30x13 - It's a Fickle, Fickle Game

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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30x13 - It's a Fickle, Fickle Game

Post by bunniefuu »

Jeff: welcome to a very
exciting night.

It's our season finale of

White collar versus blue collar
versus no collar.

We are live in los angeles all
night long.

This has been a season that has
inspired excitement,

Controversy, a lot of social
media chatter more than any

Season in recent memory, and we
love it when you guys are

Emotionally involved and your
loyalty is once again put us

Number one in the ratings.

We have a dramatic finale
tonight capped by the live

Reading of the votes and the
winner and then our reunion show

Where one of big topics will be
the way some of the men talked

About system of the women.

If you haven't heard, for the
first time ever we've turned

Next season over to you.

For fast two weeks, you've been
voting for your favorite second


The voting is still live for one
more hour until 9:00 eastern


Later tonight we'll reveal that
cast for "survivor" second


It's a big chance.

We started with 18.

We're down to five.

Rodney, mike, sierra, will and

It's the "survivor" finale,
white collar, blue collar, no


I've worked in corporate
america my whole life.

What blue collar stands for
is hard-working american.

>>Lyive my life not governed by
anybody else's rules.

Jeff: 35 days ago 18
americans were divided into

Three tribes based on that
profession and approach to life.

Welcome to "survivor: worlds

white collar, blue collar and no


The question was: which way of
life would come out on top.

To me class has nothing to do
with it.

It's "survivor" warfare.

Jeff: from the beginning
the blue collar tribe that

Riesmed they were hard-working,

Did you eat a scorpion?

Jeff: and above all a

Oh, boo-yeah baby.

Blue collar kicked ass.

Jeff: but every family has

Is that how your mom raised

Who the hell gets a tattoo on
your damn face unless you got

Some serious problems.

Jeff: the white-collar
tribe was all business.

Let's talk about an action

Jeff: but bosses without
employees just didn't work.

Nobody knows how to make

Why would we?

We'd hire a blue collar to make
us fire.

Jeff: the no-collar tribe
brought a more free spirited

Approach to the game.

They were play, spontaneous and
very affectionate.

We smell bad.

Do not get this all over my

Jeff: but free-spirit
thinking doesn't always lead to


Will is an absolute disaster.

They lost challenge after

White collar wins immunity,
sending no collar back to tribal


After the tribes merged, white
collar, blue collar and no

Collar were now one society.

One people battling it out
for $1 million.

Jeff: but the no collars
quickly found themselves in a

Familiar spot.


Jeff: back on the bottom.

Joe, jenn.

At the auction, mike made a
controversial decision.

All right.


Mike didn't do it?

He didn't do it.

Jeff: that alienated him
from everybody.

He broke my heart.

Jeff: while dan's position
in the game grew stronger.

Yeah, baby!

Jeff: dan has won the

You bought yourself an extra

Jeff: from that moment on,
mike was on his own.

I got work to do.

Jeff: but he found the
hidden immunity idol

This is what we do, baby.

We do the happy chance.

Jeff: and won challenge --
mike wins -- after challenge.

Mike wins individual immunity.

With their plans destroyed,
tempers flared.

Nobody even likes you.

There's nobody home at the
united states right new that is

Missing you.

Jeff: unable to get mike
out of the game...

I'm playing this for me,

Jeff: the majority alliance
had to turn on each other.

Tyler, the tribe has spoken.

Mike seized the opportunity and
tried to build his blue-collar


I've had your back.

They don't have your back.

Jeff: but his pleas to dan
fell on deaf ears.

Mike has the audacity to look
at me to say, I have the power

To save you.

So he turned to an unlikely
ally, carolyn.

Dan is voting one of you two,
and I think it's you.

Jeff: at the last tribal
council, dan played his

Advantage, targeting carolyn.

I'm not taking a chance,

Jeff: but after she played
her idol, it was carolyn who got

The last laugh.



Jeff: when we started the
game, we had three tribes.

35 Days later, representatives
from each tribe still left in

The game.

It is anybody's game to win.

Five are left.

Sierra, despite being a free
agent for most of the game, this

Professional barrel racer has
never lost her blue-collar work

Ethic and she hasn't offended
anyone on the ju, but has she

Done enough to win their vote?

This whole game I feel like
I've left my options open, but

At this point it's every man for
himself, so I have to change the

Way I'm playing this game to
further myself one step closer.

Jeff: will, from day one,
he has embodied the no-collar

Lifestyle by doing things on his
own terms, not afraid the break

The rules and break an alike.

Did I lie?

Of course.

Did I backstab in yes.

Doesn't matter.

You're going to do whatever you
need to do to stay in the game.

Jeff: carolyn, the last
remaining white collar isn't

Afraid the take charge.

She found an immunity idol, won
multiple challenges and has

Managed to put together blind
side after blind side resulting

In an impressive "survivor"
resume and massive target on her


I work hard in camp.

I work hard in challenges.

But you're only as good as

I will fight tooth and nail.

For me this is do or die.

This is bring it home, carolyn.

Jeff: rodney, this tough
guy has found the game harder

Than he thought.

He was shut out of rewards,
winless in immunities and at

Times seemed on the edge of
sanity, but he was responsible

For one of the strongest
alliances in the game.

Will it get him to the end?

I came in here with my mind,
and I dominated socially.

I built relationship, so when I
get to the final three, I am

Guaranteed sole survivor.

Jeff: mike went from top
dog to underdog in the blink of

An eye, but like new true blue
collar, he rolled up his sleeves

And went to work.

He found an immunity idol and
has gone on an epic winning

Streak when he needed it the

The question is: can he finish
the job?

You can only find out how
strong you are when your back is

Up against the wall.

And my back has been up against
a pretty large wall this whole


But I'm going the take the bull
by the horns and I'm going to

Run with it.

Jeff: who will have what it
takes to outlast all the rest

And become the sole survivor?

This was so much fun at
tribal tonight when jeff read

The votes.

I was like, god be with you,

You made the right freakin'

You voted dan?

You voted me?


And there's still four going
out there?

How is that even possible.

We got to get mike out.

We got to bind together and get
mike out of this game.

Stockholm syndrome was full in

I mean, carolyn knows she's on
the bottom.

They all just voted for her, yet
the four of them go to the


So at this particular point in
the game, I really do feel all


Why wouldn't you tell us you
had the idol.

That was a mistrust out of all
of us.

If we let us know we had the
idol, we would have played dan.

Who didn't vote for me?

There was one person that voted
dan besides me?


When you make a move like,
that you see who your friends

Are, and mike had my back.

But he doesn't have the numbers.

So I'm not going to be all upset
with them voting for me.

I need them.

I'm feeling so happy right now,
there's no more idols.

And there's no more

Now it's game on.

I was going to say that.

Now I know how I sit with my

I have to be on the lookout, but
if mike's still in the game,

He's the biggest threat, and if
you join forces together against

The common enemy, that brings
you closer together.

So that's my strategy.

One, two, three...

Final four.

Jeff: come on in, guys.

All right.

Final five, you ready to get to
today's reward challenge?

Yes, sir.

Jeff: for today's challenge
you will race under a net fall.

You'll then make your way to a
table where you will slide tiles

Into a target.

