

Come on, mike!

Jeff: mike can get it right


Will it drop?

And it does!

Mike, sierra, carolyn win


Oh, my god.

Thank you, jesus.

Thank you, jesus.

Good game, guys.



Jeff: carolyn, sierra,

Mike, nice reward.

You get to give back and also

Reward yourself with some

Much-needed nutrition.

Tyler, rodney, dan, nothing for


Rodney, you continue to be shut

Out of these rewards.

My birthday too today, jeff.

I mean, it went from possibly

The best birthday ever to the


This is the worst feeling ever.

I'm 30 days in and I haven't

Left the beach.

Are you hoping that one of

These three will feel for you on

Your special day and give up

Their reward for you?

It's up to them.

I'm not going to pressure them

And plead the case.

It's my birthday.

It's a once-in-a-lifetime


That's all I have to say.

Today, jeff, it is rodney's

Birthday, and my heart goes out

To him that he hasn't been on


I love you, hot rod, but I got

To get some food in me, too,


Jeff: carolyn, you or

Sierra any interest in giving up

This reward to rodney.

This is also a

Once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

That I don't know I can passes

Up at this point.

Pretty sad.

Jeff: what's sad, rodney?

I think maybe what he's

Talking about is if it was an

Individual, we were going to

Pick rodney, rodney was going to

Be the first pick, but since it

Became a team, I personally did

Not say I would separate from my


But some people made comments

And said some things, but when

You go back from your word, it

Kind of... It's my birthday, you

Know what I mean?

It's my damn birthday, but it is

What it is?

Jeff: all right.

Carolyn, sierra, mike, fun

Afternoon in store.

Grab your stuff, head out, enjoy


Once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Will, tyler, rodney, dan, got

Nothing for you.

People aren't your friends.

They show you how cutthroat they

Can be.

Your own damn birthday and they

Don't take you on reward.

They just turned me into the

Psychotic person I am.

Carolyn, sierra, myself get

To jump in the back of this

Truck loaded down with toy,

Bags, balls, school supplies and

We get to go to this orphanage

Where in this truck we get to be

Ambassadors of goodwill for




Hey, guys.

Hey, guys.

Coming to you.

To see the faces of all these

Little boys and girls when we

Pulled up.

Thank you so much.

You're welcome.

It built me up inside because

I just enjoy being around kids.

And being a kid because I'm a

Big kid.

Who's playing?

Come on.

Let's go.

Let's go.

Let's do it.

Good save.

The only thing I can think in my

Head are these beautiful,

Beautiful little children.

Don't have a mom.

They don't have a dad.

That was awesome.

I ride horses.

I'm a cowgirl.

That's my job.

I have a baby horse at home that

Looks the same.

I love horses.

This is one of the coolest

Experiences I've ever had, to

Come here and meet these amazing

Children who are so grateful and

Spend time with them.

What's your name?



I couldn't ask for a better

Reward today.


Thank you.


Oh, my gosh.

We're so eating.

Look at that plate.

This is insanity.



Today might be a little bit

More of a special day for

Rodney, but this was a really

Special day for us, as well.

This is your experience.

Rodney is going to be pissed

Off at me because I didn't give

Up this reward, but when you

Think about it, this is not a

Horrible birthday.

You're on "survivor," for god's


You'll, honestly, there's

Nobody else at our camp that I

Would want the share this with

Than you two.


I'm so happy right now.

You can't even imagine.

I haven't been on a reward

With mike before, so I got a

Chance to see him in a different


I literally feel like a king

Right now.

Mike has a lot of power in

This game right now.

He does win challenges and he

Does have an idol.

So he's not going home and we

Have to vote one of the six out.

That's why I'm worried about

Myself, and, yeah, I'm thinking

About aligning myself with the

People that I think are going to

Take me further in this game.

So maybe it's time to join


Who knows?

Could happen.

Washing dishes on my


No coconuts or any fruit,

Nothing, there's nothing here.

0 For 5 on reward challenges and

A bunch of scumbags who

Neglected me on my birthday who

Claim to be "survivor" family.

All bets are off now.

Bunch of scumbags.


Caroline and sierra, they about

It going to the end.

The only people going to the end

Under my watch is me.

That's it.

Just let him cool off.

That's rodney.

He'll cool off.

Well, we'll see how a loss

Complicates things around here

For the next 24 hours for


Here he comes.

I'm sorry, man.

You really believe mama c,


I know far fact you wouldn't do

That to me.

You could have individually took

Yourself out, like I know you

Guys would have.

I'm really pissed at mama c,


On my birthday.