Once all the tiles are through,
you will use a machete to

Transport those tiles over a
series of obstacles to the

Finish table.

You will then sort the tiles
into pairs.

Three of the tiles will not
match up.

Those three hold the code to a
combination that will unlock

Your box.

First person to unlock their box
and raise their flag wins


Want to know what you're playing

Yes, sir.


Jeff: it's a very nice
reward and it starts with

Something you haven't had in 36
days: unconditional love.

Carolyn, here's your husband.

Oh, my gosh.

Look at him, carolyn.

Look at him, carolyn.

Jeff: tell me about your
marriage joel?

Oh, my goodness.

We were high school sweetheart,
been together almost 40 years.

She's the one I miss the most.

She's the special one.

Jeff: all right.

Give her another hug and then
take your spot.

mike, you ready for a little


Here's your mom debora.

Mike, of all the relationships,
there really is nothing that can

Top a mother with her child.

This woman has my utmost

She raised two horrible kids,
worked three full-time jobs,

Went to school, graduated magna
cum laude.

You think I have worketh snick
this woman never stops.

Jeff: so that's where it
comes from?

This is where it comes from.

Jeff: all right.

Say your good-byes.

You look great.


You do, too.

Jeff: rodny, let's see
where you come from.

Rodney, sr.,, Come on out.

What up, bro?

What up, bro?

We've been through so much, me
and him.

I want you to know, this dude is
one of the most hard-working men

I've met in my entire life.

I'm so proud to be your son,

I love you.

And also I want the share
with you, I'm finally at peace

With natalie now, brother.

I look up in the sky and I
finally have peace, two years of

Nightmares and all that
heartbreak, it honestly has

Changed me and I see her every
day and she's the one who gives

Me strength.

Jeff: rodney, sr., It's got
to make you feel great that he

Is now at peace.

Oh, absolutely.

If this is what it took, I'm
glad that somehow, somewhere

He's finding that kind of peace.

Jeff: give him a hug.

I love you, brother.

Jeff: sierra, I know you're
ready for some love.

Let's get your dad out here.

Danny, come on out.


That's awesome.

This is my best friend in
this whole wide world, my

Supporter, my everything.

Jeff: all right.

Take your spot.

I love you, baby.

Jeff: will, let's bring
your wife out.

Monitha, come on out.

It's okay.

It's okay.

I love you.

It's okay.

I missed you.

Look at you.

I'm not fat no more.

Show her your head.

Show her your head.

Look at that.

I'm a hot mess out here.

Jeff: oh, did you hear

"You're still cute."

He's still cute.

I'm not disney anymore.

I'm not hungry anymore.

Jeff: really?

Yeah, boom.

Let's do this, baby.

Let's do this.

Let's do it.

Let's go, jeff.

Let's go!

I got a loved one to talk to.

Jeff: all right.

The winner of today's challenge
will get time with their loved


They will go back to camp with

They will get to share in this

In addition, the winner of this
reward gets an advantage in the

Next immunity challenge.



Jeff: huge stakes.

We'll draw for spots.

We'll get started.

They're going to watch.

Here we go.

For reward, survivors ready?


Everybody attacking that net

Knees are getting bruised.

Skin is coming off.

Come on, baby.

Jeff: will is out of the
gates first, and this is a


Go, baby!

Jeff: when you hear that
ding, that is good news.

Sierra struggling.

Carolyn struggling.

Everybody now on their tables
sliding tiles.

The ones you don't get to at
first you have to go back and

Get and do them again.

All the tiles have to go

It is will, mike and rodney
right now in this.

Will has not been in a challenge
in a long time.

The love of his wife definitely
woke him up.

Mike has all of his.

He can start stacking.

Will down to one left.

Come on, babe.


Jeff: mike taking off.

Next phase is you have to
transport these tiles at the end

Of machete.

How many can you take at once in
if you fall off and drop them,

You have to head back.

Mike out in the early lead.

Look at.

This here's will.

Will's in this challenge.

Go, baby, go!

Jeff: this last beam is
very narrow, about an inch wide.

Mike with his first stack.

Go urge mike, go, go, go go,,

Jeff: will drops.

He's got to head back.

Rodney how has all of his.

Sierra has all hers.

Mike heading back with his
second stack.

Will now going to try again.

Sierra heading out.

Carolyn still fighting to stay
in it.

Mike has won three individual
immunities, would like to win

Another reward right here.

Will making his way up for the
second time.


Will drops again.

He's got to head back.

Losing all that time.

Baby, that's okay.

Jeff: there goes mike.

Carolyn now has all hers.

She's heading out.

Take your time, kid.

Take your time.

Jeff: sierra now on the
balance beam.

Rodney on the balance beam.

Here comes mike with another

Will drops again.

Sierra drops before she can get
to the platform.

Rodney with his first stack.

Mike has all of his.

Mike now with a huge time

He's going to start pairing up
his pieces, getting closer to

The end.

Can will make it this time?

Yes, he does.

Drop 'em.

Head back, will.

Pick it up.

Let's go.

Sierra is across.

Heads up, sierra.


Let's go.

Mike still pairing these up.

When you have three left, those
three hold the code to solving


Rodney drops.

He's got to head back.

Another setback.

It's not over yet.

It's not over.

Jeff: mike has his all
paired up.

If he's right, he has the three
numbers he needs.

You got to get 'em in the right
order, otherwise you got to come

Back and try a different order.

Sierra back.

She has all hers.

She's trying.

Mike is trying another

He's got to try it again.

Sierra now matching up pairs.

Come on.

Jeff: it is mike and sierra

Sierra has been slow and steady.

Mike trying a different order.

The question is, is he right?

Mike going to try again.

Is this one right?

That's it.

That's it.

That's it.

That's it.

Jeff: no!


Jeff: sierra has caught up

Sierra now closes the gap.

Mike going the try it again for
the win.

Is this it.


Mike wins reward, time with his
loved one and an advantage in

The next immunity challenge.

All right, guys.

Everybody take one last good-bye
hug with your loved ones, except

For deborah. You're sticking

Get the chopper ready.

I'm about to be medivacked,

Love you.

Jeff: mike, come on over.

Bring your mom.

Come on, mama.

There you go, brother.

Jeff: mike, debora's going
to come back the camp, live with

All of you guys.

You're going to spend the night.

Then in the morning you will
both go to the location of the

Next immunity challenge where an
advantage will be waiting for


Oh, wow.

Jeff: take your mom, head
back to camp.

Enjoy the day.

Be good hosts.

Not only did I win an
advantage, but having my mom

Here, seeing her smiling face,
that would have been enough, but

Her coming back to camp and
staying the night, man, you take

Your best day, add ice cream
with some cherries on top,

That's what today feels like.

I'm sitting down and I'll get
some water.

All right.

What a day.

The great thing about this
reward is having my mom out here

With me, getting to share that
with probably the person I love

The most in this world, it's a
special moment.

Just seeing her here...

You see how skinny he is?

Yeah, but I expected him to
be a lot skinnier.

Stand up.

I don't think she's seen.

And feel your stomach.

He's lost 25 pounds easy.

Yeah, well, you still look so
much better than I was


He hates for me to say, that's
my little boy, but he's my

Youngest boy.

I was about to be real
selfish and steal my mom for a

Little bit.

Go right ahead.

I've been completely on the
outs with everyone.

There's been a lot of personal

They've really villainized me to
have a common... Oh, it's rough.

Like there was a couple days
where no one even spoke to me.

I believe he does have a big
row to hoe in front of him to go

Out being the winner of this

But it's tough.

I'm literally out here by

My job out here for mike is
to definitely be everything that

He needs.

Nothing is about me.

It's all about him.

I haven't seen a game of
"survivor" where there were so

Many players actually here to
play the game, and so it's just

Been battle after battle after
battle after battle.

This is a big boost for you,
me being here.


Nothing can give me the peace of
this conversation, of you and I

Sitting here, knowing that, you
know, you want for me to succeed

In every way.

Uh-huh, uh-huh.

This is one of the greatest
days I've had in 36 days, having

Someone here that I know 1,000%
that I can trust, and to

Experience this with her is a
top-ten moment in my life.

I love you.

Love you too.

There's a table right here.

Go see what it says.

All right.

For your next immunity
challenge, you will be

Blindfolded, put into a giant
maze to retrieve four


Your advantage, you will get 30
minutes to explore the maze

Guided by your loved one.

When the water's gone, your time
is up.

You ready?


All right.

Let's do it.

All right, keep reaching across.

The advantage basically was
my mom leading me through this


Start feeling.

Keep your feeling.

And it was frustrating
because even though she was

Helping me, I couldn't find the
immunity necklace.

If I'm going to wrong way,
tell me.

You are.

Flip it around.

I kept thinking in my head,
I'm screwing this up.

We don't have time.

Just go.

Pick up the pace.


We need to her we because we
need to do that last station and

I need to find the immunity

I thought I was directing him
the correct way, crap, that's

Not right.

But there's a lot of dead ends
and there's a lot of thinking

You got to figure out.

You just slam up against a wall
and you don't.

I'm so sorry.

I'm not very good at.

This I'm sorry.

That's it?



That's 30 minutes?

Really in


That's not good.


This is so important to him,
and I'm the one that messes it


Oh, that's just devastating.

So I don't feel good at all
about him going into this


He'll never tell you that I let
him down, but I'm here to tell

You I did.

You can do it.

Jeff: come on in, guys.

All right.

You guys ready to get to today's
immunity challenge?

Yes, sir.

Jeff: first things first,

I got to take it back.

Yes, sir.

Don't hold on to it too long.

Jeff: once again immunity
is back up for grabs.

For today's challenge, you will
be blindfolded.

In the center of a giant maze.

On my go, you will race to find
four medallions in the north,

South, east and west corners of
the maze.

There are guide posts to help
you navigate.

Once you find all four
medallion, you must then find

The immunity necklace.

First person to find the
necklace wins the necklace.

Safe tonight at tribal,
guaranteed a one in four shot at

Winning this game.

Losers, tribal council where
somebody will be voted out and

Become the seventh member of our

Big stakes.

We'll get you blindfolded and
we'll get started.

All right.

This is for a guaranteed spot in
the final four.

Survivors ready?


37 Days and you wind up here,
blind folded, stumbling around a

Maze looking for four
medallions -- north, south, east

And west.

Mike had an advantage.

We will see if it pays off.

Carolyn's searching.

Sierra looking.

Rodney looking.

Will trying to find his way.

Very difficult when you have no
idea where you are to try to

Find your way to these

Find your way to these

Mike quickly finds a medallion.

He's got it and he's heading
back out, looking for three


Sierra trying the find her

Carolyn trying to find her

Rodney searching.

Will looking.

Mike to the guide post station.

It will help point you in the
right direction.

Sierra at her first station.

Sierra has a medallion.

Sierra's now in this.

Mike has one.

Sierra has one.

Mike has his second medallion.

Rodney has his first medallion.

It is now mike with two
medallions, sierra and rodney

Both with one.

Will still looking for his

Carolyn still looking for her

Easy to get disoriented.

Especially difficult given you
have no idea what this maze

Looks like.

Mike looking for that third, and
he has it.

Mike with his third medallion.

Only one left for mike.

The energy now picks up from
everybody else.

Mike is close.

Rodney stumbled into mike and
stumbles into his second


Rodney now with two medallion.

Look how that works.

Sometimes your just in the right
spot at the right time.

Where are you at?

There's one over there?

Follow me.

Rodney now helping sierra.

This way?

Jeff: and will.

Rodney offering assistance and
it pays off.

Where are you guys?

Will now has his first.

Sierra has her second.

Now carolyn wants in.

Where are you guys?

Jeff: the theme of this
game continues.

Mike appears to be a lone wolf.

It has to be here.

I feel the hook.

Jeff: carolyn has her first

She's in it now.

Everybody on the board now.

Mike with three, rodney with
two, sierra with two.

Carolyn and will with one.

Mike is one medallion away if he
can just find it.

And he has it.

Mike has his fourth and final

Now all mike has to do is find
the immunity necklace and it is

His guaranteeing himself a spot
in the final four.

The only way to slow mike down
is to get the medallions.

Mike back at the center guide

That's what he needs to point
him to the end.

Now he's just got to get there.

Rodney looking for that third

Sierra looking for her third.

Carolyn looking for her second.

Will still looking for his

Can anybody stop mike in this

Mike has it.

Mike wins individual immoneyty
for fourth time, guaranteeing

Himself a spot in the final

He's just bringing it right
over to me.

I want it, jeff.

I want it back.

Jeff: come on up.

Mike another big effort, another
win, your fourth win, guarantees

You a spot in the final four,
and after 37 days, somebody will

Be voted out of this game
tonight and become the seventh

Member of our jury.

It won't be you.


Grab your stuff, head back to

See you tonight at tribal.

I won immunity again, but I
know that if I lose the next

Immunity, I'm going home.

But you know what, I'm a blue

I like having my back up against
the wall.

This is the "survivor" that I
signed up for.

Mike wins the immunity
challenge, so now the alliance

Of four has to turn on each
other, and this is the first day

In 37 days that I do not have
the hidden immunity idol.

I'm going to grab a bundle of
wood so we can get this fire


I'll come with you.

But I've already got a plan

Mike and I have a bond, and I'm
going to use that to secure my

Place in the final four.

Well, what are you guys

I'm thinking rodney.

He's dying anyway.

He doesn't help around camp.

Never has.

Will does more.

He does do more.

He does do more.

He definitely gets wood.

Every now and then he'll get up
and get water.


You comfortable with that?

I'm good with either one of
them really?

I feel like you and I developed
something, so I'm definitely not

Writing your name down 1,000%,
but say I don't win immunity

Tomorrow, you know, like I have
no guarantee of going to the

Final three.

I mean, you guys can tell me,
you're guaranteed, you're

Guaranteed, but it was a little
bit telling me today whenever

We're in the challenge and I can
hear everyone working together.

I'm just expressing concerns.

At this point I'm willing to
do anything mike wants, because

I'm scared.

I'm terrified that it could be
me who goes home.

I mean, I know I did mess up.

We had something from the
get-go, and it may be too late

To repair, that but I hope you
know from past too that I can be


I think so.