[Bleeped] me over like that.

See sigh I know she would, but

Mama c, her fourth reward.

This is what is "survivor's"

About, baby.

I went on every single reward.

I understand him being hurt.

I understand him being upset.

But even in my opinion, that was

A bit much.

Hey, listen, this is going to

Set up really nice.

One thing I learn is my temp

Kerr get me in trouble or set me


We're going to have the ultimate

Blind side ever.

I'm going to tell that I'm

Checked out.

I want to be voted out I want to

Be on the jury next.

Mike's not going to play his

Idol and we get him out of here.

What do you think?

Pretty damn smart.

I do not think for a second

That it's going to work.

I really think rodney is

Slipping off into the abyss.

And that's all right with me,

You know, let him have his

Moment of expl*si*n.

Hopefully he's on the chopping

Block, and they won't see me as

A target.

We'll see how it plays out.

This whole show about rodney

Wanting to quit and this and

That could be a little iffy.

I'm telling you, mike's going


Mike is going home.

We sat around and essentially

Watched rodney storm around,

Kick the dirt, curse, spit,


He's lost it.

He's going crazy.

Which is scary.

Because rodney is in my

Alliance, and I certainly can't

Rely on him, and mike most

Likely will play his idol.

What if mike plays the idol

And votes me and I'm gone.

I don't think he's going to

Play the idol.

Why would he play it if I'm

Acting so good?

Because it's "survivor."

People have to anticipate crazy.

But how crazy is that,


It is crazy.

It would be stupid for mike

To buy the story, and I'm the

First one that mike wants gone.

I'm going to be the one he votes


If we just leave it into mike's


I'm out of here.

The best time of your life on

My birthday when somebody could

Have stepped up and let me go.

I'm saying I want them to vote

Me out at tribal and I've had


Hopefully mike doesn't play his


I wish tribal council was

Today so you could put my name



Have fun.

Have fun with your little game.

A bunch of fake-ass people and

I'm done.

I need to get home to my family.

Mama c, she's supposed to be

Like a mother.

You're like a son to me?

That's like you leave your son

Home and go out partying and

Leave your son at home doing

Chores when you were out on my


It's all fake.

Why should they give up their

Reward when you lost the


If it was any other day.

It's another day.

If I have to hear that...

All right.

You are going to hear it.

You write my damn name down.

Why quit now?

I'm not writing your name.

It totally makes more sense.

I see right through the


Feel like I'm safe so I don't

Play my idol.

That ain't happening, brother.

I'm in the an idiot, just

Because I talk slow don't mean I

Think slow.

Write my damn name down.

Go home.

Mike didn't by the act for a


He just stopped that


Mike has his immunity idol and

We're back to square one.

Lay it on me.

You think mike's going to vote

For me next time.

He's either going to vote for

You or dan.

If I don't win immunity.

You got to win immunity.


I need the start thinking

About different options, as


What about your...

We would use it when we need



Would carolyn be willing to

Put down the white collar idol

To save me?

I hope so.

My trust is in mama c.

I'm also her closest alliance


And if things get down to the

Wire, you have to trust people

In order to get further.

The point is, you need to start

Bringing your idol the way

Stuff's going down.

Well yeah,.

From a strategic game

Perspective, I'm playing the

Game hard.

I know that tyler trusts me.

So I think mike doesn't really

Have anybody else to work with.

So I actually do feel like I'm

The one in charge right now.

Jeff: all right.

You ready to get to today's

Immunity challenge?


Jeff: first things first.

I'll take back both necklaces.

Sorry, carolyn.

I know you don't want to give it

Up, but you must.

Today we only need one necklace.

Once again immunity is back up

For grabs.

For today's challenge, you're

Going to balance on a very small

Perch while leaning back holding

On to a rope.

Every five minutes you'll move

Further down the rope, making it

More difficult, when you can't

Hold on any longer, you'll drop

In the water and you're out of

The challenge.

Last person left standing wins

Immunity, guaranteed a one in

Six sh*t at winning this game.

Losers go to tribal council

Where somebody will be voted


Draw for spots.

We'll get started.

All right.

Everybody in position.

Put your hands down to the third

Knot and lean back, and here we


This challenge is on.

There's nowhere to hide in this

Challenge, so as it gets tough

And you want to pull it closer,

Like tyler's already wanting to

Do, can't do that.

This is just leaning back and

Holding on for dear life.

Rodney, you look like you're


I am, brother.

32 Days of this [bleeped], it

Hurts, brother.

I'm just...