I'm telling you now, 100% on
my father's love, I will go


We started off with players.

I would like the finish this
game with players and not just

Straight up coattail riders.

I'm done with that pact.


I think this is the final

I like this final three.

At this point I have done
everything in my power.

I'm writing down rodney no ifs,
ands or buts.

I just hope nobody is writing
down my name.

I'm in a spot today.

Honestly, it's between you and
somebody else.

You know?

Because obviously the girls are
coming to me saying you.

And who would you really want to
get out, you and will?

Sierra and caroline went off
with mike and told him they're

Putting my name down.

These broads are hilarious.

From day one they said they
can't stand mike.

The first moment their back is
against the corner, they're

Their kissing his ass.

Guess what, I don't play that.

I don't kiss no man's ass.

I'll lay down the facts and say,
listen, keep me around or do you

Want to go with these two women
who are probably going to beat


The girls, right when we came
back, me and will are like, look

At these girl, sierra and
caroline are best friends.

She just wrote caroline's
name down two nights ago.

So I'm here to keep it real.

I know.

I have made myself vulnerable
to the jury.

I've made myself look bad.

Right, right.

What has sierra done?

She hasn't done nothing.

Right, right.

Honestly, you have a better
chance going up against rodney,

The vulgar ass than sierra the

You're right.

Plus in the last four
immunity challenges, the only

Person that's been close to
beating me is sierra.

I'm telling you right now, I
have will's vote to vote her if

You want.

Right, right.

So if I go with you

It's a rap.

It's a rap

I'm swearing to you on my
christian soul.

The boy goss three...

The boys go three and forget
about these fake broad.

It's like trying to sell ice
cream to an eskimo because I

Don't trust any of these people.

Do you really want sierra gone?

That's what he told me.

So I have to follow my gut
and figure out what's best for

My game.

But if I make the wrong
decision, it could be a $1

Million mistake.

Million mistake.

Jeff: we now
bring in the

Members of our jury.

Hali, joe, jenn, shirin, tyler
and dan voted out at the last

Tribal council.

So, mike, for the last five
tribal council, you have been

Most wanted.

Tonight do you feel like you are
the swing vote given that you

Have immunity?

100% The swing vote tonight,
and it's a really weird position

To be in.

Now people are kind of coming to
me, wanting me to be on their


Jeff: is there a part of
you wondering, can I trusted the

People that are coming to me
today to be there for me

Tomorrow if I need them?

I love you guys, but I can't
trust nobody sitting up here.

The only person that I can trust
is me.

Jeff: rodney, after the
challenge today, what happened

Back at camp?

After immunity, mike pulled
me aside and said it's either

You or sierra tonight, but on a
bigger note, I swore on my vote

Tonight on my sister's life, so
what I put down, you're going to

Know I put down and it's real.

Jeff: sierra, did mike come
to you say, look, it's you or

Rodney, but I know my name has
been brought up, but I plead my

Case to everyone today...

Jeff: which was what?

I may have not won any
immunity, but I've been near

Second to mike several times.

I'm playing hard.

I help around camp.

Jeff: is that a case to
keep you or get rid of you?

Because tonight your pitch
should be, I can't win, I'll

Never win a challenge, right?

I'm saying that because we've
played this whole game to get

Rid of tough competitors, but
now it's like, who deserves to

Be here?

Who is trying hard?

And I'm pleading because I am
trying hard and I'm proving that

I want to be here.

Jeff: and yet, mike, that's
in direct opposition to the

Philosophy of the last several
tribal councils.


They have kept weaker players in
the game to take to the end.

I had no part in that, jeff.

The only way that I'm able to
get to the end of the game is to

Keep winning.

It sure is.

And if he doesn't win immunity
tomorrow, he's going to be



Jeff: so sierra, hearing
all these conversation, what do

You think is going to happen?

I think my name's going to
get written down tonight, but I

Want to be here and I feel like
I've proven it.

Jeff: rodney, what's the
case you make?

Why keep you tonight?

If people are thinking about
voting me, the conversations

That I had with you today were
real, they were genuine, so

Let's get to the vote because it
will prove where I'm at in this


Jeff: let's find out who
it's going to be.

It is time to vote.

Rodney, you're up.

We've been together for 37
days, and guess what, I just

Outwitted you, baby girl.

Outwitted you, baby girl.

Jeff: I'll go tally the


Once the votes are read, the
decision is final, the person

Voted out will be asked to leave
the tribal council area


I'll read the votes.

First vote sierra.


One vote sierra, one vote


Two votes sierra, one vote

14Th person voted out and
the seventh member of our jury,


That's three, that's enough.

You need to bring me your torch.


Jeff: sierra, the tribe has

Jeff: sierra, the tribe has

Well, congratulation, you're
made it to the final four.

Tomorrow you will compete in
your final immunity challenge.

Try to get some sleep.

I promise you, you're going to
need it.

Grab your torches.

Head back to camp.

Good night.

I've never been surrounded by
people who lie as much as these

People do, but if they're
playing the game as me being a

Threat, I guess it's kind of a
compliment and that's how it


I gave it my best and it wasn't

Jeff: come on in, guys.

Here we are, day 38, final four.

You ready to get to your last
immunity challenge?

Yes, sir.

Yes, sir.

Jeff: mike becoming very
common from me to take this back

From you.

Wring it back soon please,

Jeff: for the last time
immunity is back up for grabs.

For today's challenge, you will
untie knots to open a gate.

You're going the race up a huge

When you get to the top, you'll
retrieve a key and then fly down

A giant waterslide.

You'll then make your way
through a multi-level obstacle

Course where you will use that
key to release a bag of puzzle


You have the bag, drop it on
your table and head back out.

Once you collected all three
bags, you will use the pieces

Inside to solve a lighthouse

First person to get it right
wins immunity, is guaranteed a

Spot at that final tribal
council where you will get a

Chance to plead your case about
why you deserve the title of

Sole survivor and the $1 million
that goes along with it.

Losers, you know what happens,
38 days in, you go to tribal

Council vulnerable and somebody
will be voted out of this game

This close to the end.

This is it.

One last shot to control your

We'll draw for spots and we'll

Here we go.

Our final four for a guaranteed
spot at that final tribal


Survivors ready?


You've been working with knots
for 38 days.

Rip through these.

Do not take your time and do not
the polite with that rope.

Carolyn ripping through the

Mike has his.

Carolyn has hers.

Will has his.

He's out.

Rodney almost there.

Come on!

Jeff: this is it.

For final immunity, it is mike
with the early lead.

Will and carolyn right on his

Mike sprinting to the top.

Got to untie your key.

Let's go.

Rodney has his knot.

38 Days taking their toll.

But here comes the sprint,
trying to make up some ground.

Mike has his first key.

He's heading down.

Mike has his first key, looking
for that first bag.

Rodney made up a lot of time
running up the steps.

Here comes will.

That's how you do it, will.

Let's go.

Here's carolyn.

Carolyn down with her first key.

Here comes rodney.

He's back in it.

Everybody looking for that first

You got to make your way through
the obstacle course with the bag

And then down the fireman's

It is mike with a bit of a lead
over carolyn, will and rodney.

Mike has his first bag.

Heading back up for number two.

Those steps are going to get
more difficult every time you go

Up them.

Rodney's down the pole.

Will down the pole.

Carolyn down.

Will, carolyn, rodney heading up
for their second key.

Mike has his second key.

He's coming down.

Mike with the lead, looking for
his fifth individual immunity

Challenge win.

You can see the fatigue.

Will, carolyn taking a long time
to get to the top.

Here comes rodney.

Right behind rodney, here's

Mike has his second bag.

Mike coming up looking for his

Here's carolyn.

You got to dig.

Whatever you have left in the
t*nk, you want the use right


Even mike having trouble getting
up those steps looking for that

Third key.

Carolyn fighting to stay in it.

Rodney staying in it.

He's got his second bag.

Will starting to fall out of it.

Rodney with bag number two.

What does he have left in that

Let's see it right here.

Rodney's digging.

Here comes mike with his third
and final key.

Carolyn has her second bag.

She's heading up.

Everybody exhausted.

Rodney is still in this.

Carolyn is still in it.

Will still working on that
second bag.

Mike has that third key.

One more bag and you start
working on the puzzle.

Will has his second bag.

Here comes rodney with his third
and final key.

Rodney is in this.

Carolyn striking to get to the

38 Days of "survivor" showing
their wear and tear on


Will taking one step at a time.

Mike now has his third bag, can
start working on the puzzle.

Rodney is still in it, right on
his tail.

Here comes carolyn.

She's in it.

Rodney has his third and final

He can start working on the

Will has his third key.

He's coming down.

Will exhausted.

You are still in this, will.

Let's go!

Mike has his first piece.

Rodney still untying bags.

Carolyn has her third bag.

This is it right here.

This is why you came out here to
play, for this opportunity.

Right now you can control your

Mike has won four individual
immunity challenges.

Carolyn has won two.

Will and rodney a big goose egg.

Today would come in very handy.

Mike with his second piece of
the puzzle.

Carolyn has her first piece.

Will has his first piece.

Rodney looking for his first

Carolyn still looking for that
second piece.

Carolyn has her second piece.

Mike with his third piece of the

Make it four.

Carolyn with another piece.

We are neck and neck right now.

Mike with his fifth piece.

There's another piece.

He would join the most elite
company in the history of this

Game with his fifth individual
immunity win.

Carolyn still fighting to catch

Mike has another piece.

Rodney falling further behind.

Mike with another piece.

Mike now has two pieces left.

Carolyn trying desperately to
get back in this.

Mike with another piece.

Carolyn with another piece.

Mike down to one piece left.

Is this it?

Mike, individual immunity, his
fifth, guaranteed a spot at the

Final three.

Thank you, jesus.

Will, you're a better person
than when you walked in,


Never in the 42 years of me
living have I ever been tested

Like this before.

This game has changed me.

I want my daughter to know that
anything you do in life, you

Give it your all, and your mama
and daddy are going to be proud

Of you, whether you fail or not.

I needed to hear that too,

Jeff: well said.

I'm so proud of you guys.

God bless you.

I love you, mama c.

We did it.

We left it all out there.

Jeff: come on over.

Let's do it as a team.

This is your moment, baby.

Come and get it for fifth time.

Thanks, brother.

Unless you want to give it to
a brother.

You still got a chance.

I think I want the keep it.

Jeff: you guys know the

I don't want to break up the

Here's where you stand.

Somebody heading home tonight.

Head out, tribal council race.

We'll see you there.

Mike, congrats.

Well earned.

You're in an elite group right

I'm sitting in the final
three, and it's like being able

To breathe for the first time in
a long time.

It doesn't mean there's not
still a lot more battle to be

Taking place, but at this
particular point I can are level

In it for a little bit.

You know what we do, when we win
the immunity necklace, we do the

Happy dance, baby.

We do the happy dance, because
we're happy.

Jeff: and this is why so
many of you dream of being on


It is an epic adventure.

What a run for mike, a spot in
the final three.

He'll have a shot the make his
case for the million dollars and

Title of sole survivor.

Inside here, our second-chance

There are 27 people in here plus
five people from our current

Cast, 32 former players.

Some of these guys have been
waiting 15 years for another


The new cast will be revealed
live tonight.


Mike has one spot.

Which of the three others, will,
rodney, carolyn will be joining

Him at that final tribal

As these guys know, it could be
a million dollar decision.

Survivor white collar, blue
collar, no collar continues

After this.

[Cheering and applause]

You today, man.

I ain't never seen rodney go
like that.

If I could do puzzles, we had
a contest.

That was a tough puzzle.

That wasn't easy.

When we got back to camp, I
maybe took five minutes and, you

Know, gave myself a high-five
about the final three, but I'm

Not allowing it to go to my head
because tonight's decision is


I've got to decide who I'm going
to take to the end.

And if I make the wrong decision
tonight, it's bye-bye to the

Million dollars.

I think I'm going to head
down to the river.

I might go down there and do
my hair.

Mike wants me with him.

Don't believe mike.

I'm just telling you.

He told me about sierra

Listen, when the -- what did I
tell you?

We're going all the way.

Best buds.

This is going to be the
biggest vote ever.

Me and rodney, we're voting for
mama c.

And I think mike knows or I hope
he knows, if you want a million

Dollars, you don't bring someone
who is nicknamed mama.

Because everybody like mama.

All right.

So I wanted to run some stuff by

Number one, I'm not voting for
you tonight.


I wasn't joking when I said that
final three.

You know what I mean?

I was hard core blue all the way
to the end.


And dan turned his back on

Sierra turned her back on me.

Rodney turned his back on me.

So you know what, none of you
are sitting in the final three

With me.


This may be a million dollar
mistake, but I have to go with

What my gut's telling me, and my
gut's telling me to take you.

I would like to see you and me
vote rodney, and I would like to

See will and rodney vote you.

And if that happens, we go to a
fire-making challenge between

You and rodney.


What I wanted you to do today
is I want you to nonchalantly

Work on making fire tonight.

So mike wants today's tribal
council to end in a fire


And I'm like, oh, my god.

This shows the jury you
deserve to be here, you have

Earned your spot.


I've got all the confidence
in you in the world.

I know you can do it.

I am freaking out.

But I know that both those boys
are going to write my name down,

So I don't have any other
options today.

All right.

Let's get back.

I'm going to be making fire

I mean, it's nerve-racking, but
I've got my game face on now,

And I'm going to make it happen.

What's up, brother?

She said you.

Mama c?

I'm voting mama c.

What do you think?

You can do something crazy and
split it or we can make this

Very simple and enjoy tomorrow
and have a nice breakfast.

I got a lot of thinking to do

Of course she wants me to write
your name down.

So I mean, I'm not at the
position right this second to be

Like, I'm 100% with anything.

You know what I'm saying?

Once again, I don't know what
mike is doing yet.

I think he's just trying to get
mama c's jury vote.

But he already told me he wants
to bring me to the end.

He's trying the act like he
doesn't want to take me to the

End because he thinks it's going
to be easy money.

Everything was set.

So we'll see what happens
tonight, but I feel pretty

Confident that I'm going to be
sitting pretty in the top three.