Jeff: emotionally or



Jeff: and is this related

To your birthday?

Because I know that was a big


Worst birthday of my life.

I did dishes on an island that I

Haven't left in 32 days.

Forget about it.

It's the worst.

Jeff: this would be tough

To do on day one.

You're on day 32.

Where are you feeling it, dan?

All in my hands.

Jeff: is it because of all

The work you've done with your


Jeff: a lot of the cuts.

A lot of the bug bites.

Just my own fat ass, jeff.

Jeff: you're going to start

The feel that pull, and just as

I said it, will felt the pull.

Will is the first person out of

The challenge.


Dan is out of the challenge now,

Joining will.

And we're down to five.

Rodney struggling a little bit.

How you doing, carolyn.


Loving life, jeff.

Best adventure ever.

Jeff: the temptation is to

Try to inch your way back up

That rope.

Makes it very frustrating.

This challenge can catch up to

You without much warning.

Just like that sierra drops.

Rodney drops.

We're down to three, it is

Carolyn, tyler and mike.

Tyler struggling.

But still in it.

30 Seconds left and we will move

Down to the next knot.

Carolyn trying to get a grip.

Mike looking very strong.

What you're drawing on right now

Are those reserves, the bottom

Of the t*nk.

Everybody just digging in,

Finding that place inside.

All right.

I want you to start thinking

Moving further down on the rope


It will really get tough.

All right.

Everybody make your move.

We're live while you're doing

It, which means this challenge

Is still going as you maneuver

Your way down.

Carolyn drops down.

Everybody's down now to the next


Mike can't hang on.

Can't make the transition.

Mike is out.

Tyler drops out.

Carolyn wins individual immunity

For the second time in a row.

I am so excited.

Good job, mama.

Jeff: carolyn, come on over


Way to go, mama c.

Jeff: once again you didn't

Want to give up this necklace,

And once again it is yours.

Carolyn safe again tonight at

Tribal council.

Guaranteed a 1-6 sh*t at winning


As for the rest of you, somebody

Going home tonight, somebody

Will join the jury.

Grab your stuff, head back to

Camp, see you tonight at tribal.



The good news is mike has to

Play that idol.

2 Bad news, I got two votes last

Tribal council, and right now

There's a lot of talk about my

Advantage, which makes me an

Easy target.

I won my second immunity

Challenge in a row.

Woo woo.

So excited.

But it's not cut and dry how to

Play this game now because

There's so many options.

So you have to make sure you

Figure out the right move.

Guys, what are you thinking?

Does it put fear into me that

My name could get written down?

Of course it does.

I feel like one of three people

Are going home tonight, me, mike

Or tyler.

But mike's probably going the

Play his idol tonight, so the

Odds are on either tyler or

Myself because they see tyler as

A thr*at, and my name keeps

Getting written down.

Guys vote mike, girls vote


Mike votes gets three votes.

Mike is going to vote for tyler.

As far as dan's concerned, we're

Gunning for tyler, but voting

For dan is not really a bad idea

Because we get rid of the


Will also voted for me.

No, no, no.

Just saying.

I don't think you have

Anything to worry about with


You see what I'm saying,


What do you think, man?

Mike's still going to be


You'll be here.

I was thinking dan.

Dan's got this advantage.


There are three people in

This game who have advantages

Going into tonight's tribal,

Mike has an idol, carolyn has an

Idol and dan has an advantage in


I was con during if maybe we...

Dan's advantage makes him a huge

thr*at in this game.

Oh, hell yeah.

Down the road.

The last tribal I was the one

On the chopping block.

I could be easily going home

Tonight, so my plan tonight

Would be to throw four votes at

Mike, another two votes go after

Dan and we knock out both an

Idol and the advantage.

Dan goes home.

I think it's going to be a

4-3 Vote, four for me, and I'm

Voting tyler.

Mike is gunning for tyler.

And this could be the only

Opportunity for me to side with


But I don't know if that's the

Right move to make right now.

I really, really, hope mama c

Is 100% on board with me right

Now because my options of who to

Work with at this point are a

Little bit limited.

I talked to will.

He and I are on the same page.


So you guys will vote mike.

That's four votes mike.

He has to play his idol.

He'll play it for sure.

And then you, me and will vote


That advantage is going to

Come back the haunt us if we

Don't get rid of it now.

I know.

It's a toss-up between dan

And tyler as to who needs to go


Tyler and I have a bond.

We've been together since

Literally day three, but he's

The only one who knows I have an

Idol, so he can blow up my game.