If rodney loses tonight, it's
poetic justice because rodney

Thinks he's smooth talked his
way all the way into the final


So maybe I am making a million
dollar wrong mistake, but I

Would rather lose to mama c than
be the guy that just took two

Goats to the end and won.

Oh, god.

This is a huge night.

Right now I'm just a little

I can't do it.

I'm trying.

It didn't work.

I've been here for two hours.

Hey, hey, do not put your
head down.


Get your mind right.

Look at me.

You are still in this game.

You got this.

I've worked my ass off for 38

I can't believe it comes down
the to this, but believe me,

Tonight there's going to be game
face, but right now it's not

Looking good.

Looking good.

Jeff: we'll now bring in
the members of our jury.

Hali, joe, jenn, shirin, tyler,
dan, and sierra voted out at the

Last tribal council.

All right.

First of all, mike,

You are guaranteed to go to the
final tribal council.

So the decision that's happening
tonight is who is going to join


Will, rodney or carolyn?

Before we get to what's going to
happen tonight, will, take me

Back to what happened this

The most arduous challenge we've
had yet in this game, you broke


What was happening?

It's a game, but you still
have to have some sense of pride

And say, you know what, we four
we did it.

We did that as a family and we
love each other.

We just wanted to have that
genuine moment saying job well

Done and let the games begin.

Jeff: mike, the crowning
moment is when will said, can

The three of us put the idol
around mike, and he paid you a

Lot of respect.

There was definitely a
heartfelt moment there, and

Regardless of this being a game,
this is a family, it's a disfun

Shunnal family, jeff, but it's
still a family.

Jeff: so rodney, take me
through what's happening


Is mike the center in all of

Not so much because there's
four people.

But today mike told me that
caroline wanted to vote my name.

I feel like she caught herself
in a pickle and now that's why

I'm feeling some type of way
right now.

Carolyn, what does rodney
mean you got yourself in the


There's no jam.

There's only three people that
can go, and I'm not voting for


So it's either rodney or will.

That's kind of the bottom line.

Jeff: mike, where do you
sit right now?

Let's put it all on the

Why vote for mama c.

They call her mama for a reason.

A lot of the people over there
are very close to her.

She may get votes at the end?

Why vote rodney?

Well, he played a social game,
but around camp he hasn't pulled

His weight, not even a little
bit, in my opinion.

But this game is a fickle game,

And it doesn't matter if you
pulled your weight around camp,

If you were best friends with
everybody on that jury, what it

Boils down to, did you outwit,
did you outmy and did you

Outlast everybody, because if
you do that long enough, you are

Sitting in the final three.

Jeff: all right.

It is time to vote.

Carolyn, you're up.

I hope my skills take me to
the final three tonight.

Got a lot of love for you,
mama c.

But just remember, this game is

You got to do what you got to

Jeff: I'll go tally the

Once the votes are read, the
decision is final.

The person voted out will be
asked to leave the tribal

Council area immediately.

I'll read the votes.

First vote rodney.

Mama c, carolyn.

Two votes carolyn, one vote

One vote left.


We have a tie.

All right.

Rodney and carolyn, when we have
a tie with four people left, we

Square off in a fire-making

One of the most essential
elements in this game.

By day 38 you should know how to
make fire.

if you do, it could be worth $1


Jeff: all right.

Here's how it's going to work.

You both have the exact same
amount of supplies.

Everything you need to build a

First person to build a fire
with a flame high enough to burn

Through the rope and raise the
flag stays in the game.

The loser begins the last member
of our jury.

The stakes don't get any bigger.

Hire -- here we go.

This challenge is on.

Who has learned the best method
for getting fire the fastest?

One approach is to scrape off
magnesium, use that as your


The other approach is to use the
coconut husk and try to spark it


Both approaches can work.

Carolyn now trying to spark that
coconut husk.

The most flammable thing you
have is the husk.

Use it wisely.

If you run out, it becomes much
more difficult.

Could be a million dollar fire
you are building.

Could be a million dollar fire
you are building.

My flint broke.

I got half a flint.

There you go.

I got a back-up for you, rodney,
if you need it.

20 Minutes into this challenge,
still no fire we -- by either


Can I get another one?

Jeff: yeah.

Both with new flint, still no
fire, no flame, both of you dead


Started off a little erratic.

Now both have slowed down.

Jeff, can I get that other

Jeff: yep.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Jeff: 38 days in the jungle
with fire your most basic need,

But neither carolyn nor rodney
able to get even a single flame.

If you were alone, you would be
in trouble.

Rodney now going back for more
magnesium, trying to get some

Help trying to ignite that fire.

Will it pay off?

Rodney has flame.

Can he keep it going?

It's first sign of fire in this

Blowing on it, trying to nurture

Can't do it.


Jeff: carolyn back at it,
looking for that little burst of

Flame that you can turn into a
fire and move on to the final


Rodney with a bit of flame.

Can he keep it going?

Rodney now has flame going.

But it's going to burn quickly,
that husk will go out very fast,

He's got to get something going.

Oh, my god.

Jeff: carolyn has fire now.

Both within seconds of each
other have fire.

Who can now make a fire that
will last long enough.

That husk burns bright but it
burns fast and when it's gone

You're in trouble.

Got to get something going.

Carolyn starting to build a

Rodney trying to get some timber
in there.

Rodney just adding to his pile.

Carolyn trying to make something
that will last.

Rodney's flame is burning very

Rodney's flame now on the rope.

Will it be enough?

Carolyn's fire is slowly
growing, inching its way toward

Her rope.

After being out here nearly an
hour, this is going to come down

To seconds.

Rodney's got his fire still
going, but it's a bit deceiving

Because it's all coconut husk
right now.

Rodney's got to work quickly to
catch carolyn.

She's got a big fire going and
now that rope is starting to




Jeff: there it is.

Carolyn will survive, make it to
the final three.

Rodney becomes the eighth and
final member of our jury.



Oh, man.

I used all my coconut husk.

Good try.


Jeff: all right, rodney.

You need to grab your torch.

Rodney, the tribe has spoken.

All right, guys.

Jeff: well, 38 days of
amazing game play brings us to

This, a final three of will,
mike and carolyn, being consumed

By the smoke of your winning

I think it's rodney's shirt.

Jeff: and we will finish
this game as we started, with a

Representative from the white
collar, from the blue collar and

From the no collar.

Tomorrow the power in this game
shifts to the jury.

Eight people that you had a
hand, either directly or

Indirectly in voting out, will
now decide your fate.

Tomorrow you will get your
chance to plead your case about

Why each one of you deserves the
title of sole survivor and the

Million dollars that goes along
with it.

We'll see you tomorrow for your
final tribal council.

Grab your torches.

Head back to camp.

Good night.

I wish I had got to the final

It would have been a breeze.

I would have easily won the

For this scumbag redneck to make
me do a fire competition.

He's a scared little baby, a
sillry redneck, haines going to

Get what's coming to him.

Jeff: a rare sight on
"survivor," a fire-making

Tiebreaker at the final four.

Carolyn pulled it out but just

Rodney was bloody knuckled.

It was very dramatic.

Obviously he was very upset he
didn't make it to the final

Three, but a few minutes later
he began the reflect, and this

Is where his head was at, this
was about ten minutes after that


You know, I came into this
show as an escape to get away

From all the problems I had back
home, and beefs with my family

And my sister's death and a lot
of frustrations, so I came out

Here and I found peace.

I put an end to, you know, the
demons of losing my sister and

It made me gain my sister back,
and it made me closer to my

Family enough to take nothing
for granted because food,

Starvation, the simple things in
life are the best things in


Jeff: nice ending for

If you're curious about what
life as a "survivor" contestant

Is like after they're voted out,
we continue the story of our

Jury members online with our
"survivor" ponderosa series at

Next time I see you, I will have
the votes, the conclusion of

"Survivor: white collar, blue
collar, no collar."

Nice day.

We haven't seen that the whole
time we've been here.

It's a great feeling to know
that finally there's no


There's no more backstabing.

We are done.

Pretty neat.

On the last day.

The sacrifice of not seeing your
wife and your daughter, you want

To make it worth it.

Love you guys.

Love you guys.

I'm on day 39.

I'm in the final three, and I
can say, it was worth it.

One thing left, to try to
persuade eight people they

Deserve $1 million.

I think the way I played the
game was the only way I could

Play it.

I made the moves I had to make.

Maybe they're not as big as you
want, but I had to be true to

Myself, and if it worked, it

If it didn't, then I'm out.

Let the chips fall where I may.

No-collar attitude.

Some champagne, some orange

My god, mimosa.

This has been a dream of mine
for the last 15 years.

I've played the game from start
to finish.

I can't even describe how great
it feels right now.

To the final three.

Couldn't have better company.

A better group.

This was a season of gamers, and
with gamers, when plan "a"

Crumbles, you have to have plan
"b" and plan "c."

With my background in corporate
america, being a white collar

Employee, you have to have plan
"b" and plan "c" at your

Fingertips all the time.

That's the way I played the game
the whole time.

Oh, my god, a good breakfast

I'm absolutely nervous about who
will vote for me.

I have to convince them that I
deserve it, that I made moves,

That I won challenge, that I
played a good game.

Now I literally really did
start for from the bottom, and

Now I'm here.

For a long time in this game, I
felt completely alone, with only

Myself to trust.

Until I dug down into parts of
me I didn't know where there.

And now I know that there's no
wall that I can come up against

That I can't either dig under
it, climb over it or, heck, if I

Got to, bust through it.

Look at it.

We did this.

We built this, each collar
brought something to the table.

One of the things I love about
being a blue collar is we finish

What we start.

That's what blue collars do.

Save the blue for the last

I think it's going to be a very
close vote.

There's a lot of people who
don't like me because I have won

So much, so I better be ready
for a battle, because I want the

Title of sole survivor and $1

Title of sole survivor and $1

Jeff: we'll now wring in
the members of our jury.

Hali, joe, jenn, shirin, tyler,
dan, sierra and rodney, voted

Out at the last tribal council.

Mike, carolyn, will,
congratulations on making it to

The final three.

To get to this point, you not
only have to survive the very

Taxing physical and mental
challenges, you also have to

Survive getting voted out.

Tonight you face your biggest
challenge yet, your jury.

This is where the rubber meets
the road, because tonight each

Jury member will get a chance to
address you, and they will

Decide who gets the title of
sole survivor and the title of

Of -- and the million dollars
that goes with it.

Let's get started.

Joe, you're up.

Hello, guys.

Hey, joe.



Thank you, sir.

I have an open vote tonight,
but you got to earn it.

In my book, I want gloves all.

I don't want no b.s.

Whatever front you put on, lose

Will, if you don't man up and
give these people answers, no, I

Don't know, I don't know, man
up, own your game.


Mama c, you were kind of

I feel like relationships you
might not have built as strong,

You outlasted, so show them how
you outplayed and outwit.

Mike, you got five necklaces,
that's great, man, hats off to

You, but what else did you do?

If either of you don't do any of
those things, you will lose my


So bring it.

Earn my vote tonight.

Earn it.

That's all.

Thanks, joe.

Thank you, joe.

Thank you, joe.

Jeff: hali, you're up.

All right.

Well, mama c, I enjoyed playing
the game with you.

You are one hot mama, so the
question that I have for you is:

You have been thrown into the
stereotypical mother role here.

I want to hear how that has been
a disadvantage in the game?

I think people see me as a
mom and not a player.

You guys are 25 years younger
than me, so the mother role does

Come out because I am a mother
at heart, and you guys were my

Kids, and I did try and take
care of you in that way, but I

Hope you see the strategy that I

I played hard, I fought hard, I
fought in every single

Challenge, and now I'm sitting



Thank you.

Jeff: rodney, you're up.

How's it doing, everybody?

What's up, rod man?

What's up my b.b., My best
bro will over here.

All right, brother, how were
you real and true to yourself

And how did you keep it real
with all the people here in the

Jury to solidify your position
as sole survivor?

When I came into this game, I
knew I was going to be the


I didn't have the game

All I had was what I am as a

So that's how I played my game,
trying to make friends, trying

To get people to like me.

You saw that when I didn't make
it in the auction, I shared my

Snacks with everybody.

I could have hid them.

I think I have a relationship
with everyone on the jury, maybe

Not shirin, but for the rest.

Now, that might not be
everybody's game, and people

Might not respect that, but
that's all I had.

You can't be here in the final
three just by luck.

Thanks, will.

Mama c, what were the power
moves you did to get to the

Position where you're at?

Do you feel like you did 'em
yourself, because I'm confused

On what moves you did make?

First was tyler.

I love tyler, but if I were
sitting next to tyler here, I

Wouldn't even have a shot at $1

So I went with tyler and tyler
is sitting on the jury.

Dan was the next one.

We were the only two that voted
for dan.

Everyone in my alliance voted
against me.

So that gave me an idea of how
strong really is my alliance,

Which is when mike and I hooked
up because in my business world,

You have plan "a," you have
contingency plan 1, contingency

Plan 2, and mike was back-up
plan to get out the final two.

So those are power moves in the

Thanks, mama c.

And good luck.

Thank you.

Thanks, rodney.

Jeff: tyler, you're up.

Guys, mike, I'm going to
start with you, brother.

You know, you put almost
everybody here on the jury in

One aspect or another.

What did you bring in a
redeeming social manner, because

What I saw late in the game was
a guy who was paranoid and

Looking to destroy everything
that he was touching?

Really I wanted to do better
socially than I did.

I mean, I'm... Back home, I
really feel like that I am a

Social person and that people
love me.

Out here, seeing your guys
faces, I guess I miserably

Failed at that.

I thought I tried to make
genuine bonds and let you guys

See that I am a real person and
I guess the only redeeming thing

That I can sit here and say is
that I suck.

Maybe I'm not as genuine as I've
always thought myself to be.

Fair enough.

Carolyn, we started off on
white collar, and for the next

30 Days I protected you from the
people coming from you, so I

Stand before you today as
somebody who is heartbroken.

I'm gutted.

What can you give me that will
redeem yourself in my eyes?

You were my most difficult
vote, no question about it.

It pained me to write your name

Do I feel good about it?


Do I feel like I hurt you and
I'm sorry?


All I can do is say, "survivor"
makes you do things to get to

This point that you may not be
proud of, but if you don't them,

You're sitting on the jury.