But dan's advantage gives him an

Extra vote, so that's a big


You know, this is a game for $1

Million, and I'm here to play

The play the game, so game on,

Boys and girls.

Jeff: we now bring in the

Members of our jury.

Hali, joe, jenn and shirin voted

Out at the last tribal council.

All right.

So, mike, last few tribals it's

Been a tight pick.

I'm guessing tonight they would

Love to take out you, but based

On the last tribal, you have

Your hidden immunity idol.

I believe I have it with me

Tonight, that's for sure.

So one of the six will be going

Home tonight, that's guaranteed.

Jeff: so who should be

Worried tonight?

I believe that tyler should

Be worried.

I believe that dan should be


I mean, jeff, I'm enjoying this

To be perfectly honest.

I've been rooting for people to

Change some thinking for three

Tribal councils now.

I mean, I got the fireworks out,

The popcorn, some pepsi.

If you have pepsi and

Popcorn, please give me some

Because I'm about 150 pounds and

I'm starving.


Jeff: dan, also at the last

Tribal, you got two votes.

And I have to guess that it was

A surprise.


And I did find out right away

Who both of them were.

It's tough when you see your

Name written down.

Nobody wants to see that.

As much as nobody wanted to say

Who was on the bottom of the

Six, that painted a pretty

Career picture to me.

Jeff: so how concerned are

You that it might be you?

I'm greatly concerned.

Jeff: tyler, what happened

After the immunity challenge?

You go back to camp, did you

Scramble this afternoon?

I don't know if I call it

Scrambling, but I took a

Amendment or two to touch base

With everybody that I've been

Aligned with at one point or

Another, but mike is a

Charismatic guy.

I've been on his chopping block

For a while now.

Jeff: mike, has there been

A lot of speculation about the

Advantage that dan got at the


I think everyone has

Speculated on it.

I don't know what it is, but I

Hope it was worth $480.

Jeff: carolyn, there's got

To be a lot of concern that dan

Has this advantage, there's only

Seven people left, six after


It's something to worry about

Because you don't know what the

Advantage is.

It could be another hidden

Immunity idol, it could be the

Special powers idol that tony

Had, so an advantage is somewhat

Of a thr*at.

Jeff: dan, how many people

Have approached you and said,

Let's use it, tell me what it is

And make something happen.

Every single person has

Approached me, and whether

People know what my advantage is

Or not is actually irrelevant.

They know I have an advantage.

That all by itself makes me a

Bigger target.

Jeff: sierra.

This is the perfect tribal to

Make a big move.

It doesn't get better than



And honestly, I think there's

Going to be a really big move

Made tonight and everybody's

Going to be shocked and I think

It's maybe a move that

Everybody's been waiting for.

I'm keeping every option open.

Jeff: tyler, are we at a

Point in the game in which

You're taking out a thr*at in

Challenges or are you looking to

Keep the people that you think

You can b*at?

I think you're starting to

Think about the five, four,

Three arena, and who you can


Four of us are leaving, aifer

Every decision you personally

Make and every name you write

Down, you better give damn good

Thought to.

Jeff: what if it is you

Walking out?

Will you be surprised?

Would by surprised?


Jeff: all right.

It is time to vote.

Rodney, you're up.

You have no idea how much

This breaks my heart.

I've been trying to get you

Out of this game for a long time


Jeff: I'll go tally the


If anybody has a hidden immunity

Idol and you want to play it,

Now would be the time to do so.

Tonight's the night.

Playing it for me, jeff.

Jeff: this is a hidden

Immunity idol.

Any votes cast for mike will not


I'll read the votes.

First vote, mike.

Does not count.


Duds not count.


Duds not count.

Mike, does not count.


One vote tyler.

12Th person voted out and

Fifth member of our jury, tyler.

You need to bring me your torch.

Tyler, the tribe has spoken.

Time for you to go.

Well, if there's one thing

That should be most concerning

Is the admission that everybody

Wants to take the weakest to the


Grab your torches.

Head back to camp.

Good night.

Stay tined for scenes

Jeff: next time on

"Survivor"... The.

The alliance always knew

Eventually we were going to have

To turn on each other.

Jeff: the majority alliance


Your alliance crumbles for


Your alliance is gunning for


Dan is voting you 1 million


What can I say?

I left it all on the field, so

To speak.

My tactics to go after dan

Tonight were right, it's just

That the rest of the group

Didn't follow suit.

I had a blast.

I regret nothing that I did.

Everything that I did was to my

Full potential.

It's just different to get ahead

In this game if you're not

Winning challenge, and

Unfortunately I came up a little

Short today.
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