And I'm sorry.

I get it.

It's a game.

I'm good, j.p.

Bianca: thanks, tyler.


Well, white collar, blue
collar, and a no collar.

Which traits from the other two
players did you wish you

Possessed in this game, will?

From a blue collar stance, I
like mike's work ethic, let's do

It, let's do it, but I didn't
like his approach.

You just can't dictate, bash
and, hey, guys, I want to get

Wood now, I want to get water
right now.

To me you have to lead by

As for mama c, I like how she
took time to analyze things

Before she put them in motion.

If I could take that quality, I
would love to have that one.


Thank you, jeff.

Jeff: thanks, sierra.

Jenn, you're up.

Congratulation, you guys.

I've got no qualms with any of

I think you're all lovely

I'm going to talk to them.


Half of you are the most bitter
people I've ever met in my life

And angry at people that played
better than you.

You are all so mad at mike for
playing, like everyone freaks

Out that he went and tried this
strategy, didn't work, tried

This strategy, didn't work.

What else was he so to do?

You guys were on your group
thing bull crap, you kicked him

Out of his own house, said try
to come in, I dare you.

Mike is the only person that
outwitted, outplayed and


The other two might have done
one of those things.

That's not the rules of


If you're a fan, you're going to
vote who deserves it.

Get over it, prove that you're a

The end.


Jeff: dan, you're up.

I have to follow that?


Mike, oh, mike.

Colby donaldson proved that just
because you win immunities

Doesn't mean you get to win this

You're right.

You got to get to the end
with the right people and you

Got to put the right people on
the jury, and, mike, you didn't

Care about the jury?

All you cared about was making
it to the end.

Well, let me tell you, brother,
you damn well better care about

Us tonight because there's no
necklace the save your ass


Thank you.

Jeff: thank you, dan.

Can I say one thing to dano?

My biggest regret in this game
is losing your trust.

At the auction going back on my
word put a wedge in between us

That I was unable to repair.

And I'm truly sorry for that.

This goes beyond game play right
now, like I hope that you and I

Can be friends, but if not, I
wanted to say in front of

Everybody that I apologize to
you publicly for going back on

My word.

Can I go back up there for a

Stand back up there.

That is the most genuine
thing that you have said to me

Since the auction.

You have danced, you have
skirted, you have dodged what

You did.

That finally was real.

And for that, I'm grateful.

I'm hoping that we can mend
these fences.

Maybe some day if we're big
enough, if we're man enough, we

Can do that?


To all of you, honestly and
from the heart, congratulations.

Good luck.

Thank you.

Thank you, dan.

Jeff: all right, shirin,
finish us off.

I was really hoping that mike
and will would actually both be

At this final tribal, because
when will came at me, you gave

Me a once-in-a-lifetime
opportunity to go back to a

Deep, dark place in my
childhood, realize that I still

Had an open wound and no longer
be the victim that I was as a

Child, and I stood up for myself
against you, and I stood up for

Myself against every observer
and I didn't need a

Protecteddor, but the truly
magical thing that happened was

That I did have a protector.

I never had a parent to come
save me, I never had a friend to

Come and do that, and mike, like
a real human being, ran into

Camp to save me.

, And that was a million dollar
moment for me.

And what you don't know about me
is I made my first million by

The time I was 25 years old.

And at that moment, I felt so
much better and meant so much

More to me that mike, that
doesn't mean you have my vote,

We're both fans of the game and
you know my vote goes to the

Person who played the best game,
so carolyn, you're in it.

Thank you, shirin.

This is about mike's game,
it's about carolyn's game, it's

About will's game, and I see a
huge parallel between the kind

Of animals we lived out here
with day the day and each of

These players.

Mike is like a howler monkey.

He's loud, he comes at you, and
if you thr*aten a howler monkey,

He will throw feces in your face
and he will rip you apart limb

From limb.

Because he voted every single
one of you out except for me.

And you have carolyn.

Carolyn's the stingray.

Hidden, doesn't want to make

If she senses anything near her
at all that threatens her, she

Will sting you and she will
sting you dead, and you are out

Of this game.

Unlike mike, carolyn was on the
winning side of every vote on

This jury, including me, and
she's the only person with that

Unique distinction.

And you got will, will is the
dead fish that we dragged in

With our net.

We were stoked, we willingly bit
into dead fish, but if you bite

Into the dead fish, he will
poison you from within.

Almost every single one of you
wanted to take will to the end.

He didn't have the make any

He's a dead fish.

Eyes are glazed over, do what
you want with me.

That was his poison.

Please look at the game play.

Aggressive, stealthy...

Dead fish.

Dead fish.

And with that I will quote sue
hawk from her final tribal

Council speech in the very first
season of "survivor," "when we

All go to vote, let bit the way
that mother nature intended."

Jeff: well, this has been
the most unique tribal council,

Fittingly for our 30th

And the question is: who is
going to win this game?

You have all the information you

The only thing left to do is

I'm going to give you a minute,
and then we will vote.

Jeff: all right.

There is only one thing left to
do this season, and this is vote

For a winner.

Jury, you are voting for either
mike or carolyn or will.

You're voting for someone that
you think is most deserving of

The title of sole survivor and
the $1 million that goes along

With it.

It is time to vote.

Hali, you're up.

Hali, you're up.

You did nothing, carolyn did

Mike 150,000% deserves this

I kept it real in this game.

You kept it real in this game.

And I hope everybody realizes
how good of a person you russia


Love you to the death of you.

I genuinely believe you
played the best game in its


That's why my million dollar
vote goes to mama c.

That's why my million dollar
vote goes to mama c.

Jeff: I'll go get the

I'll see you back in the u.s.

For the reading of the votes.

[Cheering and applause]
all right.

[Cheering and applause]
all right.

Have a seat.

All right.

Well, look, there is no such
thing as an easy season of


There is no easy path to the

Whatever the three of you did to
get there, you earned it.

But now it is the moment of

Who did the jury decide is most
deserving of the title of sole

Survivor and the million dollars
that goes along with it?

I'm going the read the votes.

[Cheering and applause]
first vote, mike.


[Cheering and applause]
one vote mike.

One vote will.


[Cheering and applause]
one vote mike, one vote will,

One vote carolyn.


[Cheering and applause]
two votes mike, one vote

Carolyn, one vote will.


[Cheering and applause]
three votes mike, one vote

Carolyn, one vote will.

The winner of "survivor," mike.

[Cheering and applause]
good job, buddy.

Oh, my god.

You did it.

You did it.

We did it.

Jeff: well, it was class
warfare, and mike, a blue collar

Pulled it out by doing just what
you think a blue collar would

Do, digging in and getting

It earned him $1 million.

Mike, here's your check.

Happy, happy, it's $1 million.

We'll talk about his game play,
his big auction move.

Joe, one of the most popular
players of the season is here,

Plus dan, will and rodney, very
controversial, we're going to

Talk about all those comments
they made about women on the


Everything you want and more,
including the second-chance cast

Reveal, the players chosen by
you, first time we've ever done


If you are keeping score, he's
not eligible.

He was top ten.

Somebody just moved up into a
top-ten spot.

Very big night.

We'll be right back.
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